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Continue Online Part Five: Together: Continue Online, #5
Continue Online Part Five: Together: Continue Online, #5
Continue Online Part Five: Together: Continue Online, #5
Ebook533 pages9 hours

Continue Online Part Five: Together: Continue Online, #5

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The game is no longer about adventures in a new world or exploring fantasy lands. Grant's digital wife faces deletion, along with everyone else he cares for. He, and those who know this is more than a game event, search for clues to salvation left behind by the game's creators. Even if he finds them all, the Voices have one last task for their messenger. A sacrifice.

PublisherStephan Morse
Release dateJan 23, 2017
Continue Online Part Five: Together: Continue Online, #5

Stephan Morse

Stephan Morse was born the year 1983 in San Diego. The next fifteen years were spent slowly escaping California and surviving a public education system. Thus far he's made it to the Seattle (WA) region with little desire to go further. When not trying to shove words together into sentences Stephan spends time reading, catching up on sleep, and otherwise living a mundane life.

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    Continue Online Part Five - Stephan Morse

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    Continue Online Part Five: Together

    Copyright © 2015 by Stephan Morse

    For more about this author please visit

    All characters and events in this book, other than those clearly in the public domain, are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Events portrayed are based on alternate reality fiction.

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher at:

    Cover illustration by Radovan Zivkovic

    Typography by Kerry Hynds @

    First Publishing, 2017


    Audiobook Version

    Commencement — X-O This

    Session Eighty-Nine — Honeymoon Period

    Session Ninety — Reality’s Hold

    Session Ninety-One — On the Road Again

    Session Ninety-Two — The City of [ItRainsTooMuch]

    Session Ninety-Three — His Father is Awesome

    Session Ninety-Four — Anger Management School

    Session Ninety-Five — [Lithium] Powered

    Session Ninety-Six — The Crown of Laurels

    Session Ninety-Seven — Hunt for the Requiem

    Session Ninety-Eight — Demon’s Albatross

    Session Ninety-Nine — The Far Shore

    Session One Hundred — When We Shadows

    Session One Hundred One — Are Still [Redacted]

    Session One Hundred Two — Flying Fools

    Session One Hundred Three — Eat Dirt

    Session One Hundred Four — [Save] the Last Dance

    Session One Hundred Five — The Breach

    Session One Hundred Six — Fork in The Road

    Interlude — Original Configurations

    Session One Hundred Seven — You Only Live Twice

    Session One Hundred Eight — Pieces of Us

    Session One Hundred Nine — Through Fingertips

    Session One Hundred Ten — Dead Man’s Hand

    Session One Hundred Eleven — He’s Building a Stairway

    Conclude — Angels Dancing on Pinheads


    Connect with Stephan Morse

    Also by Stephan Morse

    Other GameLit books

    Other GameLit books

    Audiobook Version

    Continue Online Part Five: Together is also available as an audiobook, you can find it at the following stores:

    Audible Audible UK Amazon Amazon UK iTunes

    Commencement — X-O This


    Due to recent changes in the Trillium policy, this event is now being televised nationally. Any entity working on the event quests may be viewed by people who do not actively play Continue Online or might have been blocked from joining until the event is complete.

    Be aware that you may opt out of being observed directly. This does not prevent watchers from seeing your actions through other Travelers or certain skills and spells. However, allowing access to your character may provide bonuses if enough attention is received.

    Look at this. The single mother pointed at a digital display screen. Elizabeth had spent the last hour trying to find the display feed for her slightly younger twin brother. The idiot was in the middle of his latest insane virtual life crisis.

    Really, Mom? You’re going to keep spying on him? Her daughter stood in the front room with half a sandwich remaining. The other portion had been eaten in five large bites with little signs of chewing.

    Liz’s front room was directly adjacent a wide open archway that went into the kitchen. Liz preferred working out here since it had the least cluttered wall space in her house. Larger projections made seeing finer details easier.

    Half of the wall was currently taken up with an image of her brother, Grant. He was in game and busy working on setting up a campfire and tent. Beth and Liz both got a strange third-person view of the man as he moved around. A shovel, which had been used to dig a pit, lay to one side. Objects appeared in Grant’s hand and were driven into the ground.

    "It’s not spying. It’s like watching the latest season of Biggest Loser," Liz said.

    Beth’s eyebrows slid downward while she chewed. Her nose wrinkled and one hand brought up the house’s digital display. She poked at the buttons to search for the show her mom had mentioned.

