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Awakenings: A Witch's Coven Novel, #1
Awakenings: A Witch's Coven Novel, #1
Awakenings: A Witch's Coven Novel, #1
Ebook227 pages3 hours

Awakenings: A Witch's Coven Novel, #1

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A witch of formidable illusions, Sabrina runs a coven and has settled down to teach initiates in the ways of magic. But when her initiate Alessia asks for her advice and brings back painful memories for her, wheels are put into motion that bring Sabrina's past as a servant in one of the great houses in the magical world of The Realms into the forefront.

Bound when young in servitude to Thaddeus, one of the great house lords, Sabrina tries to outlive her past, but the choices she made then have always been a specter chasing after her. When an ancient evil haunts her and tries to destroy her and Alessia, Sabrina fights back until she realizes that there is no way for her to undo the mistakes of the past. Instead she needs to find another way to survive and save Alessia and the rest of her coven.

To right her wrongs and save her coven, Sabrina must face her greatest fear: the truth she's hidden for nearly twenty years. But ancient evils do not care for truth and only want vengeance on her for what she has done.

PublisherRon Vitale
Release dateDec 17, 2018
Awakenings: A Witch's Coven Novel, #1

Ron Vitale

Born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Ron Vitale was influenced by the likes of J. R. R. Tolkien, Stephenie Meyer and French culture, but has never forgotten his roots, and is a lover of classic literature. During his early 20s, he obtained a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and French and then went on to obtain his Master of Arts in English, at Villanova University writing his thesis on a Jungian interpretation of the works of Margaret Atwood and Alice Walker. After graduation, Ron entered the world of medical publishing, utilizing his editing and technological skills. In October 2007, Ron published his science fiction short story collection The Jovian Gate Chronicles that answers the question: What happens when humans cross paths with intelligent aliens who claim to be prophets from God? In the fall of 2008, he released his fantasy novel Dorothea's Song, a tale of a young high school student who copes with his parents' divorcing by dreaming up the story of Dorothea, an elf who lives in the magical forest. Through 2008 to 2014 he wrote the Cinderella's Secret Witch Diaries series that definitely answers the question: What really happened to Cinderella after she married the prince? And in 2015, Ron wrote Awakenings and Betrayals, the first two books in the Witch's Coven series that tells the story of the witch Sabrina who lives in the magical world of the realms where illusions, magic and an ancient evil reign. Currently, he is keeping himself busy, penning articles on social media and writing, and on learning how to be a good father to his kids all while working on his next novel.

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    Awakenings - Ron Vitale

    Chapter 1

    I watched the rain fall outside in steady streams, and the weather matched my mood. Drops fell from a leak in the ceiling into a large wooden bucket, and I did my best to ignore the sound. Where had everything gone wrong? I remembered the days when we first met and I brought him so much joy. Days of bliss, laughter, and light, with nights of passion that burned slow and true. Now he never truly looked at me. He would come into a room and look all around as though I were not there. Never truly seeing me, but having eyes for the younger initiates. I turned to the mirror and saw my own reflection. My once brilliant flame of red hair now more gray than red.

    I could fight against many things in life, but time was not one of them. I grew old, and the initiates seemed younger each year. I remember many things from the past. The time before I founded the coven, the wildness of it all, and the long and hard road I had traveled to be where I was today. I remembered too much. He had truly left for good, and my staring into the mirror would not change that. Nothing would. The years we had spent together forever gone. I wondered if I would ever see him again. A knock on my bedroom chamber door disturbed me.

    Turning to the door, I wrapped the blanket closer around me. Come in.

    The door opened slowly, and Alessia peeked her head in. Am I disturbing you?

    No, take a seat. I pointed to the chair across from me. I could use some company on this dreary night.

    Alessia sat in the chair and folded her hands in her lap. She glanced at the floor out of respect or fear of me, I did not know.

    Well, what is on your mind on this cold and rainy night?

    Sabrina, I need your help. She fidgeted in her chair but said no more.

