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No More Cancer: A Complete Guide to Preventing, Treating, and Overcoming Cancer
No More Cancer: A Complete Guide to Preventing, Treating, and Overcoming Cancer
No More Cancer: A Complete Guide to Preventing, Treating, and Overcoming Cancer
Ebook376 pages6 hours

No More Cancer: A Complete Guide to Preventing, Treating, and Overcoming Cancer

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One word strikes more fear into a person’s mind than any other: CANCER. The physical, mental, emotional, and financial toll that comes with a cancer diagnosis is immense and affects not only cancer patients but also families and entire communities. This year alone approximately 600,000 Americans will lose their lives to cancer, and the forecast shows no signs of improving. Recent estimates tell us that 41 percent of all Americans will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetimes and 21 percent of the population will lose their lives to this devastating disease. Cancer has evolved into a national crisis that touches each and every one of us. The vast majority of individuals who lose the battle against cancer are treated with the standard orthodox therapy. These people may never have questioned their oncologists, believing that they were in the best possible hands with their physicians' advanced education, knowledge of latest treatments, and all the tools of modern research at their disposal.

In this groundbreaking book, Gary Null debunks the commonly accepted belief that drugs and chemotherapy are the only cures for cancer and explores the alternative treatments that most mainstream doctors will never discuss with their patients. Dr. Null asserts that there are foods and supplements that boost the body’s immune system and can actually prevent and reverse cancer. Did you know that eating lemons and melons can help balance your body’s pH, which will help prevent and treat cancer? You knew that fiber is important for a healthy diet, but did you know that it lowers the risk of breast, colorectal, uterine, and prostate cancers? Have you heard of maitake mushrooms, which kill cancer cells by enhancing the activity of T-helper cells? In addition to diet, Dr. Null discusses important supplements and herbs and cutting-edge therapies you may never have heard of. With twenty-five cancer-fighting recipes and testimonials from individuals who have found health through Dr. Null’s methods, this book could save your life.
Release dateJul 29, 2014
No More Cancer: A Complete Guide to Preventing, Treating, and Overcoming Cancer

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    No More Cancer - Gary Null

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    Copyright © 2014 by Gary Null

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    ISBN: 978-1-62087-617-6

    E-book ISBN: 978-1-62873-974-9

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    A Failed War

    Deconstructing the Statistics

    Missing the Mark on Cancer Treatment

    Medical Deception for Corporate Gain

    The Case of Sir Richard Doll

    A Critical Look at the American Cancer Society

    Questioning the National Cancer Institute

    A Cancer Industry Insider Speaks Out

    The Unregulated Poisons in Our Midst

    Bisphenol-A (BPA)


    Foods that Kill

    Danger Is More Than Skin Deep

    The FDA: (Not) Regulating for Special Interests

    Poison Poultry? OK with the FDA

    Seafood that Sickens

    Mainstream Prevention and Detection—More Harm than Good?

    Revaluating the Conventional Approach

    Mammography Mendacity

    The Trouble with Biopsies

    Colonoscopies Reconsidered

    Conventional Treatments: Big Money, Small Results

    The Procrit Model



    Radiation Therapy

    Fighting against a Cure: Suppressing Therapies that Work

    Decades of Stonewalling Medical Brilliance

    Dr. Max Gerson

    Dr. Lawrence Burton

    The Burzynski Saga

    Blocked by Big Medicine


    Shifting the Medical Paradigm

    Part II: A Natural Approach to Cancer Prevention and Treatment

    Cancer Defined

    Early Warning Signs

    Conventional Treatment

    Alternative Approaches


    Antioxidant Supplements

    Additional Supplements


    What to Avoid

    Whole-Body Approaches

    Gerson Therapy

    The Issels Treatment (Formerly Known as Ganzheit Therapy)

    The Eclectic Triphasic Medical System (ETMS)

    Antineoplaston Therapy

    Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez’s Enzyme Therapy

    Revici Therapy

    Additional Therapies

    Gary Null’s Healthy and Delicious Anticancer Recipes







    Homeopathic Medicine

    Essiac Tea

    Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez’s Enzyme Therapy

    Gerson Therapy

    Revici Therapy

    Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski’s Antineoplaston Therapy

