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The Withers Awaken: Wither War Book Two: A Far Lands Adventure: An Unofficial Minecrafter’s Adventure
The Withers Awaken: Wither War Book Two: A Far Lands Adventure: An Unofficial Minecrafter’s Adventure
The Withers Awaken: Wither War Book Two: A Far Lands Adventure: An Unofficial Minecrafter’s Adventure
Ebook269 pages3 hours

The Withers Awaken: Wither War Book Two: A Far Lands Adventure: An Unofficial Minecrafter’s Adventure

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Krael, the Wither King, has been trapped deep underground, ending his reign of terror, and all the NPCs of the Far Lands have all put away their swords in peace except Watcher; the young archer still suspects Krael has bigger plans.

He’s right. In the darkness of the Cave of Slumber, Krael awakens the imprisoned wither horde, and with the help of creepers and endermen, the wither army is released from their rocky jail. They spread across the Far Lands, searching for the ancient Vault of Weapons which will make the army of withers indestructible. But one man alone holds the secret to the Vault’s whereabouts: the Far Land’s last living NPC wizard.

Watcher and his friends must race to find the wizard before Krael and his army of monsters. But if they fail, a wave of destruction, led by the King of the Withers, will sweep across the landscape, destroying everything—and everyone—they know.
PublisherSky Pony
Release dateJul 3, 2018
The Withers Awaken: Wither War Book Two: A Far Lands Adventure: An Unofficial Minecrafter’s Adventure

Mark Cheverton

Mark Cheverton was a high school math and physics teacher for fifteen years. He then moved into industry, working for another decade and a half as a research physicist for General Electric. During that time, he penned his first Minecraft-inspired series of books which ended up on the New York Times, USA Today, and Publisher’s Weekly bestsellers list. Today, he’s written 27 novels with over 2 million copies in print worldwide. When not writing, Mark talks with school kids about creative writing while still doing research at GE.

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    The Withers Awaken - Mark Cheverton

    The darkness wrapping around Krael, the king of the withers, was like a leaden blanket of hopelessness. He had tried to free the many withers floating high overhead—his wither army—but that annoying boy-wizard had thwarted his efforts.

    I’ll make that wizard suffer somehow, the center head hissed vengefully, the right and left skulls nodding.

    Krael glanced upward, his eyes instantly drawn to his wife, Kora, floating in the center of the huge cavern. The redstone lanterns distributed across the Cave of Slumber cast a soft yellow glow, illuminating her body. Kora’s three heads lolled to the side, eyes shut as she continued the three-hundred-year-long nap caused by the magical spells built into the Cave of Slumber. Those enchantments had ensnared Kora and the hundreds of other withers here during the Great War between the NPC wizards and monster warlocks, drawing them into a perpetual sleep.

    And now, those spells were trying to capture the king of the withers as well.

    Krael lay on his side on the bottom of the gigantic chamber, too weak to fly, but still awake. The enchantments in the two magical Crowns of Skulls on his left and center heads cast an iridescent purple glow upon his surroundings. The magical Crowns fought against the spells woven into the Cave, allowing him to resist falling into an eternal sleep … for now.

    We must move, or we’ll die here. Krael’s voice was weak but insistent.

    The wither king lifted his body off the ground and stood on the end of his stubby spine. He had no legs, and usually didn’t need them, for withers could fly, but right now, he didn’t have the strength to float up into the air.

    I see something glowing, the right skull said.

    Even though the wither was exhausted, Right’s voice still had a lyrical and soothing sound, as usual. We must move that way and see what it is.

    What’s the point? Left’s scratchy voice sounded hopeless.

    Because it might be something to help us. Right’s voice now had an angry edge.

    Krael inched slowly across the ground, his dark spine dragging across the stone floor, a scraping sound echoing off the cold stone walls. As they neared the source of the glow, Krael’s breathing quickened, his pounding heartbeat like a drum; the light ahead was an iridescent purple, like that of an enchanted artifact. It could be some weapon, dropped there by the ancient wizards as they were building the Cave, or maybe some enchanted tool used to create the insidious spells trapping the withers in an eternal prison, or maybe it could be … Krael didn’t even want to consider that.

    I saw the boy-wizard drop it, Right said.

    Yeah, Left added. He dropped it when our flaming skull struck him. The fool can’t hold on to anything.