    Do you need help with your studies? I turned toward her and could read her body language well. After teaching young women for years, I had picked up the signs.

    No, I do not need help with that. She said no more and stared off into the fire.

    Then it must be a problem with love.

    Alessia shot a glance at me that confirmed my suspicion was correct. Her long brown hair fell into her lap. Yes, it does deal with love.

    A girl or a boy? I asked. I always got straight to the point with this matter because it cleared a lot up quickly if two girls were involved within the coven.

    A boy. Hesitant at first, she said only those few words but then risked more. He’s the mayor’s son.

    Oh, I see. I crossed my legs and adjusted my blanket so that it covered me better. Do you both love each other, or do you only love him from afar?

    He does not know that I like him. Alessia bowed her head but then said, We cross paths each week when I go to the city and get the bread from the baker. He smiles at me, and we have exchanged a few words, but I’m afraid to say more.

    Why are you afraid? I knew the answer, but I needed to hear her say it. Saying the words would help her more than my needing confirmation.

    Of what I am. She glanced away and focused on the rain outside.

    I leaned forward and grabbed her chin, turning her face back to me. I held her gaze and looked directly at her and forced her to see me, gray and all. Never be ashamed of who you are. Do you hear me? Never.

    Yes, but what do I tell him? She stammered and the words stumbled out, saying much about her weakness.

    I squeezed her chin and pointed her face upward. You are a witch. A woman of power who will one day make potions and spells that will help many. That is not something to be ashamed of, but to be admired and loved.

    But my uncle used to say …

    I cut her off. Your uncle was an ass. He sent you here because he did not wish to deal with you anymore. He was ashamed of your power and your abilities. I let go of her face and settled back into my chair. Do you want me to help you, or are you just here to bemoan your fate and then crawl back to your room and pine away for the love of a boy you do not have the guts to speak to?

    Alessia thought for a moment and then faced me. No, I want to learn. I need your help.

    Good, you do have some spark in you. I reached for my pipe and stuffed some tobacco into it and then lit it with care. Let me tell you a story from when I was young. It’s a story of love and passion that I think you might learn a thing or two from to help you with your own problem.

    Alessia folded her legs underneath her on the chair and settled in for my story. Her flowing black robes settled all around her. The rain picked up outside and from far off we could hear the low rumblings of thunder. A perfect night for a story of long ago, in a time when I was young and so naïve. A tale that brought a smile to my face even after all these years.


    Charles put his sword down, and a young squire came over to help him take off his armor. The sun beat down strong and hot. I watched him from afar as he took off his breastplate and his squire helped him pull off his shirt. Sweat dripped down his face and his entire body gleamed in glistening sweat. At seventeen, I knew that I risked much by staring at an older boy three years my senior, but I chanced it nonetheless. Me, a simple washer girl, was seen by none, and I took my bags of dirty clothes and walked on past Charles.

    His friend, Stephen, came over to him and dumped a glass of water on his head, and the two wrestled and joked, chasing each other until they were out of my sight. I had many days in the shadows away from the doings of the castle. Underneath the dirt and rags that I wore, I was pretty, but I did not know that back then. I did not know many things.

    From a distance, I kept looking after Charles to see him train with his sword and to see his failures, but I could never reach him. We were of two different worlds, and I could not uproot myself from mine. Over that summer, Charles did not see me at all. He and Stephen became inseparable, always working together, training with their practice jousts and being sent on tournaments together to represent our city for the king.

    I remember the heat that summer and how unbearable it was with no relief. The crops had not enough water, and we struggled to carry water jars through the irrigation lines. From early in the morning, until well after the sun set, we carried jugs of water to the cornfields. On one of the extremely hot days, my house lord asked me to take a message to a neighboring village. All of us servants were in the fields working on saving the crops. Ditches were dug and plans were put into motion on rerouting the river to bring it closer to the fields. Battered and bruised, my house lord took pity on me and sent me off to deliver a message.

