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In the fourth volume of the Fourth Talisman series, Nazafareen risks everything on a desperate gamble to stop the Vatras once and for all...

With Meb safely among her own people, Nazafareen has finally embraced her dangerous fire magic. She is the Fourth Talisman, destined to free the heirs from the wards binding their own extraordinary power. With Nocturne and Solis poised on the brink of war, the choices she makes will decide the fate of mortals and daevas alike.

Determined to confront Culach and make amends, Nazafareen goes to Val Moraine, setting off a chain of events that ultimately leads her deep into the perilous wasteland called the Kiln and the faceless enemy waiting there. But the ancient hatred that shattered the world a millennium before is stronger and far more devious than she and her companions imagine.

Is the Viper truly dead? And can Nazafareen triumph without facing the darkness that lurks within her own heart?

Praise for Nemesis

“This series is an adrenaline rush.” –Books2Blog

“Spell-binding. So well-written, with characters you'll love, characters you'll hate, and some seriously awesome world-building.” –Jazzy Book Reviews

“This book deals a whole new hand. Nemesis broke my heart on more than one occasion, but also gave me an adventure I did not think was possible. I have a book hangover and I can’t stop thinking about what is to come!” - She Breathes Words

“A deeply enjoyable novel full of rich imagery, dangerous situations and character interactions that will keep you hooked until the final page. Nemesis races to an absolutely sensational ending that is heartbreaking and heart-stopping and just downright incredible.” -The Rest Is Still Unwritten

PublisherKat Ross
Release dateOct 20, 2018

Kat Ross

Kat Ross worked as a journalist at the United Nations for ten years before happily falling back into what she likes best: making stuff up. She's the author of the new Lingua Magika trilogy, the Fourth Element and Fourth Talisman historical fantasy series, the Gaslamp Gothic paranormal mysteries, and the dystopian thriller Some Fine Day. She loves myths, monsters and doomsday scenarios. Come visit her at!

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    Nemesis - Kat Ross






    First Edition

    Copyright © 2018 by Kat Ross

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    This story is a work of fiction. References to real people, events, establishments, organizations, or locales are intended only to provide a sense of authenticity and are used fictitiously. All other characters, and all incidents and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real.

    Cover design by Damonza

    Map design by Robert Altbauer at

    To Thing #1 and Thing #2, for letting me warm my feet on your bellies when I write



    1. The Lost Prince of Val Tourmaline

    2. Reunions

    3. Kallisto’s Staff

    4. A Bargain

    5. The Ones We’ve Been Waiting For

    6. Apollo’s Arrow

    7. Victor’s Folly

    8. A Visitor from Beyond

    9. The Mask Falls Away

    10. To the Umbra

    11. Déjà Vu All Over Again

    12. Ashes to Ashes

    13. Mirrors

    14. The Battle of Delphi

    15. Caligula

    16. Cat and Mouse

    17. Death Becomes Her

    18. An Uneasy Alliance

    19. Thief of Hearts

    20. Weddings and Wind Ships

    21. A Gilded Cage

    22. The Horn of Helheim

    23. A Drop to Drink

    24. The Red Hills

    25. Spawn of the Kiln

    26. There Will Be Blood

    27. Collar Them All

    28. A Test of Faith

    29. The Beast at the Door


    Author’s Note

    Chapter One


    About the Author

    Also by Kat Ross

    Characters in the Series



    Map of SolisMap of Nocturne

    Fragment from the lost diaries of Nabu-bal-idinna, alchemist to the Persian King Teispes in the years 506-513 A.S.*

    And so it came to pass that on the ninth day of my wanderings, I spied a tower in the wilderness, hexagonal and made of dark stone resembling obsidian. From a distance, it appeared to have no means of entry, but as I approached, an archway appeared in the gloaming. A woman stood just within the threshold. Her skin was pale as alabaster, her hair the black of a raven’s wing. I would not call her beautiful, but she had a force of will that arrested the eye.

    Never before had I encountered another living soul in the Dominion. I made her a courteous bow, though my heart beat with apprehension.