    Be quiet, Center snapped. Just focus on getting to whatever it is. We’ll know when we reach it.

    If … we reach it, Left yawned. I’m getting sleepier and sleepier.

    Krael slid forward, trying to move faster, though his stubby spine was getting sore as it dragged across the rough, stone floor. The glow was becoming brighter, the distant artifact pulsing with power as he neared. At the same time, the two Crowns of Skulls atop his head also started to pulse, their glittering purple glow in sync with the object up ahead.

    Right could barely keep her eyes open now. Without a Crown of Skulls on her head, the enchantments from the Cave of Slumber felt stronger; their whispers and promises of blissful sleep echoed in Right’s mind, drawing her eyelids down, and down, and … a loud snore filled the air as her head flopped to the side, asleep.

    We must hurry, Center hissed desperately. Left, also struggling with fatigue, just grunted.

    Krael moved across the uneven floor, the scraping sound of his spine across the hard floor now mixing with the wheezing snores from Right. He could see it now. The item ahead was gold and shiny, its magical enchantments lighting the cave floor with a sparkling glow. He was getting close …

    I can see it, Left. I can see it. It’s the third Crown of Skulls! If we can reach it, the third Crown will give us enough power to resist the Cave of Slumber and get out of here. Center’s voice was filled with excitement at first, but then grew concerned. Left … are you okay?

    Another snore pierced the dark cave; Left had fallen asleep as well, his skull drooping forward.

    I don’t have much time. Center could feel his own eyelids growing heavier and heavier.

    Using every ounce of his remaining strength, Krael made one giant leap forward. His protruding spine left the ground and floated through the air just for an instant. For a moment, he thought he was going to make it, but then his spine touched the ground again, slowing his body to a grinding halt, still too far away to reach the Crown.

    No … NO! Rage filled Krael as he stared at his prize, just out of reach.

    Leaning forward, the wither king extended his body, trying once more to reach the Crown, but he was so tired. Maybe just a quick nap and he’d then have the energy to get the Crown. Slowly, he closed his eyes, but he was leaning too far over now, and lost his balance.

    His body fell forward and landed on the discarded Crown of Skulls. Instantly, the ancient artifact zipped into his inventory, adding to the magical enchantments woven through his body. A surge of power blasted through Krael, immediately snapping all three skulls awake, their eyes wide with surprise as the new Crown suddenly appeared atop Right’s head.

    With the complete set of Crowns, power on a scale never before seen in Minecraft surged through the wither king’s body. Sparks of purple lightning wrapped around his body as waves of iridescent energy moved across his body as if they were living things.

    YES! Center exclaimed, a huge smile on his face. He glanced at Left and Right, then floated up into the air. Rising through the darkness, he moved closer to his wife, staring at her sleeping form. I’ll have you out of here soon, Kora.

    Krael floated even higher, then faced one of the cavern walls.

    There, fire your flaming skulls, Center commanded. But first, let the power from the Crowns fill you.

    The other skulls nodded, then concentrated. The three Crowns of Skulls grew bright as sparks jumped from one to the next, crawling across the back of Krael’s heads like tiny, shimmering spiders. And then the wither king fired.

    A barrage of flaming skulls streaked through the air and smashed into the cavern’s wall. Sandstone cubes, enveloped by the fiery grasp of the explosion, disintegrated from sight, releasing blocks of sand which fell to the cavern floor. But the wall still stood, its surface shining bright with magical enchantments, the spells making the Cave wall indestructible.

    You aren’t indestructible anymore, Krael smiled at the wall, then glanced at the other two skulls. Fire again.

    They gathered their magic, letting the power envelop their flaming skulls … then fired. Nine flaming skulls smashed into the glittering wall with the strength of a giant’s fist. The Cave of Slumber shook, causing more blocks of sand to fall from the walls and ceiling, but the wall still stood without a scratch or dent.

    Krael moved closer, his anger rising. Gather more magical power.

    The wither used the enchantments in the Crowns of Skulls, drawing as much energy as they could from the ancient artifact and allowing it to build within the monster’s three dark skulls. The dark skin of the wither king soon gave off a faint purple glow which grew brighter and brighter as the Crowns grew dimmer.


