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Ebook397 pages6 hours


Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

The thrilling finale to bestselling author Jessica Shirvington's Disruption series.

How do you live with yourself when you've deceived the one you love?
How do you move on when the person you've been fighting to save betrays you?
Two years ago, Maggie Stevens began the hunt.
Four weeks ago, Maggie's world fell apart, when she finally found what she'd been looking for. And when Quentin, who had blindly trusted her, unravelled her web of lies.
Now, Maggie lives in the dark. But she's not about to stay there. Not when she still has to bring M-Corp down. Not when there is still a chance she could win him back.
In the exhilarating conclusion to Disruption, Maggie must do whatever it takes to show the world the truth. And the price for her quest?
But for who?
Ages 14+

Release dateNov 1, 2014

Jessica Shirvington

Jessica Shirvington lives in Sydney with her husband of ten years, Foxtel presenter and former Olympic sprinter Matt Shirvington, and their two daughters. She has previously founded and run a coffee distribution company, Stella Imports, in London, and been involved in managing the restaurants Fuel Bistro, Tow Bar and MG Garage in Sydney. She is currently a full-time mum, author and co-director in the company MPS Investments Pty Ltd.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    For such a great story, a lot of audience must read your book. You can publish your work on NovelStar Mobile App
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    am liking the duology thing. I like that the books are action packed, long but deep enough to cover everything it needs to in two books. I think it’s great – there are way too many series to keep up with and not enough standalones – and here we have the solution. So after reading and enjoying Disruption I was pleased to see that there was one more book, but not five or six.Even though I know that sounds like I didn’t like Disruption, I promise I did! I’m just glad that it didn’t give me a chance to really resent it because there were too many books. So what did I think of Corruption?I really liked it – for the most part! Maggie has been caught on her expedition with Quentin to the underground. All her lies have been uncovered and so has the shocking truth about her supposedly dead father. She has been imprisoned – it’s dark, damp and she doesn’t know anything. It’s a brilliant start. For an unknown reason Maggie is returned to her house – she knows she’s being watched and her desire to bring down M-Corp is burning stronger than ever. She doesn’t even know if Quentin hates her after all her deception and everything is all up in the air and you don’t know what’s gonna happen and it’s exciting!Maggie’s fight and her strength is what endeared her to me in Disruption and that continues in Corruption but it’s harder for her this time around. She’s more scared, more vulnerable mentally and that’s hard to see in such a kickass heroine, but after what she’s gone through who can blame her? I enjoyed watching her return to physical strength because I love her dedication to herself and her cause. Instead of curling up in a ball and trying to pretend her capture hadn’t happened, she made herself stronger, faster. I only wish she could have come back mentally as well because that was part of what I loved about her – her cold, calculating and manipulative personality, which was not as present in this book.Gus is probably the best thing about this book but I couldn’t believe that J.S. would turn to the love triangle trope. Possibly the worst decision she could have made, it was addressed, swept more or less under the rug and then used an excuse for Quentin’s protectiveness and don’t touch her she’s mine mentality that I hate. Gus is such an awesome character, providing the lightness needed in otherwise dark or intense moments. But Quentin – I really liked him in Disruption but he didn’t really do it for me this time around. He got all snarly with Gus when he should know that Maggie can look after herself in most, if not all, situations. Let Maggie handle herself! And you know what else I couldn’t stand? The ridiculously cheesy lines Maggie and Quentin delivered to each other! Oh it was so bad guys I thought at one point I couldn’t handle it anymore, I wanted to throw up. It just didn’t go with their relationship as developed in the first book and it didn’t seem like them at all. There were way too many “I can’t live without you” and “I would die for you” sentiments for my liking.I notice when I rant I go on about the bad stuff, but trust me when I say it’s not all bad. Oh wait – I thought of one more bad thing. You guys know how much I cry in books right? Well there was one character death that just did not pull any emotion out of me. I have no idea why but I just felt nothing! Oh and the other thing is the HEA. It all wrapped up very neatly with a happy ever after and everything’s okay now and nothing’s bad and PARADISE (barf). It was too easy and Maggie, I felt, had an oversimplified view of how things were going to go after the big showdown. Okay I have stopped complaining, I promise. Because I did enjoy this and it’s because I enjoyed it that I get a bit nit-picky. As a duology it’s very solid. A great, action-packed storyline with a sweet romance that’s generally not overplayed with a smart and sassy heroine who stumbles into a plot to save the world. I do recommend!3.5 stars. 

