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The Wither King: Wither War Book One: A Far Lands Adventure: An Unofficial Minecrafter’s Adventure
The Wither King: Wither War Book One: A Far Lands Adventure: An Unofficial Minecrafter’s Adventure
The Wither King: Wither War Book One: A Far Lands Adventure: An Unofficial Minecrafter’s Adventure
Ebook274 pages3 hours

The Wither King: Wither War Book One: A Far Lands Adventure: An Unofficial Minecrafter’s Adventure

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Life is peaceful and calm in the Far Lands, a mysterious area on the edge of the Overworld in Minecraft. The monster warlords have been destroyed, and the NPC villages are flourishing. But an old warning still echoes in the young NPC Watcher’s mind: “Krael, the new Wither King, will bring back his army, as the monster warlocks predicted, and take their revenge on all of the Far Lands.”

Watcher is right to be suspicious. Krael, the self-proclaimed King of the Withers, and wearer of the Crown of Skulls, has a plan to bring back the vast army of withers that lie imprisoned in the ancient Cave of Slumber. With the help of a dozen ancient zombie warriors rescued by Krael, they seek to release the withers from their slumber and wreak havoc on the Far Lands. And the only thing in his path is a skinny little archer named Watcher.
PublisherSky Pony
Release dateMay 8, 2018
The Wither King: Wither War Book One: A Far Lands Adventure: An Unofficial Minecrafter’s Adventure

Mark Cheverton

Mark Cheverton was a high school math and physics teacher for fifteen years. He then moved into industry, working for another decade and a half as a research physicist for General Electric. During that time, he penned his first Minecraft-inspired series of books which ended up on the New York Times, USA Today, and Publisher’s Weekly bestsellers list. Today, he’s written 27 novels with over 2 million copies in print worldwide. When not writing, Mark talks with school kids about creative writing while still doing research at GE.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I love all the twists and turns, characters and monsters, and they come together to make a great story.

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The Wither King - Mark Cheverton

The Eternal Prison stood alone on the cold and lonely mountaintop.

Like the rest of the structure, the gleaming, razor-sharp iron spikes lining the obsidian wall were untouched by the ravages of time. Krael, king of the withers, smiled as he moved toward the fortified wall. The metal gates that had once barred his entrance now laid shattered and in pieces on the ground; he’d destroyed them after he found the first Crown of Skulls, the magic artifact that had given him the extra power necessary to breach the entrance.

The wither king’s three heads smiled, the left and right skulls glancing at the one in the center with pride.

Finally, we have returned, Center said, grinning. It has been far too long.

Now that we have the second Crown of Skulls, things will be different. Left glared at their surroundings, a look of malice in his dark eyes.

Yes, Center agreed. The dark skull glanced at Left and smiled at the sight of the golden crown atop the ashen head; it was the same as the one Center wore. With two Crowns of Skulls, each enchanted with magical power, our flaming skulls will be strong enough to release them.

Why do we need the Broken Eight again? Right always needed to see the logic in things.

Center scowled. He’d explained this to the other skulls many times already. The magic infused into the Broken Eight will allow them to enter the Cave of Slumber. They will be the key to releasing our wither army.

And Kora, Right added.

Yes … Kora, Center murmured as he thought about their wife. It had been centuries since she had been captured with the other withers at the end of the Great War. The Broken Eight will be instrumental in freeing Kora and the other withers.

I knew that. Left sounded proud.

Center knew Left was not as smart as Right; all he wanted to do was fight. With a scowl levied at Left, Center continued. It has been a long time. I miss her. The other two heads nodded. Now, with the power of two Crowns, we may be strong enough to release the Eight … and Kora. A long-endured sadness filled his voice. All three skulls missed Kora, but Center longed for her the most.

Then let’s get going. Left’s abrupt voice was jarring; he was never very sensitive to others’ feelings.

Right thought Center would yell at Left, but instead, he just nodded, and the wither king floated through the hole in the barricade.

The fortress was, of course, empty. It had stood upon this mountaintop for centuries. After the Great War between the NPC wizards and monster warlocks, it was used to hold the most violent prisoners, all of whom, except for the Broken Eight, perished during their captivity. The magical enchantments used to create those ancient warriors had somehow given them extended lives.

Soon, the Eight will be free again, Krael thought. They’ll be able to do what they were created to do: destroy.