    What is thy name? she asked sweetly.

    I told her, and explained my purpose: To map the shadowlands for my king.

    She listened with polite interest, never moving from her place just within the archway. I had the strong impression she could not pass beyond the confines of the tower.

    Have a cup of wine with me, she said with an enticing smile. Few visitors come this way, and fewer still who are young and handsome.

    I suspected she was flattering me and my instincts warned me that she was dangerous, but I have always been burdened with an insatiable curiosity.

    I bowed again and entered the tower.

    *After Sundering



    Flying .

    The smell of the stables—dry dung and saddle oil and the pungent musk of the abbadax—triggered a physical ache, like an essential part of him had been ripped away. Mina spent half her time prowling the distant corners of the keep, searching for some sign of her son Galen, and during these periods of solitude, Culach had lain in bed and fantasized about long flights over the mountains and sea, each breath a communion with the elements. He remembered the way the moonlight burnished the waves to a cold gleam. The sweep of powerful wingbeats and stinging frost on his eyelashes. Sometimes he’d taken jaunts over the great forest, though he took care to keep out of arrow range in case the Danai sentries spotted him.

    In his darker moments, Culach thought he’d forgotten the taste of freedom, but coming to this place always reminded him.

    Ragnhildur? he whispered.

    There was no cry of greeting this time. No scrape of claws on stone. He moved forward, fingers trailing the wall of ice.

    It’s me, he said, his voice too loud in the claustrophobic hush. Once, the stables had been wide open to the sky, scoured by wind and with an inch of fresh snow underfoot. Now they were a tomb.

    Where are you, my darling?

    Silence stretched out and a bone-deep fear gripped him. Culach had grown accustomed to losing things.

    His kin.

    The ability to wield elemental power.

    His sight.

    Even his name. All that was gone and he’d finished mourning it. But the thought that Ragnhildur had died alone drove a spear of ice into his heart.

    I meant to come yesterday, he whispered brokenly. I was just so tired.

    Dreams of the Viper still hounded him. Fire and torment and virulent hatred for the other clans—and even the Viper’s own. Seeing through the man’s eyes exhausted him. Culach knew he’d been sleeping too much, but he couldn’t help it. If not for Mina, he might have ended the dreams the coward’s way with a cut to the wrists. He carried a knife, though he hadn’t used it yet. It made him feel safer. Val Moraine was full of ghosts. He thought he heard them sometimes, creeping about….

    Culach nearly jumped out of his skin at a soft, rasping sound.


    Another faint sound, like a sigh. Culach dropped to hands and knees, crawling forward. He reached out and touched a beak. She lay on her side against the ice wall. He pressed his cheek to her foreleg. And now she did chirp, though it was weak. The bonds around his chest loosened a notch.

    Don’t worry, my love, I have something for you. Culach felt along her wing until he reached the razor-sharp feathers at the tip. He slashed his palm along the edge and pressed the wound to her beak. Drink, he urged.

    Her rough tongue lapped at the cut. Culach let her feed until his head spun. Then he took his hand away and stanched the bleeding with a corner of his coat. A bitter laugh spilled from his throat. His blood wouldn’t go to waste after all.

    I’ll give you some each day, he whispered. You won’t starve, my dear.

    He heard other pathetically eager sounds as the rest of the mounts smelled his offering. Culach’s jaw tightened. He could hardly feed them all. Victor had to free the poor creatures.

    He wondered what his father had done about the mounts during the long siege of the Iron Wars. Eirik must have had access to fresh meat. Perhaps he’d kept animals in the food caverns. Whatever his other faults, Eirik understood strategy and planned ahead. Victor Dessarian was obviously flying by the seat of his trousers. But Culach wouldn’t stand by and watch the abbadax waste away. He resolved to find Victor and tell him this in no uncertain terms.

    His head turned as hisses erupted from the far pens, followed by a shriek from closer by. Katrin had returned to the keep with Halldóra, along with two others from Val Tourmaline. They’d struck an alliance—until the disaster with Gerda. But in their haste to flee, the abbadax had been behind and now a fight was breaking out.

