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The Day I Died!
The Day I Died!
The Day I Died!
Ebook205 pages3 hours

The Day I Died!

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About this ebook

This book describes the incredible experience of Ray Harris, a renowned Life Skills Coach, who died of a heart attack. He was declared dead on the scene by paramedics, and yet two-and-a-half hours later he came back to life while on his way to the mortuary!

The Day I Died is an enlightening account of everything he experienced during and after death.

Included in this is an amazing account of his coming into the presence of the Universal Mind, Creator, or God, whichever description you prefer.

In the period he spent in the afterlife, he received astounding revelations and information and was given a mission to share this with humanity on his return.

Some incredible aspects of life, humanity, reality, consciousness and spiritual evolution are explained as well as how we are connected to the Universe. It also tells of our reason for being on earth in a physical form, and the purpose of life.

Groundbreaking understandings will remove the fear of death as well as the uncertainty of what happens after death. It is truly a balm for the souls of those who fear death, as well as those who have lost loved ones, and are in the grieving process.

Included in these revelations, the mechanics of how the death process actually works is revealed for the first time in absolute clarity.

This book is a must-read for everyone, since whether we like it or not, one day we all will face this mysterious certainty called death.

PublisherRay Harris
Release dateOct 19, 2018
The Day I Died!

Ray Harris

Ray Harris produces a high quality unusual mixture of genres in his writing. Subjects range from none fiction to science fiction in a delightful collage, all pointed in one way or another at examining the mystical abilities of mankind, and always using real science as a base, in order to present a clearer understanding of these strange phenomenon that humanity has always viewed as either hocus pocus, or with deep superstition.  Ray reveals through his diverse works the natural laws of our world and universe at work, very much analogous to the writings of Lyall Watson. Having been born with Clairvoyant abilities, Ray had to contend with the scorn of people that couldn't believe that he had access to other dimensions in one way or another. This reason, amongst others, prompted him to seek proof that would be acceptable by people, and because that proof came mainly from science, he studied many mysterious phenomenon from that perspective. This in turn caused him to write a wide variety of works that examined these phenomenon from unique and exciting perspectives. Ray believes that one has to have both a specialized and holistic view of these mysterious abilities in order to gain a defined insight, and so it is that every time he produces a book, you can be relatively sure that its subject matter will differ from what he wrote previously. This provides the reader with a wonderful array of new interesting subjects and information, revealing the astonishing truth about mankind and his potential abilities. Reading Rays books is like diving into strange waters with the conflicting emotions of excitement and apprehension. One thing is sure - the reader will never again view this earthly life in the way they did before! Apart from this introduction to Clairvoyance – that everyone has the ability, Ray has produced works on Dreams and Dream Interpretation in a way never done before, a unique work on his personal experience with Death, a completely unique book that gives an insight to his life and background, a book on motivational quotes that summarises many strange abilities affecting mankind, and showing how they work, a volume of amazing Science Fiction stories that is the first in a series of ten. There are many more to come, so once the reader has been through the exciting array of eBooks available from Ray, they can look forward to new and wondrous emerging subjects!

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    Book preview

    The Day I Died! - Ray Harris



    Ray Harris


    Copyright 2013 Ray Harris

    Table of Contents


    CHAPTER 2 - The Event

    What I Experienced & Discovered

    The Return - The events and experiences that occurred when I came back.

    CHAPTER 3 - Messages & Understandings That I Received

    CHAPTER 4 - A Balanced View

    About Ray Harris


    Get A Life! Series

    The Dream Interpreter

    The Dream Interpreter Dictionary

    Dreamcatcher Interactive CD


    Lighten Up!

    Connect with Ray Harris



    Right from the outset, it is important that you understand that I have written this book because I am carrying out an instruction; it is not for fame, nor for any of the usual reasons. Mankind needs this information and I am supplying it directly as a result of my actual Death experience.

    Notice I say ‘Death Experience’, and not ‘Near Death Experience’ (NDE) as it is popularly referred to.  I was really dead there was no doubt about it, and therefore it was not an ‘almost’ Death as NDE implies, but an actual and complete Death and Dying Experience.

    In the story that follows, many of the statements that you read may well go against beliefs that you may currently have, and indeed, as this tale unfolds, will profoundly push at the limits of your beliefs.

    While I have endeavoured to be as tactful as possible throughout, there are certain areas where tact or subtlety is impossible. This is where I make accurate statements or declarations as they are, whether they agree with your own or with popular consensus, or not.  In such cases, the onus whether to believe what I am saying or not, is on the individual reader. This is your personal choice, decision and right. At no point whatsoever, will I try to convince you to believe what I have written in this account. You need to decide for yourself!