    The three heads fired their skulls at the sparkling cavern wall. Blazing bright as the sun, the flaming skulls smashed into the sandstone barrier, blasting through the wall and carving a massive hole in the side of the Cave of Slumber. For the first time in over three hundred years, the early morning sunlight streamed into the cavern.

    Krael smiled, then turned and floated back to his wife, Kora. Moving behind her, he pushed her toward the newly made exit. When the sleeping wither moved out of the Cave, her heads slowly rose and her eyes blinked open, full of uncertainty.

    What’s happening … I’m getting sleepy … we’re trapped! She sounded terrified.

    It’s alright, wife. I’ve saved you. Krael moved closer to Kora and leaned his center skull forward against hers.

    Krael … you didn’t get trapped in that cave? She glanced up at the three crowns on her husband’s head and gasped in surprise. You have the Crowns?

    The wither king nodded. Yes, and I just used them to rescue you, but now we need to free the others, and the spells in the Cave will try to ensnare you again. Fly fast and follow me.

    Krael streaked into the Cave of Slumber and moved behind the nearest wither as his wife moved to another. They pushed the two withers out of the Cave, then explained the situation once they awoke. Then, the four of them entered the cavern and rescued four more, then eight, then sixteen, then …

    In twenty minutes, they’d rescued hundreds of monsters from the Cave, the withers all snarling with confusion and rage.

    Krael floated high into the air and stared down at his new army. Brothers and sisters, you have slept a long time. More than three centuries have passed. The withers glanced at each other, shocked, as the wither king continued.

    The wizards who imprisoned you are all gone. The monster warlocks were defeated. Again, the NPCs rule the surface of Minecraft and care nothing for the rights of monsters. Skeletons, zombies, endermen, spiders—all the monsters must hide in shadowy caves and tunnels, fearing for their lives if discovered by villagers. The withers grumbled as angry words spread throughout the army.

    Krael glanced down at his wife. Kora gave him a smile that filled him with a moment of joy, but then the image of the young wizard, Watcher, floated into his mind, and his three skulls frowned.

    But we still have an enemy. Amplified by the three Crowns of Skulls, Krael’s voice boomed across the desert landscape. A boy-wizard tried to stop me from rescuing you. He is likely still in this world. We’re going to destroy this puny wizard, then go back to the Far Lands and begin our revenge. With the three Crowns of Skulls and all of you at my back, nothing can stop us.

    The withers cheered, some firing their flaming skulls into the air.

    We will not stop until the boy-wizard is destroyed. Then, we will take our revenge on the ancient wizards who trapped you in the Cave of Slumber by exterminating every NPC in the Far Lands. Krael laughed cruelly. Soon, all of Minecraft will belong to the withers!

    The shadowy monsters cheered as Krael stared down at his wife, Kora. She smiled, then fired her own flaming skulls into the sky, an expression of violent glee in her eyes.

    Watcher moved through the dark passage, the iridescent glow coming from his arms and chest lighting the corridor. The rest of the NPCs followed close behind, all of them nervous about being in the Labyrinth again.

    You know, last time we were in these passages, many of us thought we’d die in here, Blaster said.

    Watcher glanced over his shoulder at the boy, but he was nearly invisible; his black leather armor allowed him to blend in with the darkness, though his perpetual smile gave his presence away.

    I know, but last time, we got out of here because of my magical powers. Watcher’s voice sounded proud.

    Here we go, Planter said, sounding resigned. We know you’re a wizard and you have all these magical powers. How could we forget? You keep reminding us.

    Blaster and Cutter laughed.

    Well, I do have magical powers. Watcher stopped and turned to look at his friends, then pointed at his girlfriend, Planter. But I see the glow coming from your arms as well. You have the same magic running through you, too—just not as much.

    Planter sighed. I know. She lowered her head to stare at the ground.

    I see something. Mapper moved next to Watcher and stared into the dim tunnel. I think that’s the room up ahead.

    Watcher turned and gazed down the tunnel, his sharp eyesight trying to pierce the darkness. I think you’re right, Mapper. Come on, everyone.

    Patting the old man on the back, Watcher continued onward through the passage. After going a couple dozen blocks farther, the tunnel ended in a large, circular chamber with walls and floors made of obsidian. It had the same feel as the first time they’d been here, ancient. The air still smelt stale with a thick layer of dust covering most surfaces, the footprints from the last time they’d been here still clearly visible on the floor. It was likely they were the only people to visit this place since the end of the Great War.

