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The Gifts of the Fairy Melusine
The Gifts of the Fairy Melusine
The Gifts of the Fairy Melusine
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The Gifts of the Fairy Melusine

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At the beginning of the First Crusade in the year 1096, bands of marauding Crusader knights attack and massacre Jewish communities across the Rhineland in Germany. Yet one of the victims, a wine merchant from Worms who had lost his wife and son, receives a second chance at life: a magical fairy named Melusine brings him back to life and offers him a way out of the travails of Jewish history. If Reuven will love and marry her, then she will make him a wealthy and powerful Christian lord with vast estates and heroic and bold warrior sons. In despair he agrees, but then learns over time that he cannot so easily abandon the tragedy that destroyed his community. In the end, he must choose between the pleasures of the fairy’s magical gifts and the pull of searing memory.

PublisherBarak Bassman
Release dateNov 19, 2018
The Gifts of the Fairy Melusine

Barak Bassman

Barak A. Bassman received a B.A. in Classics from Grinnell College and a law degree from the New York University School of Law. He practices law in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and lives in the Philadelphia suburbs with his wife and two children. He is the author of Elegy of the Minotaur and Repentance: A Tale of Demons in Old Jewish Poland.

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    The Gifts of the Fairy Melusine - Barak Bassman




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    Published by Telemachus Press, LLC at Smashwords

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    ISBN: 978-1-948046-36-7 (eBook)

    ISBN: 978-1-948046-37-4 (paperback)

    ISBN: 978-1-948046-38-1 (hardback)

    Library of Congress Location Number: 2018964311

    FICTION / Folklore

    Version 2018.11.19

    Table of Contents

    I. How the Fairy Melusine Put Raymond Back Together Again

    II. The Valiant and Chivalrous Sons of the Noble Count Raymond

    III. Zakhor

    IV. The Shame of the Noble Count

    V. The Gifts of the Prophet Elijah

    VI. With Sight Restored

    VII. Raymond’s Betrayal

    VIII. The Truth of the Matter

    IX. Ba’al Teshuvah

    Other Books by Barak Bassman

    About the Author

    The Gifts of the Fairy Melusine

    I. How the Fairy Melusine Put Raymond Back Toghether Again

    Reuven was surprised when he opened his eyes and found his limbs stitched back together again. The last thing he recalled was being on the steps of the cathedral in the town of … well … the town whose name he could not remember, but there had been a grey cathedral and he had been on its steps when the armed men, with visors pulled low, reached for their swords and severed his head, arms, and legs from his torso. Although everything had happened so suddenly that he did not have time to try to escape, he still had the presence of mind, in his severed head, to register the fact of his own death before the world went dark.

    Yet now, unmistakably, he could feel his body put back together again, and warm, flower-scented air filled his lungs. With a slight effort he sat up and looked around. His clothes had changed—he was now wearing a soft white robe—and he was sitting on wet grass, near a stream, in a forest. A deer darted by in the distance. Grabbing a low-hanging tree branch, Reuven pulled himself upright.

    A woman’s voice, light as a pebble skipping on the surface of the water, reached his ears: Not too much all at once, it is a great strain on a human body to be taken apart and reassembled. Breathe slowly and walk with small steps.

    He turned toward the direction of the voice. There he saw a tall woman—taller than him—with yellow, almost white, hair that fell far below her shoulders. She, too, wore a white robe, almost identical to his.

    Where am I? Reuven asked. Is this the World to Come?

    No, the lady replied, this is the same Earth you have lived upon all your life. I found the pieces of you scattered on the cathedral steps. But towns are no places for wounds to heal and for things that have been severed to be reattached, so I brought you here and put you back together.

    Who are you? Are you some kind of demon?

    The lady looked down and visibly composed herself. My name is Melusine, and I can bestow certain wondrous gifts upon the man who will agree to love me. And what is your name, sir? Are you pledged to love another woman already?

    I am Reuven, he replied. And my wife, may her memory be a blessing, is surely dead.

    Melusine’s body relaxed. She playfully frowned and tilted her head to the side before responding: Reuven is not a fitting name for my lover—it has the wrong timbre and will not go over well. No, you were baptized at that cathedral, so Reuven you can no longer be—I know this, I smelled the sweet waters of baptism mixed in with the blood curdled about your head. You can be my Raymond.

    Now, Raymond, will you agree to love me?

    The man closed his eyes. In his mind he saw his wife, his Jael, cradling their little son in her arms?

    it was a few weeks ago, at night—Gershom had wheezed from a bad cough in his chest and could not sleep, so Jael had rocked him in the moonlight. He suppressed the urge to sob, reminding himself that Jael and Gershom were in Paradise now.

    He opened his eyes again. Where was he? Was this place real? With his family murdered, the world felt distant and dreamlike—as though he were perched in the high tree branches watching himself amble about in the forest below. Maybe he was in Paradise dreaming? But why would he dream of this isolated place, all alone except for this woman whom he had never met and who was not Jael?

    Melusine pressed her case further:

    You must think I’m beautiful, no? Everyone always said I was beautiful. And I can give you gifts, so many gifts: wealth, land, castles, nobility, sons. You will be a mighty lord with a resplendent court, and I will be your beautiful queen. Just agree to love me.

    Why me? the man asked. Why not choose some bold knight with a handsome face and an intact body? Or the fine-looking son of a lord? Why not let a poor Jewish soul rest and be with his

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