    Dr. Gary Null’s Protocols

    Dr. Lawrence Burton’s Therapy

    714-X Therapy

    Combination Therapies and Lifestyle Changes

    Oxygen Therapy

    Hippocrates Health Center

    Additional Resources

    Suggested Reading

    Suggested Documentaries

    About the Author




    One word strikes more fear into a person’s mind than any other: cancer. The disease has evolved into a national crisis that touches each and every one of us. The immense physical, mental, emotional, and financial toll that comes with a cancer diagnosis affects patients, their families, and entire communities. This year alone approximately 600,000 Americans will lose their lives to cancer, and the forecast shows no signs of improving. The latest estimates tell us that 41 percent of all Americans will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetimes and 21 percent of the population will lose their lives to this devastating disease.¹ The vast majority of individuals who fight the battle against cancer are treated with the standard orthodox therapy, or the official treatment. Those treated rarely question their oncologists, believing that they are in the best possible hands with their physicians’ advanced education, knowledge of latest treatments, and tools of modern research.

    Patients accept that these therapies have been proven safe and effective through rigorous clinical testing. We are assured that if anything really worked to improve a person’s chance of survival, it could be found in the official medical journals and would be sanctioned by leading cancer institutions such as Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and the Mayo Clinic. If a promising new cancer treatment comes along, we trust that it will be supported and funded by organizations such as the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society. When new articles declare that a silver-bullet cancer therapy is just around the corner if we continue to obey and fund these institutions, we do exactly that with the expectation that our contributions are being put to good use in the war against cancer. Unfortunately, these institutions and their practices do not hold up under close examination. In point of fact, our belief in and support of the cancer industry and the medical-industrial complex ultimately promotes a corrupt system defined by endless greed, bad science, and appalling disregard for human life.

    The most important progress in preventing and treating cancer has not come from official institutions but from those considered renegade who practice alternative medicine. Despite the well-documented success independent researchers have had using alternative therapies, they are rejected by mainstream medicine. Those presenting evidence of a cancer cure that diverts from surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation are likely to be vilified, silenced, or drummed out of the medical profession in the United States altogether.

    As a result, very little progress has been made. We have been waging an official war on cancer for forty-three years and spent hundreds of billions of dollars to fund legions of scientists, physicians, nurses, and public health officials in our campaign to end this devastating affliction; yet the survival rates for most cancers—including our number-one killer, lung cancer—are still dismally low.

    Cancer care in the United States has become Big Business and, like any large-scale moneymaking scheme, it is riddled with dishonesty, corruption, and deceit. It is imperative that the dark side of the war on cancer be exposed, and that is precisely what I will do in the first part of this book. I will go into great detail to present the latest information from peer-reviewed literature and many respected voices within the medical field. I will scrutinize the institutions that we hold up as authorities on cancer and take an in-depth and critical look at the treatments they support. I will highlight how our federal health agencies have completely failed us by not regulating the many carcinogens we are exposed to each day. I will also demonstrate how the medical establishment has suppressed safe and effective natural cancer therapies and, in turn, prevented millions of Americans from gaining access to scientifically proven, nontoxic cancer treatments.

    In the second part of this book, I will provide the latest research on the very best foods and supplements that boost the body’s immune system and can help to prevent and reverse cancer. I will explore several successful alternative cancer therapies that are practiced today in clinics across the globe, all of which are backed by high-quality science supporting their efficacy and safety. For the last thirty-five years, I have spent a great deal of time studying these treatments while visiting clinics around the world and interviewing thousands of patients. I include in this paper the treatments that I believe have the highest level of success. This is not to suggest that other holistic approaches to cancer not included are unsuccessful; I simply have been unable to verify their effectiveness.

    In addition, I will present dozens of delicious and healthy recipes that can help improve and support the immune system, allowing the body to fight cancer naturally. Lastly, I will provide the inspiring testimonials of patients who, despite being told by conventional doctors that they would not survive, ultimately triumphed against cancer using alternative medicine.

