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Citizen Farmers: The Biodynamic Way to Grow Healthy Food, Build Thriving Communities, and Give Back to the Earth
Citizen Farmers: The Biodynamic Way to Grow Healthy Food, Build Thriving Communities, and Give Back to the Earth
Citizen Farmers: The Biodynamic Way to Grow Healthy Food, Build Thriving Communities, and Give Back to the Earth
Ebook382 pages3 hours

Citizen Farmers: The Biodynamic Way to Grow Healthy Food, Build Thriving Communities, and Give Back to the Earth

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About this ebook

A guide to organic vegetable gardens and small-scale farming with an emphasis on sustainability.
Biodynamic farming, with its focus on ecological sustainability, has emerged as the gold standard in the organic gardening movement. Daron Joffe—known as Farmer D—has made it his mission to empower, educate, and inspire people to become conscientious consumers, citizens, and stewards of the land.
In this engaging call to action, Farmer D teaches us to not only create sustainable gardens but also to develop a more holistic, community-minded approach to how our food is grown and how we live our lives in balance with nature. Illustrated with photographs of gardens designed by Farmer D as well as line drawings, the book is packed with advice on:
  • Establishing a biodynamic garden
  • Composting
  • Soil composition and replenishment
  • Controlling pests and disease
  • Cooperative gardening practices
  • Creating delicious meals with your home-grown produce
In collaboration with a James Beard Award–nominated food journalist, Farmer D offers an indispensable resource for anyone who wants to make the world a greener place.
Release dateMar 18, 2014
Citizen Farmers: The Biodynamic Way to Grow Healthy Food, Build Thriving Communities, and Give Back to the Earth

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    Citizen Farmers - Daron Joffe

    Urban conservationists may feel entitled to be unconcerned about food production because they are not farmers. But they can’t be let off so easily, for they are all farming by proxy.

    Wendell Berry



    Here’s a simple exercise to try at your office. Find a sunny window that people pass by often. Place a basil plant on the ledge or a nearby desk. Watch what happens.

    A scenario could go something like this: A colleague wanders by the plant and pauses to inhale the intoxicating aroma. She asks if anyone’s ever made pesto from scratch. Her desk-mate pipes up with his Italian grandmother’s tried-and-true method from the Old Country. Later in the week, small jars of homemade pesto appear on everyone’s desk. In time, that windowsill becomes crowded with other herb-filled pots. More stories are swapped, recipes shared, and gardening tips passed around.

    Inspired, you try your hand at growing something edible at home. You start small, by planting a tomato and some herbs around your curbside mailbox. A dog-walker stops to chat as you’re checking the mail, and instinctively you offer him a couple of beefsteaks and a handful of rosemary sprigs. The next day you find a basket of fresh eggs from his backyard henhouse on your front porch with a thank-you note.

    The lady across the street observes the interaction and asks if you could use some of her excess zucchini. You propose a potluck dinner for all the gardeners on the block to share their abundance. At the party, a neighbor throws out the idea of turning the vacant piece of land at the end of the street into a community garden. You volunteer to seek permission from City Hall to use that public land, and before you know it, it’s Saturday morning, and you and about fifty new friends of all ages are knee-deep in wood chips and compost.

    Ideas and projects keep sprouting. You convince the PTA to start a schoolyard garden. You volunteer to help your church, mosque, or synagogue grow vegetables for its food pantry outreach program. You suggest planting herbs instead of annuals in those big planters on Main Street and maybe even starting an orchard in the park.

    Through these volunteer efforts, your work skills develop, and you discover talents you never even knew you had. You feel happier and more invigorated than you have in years, and you find common ground with colleagues and neighbors you used to know only in passing. All because of that one little basil plant.

    You do not need to trade in your urban clothes for overalls and move to the country to grow food. You don’t even need to own green space. Across the nation, organic growers and consumers are bound by a common striving to leave the earth the way we found it—certainly no worse, and preferably even better. Take part in a community garden. Join a Community Supported Agriculture farm and volunteer to help with the harvest. Shop at your local farmers’ market. Join a crop mob or another group of landless farmers who are lending their labor on weekends to farmers in need of helping hands.