    Besides fulfilling its primary purpose of carrying out the essential instruction that I was assigned, I firmly believe that the information in this book will go a long way to alleviate the fear, guilt, incorrect beliefs and pain that most people needlessly endure associated with dying and with death itself. Indeed, it should prove beneficial in easing the uncertainty and heart-wrenching grief suffered as a result of loved ones who have passed on, even when great trauma has been involved in the manner of their passing.

    Death is a subject that so many people shy away from. It is an all-round ‘no-no’ subject. Young people find death difficult to comprehend; the elderly avoid the issue and don’t want to think about it; and those who are in a terminal condition are in abject fear of it. When all is said and done, the uncertainty involving death and dying is something that virtually everyone is terrified of, even if they don’t admit it.

    The stark fact is, that every one of us will experience physical death at some point, whether we like it or not! Sticking our heads in the ground like an ostrich is not the answer. It is without a doubt this avoidance or denial that will put you at a great disadvantage when your turn comes.

    It is far better to know exactly what the process of death and dying is all about now, so that you can get on with the business of living life!

    Death is part of the cycle of life, and just as we seek to know how we fit into this world, we also need to know how we will exit it, and most importantly, what we can expect after Death.

    You will almost certainly consider some of the concepts in the book as being ‘weird’. This is not surprising, since you have most likely been conditioned by popular consensus regarding the myths about death (and other matters relating to it), about life, as well as life after Death.  Now is the time to find out the actual facts.

    My profound wish is that you will reserve your judgement until after you have read the book in its entirety, giving its content some serious consideration, and only then to decide whether what you have read is real or not. I know that what I am sharing with you is absolutely the truth, but as you have not experienced what I did, you can only take my word for it ... and by utilizing that infallible tool within you – the one that ‘knows’ whether something is the Truth (and that means without the influence of others), make your own decision on this information.

    In closing, if this book manages to alleviate the pain of even one person, then the effort that I have put into it will have been be well worth it!

    Ray Harris.

    NOTE: You can find further information about my life and me at the end of this book.

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    I’m going to live forever! I declared with complete certainty and conviction.

    My young cousins, Linda and Denise and a few other children, whose names I can’t recall, looked at me most strangely. As death was certainly not something that their young exuberant minds conceived of, my statement was extremely bewildering to them. I was just five years old at the time!

    This was not the only strange statement that I had made to my young playmates, as that little five-year-old head was filled with a huge amount of facts, knowledge and information, not connected to my life in any way. In other words, I possessed facts that I neither had the necessary life experiences to provide that knowledge, nor had I read about them either, as I only learnt to read properly at about the age of seven.  I had also not been told these things that I knew, as no-one within my family or their circle of friends would even have entertained, let alone spoken about, such concepts or notions. Therefore, there was no way that I could have picked up the accumulated information that I had in my head from overhearing anyone speaking about such things.

    It goes without saying, that at that time I did not understand the vast amount of information I possessed and, in fact, I had no idea why these facts were in my head to begin with. Well, the proclamation that I would never die was one that I would often repeat with total assurance to people as I was growing up, and as you can imagine, this caused me to be regarded by many people as being strange and eccentric.

    I also happened to be ‘afflicted’ with the ability of certain aspects of Clairvoyance and amongst the numerous strange things that arose from this capacity, was that I sometimes saw individuals who had undoubtedly passed on – dead people or ghosts, in other words. I could also see things that were clearly not related to this physical world.

    Of course, this often got me into hot water. I clearly remember one particular incident that happened while I was in the fourth grade. On this day during our break, I was sitting with some of my schoolmates on the side of the school playground overlooking the rugby field, when I saw a wispy white ladder-shaped ‘thing’ undulating across the rugby field.

    Pointing with a half-eaten sandwich, I asked my friends, What’s that?

    What’s what? they asked.

    That ladder thing flying between the rugby posts, I pointed again. They looked where I was pointing to and then looked at me strangely. Of course, they could not see it!

    You’re crazy! one of them said, and an animated teasing session ensued. This sort of teasing and ridicule frustrated the daylights out of me, as I saw those ‘things’ as clearly as I see the sun shining in the sky. Eventually, this teasing led to me being called unwanted nicknames like ‘Ghostie’ and ‘Weirdie’ and such like. Needless to say, this caused me a great deal of emotional pain, and I very soon realised that no one else could see the ‘things’ that I did.