Book preview

Corruption - Jessica Shirvington


They fed me. Just enough.

Submerged in darkness, I had long since lost track of time and day. Reality wasn’t far behind. The four windowless walls and secure airlock door of my underground prison were all I now knew. A faceless, nameless guard rapped on the door at regular intervals, opening the bottom hatch to pass through my carefully controlled rations, and my sluggish mind speculated that this might be a daily occurrence. But with no light to gauge the passing of day to night, time had become elusive.

If the guard’s schedule was daily and my mind wasn’t playing tricks on me, somewhere between four and six weeks had passed. That was, until he stopped coming altogether. I knew that he’d been gone for longer than usual because the hunger pains were almost unbearable.

I kept to my routine as best I could, trying to force my muscles to work. Trying to stand when all I wanted to do was lie still. Even so, I knew I was sleeping much more than was normal.

That was what the darkness wanted.

Darkness is like that … it seeps into you in an indescribable and unavoidable way. It becomes part of you until eventually you become part of it.

I worried that it would take over, that in the end there would be nothing of me but the silent dark, but until that time came, I continued to fight the despair, continued to push past the physical and mental barriers as much as I could.

And at my lowest moments, I thought of him.

I imagined him speaking to me, making me laugh, making me frown and, fleetingly, I would indulge in thoughts of him forgiving me. Most of all, I saw him hating me.

None of it was bad.

He kept me grounded, gave me a reason to endure the maddening silence.

Because it was his right. His to hate me. His to destroy me.

If anyone, it was he who held the right to sign my death warrant and if he chose to use it, then so be it. These bastards would not steal that right from him.

And still … there was a part of me that held on. The part that knew I had things to set right. Things that went beyond me and my suffering, and even him.

‘Quentin,’ I whispered to the darkness, my voice cracking with misuse, my lips pulling apart from having set together. ‘I was wrong. About everything. About you.’

Silence answered me, but in my mind he was there, watching over me. Still deciding.

And perhaps it was simply that – the smallest shred of hope that love could conquer all – which forced me to my unsteady feet yet again. I started stiff laps around my cell, using what energy I did have to ensure that if my chance came, I would be able to make the most of it. Of course, I wasn’t stupid and saw the blatant irony in my reasoning. The irony that I would tear down a man, take away all of his hopes and dreams only to have my own stripped away, and then hope in vain that his love for me would go on. It made me a hypocrite and ultimately selfish, but since it was all I had to hold on to, I wasn’t going to talk myself up onto higher ground.

Tiring of my walk after a dozen laps – which didn’t equate to much – I dropped to my hands and knees, but persevered, forcing a round of push-ups despite my heavy breathing. After ten attempts, I stopped. Not because I needed to, though I probably did, but because if I did more, I was sure they would scale back my food and water. I was well aware they were monitoring my movements and vitals through my M-Band. If they felt they were giving me enough food to maintain any level of fitness, they would immediately make an adjustment.

I had learned how to walk the tightrope. Maintain enough strength so that I could try to get away if I found an opportunity, maybe even fight. But not so much that they reduced my rations.

With a sudden thought, I shuffled into a better position, ignoring the sharp pain as my ankle bone scraped roughly against the ground, and started to pat the floor around me. Inexplicably frantic, I navigated my way across the familiar grooves in the cement until I felt the leg of the cot, then stretched out my arm until my fingers came in contact with my supplies. As always, I exhaled with relief when I found them – as if someone could have snuck in and stolen them. Crazy, I know.

