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Dead of Winter: A Ransom & Fortune Adventure: A Ransom & Fortune Adventure, #2
Dead of Winter: A Ransom & Fortune Adventure: A Ransom & Fortune Adventure, #2
Dead of Winter: A Ransom & Fortune Adventure: A Ransom & Fortune Adventure, #2
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Dead of Winter: A Ransom & Fortune Adventure: A Ransom & Fortune Adventure, #2

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At the mercy of a faulty time machine, will Skye and Dane be able to make it home alive?


At the mercy of a faulty time machine, Skye Ransom and Dane Fortune are forced to randomly leap through time on a wild, roller-coaster ride of danger as they try to get back to the 21st century. Each jump sends them farther away from home, but brings them closer together in a bond that not even a time bender can sever.


With their last time leap, they end up in a strange futuristic frigid world with two opposing tribes. The arrival of the time travelers sets into motion a long-dead prophecy indicating Skye is the future of one of the tribes, causing a rebellion. When one of the tribe leaders kidnaps Skye intent on marrying her, and sacrificing her to the gods to help him win that rebellion, Dane uses his military tactics to launch an all-out war to save her before she's burned alive on a funeral pyre. But will he be able to save her before it's too late?

Release dateMar 5, 2019
Dead of Winter: A Ransom & Fortune Adventure: A Ransom & Fortune Adventure, #2

Michelle Miles

Michelle Miles believes in fairy tales, true love and magic. She writes heart-stopping urban fantasy, epic fantasy and paranormal romance with an action/adventure twist that will leave you breathless. She is the author of numerous series that includes everything from angels and demons to fairies, dragons and elves. She is married with one son and a black cat named Sir Dexter. A native Texan, in her spare time she loves reading, listening to music, watching movies, cross-stitching, drinking wine and taking pictures of her cat. She can be found online at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Goodreads. Your Adventure Awaits

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    Dead of Winter - Michelle Miles

    Dead of Winter

    A Ransom & Fortune Adventure, Volume 2

    This title was previously published as part two of A Bend in Time.

    AT THE MERCY OF A FAULTY time machine, Skye Ransom and Dane Fortune are forced to randomly leap through time on a wild, roller-coaster ride of danger as they try to get back to the 21st century. Each jump sends them farther away from home but brings them closer together in a bond that not even a time bender can sever.

    With their last time leap, they end up in a strange futuristic frigid world with two opposing tribes. The arrival of the time travelers sets into motion a long-dead prophecy indicating Skye is the future of one of the tribes, causing a rebellion. When one of the tribe leader’s kidnaps Skye intent on marrying her and sacrificing her to the gods to help him win that rebellion, Dane uses his military tactics to launch an all-out war to save her before she’s burned alive on a funeral pyre. But will he be able to save her before it’s too late?


    PRESENT DAY, ARLINGTON, VA, six months after Skye and Dane time travel to Scotland

    Archimedes—or Ark as he preferred—sat in the interrogation room with only a pack of cigarettes to keep him company. The overhead light emitted an incessant buzzing, the glare from it pooling on the metal table in front of him. His wrists were still cuffed and the only movement he had was to take a puff from the cigarette every now and again.

    He’d been sitting in the metal chair, alone in the room for some time. The last person he’d seen ripped the black hood off his head before departing through the only door. There wasn’t even a two-way mirror to give him the suggestion others were watching him.

    But he was no idiot. He knew they were watching. He assumed there was a camera somewhere in the ceiling tiles overhead. They would not let someone like Ark Crane sit alone for hours without being watched.

    So, he waited. Smoked his cigarette, crushed it out. Lit another. Smoke from his last one curled in lazy circles upward. He was a patient man, though. He could outwait whoever his captors were.

    At last, the door opened, and a tall silver haired man entered. His face was a roadmap of wrinkles and wise blue eyes. He carried a thick folder which he tossed on the table and then took the empty chair opposite Ark. He pulled a pen out of his pocket then flipped open the folder which had a crude headshot of Ark stapled to a stack of thick papers.

    A case file, no doubt.

    The man gave a smile that didn’t reach his eyes and waited as Ark crushed out his last cigarette.

    Mr. Crane, I trust you have been treated well. He spoke in a clipped British accent, his voice gravely as though he’d finally managed to quit his bad habit of two packs a day.