Gliding across a courtyard of snow-covered stone, the wither king glanced up at the many watchtowers looming high over the structure. These archer towers pointed inward, toward the courtyard and passage entrances, rather than outward to repel an attacking army. No army had ever assaulted this structure, for no one ever came to the Eternal Prison voluntarily. This was a place where hope came to die, and everyone feared it … except for Krael, the king of the withers.

The monster entered a shadowy passage he knew led to the cells in the deepest and darkest part of the prison. The magical enchantments embedded in the two golden crowns sitting upon two of his three heads cast an iridescent purple glow, giving him just enough light to see where he was going. Floating just off the ground, he followed the passage as it descended through the catacombs of the prison until it finally ended in a large, dungeon-like room. Cold stone bricks covered the walls and floors. At places on the walls, moss covered the bricks, but the enchantments woven into this place had gnawed at the velvety growth, slowly leaching its life away until it turned a sickly brown. Only the newest moss still held any green color, though it was already fading.

Krael floated into the terrible chamber and smiled. I bet you didn’t expect me to return, the wither king said to the ancient structure. Now that I have two Crowns of Skulls. The enchantments of this ancient prison may not be strong enough to keep me from freeing my new friends.

Left laughed, making an awful hissing sound, as he glanced up at Center. Right gave the skull an angry glare, but Left ignored her.

I’m sure the ancient wizards never expected any of the Broken Eight ever to be released, Right said, her voice soft and smooth, almost like a song.

Why didn’t the NPC (non-playable character) wizards just destroy these zombies? Left asked, curious.

When the monster warlocks created these ancient warriors, the enchantments used on them were so powerful, their foes, the wizards, lacked the power to destroy them with just magic alone. They tried, but were unsuccessful. Only the sharpest blade wielded by the greatest warrior had any hope of even scratching one of the Broken Eight. Center glanced at Left and Right, making sure they were listening. But near the end of the Great War, even the warlocks found their creations had become difficult to control. That is why they are called the Broken Eight: the spells used to create them broke, releasing them from the control of their masters.

Then how do you know we can control them? Right asked, sounding suddenly worried.

Because of the Crown of Skulls. Center gestured to his crown and the one on Left’s head, grinning coldly. These ancient relics will give us the power to control and destroy them.

Their prison cells are down the next corridor, Left said.

The creature moved into the passage. Torches, burned out long ago, sat on the walls, their sooty ends blackened with ash. As Krael floated forward, his broad shoulders knocked many of the cold torches to the ground, where the wood instantly crumbled to splinters; the centuries had not been kind. With his way still lit by the magical power leaking from the Crown of Skulls, Krael floated through the corridor, a circle of iridescent light bathing the walls and floor. The tunnel finally ended at a large chamber lined with stone bricks, the floor covered by a thin layer of snow, undisturbed for hundreds of years.

I am back, my friends. Krael’s voice boomed, echoing off the ageless walls.

We told you we would return, Right added. And here we are.

Left just snarled.

The dark creature floated through the massive structure, looking around. A series of jail cells, barred with iron, lined the walls. A reflecting pool occupied the center of the chamber, with a column of netherrack standing three blocks high jutting out of the water. Flames licked the top of the column from the rusty, speckled cube of netherrack, forever burning and throwing bits of ash and smoke into the air. The flames kept the water from freezing in the frigid jail, but could not keep the moist spray from covering the ground with a thin, icy sheen.

As he passed the pool, Krael glanced down at his reflection. His skeletal body was black as soot, and bony ribs extended from his exposed spine, their dark texture making it look as if he’d just come out of a blast furnace. Three skulls sat atop his broad shoulders, the center and left heads each wearing a Crown of Skulls, the golden artifacts adorned with tiny black skulls spaced around their tops.

Within the prison cells were eight zombies, each accompanied by a huge wolf. The monsters wore golden armor that sparkled with magical enchantments, and each of their helms resembled a different ferocious creature. Their arms and chests bulged with muscles, as if their metallic armor was barely able to contain all their strength. Many of the creatures drew their swords as the wither entered the room, and the wolves began growling, their eyes turning bright red.

Is the wither here to release us? The tallest of the zombies asked, staring through the iron bars at his visitor. His helmet was in the shape of a dragon’s head, and his eyes peered out of the golden, sharp-toothed mouth. Or perhaps just here to gloat and mock?

Be patient, zombie, Krael’s left skull snapped.