    Once outside the city gates, I stayed off the path and went into the woods to stay in the shade. The smell of fresh flowers filled the air, and I remember the butterflies flitting about from flower to flower in search of sweet nectar. With miles to go before I arrived at the village, I passed the time away by singing. I skipped through the forest and sang a song my mother had taught me long ago and tried to stay cool in the forest’s shade.

    When I finished my song, I heard clapping from behind me and spun around in fear. I had thought myself alone. Instead I saw Stephen following along. He wore his leather armor and had his sword tied to his scabbard but still close at hand. What a beautiful ditty of a song! Why have you not sung before at the summer festivals?

    I could see no sign of Charles or anyone else near Stephen. Lowering my head, I bowed and replied, I never thought my voice that good.

    Not good? You sing better than half of those who get up on the stage, thinking that they’re the best songbirds in the bunch. He swaggered closer, looking at me in a funny way. But you have a fine voice and are beautiful.

    Why, thank you. I bowed low again and went to turn away.

    Where does your lord have you going on such a hot day? He blocked my path and leaned in close to me, moving away a strand of my hair from my face.

    I showed him the sealed letter that my lord had given me. I am headed to the village.

    But you have time for a quick swim? He grabbed my hand and led me off the path. Look, the creek is right there. We’ll go for a quick swim, and then I will escort you to the village.

    I was told to come straight back to help prepare dinner. I tried to pull away, but he held me tight.

    But I command it of you. He let go of my arm and pulled off his leather jerkin. You will be my squire and help me. Attend me, squire! He flashed his infectious smile at me.

    I stood still, unsure what to do. I must have looked like a frightened child, because he took pity on me.

    Oh, come on. I will not bite you! He pulled off his shirt and headed down the slope to the creek. His bare chest was a pretty sight. Strong and broad, he did not shy away from me, but was confident yet playful. You can head to go deliver your message, but no one will miss you for a few minutes.

    He slid down the creek’s embankment and took off his boots. I heard his scream of delight when he hit the water. It’s cold but feels great! He splashed around a bit and squealed in joy. Come join me.

    I paused and had a moment of indecision. My duty lay before me on the path, but my heart wanted some fun. My heart won. I ran to the embankment and pulled my dress off. My dingy undergarments clung to me, sweaty and rank. I balanced on a rock close to the creek and took off my shoes and placed them in a dry spot. The rocks were slippery from algae but cool to the touch. I dipped my foot into the water and a shiver ran up me.

    Stephen went to the middle of the creek and stood with the water up to his waist. He fell back and floated there allowing the current to pull him closer to me. My lady of the rags has decided to come join in the frivolity. He stood and pretended to bow to me with an over flourish of his hands. How lucky I am!

    I splashed some water at him with my foot and hit him right in the face. He fell back and hit the surface hard on his back, splashing water in every direction. He dunked his head under and came back up holding his nose. The smell of my lady’s feet is so pungent that I am just in awe. How do you procure such a delicate and enticing smell?

    I laughed and, at that moment, he reminded me of my brother. Stop it or I’ll splash you with my other foot!

    No, no, I can only handle one such treasured smell in such a short time. Two would be too much even for a man of my delicate tastes! He waded over to me and put out his hand. Come, my lady of the rags, walk into your majestic bath.

    I curtsied to him and leaned forward to take his hand. Balancing on the rock in front of me, I jumped to the next and slipped. Caught off guard, Stephen tried to catch me, but I fell into his arms and we both tumbled over into the creek. I hit the water hard, but his hands were around me and he twisted his body to protect my face from hitting the rocks next to us. The shock of the water hit me all at once, and I rose up and out of the creek screaming loud and free.

    A look of concern crossed Stephen’s face and he held me close but then saw my smile. I splashed him and the water caught him in the face. He fended me off and then rallied by putting his arms around me and dunking me back into the water. I could feel his muscles tense and his training kick in as he steadied himself and pulled me back up out of the water. I whipped my hair at him and he acted wounded and fell back into the creek.