    PART I



    In December 1971, with much fanfare, President Richard Nixon declared war on cancer. Forty-three years later, it’s obvious that America has been fighting a losing battle. Data recently compiled by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) reveals the following:

    •   More than 600,000 Americans will die from cancer over the next twelve months (1,500 deaths each day).

    •   Approximately 1.5 million individuals will be diagnosed with cancer this year.

    •   Total cancer costs in our country reach $219 billion per year.

    •   Taxpayers spend about $89 billion per year to diagnose and treat cancer.

    •   About $112 billion is spent on premature deaths due to cancer.²

    Despite these figures, our medical authorities continue to assure us that we have made significant progress in the war on cancer.

    Deconstructing the Statistics

    Dr. Samuel Epstein, chair of the Cancer Prevention Coalition and Professor Emeritus at the University of Illinois, Chicago School of Public Health, is an outspoken opponent of the war on cancer. Epstein’s research has documented that the claims of progress by groups such as the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the American Cancer Society (ACS), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are often false and misleading. Statistics reflect that cancer rates from 1975 to 2008 increased by 15.7 percent.³ The medical establishment has attempted to explain away the increase in cancer rates over the past four decades by pointing to smoking as the cause. In his book, National Cancer Institute and American Cancer Society: Criminal Indifference to Cancer Prevention and Conflicts of Interest, Dr. Epstein debunks this claim, noting that incidences of several types of cancer unrelated to smoking have risen to staggering levels during this period of time. Liver cancer rates, for example, have shot up by 177.7 percent, while cases of testicular cancer have increased by 57.9 percent.⁴ Thyroid cancer rates, meanwhile, have swelled by 167.6 percent.⁵

    Further, many of the statistics quoted by the cancer establishment have been manipulated to give the illusion of progress. In Outsmart Your Cancer, author Tanya Harter Pierce details six methods used by our health officials that deceive the public into thinking that the war on cancer has been a success:

    1.   Redefining cure as alive five years after diagnosis, instead of using the word’s real meaning, which is cancer-free. Under this measure, a patient could still have cancer for five years and die one day after the fifth anniversary date of diagnosis but still be recorded as having been cured.

    2.   Altering statistics by simply omitting certain groups of people, such as African Americans, or by omitting certain types of cancer, such as lung cancer, from their calculations.

    3.   Including types of cancer that are not life-threatening and are easily curable, such as skin cancers and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). DCIS, for example, is a precancerous condition that is 99 percent curable and makes up at least 30 percent of all breast cancers. If you deduct that 30 percent from the breast cancer success stories, survival rates are much less impressive.

    4.   Using early detection as a means to artificially increase survival rates.

    5.   Improving outcomes by deleting patients from cancer treatment studies who died before the protocol was finished, even if that was on the eighty-ninth day of a ninety-day chemotherapy protocol.

    6.   Using a questionable adjustment called relative survival rate whereby they deduct a certain number of cancer victims who statistics say would have died during the five years because of causes such as heart attacks, car accidents, and so forth.

    The argument that our national battle against cancer has failed because of a lack of funding doesn’t hold either. As a part of the United States government’s National Institutes of Health, the National Cancer Institute has enjoyed ample support from the American taxpayer since it came into its modern existence with the passage of the National Cancer Act of 1971. The NCI budget jumped from $220 million in 1971 to more than $5 billion in 2012.⁷, ⁸ Despite this sizeable increase, only a miniscule percentage of the group’s budget over the years has been spent on what should be the focus of the war on cancer: prevention. Worse still, the funds allocated to help prevent this disease are drying up. In 2000, 11.8 percent of the NCI budget was set aside for prevention and in 2012, this figure dropped to a mere 3.9 percent.⁹, ¹⁰

