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KnM Blade: Part 2
KnM Blade: Part 2
KnM Blade: Part 2
Ebook946 pages15 hours

KnM Blade: Part 2

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Following months of intense planning, KnM Blade along with a small team of Resistance fighters, are finally given the green light to embark on a perilous quest in search for Skycom Corporation’s most highly kept secret.

Getting more than originally bargained for, the action packed adventure filled saga inevitably sees what turns into a deadly cat-and-mouse game, span and stretch across four different worlds.

In a desperate race against time, the plot thickens at the unforeseen arrival of yet another player who holds sinister plans of her own, further intensifying an already dire situation.

PublisherKixi Rajki
Release dateJan 3, 2019
KnM Blade: Part 2

Kixi Rajki

Kixi Rajki, birth name Kristijana Rajki is a bilingual interpreter as well as translator, an Information Technology guru (She’s a former I.T. Specialist) who lives in Melbourne with her spouse Mako Jhasmin Ikeda. She is the creator of the KnM Blade universe, and the author of all material and works in the ever growing and expanding series. To view more information beyond the completed titles of her KnM Blade universe featured here at, please click on her website link featured on this page to access any details for titles currently in progress; current timelines and proposed timelines of the KnM Blade universe; and other things about her and her works.For as long as she can remember, she's been mesmerised by the extraordinary world of sci-fi– most notably Star Wars and Star Trek. She loves reading and writing, as well as finding new ways to drive readers crazy with twisting plots that will leave them sitting on the edge of their seats. She also has a deep love for video gaming, fantasy, football (soccer), formula 1, cars, science, languages and Japanese martial arts, notably Aikido, Kendo and Kenjutsu; she is fluent in English, Italian, Spanish and Croatian, and speaks basic German, Sicilian, Greek and Japanese. She has also created her own fictional language of Züncålidiom which is a feature of her KnM Blade Universe.She enjoys being around her cats– she most definitely is a cat lover, relishes in the company of her family, friends, and, is especially crazy about her wife Jhasmin, the love of her life.Her favourite quote: It doesn't matter what someone tells you, but who tells you.

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    KnM Blade - Kixi Rajki


    For Mako Jhasmin, for all time.

    Fâr Mako Jhasmin, fâr âl tym. (Solān)

    Mako Jhasmin, xiz'take, rop orl velisis. (Züncålidiom / Sajnen)

    1. The Citadel - Part 1

    EST 04:00, CE 3016-08-25, LST 12:00, CE 3016-08-25

    The briefing room was as crude as the rest of the tiny base that was isolated deep within the frozen mountains of the surrounding white wastelands. Barren white plains and ranges of blue tinged mountains that seemed to vanish in the mists of the distant horizons, dominated the scenery that encompassed the hidden Arjian base, Zeta I on the thinly populated continent of Antartica.

    Stone walls wept moisture onto bolted pipes and cabling that led between consoles and a central holoprojector. The chairs arrayed inside were far too few for the crowd. Generals, commanders, agents, personnel of all sorts in boldly stencilled uniforms and piecemeal armour stood shoulder to shoulder. All present were assembled in the war room of the small base, awaiting orders from the Arjian Council.

    As to why this meeting wasn't happening at Arjian HQ, which was hidden well enough deep within Zed's Performance & Auto Care Centre on Celestia City was becoming obvious enough now. Our small team would be leaving directly for Mars from here, rather than having to make a dozen or so route changes to elude air and space traffic controllers, had we been leaving from the nation's capital.

    At the centre of the briefing room was a large, circular light table, projected above which a holographic image of Skysec Corporations's Citadel hovered, rising uniquely beside trees and lakes, and skyward towards the familiar blue of a 31st century Martian sky.

    Jarvis entered the room. A stately, handsome man of middle age, he seemed to walk above the murmurs of the crowd. His clothing was a dark navy attire, the smartness of his uniform, the shine of his polished shoes, together with the dark blue of his army beret, gave him the appearance of being two feet taller than he really was, which was probably half the reason why he had chose to wear it. His severity was not without cause - for he was the leader of the Arjian Resistance.

    He traversed the room, now, to the holographic display where he conferred with his two chief advisors, General Braj'tec Qarr and Zasalamel Xiz'te'menel.

