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Shades of the Moon: Shades of the Moon, #1
Shades of the Moon: Shades of the Moon, #1
Shades of the Moon: Shades of the Moon, #1
Ebook188 pages3 hours

Shades of the Moon: Shades of the Moon, #1

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Ava is just an average high school senior until one night changes everything ...
Her world is turned upside down overnight and nothing would ever be the same. Taken from her family and her home, she is forced into a world she never imagined existed.  Malakai, her maker, is an unforgiving, ruthless pack leader who considers a bitten wolf, like Ava, a black mark on his pack.  Ava knows she can't go home for fear of harming the ones she loves but she fears if she stays in the pack, she won't survive. She makes friends and creates enemies as she fights for a place among a pack that despises what she is. She struggles as she tries to fit into this unforgiving, new world that threatens to destroy her.

PublisherElla Price
Release dateSep 26, 2018
Shades of the Moon: Shades of the Moon, #1

Ella Price

I have been writing since I was eight. I started out with poetry. Eventually, I moved on to short fantasy stories, then eventually books. I have always loved books, whether I was reading them or writing them. Books have always been a perfect escape from reality. When I was growing up, I admired authors and I always imagined I would eventually be one. The primary genre I write is fantasy romance. I love creating tough heroines and sexy vampires, werewolves, Fae, and every other supernatural creature I can come up with. I also write new adult romance when I am in the right mood. I want my readers to get the same joy from reading my stories that I do when I read some of my favorite authors.

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    Book preview

    Shades of the Moon - Ella Price

    Chapter 1

    Black dots spotted the bright, white light. Every time I tried to open my eyes it was all I could see. My arm felt like it was on fire. At the same time, it was like the worst itch in the world, one I couldn’t scratch. Every time I reached for it, I couldn’t touch it. My wrists were restrained. I tried to open my eyes to see why, but all I saw was the brilliant light and the black dots. I was hot and cold, never comfortable. I was never quite unconscious. It was like I was trapped in hell.

    How is this one? The gravelly, male voice sounded familiar, but I couldn’t place it. It was the first time I was able to make out any sound; before, everything was muffled silence.

    A meek female voice responded. Her fever is even higher than before. I doubt she is going to make it, but Kent is not ready to give up on her yet.

    How many have made it so far? The man asked sounding slightly disgusted.

    The girl sighed heavily. None. All the bitten were female. You know it’s extremely rare for humans to survive the turn, females have even less of a chance.

    How many have died? he pressed.

    She was silent for a moment. Nine so far. This one and two others are not likely.

    The man made an annoyed noise. Twelve? He bit twelve, teenage girls and the council still won’t agree to let me stop him.

    She sighed. I don’t understand what he’s doing. This is the second attack in six months. No one survived the last. It makes no sense.

    Kent should put her out of her misery. Even if she lives, I don’t accept bitten wolves into my pack. The man’s voice darkened.

    You know he won’t do that, Malakai. What happens to her if she makes it is between you and Kent. I’m going to get her some more water. I heard her leave the room.

    Something brushed my face, but I was unable to move in response. Once he spoke, I realized it was his fingers brushing my cheek lightly. I should just put you out of your misery, pretty girl. He touched my hand, and I felt like a jolt of electricity surged through me. I moaned in response. I could smell him, he smelled woodsy and spicy ... a scent I almost recognized. The sound of his footsteps followed by the door closing was all I heard before the darkness took me again.

    Chapter 2

    I opened my eyes, blinking slowly. I felt odd, almost light. The pain was gone and part of me wondered if I was dead. My vision was blurry, but it was slowly starting to clear. Someone pressed a cup to my lips. My hands went to the cup, and I drank greedily.

    Not too much, dear ... a little at a time. It was the same female voice I heard when I was barely conscious.

    Where am I? I murmured when my throat was no longer dry. I still couldn’t see very well. Everything was blurry and hard to make out.

    She set the cup on the bedside table. You’re safe ... that’s all that matters for now.

    I had a light gown on. It was more like a nightie than a hospital gown. It seemed like I should be in a hospital but from what I could tell, the place was more like a bedroom. I blinked a few times, each time my vision cleared a little more. My memory was foggy. I was trying to think back to what happened that led me to end up here. I remembered the football team winning the game, and then going to a party with Sara to celebrate. I remember fighting with my boyfriend, Jimmy ... after that ... nothing. I tried hard to remember what happened after Jimmy and I fought, but I couldn’t remember anything.

