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One Fine Mess
One Fine Mess
One Fine Mess
Ebook374 pages4 hours

One Fine Mess

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It’s time to show some ovaries.

All Jules Nichols wants is a quiet life with a happy family. So with the help of her lover, she comes up with a plan to off her abusive hubby. Once he’s dead, she can kick back on the insurance money. Soon, though, the baddies start lining up against her. First it’s the Mob, then drug-dealing bikers, then even her wacko sister. At the same time, the Vermont State Police won’t go away.

There’s also the little issue of that head in a box.

It’s no time for Jules to lose her own head. Who could've known it'd be so hard to commit one little murder and start a family?

PublisherMark Petersen
Release dateDec 20, 2018
One Fine Mess

Mark Petersen

Addictions counselor by day. Crime fiction addict and author by night. Any resemblance to the quirky criminals in my book is, um, mostly coincidental. Previously employed as an archaeologist, truck driver, logger, and bike-tour guide in Paris. I attended law school for one day. That was enough. Crime is way more interesting.

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    One Fine Mess - Mark Petersen



    "I finally got Eddie where I want him," Jules Nichols said.

    An itty-bitty brunette, she felt the happiness all the way up her throat as she stood at the front door of the ranch house Wesley rented in Burlington. He squinted against the brightness and jerked his head around. He looked as if he expected an entire SWAT team to jump out of one of the sculpted shrubs.

    We screwed up. I know it.

    Oh, come on, we nailed it. Good times ahead.

    He gave his shoulders a squirrelly hike. She could hear an edge of anxiety in his voice.

    Aren’t you scared at all?

    Let’s go for a spin! Your car.

    I don’t know. Jeez, all I see is the blood, all the—

    I’ll drive, for once.

    She broke into a sprint. They raced down his flagstone walk and across the lawn. His white classic ’69 Mustang was backed into the driveway, the convertible top down. As she plopped into the driver’s seat, the big round dashboard gauges reminded her of a cockpit.

    When his hand touched hers, offering the keys, she felt a familiar tingle in her chest. She then roared onto the street and knocked off three blocks of well-kept houses and maples in seconds flat. A shapeless man hugging a grocery bag gaped at them from the sidewalk. She noticed Wesley slap his foot down, trying to brake.

    Grocery store. Gas station. Whoops tumbled toward them from a basketball court, and she nearly whooped herself. Feeling her own gears rev up, a sense of release rushing through her, she spun the steering wheel. As they squealed around the corner, Wesley clutched the dashboard.

    Slow down, he said. You really—

    Oh, sweetie.

    Tugging at a strap that had inched out from under her tank top, she let out a laugh. Sometimes it was hard to believe he’d risked his own neck for her. Or that he’d once been such a local hero.

    She raced willy-nilly through the traffic on Shelburne Road. The wind playing through her collar-length puff of hair, she cut southeast. A blue pond and sun-bleached barn zipped by. Cornfields. Neat rectangles of plowed Vermont earth. A stretch of woods and a bright ribbon of water.

    As they rocketed by a speed-limit sign, he craned his neck toward the speedometer. Just picturing the way he drove—shoulders bunched up around his ears, rigidly obeying the speed limit—made her smile. But unlike her own little pickup, wasn’t a car like this made to haul ass? His Red Sox T-shirt flapping, he knitted his brow.

    Know we had to do it, I just . . . You don’t think they suspect us?

    She waved a hand.

    Relax, for once. Okay? Be optimistic. Remember, we’re the good guys.

    She slid a little arm out into the wind. This was the beginning of their brand-new life. Even after the big chunk she’d donate to Burlington’s Steps to End Domestic Violence program, and paying for rehab for her troubled baby sis, it would be a life with 125 grand of insurance money. Jules would never have to shake her boobs for sweaty dollars again, or put up with drunks yelling at her to flash some pink. Or tiptoe around at home. After all the black eyes and bruises from her worthless hubby, Eddie, she could finally breathe.

    The road dipped and curved. The tires sang.