    He stood, dizzy from the blood loss. If they attacked each other, Ragnhildur would die for sure. She was stirring, but in no shape for a brawl. And he knew what the mounts could do to each other when they got their hackles up.

    More hisses, followed by the sharp snapping of beaks.

    Hey! he shouted to the opposite end, where a group of Danai watched the tunnel.

    What? a distant voice responded.

    I could use some help over here.


    Are your birds pecking each other again?

    It’ll be worse than that if we don’t stop it!

    Victor said we’re to stay here. Can’t you handle it?

    Culach swore under his breath and inched forward. He cleared his throat. It seemed ages since he’d been a general, barking orders in a tone that demanded instant compliance. He drew himself up to his formidable height and glared in what he hoped was the right direction.

    Stand down, he growled. "You are mine now."

    Air buffeted his face as one of the Val Tourmaline mounts flapped its wings and screeched a challenge.

    No fear. That was the trick with abbadax.

    He strode forward, closing the distance to the far pens. He sensed the coiled tension of their bodies, the burning intensity of six yellow eyes.

    I must be mad.

    Stand down, or I’ll pluck you naked— His feet caught on something and Culach tumbled forward, palms slamming into the stone. He cursed again and groped behind him. His hand closed on a muscular thigh.

    What in Nine Hells?

    Whoever it was, they were still warm. His hand crept cautiously higher. Definitely male. And in Valkirin leathers, though that didn’t mean much since all the Danai wore them now. He felt the hard planes of the face, the stubbled jaw, some sort of iron collar—and a strong hand clamped down on his wrist. One of the abbadax burbled angrily, hot breath blasting his cheek.

    Where am I? The voice was hoarse and confused, but Culach knew it. Daníel of Val Tourmaline.

    At Val Moraine, Culach whispered. Get your mounts under control. They’re about to attack.

    To his credit, Daníel obeyed without question. Culach assumed he’d gone with Katrin and the others, but he must have been left behind. He spoke soothing words and the mounts settled back on their nests.

    Fetch Mithre, Culach bellowed at the Danai. Right now!

    There must have been some of the general in him yet, for this time they didn’t argue. And so a short while later, Culach, Mithre and Mina gathered in Eirik’s study with Halldóra’s grandson, the heir to Val Tourmaline. Mina managed to find one of Gerda’s bottles of foul but potent brew. She poured some into Daníel, who had apparently been sleeping in the pens for the last three days and smelled like it.

    Halldóra, he croaked. I saw her…. Is she dead?

    Yes, Mina replied gently. We put her in the crypts.

    Did you see what happened? Culach asked.

    Daníel stayed silent for a long moment. The chair creaked as his weight shifted. When he spoke, his voice sounded stronger. We were out in the hall. I heard yelling. It sounded like my grandmother. There was a powerful surge of air. Katrin kicked the door open. He swallowed. I saw Victor Dessarian with a bloody sword. Are you sure Gerda did it?

    I despise Victor, but he had no reason to harm your grandmother, Culach said. Quite the opposite. No, I fear Gerda had her own motives.

    Victor told me she believed the Vatras were coming back, Mithre put in. She wanted Halldóra to ally with them. Halldóra refused and Gerda lashed out.

    Where is Victor now? Daníel demanded with some of his old spirit. I would hear the story from him.

    He’s around somewhere, Mithre replied with a touch of irritation. But first you’ll tell us why you were out there bedding down with the abbadax. We thought you’d left with Katrin and the others.

    Daníel didn’t answer this and Culach wished he could see the man’s face.

    Where are the others I came with?

    Run off, Mina said tightly. With my son, Galen. Do you know anything about that?

    Daníel gave a heavy sigh. More creaking from the chair. I’m afraid I might.

    Skirts rustled as Mina leapt to her feet. "What? Speak it!"