    Well? He snorted. I’ve been sitting in this fucking room for hours. He shifted in the metal chair to prove his point.

    The smile didn’t leave the man’s face as he glanced down at the empty packet of cigarettes. Camels. I used to smoke those myself.

    Ark shoved aside the ash tray and leaned toward the man. Who the fuck are you and what the fuck do you want with me?

    There was a pause, still that cold smile, I’m Charles Ridgewood. Tell me what you know about Skye Ransom.

    Ark sat back in his chair, the memory of the woman he’d been hired to kill floating through his mind. As the daughter of the deceased William Ransom, she was heiress to his billion-dollar fortune. She was a tall, athletic, smart, college girl with hair the color of a shiny new penny and striking indigo eyes. Killing her would have giving him the cash he needed to get to Belize.

    Why? he asked, his tone suspicious.

    You were hired by Conner Dade to kill her, correct?

    I was. If he knew, then why ask?

    That was after you killed her parents, William and Emily?

    Conner wanted them all dead.

    Yes, I’m aware. What else do you know about her?

    His brows knit. I’m not sure what information you want out of me about the girl.

    When was the last time you saw her? He answered with another question.

    The memory of that day in downtown Arlington came crashing back. He’d followed her and the man who had proclaimed himself her bodyguard in the small specialty store.

    If you want her, you’ll have to go through me, the man said, as though issuing a challenge.

    There had been a scuffle between the two of them. When the poor shopkeeper got in the way, Ark shot him. He’d crashed through the dressing room to get to the girl, but her bodyguard shoved him backward. The next thing he knew, they both disappeared in the oddest lightning storm he’d ever seen leaving behind nothing but charred remains of the dressing room.

    It’d thrown him backward and he’d crashed through racks of clothing before coming to a halt on the floor. With the dead shopkeeper and the burned walls and floor, he knew he had to make a hasty exit before the cops showed up.

    Several months ago.

    Ridgewood clicked the pen and scratched notes on a paper in the folder. And where was it you saw her?

    He watched as the man’s pen hovered over the paper, waiting for an answer. A specialty clothing store in downtown Arlington. What is it you want to know?

    Ridgewood scribbled more notes, then clicked off the pen. He dropped it on the folder and sat back, meeting his gaze. That specialty clothing store was a costume shop. The owner was found dead. Shot in the head. Know anything about that?

    Does it matter if I do? he countered.

    Ridgewood smiled as though he already knew the answer. Was Skye Ransom alone when you last saw her?

    No, there was a man with her.


    How should I know?

    "I think you do know, Mr. Crane. He slipped a photo out from the back of the folder and pushed it toward him. It was a picture of the girl’s bodyguard. Was it this man?"

    The picture of the dark-haired man had been taken when he was unaware. As though he’d been followed by someone. Much like Ark had been followed. As soon as he realized someone was tracking him, he’d tried to go into hiding. Get out of the States. But they’d caught him. Like an idiot, he’d allowed himself to be captured.


    This is Dane Fortune. He’s former Army Ranger and Secret Service. Hired by William Ransom as executive protection, only you managed to kill him and his wife anyway. We believe he’s protecting the girl.

    Ark nodded agreement. This is all real interesting but what is your point in all this?

    Ridgewood laced his fingers and rested his hands on the table in front of him as he leaned forward. Have you heard of Janus Force?

    He shook his head.

    Ah, good. I hoped you hadn’t. Without elaborating, Ridgewood flipped up his headshot and skimmed the page beneath it. Former Navy SEAL turned hit man. I find that an interesting transition. Would you like to tell me about that?

    No, Ark said.

    He chuckled. No matter. I already know all about you.

    So why ask the question? To see how cooperative he’d be?

    Ridgewood closed the file and laced his fingers again. Janus Force was created as a black ops division of the NSA in conjunction with DARPA and we’ve recruited you.

    Ark’s eyes narrowed. To do what?

    To work for us tracking down two people who have the prototype of a machine we’d like to get back.

    The back of his neck tingled. Who?

    Dane Fortune and Skye Ransom. We call it Operation Chronos and you’ll be an integral part of it.

    So that was it, then. Why he was asking all the questions about the two of them. I haven’t agreed to do it.

    Oh, you have. Ridgewood gave a sharp nod

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