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Interview with a Wolf
Interview with a Wolf
Interview with a Wolf
Ebook131 pages1 hour

Interview with a Wolf

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About this ebook

For over three hundred years, Ward C. Wolf has hidden his true nature, that of a werewolf. Bitten in a frenzy of sexual excitement, he's cursed for an eternity.

It's 2018. Wolf is rich. He's successful and has finally come to terms with his inner beast. He's decided to reveal to the world that monsters do exist. He's chosen his interviewer carefully, Theresa Cappiato, a smart, sassy, and attractive young woman. She's the perfect candidate because she harbors an inner power that might even match his own.

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Release dateNov 28, 2018
Interview with a Wolf

Ethan Radcliff

BIO: My name is Ethan Radcliff and I've been writing since I was a kid. I love creating and tried my hand at art, not bad, but not good enough. A guy's gotta eat. Through high school, I wrote erotic stories, kept them in a notebook and let a few girlfriends read them. I played football, baseball and ice hockey, but my brain never stopped thinking of sex. I guess most guys think about it all the time. I decided to put my thoughts into prose. I had been on face book for a while and never did anything interesting until I started to see all the writers. What really caught my attention were the poets, especially some of the ones posting erotic prose.  I was intrigued, men who were writing erotic romance, I knew it was time to get out the old notebook and throw on some poetry. I was surprised at the response. I’ve often been asked what inspires my writing. Sometimes it’s a photograph, a sunset or an attractive woman. The jiggle of a full ass or heavy breasts will set my mind in motion. Sometimes, out of nowhere, an idea will come to mind. I record and write down my thoughts constantly. I want to thank Bitten Press and the two lovely ladies who run it for encouraging me to go for it and I did. I also need to thank a very patient and lovely friend Kendall Blackburn Barnett who is my PA and putting up with my antics. I want to thank all the wonderful people who read what I write. And the lovely ladies who help get the word out there about my writing. As you know, I’m an elusive fellow, smiles, perhaps that’s part of my charm. Who knows what the future holds? My first short story is The Taming of Molly Jenkins. It’s hot. Is it based on personal experience? Don't we all pull from real life? The next short story is The Wait, Brit’s undoing...that I hope you'll enjoy. Since those early works, many more have evolved including a paranormal series, Desires of Blood, DOM, The Collaring of Molly Jenkins and my first novel A Man of Honor.  Two thousand and sixteen brings more full-length novels and I will always venture into new erotic genres. Thank you for listening and to all those who are enjoying my poetry, thank you. Ethan Radcliff

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    Book preview

    Interview with a Wolf - Ethan Radcliff

    Bitten Press, LLC

    Interview with a Wolf

    Ethan Radcliff

    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. You do not have resell or distribution rights without the prior written permission of both the publisher and copyright owner of this book. This book cannot be copied in any format, sold, or otherwise transferred from your computer to another through upload, or for a fee.

    Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $ 250,000.

    Disclaimer: This book may contain explicit sexual content, graphic adult language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable which may include: male/ male sexual practices, multiple partner sexual practices, strong BDSM themes and elements, erotic elements, and fetish play. This e-book is for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please do not try any new sexual practice, especially those that might be found in our BDSM/ Fetish titles, without the guidance of an experienced practitioner. Bitten Press, nor its authors, will be responsible for any loss, harm, injury, or death resulting from the use of the information contained in any of its titles.

    Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, businesses, and incidents are from the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual places, people, or events is purely coincidental. Any trademarks mentioned herein are not authorized by the trademark owners and do not in any way mean the work is sponsored by or associated with the trademark owners. Any trademarks used are, specifically in a descriptive capacity. Final edits rest with the author of this work.

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    ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.’

    Margaret Wolfe Hunger

    Victor Hugo:

    ‘The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we areloved;lovedfor ourselves, or rather,lovedin spite of ourselves.’


    To my readers, you’ve built me up and read my stories, thank you. To my partner in life, you’ve stood by me and gifted me with my daughter. I love you. To my family, who have stood by me through my lunacy, I love you all. One of the greatest gifts life has given me is the ability to read and comprehend. Thank you. Thank you for allowing my crazy to enter your life. Writing is a passion.


    Copyright: Ethan Radcliff and Bitten Press LLC, 2018

    First Publication:

    Published by:  Bitten Press LLC

    Cover design by: Bitten Press LLC and Suzzana C Ryan

    Edited by: Bitten Press LLC and Tracy Roelle

    Formatted by: Bitten Press LLC

    Please try books from our other authors. Just search under Bitten Press LLC. Thank You.