    She saw a flash of movement off to the right. When a squirrel scampered into the road ahead of them, she braked. The chubby critter hesitated, so she swerved to avoid it.

    Go easy, little guy.

    A voice from somewhere said, Be careful.

    Quite what she was afraid of she didn’t know. Feeling an uneasiness which surprised her, she checked the mirrors. Maybe Wesley was right? Maybe she should be more cautious? As they hit Keeser Road, she decided to slow down a bit.

    She and her sis, Paige, used to sled not far from here. They’d fly down Dyer Hill and then scamper right back up again. They used to ride their dirt bikes all around here too. God. Who could’ve known then how screwed up things between them would—

    Her shoulders tensed as she glanced in the rearview again.


    Near a blocky old brick house, blue lights flashed behind them. The cruiser swelled in the mirror, and Wesley gripped her arm.

    Maybe we can grab his gun, tie him up, he said. Conk him on the head—pretty hard, but not too—so he forgets everything, and then—

    Oh, come on, chill out. She checked again. The cruiser was right on their bumper now. Well, great. I was still speeding. He probably only stopped us for that.

    Oh, well.

    She had this.

    She feathered the brakes and pulled over, gravel rattling the underside of the car. As she switched the engine off, the patrolman strutted over, stone-faced. He was tall and buff, but had oversized ears. His handgun bobbed at his side. When he stopped, he gave Jules the once-over, eyes lingering for an extra beat. He sized up Wesley.

    Your license, registration, ma’am. You aware you were going at least eighty back there?

    Her hand draped on the steering wheel, she studied the nametag on the pocket flap of his khaki uniform, and a nick on his chin from shaving. She shrugged.

    Was I, Officer Gorman?

    Yes, ma’am.

    Hard to believe.

    Trooper Gorman shifted on his feet.

    A long moment dragged by.

    When Wesley groaned, she turned. He was white as the car’s exterior and rubbed his palms along his thighs. He looked about ready to scream, spring outside, and bolt on his spindly legs into the woods. Clumsy as he was, he would probably run straight into a tree. He’d never desert her, though.

    Well, all she had to do was play it cool. A part of her brain, though, said something else was off. Humming to herself, she fished her license out of her purse.

    Here you go. Not the best picture. Look at that hair!

    Wesley popped open the glove compartment to grab the registration. She heard him make a sharp intake of breath.

    Oh my—

    When she glanced over, her heart gave a little jump.

    She barely believed her own eyes. Between some paperwork inside the glove box gleamed the stainless steel cylinder of her Taurus Judge .45.

    Holy shit!

    How the hell could the gun be there? Making a panicky little noise, Wesley slapped the lid of the glove box shut.

    Sir, Trooper Gorman said.

    Wesley tried speaking—but nothing but a croak came out.

    The registration—

    Hmm? Oh, yeah!

    Wesley sat still, looking nauseated. He cleared his throat.


    Um, coming right up. Coming right to you. One …

    His hand trembled as he reached toward the glove box again.

    She couldn’t take her eyes off it. Would he grab the .45 and try something? This could all backfire horribly. After taking a big swallow, Mr. Cool eased the compartment open. Just barely.

    She eyed the trooper. She could smell the leather of his belt. Or holster. Had he inched his hand near his gun? He seemed to be studying their hands now as well.


    Hang on, I think I— With the glove box still barely open, Wesley rummaged away. His voice was too loud. Sure is way hot today, huh?

    The trooper said, You seem a little—

    "Jeez. My head is kind of spinning here. Not good, not good."

    She feared Wesley was reaching the breaking point as he added, Um, you see . . . Hot!

    The registration.

    Her sense of alarm grew as Wesley started to pull out what looked like a food wrapper. He made a little sound and shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He then fished around inside the compartment some more. For a second she was tempted to conk him on the head. That probably wouldn’t look good.

    Discreetly, she held out a hand to him, palm down, urging him to calm down. Her own blood felt fuzzy and fast.