One energy bar and less than half a bottle of water was all I had left. I opened the bar, enjoying the sound of the wrapper crinkling, took a small bite followed by a sip of water and breathed as calmly as possible as I carefully put them back in their safe place beneath my bed.

I must have fallen asleep or passed out some time after that because the next thing I knew I opened my eyes to see a dim blue light surrounding me.

I was sure I’d been on the ground, but now I was on my bed. Waking up after an unknown period of time wasn’t a strange occurrence. And while there was a good chance it was paranoia, I was certain that on some of those occasions I had been moved and I’d often felt different when I woke up. Sick. Running a fever. And sore all over. I didn’t like to think about it.

But the blue light? That was new.

Nervous and struggling to get my mind to switch on, it took a few moments for my brain to connect the sounds I was hearing with the door. It wasn’t just the hatch; the entire door was opening.

I shuffled back on my small cot, watching as two uniformed M-Corp guards entered my cell and approached without hesitation.

Eyes wide, I felt their hands – the first human contact I had experienced in a long time – grip my arms and lift me like I was nothing. On some level, deep in the part of my brain that still functioned, I considered my chance of putting up a fight.

And quickly discounted it.

‘Oh man, she stinks,’ one of them said. ‘This is worse than clearing out a clean-up hub.’ It made me flinch, knowing that he was comparing me to clearing away dead bodies.

‘Breathe through your mouth. We just have to put her in the pod,’ the other one replied.

I wanted to defend myself. But even I could smell the stench I’d been living in. Hell, I hoped it would make them pass out.

My thoughts kept moving back to the water and half-eaten energy bar under the bed. Food had become everything and I now regretted not storing it on my body somewhere. What if there was no more food where I was going?

The tunnel they moved me into was lit with a red light and it caused me to squint. It felt like a lifetime since I had really used my eyes. The guards paused briefly, one of them letting go of me long enough to pull out a pair of glasses from his jacket. He put them on my face. I blinked, adjusting to the new tinted vision. Instantly darker. More comfortable.

‘Leave them on until you adjust, otherwise you’ll blind yourself.’

Until I adjust to what? Jesus, I was starting to panic. Were they taking me to see my father? Were they taking me above ground? Outside? My breathing sped up even as I tried to pull myself together.

‘Where are you taking me?’ I managed to rasp out. They ignored me.

‘Should we sedate her?’ the one on my right asked. He was chewing gum and I could smell the mint on his breath.

The other one shook his head. ‘You’re a real bastard. You know that, right? Look at her, she’s already half dead and you want to pump her full of drugs. Have you forgotten how awful this shithole can be?’

No surprise they were negs. Or what the public like to call ‘rehabilitated’ negs.

‘Can you help me?’ I asked the one who’d defended me, leaning in his direction.

He turned to me, meeting my eyes. I noticed that each of the many creases around his eyes were almost crying out with a story to tell. None good. But beyond that, his eyes were … empty. He wasn’t going to hurt me, but he wasn’t going to help me either. Down here it was survival of the fittest and I was most definitely lowest on the food chain right now.

I didn’t even blame him, knowing that I myself had turned and walked away from others just as desperate, just as in need as I was. It was one of the things I would never forgive myself for. Or my father.

‘I know ways to get out of here. I can help you get out,’ I tried.

‘Sorry, girl. After enough time down here, you understand there is no escape. You’ll learn for yourself. Best advice I can give you is, do what you’re told. That way we won’t have to hurt you.’

His face softened slightly, but it wasn’t comforting. Mostly because I knew he was telling the truth. He would kill me if I tried to get away from them. The alternative was simply not an option for him. And again, I understood.

We started moving down the long hallway again with me walking between them. After a dozen steps, I stumbled. My legs shook. Hell, who had I been kidding when I told myself I was keeping fit in that cell? The guards slowed their pace, giving me a chance to get my feet under me.

After a few turns, we went through a set of doors and back into the darkness. At first I wondered if this was a new cell, if they were relocating me. But then my eyes adjusted.