This ‘zombie’ is named Ya-Sik, captain of the Broken Eight, the monster replied. The Eight have been imprisoned in these cells since the Great Wars. For hundreds of years, patience has been the only thing available … patience and a thirst for revenge.

Well, perhaps it is time for that revenge, Center said.

The other seven zombies immediately sprang to their feet. Each wore identical, golden armor, with rare gems studding the chest plates and shoulders, their helmets resembling a different kind of monster. The golden metal of their gem-studded armor glowed, like the Crown of Skulls, as magical enchantments pulsed through the metallic coatings, causing them to sparkle with mysterious power.

Ya-Sik removed his golden helmet and stared up questioningly at the king of the withers. The last time Krael was here, it wasn’t possible to open these cells. The zombie leader pointed at the left head with a razor-sharp claw. That one mocked the Eight. Is that the wither king’s purpose again?

No, my zombie. Things are very different from the last time we were here. Krael moved closer. Notice, we now have two Crowns of Skulls. That gives us much greater power. Now, we can do things that were not possible last time we were here.

Like what? Ya-Sik was suspicious.

Like, possibly releasing you and the rest of the Eight. Right’s voice was soft and non-threatening.

If we feel like it, Left screeched with a cruel smile.

Left, be quiet. Center scowled at Left, then brought its lifeless gaze back to the Broken Eight in their cells.

Is this true? A zombie with a helmet shaped like a ghast moved to the bars.

We will soon see, but you must understand something first. Krael slowly turned in a circle, focusing his cold stare on each of the Eight. If I can release the Broken Eight, then you will be mine to command.

The king of the withers glared at Ya-Sik. Is that clear?

The zombie glanced at his imprisoned comrades; they all nodded in return. The Broken Eight agree, as long as revenge against the wizards and villagers is possible. The zombie captain stared up at the wither king, their eyes locked in a test of wills. Krael smiled evilly.

Revenge against the NPCs is exactly what I have in mind. And as far as I know, there’s only one wizard alive. He may be just a boy, but I plan on destroying him with you and your comrades’ help. We will not let the boy-wizard ever become a man.

The zombie gave Krael a crooked, toothy grin. These zombies will happily destroy this wizard and any others brave enough to stand against the Broken Eight. The captain glanced at his zombie companions. They nodded their agreement.

The wolves sensed the zombies’ excitement and howled ferociously.

Our direwolves agree as well. Ya-Sik patted the furry-white animal at his side. They, too, thirst for revenge.

Krael gave the zombie leader a nod, then floated to a nearby wall, where a switch sat on a pedestal of stone, a purple field of energy surrounding it. The wither king floated high in the air, staring at the glowing object. Last time they were here, he’d tried to move the lever, but the magical enchantment protecting the device had been too strong for Krael to surpass. But now, things were different … he hoped.

The Crown of Skulls atop the left head began to shine, giving off a purple radiance. The center Crown glowed as well, both of the magical artifacts becoming brighter and brighter. The harsh glare soon forced the zombies to look away as the light’s intensity became too great.

Suddenly, Krael fired a stream of flaming skulls at the switch. Each skull, wreathed in a coating of blue-black flames, sparkled with magic as it slammed into the enchanted lever. The skulls exploded on impact, filling the chamber with thunderous crashes. The wither king kept firing, blasting the lever with skull projectiles, using every last drop of his power and strength. The glowing field around the switch grew smaller and smaller as the flaming skulls battered the protective enchantment, until finally … it flickered and disappeared.

Quickly, Krael fired one more skull, which struck the lever and pushed it to the side until it clicked into place. Instantly, lines of redstone powder on the cold floor came to life, melting through the thin layer of snow and ice covering them. The glowing signal moved to each jail cell door, allowing the iron doors to swing outward. The shimmering layers of magic surrounding each cell flickered as the doors swung open.

Now … get out of the cells! Krael shouted.

The eight zombies each leaped out of their cells, followed by their direwolves. In a blink of an eye, the magical spells wrapped around each jail cell burst back into life and the iron doors slammed shut as the enchantments regained their vitality … but it was too late.

The Broken Eight were free.

It is time for revenge, Ya-Sik growled. The other zombies nodded, drawing their golden short swords and pulling their golden shields from their inventories. The shields were curved, letting them wrap around the wielders’ bodies, and their fronts were covered with razor-sharp barbs. The zombie warriors were a terrifying sight to behold, and Krael loved it.