    While the trooper stared on, a crazy idea floated through her head: snatch the .45 and leave him handcuffed to his car in just his underwear.

    She wouldn’t hurt the guy. But should she lunge for the glove box?

    Yes, yes, Wesley said shakily. He was a sweat factory now. Shit. You know, I pay my taxes. For real. Yup, everything by the book. Oh boy, I’ll shut up now.

    It took another one or two seconds, but he redeemed himself with a quick little grab and whack of the compartment lid. He had done it! God, he had done it. She let out a breath she hadn’t been aware she was holding as he continued.

    Here it is. Yup, this car’s mine.

    Avoiding the trooper’s eyes, Wesley handed over the registration and his own license. He drummed his fingers wildly on the armrest. Then he jerked out his phone and gaped at it, as if reading a text.

    A second later she saw something flare in his eyes. His mouth hung open so wide she could have stuffed a toaster in it.

    What now?

    The trooper asked her a couple of questions and apparently hadn’t noticed the .45.

    Stay put, he said. I’ll be right back.

    She urged Wesley to stay calm. After the trooper swaggered back from his checks, she grabbed her ticket and watched him run a hand along the car.

    Sure is a beauty.

    She nodded.


    Oh, he said. Had to give you a warning too.

    For what?

    Why’s your rear license plate upside down?

    She didn’t flinch. Willed her face to turn to stone. But she didn’t understand. Upside . . . ? His words didn’t click. What did he—?

    She bit her lip. They had temporarily taken off the rear plate at the Gorge.

    It had been upside down? For three days?

    Maybe they should have written WE DID IT in blood across the car’s hood.

    Well, she needed to answer like five minutes ago. The air had gone dead and heavy. But it was the story of her life. Something good happens. And then trouble.

    Nah. Not anymore.

    Still, what the hell was she supposed to say? She felt two pairs of eyes on her. The midday heat pressed down. There was the whoosh of a passing car.


    Answer in your own sweet time.

    So, uh . . . anyhoo, she said. Kids fooling around?

    She half winced as soon as she said it. Even so, she concentrated on keeping her cool. The trooper stared at her. Was there something combative in his look now? She could feel that her hand holding the steering wheel was damp.

    A bird cawed from the evergreens, and Wesley gazed longingly in that direction.

    Eddie would have killed her, if she ever tried to leave him. He’d said she’d end up in a garbage bag. But would the cops ever believe that? Especially after she’d already fed them a bunch of lies when they questioned her at the New Haven barracks? Maybe she should’ve opened up to them when she had the chance.

    What felt like an hour later, the trooper patted the door.

    Well, fix it. Have a nice day now. Take it easy, okay?

    As soon as he left, she let a Jesus Christ hiss out between her lips. She smacked her hand against the dash. She then caught herself. What mattered was that they were in the clear now. Hopefully.

    Wesley sat up, letting out a whoosh of air. She restarted the engine, and he eyed her as they roared off.

    Man! he said. His tongue sounded sticky. How weird was that?

    A bit.

    For a moment she met his worried green eyes. He wasn’t exactly a badass. But from the start, she couldn’t resist his goofball charm.

    God, he said. I think I, uh, just threw up in my mouth a little. I thought you were going to bury that gun.

    That talk about burying it or throwing it in a pond? Ring any bells?

    Say what, now?

    "You forget about that? You said you would."

    When she shot him a reproachful look, he lowered his gaze a moment. He thought about it with his mouth knotted.

    Did I? A realization came into his eyes. Damn.

    Sweetie, she said, what were you thinking? He sat still, not saying anything, so she continued. Look, we’re going to handle this. We will. Just pull yourself together.

    He put his hand on her thigh. His grip tightened before he let go.

    My bad.

    It’s okay. I’ll take care of the gun.

    Well, maybe he wasn’t the best murder partner. But she really did love the bonehead. He was yummy in bed. And she wanted to have his babies. Still, maybe they really hadn’t thought things out so well after all.

    Seeing that pistol right there—shit, he said. That was . . . My heart was going ninety miles an hour. At least.