We were in the transit tunnels. And there was a transit pod idling with its door open.

‘Get in,’ the first guard said, pushing me towards the opening.

As I got closer to the pod, I started sweating. My steps were so small I was barely moving.

Sensing my hesitation, the guard to my right nudged me forwards. ‘Get in, or we throw you in.’

I nodded, attempting to wet my lips with my sandpaper-dry tongue. My leg shook as I placed my foot tentatively on the first metal step.

Don’t get me wrong, I wanted to get on this thing and hoped to God it would take me out of hell, but I’d just gotten out of one very small, very confined, extremely isolated place. Convincing my body to move into another …

I turned to the guard at my left, swallowing nervously. ‘Are you coming with me?’

He shook his head. ‘More guards will meet you at the other end. You need to go now; they don’t like waiting.’

As if his curt words prompted the other guard, I was suddenly pushed from behind, my hands clutching the edge of the door to stop myself face-planting on the pod floor. ‘I said, move it, bitch!’

But he didn’t wait for me to move anything, instead choosing to place his booted foot on my upended ass and shove me again, hard, until I was inside the pod.

Before I managed to sit up, the doors were closing. My eyes fixed on those of the more humane guard. Even as his cold eyes stared back at me – a look I knew well, one I had delivered myself – I found myself nodding to him with acceptance before he flinched, turned, and walked away.

The high speed of the pod ride was disorienting and I managed little more than to stare at my hands for most of it. Firstly as a point of focus. Then out of fascination. My palms were raw and blistered. I wasn’t sure exactly what had caused the damage – perhaps my attempts at exercise; perhaps my pathetic moments of lashing out when I had pounded on the door and walls, screaming for my father to show himself. There was a good chance it was something I’d done and simply not been aware of doing. And, no, that was not a comforting thought.

My fingernails – those that remained – were caked in dirt. The cell itself hadn’t been overly dirty. The floor and walls were painted concrete so it wasn’t as if I’d been digging, although that was what it looked like. Tentatively I lifted my fingers to my nose and smelled. I quickly returned my hands to my lap as the pod came to an abrupt halt.

Two guards stood outside the door as it opened. The lighting was harsh here and I pushed the glasses closer to my sensitive eyes.

It suddenly occurred to me that I hadn’t used one second of the pod journey to devise any type of plan to escape. It was a sure sign that my grip on reality was shaky at best, and that my grip on myself was all but gone.

The guards silently led me from the pod and across the junction, down another tunnel, through a door and then into a corridor. I tried to activate my brain, blinking a few times and thinking back to what the old Maggie – the one who would do whatever it took, at any cost, to get what she wanted – would do right now. I glanced to my left and right. The guards were much bigger than me. They were armed. My sluggish eyes moved down to their M-Bands and I saw red lights flashing. Their camera zips were activated, streaming directly to whoever had decided to watch.

Was my father watching?

Even for the old Maggie, I was almost certain this was not the right moment to pick a fight. My M-Band gave a short beep and I wasn’t surprised. The screen remained blank, just as it had since the day they imprisoned me, but I was fairly certain that the beep was a heart-rate monitor.

I was scared.

Mostly, it was fear I was being taken to Garrett Mercer. My father was a close second. I knew it was likely the next time I was brought before either one of them, it would be for the final act. Garrett Mercer wanted me dead. But he wanted me to pay too. Maybe I was about to find out which one he wanted more.

I glanced up at the curved ceiling and wondered where we were. For all I knew, I was metres away from thousands of people going about their daily business. That was the strangest thing about the tunnel network that travelled all the way from Washington DC, beneath the Potomac River, under the city of Arlington and out to Bluemont, Virginia. What had once been part of the FEMA organisation was now controlled by the private and all-powerful entity of M-Corp, and there were similar underground locations just like this one around the country. Around the world, I had no doubt.

But this was where it had all begun. This was the devil’s kitchen. And while I had always known that Garrett Mercer was the devil, I now also knew that my father was his cook.