    This is what the citizen farmer movement is all about: taking actions that foster a healthier, more sustainable food system and passing on these values to the next generation. It is about honoring the place where you are now, believing in yourself and supporting others, sharing your wisdom and passion, and following your dreams. The steps outlined in the chapters that follow will help you create abundance in your garden as well as in your personal and professional life. Whether you support the movement from your garden, kitchen, classroom, boardroom, or farmers’ market, I like to think of all of us as potential citizen farmers: each making a contribution to a better and more sustainable world.

    I am convinced that integrating agriculture—and the personal virtues it teaches—into everyday life builds strong and vibrant communities. I believe this so strongly that I have made it my life’s calling to cultivate as many citizen farmers as I can.


    You never know when you’ll stumble upon something that will change your life forever. In my case, it was lunch: an innocent turkey and Swiss on rye.

    I was a freshman at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and had started my day a lot like any other: I skipped class, rolled out of bed around noon, cranked up the reggae on the headset, and headed for this funky little café called the Radical Rye. As I ate, I found myself staring at my turkey sandwich: the tomatoes, the mushrooms, the lettuce, the onions, the turkey, the slice of Swiss cheese. Then it hit me: I had no idea how this sandwich came to be. Of all the meals I’d eaten in my lifetime, this was the first to stare back and cause me to ask it, Where did you come from? Who raised you and how did they do it?

    Farming is not my heritage—far from it. I was born in the congested industrialized metropolis of Johannesburg, South Africa, on June 28, 1976. That same month a young boy named Hector Pieterson was shot when police opened fire on student protestors marching for equal rights, spurring the revolution that eventually led to the end of apartheid.

    My grandparents and great-grandparents had immigrated to South Africa from Eastern Europe to escape the persecution of Jews under Stalin’s rule. As the political situation in South Africa became more precarious, my grandparents encouraged their kids to make a new life in America. When I was a toddler, my parents took their advice and moved to Sandy Springs, a suburb of Atlanta, Georgia, where relatives had already joined a sizable South African Jewish community. My mom and dad inherited their parents’ strong work ethic and love of family and community. They taught my sister Cindy and me to be humble and grateful, making sure we earned and appreciated whatever they gave us: a BB gun, a video game, a car, a college education, even a farm.

    When it was time for college, I chose the University of Wisconsin-Madison, which I liked for its hip intellectual vibe and natural beauty. I signed up for the usual hodgepodge of liberal arts classes, but spent most of my time following the Grateful Dead and touring around national parks seeking community and inspiration. My dietary mainstays of chicken wings and microwave dinners gave way to tofu, tempeh, and sprouts. I hungered to do something positive for humankind, but I had no clue yet as to what that might be.

    And then I took a hard look at that turkey sandwich. In an instant, the root of my dissatisfaction became clear: I was a consumer. I was taking more than I was giving back, and I had never really produced anything myself. Suddenly I had a burning desire to change that. I decided I wanted to learn how to grow a turkey sandwich from scratch. I wandered over to the agriculture school at UWM to see how I might pursue this rather obscure idea. I dug up an old file listing organic farms that offered internships and managed to convince a professor to sponsor me for a summer field study on one of those farms.

    My first apprenticeship was at the Prairie Dock Farm in Watertown, Wisconsin, where I studied under a skilled farmer by the name of Greg David. Greg taught me the powerful lesson that if you have a vision and believe in it deeply, it will come true. By preparing the soil just right, and planting and nurturing seeds with good intention, I could bring the garden of my dreams to reality. His farm was a permaculture showcase of mobile chicken coops doubling as greenhouses, pigs turning compost piles, weed-seed-eating guinea hens, and abundant gardens and orchards.

    Besides learning to drive a tractor and drag a hoe, I discovered that the ingredients for that turkey sandwich likely traveled more than three thousand miles, consuming their own share of fossil fuel calories and leaving a trail of carbon dioxide and pesticides behind.

    Other shocking truths about modern industrial agriculture came to light. For every unit of food we consume, six times that amount of topsoil is lost. Small family farms are rapidly being swallowed up by industrial-scale monoculture farms. One of every three bites of food we take depends on pollination from a honeybee, yet pesticides, pollution, and the commercialization of the bee industry are causing the collapse of bee colonies worldwide. No more bees, no more tomatoes for that turkey sandwich.