    Wasn’t that show canceled, like, when you and Uncle Grant were in diapers? Beth said. Another portion of food went in her face.

    There’s a show for it? Liz turned and took note of her daughter’s unsightly eating habits. I always thought it was the story of the Legates’ life.

    Liz went toward one wall and pressed a button. Out popped a small circular machine designed to clear the floors after her daughter got done making a mess. The device was a gift from Liz’s mother—with a note that said no woman should be forced to slave away on cleaning.

    Mhm. Latest date didn’t work out? I told you a man named Ulrich probably wouldn’t be any good. Beth finished her sandwich and looked around.

    The small robot started vacuuming up crumbs.

    He wasn’t. I swear, I’m going to have to buy an ARC myself. Maybe there’s a program on there to remind me what a decent man feels like. Liz left up the screen with her brother on it. With her other hand, she flipped through a website for work. Eventually she would find more than a short assignment. Employment was getting more difficult to find, even in her field.

    Jesus, Mom.

    Liz didn’t look over at her daughter. You’re nineteen, or whatever you told me you were. I still can’t believe you tried to tell me you were basically twenty-one.

    It’s not like I haven’t had anything to drink before, Beth said to defend herself. She turned around, carefully stepped over the cleaning robot, and went back to the kitchen.

    The digital world isn’t reality! Liz leaned back in her chair.

    Really, Mom? Beth came out of the kitchen with a glass of water for herself and a cup of coffee for her mom. You can’t have it both ways. Either virtual reality is real enough for a good lay and to get buzzed in, or it’s not.

    Grant seems to believe it’s real enough.

    On the projection was Xin. She wore a deep black robe that never gathered dust or showed signs of being on the road. Small white symbols lined its hem and danced around. Both players wore matching rings that glinted in the firelight.

    Don’t tell me you still disapprove? You were at Uncle Grant’s wedding. Beth’s face drooped briefly. The water went down in two gulps.

    Wanting him to be happy doesn’t stop me from worrying. She sipped at the fresh coffee. I can’t help but feel something bad is going to happen.

    There it is—Beth’s hand turned to a fist, and she pumped the arm—the good old Legate family confidence.

    On screen, the tent had almost been completed. Dusk, a dog-sized dragon creature, tore through the clearing while wrestling with a tiny white blur. Beth knew the pale construction was one of Xin’s skeleton creatures. The short Asian had animated it with video game magic and turned it into a beast to keep Dusk from attracting too many critters.

    Liz didn’t look up. That’s just one of the many things we Legates learn to offer people. Followed by that is terrible luck with relationships. The mother leaned back and looked toward the kitchen door, where Beth stood. Speaking of, you and that cat guy look to be on the outs.

    Beth tucked back a cheek, then shrugged. I caught him chasing some player with a tall elf body.

    Liz paused her website surfing and stared, then she closed her eyes while trying to remember all the rules for dealing with daughters. None of them were helpful, and Liz’s mother had missed the ball more than once.

    Liz settled on saying, Men are stupid. Are you okay with it?

    I’ll be fine. I’m just mad because I had my sights on her first, Beth said.

    Liz sputtered and then quickly covered the motion by taking another sip of coffee.

    What? You only live once. There’s no point in getting upset over the small stuff. Beth shrugged. Her in-game character had been blessed by Mezo, a fact that she didn’t know until Grant had introduced them during the wedding. After that, life had taken a turn for the interesting. A [Blessing] of red-hued skin and a forked tail hadn’t appeared from being prudish.

    Yeah. You only live once, her mother said dryly.

    On the screen, Grant and Xin had finished setting up a tent. On the outside canvas, the words Just Married were painted and had started to flake.

    The video feed didn’t follow Grant inside the tent. Instead, it stayed outside, relaying the sound of a delighted giggle. Sitting outside the virtual campsite sat a sign that said Beware of Messenger’s Pet.

    Liz shook her head and waved a hand. Dozens of other names displayed to watch. Each one was a player in the world of Continue Online. She turned the dial toward a friend to see how Elane was doing.


    [Three Strike Rule] has been enacted. For the duration of this event, Travelers who die three times are unable to release to their [Bind] points. Resurrection via skills, abilities, Path bonuses, or items does not impact this three strike total.


    [Sudden Death] has been enacted. For the duration of this event, Travelers who die to a [World Eater] mob have the possibility of being deleted entirely and will be unable to participate in Continue Online until the event is completed.

    New Information Received!