I tripped over my own feet, the guards not slowing their pace as they tightened their grips on my arms to stop me going over. I struggled to get my footing back, my legs like jelly.


But it was so hard. My mind was erratic and childish, its only consistent line of thought revolving around the remaining energy bar I’d left under the bed.

We reached a large door and one guard moved ahead to enter the code, causing the door to slide open.

I gasped.

My M-Band beeped.

My legs gave out momentarily and the other guard hauled me back onto my feet. ‘Breathe,’ he instructed.

It was impossible to stop my body shaking as it argued with itself – one part wanted to move towards the light, the other shied away. The guard, clearly aware of my internal battle, suddenly produced a baseball cap, holding it out for me.

I fumbled with trembling hands to put it on and reduce the unsympathetic glare of sunlight – something I had convinced myself I would never again see. I lowered my head just in time to conceal the stream of tears.

‘This way,’ the guard said, wrapping a firm hand around my upper arm and pushing me forwards. I let him lead me to the doorway, and noticed the other guard had already made his way outside and was standing by the open door of a black Jeep with heavily tinted windows.

I turned to the guard beside me. ‘Where are you taking me?’ I asked.

Wordlessly, he walked me towards the waiting Jeep. The other guard held out a long dark coat and they fixed it loosely around my shoulders, covering up my filthy state. He then gestured for me to get into the car.

‘Please. Where am I going?’ I asked again, noticing there was a driver and yet another guard already sitting in the front passenger seat.

The guard beside me shrugged. ‘This is as far as we go. Get in.’

I swallowed nervously, but did as I was told.

As soon as I was inside the car, a privacy divider slid up between the front seats and the back and the vehicle began its journey to God knows where. Once again, I was alone.

I looked out the window – which did not open, like the door – and after a short while I realised with a start that I was beginning to recognise the landscape.

They were driving into Arlington.

They drove through the city. Eventually the streets became more and more familiar and I felt a desperate cry fall from my cracked lips. I was so close it was cruel.

Once again, I tried the handle, but the doors remained locked. I looked around for something to smash the windows with, but there was nothing – without the right tools, car windows are a lot harder to smash than they look. Instead I closed my eyes, shoved my putrid fist into my mouth and bit down on my cries.

Suddenly the car pulled over and the door locks clicked open. A loud beep sounded and I flinched, then stared down at my M-Band. The screen was alight. It was back online.

Holding my breath, I reached out and opened the door, half expecting someone to hold a gun to my head.

Cautiously I stepped out of the car onto the kerb and closed the door behind me, surprised when the black Jeep simply drove off, leaving me there. Alone. Outside. In the light.

And that wasn’t even the best part.

Convinced I must be dreaming, I refused to turn around, choosing instead to watch the Jeep as it travelled to the end of the road and slowly took the corner. Once it was out of sight, I finally braced myself and turned, falling to my knees instantly. My fingers sank into the damp grass and I wept uncontrollably as I looked up towards my garage.

They’d driven me home.


They had held me prisoner for just over four weeks. The date was the first thing I checked on my newly reactivated M-Band.

The knowledge of how much time had passed was both a relief and disorienting. I could’ve sworn they had kept me locked in the dark for months.

Somehow I picked myself up off the damp grass and started moving. Only two things dominated my thoughts. One, get out of the open. Two, find food.

Everything else could wait.

I made it into my room above the garage and double-checked the time and day, not fully trusting my M-Band. It was 6 a.m. on Thursday. Mom should be home from the night shift at the hospital and passed out in bed by now.

I hurried to my desk and opened a drawer, crying out with relief when I found an old box of chocolate-chip cookies. I usually kept a stash of food in my room, but I had never been so grateful to find an unopened box. I tore the top off, causing half of the cookies to fall onto the ground. I stuffed one in my mouth before getting down on my hands and knees to collect them, shoving another in my mouth before I’d finished the first.

