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THE TESTAMENTS OF THE TWELVE PATRIARCHS - the biographies of 12 giants of the ancient world
THE TESTAMENTS OF THE TWELVE PATRIARCHS - the biographies of 12 giants of the ancient world
THE TESTAMENTS OF THE TWELVE PATRIARCHS - the biographies of 12 giants of the ancient world
Ebook149 pages2 hours

THE TESTAMENTS OF THE TWELVE PATRIARCHS - the biographies of 12 giants of the ancient world

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About this ebook

Herein are twelve biographies of the Patriarchs written between 107 B.C. and 137 B.C. They are a forceful exposition, showing how a Pharisee with a rare gift of writing secured the biographies of the greatest men of ancient times. "There were intellectual giants in those days" and the Twelve Patriarchs were the Intellectual Giants!

Each tells his life story and when he is on his deathbed he calls all his children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren about him, and proceeds without reservation to lay bare his experiences for the moral guidance of his hearers. If he fell into sin he tells all about it and then counsels them not to err as he did. If he was virtuous, he shows what rewards were his.

When you look beyond the unvarnished--almost brutally frank--passages of the text, you will discern a remarkable attestation of the expectations of the Messiah which existed a hundred years before Christ. And there is another element of rare value in this strange series. As Dr. R. H. Charles says in his scholarly work on the Pseudepigrapha: its ethical teaching "has achieved a real immortality by influencing the thought and diction of the writers of the New Testament, and even those of our Lord. This ethical teaching, which is very much higher and purer than that of the Old Testament, is yet its true spiritual child and helps to bridge the chasm that divides the ethics of the Old and New Testaments."

The instances of the influence of these writings on the New Testament are notable in the Sermon on the Mount which reflects the spirit and even uses phrases from these Testaments. St. Paul appears to have borrowed so freely that it seems as though he must have carried a copy of the Testaments with him on his travels.

Thus, the reader has before him in these pages what is at once striking for its blunt primitive style and valuable as some of the actual source books of the Bible.

10% of the profit from the sale of this book will be donated to charities.
KEYWORDS/TAGS: Testaments, twelve, patriarchs, Pseudepigrapha, Rutherford H Platt, R H Charles, , Abraham, angel, angels, anger, Asher, Beliar, Benjamin, Bilhah, bless, brethren, brother, Canaan, captivity, children, city, command, commandments, Dan, darkness, daughter, day, death, deceit, deliver, desire, destroy, die, Egypt, Egyptian, envy, eternal life, evil, father, fear, fornication, Gad, Gentiles, God, good, hatred, Hebron, High, Holy Spirit, husband, Isaac, Ishmaelites, Israel, Issachar, Jacob, Joseph, Judah, Judah, judgement, king, kingdom, knowledge, Leah, Levi, life, Lord, love, lying, man, mercy, mighty, money, Naphtali, neighbour, peace, pleasure, power, pray, priesthood, Rachel, Reuben, righteous, righteousness, salvation, Simeon, sin, singleness, slave, slew, sons, soul, strength, sword, therefore, understanding, walk, water, wicked, wickedness, wine, woman, words, wrath, wrought, Zebulun, TESTAMENTS OF THE TWELVE PATRIARCHS
Release dateDec 26, 2018
THE TESTAMENTS OF THE TWELVE PATRIARCHS - the biographies of 12 giants of the ancient world

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    Book preview

    THE TESTAMENTS OF THE TWELVE PATRIARCHS - the biographies of 12 giants of the ancient world - Anon E. Mouse

    The Testaments

    Twelve Patriarchs

    The Forgotten Books of Eden Series

    edited by

    Rutherford H. Platt, Jr.

    Resurrected by

    Abela Publishing, London


    The Testaments Of The Twelve Patriarchs

    The Forgotten Books Of Eden

    Typographical arrangement of this edition

    © Abela Publishing 2013

    This book may not be reproduced in its current format in any manner in any media, or transmitted by any means whatsoever, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, or mechanical ( including photocopy, file or video recording, internet web sites, blogs, wikis, or any other information storage and retrieval system) except as permitted by law without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    Abela Publishing,


    United Kingdom


    ISBN-13: 978-1-XXXXXX-XX-X


    [email protected]


    Abela Publishing


    The Publisher acknowledges the work that

    Rutherford H. Platt, Jr.

    did in editing this unique volume

    in a time well before any electronic media was in use.

    10% of the publisher’s profit

    from the sale from this book

    will be donated to charities.


    Raising funds for





    The Testaments Of The Twelve Patriarchs

    Testament Of Reuben

    Testament Of Simeon

    Testament Of Levi

    The Testament Of Judah

    The Testament Of Issachar

    The Testament Of Zebulun

    The Testament Of Dan

    The Testament Of Naphtali

    The Testament Of Gad

    The Testament Of Asher

    The Testament Of Joseph

    The Testament Of Benjamin

    Other Ebooks From The  Forgotten Books Of Eden Series

    The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs

    THE following twelve books are biographies written between 107 B.C. and 137 B.C. They are a forceful exposition, showing how a Pharisee with a rare gift of writing secured publicity by using the names of the greatest men of ancient times. There were intellectual giants in those days and the Twelve Patriarchs were the Intellectual Giants!