    Monster Type: [World Eater]

    Location: Everywhere you want to be

    Details: [World Eater] monsters are part of the ongoing event and are arriving in increasing shapes and sizes. The original [World Eater]s were colossal humanoid creatures that devoured entire tracts of land, Locals, and a few Travelers.

    Since [The Great Gate-Away] activated, more [World Eater] monsters have arrived and are modeled after an increasing number of beings. All of them are identified by a smoky atmosphere. They have no noticeable eyes or mouth.

    Elane was not doing well. Neither were the people around her. She traveled with a friend and her new guild, which was run by a player named Awesome.

    Awesome was a father and guild leader. He had been a beta player and Trillium spokesperson. Right now, the man was a desperate person trying to fight off an army of monsters.

    Chunks of trees were missing where shadowy-looking wolves had bitten into them. Dirt likewise had gouges. Until a few moments ago, the normal-sized canines were content actually eating the landscape.

    Awesome and ten of his guild members had stumbled upon the beasts. Their reaction time had been great, but no one could be prepared for beasts that ate armor and weapons. After a few minutes of hectic fighting, they had managed to form ranks against the beasts.

    Don’t let them get you! Long-range attacks everyone! Tanks, get out the biggest shields you’ve got! Awesome pointed at the players in front. Larger shields looked to be more difficult for the beasts to chew through.

    The monsters had dragged down four guild members already. Two of those defeated people could still be resurrected by SheHulk, but the other pair had been removed from friend lists and the guild roster. [Sudden Death] was not playing around.

    Come on! Mages, move it! Awesome shouted. Keeping tabs on everyone was easy enough since his own skills were mostly useless. The man couldn’t fire a bow in a straight line no matter how hard he tried.

    His biggest Path was [Spirit Summoner], and in normal combat, his abilities were brokenly overpowered. He could bring up entire armies of beasts from the world to overwhelm an opponent. Awesome loved his [Monster Brown Bear]s and [Slender Wolves].

    Three down, six more! one of the shield bearers called. The short Hispanic woman was nearly lost in her armor. SheHulk was new to the guild but had performed well. They’re clumped! I need a nuke in front of us! Tink! Goddammit, stop holding back!

    Shut up! Your giant ass is distracting me! The tall blonde woman was hastily sketching runes into the dirt around her. The spell’s energy added an effect of glowing eyes and floating hair. At her feet, the ground had grown so cold that frost rippled off.

    Other mages were withdrawing. The shield bearers in the front were pushing back an army of clawing creatures with no intelligence. These beasts weren’t like normal wolves, who relied on hit-and-run tactics. Higher Path wolves might form groups and lunge for the weakest-looking players while ignoring tanks who might try to intercept.

    These beasts surged forward like a wave and paid no regard to their dead companions. They weren’t smart enough to move to the side or circle around behind.

    Elane reared back. The two tanks next to her scrambled to provide cover for the slack. She slammed her shield forward into a [World Eater] wolf. Vaguely canine features were forced between Elane’s shield and the one the man next to her held. His shield had spikes on its edge.

    They tore into the creature’s head, then started sawing away at its shadow-formed neck. The damage wasn’t intentional—SheHulk’s fellow tank didn’t even notice. He had been trying to find a second shield. His legs were giving way under the surge of monsters.

    Got it! TinkerHell shouted. The last [Lithium] marking upon the ground clinked into place. The dirt beneath her feet developed an instant layer of ice that pushed TinkerHell into the air a foot.

    Crackles appeared along the ground. They sped forward between shield bearers toward the wolves. SheHulk grunted, then lifted her shield into the air. Wolves dove forward, trying to take advantage of the hole in their line.

    Behind! SheHulk yelled, not caring who paid attention quickly enough. Her second hand gripped the shield’s brace, and down it came. Language coming out of the Hispanic woman’s mouth changed into the flowing chant of [Lithium].

    TinkerHell spouted her own chant as the frozen line moved forward.

    In! Everyone in! Awesome shouted.

    Two people with crossbows ran forward.

    By the power of a righteous heart, grant me reprieve and sanctuary! Holy barricade! SheHulk shouted the [Lithium] spell. A bubble of golden light formed from the shield’s edge backward.

    Icebound walls of the Northern Sea, grant me your silent strength! TinkerHell finished her chant as the trails of frost reached those wolves remaining. The frozen ice beneath her feet slid upward and blocked the blast.