    I made my way through the crowd, now, scanning faces. I saw Icarus, who would lead the mission with me being the second in command - we nodded at each other, gave the thumbs up sign, but then I moved on. He wasn't the one I was looking for. I made it to a clearing near the centre, peered around, finally saw my friends standing by a side door. I smiled and wandered over.

    Mako, Ālrai, and Miyuki greeted me with a cacophony of cheers, laughs, beeps, and barks.

    You actually decided to show up Kixi, Ālrai said in a humorous way, lightening up the serious mood surrounding us that would continue to dominate as the meeting would initiate.

    Well, look at you, I chided, straightening the lapel of Ālrai's new uniform and pulling on the insignias. A captain!

    Ālrai opened his eyes wide with sarcasm. I am the best pilot Arjian has, and probably the best known in the entire system. The Council promoted me to captain and intends to assign me my own fighter squadron too.

    Awesome and congratulations. I said meaning it and smiling, then patting Ālrai on the shoulder.

    Mako moved closer to me and took my arm protectively. Let's hope we all live to make it out of this alive, and see your dream of you finally commanding your own fighter squadron become a reality. You're a great friend to us Ālrai… we're both very grateful for that and all the things you've done for us."

    Suddenly, at the centre of the room, Jarvis signalled for attention. The room fell silent. Anticipation was keen.

    The data brought to us several months ago by KnM Blade has been confirmed, the leader announced. Skycom Corporation is most definitely conducting an experiment of grand importance, something we believe could be dangerous and destructive in its power, and thus a menace to us and our ultimate quest for freedom. Whatever it is, the details and the plans are buried deep within their fortified citadel. Therefore the time to infiltrate their fortified monstrosity has come.

    This caused a great stir in the room. As if his message had been a valve letting off pressure, the air hissed with comment. He turned to the hologram of the Citadel, and went on. "We now believe that somewhere in the archives of the Citadel, exists the exact location of Skycom's new weapon. However as already stated we know little details about this weapon, except that it more than likely has lethal potential of a mass scale, but that its systems are not yet operational.

    The evidence we will present is not speculative. It is very real and a threat. Certain sources and methods used by our intelligence, have already for some time suggested strange signals coming in and out of Skycom's citadel. These signals that appear to go deep within the Sol System, are still largely unknown, as is the exact location of the source on the opposite end, assuming that end is the actual origin. We have reason to believe that these signals are somehow related to their top secret project— weapon which Skycom intends to mark us, and anyone else that is a threat to them for death with.

    There were murmurs in the crowd, shuffling feet and skeptical faces. I would ask all of you to refrain from speculation until the end of the briefing. Jarvis hesitated. I spotted Uma Sumalu, the second in command of the Arjian Resistance shouldering her way toward the centre, but she stilled when Jarvis spoke again. What we face, he said, is the natural culmination of all the evils of Skycom Corporation. Our interpretation of what was brought back from data after eM Blade hacked into their main computer mainframe in Celestia City, suggests that it is a weapon designed to eradicate the seeds of all their enemies, Jarvis went on. Despite not yet knowing exactly what this weapon is, we cannot ignore the threat, a threat that can potentially be to erase our very souls from ever having existed. This weapon is not only intended for use against military targets, but as a weapon of absolute destruction and absolute fear. We believe that Skycom has code named it Project X— X for extermination." Jarvis concluded speaking in a hushed voice, with both Braj'tec and Zasalamel still in his immediate vicinity.

    Jarvis then stepped aside, with Braj'tec taking his place and began the briefing proper. At the same time, a gruff voice was heard from someone in the audience, who then tried to hide it in a cough.

    Ignoring it, Braj'tec continued, his voice stern to emphasise the utter importance of the mission at hand. He raised his arm and pointed at the holographic model of the Citadel dominating the images in the projection. Although just a single structure, the Citadel is not entirely without a defence mechanism, he instructed in a soothing tone. It is protected by an energy shield, which is generated by another structure some one hundred kilometres away here. No ship can fly through it, no weapon can penetrate it. He stopped for a long moment. He wanted the information to sink in. When he thought it had, he spoke more slowly. The shield must be deactivated if any team can be sent in to infiltrate the Citadel. During small windows when transports come to and from the Citadel, the shield is deactivated. However for any undetected entry to be attempted once the shield is momentarily down, our team must approach from where the generators are on foot, he pointed to the area in question … somewhere here, as this presents the only real opportunity for them to not be spotted by the Citadel's defences which are scattered on the ground and in the air. Once there, they will need to subtly make their way to the Citadel undetected to undertake and complete the mission's prime objective."