    Before long, I became concerned that there was something wrong with me: Maybe there’s something wrong with my brain? I worried. This was a very scary notion and became especially so on a day when I overheard an Aunt tell the story of a guy who, after having told people that he could see Jesus, had been taken away in a straightjacket and then locked up in the ‘loony bin’. After hearing this, I very quickly stopped mentioning the things I saw, but it didn’t stop me from believing that there was something dreadfully wrong with me. This was a very lonely, scary place for a little boy to be! This condition, or ‘affliction’ as I had come to view it, was constantly on my mind.

    As I got a bit older, I began to think that perhaps this awful condition was brought about by some abnormality inside my brain, like a tumour, or that some imbalance of chemicals in my blood was the cause. It was very distressing! So, I started to read anything and everything I could get my hands on about the brain, and I took every possible opportunity to try to find out what could be wrong with me.  As such, whenever we needed to visit the doctors for any reason, I would ply them with questions about the brain and the blood, and I would ask them what disorders could cause people to behave ‘funnily’. In due course, I became well-liked by these doctors, as they were quite impressed that a youngster of my age was curious enough to be asking such questions, which in their experience, was quite rare.  Of course, they didn’t know the real reason behind my asking!

    Some of the answers that I received to my probing made me even more frightened than I already was, but I still could not tell anyone – I didn’t dare to, in case they locked me up in a ‘loony bin’ too (my Aunt’s terrifying story had stuck in my mind, as bubblegum sticks in one’s hair).

    Before long, my need for information and knowledge became obsessive and, in next to no time, I was reading absolutely everything that I could lay my hands on! After a short time, I found that my favourite topics were nature, science fiction and religion.

    My attraction for nature was to be expected, as I was growing up mainly in the Hluhluwe Game Reserve and on large citrus estates where a lot of the surroundings were untouched bush and in particular, mountainous.  I totally revelled in nature, and spent as much of my time in the ‘bush’ as I was able to, very often to the detriment of my schoolwork, which I found frustratingly boring and quite frankly, meaningless.

    The study of religions also became very interesting to me, especially as some of their philosophies were directly at odds with the information that was lodged in my mind, (information that had ‘arrived’ there of its own accord). So, determined to try to understand and get to grips with this knowledge that I had, once again I read anything and everything I could find on most of the main religions. Of course, my interest did not stop at just studying and researching books about religions – I was inspired by other peoples’ input to join these different religions and to also actually practice them.

    In hindsight, I can honestly say that without a doubt, the greatest blessing in my life was that my parents never tried to indoctrinate me with their own beliefs and they never interfered with my religious fervour or aspirations.  Each time I found another golden strand of truth in a religion, or when I switched to another religion as the previous one had ceased to yield answers, my parents would patiently endure my incessant chatter and exposés of my theories on what I had learnt. Moreover, they fully supported me every time, despite them not belonging to those religions themselves.

    Science fiction, on the other hand, provided me with possibilities that surpassed the accepted norm, and these possibilities, more than anything, gave me hope that maybe; just maybe, my ‘condition’ was something special.

    My first real breakthroughs came though, not through science fiction or religion but through mystical ‘stuff’ written by one Lopsam Rampa. Let me hasten to tell you, while I did not believe everything this colourful character expounded, some of the concepts and assertions that he made in his books were somehow instant ‘connectors’ to some of that strange information that had been lurking in my mind since I was five. His information was intriguing, since it not only flew in the face of convention (certainly Western orthodoxy), but it also provided me with some facts on various topics that I was familiar with. I was intrigued to discover however, that he had not yet achieved the level of knowledge that I already had on these subjects.

    Other information that I came across covered a wide range of things, from archaeology, to DNA, psychology, thermodynamics, physics, metaphysics, chemistry, cosmology, mysticism, history, biology and a whole bunch more. For example, when I was five, the study of DNA was still in its infancy, with Watson and Crick only making their breakthroughs long after I already possessed in-depth and detailed knowledge about many of the attributes of DNA. In fact, even now, I know considerably more general facts about DNA than what has been disclosed to the public so far.

    While there were many aspects of the world that science still had to discover at that time, intriguingly, every discovery that was later made, accurately matched every detail that I already knew.  I have no way of proving this, unfortunately, as the few sketches and details that I put to paper have long since disappeared through the many moves and changes that have occurred in my life. It was only later on, from about my early twenties that I began to earnestly record these concepts, knowledge and information that I held in my mind

    Nevertheless, even now

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