    Cries from the wolves halted. The half-decapitated beast hanging from one of the tank’s shields looked chilled to the bone. One person’s leg had completely frozen over. Ice was nearly everywhere.

    One of the other players shivered uncontrollably. His violent shaking broke apart the half-decapitated wolf. Pieces of the formerly snarling canine shattered upon the ground. This player hadn’t ducked into the holy barricade zone in time.

    Seriously, Yo-Yo, listen for the raid calls, Awesome said while scanning the scene.

    Yo-Yo chattered while nodding. He couldn’t form words in response.

    Both the locations where SheHulk and TinkerHell had cast their area defensive spells were unfrozen. Ice had formed over their heads, around the shields, and all along the forest trees.

    Goddamn, girl, SheHulk said while prying her shield out of the ice wall. She pulled out a mace and whacked it against the sides to break apart some ice.

    You asked for a nuke. I nuked. That’s what I do. TinkerHell dug her staff into the ground. Single [Lithium] runes were carved out, then erased.

    Directly behind the tall blonde was a shorter man wearing blue equipment. Wax held together his mustache hairs and allowed him to curl their edges. He had been the closest to TinkerHell and showed little sign of leaving her space. His waxed mustache tapped against his cheek. Elane glared past the taller blonde.

    Really, Edward? No matter how hard you stare, I’m not making that mistake again. Fool me once, or twice, or three times, shame on you. She lifted the staff and brought it down on Edward’s toes.

    He hopped back while wincing. I can’t help it. I saw a distressed lady in need of medical attention. He had little role to play against these [World Eater] beasts and felt bored.

    Edward! Awesome didn’t even look over. If you can’t behave, I have no problem kicking you out of the guild. Let’s see how long you survive the event with no backing.

    Awesome was busy trying to see how far the frozen terrain had spread. He pointed two fingers at one of the other party members, then pointed again toward the field. The man he gestured to marched into the woods to recon.

    You wound me, Edward responded and pressed both hands to his chest. He avoided putting pressure on the damaged foot.

    I’ll wound you all right, SheHulk muttered while kneeling by one of her deceased teammates. Her eyes closed, and golden lights rapidly swirled around as the Hispanic woman recited the long [Lithium] spell that resurrected Travelers.

    [Haven Valley] was a long way away. Their pack animals had died under prior ambushes from players and [World Eater]s alike. The Hispanic woman had started to doubt their chances of success.

    Quest Group: [Largest PvPNess]

    Task: [Fleshy Pounds]

    Total: 106 active members

    Details: [Three Strike Rule] may be taken advantage of by any Traveler or Local with the traits [Murderer], [Traitor], [Killer], [Bounty Hunter], or similar abilities. Upon defeating another Traveler, any person with this task will be provided a [Great Cleansing] token.

    Locals may attack Travelers for their tokens, and thus will gain rewards. These rewards will be based on the total amount of [Great Cleansing] markers received. Rewards will not be provided until the ongoing server wide event is completed.

    Travelers are expected to do what they need to in order to gather markers.

    Warning! Upon death, all your [Great Cleansing] tokens will be transferred to the person who defeated you. No tokens are given for the murder of Locals, only for Travelers.


    [Save Yourself] enabled! Travelers wishing to retain their character information during this event may choose to report to [Haven Valley] and step into the [Stairway to Another World]. People doing so will be unable to rejoin Continue Online until the event is completed.

    Restrictions: The total number of Travelers who can use this is currently limited to one person every thirty minutes. This time is measured within Continue Online’s world.

    Warning: If two people stand in the beam at a time, neither person will be able to use [Save Yourself] until one is removed.

    What a bunch of idiots, a teenage male muttered. He had spent the last six weeks trudging through swamplands in search of stashed items.

    Technically the quest he had been on was marked incomplete. That meant a smart man like Requiem might be able to find his way back and finish turning the place inside out for loot. There had been unused weapons, armor, and a few skill books. They should all be in the secret room. At least, Requiem hoped they were.

    Two months of reality had not been sufficient to recover enough stat points. Luckily Requiem knew the rules of this game. He had been playing since beta after all.

    Anyone in a town will become fair game now. There’s no way those dumb NPC guards can control this without a plan, he said.

    Two months in reality turned into eight in-game. With his house paid off, the bills and eating got far easier. Still, the habit of playing Continue Online from dawn until the late hours of the night hadn’t faded.

    Those combat nuts are probably already trying to carve each other up. Luckily we’re well away from that. Requiem’s shoes squished. These boots were terrible compared to the old ones.