    Another murmur swept over the room of commanders and agents, like a swell in a heavy sea.

    Braj'tec concluded. Icarus will lead the mission giving him full control over proceedings as they unfold. Braj'tec turned to Icarus, confident in his ability to deliver, that was if anyone could, his any doubts gilded with respect. Good luck. You and everyone on your team are gonna need it.

    Thanks, said Icarus simply.

    General Braj'tec Qarr then yielded the floor to Zasalamel, who was in charge of covert operations. The team will leave from this base for the Citadel, however they will not take a direct approach. They will head for Venus in the opposite direction, then head out well beyond Mars towards the Asteroid Belt, and then from there make their way back to Mars. We suspect that Skysec may have been tipped off of a potential infiltration threat so we don't wanna take any chances. Once Icarus' team has almost arrived on Mars using the much longer route stated, we will launch an identical Maelstrom Cruiser that will initially be set on a direct route to Mars. This will be a decoy, and hopefully trick Skysec that we've only just left. Hopefully it will give Icarus' infiltration team an extra few hours head start by being at the Citadel before Skysec even knows they are there, and be out before things begin to heat up, which I can assure you that they will.

    Zasalamel then turned to my direction. Kay Blade, you will be Icarus' second in command. Your team of KnM Blade which includes only eM Blade at this stage, will join forces accompanying Icarus' team of Invictus eX consisting of the familiar faces of Ālrai and Miyuki. I simply nodded my agreement to the large two metre tall man who seemed to be towering over everyone as he spoke.

    Also on Braj'tec's recommendation, Shizuka eX Uchiha, better known as just Shizuka will be coming along too, and as a backup pilot to the Maelstrom cruiser. Under no circumstances is she to leave the ship unless circumstances call for it. Zasalamel turned back to Icarus who nodded in acknowledgement.

    Once the ship reaches Mars, it will transmit a fake ID as it having originated from the Ringworld in the outer Sol System, thus why it will be also necessary to approach from the Asteroid Belt. The transponder will transmit as a legitimate merchant ship. We don't anticipate any problems, as long as the ship doesn't fly anywhere near or within a thousand kilometre radius of the Citadel. Upon heading for the closest city of New Rome, the Maelstrom will scramble all its transmission whilst entering the Martian atmosphere, veering off course to land on a barren area a shy hundred kilometres from the Citadel's shield generator. Zasalamel paused a moment, looking around the room, making sure everything was sinking in.

    By the time air traffic control realise what has happened, the Maelstrom will have landed and been camouflaged using a special shield like array that the team will setup once on the ground. It will of course only hide the ship from the sky, and for a limited period of time. It will be inevitable that eventually it will be detected, thus why the backup pilot Shizuka will remain onboard. Zasalamel declared smugly, Under this guise, the rest of the team will head over to the shield generator area and enter. The control bunker is well guarded, but a small squad should be able to penetrate its security. They will need to set timed explosives to self destruct the generator for after the team has retrieved the information they need from the Citadel, which they will have to get to without being caught. Once the shield is down, Shizuka can take off in the Maelstrom, and retrieve the team and get out.

    The plan stimulated another round of general mumbling.

    I took the opportunity to turn to Mako and said under my breath, I wonder where the hardest challenges will lie, getting in and out of the Citadel alive, or having to cope with Icarus giving the orders?

    Mako looked up at me, and whispered something that read along the lines of, Don't even think about disobeying his orders, Jarvis won't let you off lightly the next time. I nodded, glancing at her, my joyous admiration, and she knew all to well that if it came down to the crunch between an order that got in the way of her and I, that I would still disobey it without a moment's thought. She knew there was a reason she loved me - in spite of all my arrogance, the usual crass insensitivity and unparalleled bravery, my heart and my allegiance belonged to her first and above everything and everyone else.

    Zasalamel called out, Icarus, ready your team, you leave at exactly 14 hundred hours, we cannot afford any unnecessary delays.