    In my search for answers about that fateful turkey sandwich, I found the career path I wanted to pursue. So on a trip back to Atlanta (in a caravan of VW buses going to see the Grateful Dead), I approached my parents with the idea of dropping out of school to continue my hands-on study of sustainable agriculture. After a passionate debate on the pros and cons of such a decision, my open-minded and supportive parents—somewhat skeptical but intrigued—decided to go along with this unconventional scheme. I remember my mother’s reaction best: Okay, Farmer D, let’s see where this goes. And that’s how I became Farmer D.


    • Low food miles

    • Happy animals

    • No harmful chemicals

    • Dollars kept in local economy


    • Traveled thousands of miles

    • Chemicals, pesticides, and antibiotics are unhealthy for people and animals

    • Money goes out of region; supports middleman rather than farmers


    I was determined to prove to my family and friends that I could follow my unorthodox passion and still be successful. In lieu of completing my college education, I apprenticed on biodynamic farms, attended sustainable agriculture conferences, read books, and talked to many farmers.

    While I learned about the source of food, I also came to discover the soul of food. I had many teachers and mentors along the way. At a seminar on biodynamic farming, I became intrigued with the teachings of Rudolf Steiner, the early twentieth-century Austrian scientist and philosopher. Steiner advocated for a deeper understanding of the spiritual world and provided insights into how to incorporate a more holistic approach to education, agriculture, and many other areas. While he is best known as the founder of Waldorf education, biodynamic farming, and anthroposophical medicine, Steiner was also a leader in social reform, music, arts, and architecture. Steiner taught about ancient methods that nurtured the earth as a living organism, techniques that could be the antidote to the problems that plague modern agriculture all over the world. Bixodynamics, contrary to common misconception, is not all about farm gnomes and garden fairies. Most biodynamic farming lessons are no more mystical than the Farmers’ Almanac: Plant and harvest with the cycles of the moon and stars. Raise animals, make compost, grow crops, replenish the soil. Produce rather than import inputs such as feed and fertilizer. These are the tenets of a well-managed biodynamic farm, which is essentially organic farming with an additional emphasis on sustainability and a spiritual approach to stewardship.

    Miraculously, the only CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farm in Georgia at the time was a biodynamic farm less than twenty minutes from my parents’ cabin in the Blue Ridge Mountains. It was there that I met the farmer who would become my second mentor and true biodynamic guru, Hugh Lovel. I came to this farm, Union Agricultural Institute, to study for eight months. Every night, Hugh and I would discuss bio-dynamics over farm-grown feasts, and he would delve deeply into his philosophy of quantum agriculture. After this download, I would fall asleep to the gentle croaking of tree frogs and chirping of crickets. I was as happy as a proverbial pig in biodynamic manure.

    The more I saw the fruits of my labor, the more convinced I became that food grown by these methods, without artificial chemicals and in tune with the rhythms of nature, was the future of agriculture. At the age of twenty, I bought—with my family’s help—175 acres in southwest Wisconsin and started my own biodynamic CSA farm. In addition to honing my farming skills, I learned how to run a business, create partnerships, and manage a staff. The farm was such a success that in 1998 the American Biodynamic Association voted me Rookie Biodynamic Farmer of the Year.


    Many people over the years have asked me to explain what biodynamic farming is and how it is different from organic farming. This is not an easy question to answer, especially if they want an answer in just a few sentences.

    Here is my very brief response if you have only 30 seconds:

    Biodynamic agriculture is a type of organic farming that treats the farm as a self-contained living organism that can provide everything it needs from within. It is a closed-loop sustainable approach to agriculture that focuses on growing plants, feeding animals, making compost, and replenishing the soil. Repeating this cycle creates a regenerative process that improves the fertility of the farm over time rather than depleting it. Biodynamic farmers also apply homeopathic medicine to the earth by making special preparations to further enhance the quality of the soil, crops, and animals they produce.

    Here is a more in-depth response for those with a little more time, best explained over a cup of tea and preferably with a notepad for some sketches:

    Biodynamic farmers are constantly harnessing the forces of nature to help them grow vibrant, healthy food. All life basically depends on and grows toward the sun. There are macro and micro forces at work with the sun’s influence that define the polarities at work on earth. Energy follows the sun; when the sun is on the other side of the earth from where we are, energy is being drawn downward—think of dew settling in the evening or leaves falling in the autumn, as the earth takes a big breath inward. This downward force is known in biodynamics as the earthly polarity; it is directly related to the water and earth elements and to lime and calcium. The opposing polarity, known as the cosmic force, relates to the fire and air elements and is seen in the upward working of silica. This force can be seen in the sunrise, rising dew, and bursts of growth in spring. It is the earth exhaling as energy streams up toward the sun.