    Missing the Mark on Cancer Treatment

    Not only does prevention account for a small percentage of cancer research dollars, but our national health authorities continue to downplay what may be the most important tool for cancer prevention: reducing exposure to environmental toxins. In a letter to congressional officials in 2009, Dr. Epstein and his colleagues Dr. Richard Clapp, Dr. Nicholas Ashford, and Dr. Quentin Young of the Cancer Prevention Coalition (CPC) explained why progress cannot be made without an honest discussion about limiting toxic exposure to known carcinogens. What follows are some key points mentioned in the letter:

    •   Exposure to cancer-causing agents such asbestos, silica, formaldehyde, benzene, chlorinated organic pesticides, and organic solvents in the environment and workplace is the largest factor contributing to the increase in nonsmoking-related cancers since 1975.

    •   The incidence of breast cancer has risen significantly because of environmental factors such as birth control pills, estrogen replacement therapy, toxic ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products, and routine radiation exposure from mammograms.

    •   Pesticides, ionizing radiation, nitrites used to preserve meats, and parental exposure to occupational carcinogens are the primary causes of the 55 percent increase in childhood leukemia.

    •   Hormonal ingredients in our personal care products and hormonal residues in our food have increased the incidence of testicular cancer by more than 49 percent.

    •   Exposure to ionizing radiation has resulted in a 116 percent rise in thyroid cancer rates.¹¹

    Despite ample evidence implicating environmental toxins as the primary cause of many cancers, the NCI has consistently understated and denied this connection, claiming that only 6 percent of all cases stem from environmental and occupational carcinogens. Further, Dr. Epstein’s letter reveals that the NCI has ignored several calls by government officials and scientists to create a comprehensive list of carcinogens.¹²

    Despite the lack of acknowledgment by the cancer establishment, there is a significant body of scientific research indicating that cancer is caused largely by environmental variables. In her 1998 book Genetic Engineering, Dream or Nightmare? Dr. Mae Wan Ho hypothesizes that cancer is actually an epigenetic disease, a condition resulting from a change of the cell or gene expression state in response to the environment.¹³ This is in stark contrast to mainstream medicine’s view that cancer is a genetic disease brought on by DNA mutations within the cell. While the difference may seem minor to the uninitiated, Ho’s theory challenges the core belief of modern medicine that cancer arises from mutations in cellular genes themselves and points to physiological stress from environmental sources as the root cause of cancer. The epigenetic theory is backed by numerous studies carried out around the world, including the research carried out by Harry Rubin, Professor Emeritus of cell and developmental biology at University of California, Berkeley.¹⁴ The findings of Rubin and others strongly suggest that genetic mutations associated with cancer development occur after a cell has been transformed by physiological stressors such as chemicals and ionizing radiation.¹⁵ Such evidence supporting an epigenetic view of cancer strengthens the argument of Epstein and many other experts that prevention should be the foremost consideration in the war on cancer. In a recent article, Dr. Ho drove home the point, stating:

    The root causes of cancer are overwhelmingly environmental, as generally recognized and hence largely preventable. Yet very little investment has gone into cancer prevention compared with the hundreds of billions spent on treatment or potential cures.¹⁶

    In light of this information, it’s clear that many of the policies adopted by the NCI have only hampered real progress from being made against cancer. An evaluation of the nation’s other leading cancer organization, the American Cancer Society (ACS), turns up even more evidence of how the medical establishment is unwilling to face the reality of this disease.

    Founded in 1913, the American Cancer Society (originally known as the American Society for the Control of Cancer) has become an immensely influential player in the war on cancer. Throughout its existence, the organization has come under fire for its questionable priorities; one needs only to look to the society’s budgetary allocations to bring this point into focus.

    In the 1970s and 1980s, I was one of very few individuals speaking out against the rampant fiscal irresponsibility and corruption that has plagued the ACS since the 1950s. In an article for Penthouse magazine with Robert Houston in 1979 titled The Great Cancer Fraud, I went into detail about the dubious economics of the organization:

    The American Cancer Society had an income of $140 million in fiscal 1978, with assets totaling over $228 million; it spends less than 30 percent of its yearly income on research studies. Many feel that the American Cancer Society is largely responsible for the ineffectiveness of the war on cancer today. Contrary to the image it cultivates, the ACS doesn’t conduct much of its own research but funds certain outside research.