Absolutely. Krael’s three heads nodded. And at the top of the list is a certain boy-wizard I know. He’s meddled in my plans one too many times, and now, at last, it’s time for his destruction. He glanced at the zombies and smiled. I can’t wait for that puny wizard to meet my new friends … the Broken Eight.

The zombies clanked their golden swords against their spiked shields while the huge direwolves howled with angry delight.

The king of the withers laughed as he floated across the floor and out of the ancient structure, eight vicious zombie warriors following close behind.

Watcher moved through the passage under the Wizard’s Tower, his nerves feeling like old bowstrings stretched to their limits. Shadows covered the walls of the corridor, his imagination putting terrifying beasts in the darkness, ready to attack. A sparkling circle of purple light surrounded him and his friends, coming partially from his enchanted sword, Needle, which he held at the ready. The magical power laced throughout the weapon cast a soft purple glow on the tunnel walls, but it was dwarfed by the light coming from the boy’s arms. Holding them out, Watcher was still surprised when he saw them glowing, the sparkling light pulsing from his fingertips to his shoulders as if the magical enchantments moving through his body were somehow alive.

You make a good torch, a voice said next to him. A smile emerged from the shadows, then moved closer, resolving into his friend, Blaster, in his favorite midnight-black leather armor. You think there might still be monsters down here? We’ve searched the Wizard’s Tower many times.

I know, but we need to be sure. Watcher put away his sword and pulled out a torch. I’m a little nervous about any surprises after moving everyone from our village into this place.

You know we couldn’t stay in the savannah, a soft and lyrical voice said from behind them.

Planter, his best friend—and new girlfriend—moved to his side and put a hand on his shoulder. It felt as if fireworks were going off in his heart. He smiled at her, forgetting about the fact they were hunting dangerous monsters.

After defeating the spider warlord’s army of monsters, we all knew it would be too dangerous to stay in the savannah; the monsters knew where we were. Planter moved her hand from his shoulder to his hand and interlaced her fingers with his. Moving everyone to the Wizard’s Tower was a great idea, Watcher. Her voice was soft and soothing.

Blaster coughed. Umm … maybe we should focus on the job at hand?

Oh … ahh … yeah, of course. Watcher’s cheeks grew hot; he hoped none of them would notice in the shadowy passage. Pulling his hand from Planter’s, he put the torch in his left hand and drew Needle again.

Watcher, why do you think there are more unexplored tunnels or rooms in the Wizard’s Tower? Blaster asked. I’ve been through this structure a hundred times.

I know, but since this happened, Watcher held out his glowing arms, hidden doorways have been opening when I come near. I guess it’s because of me.

You mean because you’re now this all-powerful wizard? Blaster’s question had a friendly, mocking tone.

"Well … I am a wizard, after all. Watcher glanced at his friend. Your arms aren’t glowing, are they?"

Blaster shook his head.

Then it must be my new wizarding abilities that are opening up these things. Watcher stood a little taller, feeling empowered by the fact that he was a real, living wizard, the first since the long-ago Great War fought between the NPC wizards and monster warlocks.

Planter groaned.

Blaster sighed. Not this again.

I’m just saying, we’ve searched all these passages before and found nothing new. But now, we’re finding brand new corridors that weren’t here before. Watcher patted the stone wall with an outstretched hand. It’s like the walls are opening up just for me.

Blaster suddenly held up a hand. You hear that?

No … what? Watcher stared at the boy, curious.

"It was me rolling my eyes so much, I could hear them bouncing around in my sockets. Blaster laughed and patted his friend on the back. Now get over yourself, and let’s get this passage searched."

I agree, Planter added, her voice sounding a little exasperated.

Watcher sighed. They don’t understand how hard it is to be a wizard. If they just—

Wait … I heard something. Planter leaned forward, cupping her hand around her ear.

Watcher sighed, expecting another joke. He was accustomed to being made fun of; it had been the favorite pastime of bullies when he was younger. I don’t think we have time for—

Shhh … a humming sound. Planter held a hand up, silencing him. Follow me.

They moved slowly through the passage, the glow from Watcher’s arms revealing the stone walls and floors around them, but doing little to shine any light on the rest of the tunnel. They went maybe twenty-five blocks until Planter stopped and pointed at the ground.

Right here, the humming is coming from right here. She pointed at the

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