    As an example, horn manure, or BD (biodynamic) preparation 500, is used for enhancing the downward earthly working forces of lime, which stimulates digestion in the soil. It is made by stuffing cow (not bull) horns with fresh cow manure. The horns are buried in the fall and dug up in the spring. The preparation is then applied in the evening with the settling dew, especially during the fall when the soil is being tilled before planting a fall or winter crop. A small amount per acre is mixed with rainwater and stirred in a rotating vortex for one hour, which is a type of homeopathic potentization, and then sprayed out over the land. Another preparation, horn silica (BD prep 501), is used to enhance the upward, cosmic force of silica. It is made by stuffing cow horns with crushed and powdered quartz crystals and burying them from spring until fall. A small amount per acre is stirred for one hour and applied in the morning with the rising dew, especially in the spring.

    These opposing but formative forces illustrate the earthly and cosmic influences at work in nature. Harnessed properly, these forces can be balanced and enhanced to aid biodynamic farmers in their goal of growing crops of optimum quality.

    Biodynamic farmers care deeply about how their farming practices impact the environment and people’s health. The philosophy and practices are intended to increase the quality and quantity of food grown while simultaneously enhancing the life in the soil and balancing the ecology of the farm.


    Much as I loved rural living, I knew that isolation would not help me raise awareness among the masses. To spread the message about the benefits of local, organic, and biodynamic agriculture to more people, I decided to take the Johnny Appleseed approach.

    After four years, I sold my farm in Wisconsin. I moved to California to run a farm in a youth prison. Then in 2001, I entered the Landscape Architecture and Ecology program at the University of Georgia-Athens. While there, I was hired to start and manage a CSA education and research farm called Full Moon Coop. In 2003, I received the prestigious Joshua Venture Fellowship for my nonprofit work as founder and director of Gan Chaim (Garden of Life). I approached the dean at UGA with the conundrum that I could not do it all. The dean suggested I withdraw from school and pursue these opportunities—and he even threw another one at me. He showed me the plan on his desk for a sustainable community just south of Atlanta called Serenbe Farms, which needed someone like me to help start their organic farm. I took his advice, and for the next three years I toiled the heavy Georgia clay soil and brought Serenbe Farms to life, while also starting farms and gardens at Jewish schools, camps, and community centers all over the country through Gan Chaim.

    From then on, I began consulting for other projects and continued my quest to teach and inspire others to grow community through agriculture, while also expanding my entre-manurial endeavors. In 2006, I launched the Farmer D flagship product, the first certified biodynamic compost in the country, which was made with the spoils from Whole Foods Markets throughout the Southeast. Over the next few years, more products were added, including a planting mix, a fertilizer, and a line of cedar raised beds—all through a partnership with my father, a master woodworker and seasoned entrepreneur.

    In 2008, many of my consulting clients were experiencing financial troubles and put their farming ventures on hold. During the next few years I developed an online and brick-and-mortar retail store selling organic gardening supplies: our signature Farmer D products as well as a wide variety of tools, seeds, plants, and much more. The store kept me busy building gardens and communities around Atlanta for several years, until my consulting business picked back up and I found myself flying all over the country setting up farms again. I have learned many things about gardening, business, and life through these incredible experiences, and I wanted to write this book to share the knowledge I’ve gained along the way. We can all be better stewards of the earth by growing healthy food, improving our lives, and creating a sustainable legacy for future generations. If each of us cultivates something and inspires others to do the same, then together we can grow into a worldwide coalition of citizen farmers.


    1. MAKE COMPOSTING A WAY OF LIFE. Healthy soil = healthy food. Healthy food = healthy people. Healthy people = healthy communities.

    More than 60 percent of typical trash that goes into landfills could actually be composted. I have been working with Whole Foods Markets in the southeastern United States to compost over four million pounds of food scraps a year into high-quality compost that is used to grow food at schools, homes, restaurants, and local organic farms. I also teach people how they can make compost themselves and offer many options that can be adapted to their personal situations.

    2. START OR TAKE PART IN A GARDEN. Wherever you are, you can plant the seeds for growing a community by starting a garden at your home, in your school or workplace, or in your neighborhood. I have helped many cities grow communities through gardens.

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