    I wish you’d shut up, a giant red-skinned man said.

    Requiem Mass turned to look at his traveling companion. The large red creature had tried to kill him at least four times before the Traveler struck a deal with him. Protection by a powerful creature in exchange for a simple video game soul was a huge gain. His name was Wraith, and apparently the demonic NPC was his old familiar’s brother.

    He didn’t dare try to abuse this one into performing better. Spite had been smaller, much weaker, and easier to manage. Wraith was none of those things. Requiem had nearly died multiple times from trying to stay out of the demon’s hands.

    You know the deal, Requiem Mass said to the giant humanoid.

    The creature’s wings were hooked together in the front like a cloak. Two bull-like horns adorned his otherwise hairless head. Oh, I have every intention of honoring our arrangement. One year, then your pitiful soul is mine. You have less than four months left.

    Assuming we live through this event, Requiem grumbled. His second play through the game was no less driven, but also less stressful. He missed the challenge of beating cutting-edge content and unlocking quests no one else had even found.

    The Voices have witnessed our deal. I will get revenge for my dead brother in this world, or the next.

    Requiem shuddered briefly. At least one person in the world knew of the connection between his game character and the real man who lived in a mobile home. Wraith didn’t seem to be connected to the person who had taken away years of in-game work and paid off his home. The possibility they were connected had occurred to Requiem.

    Sorry, Traveler souls are beyond you, the Traveler said without much conviction. His ability as a player hadn’t diminished, but his former reckless confidence had started to transform into wariness.

    Are you sure? the large creature asked.

    Unlike Spite, Wraith was a full-fledged [Greater Red Demon]. He was larger by far and similar to a walking volcano of fire. [Really Big Brother] only further increased the monster’s stature.

    I am. Once we’re done recovering my gear, then we’ll head to the next quest. Requiem felt perfectly satisfied having the large Rank Twenty-Five minion guarding him for this hike. He held up a small rolled up tube. That guy who gave me this quest will pay big, and I’m going to get every penny I can out of him.

    The large monster ignored Requiem’s plotting and turned his head westward. A setting sun sat highlighted above the grimy fog that hung around them. His pointed ears twitched forward, looking more like wolf features than any human being’s.

    Perhaps we’ll get to watch you die sooner than later, Wraith said.

    A crunch of sound made Requiem’s head turn in the same direction. Some kind of creature, or person, was stalking behind them through the swampland. They had come so far; being sent back to a [Bind] now would count against his [Three Strike Rule] and remove days of work.

    You have to protect me. It’s part of our deal.

    Not at the expense of my own life. That was also part of the deal. The larger monster was technically an [Unbound Entity], despite their contract. Death even once would be the end of his life.

    Luckily, Wraith was far more powerful and intelligent than his younger brother had been. It was part of what had spurred this deal. Rather than continuing to let such a weak human slip out of his grasp, Wraith had made a deal.

    More of your kind has found us, Wraith said. What is it about you that causes them to feel such ire that they need to chase you, even to this desolate region?

    I have that effect on people, the dark-haired teenager said.

    How fortunate for me that you attract a never-ending supply of foolish people. I’ll go enjoy myself then.

    The [Greater Red Demon]’s wings unclasped from the front and swung wide. Tree branches were knocked away without regard. The strength of a Rank Twenty-Five was monstrous. Requiem measured his traveling companion on the same level as Freakinstain’s Cliffy. Only the big guy was faster and smarter, without the obvious weakness of a magic spell being channeled into it.

    Bring me back some shoes! he shouted to Wraith’s fading form.

    Screams came forth from the woods as Travelers were abruptly torn in two.

    Among the [Greater Red Demon]’s abilities was an [Invisibility] skill. It served well in situations like this one. Wraith didn’t bring back boots, but then, Requiem had never truly expected him to.

    Quest Group: [Valhalla Knights]

    Task: [The Peace Keep]

    Total: 715 active members

    Details: Your guild has been charged with maintaining a civil environment in and around [Haven Valley]. This includes working with Locals of all walks of life. Points are tallied at the end of each week.

    Primary Goal:

    Creation of defensive structures

    Bonus points will be provided for:

    Alliances made

    Monsters defeated

    Locals kept alive

    Total territory kept peaceful

    Points will be removed for:

    Local and Traveler death within defended area

    [Haven Valley] had several roads leading to it. One of them had been destroyed by the colossal [World Eater] that Shazam, among others, had fought off. After a few weeks, the ground closed up, leaving behind a scarred landscape where no plants grew.

