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The Search For Grace
The Search For Grace
The Search For Grace
Ebook171 pages2 hours

The Search For Grace

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About this ebook

God's will and purpose for your life can be summed up in one word - grace. The grace on your life encapsulates God's will and purpose for your life. Therefore you can determine God's will and purpose for your life if you can determine the grace on your life. God also planned for each one of us to operate from an ordained location on planet earth. That is where you will find success in what you do on earth. If you find yourself anywhere else, you will not achieve your full potential. When you discover your grace, it can help lead you to your ordained location. It is in your ordained location that you will find the tools and provision required to succeed in what you've been destined by God to pursue and establish. If you fail to determine this, you will struggle because you may be compelled to engage in what you were not designed and purposed by God to engage in.

PublisherKwaku Agyeman
Release dateDec 8, 2018
The Search For Grace

Kwaku Agyeman

Kwaku Agyeman is a teacher of the Word of God by grace and calling. He is also a Family and Life counsellor and a graduate of Central University's School of Theology & Missions. He has a real passion for teaching and motivating people through the Word of God. He describes his heart's desire as seeing people overcome poverty and sickness through the knowledge of God's Word.

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    The Search For Grace - Kwaku Agyeman


    Kwaku Agyeman

    Published by Legacy Books

    Editing and Ebook by Casting Crowns Ltd

    Email: [email protected]

    Copyright 2018 Kwaku Agyeman

    Email: [email protected]

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    Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations in this volume are from the New King James Version of the Bible. 

    All rights reserved under international copyright law. This eBook is licensed for your personal edification only. 

    This eBook may not be re-sold. If you would like to share this eBook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. No part of this eBook may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written permission from the author, except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: There Is Power At Work In You

    Chapter 2: Knowledge Of His Will

    Chapter 3: Discovering Grace

    Chapter 4: Grace Defined

    Chapter 5: Grace Is Spiritual Empowerment

    Chapter 6: The Elements of Grace

    Chapter 7: Manifestation of Grace Is To Glorify God

    Chapter 8: Provision By Grace

    Chapter 9: Grace Is Specific To Assignment and Location

    Chapter 10: Are You Under Grace Where You Are

    Chapter 11: Occupational Grace

    Chapter 12: Signs You Are On The Side Of Grace

    Chapter 13: Corrupted Grace

    Chapter 14: Grace Will Not Work by Itself

    Chapter 15: No More Condemnation

    Chapter 16: You Have Power To Live Right

    Chapter 17: Your Helper


    Parting Notes

    About The Author


    Chapter 1

    There Is Power At Work In You

    All living things produce after their kind. So we know for example that lions give birth to lions and not lizards; eagles produce eagles and not mice. And in keeping with this principle, human beings produce humans when they procreate. That is why your parents didn’t give birth to an elephant but to the wonderful human being that you are. This is a principle established by God. Consequently because He is God, His children are born as gods imbued with His nature and likeness.

    Psalm 82:6

    I said, You are gods

    And all of you are children of the Most High

    If you didn’t know you were a god, now you do. Scripture confirms what you are in case you were ‘alarmed’ at my description of you as a god. You are imbued with authority and abilities reminiscent of your Heavenly Father. However your designation as a god comes with responsibilities and expectations. The abilities you have been blessed with have been made available solely for the prosecution of your God ordained function. That means your abilities are a function of your God-given purpose and are not viable outside of that.

    Before man learned to generate electric power from available energy sources, these sources had always existed. Today nuclear plants, solar farms and other power generating mechanisms have been designed to harness power from existing energy sources.

    Man didn’t invent or create any of the energy sources – such as the sun or the water used in hydroelectric dams. All man has done is discover how to harness the power from energy sources that have existed even before he was created. Man was created on the sixth day after the sun, water and everything else needed to sustain life had been created.

    In much the same way there is power available to you that has existed even longer than you have existed. The only thing is you may not have discovered how to harness this incredible power for your good. The power has been made available to enable you ‘swim like fish in water’. In other words the power enhances your abilities and enables you accomplish things without struggle or sweat.

    God makes this power available for His children and it ensures a prosperous existence on earth for them. But if you fail to engage this power, you will struggle like a person propelling a canoe across water with a spoon rather than a paddle. Your inability to harness this power probably explains why you are struggling to move beyond reasonable success in your life.

    At this point in your life you may have achieved some reasonable success or failed to achieve anything resembling success thus far. Whatever the state of your circumstances, there’s an enabling power within you that can change things from bad to excellent or from good to great.

    The power God makes available is called Grace. God has made Grace available because of His love for His children. It's been made available to enable God's children establish their mandates and purposes on earth. Grace has been provided by God to enable His children fulfill the destinies for which He created them.