Once I had recovered every last broken piece of cookie and had the box tucked tightly to my chest, my breathing began to slow. I savoured the third cookie, each mouthful sinfully perfect, then I packed the box away for later.

I stumbled towards the bathroom and stuck my head under the faucet, taking several gulps of cold water into my mouth. It was heavenly. I stared at the running water – just hours ago I would’ve done anything for a tap with running water.

Now that I had food and water – not enough, but then, I wasn’t sure I would ever have enough again – and was in my garage, I knew I needed to start thinking beyond the necessities. I kept the light off and closed the blind, leaving just a small crack of daylight filtering in. I turned to face myself in the mirror, carefully removing my glasses. I stared at my reflection, my eyes brimming with tears at the shadowed sight of me.

‘Bastards,’ I croaked, sucking in a broken breath.

I was covered in dirt and shockingly gaunt. The small amount of skin that was visible beneath the grime was sallow, my hair matted with what I knew was a cocktail of dried blood, sweat, vomit and worse. My dull eyes took all of this in, while I smelled the overall feral stench that seemed to be coming off me in waves. Ignoring the random tear that slipped down my face, I turned on the shower and began to strip off my tattered pieces of clothing, throwing them straight into the bin bag in the corner. I’d think while getting clean.

I shook with desperate relief when I stepped into the warm water. Strange how such simple things now felt entirely surreal. I hung my head, letting the water pound my weary body, and watched the stubborn stains gradually relinquish their hold and swirl down the drain.

I wanted to cry. To scream and let it all out. I wanted to throw things and crumple into a heap on the floor. But I knew if I started …

And I had to think.

Why had they just let me go? It made no sense.

What did they expect me to do? Want me to do?

It was a trap. I wasn’t a complete fool. I just had no idea what game I was playing. Only that the teams were not evenly matched.

I reached for the soap and loofah and scrubbed hard, ignoring my quivering body. They’d just left me there. In the dark. For weeks and weeks. Now I was out, but that did not make me free. I was still there in my mind. Still locked away. At least I was sane enough to know what the real question was at this point – just how broken was I?

When no response came to mind, I slumped down to the shower floor and turned my attention to washing my hair.

Sitting helped.

‘Think, Maggie,’ I ordered, clutching my hair. ‘Cry later. Think now.’

The smart move was to run. Fast. Far.

I could ditch my M-Band and use my black-market one until I had enough money to get the microchip that was implanted near the top of my spine removed. It would mean living off the grid for the rest of my life – there were no replacement chips, and no counterfeit ones had ever been successful. Not to mention the removal operation was incredibly risky. The chips were embedded near the spine for a reason – an inexperienced surgeon digging around so close to the spinal cord could easily leave you a quadriplegic. But with the right money and contacts …

Then I remembered: I didn’t have any contacts.


I whimpered.

Could I try to contact him?

There were a few people I could think of who might agree to try to get a message to him. But even doing that was a risk. My father’s words, if nothing else, had stuck. Even now, I could feel his laugh crawl over my skin as he gloated that all of my contacts were loyal to him first. I gritted my teeth and went back to rinsing the grunge out of my hair.

I shampooed my hair three times and even after dousing it in conditioner, I still couldn’t get a brush through it.

After I towelled off, I cut off half the length of my hair until the worst of the matted clumps were gone and I could drag a brush through the rest. It was a nasty hack job, but I threw it into a ponytail and moved on.

I sat on the edge of my bed, intermittently glancing at my calendar on the wall, pretending I hadn’t already made up my mind.

I couldn’t go to Gus. The fact was, I already knew Gus was long gone.

I should run. Leave a note for my family and disappear.

Instead, I dressed in a pair of jeans that were once skin tight and now hung loosely from my hips and a black tank top. I’d thrown my boots out with the rest of my other clothes so I shoved on an old pair of navy Converse, before collapsing back on my bed.

Four weeks locked up on the brink of starvation really takes a toll.