    Along the path out of town was a small army of Travelers. Armed escorts from [Valhalla Knights] were moving a train of players up into the hills. These people wished to exchange two of their deaths for gold and other items before using [Save Yourself] in town.

    Not everyone played Continue Online to battle or experience grand events. Some people simply wanted a place to learn new skills or live in another world. Some used the game’s high-speed time compression to have vacations or hang out with loved ones for longer.

    Come on! Everyone wishing to exchange deaths for gold needs to do so over here! A bald man with sharp teeth was waving his arms to direct traffic. That seemed to be his lot in life lately. Urgot missed dungeon-crawling with his guild.

    This is such a bullshit job, Urgot, another man said. He carried a large spear with an absurdly ineffective topping. Gaston thought the weapon looked cool despite its imbalanced nature.

    It’s not our problem. Our job is to keep the deaths outside the border, remember? Urgot sighed. He turned slightly toward a fading sun and tried to soak in the last few rays.

    We should just kill them and take the tokens on our own, Gaston grumbled.

    No, this way we keep all the player killers out there, fighting over tokens. Plus, our guild gets a cut of the sales from those cashing out, and our guild doesn’t lose points for killing them ourselves. The other man, Urgot, looked almost like a crocodile in human form. He kept his lips carefully pulled down to hide sharpened teeth. It’s bad enough Trillium created this three-strike system. There’s been a whole group of people trying to kill players upon logging in.

    People kept marching. Some were coming down from the mountain pass, having already died or not found a sale. Many players had shown interest in selling a death for goodies. Others held on in hopes that prices would be driven up. No one knew how long the event would go on, so finding the best point between sales and risk was difficult.

    Yeah, but that League of Shadows guild took care of them, right?

    Urgot marched farther up while Gaston went back down into the valley. Downhill was his favorite part of the entire journey. On the way back, he would try to get those who’d recently resurrected from the [Bind] point to gamble away their gains.

    Urgot had five players behind him. They were from all walks of life. A nervous elderly couple was marching ahead of the younger people. The pair looked almost eager to get this over with.

    Another guild member of [Valhalla Knights] was at the top. He pointed out locations to the newcomers. Come on! Post your selling price here! A record of all prior sales is listed here! No refunds!

    Urgot waved at the thin man trying to direct traffic. Behind him were a few small buildings being used as sacrificial floors for anyone who successfully agreed on a deal.

    Tell me these guys don’t creep you out a little, Alucard whispered to Urgot. Letting themselves go through death for gold?

    Most people in [Valhalla Knights] had killed other Travelers. Once a person started raiding or fighting over rare monsters, murder happened. Urgot wasn’t blind enough to call it defense or claim it was justified. People wanted what they wanted. But the entire situation, where people lined up asking to be slaughtered, was on another level of disturbing.

    God, yes. The whole process is sickening. I don’t even know where the player killers go afterward.

    Between you and me, I’ve been feeding names to those League of Shadows people, Alucard whispered to his guild mate. The two generally got along, and most of the time they trusted each other.

    Gaston and I were just talking about them. I think they’re just as creepy. I walked into a room of seven people named Shadow, and they all stared at me until I left.

    It’s the all-black clothes, plus they’re an entire army of sneakers. I mean, how many rogues do we have in our guild? Twenty? They’ve got, like, fifty or something. Alucard started counting on his fingers. Not because he needed them to get past the number four, but because the man had been drinking while up here waiting. Babysitting people was boring.

    Keep moving! Keep in line. Don’t touch the constructs! Urgot shouted at various people.

    Travelers looked at him and narrowed their eyes. The buyers roaming past various sellers were unaffected.

    You’ve heard the rumors, right? That their leader is working with Hermes and our Sword Princess? Don’t you find that weird?

    The two of them didn’t have much to do but wait for people to want an escort back. Their guild had brought over dozens of giant constructs that were made by crafting specialists. Each one could easily handle a Rank Ten player. Most of the people coming up here trying to sell their deaths weren’t Rank Ten in anything, much less real fighters.

    Nope, the bald man said. He didn’t have the spare time to find it weird. Unlike Alucard, Urgot had a real life to handle. That meant working, commuting, and if he was lucky, spending downtime in the shared ARC unit.