    Every human being is a creation of God but not everyone is a child of His. It's important to note that a person ONLY becomes a child of God after he or she accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Once a person accepts Christ, the grace for accomplishments is made available.

    John 1:12

    But as many as received Him

    To them He gave the right to become children of God

    To those who believe in His name

    You are not as powerless and ineffective as you think or as you have allowed people to make you think you are. You are a god and the grace of God is available to you in all its fullness. Nothing is impossible to you.

    The purpose of this book is to empower you and help you harness the power available to you as a child of God. God has granted you power and you must make use of it. Grace has many dimensions but the focus of this book is on the grace that facilitates accomplishments and makes things happen. You are a god and you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you – Philippians 4:13.

    Don't be uncomfortable with your designation as a god. Don't shy away from what you are. Embrace it and walk boldly in the consciousness of who you are. Your consciousness of it is part of the empowerment process. If you can learn to harness this incredible resource called grace, you will experience a fulfilling and productive life.

    Chapter 2

    Knowledge Of His Will

    The search for grace begins with getting to know the will of God in all matters including those pertaining to your life. Many people are living their lives as though they were in a trance. They have little to no control over their lives. They follow the path of life in whatever direction it happens to take them. They may not like it, but they are unable to do anything about it.

    It's not as if they don't care about their lives. They care and desire the best for their lives. The only problem is they are clueless as to how to gain control of their lives. In the face of this deficiency ‘life’ keeps tossing them about like a rag doll. They know they are not getting the best deal out of life. But in the absence of an alternative they hang on for the ride. I used to live my life like that until I got tired of just hanging on and resolved to discover a way out.

    Some appear to be in control of their lives, at least on the face of it. However inwardly they face a constant struggle to maintain their mental equilibrium. They appear to have it all together, or so the outside world perceives them. But in reality they are ‘swimming against the tide’ and have no peace. The reason people like that could struggle is primarily because they lack the grace of God. Without the grace of God a person can end up outside his or her ordained environment where things are guaranteed not to work for them.

    God's will and purpose for your life can be summed up in one word - grace. You can determine God’s will and purpose for your life if you can determine the grace on your life. The grace on your life encapsulates God's will and purpose for your life. If you fail to determine this you will struggle because you will end up where you’re not supposed to be.

    A God ordained environment includes the activities and geographical location you have been assigned to manifest your God-given gifts. Your ordained environment is central to your life commission. Your life commission is what you were established on earth to accomplish. Therefore the search for the grace on your life amounts to a search for your life commission. Your life commission is the reason you are here on earth.

    We are sent to school to be educated in subjects that equip us and make us useful members of society. Unfortunately grace is not one of the things taught in school. It can only be learned through the Word of God - the manual for mankind.

    Prayer for Grace

    I constantly mention Pastor Kenneth E. Hagin and the contribution of his book ‘The Believers Authority’ to my Christian life. He outlined a prayer in the book that opened the Word of God to me in a manner that completely transformed my life. I refer to the prayer as the ‘Prayer of Revelation’.

    I started meditating on the ‘Prayer of Revelation’ because I wanted a revelation of the scriptures I read. For many years up to that point, I didn't really understand what I read from the Bible. That also meant that I did not really enjoy reading the Word of God.

    Subsequently after praying and meditating on the ‘Prayer of Revelation’, for about a year I noticed a change. I began to receive revelation each time I opened the Bible to read. My experience was similar to what Pastor Hagin described had happened to him in his book. I received a clearer understanding of scriptures I had known previously but hadn't meant much to me.

    After this experience I it became evident to me that the Word of God has the ability to transform one into exactly what it talks about. If you behold the Word, it will transform you into the image revealed to you in the Word.

    In the process of writing ‘The Search For Grace’, the Holy Spirit revealed a portion of scripture in the Book of Colossians to me (Colossians 1:9-14). This scripture was revealed to me as a prayer one could meditate on to discern the grace on their life.

    I have titled the scripture as the ‘Prayer for Grace’. I urge you to meditate on this prayer for a period of time to enable you discover the grace on your life. Personalize the prayer and pray it over yourself. Wherever it says ‘you’, ‘we’ or ‘us’ replace with ‘I’ or ‘me’ as appropriate. I have inserted ‘I’ or ‘me’ in the place of ‘you’, ‘we’ or ‘us’ in the body of the Scripture to guide you.

    Prayer For Grace

    Colossians 1:9-14

    9 For this reason we (I) also since the day we (I) heard it

    Do not cease to pray for you (myself)

    And to ask that you (I) may be filled with the knowledge of His will

    In all wisdom and spiritual understanding

    10 That you (I) may walk worthy of the Lord fully pleasing to Him

    Being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God

    11 Strengthened with all might according to His glorious power

    For all patience and longsuffering with joy

    12 Giving

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