    I wonder how the ancient wizards built the Labyrinth? Mapper moved to one of the many bookcases to look at the books on the shelves. He pulled one from the shelf and it crumbled into dust, coating his chain-mail-covered boots. He glanced at Watcher with a sad expression on his wrinkled old face. To build this complex set of tunnels under the huge mountains above us … umm … what were they called again?

    The Creeper’s Teeth, Blaster said.

    You’re so smart. Fencer moved to the boy’s side, smiling. After he’d saved Fencer from the attack of an ancient zombie warrior, the young girl’s infatuation had been focused on him.

    Blaster instantly retreated, moving to the opposite side of the room, which made Watcher smile—he’d been the target of Fencer’s affections before, and Blaster had thought it funny. Now the tables were turned a bit.

    That’s right, the Creeper’s Teeth. Mapper nodded. I wonder if the wizards made the Creeper’s Teeth first or the Labyrinth.

    Who cares? Cutter’s voice boomed off the chamber walls. The big NPC stepped closer to the shiny mirror and stared at his reflection. It would be nice if we had some more light.

    I only have one torch. Does anyone have any spare torches? Mapper glanced at the faces of their companions.

    There were eighteen villagers and one zombie in their company, and they’d used most of their resources getting to the Cave of Slumber and stopping the wither king.

    The other NPCs shook their heads.

    Watcher, you could do that magic thing with your little magic wand, Blaster said.

    Sure, I don’t mind, as long as someone has a potion of healing ready for me. Watcher reached into his inventory. His fingers brushed against the fragile Elytra wings his sister had given him before they left the Wizards Tower weeks ago. He was glad he’d been able to repair them after the crash in the Cave of Slumber; she’d be mad if he’d broken them.

    Reaching in farther, his fingers found what he was searching for, and he pulled out the Wand of Cloning. The magical artifact was a stick with metal wrapped around its ends, and was shaped like a Y, as if the wand had been split down the center partway, each half identical.

    Is this really necessary? Planter asked. I don’t like you using magic when it isn’t necessary.

    It’s no big deal. I have more than enough power to use this wand. Watcher sounded proud of himself.

    Here we go again, Blaster laughed, shaking his head.

    Planter rolled her eyes. You see, that’s the problem. You always think you have enough power, and it’s true … until it isn’t true anymore, and then what happens?

    You don’t need to worry, Planter; I’m a wizard, and I know what I’m doing. Watcher motioned for Mapper to give him the torch.

    I remember when you used that wand the last time. Mapper handed the torch to Watcher, then moved to a nearby bookcase. Won’t the torches last for only a short while before they disappear?

    Watcher nodded. You’re right. The things the Wand of Cloning creates are only temporary, but we won’t be here long enough for it to matter. Everyone, stand back.

    Watcher placed the torch on the ground, then held the split wand in the air. He moved it over his head, then pointed it at the unlit torch and flicked his wrist multiple times. A bright flash of light filled the air, forcing everyone to look away. Watcher grunted as pain exploded through his body as the wand drew on his health for power. Blaster threw a splash potion of healing against his back, the liquid instantly quenched the flames of agony raging through his body. The young wizard breathed a sigh of relief, then put the wand away as beads of sweat tumbled down his forehead.

    You did it. Mapper bent over and picked up the torches, then moved around the room, placing them on the walls and floors.

    The flickering light revealed what they had all expected to see: beds grouped against one wall, old and dusty bookcases positioned all throughout the room, multiple passages leading into the chamber, and a single mirror-like structure against the wall.

    Great, now let’s get out of here. Cutter moved to the shining mirror, then motioned for Watcher to come near. Do your wizard thing and open this doorway.

    Maybe we should wait. There is so much we could learn here. Mapper pulled a book from the bookcase. It crumbled into dust, just like the first had. He glanced at Watcher with a sad expression on his wrinkled, old face. For example, I thought we’d come through the mirror because that was the way we left the Labyrinth last time. It would have made sense we’d return the same way, but instead, we came in through one of those tunnels.

    It’s possible the wizards made the Labyrinth so that you always enter through the tunnels and exit through the mirror. Watcher moved to the old man’s side and brushed some of the book dust from his shoulders.

    Cutter banged impatiently on the silver mirror with a fist, then glanced at

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