I wanted to sleep, and yet knew I couldn’t. After a few minutes, I forced myself upright. I looked in my cupboard for my black-market M-Band, but after turning the cupboard inside out, I sat back on my heels. It was gone.

After a moment, I fisted my hands. Feeling powerless wasn’t going to help me do what I had to do, so I got up, grabbed my backpack – pausing to stuff in the box of chocolate-chip cookies – and headed to the house.

I was in danger and my family would be safer without me. But I had to be sure that Mom and Sam were okay first.

I wasn’t sure what I was expecting. If Mom had picked up an extra shift, she might not even be there. And if Samuel worked at Burn last night, there was a good chance he’d never even made it home. Either way, I certainly wasn’t expecting to walk down the hall to the sound of voices and peer around the corner to see both of them up, dressed and sitting at the kitchen table. Between mouthfuls of bacon and eggs they appeared to be discussing a pile of papers in front of them.

The smell of the food attacked my senses.

‘Uncle Liam said he had an old college friend he might’ve kept in touch with. We should try that,’ Sam said.

Mom shook her head. ‘I’ve told you a hundred times. He didn’t keep any of his friends. He was too smart for that. We won’t find him, Sam.’

He slammed his hand down on the stack of papers. ‘Damn it, Mom! Then what are we going to do? I’ve run out of people to ask and every day that goes by … I don’t know what to do! We can’t just give up on her!’

They were talking about me. A pain shot through my chest. They were looking for me, just like I had for Dad.

‘We’re not giving up!’ Mom snapped back vehemently. ‘We just need a new plan.’ Her shoulders slumped and she put a hand over her face. ‘It’s all my fault, Sam.’

Sam leaned forwards and put a hand on her back. ‘Not all yours. Mine too. We made this choice together. We couldn’t have known she’d do this. Jesus, Mom, we still don’t even know where she went.’

Mom whimpered and I felt a tear trickle down my cheek. ‘She’s like him, Sam. Smart. And too determined for her own good. If anyone was going to do this, she was. I should’ve known.’

I took a step into the kitchen, grabbing the countertop to help me keep my balance. Sam and Mom both looked up and gasped in unison.

I smiled pathetically, knowing I pretty much looked like Death’s cousin. ‘I promise you, Mom, I’m nothing like him.’ I gripped the straps of my backpack tightly and couldn’t stop my eyes from darting to their food. I had to force myself not to launch towards it.

Mom’s face scrunched up tight, but she couldn’t hold in the wail as she leaped from her chair and crushed me to her. She kept trying to talk, but her racking sobs choked her words every time.

I looked over to Sam and caught him wiping away his own tears.

He cleared his throat. ‘’Bout time you got home, Mags. Mom’s been a total mess.’ He coughed again and turned towards the sink, busying himself with the dishes.

Mom finally loosened her grip and got her breathing under control. She stepped back and took a better look at me. She gasped again.

‘Oh God, Maggie. What did he do to you?’ she cried, leading me to a chair. ‘Why are you wearing sunglasses?’ she asked hesitantly.

I swallowed, embarrassed. ‘It’s bright for me at the moment. They help.’

Her brows pulled together and I knew she was fighting for control. ‘Here, let me take your bag,’ she said, reaching for the straps on my shoulders.

No! My food was in there!

Mom saw my reluctance and, after glancing towards Sam, dropped her hands, leaving me with my bag.

‘Did you know he was never really a neg?’ I asked quietly.

Mom’s quiet sob was answer enough.

Samuel placed a glass of water and a plate in front of me. Two slices of plain toast with butter – as if he knew I would struggle to stomach anything more.

‘Thanks,’ I said, watching as he sat opposite me.

He met my eyes and spoke softly. ‘No one will take your things, Maggie. You can keep your bag if you want, or put it down by the chair. Either way is fine. You’re safe here with us.’

I swallowed nervously, slowly releasing my hands from my bag so that I could eat my toast. It seemed to be enough and Sam said no more even though I didn’t – couldn’t – remove it from my back.

I looked at the

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