    Interview with a Wolf

    For over three hundred years, Ward C. Wolf hid his true nature, that of a werewolf. Bitten in a frenzy of sexual excitement, he’s cursed for eternity.

    It’s 2018. Wolf is rich. He’s successful and has finally come to terms with his inner beast. He’s decided to reveal to the world that monsters do exist. He’s chosen his interviewer carefully, Theresa Cappiato, a smart, sassy, and attractive young woman. She’s the perfect candidate because she harbors an inner power that might even match his own.

    Other books by Ethan Radcliff

    The Taming of Molly Jensen

    The Wait

    Tarnished I and II


    DOM 2

    A Man of Honor

    Gentlemen’s Agreement

    Dark Pleasures

    Diabolical Beast

    Pink Persuasion

    A Fractured Man

    A Game of Threes

    The Virgin and the Porn Star


    A Sometime Poet

    A Little taste of me

    Down and dirty Prose

    Licks and Kisses

    Standing Room only

    At it Again

    Desire of Blood series










    Horny Santa

    Pinch Rollins




    Riding home



    Table of Contents



    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen


    About the Author


    For over three hundred years, Ward C. Wolf has hidden his true nature, that of a werewolf. Bitten in a frenzy of sexual excitement, he's cursed for an eternity.

    It's 2018. Wolf is rich. He's successful and has finally come to terms with his inner beast. He's decided to reveal to the world that monsters do exist. He's chosen his interviewer carefully, Theresa Cappiato, a smart, sassy, and attractive young woman. She's the perfect candidate because she harbors an inner power that might even match his own.

    Interview with a Wolf

    Ethan Radcliff



    Where to begin? A proper introduction is in order. My name is Ward C. Wolf, aka Walter C. Wolf. A little generic? My apologies. I’ve had many names through the ages.

    Perhaps, there is never a good time to open up my proverbial can of worms. I will begin here and now.

    You see, it’s the twenty-first century, and I’m an extraordinarily successful businessman deeply embedded in society. But unlike most people, I have a long history of violence. Yes, violence. My soul has been tortured for centuries, and I’ve been the catalyst of evil. I have taken far too many innocent souls. Confession is good for the soul, but is it really?

    I see a rise in beliefs in old legends and myths. As I’ve traveled through time, I’ve met some fascinating people. Some were the epitome of evil, and others simply strange. Evil entities do exist, and many have impressed me. And I’m not that easily impressed.

    For me to reveal who and what I truly am, I need someone I can trust. I need a believer. Maybe, it’s you, yes, you, a reader of fantasy and fiction.

    Are you frightened yet?

    One never knows who has the power of darkness. However, I can sense evil darkness because of what I am, which brings me to Theresa Cappiato. The magazine she works for, Her Tribal Affairs, drew my attention. How interesting that a tabloid centered on witchcraft. This magazine was the perfect choice for an unbiased interview.

    Over the years, I’ve become a much-closeted fellow. Trust me. I have my reasons. Cappi, Theresa’s Cappiato nickname, was the right choice, and so was choosing the up-and-coming, Her Tribal Affairs, magazine.

    I’m sure, at this point, all the souls I’ve wronged and anyone I’ve cursed on my journey through time are nothing more than dust. I can only hope. I’d hate to have one of my victims emerge and scare the shit out of my human counterparts.

    However, first, you need to know what my life is like now. I wasn’t always a loathsome creature. Of course, telling my story will hopefully make you understand that there are true anomalies in this world that are incomprehensible.

    My reveal will be an interesting one.

    I can and will be waiting for your opinion.

    Interview with a Wolf



    A tasty Blonde

    When I woke up, the taste of stale blood lingered on my tongue. Visions of gore and blood whirled around in my mind. Beside me on the worn sheets of the bed in a cheap ass motel room was a buxom blonde who was hopefully sound asleep and not dead. But I could tell by the rise and fall of her well-endowed chest that she was still alive. I let out a sigh of relief. Thank fucking god.

    Fuck, I muttered. Shit, fuck, how the hell did I get here?

    My eyes scanned over her naked body. She didn’t have a scratch on her. I rolled over on my back and stared at the ceiling. Why the fuck couldn’t I remember how and why I wound up in bed with a woman I didn’t know? It had been months since I was out on the prowl.

    I took a deep breath and continued to talk to myself. Why the hell do I still have the taste of blood on my tongue and the vision of a fresh kill in my mind? I tried to clear my head. And, I paused, better yet, I whispered, moving from her. "How the hell did I wind up in bed with this woman?

    I recollected that I was going to SoHo and one of my favorite

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