    When he came back up, he swam over to the rocks and pulled himself out of the water. Sleek and strong, the muscles on his back glistened as the water dripped from him and the sun kissed his skin. He folded his legs under him and watched me in the water. Thank you.

    I should be thanking you. I almost did not come with you.

    He put his hand out to me and helped me out of the water. What made you change your mind?


    He looked around. It is only us. You can be honest with me.

    When you screamed and hit the water, you sounded like a little girl and reminded me of my little brother when we used to play together. I wrung the water out of my hair and glanced down at my wet underclothes. My nipples could be seen through my drenched clothes, but I did not mind.

    Stephen leaned back into a sunbeam that peeked through the forest trees and smiled. I always wanted a sister, but only had two brothers who beat me mercilessly.

    I used a band I carried on my wrist to tie up my hair. I was the oldest so I did much of the beatings. I did not let him see my face.

    You miss him, don’t you? Stephen lowered his voice and asked with true concern.

    Feelings rose up within me, and I did not answer for a few moments. I turned fully away and pretended to mess with my hair. Yes.

    He took my answer in and asked, Yellow fever?

    I nodded but would say no more. The hurt welled up inside and I buried it back down. The wound still had not healed after so much time had passed.

    Stephen sighed and took in a deep breath and wiggled his toes in the sun. All this dark talk will not help us on such a glorious day. But I have a secret that I can share with you. Do you want to know what it is?

    His singsong voice and playful manner did much to cheer me up. Yes, I would like to know. What secret does a knight in training have that he wishes to share with me?

    I turned back around and flashed him my best smile. Innocent though I was, I was not that naïve. Leaning forward, I allowed a bit of my cleavage to show and did my best to entice him.

    He leaned closer to me and whispered, We are both in love with the same boy! He giggled and pulled away, watching my reaction.

    His words rattled around inside my head for a bit, and I did not, at first, catch his meaning. Was he so conceited that he loved himself so much that he thought that I fancied him too and that both of us loved his own very self? And then he winked at me and I knew.

    You like boys? I asked.

    Sometimes. And not just any boy, but our own knight in training Charles. With his secret out, Stephen leaned back and nodded, having cleaned his mind of all worry.

    But … I could not find the right words to say. All my thoughts blurred in confusion. The best I could muster was to ask, Does he know?

    Know? Stephen shook his head. Only you know. He grabbed my hand in his. You are to be my true sister, and we will tell each other secrets. I have told you mine. Now you tell me yours.

    I smiled. Yes, I do like Charles. He is kind and strong and honest.

    He is all of that. Stephen pulled me close and hugged me. And today is your lucky day because as your older brother, I will do all within my power to ensure that the two of you get together and that he sees your beauty as I do.

    You would do that for me? I asked, and the unsaid words hung heavy in the air.

    He became serious and all his joking fell away from his voice. I am not a fool. Charles will never love me as I would want. The best that I can hope is for us to be friends. And I see through you. I see your pain and the loss you have encountered. You do not see it yourself, but there is someone beautiful inside. I allowed him to take my hand in his. You must trust me. I am a good judge of character.

    But I am a serving girl taken in by my house lord because I had nowhere else to go. Charles is to be a knight!

    And you one day will be a lady of great renown. He kissed my hand and twinkled his smile at me.

    A lady of the rags, more like. I frowned and pulled my hand from his.

    If you think that way, yes, then that’s all you’ll ever be. He stood up and pulled me into the sunlight. But I see something greater there.

    You are a funny one, aren’t you? I glanced at him askance to see if he tried to fool me.

    He walked over to his dry clothes and put them on. My grandmother reminds me every day of that. When he finished dressing, he bowed. I have my own errands to complete today, but we will see each other again soon now that we are sworn brother and sister to help each other till the end.

    I laughed at his overly dramatic turn of phrase. But I have sworn nothing to you yet!

    He rushed over to me and skidded down onto his knee in the sand. Then we must swear it now at the beginning of our friendship. He put his hand out to me.

    I stood beside him and took his hand.

    No, no, that will not do. He pulled me down onto my knees and

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