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Napoleon: A Horror Novel
Napoleon: A Horror Novel
Napoleon: A Horror Novel
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Napoleon: A Horror Novel

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The steel mesh started to break: first one joint, then another. Napoleon stood sideways on the fence like a parrot, his splayed toes gripping the bars. He braced himself with his legs and pulled at the grid with his teeth. The muscles of his neck rippled; his growl was a steady trill. Metal squealed as he peeled a section back.

Lightning flashed nearby, followed by a crack-kaboom! In the wash of light, the man saw the dinosaur looking at him. Glaring at him. Its color had gone blood red.

He dropped the shock prod and swallowed, tasting bile. His head was swimming; he felt nauseated. The game had gone far enough. He had to end it—had to end it now. He stepped back over to the control box and flipped it open, sought out the RUN ELECTRIFICATION button. He punched it with the bottom of his fist.

The air seemed to vibrate, and sparks exploded beneath Napoleon's hands and feet. The dinosaur was knocked off the fence instantly. It crashed into the mud with a tremendous splash and writhed violently. Then it struggled to its feet and latched onto the fence again. Sparks popped and spit; there was the smell of burnt flesh. Napoleon backed off, cocking his head. His fore-claws opened and closed. He sniffed at the electrically charged air, and at the ground. His left foot was smoking. He didn't approach the fence again.

The man stepped closer and peered through the mesh. “You’re learning, aren't you?” He scooped up the shock prod from the mud and wiped it on his lab coat. “You’re learning not to mess with me, aren't you?”

Release dateOct 19, 2018
Napoleon: A Horror Novel

Wayne Kyle Spitzer

Wayne Kyle Spitzer (born July 15, 1966) is an American author and low-budget horror filmmaker from Spokane, Washington. He is the writer/director of the short horror film, Shadows in the Garden, as well as the author of Flashback, an SF/horror novel published in 1993. Spitzer's non-genre writing has appeared in subTerrain Magazine: Strong Words for a Polite Nation and Columbia: The Magazine of Northwest History. His recent fiction includes The Ferryman Pentalogy, consisting of Comes a Ferryman, The Tempter and the Taker, The Pierced Veil, Black Hole, White Fountain, and To the End of Ursathrax, as well as The X-Ray Rider Trilogy and a screen adaptation of Algernon Blackwood’s The Willows.

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    Napoleon - Wayne Kyle Spitzer

    Prologue | The Visitor

    They lay in the still of the valley, huddled in groups against the freezing cold. A late Cretaceous dusk had fallen, forcing a respite from their grueling march south. Now the hadrosaurs slept—the clouds of their breath like pulsing gray ghosts.

    An animal cried out from somewhere behind them. Seeker raised her head; to her—youngest of all the calves—the call sounded like another duckbill. She looked about, blinking. The snow had stopped. The moon shone; all was silent. She lay her head down.

    The call sounded again, closer, followed by a dry rustling and breaking of branches. Seeker mewed and rose with a start. She shuffled around, her back to the herd, and stared into the night with her cow-brown eyes.

    Moonlight lay pale and cold across the life-giving cattail marsh; nothing moved. She reared up on her hind-legs for a better view. Still nothing. She dropped onto all fours. Then the lost animal cried out from the trees on the far side of the water—but this time, its voice sounded strained, almost sickly.

    Seeker hesitated. She glanced at the herd, then back to the trees. (Something was urging her to investigate: perhaps just the herding instinct intrinsic to all her kind, perhaps just curiosity—her own particular quirk.) Head bobbing, she waddled forward.

    She splashed through the shallow water, its ice broken earlier by the thirsty bills of the herd, and entered the trees, dripping. The moon was swallowed by a canopy of needles. Pausing in the darkness, she sniffed the crisp air; the calf detected nothing but the pine’s bitter fragrance. She mewed nervously.

    There was a fleet-footed thud-thud-thud-thud, which blew through the trees and was gone. It was followed by a series of gentle clicks and splashes, as if pine-cones had shaken free of the branches, falling onto the ice and into the water. But there was no wind, and all was still.

    Seeker whimpered. Water coalesced along her underbelly, pattering against the ground. She shifted her meaty bulk and turned toward the herd, began walking …

    And froze.

    Her path was blocked by a lithe, pale shape—alone in the moonlight at the center of the marsh. It stood poised on two powerful hind-legs, its knees and ankles flexed like a bird’s. Its neck curved in an S from the razor-toothed head to its upper body, which lay nearly horizontal, and its tail was held high and rigid as a lance. The forelimbs were bent as if held up in prayer, and from them dangled smart little hands, long delicate fingers, curved talons. The thing was four feet tall from its long wolfish snout to its narrow feet, and each of those feet bore a unique and wicked killing tool: a glinting, sickled, triple-sized claw.

    It was a bird of prey in no need of wings. (Sixty-five-million years later, men would rightly call it, Velociraptor: the Speedy Hunter.)

    Seeker had no name for it, only a profound, instinctual terror, and backed away farther among the trees.

    The raptor crept toward her across the ice, moon-glow flashing off its killer spurs and ashen hide, its black stripes, its red eyes.

    Seeker turned—and bolted. Her heart thumped as she raced through the shadows. Listening, she heard the raptor bounding after her, gaining fast. Its hot breath fell on her shoulders—and was gone, suddenly.

    She broke from blackness into a moonlit glade, which she cut across without pause. Breathing heavily, she began to falter. Her mouth hung wide; her tongue lolled out streaming ropy strands of saliva. Finally she could maintain the sprint no more, and galloped to a halt in the middle of the glade.

    Panting and drooling, she looked behind her; the raptor had come to a stop, as well. It stood perched on one leg at the edge of the glade, balanced like a flamingo, its tail straight out.

    The tortured call came again, now from the dark woods opposite the glade. Seeker faced forward and bleated a response.

    Nothing came back. She shifted her feet and looked to the raptor. It remained poised, its raised leg folded beneath its belly.

    At last the invisible hadrosaur answered, and Seeker turned.

    This time the cry did not end, but quavered like moonlight on water. She tilted her head, and her brown eyes rolled. Dim recognition warmed her walnut-sized brain. It was another juvenile.

    She hooted back, making a baying sound which rolled over the trees and was gone. Then she started trotting toward the northern edge of the glade, toward the sound’s origin, pausing once to glance at the raptor.

    Its blood-red eyes appraised her: huge, round, cold. It didn’t follow.

    The sickly call grew stronger as Seeker neared the trees, and something stirred deep in the shadows. Eagerly, the calf moved toward it.

    Abruptly, the strange cry stopped. There was another blurred thudding among the trees.

    Seeker took a single step past the tree-line … and paused. She tested the air; there was no hint of her own—

    A horrible screech rang out, and she whirled. The raptor was right behind her—trying to shake a weasel from its foot! (In sneaking up on her, it had accidently stepped into the fiery mammal’s burrow.) Killing it promptly, the raptor flicked the animal into its gullet and turned to face her, swallowing.

    Seeker yelped, scrambling west, but spied more raptors blocking her path. Terrified, she froze. The predators—both the one nearest her and the new ones—began making noise, squawking and clicking their sickle-claws.

    Her heart pounded. Looking north to the nearby forest, she recalled a bad place devoid of smells and knew she could not flee there. That left east, from which the phantom animal cried out again.

    She scanned the darkened trees in that direction. Had it moved? Seeker did not know. But without further hesitation, she galloped toward the sound.

    The squawking and clicking of claws stopped. Glancing back, she saw the raptors converge and file after her; but they did not try to overtake her. The reason became clear when she reached the end of the glade, and the mysterious animal emerged into

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