    I looked over at the woman who was caring for me. Her features were starting to come into focus. She was older, probably around my mother’s age. She had kind brown eyes and long brown hair. She smiled, touching my arm. We didn’t think you were going to make it.

    I forced myself to sit up a little straighter. Are my parents here?

    Hesitation crossed her face and she paused. No ... not yet. I will let you speak with Kent. She quickly got to her feet and hurried out of the room, closing the door behind her.

    I looked around the room. It was small and somewhat barren. It definitely wasn’t a hospital room. The window caught my attention. I swung my feet over the bed and slowly put weight on them. I used the bed for support, slowly getting to my feet. I took small steps toward the window, feeling a little stronger with each one. I looked out ... there was nothing but trees. I wasn’t in the city anymore, which only confused me a little more. It was getting dark out; I could see the sun sinking below the trees. The door opened catching my attention.

    A man walked in, but hesitated when he saw me. His eyes seemed to soften. I’m glad to see you’re awake. His brown hair was graying, and he had a matching beard.

    Where am I? Where’s my parents? I decided to ask since the woman made it seem like he had answers.

    Slowly, he closed the door behind him. It may not seem like it, but those are very complicated questions.

    I watched him confused, turning slightly so I was completely facing him. I don’t understand.

    He sat down on the edge of the bed, continuing to watch me. Do you remember anything, Ava?

    You know my name? I didn’t know his name until the woman said it. In fact, I didn’t even know the woman’s name who was caring for me. I knew very little and it was unsettling.

    Yes, I know your name. I’m not going to hurt you. My name is Kent. The woman who has been caring for you is my wife, Beth. He watched me as if he was waiting for me to have a bad response to what he was saying.

    My arm started tingling, pulling all my focus. I gently rubbed the spot with my hand. When I felt the imperfections on my skin I pulled my sleeve up. There was a scar I didn’t remember getting. It looked like a claw mark.

    It looks much better than it did when you first came to us, he said gently.

    What happened? Was I attacked? I was even more confused now. I had to be out of it for a while for the wound to be healed.

    He cleared his throat. Yes, you were. It’s very complicated and hard to explain. Why don’t you shower, change, and get something to eat, and then we can talk more?

    I watched him a little uncertain. I didn’t understand what the big secret was. I finally turned back toward the window. I guess that would be okay. It was obvious I wasn’t going to get anything out of him until he was ready to tell me.

    Good. I will get Beth. He got up and left me alone.

    A few minutes later, Beth returned carrying a pile of clothes. She smiled as she set them on the bed. The bathroom is just across the hall. There are plenty of towels and toiletries. Feel free to use anything you need.

    I walked over to the bed and gathered the clothes. Thank you.

    She smiled. When you’re done, come find me. I’ll make you dinner.

    Okay, I agreed, then she turned and hurried out.

    I stepped out into the hall, looking around. It seemed like a pretty basic house. I walked across the hall into the bathroom. I closed and locked the door before starting the shower. I pulled the nightie over my head and dropped it on the floor.

    I caught my reflection in the mirror and hesitated. I barely recognized myself. I was thinner and leaner. My facial features seemed sharper. My waist length, chestnut hair was silkier and thicker. My green eyes stood out surrounded by my black lashes and tan skin. I wasn’t tall, but I had long legs for my height. I had the perfect hourglass shape. I was really starting to wonder how long I’d been out. I was always a little thicker, but now I was in perfect shape. I was seventeen when I went to the party, but at the time it was only a week before my eighteenth birthday. Based on the fact that my injury was healed, I had to be eighteen now.

    I only had more questions for Kent. I stepped into the shower and closed my eyes as the hot water poured over me. I took my time showering. The hot water on my skin felt good. I was starting to wonder where my parents were. It seemed odd that they weren’t here, but Kent and Beth made no attempt to keep me here or threaten me. I didn’t feel like a prisoner.

    I stepped out of the shower and dried off. I dressed in the shirt and pair of jeans Beth gave me. I combed my hair, then stepped out of the bathroom. Beth told me to find her once I was done. I walked down the hall, listening intently as I went. All things considered, I felt pretty good. I felt almost light. I could smell something cooking, it smelled like a roast. I easily found the kitchen. Beth was taking a roast out of the oven as I entered.