    Examining the economics of charity, we find that 56 percent of the ACS budget goes to its staff and office expenditures (some of its executives make up to $75,000 a year).¹⁷

    As I publicly questioned the cancer industry in articles and on television appearances, I was blasted for taking on a subject that many considered to be sacrosanct. Today, as we look back and scrutinize the activities of the ACS and other pillars of the cancer industry over the last three decades, it’s clear that my suspicions about the organization have been proven to be true. In addition to their misguided priorities in deciding how to spend the vast sums they receive from generous donations, the ACS, like the NCI, has actively ignored the connection between environmental and occupational toxins and cancer. Some of the more egregious cases of the ACS actively denying this link include the following:

    1971: Despite concrete evidence of the carcinogenicity of synthetic estrogen diethylstilbestrol (DES), the ACS refused an invitation to testify before Congress about the dangers of DES as lawmakers considered a ban on the substance as an animal feed additive.¹⁸

    1977: The ACS continued to oppose regulating hair dyes that contain paraphenylenediamine, a carcinogen known to increase the risk of liver and breast cancer.¹⁹

    1978: The ACS was officially admonished by Florida Congressman Paul Rogers for acting too little, too late in failing to support the Clean Air Act. Later, in 1984, the organization also balked at the opportunity to join the March of Dimes, the American Heart Association, and the American Lung Association to support the Clean Air Act.²⁰

    1982: The ACS narrowed its definition of what constitutes a carcinogen in such a way that the organization would oppose only those few substances that have been unequivocally shown to cause cancer in humans. The move contradicted decades of existing U.S. governmental policy, which sought to ban any food additives that were shown to cause cancer in animals.²¹

    1992: In spite of the scientific evidence linking chlorinated pesticides with increased cancer risk, the ACS backed the Chlorine Institute and defended the use of the toxic spray.²²

    1994: Applying seriously flawed methodologies, the ACS published a study concluding that hair dyes pose little cancer risk, running counter to years of solid evidence establishing the carcinogenicity of hair dyes.²³

    1996: Along with other medical industry groups, the ACS lobbied the FDA to loosen restrictions on access to silicone breast implants, despite strong evidence connecting the gel found in the implants, as well as ingredients ethylene oxide and crystalline silica, with cancer in rodents.²⁴

    1999: The ACS dismissed the connection between genetically modified milk from cows injected with the recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) and elevated breast, prostate, and colon cancer risk. Today, despite even more solid scientific evidence of this connection, the ACS declares on its website that the available evidence shows that the use of rBGH can cause adverse health effects in cows. The evidence for potential harm to humans is inconclusive.²⁵

    2010: The society baselessly disagreed with the conclusions drawn by the President’s Cancer Panel, which implicated environmental carcinogens such as bisphenol-A, formaldehyde, and benzene as significant factors in the cancer epidemic. The panel went so far as to admonish the ACS by calling the idea that only 6 percent of cancers can be traced back to environmental pollutants woefully out-of-date, stating that the true burden of environmentally induced cancers has been grossly underestimated.²⁶

    These are just a few illustrations of the cancer establishment’s refusal to face the reality of the strong relationship between cancer incidence and exposure to environmental and occupational carcinogens. Such reluctance to discuss this association is even more surprising given the following statement taken from a 1937 article in Time magazine written by Dr. Clarence Cook Little, director of the ACS’s predecessor, the American Society for the Control of Cancer:

    Investigators have at last got a glimmering of what causes cancer. Some people inherit a susceptibility to the disease. But they do not develop cancer unless some susceptible part of the body is unduly irritated by 1) carcinogenic chemicals, 2) physical agents (X-rays, strong sunlight, repeated abrasions as from a jagged tooth), 3) possibly, biological products produced by parasites.²⁷

    Given the evidence, it is necessary to ask why our national cancer officials refuse to come to grips with the failed war on cancer. How can it be that groups such as

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