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The Choices We Make
The Choices We Make
The Choices We Make
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The Choices We Make

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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From No.1 internationally bestselling author of Recipe for a Perfect Wife comes an unforgettable story that explores the intricate dynamics of friendship and parenthood.

Best friends Hannah and Kate have been inseparable almost all of their lives. While they're close as sisters, Hannah can't help but feel envious of the little family Kate and her husband, David, have created - complete with two perfect little girls. She and Ben have been trying for years to have a baby, so when they receive the news that she will likely never get pregnant, Hannah's heartbreak is overwhelming. They begin to tentatively explore the other options, and Kate offers to be Hannah's surrogate. But as these two families embark on an incredible journey toward parenthood, a devastating tragedy puts everything at risk of falling apart.

Poignant, twisty and refreshingly honest, The Choices We Make is a powerful tale of an incredible friendship and the risks we take to make our dreams come true.

Release dateAug 1, 2016
The Choices We Make

Karma Brown

KARMA BROWN is an award-winning journalist and author of the bestsellers Come Away With Me, The Choices We Make and In This Moment. In addition to her novels, Karma's writing has appeared in publications such as Redbook, SELF, and Chatelaine. Karma lives just outside Toronto with her husband, daughter, and their labradoodle, Fred. THE LIFE LUCY KNEW is her most recent novel. 

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This story really pulls you in from the start. As someone who has worked with women and having friends go through infertility I thought the descriptions and feelings were dead on. I wasn't too psyched about her description of adoption but I guess you can't have everything.Karma Brown has written a very powerful, emotional book about friendship, love, and motherhood. This was a fast well written read, but grab your tissues because I was a mess at the end of this book. Very well done.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is another outstanding book by Karma Brown that will pull at your heartstrings while it introduces you several real characters in a story that could be happening right now anywhere in America. Once I started this book, I didn't put it down until I was finished because I had to know the outcome. I laughed and cried with the characters and they are still in my mind several days after the book was finished.SUMMARY Hannah and Kate have been friends since fifth grade and years later they are still as close - or closer - than sisters. Kate is married and has two small daughters. Hannah and her husband have tried for years to have a baby and been unsuccessful and are about ready to give up when Kate offers to be a surrogate. This is the story of their friendship and what it means to have a family and to be a family. Read this book. You won't be disappointed.(NetGalley provided a copy of this book for a fair and impartial review.)
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    “The choices we make” is a huge winner and one of the most moving and emotional books I’ve ever read. Kate and Hannah have been best friends since grade school. Both now married, their lives have taken different paths but their friendship hasn’t wavered and they have always been there for each other no matter what life throws at them. But there is one area where they differ. While Kate very easily became pregnant and now had two daughters with her husband David, Hannah is unable to have what she wants the most in life; to be a mother. I remember when my husband and I first decided to have children. I remember how devastated I was when it took us three months with our first. Only three months, but it felt heartbreaking. I can’t imagine that roller coaster for three years; to come so close so often and then have that dream yanked away. Karma Brown expertly tells a very real tale of an all consuming struggle of trying to achieve motherhood through many avenues without success. Going through Hannah’s disappointment and devastation was so emotional; there are a lot of Kleenex moments in this novel. Then when it seems like the journey to parenthood will never be a reality for Hannah and Ben, Kate selflessly offers the most precious gift to Hannah. She will be a surrogate and carry a baby for Hannah and Ben using her eggs. How rare is it to find a friendship so exceptional that one would offer such a gift with no expectation or desire for anything in return. And after some misgivings about Kate’s crazy idea, it didn’t seem so crazy anymore and maybe it would be the answer. But once all that was worked through, I started to cringe a little. We all want the happily ever after and it sounded like the perfect solution. But I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. While the execution itself was simple, there’s so much more involved. They signed contracts at the urge of the fertility clinic that they thought they’d never need. After all, they were the best of friends; everything would be fine and they’d figure it all out. Until things didn’t go quite as planned. The book was narrated for the most part by Hannah and Kate so we heard the story by both and got the viewpoint of both friends. I did not want to put this book down, I was hooked from the beginning. And at times, I was so torn on what was right and I tried to put myself there and think about what I would do and how I would react. It wasn’t a matter of who was right and who was wrong; everyone was doing what they thought was right, fueled by emotion but what was best? And who can live with whatever decisions are made without being overcome by feelings of guilt? Would their friendships survive?So many relationships were explored here other than just the friendship of Kate and Hannah. There were also issues of sisterly conflict, absent fathers, marital relationships in the background of this captivating story. When I was finished I just had to sit a while and absorb it all in, so powerfully emotional and had an ending I didn’t expect.This is the first book I have read of Karma Brown, but definitely not my last. This is one of my favourites this year.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Karma Brown’s “The Choices We Make” is a riveting story of two best friends – one with two kids filling out her family, and the other desperate to become a mother. Kate and Hannah had been best friends since the fifth grade with a relationship that was closer to family than mere friendship. Attached for nearly 3 decades, they were practically sisters. Hannah’s struggle to become a mother through in vitro and any medical treatments available was heartbreaking and as a true friend, Kate saw a way to help and offered to be her surrogate.The choices we make at each and every junction of our lives affects the path our lives will take and the future decisions we will be faced with. In this story, neither family could have fathomed the direction their lives would go in when Hannah and her husband first got married.Although starting the novel with a glimpse into the future, Karma Brown did an exceptional job of keeping readers (particularly me) on the edge of the seat unsure of what the outcome would be. The story bounces back and forth between chapters told from both Kate and Hannah’s perspectives, giving a clearer picture of how each character came to make the choices each made and how it affected everyone around them.I do slightly wish that we could’ve heard from the husbands, David and Ben, and had a glimpse of their thoughts and feelings from their personal points of view, but this book was perfection. International bestselling author Karma Brown did an exceptional job of telling this story and letting it tell itself. I may not have picked this book up on my own, but I couldn’t put it down once it was in my hands.