    Come on. That Hermes dude comes out of nowhere, gets trained by her firsthand, then she spends another month escorting him around. Alucard threw up his hands. He wasn’t the first person in the guild to find the whole situation strange.

    Most people knew that Shazam rarely talked to anyone. Even her guild messages were curt. She rarely gave orders and operated mostly as a figurehead to [Valhalla Knights]. Despite their detached association, the guild as a whole had mourned her absence and assumed her dead until the woman returned.

    Then this Hermes guy shows up again, teleports into a standoff, protects one Princess, holds the other hostage, and manages to stop a war. Alucard started fidgeting. When Urgot didn’t answer, he typed to guild chat, which the bald Traveler had turned off.

    Anyone in [Valhalla Knights] could communicate through their guild chat system. It operated a lot like any other chat room on the Internet. The only catch was a slight delay had been built in to cause people farther away to get the news slower.

    Yeah, look, even SniperX agrees. It’s the same guy. People saw him all over the map delivering letters. Then he kills that legendary NPC, Commander Strongarm, and gets sent to jail by the father of those two princesses. The thin man’s rant had started to run out of steam.

    What, you don’t believe in coincidences? Urgot asked after it became apparent Alucard had stopped. The bald man’s body moved a bit slower now that the sun had started setting.

    I’m just saying, the guy’s gotta be on one hell of a quest chain. ‘Cus I ain’t seen nothing like that, the thinner member of [Valhalla Knights] said.

    Well, they’re both Ultimate Edition users, and we know they got stuff the rest of us don’t, said the bald one. He carefully ran his fingers over his skin. More than once he had scratched only to find out that doing so hurt terribly. I’m starting to think I should cash out and go play another game until this is over.

    Well, if you want to sell your tokens, I’ll happily kill you myself.

    I may. There’s this woman I went on a date with. She learned I played and just shut down. Maybe if I took a month or two off, I could have a chance with her.

    Maybe, unless you file your teeth in reality too, Alucard said. Ain’t no girl gonna kiss a mug like that.

    Urgot pulled his lips tight and said nothing.

    Quest Group: Bearers of the [Legacy Wish]

    Total: 5 active members

    Details: Your group has been charged with recovering any items created by the first three Travelers to this world. If these items exist, their discovery may assist Locals in surviving their trip to the other side of the beam of light in [Haven Valley].

    In addition, an increased number of people will be able to use the skill [Save Yourself] at one time. The exact total will depend on how many pieces are found, then brought together. Locals and Travelers without the [Legacy Wish] and holding on to the [Gateway Key] will be unable to complete this task.

    But perhaps the search is in vain.

    Total pieces recovered: 1

    Session Eighty-Nine — Honeymoon Period

    Nearly a month of real life had passed. My days were divided between delivering handwritten letters left behind by Mother, repairs for Trillium, and my new wife, Xin. She was the best part.

    Xin hadn’t taken my last name as part of the wedding. We had no legal documentation tied to her existence that I was aware of. Her body didn’t even exist in reality. The short Asian woman had wholly transferred to the digital world, minus the ashes under my bed.

    We were currently playing Continue Online, headed toward our next destination. Our path had taken longer than it needed to because we kept getting distracted by new experiences together. We stood at the precipice of the latest right now.

    Here we are, I said to my new wife.

    Are you ready for what’s next? she said with soft-sounding words.

    No. My mouth felt dry as I looked in her direction. I’ve never done anything like this before.

    I could fight against giant monsters and [Blink] around midair. Free-falling from insane heights into my Hermes game avatar posed little worry. Wrestling slobbering wolves felt like just another day. What Xin asked me to do now was borderline insanity.

    Trust me, you’ll like it. Xin’s hips swayed as she walked away and wrapped straps of leather about her waist.

    The dry spot in my throat refused to clear after multiple gulps. Are you sure you want to do this? I tried to back out at the last minute. What if you get hurt?

    Don’t be silly. This isn’t enough to hurt me. She laughed at my worry, and I got depressed for a moment. Of course, if you really can’t stand the thought, then I’ll do it without you.

    My head hung. I was being done in by my own worry. It felt like a reoccurring theme. I had worked so hard to be with her again, and the idea of letting such a simple request get between us for even a moment bothered me.

    Or you could just do it, she said while raising her eyebrows.

    Our adventures in reality had been much the same way. Xin talked me into all kinds of situations I wouldn’t try on my own. She was the adventurous one, especially in private. In front of a crowd, the woman deferred to me. I hadn’t understood at first, but the way she acted turned out to be cultural, at least according to Xin.