    She smiled when she saw me. Just in time.

    Can I help with anything? I wasn’t sure what to do. I felt out of place.

    She waved her hand. No, please have a seat. I sat on the barstool in front of the counter. She went to work serving me a plate. She slid it over to me and offered me a fork. I’m sure you’re hungry.

    I nodded. Is Kent going to be back soon? I had a lot of questions, and I was hoping to get some answers.

    She nodded. He just stepped out for a bit. She set a glass of water next to my plate. Do you need anything else?

    I shook my head. This is fine, thank you. The food tasted amazing. It seemed like it had been forever since I last tasted anything. I looked up when I felt Beth’s eyes on me.

    She smiled. Do you like it?

    I nodded. It’s really good. I straightened a little, deciding to ask a few questions. How long have I been here?

    She paused as she thought about it. I would say about a week and a half.

    I was slightly confused now. The injury on my arm would’ve taken a lot longer than that to heal. Where was I before I came here?

    She hesitated, then looked away focusing on arranging jars on the counter. I’m not sure.

    Before I could ask anymore the back door opened, and Kent came in. He smiled, but it didn’t go to his eyes. It almost seemed like he was annoyed. How’s dinner?

    It’s great ... thanks. I glanced at Beth before returning my attention to Kent. Are my parents going to be here soon.

    His expression softened slightly. Ava ... I’m afraid your parents won’t be coming. He retrieved a rolled-up newspaper from his back pocket. He came to stand near me and laid it out on the counter in front of me. As far as your parents know, you died almost two weeks ago. He pushed the paper toward me.

    I looked at him confused as I reached for the it. The headline was the first thing that caught my attention, ‘Teenagers Die in Tragic Fire at House Party Identified’. My face was plastered on the front page along with the faces of several other girls I knew and one or two I didn’t. This doesn’t make sense ... I’m not dead. I looked at him alarmed.

    He sighed as he sat down on the barstool next to mine. Remember I said it was all very complicated?

    I nodded, hoping he would hurry and get to the point. I didn’t understand, it was all confusing.

    He paused, glancing at Beth before continuing. You and those other girls were attacked. The fire was just a cover story.

    I didn’t understand. The more he spoke the more confused I became. Who attacked us? Why was it covered up? It doesn’t make any sense. I want to go ...

    He raised his hand, silencing me. You can’t go home. Right now, it might seem confusing and unfair, but it’s not only for your safety but for the safety of the people you love.

    I looked at my plate, unable to think of anything to say.

    Beth came around the counter and placed her hand on mine. I know it’s all a bit overwhelming.

    I took a slow breath. You said we were attacked ... by who or what? I looked at Kent, hoping to get an answer that made sense.

    He looked at Beth before continuing. This isn’t going to make a whole lot of sense at first, but ... a werewolf.

    I froze, both confused and a little annoyed. I stood, pulling my hand away from Beth. You expect me to believe that?

    Kent sighed, running his fingers through his hair. I expect your reaction, but you have to believe me. I know it’s a lot to take in.

    I scoffed. A lot to take in? You sound like a crazy person. I looked at Beth. Is he serious?

    She nodded. I know you were raised to think they don’t exist ...

    They don’t exist, I said firmly. I started backing away from them. I want to leave.

    Kent slowly stood. You can’t leave, Ava. Malakai won’t allow you to go home.

    Malakai? I remembered Beth saying the name when I was barely conscious. I shivered when I thought about the feeling he gave me when he touched me. I remember what he said ... about me being bitten ... he had to be crazy like them.

    Do you remember Malakai? Kent sounded unsure as he continued to watch me cautiously.

    I shifted my gaze back to him, crossing my arms as I did. I was barely conscious. I heard Beth talking to him, and then ... I trialed off trying to remember. I felt like I was fighting a fog.

    And then what? Kent pressed, suddenly more interested.

    I shrugged. I don’t know ... he touched me, and I felt something. I shook my head trying to clear it. My parents need to know I’m alive.

    No! Kent said firmly. If you want your parents to go on living their lives then you will leave them alone.

    Fear coursed through me. Are you threatening them?

    Beth cut in walking around the counter. "You are the threat to them, Ava. You’re going to shift eventually and when you do you can’t be anywhere near humans.

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