    I am a traitor, Daníel said hollowly. The mortals never helped me to escape from Delphi. Coming here was part of the Pythia’a plan.

    And you said nothing? What kind of cowardly—

    Culach’s hand shot out, seizing Mina’s arm before she could do violence.

    Let him finish, he said mildly. If you wish to kill him after, I’ll help you.

    No one’s killing anyone, Mithre said, weariness in his voice. Gods, I knew those women couldn’t be trusted. Go ahead. Tell us all of it.

    I don’t blame you for despising me, Daníel said once Mina had reluctantly sat down again. I have no excuse, other than to say I was not myself. They did things to us.... He trailed off and Culach heard him drain the cup of wine.

    I know how the collars work, Mithre said with a note of pity. I wore something similar myself once. Don’t judge him, Mina.

    Where is my son? she snapped. That’s all I wish to know.

    Was he weak in earth? Daníel asked.

    Oh gods. She took him, didn’t she? The one called Thena?

    She may have, yes. It’s what the Pythia sent her here for.

    And how did she get out of her locked chamber? Mithre asked.

    There was a long pause. Daníel sounded remorseful. I let her go.

    Mina’s chair scraped back and Culach heard a resounding slap.

    You bastard, she hissed. How could you? How could you do this?

    I tried to kill her but I…. I couldn’t do it.

    Well, you could have just left and locked the bloody door again!

    Daníel said nothing.

    How did they leave Val Moraine? Culach asked.

    There was a Talisman of Folding. Thena hid it near the cistern.

    So you’re telling me my son is in Delphi, a prisoner of the Pythia, and wearing one of those vile collars right now? Mina drew a deep breath. We have to get out of here. Immediately. She rose and began pacing the chamber. You’re Halldóra’s heir, aren’t you? Make a bargain with your kin! Tell them you saw Gerda kill Halldóra. They’ll believe you.

    If I can help break this siege, I will, Daníel said. And I’ll go with you to Delphi. His voice hardened. I would see the Pythia pay as well. It is her hand behind it.

    It won’t work, Culach said. He was with Katrin and the others from Val Tourmaline. They know Daníel stayed out in the hall. And they’re convinced Victor did it.

    And what of Runar and Stefán? Mithre asked. They arrived yesterday and they want our heads on a sharpened stick. Eventually, they’ll get tired of waiting. They’ll try to storm the keep. We’ll have to collapse the tunnel. And no one gets what they want.

    I’ll go out there and talk to them, Daníel said.

    Mithre laughed. No, you won’t. I’m not giving up our only leverage.

    So I’m a prisoner?

    Hell yes, you are, Mina snapped.

    Where is Victor, anyway? Culach asked. Not that I miss him, but I’d expect him to be here.

    No idea. Mithre sounded annoyed. I’ve barely seen him in days.

    Culach felt a twinge of unease. Victor Dessarian had grown strange of late. He didn’t smell right, for one thing. His scent was cold. Metallic. And Culach had heard him muttering to himself when they passed each other in the corridors. In another man, Culach wouldn’t be surprised. Victor was under a tremendous amount of pressure. His wife and son were missing, the latter almost certainly dead. His own mother had left him to twist in the wind.

    Except that Victor wasn’t the sort to snap. He’d rage and bully and brood, but he lacked the imagination to lose his mind.

    So what we do? Mina demanded. I’m not sitting here while that woman tortures my son to death.

    She won’t kill him, Daníel said. He has value. She believes he is the talisman. That he has some extraordinary power.

    And what exactly does she intend to use him for?

    I don’t know. Daníel blew out a breath. I don’t know.

    No one spoke. Culach rubbed his forehead and groped across the table.

    Any of that wine left? he asked hopefully.



    Artemis climbed above the western peaks, a pale blue disc next to the warm yellow of Selene and the silver of Hecate. It was strange to see three moons, Nazafareen thought. When she’d first arrived in Nocturne, the Wanderer had been a tiny dot, hardly distinguishable from the surrounding stars.