    Icarus responded to Zasalamel as he then took a quick glance in my direction 'My squad will be ready, sir."

    Good. Was the last words the large man said before Jarvis once again stepped in to end proceedings, and wish us all good luck. The assembly as a whole broke up into multiple small groups. It was a time for quick farewells and good graces, before we hurried off to prepare ourselves for our impending departure.

    At the same time during the night hours, somewhere on the North American continent…

    It was pouring with rain that night, the thunder raged loudly over the city. Lightening flashed, and the heavy clouds showed no sign of dispersing. The rain fell to the ground like blaster bolts into a city of tall grey buildings, shiny black skyscrapers and empty streets - no colour at all in the grey commercial environment. The majority of the people in the city, locked themselves away from the horrible weather outside, watching holo videos or TV, talking on their comms devices or sleeping. It was very much an average night, and it mattered nothing to the half a million inhabitants of city of Kamloops, that there was a young girl alone and walking along to try and find shelter and food.

    The girl, dressed in a delicate white gown, was shivering from the cold of the winds, and the rain soaked into her skin. Drips traced down her svelte frame - her skin pale as porcelain, her eyes shining ice blue, and her lips were dried and cracked from the arctic air. She had nowhere to go - just another runaway teenager who refused to go back home, despite her parents anxiousness of her return. Instead of turning to the comfort of her family, she faced the harshness of the city - hoping that maybe she would get the thing she most wanted out of life, her independence.

    It wasn't as easy as she thought to just run away from home in the heat of an argument, especially with no money and no supplies at all. But she never knew it was going to be so hard, and she had no idea what she was going to face.

    She continued walking onwards, hoping to find a shelter somewhere from the rain if not the cold. Somewhere she could gather her thoughts and come up with a plan, that was, a plan for survival.

    Eventually she found a place to sit down, next to a dumpster by a closed down restaurant which the name of it was no longer visible. She could smell the foul stench of rotten meat and fish, and she could feel the vermin around her, enjoying a feast - a spectacle, a celebration that they also would live another night with their stomachs full of food. Despite the reek making her stomach turn, she felt hunger stab at her own stomach. She wasn't going to sink as low as to stealing from the trash though, she was better than that. Or so she thought.

    She sat there, thinking that maybe she had chosen wrong to run away and not face the adversities at home. She had chosen wrong to think that at such a young age she could live by herself. She had come from a relatively stable background, nothing out of the ordinary for a family of five. Maybe she should just give up and go home she contemplated for a few minutes.

    Yet she stood up, determination on her face, her pride refusing to let her give up and admit she was wrong. She turned to look at the dumpster and inhaled deeply. She began to search for something worth eating before her senses returned and she remembered that she was searching trash for food, no different to a common tramp. She jumped out of the bin and ran out of the alley and back in to the rain.

    Her mind was slowly becoming more fragile as the reality hit home. She had already found herself doing something she had never done before to survive. Her greatest assets, her intuition and her common sense, were already failing her. She continued to walk through the rain, a flash of lightening lit up her path and the thunder shook her body not from cold but this time from fear.

    As she continued further onwards, she began to feel there was something not quite right with the district she had just entered. She looked around and found that the place was completely deserted, not just the streets, but seemingly the buildings as well. She turned around and saw the lights on in the buildings in the district she just left suddenly spark and die out, leaving her in almost complete darkness. The one street lamp she stood under remained lit.

    Now she was more than a little worried, more than a little scared. She had entered the realms of pure terror. She turned in a full circle and began to call out to someone in the hope of someone finding her. Someone who could help her and not lead her to another path of destruction. No one answered. As she opened her mouth again to alert anyone to her presence, she could taste the rain as it continued to drip into her mouth. Her light blonde hair straggly and dripping to the floor, whirled around as she continued to circle under the only source of light for kilometres, yelling and screaming. Tears began to form on her face which blended in with the raindrops, making them virtually unrecognisable. She herself began to feel unrecognisable.

    That's when she heard it. The swish of a cloak and an undeniable presence of someone. Someone had found her. She wanted to say something, but the words constricted in her throat when a few more street lamps lit up, and the name of the street was now visible. She was standing on the street where a murder had already taken place not even a week earlier.