    As she hurtled by a tractor chugging along on big-ribbed tires, she felt her mind pulling into an ugly place she didn’t want to be.

    Poor baby. The truth, though? That rattled me too.

    Yeah, well, you know. Guess I did mess up with that rear plate.

    She raised her eyebrows.

    You think? I wonder sometimes, how’d you ever manage? Pushing insurance, I mean. You’re such a nut.

    They sat quiet a moment. She kept her foot on the gas, and they swung out around a red Ford pickup. Power poles flew by as she tried to ignore her own uneasy feeling. For some reason Wesley had pulled into himself. He looked as if something else was still on his mind. She played a hand through his beautiful chestnut curls.

    Sweetie, don’t wig out. For the record? Maybe you were right about not speeding. But nobody knows it was—It’s going to be okay.

    Nope, he said.

    "We only killed one bad guy."

    He seemed to mull this over. He then gave a short, shocked laugh.

    Well . . . I’m not even sure about that.

    She felt the air go out of her. As she eyed him, he made some kind of desperate sound. There was something he wasn’t telling her. She saw it in his face.

    O-kay, she said. What do you mean?


    Tell me.

    His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard.

    She sifted through what’d just happened. Was it something about Gorman? The .45?

    She stared at him—waiting.

    That text I got? he said in a faint voice, as if not wanting to hear himself say it.


    The sight of him gave her a slight chill. When she stroked the back of his neck, trying to soothe him, he closed his eyes and shimmied his head.

    I about shit myself, he said. Heck, maybe I did.

    You didn’t really—

    "It was from Eddie."

    • • •

    Sipping at a gin cooler on the steps of her cozy farmhouse just outside Monkburg village the next day, Jules drank in the silence and sweeping green landscape, and tried not to worry. Last night she had ditched the .45 into a deserted collection pond. It felt good to wrap her hand around it one last time, then let it fly. As it splashed and sank into the muck, she heaved a sigh of relief. Now, she had her fingers crossed that the cops had no clue.

    But obviously, Wesley needed some time to chill as well. A threatening text from a dead man? The stress had to be driving him a little wacky. Wackier. Sometimes there was no telling what went on in that head of his. Although for a sec his claim had stunned her too, he’d produced no proof, saying he’d deleted it. No, he must have been imagining things.

    Still, they were in uncharted country now.

    Cops aside, Eddie had run with some real baddies. She tugged at the collar of her shirt. She didn’t even want to think about any possible trouble from them. At least the rest of her and Wesley’s plan had been tight. Despite the scare with Officer Gorman, they were good. Weren’t they?

    God, she had married young and dumb. That whole union with Eddie had been wrong, wrong, wrong. Why hadn’t she listened to her aunt Ina? The first time Eddie had spoken poorly of women, Jules should have known. And stripping? When she’d started, pulling in sweaty cash had seemed the only way to pay the bills and keep her little sis in clothes. Should’ve known better about that too.

    Now that she was free, being home felt like living in a palace. Could there be a sweeter place to start her own family?

    Her white clapboard home on Plains Road was simple. Inside, faint cracks ran through the walls—along with a fist-sized hole in her bedroom, thanks to Eddie. But the repairs could wait. Set back from the road, the house nestled on a knoll, and she loved the view: broad fields and wooded hills, Black Pond shining beyond her neighbor’s dairy barn to the south. It was a little chunk of heaven.

    She took a gulp of her cold drink. Screw the past. Screw the faint cracks—of doubt—she felt now herself. Finally, she had room to breathe. And privacy. If things went south, she’d handle them. Hell, she could write her own ticket now. To a new future.

    Why dwell on negatives? What was that old saying?

    If you call for the devil, he’ll come.


    She’s dressing him up like . . . a pirate?

    Tucked behind a pine on a rise at woods’ edge, Burlington Detective Denzel Burpee gawked through his zoom lens into Jules’s bedroom window.


    He swallowed.