    But over the last months Artemis had drawn closer and now it dwarfed Selene, the second-biggest moon. When it reached its full glory in a few weeks’ time, Artemis would summon tides to cover the land for leagues.

    A portent of the war to come? Or simply a celestial coincidence?

    Nazafareen gripped the next outcropping of icy rock and hauled herself up. Even in a fur-lined glove, her fingers had gone numb. The thin air of the high passes made the moons look close enough to touch, but it also left her fighting for each breath.

    At least the night was clear and calm. Despite her exhaustion, Nazafareen felt at peace in the mountains. She liked the clean smell of snow and the way it crunched beneath her boots. The sky spread out above, inky black and dense with stars. The Valkirin range had its own unforgiving beauty that seemed to suit the daēvas who lived there. Nazafareen had come to know both the Danai and the Marakai fairly well, but the Valkirins remained a mystery. The other clans considered them aggressive and bigoted. They’d tried to kill her several times, so she couldn’t really argue with this assessment. Still, she had to convince them to join forces against the Vatras—a task that Victor had made exceedingly difficult.

    Behind her, the cloaked shapes of Herodotus, Megaera and Darius moved up the steep slope. After emerging from the gate, the four of them had roped themselves together for the climb over Langjökull glacier, with Nazafareen in the lead. Val Moraine should be close if Herodotus’s calculations were correct. She imagined Victor’s surprise when they turned up at the holdfast. She would be glad to see him, though Darius’s father was not the one she braved the mountains for.

    She reached an icy ledge and stepped aside to make way for Darius. Like the rest of them, he wore a heavy cloak with a scarf wrapped around his face, leaving only his blue eyes visible. They waited together, breath steaming, for Megaera and Herodotus to inch their way up.

    I think Val Moraine is just over the ridge, the scholar said through chattering teeth.

    I hope your father has sentries posted, Megaera muttered to Darius, leaning heavily on her staff. Because I’m not climbing another cursed mountain after this one. You say there’s tunnels?

    Should be, Darius replied, his voice muffled through the scarf. That’s how Victor got inside.

    Megaera looked up with a grim expression. Then let’s get this over with.

    The pass across the glacier lay a hundred paces above. Nazafareen studied the slope, finding a line of crevices, and started up again. They ascended the eastern face, which was exposed to the wind from the White Sea. It had scoured away most of the snow, but ice coated the rock beneath and she placed each step with care. More than once, the rope suddenly grew taut as someone below slipped. Darius took most of the weight—he seemed to have no trouble with his footing—and each time, Megaera or Herodotus was saved from plummeting back down the mountain.

    At last she gained the saddle to the next valley. Moments later, Darius clambered over the rim and hauled their companions to relative safety. More peaks marched into the distance, jagged white teeth against the sky. Nazafareen searched for Val Moraine but saw only ice and snow. Surely such a mighty holdfast would be visible in the bright moonlight. Her heart sank. They had relied on Herodotus and the secret maps he studied before their departure, courtesy of the Emperor of Tjanjin, that showed the location of Gates in both the Dominion and the Valkirin range.

    It must be here, Herodotus said faintly, scanning the mountains. "It must be."

    Nazafareen and Darius exchanged a look.

    Perhaps you misread the runes, Megaera said. Or chose the wrong gate.

    Herodotus gave her a level look. "Of course, it didn’t say Val Moraine, the markers of the Gates are far older than the holdfast, but I’m certain the one we came through corresponded to the maps. I have many faults, but my memory is not one of them!"

    Megaera blinked. Herodotus was usually mild-mannered, but he looked nearly as angry as when Darius told him about the Oracle kidnapping daēvas.

    Then it must be close, Nazafareen said soothingly. Perhaps we should rest here for a few minutes and get our bearings.

    Yes. Herodotus sagged a bit. I’m sorry. Let me think. Hecate always rises in the west, so I know we’ve been going in the right direction. How many leagues would you say we’ve covered?

    Not as many as you might expect, Darius answered wryly. With the elevation gain— He cut off, gaze lifting to the skies above the glacier. He held himself still for a long moment, like an animal sniffing the wind. Then his shoulders stiffened. Get down, he hissed.

