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Becoming: Becoming the Beast, #1
Becoming: Becoming the Beast, #1
Becoming: Becoming the Beast, #1
Ebook70 pages55 minutes

Becoming: Becoming the Beast, #1

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About this ebook

A story about someone wanting to be something other than human.

Will he become a werewolf and live the life he so much hopes to achieve?

In the end, does anything ever turn out the way we envision?

PublisherSteven Bynum
Release dateNov 27, 2018
Becoming: Becoming the Beast, #1

Steven Bynum

There's nothing special about me. Just a guy that enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. Most people have never heard of where I live, because I live where you can often see squirrels, raccoons, deer, coyotes, and at times bears in my yard. Trees are the majority of my neighbors and I like it that way.I don't claim to be a great writer. Just a writer trying to make his way in the pages.

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    Book preview

    Becoming - Steven Bynum

    Chapter 1

    Journal - November 5, 2013

    I’m awake. It’s morning around 6:20 AM. Goddamn my head hurts. There’s a continuous drumming going on and my brain can hardly stand it. I’ve never had headaches before. What the hell? Not to mention, my skin feels like a thousand fleas marching with scalding hot feet. I need to stop scratching before I tear myself to shreds.

    I drank that elixir last night. Shit. Something must be wrong. That old hag must have poisoned me, not only with herbs, but bullshit. I've always had the worst of luck even when I thought it couldn’t get any worse. You can’t trust anyone these days. Charlatans with nothing on their mind but making money at the expense of others.

    No use in staying in bed, time to get my ass up. Oh shit, that was a mistake. The room is spinning. What the hell? Need to lie back down for a moment. I’m certain that’s not a good sign at all.

    Shit. That's what I get for being a foolish idiot. I should have known that old woman was full of shit, but I wanted so much to believe what she told me. I've so longed for a way to transform myself into something more than human. Anything at this point would do.

    I placed both hands over my eyes and allowed the spinning to run its course. A spiral of mayhem eventually collapsing in on itself.

    I took a chance. What else is there but hope? Shall I waste away in an existence of depression never attempting to achieve my desires? No, I must try at all costs.

    I remember at four years old, sick with the flu, lying in bed afraid, thinking death was coming for me. It was then in the window, a shadow of a wolf head watching and waiting. My parents didn't believe, but it was there.

    From that moment onward, I was no longer afraid of death. It was my calling to become part of the supernatural word. To rise above humanity.

    Finally, my legs returned to normalcy instead of jello.

    Back and forth, back and forth, I must have walked several miles within the confines of my home. I'm worried about these allergic symptoms from the elixir. I took in a deep breath. Just breath, your heart is starting to race. The room is spinning again. I'm going to have a heart attack or a stroke. I just know it.

    Should I call an ambulance? No. No. I just need to get control of myself.

    With fast breaths and tingling fingers, I clenched my fists over and over. My damn anxiety. I just haven’t been able to get rid of it. What a terrible foe it is.

    I plopped down on my bed and took deep breaths. Remember, you’re getting plenty of oxygen even though it may seem like you can’t breathe well. Control the fear. Fear is your enemy. Death is nothing to worry about.

    My heart beat a hole in my chest as I lay there. That was also in my memory. The more you worry the worse it gets. Soon, the tightness in the chest also took hold. There was only one thing for me to do. I had to will myself to not be afraid and calm down.

    You're going to be okay. Just relax.

    After what seemed to be around twenty minutes of near death, I began to feel better. The realization everything would be fine made me settle down. It just took time.

    Eventually, my breathing was steady with a normal heartbeat. Now the tiredness and fatigue set in and I didn't feel like doing anything but sleeping. It was as if I had been working hard labor all day.

    Weak, so weak. I need to rest.

    I slept soundly for a couple of hours. Usually, I was a light sleeper, but during times like these, I was oblivious to any external stimuli. The Sun had set by the time I awoke. Only bits and pieces of dreams came to mind. I always tried to remember my mind induced sleeping movies, but never could.

    Once I awoke, I wandered around inside my home for a good while. I thought about possibilities. It appeared yet again that luck wouldn't be with me. Would I ever achieve my ultimate goal in life? If praying would help, I would surely do so.

    I stopped in the bathroom and stared into the mirror. There was no doubt in my mind I hated the person that stared back at me. Always such a coward and weakling. Never had that person

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