    Each is here made to tell his life story. When he is on his deathbed he calls all his children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren about him, and proceeds without reservation to lay bare his experiences for the moral guidance of his hearers. If he fell into sin he tells all about it and then counsels them not to err as he did. If he was virtuous, he shows what rewards were his.

    When you look beyond the unvarnished--almost brutally frank--passages of the text, you will discern a remarkable attestation of the expectations of the Messiah which existed a hundred years before Christ. And there is another element of rare value in this strange series. As Dr. R. H. Charles says in his scholarly work on the Pseudepigrapha: its ethical teaching has achieved a real immortality by influencing the thought and diction of the writers of the New Testament, and even those of our Lord. This ethical teaching, which is very much higher and purer than that of the Old Testament, is yet its true spiritual child and helps to bridge the chasm that divides the ethics of the Old and New Testaments.

    The instances of the influence of these writings on the New Testament are notable in the Sermon on the Mount which reflects the spirit and even uses phrases from these Testaments. St. Paul appears to have borrowed so freely that it seems as though he must have carried a copy of the Testaments with him on his travels.

    Thus, the reader has before him in these pages what is at once striking for its blunt primitive style and valuable as some of the actual source books of the Bible.

    Testament of Reuben

    The First-Born Son of Jacob and Leah.

    CHAP. I.

    Reuben, the first-born son of Jacob and Leah. The man of experience counsels against fornication and points out the ways in. which men are most apt to fall into error.

    THE Copy of the Testament of Reuben, even the commands which he gave his sons before he died in the hundred and twenty-fifth year of his life.

    2 Two years after the death of Joseph his brother, when Reuben fell ill, his sons and his sons' sons were gathered together to visit him.

    3 And he said to them: My children, behold I am dying, and go the way of my fathers.

    4 And seeing there Judah, and Gad, and Asher, his brethren, he said to them: Raise me up that I may tell to my brethren and to my children what things I have hidden in my heart, for behold now at length I am passing away.

    5 And he arose and kissed them, and said unto them: Hear, my brethren, and do ye my children, give ear to Reuben your father, in the commands which I give unto you.

    6 And behold I call to witness against you this day the God of heaven, that ye walk not in the sins of youth and fornication, wherein I was poured out, and defiled the bed of my father Jacob.

    7 And I tell you that he smote me with a sore plague in my loins for seven months; and had not my father Jamb prayed for me to the Lord, the Lord would have destroyed me.

    8 For I was thirty years old when I wrought the evil thing before the Lord, and for seven months I was sick unto death.

    9 And after this I repented with set purpose of my soul for seven years before the Lord.

    10 And wine and strong drink I drank not, and flesh entered not into my mouth, and I ate no pleasant food; but I mourned over my sin, for it was great, such as had not been in Israel.

    11 And now hear me, my children, what things I saw concerning the seven spirits of deceit, when I repented.

    12 Seven spirits therefore are appointed against man, and they are the leaders in the works of youth.

    13 And seven other spirits are given to him at his creation, that through them should be done every work of man.

    14 The first is the spirit of life, with which the constitution of man is created.

    15 The second is the sense of sight, with which ariseth desire.

    16 The third is the sense of hearing, with which cometh teaching.

    17 The fourth is the sense of smell, with which tastes are given to draw air and breath.

    18 The fifth is the power of speech, with which cometh knowledge.

    19 The sixth is the sense of taste, with which cometh the eating of meats and drinks; and by it strength is produced, for in food is the foundation. of strength.

    20 The seventh is the power of procreation and sexual intercourse, with which through love of pleasure sins enter in.

    21 Wherefore it is the last in order of creation, and the first in that of youth, because it is filled with ignorance, and leadeth the youth as a blind man to a pit, and as a beast to a precipice.

    22 Besides all these there is an eighth spirit of sleep, with which is brought about the trance of nature and the of death.

    23 With these spirits are mingled the spirits of error.

    24 First, the spirit of fornication is seated in the nature and in the senses;

    25 The second, the spirit of insatiableness in the belly;

    26 The third, the spirit of fighting, in the liver and gall.

    27 The fourth is the spirit of obsequiousness and chicanery, that through officious attention one may be fair in seeming.

    28 The fifth is the spirit of pride, that one may be boastful and arrogant.

    29 The sixth is the spirit of lying, in perdition and jealousy to practise deceits, and concealments from kindred and friends.

    30 The seventh is the spirit of injustice, with which are thefts and acts of rapacity, that a man may fulfil the desire of his heart; for injustice worketh together with the other spirits by the taking of gifts.

    31 And with all these the spirit of sleep is joined which is that of error and fantasy.

    32 And so perisheth every young man, darkening his mind from the truth, and not understanding the law of God, nor obeying the admonitions of his fathers, as befell me also in my youth.

    33 And now, my children, love the truth, and it will preserve you: hear ye the words of Reuben your father.

    34 Pay no heed to the face of a woman,

    35 Nor associate with another man's wife,

    36 Nor meddle with affairs of womankind.

    37 For had I not seen Bilhah bathing in a covered place, I had not fallen

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