    And that person knew she was there. That was why she was under the only lit street lamp, under the only source of light, so that the assassin could gaze at her prey before she was killed. Her tears flowed faster down her face, like small streams in a garden. She was terrified, knowing that she was going to die.

    In the nearby vicinity, watching her prey in the shadows…

    Kes En'jusek normally moved around randomly to different cities around Earth or Mars, disguising her tracks, generally picking her targets at random, people that no one really cared about, that no one or not many would ever care to miss. Whilst beauty shrouded her, inside she was like a reincarnation of Satan amongst the living - the devil in disguise so to speak - cold, twisted, and giving the word evil a new definition. For this assassin - the hunger to kill - the blood thirst - the thrill she got out of extinguishing the life of another… it was what drove her, it was her life's sadistic passion.

    About fifteen minutes later…

    With a swish of the blade, the girl's body fell down dead, the neck area wide open with blood flowing everywhere. Kes knelt down and put her gloved hands in the blood that flowed freely from the neck. It always feels so… good, she softly said out aloud to herself, licking some of the blood. The moon shown down on the scene in the darkened alley of the small city of Kamloops.

    The brightness of the moon showed off the assassin's features. She was 29 years of age, medium length brown hair, hazel eyes that were piercing with the black make up that surrounded them. On her body she wore all black, with red blood that stained them.

    Killing feels so good. Like my many countless victims before you, I have no regrets in having killed you, Kes continued speaking coldly to the deceased. Despite the obvious that she could not hear her, the simple act of knowing that she couldn't, because simply put, she had slain her, made the assassin feel a further stimulation of delightedness.

    All your problems and worries are now solved. Kes said as she briefly knelt down beside the dead girl, and gently kissed her on her now cold motionless lips. In doing so she had felt a sense of satisfaction - a thrilling sensation in the fact that the girl was now dead, and that she had been the one to end her insignificant miserable life - just like with the majority of her unfortunate victims. Good night. Now you can rest forever.

    The woman assassin stood up. She smiled down at the much younger girl she had just killed as she wiped the bit of red lipstick that had gotten onto her lips after having kissed the deceased's lips. She was her second victim she had claimed in the space of a few days in this city. Now it was time to move on. Two victims in such little space in very much the same place was pushing it in terms of not being discovered, not that she couldn't handle the local authorities, but still, she would have to answer to Skysec regarding her actions. Although due to her extreme value as an asset to the elite military group of Skycom Corporation, and her likeableness by its leader Kristy Langley, eldest daughter of the late Cerberus in which she succeeded - well that's what she was lead to believe, Kes preferred to keep her killing obsessions to herself. Not that Skysec would care - that was, so long as she killed nobodies unless authorised otherwise by the very same corporation.

    With a glance down, she looked at her blade. It was just a regular jackal knife that she had always had on display in her apartment's living room. Her friends were few bar none, and whoever managed to see it, would never have known it to have another purpose.

    She wiped the blood on the body's clothes. Sayonara sweetheart, she said in Zurigo, and then disappeared into the darkness of the night.

    An hour later…

    Kes peered down on the comm unit rapidly flashing silently on her wrist. Despite it being muted, the small device had gotten her immediate attention as it lit up a small area on her wrist, as she stood out in the cold dark of the night of the empty street in which she strolled through. She knew of only one person that would use this particular comm unit to contact her.

    Kes gnashed her teeth as she took the call, and the 3D holo image of female dressed in a formal blue military uniform came to life, floating over the device on her wrist. Yes… She began, but Kristy Langley interrupted her.

    Wherever you are, and whatever sinful activities you are up to, stop now, and get over to my ship.


    Because I have an important task for you.

    When isn't that ever the case, Kes said causing the image on the holo projection to raise an eyebrow.

    This one you'll definitely want in on. The Arjian Resistance has just launched a ship en-route to the Citadel on Mars. They intend to infiltrate it, and we are almost certain that Kay Blade is amongst them.

    Oh! Kes said sounding surprised, while at the same time her adrenaline levels raised a notch, as the thought sank in giving her an immediate thrilling urge. Then I'll depart for Mars ASAP. If I hurry, I can get there not much later than they do. Since they will have to sneak their way into the Citadel, assuming they even make it that far, I can easily be there before them, and ultimately—

    No. Come back and see me first.