    Nazafareen sensed nothing but dropped to a crouch immediately, pressing into the shadowed recesses of the rock wall. Herodotus and Megaera were a beat slower to react and Darius launched himself across the narrow shelf, dragging them both flat just as four winged shapes soared overhead.

    Nazafareen watched them pass, the dark silhouettes of hooded riders clear against the moons.

    "What were they?" she whispered once the party had passed out of sight.

    Abbadax, Darius replied in a sober voice.

    What in the name of Dionysus are abbadax? Megaera demanded.

    It’s said they originated in the Dominion, Herodotus replied, squirming a bit under Darius’s bulk. Some intrepid Valkirin must have brought some eggs back a very long time ago. The clan uses them for transport, military actions, hunting and simply for sport. They’re an integral aspect of the culture—

    That’s all fascinating, Megaera grumbled, shoving Darius away and pushing up to sit. But why are they here? Aren’t the other holdfasts hundreds of leagues away?

    Darius and Nazafareen exchanged a look.

    I don’t suppose they could be Victor’s scouts? she asked hopefully. Maybe they managed to tame some.

    He shook his head. It’s possible but unlikely. We have to assume Val Moraine is under siege.

    Nazafareen blew out an unhappy breath. I suppose it was inevitable. Your father really is a fool.

    That’s a kind way of putting it, Darius replied. I only hope he still lives. How long can he defend the keep against an army? They might already have taken it back.

    She looked at her companions. Frost rimed Herodotus’s beard. Megaera was blowing on her hands and shivering. Darius simply looked weary. They’d come all this way on her whim. She could hardly ask them to continue now, when there was no hope of getting inside Val Moraine. Nazafareen swallowed her disappointment.

    We’ll turn back, she said firmly, rising to her feet. If we’re careful, we can make it to the gate undetected.

    To her surprise, no one moved.

    What if Kallisto and Rhea are here? Herodotus said.

    Megaera nodded. They were flying on those things…the abbadax, when we saw them in the globe.

    If so, they’re either prisoners or they’ve made friends with the Valkirins, Herodotus said. If it’s the former, we cannot leave them. If it’s the latter, then we still might have a chance of accomplishing our goal. He turned to Darius. But I leave the final choice to you. Of all of us, you have the most to lose.

    Darius thought for a moment. They’ve never seen my face. Nor yours, Nazafareen.

    It’s a terrible risk, she said quietly. I would never ask you to take it.

    I know. He peered up at the glacier. Here’s what I propose. We gain a decent vantage point and assess the situation.

    And if we’re caught?

    My name is Daraya, a mortal from Delphi. You’re my wife, Ashraf. We are loyal followers of Dionysus, aiding Herodotus and Megaera in their search for the talismans.

    Won’t they know you’re a daēva?

    Blue eyes are exceedingly rare among the Danai. As long as I stay away from the Nexus, there’s no reason they should suspect. He fingered his plain wool cloak. The forest garb of the Danai is well known to the Valkirins. These clothes were bought in Susa.

    Nazafareen pulled her glove off with her teeth and rubbed the smooth skin of her stump, thinking. But they’d still never let us inside Val Moraine.

    He smiled. One thing at a time, North Star.

    We’ll, if you’re willing, I say let’s go. We have to face the Valkirins eventually. And here they are, conveniently in one place.

    They started ascending the glacier as fast as possible, but it was an arduous climb and utterly exposed. Nazafareen tried not to think about the long fall below, or what would transpire if scouts happened by. Pace by pace, they followed the winding crevice. Her legs and arm burned by the time they neared the top. When the slope leveled out, she dropped to her belly and peered over the edge, Darius at her side.

    Dozens of abbadax wheeled and dove across the valley below, black dots against the snow. After watching them for a minute, Nazafareen noticed that the activity centered around a tall, sheer-sided peak. Unlike the surrounding mountains, it had no veins of darker rock. The summit was shrouded in a thick layer of ice.