    Wearing stiletto heels, Jules gyrated before her lover, who lay back in bed. A sexy smile lit her face, and she worked her sweet little ass. Slow and sensual, all loosey-goosey. Burpee groaned. It was eighty-nine degrees out. Watching her, it felt a lot warmer.

    Clearly, she was not shy. When she’d stripped in Burlington, she used to wear black lipstick and piercings in her nipples.

    Now, a red bandanna circled the curls of her slightly built man. But the guy seemed to balk at the black eye patch dangling from her finger. One slow kiss took care of his hesitation, apparently. Whipping on the eye patch, he tossed her down onto the bed.

    Well, shiver me timbers.

    Burpee had never liked her thuggish husband, Eddie. Eddie had even called him the n-word once, at Eddie’s strip bar, the Booby Trap, in Burlington’s North End. Burpee had nearly decked him.

    It was no secret that Eddie had dealt serious firepower, including assault rifles. Reportedly, some loony named Apache Tait and he had also run a meth lab at a hilltop Lincoln farm. Rumor was that, after a dispute between the two of them, Tait ended up skinned alive. Supposedly Eddie had also smashed in the teeth of one of his drug couriers with an iron bar.

    Eddie had been trouble, right down to the cobra tattoo on his fat neck. At one point Jules had taken out a temporary restraining order on him. The prick had apparently bounced his better half off the walls one too many times. Had he given her that slim scar across her right cheekbone?

    Still, a murder was a murder. Burpee knew the possibility had to be pursued as he watched her pull a reversal and climb on top of her lover now.


    He drew in a mouthful of piney air. He then turned and gazed off to the south through the branches. A mailbox tilted on a post at the end of the long driveway. A breeze riffled through the young corn across the road. Past a stretch of forest, a white steeple poked at the sky.

    Ever since he had heard about Eddie’s death, he’d been drawn to the case—partly because not long ago he had been so taken with Jules. Just how naughty had his favorite former stripper been? She’d probably done the world a huge favor by offing her scumbag hubby. But did these two now think their screw-fests were hush-hush?

    Still, what was he himself really doing here? Sure, find the bad guys, bring them down—that was his calling. Christ, he’d once even gotten a dimwit perp to fess up by pretending a photocopier could detect the lies in written statements. This case, though? Somehow, he couldn’t get it out of his mind.

    Eddie’s life insurance policy had been fairly big. And there’d been big-ass discord in his and Jules’s marriage too.

    With some effort through a back-channel source, Burpee had unearthed one interesting tidbit. Days before the murder, Wesley Torrance’s credit card had been used at Wal-Mart to buy two pairs of coveralls and a box of 45-caliber bullets.

    The Staties had either bungled the initial look into the vic’s death, or maybe just didn’t give a rat’s ass about avenging the death of a shithead like him. Although they’d found faint bloody boot prints at the Huntington Gorge crime scene, they never managed a match. Oddly, the prints were whoppers. Over a foot long—a men’s size fifteen. Way bigger than Torrance’s would be. That one was a head-scratcher.

    Not far from the body, crime scene techs had recovered a .45 casing from a gravel patch. Yet without a weapon to try for a match, that didn’t amount to jack shit. There were no prints on the casing either, suggesting that the perp had loaded it while wearing gloves. Reportedly the Staties had even lost track of some of the evidence themselves.

    The case was still open. Yet Burpee couldn’t help but wonder if the Staties were going to just write the crime off as one more dope deal gone bad.

    After all, Eddie had been carrying twenty-five hundred bucks. A living-large dope roll.

    It also seemed neither Northeastern Mutual’s death claim examiner, nor the D.A. here, had much interest in hauling in the hottie widow. Hell, Burpee had no witnesses. No reports of vehicles coming or going in the area. There was also the whole damn jurisdiction issue. Still, fuck it. No matter what, he was going to pursue this one. Whether Jules was clothed or not, in general he sure didn’t mind still keeping an eye on her. And he’d never given up on a case before.

    Somehow, Jules’s pirate lover had won the babe lottery. In high

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