    Fine. I wasn’t going to let her do this alone. Besides which, the sight of her being strapped into bits of leather and tight clothes was a great motivator.

    My eyesight tilted downward. My own clothes were much the same. No longer did we stand in the robe-and-toga combination. Our weapons had been put away, and the trio of skeletons was being used for other things.

    Well? she asked while smiling. This wonderful woman made life worth living. With every action, she pushed who I was to be someone better.

    I took a breath, then looked at her again. This was insane. Hold on, I’m working myself up to this.

    Stop thinking and just go for it.

    Her comment made my nose wrinkle and lips purse. After a few seconds, I gave in and let her goading push me over the edge. Well, running and leaping got me over the edge.

    I did exactly what Xin suggested and regretted it instantly. Gravity took over as my body left the cliff. The sudden lack of land beneath me wasn’t new, but at the same time, I had started going way too fast. My body shook while I resisted the urge to [Blink] to safety. I had no wings, and this wasn’t outer space.

    Ahhhhhh! I screamed. Ground far below me had already started vanishing in the distance.

    Woooooooo! Xin yelled seconds later.

    Xin and I had built hang gliders out of bone, game world magic, and reusable all-purpose fabric we’d received from SweetPea. Xin’s grand idea had been to find the tallest cliff, then leap from the top to cover distance faster. Walking up the steep incline had been easy, but trusting myself to a hobbled-together glider felt frightening.

    Ahhhhhhhhhh! My voice turned girly. My head tilted back frantically, checking the contraption for breaks.

    Of course it might hurt if I crashed, but death was theoretically impossible no matter how high we might climb. I didn’t really exist in here, not like Xin did. My body lay calmly inside an Alternate Reality Capsule. Both arms were lifeless, and my nightclothes were probably a mess.

    My wife laughed loudly. People for miles could have heard her delight.

    Checking for other people would be easy enough. Now that the system was slightly stable, I could use my spatial abilities without much worry. But right now, I didn’t trust myself to check the area with [Sight of Mercari]. If my eyes closed, then the glider would probably tilt down and nose dive into the unforgiving dirt.

    We need earmuffs! I shouted.

    What? she yelled back.

    The game mechanics probably kept me level more than any actual skill. My legs tried to stay straight in the harness. A bar under my hands wobbled anytime my grip slacked. The bone framework connected back to a tail which would let me raise or lower myself.

    These goggles! My voice stayed high to try to pierce through the wind. They’re doing nothing!

    The ground grew steadily closer. We wore some face protection, but it didn’t help much. My hair went everywhere, and my cheeks were being flattened. Our speed bordered on insane. I briefly thought about the safety of my spaceship cockpit and would have preferred being chased by a [Leviathan] again.

    Follow Dusk! Xin’s glider hung a good forty feet away from mine, but her voice carried. The woman’s body maintained a calm steadiness I couldn’t muster.

    Dusk, my gluttonous [Messenger’s Pet], glided ahead. He looked to be finding thermal currents which lifted his body. I doubted physics worked so easily, but the game world might have built in a method for people like us.

    I can’t see anything! My arm wobbled momentarily while I pointed. Parting with the steering bar terrified me. I tried to remember [Blink] would save me if I fell.

    Trust Dusk! she shouted and tilted her glider ahead of mine.

    Fighting against the wind made no sense, but she had spent endless hours training to pilot everything under the sun. Xin could probably do loops around me.

    I followed after Xin, as I always did. The initial fright finally started to fade. My breathing steadied as we followed the [Messenger’s Pet] into a long updraft.

    Our flight managed to cover quite a few miles in a matter of minutes. Dusk’s guidance along updrafts worked together with high base stats to keep us afloat. Every few minutes, my arms would wiggle and the glider threatened to dip.

    Over there! Xin pointed to a stretch of sand near a giant lake.

    Okay! I turned and pointed the mess of cloth-covered bone downward. My heartbeat raced as the ground grew even closer. Our speed had been faster than I’d expected.

    My feet stuck straight out. The ground hit, then my knees buckled. The glider’s front tipped straight into dirt and sand. The bar banged against my face, and a message displayed, proudly telling me how much I hurt.

    I groaned while trying to right myself. A sneeze escaped as my eyes watered. My arms slowly struggled to get upright. I closed my eyes and triggered [Sight of Mercari]. No one else was nearby, besides Xin. Being safe from random player killers made standing less urgent. My next

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