    Val Moraine, Herodotus whispered raggedly, still fighting to catch his breath. You can still see the circular shape of it, if you look closely. The Maiden Keep.

    There seemed to be three distinct camps surrounding the mountain. Riders took off and landed at regular intervals in formations of four or five together. The main force was hidden, but Nazafareen noticed tiny figures moving in and out of tunnels dug into the opposite slopes.

    So that’s how Victor’s been holding out, Darius said in a soft voice. They can’t break through the ice.

    What do we do now? Megaera asked. I’m not sure I fancy going down there. Look at their numbers. She shifted, pointing with her staff. Once we’re in their frosty clutches, there’s no going—

    Her weight must have unbalanced the delicate shell of ice and snow capping the glacier because a small chunk of it broke off. They watched as it bounced down the slope, gaining speed as it went and triggering small rivulets of loose snow. Megaera gave an apologetic cringe.

    Sorry, she whispered.

    Get back, Darius snapped.

    They wiggled away from the edge. Nazafareen tried to steady her pulse. It was only a small bit of ice. She looked around, but the summit offered no cover.

    Dig down, Darius urged. Camouflage yourselves.

    They scrabbled like badgers, burrowing into the dry, crumbly snow. No sounds of alarm came from the other side. No shrill cries or rush of wingbeats. Nazafareen wished she could see what was happening.

    She had just managed to nestle into her hole when something large exploded overhead. It swept past, followed by three more. Through a gap in her hood, she watched them soar over the valley behind…. And circle back around, silent as wraiths. Each carried a hooded rider.

    I think they’ve seen us, she hissed to the lump of snow next her, which she assumed was Darius.

    I do, too, his muffled voice replied.

    Don’t you dare try to work earth, she muttered. I’ll do the talking.

    Somehow that’s not reassuring.

    Megaera seemed to have forgotten the plan completely. She sat up, her eyes wild. Herodotus! Since you’re the expert on these vile creatures, tell me one thing. How do I kill one?

    The riders drew closer, arrowing straight for the huddled group.

    He brushed snow from his face. Yes, well, it’s not easy. They have razor-sharp wing feathers and hooked beaks capable of tearing—

    A ferocious gale howled across the glacier, drowning out the rest of his words. It snatched Nazafareen into the air, her roped companions trailing behind like a tail. Megaera shouted as they plunged over the edge. Serrated outcroppings sped past only inches away. Just before the bone-crunching impact at the bottom, the wind tightened, slowing their descent. Nazafareen landed hard in a drift of snow so deep it enveloped her completely. She was trying to free herself when the rope went taut again and yanked them into the air.

    The world streaked past in a dizzying blur that ended abruptly in yet another deep snowbank. She lay there for a moment, disoriented and shivering with cold. Snow packed every crevice of her body—including her undergarments. Nazafareen gingerly tested her limbs and found nothing broken, though her head still spun. She clawed her way out and blinked snow from her eyes.

    They were on a wide ledge opposite Val Moraine. The drift hugged the rock wall, but most of the rocky ground was clear, the inch or so of snow remaining trampled with boot and claw prints. The riders landed as her companions emerged, dazed and spluttering. A moment later, they unbuckled harnesses and leapt from their saddles. Air pinioned her arms as rough hands stripped off her sword and hurled it into the deep ravine that plunged down only a few paces away. The tip of a blade lifted her chin. She stared into a pair of light green eyes.

    Mortal spies, her captor declared, contempt in his voice. Did you truly think to creep up on us?

    Nazafareen bit her tongue against a defiant retort. Not spies, she said, making her voice waver in fear. We are friends of Kallisto. She went to Val Altair to warn the holdfasts of a great danger. Do you know her?

    Something flickered across the Valkirin’s face. How did you get this far on foot?

    Nazafareen saw no way around the truth, but it fit the rest of their story. We traveled by gate.

    That is forbidden, the Valkirin snarled. He had sharp cheekbones and a nose that had clearly been broken more than

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