    What? What the hell for? The longer I delay, the better their odds of success will be. Kes protested, her voice cracking with anger and astonishment.

    Perfect! Let them, said Kristy. Get up here to my ship. Now. Before Kes could respond, Kristy added: Don't think. Do it."

    Kes saw the look in Kristy's eye and choked back a retort. Kristy had something up her sleeve. Kes didn't know what it was, but she knew it would be worse than anything that she had in mind. She wasn't renowned for followed orders, and given her value to Skysec as a hired mercenary, and her almost 100 percent success rate in her every mission, there was nothing the head of Skysec would do about her refusing of an order.

    I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with you on this one. Allowing them into the Citadel before I get there is nothing short of suicidal. I'll see you at the Citadel. Kes En'jusek out. Before Kristy could even try and enforce her orders, Kes had abruptly terminated the connection, the 3D holo image of the other woman disappearing into thin air, the cold chill in the air causing a white like puff to appear in its place for a splinter of a second before totally vanishing into nothing, leaving the assassin all alone in the dark abandoned street.

    She knew that in defying Kristy's orders, that it would be much to her utter annoyance. Yet like many a time, she found this one illogical, and like many countless times, just like with Cerberus before her, she had proven herself to have made the best choice delivering cutthroat success. Kristy would get over it she pondered, especially after she brought her my head or that of Kay Blade - literally. Kes briefly looked around her. Nothing but silence surrounded her. Not even the sound of an insect was present in the almost zero Arctic like temperatures. Wasting no further energy on pointless thoughts, she quickly but subtly, made her way to the local transit hub, leading her to her awaiting ship parked at the nearest spaceport some 350 kilometres southwest at the nearest mega city of Vancouver. Determined, excited, ready to meet her match, she would fly directly to the Citadel of Skycom Corporation on Mars.

    EST 12:00, CE 3016-08-25

    Kristy Langley made it a point not to dwell on the flamboyant ambitions of Kes En'jusek. Over the course of more than a decade, the assassin had gone from a nuisance to a genuine threat and back again, all the while demanding far more attention than Kristy was prepared to grant her.

    Kes was nothing more than a loose cannon - uncontrollable - disaster waiting to happen. Yet she was useful in more ways than one, and the only person she knew that could out smart and take down Kay Blade in one on one hand to hand combat. Thus Kes had been too useful to dispose of, and too self-motivated to trust, but an admixture of neglect and rare forceful reminders of her authority, and that of Cerberus before her, had kept Kes largely away from anything strictly not business. Yet the woman was dangerous, and there was nothing to stop an unknown higher bidder, including the likes of Kay Blade herself from having her turn on her, or anyone else important in the chain of the Atul Government and Skycom Corporation. Kes had lingered around for far too long. Once she disposed of that wretched Kay Blade scum, me, Kristy would ensure that the deceitful assassin woman in turn would meet her own demise.

    High above in Earth's orbit, and well away from all other military ships, civilian space traffic, starport dock and the many other large orbiting space structures, Kristy stood on the over bridge of the USS Zephyr, a heavily modified Skycom Intrepid X that had once belonged to her late mother Cerberus. Cerberus slain by none other then her own traitorous younger sister, Paige, along with the assistance of the most wanted criminal - terrorist in her own eyes and that of Skycom Corporation, Kay Blade. Kristy who by now had settled in, filling in the big boots of her ruthless mother, stared out into the stars beyond on the viewscreen, and took a moment to acknowledge the former head of Skysec's contributions and services to the might of Skycom Corporation.

    The Time Displacement Project, or Project X which was what sources gathered from her own intel had suggested the Arjian Resistance had referred to it as. A project of such scale needed to be handled with both an eye for detail and an emphasis on implementation, and at the same time it needed to remain secret. Yet despite the project which remained heavily under wraps and under guard on the far away reaching and insignificant planetoid of Sedna, the threat of the Resistance discovering its location and more critical it's intended purpose remained as great as ever.

    Ma'am? General John Dekker had approached. Kristy indicated her attentiveness with a cock of her head. A ship, Maelstrom Class— our long range scanners on Lüna Wan have reported the ship which appears to have a fake ID pass by the moon on a trajectory course that is Mars bound. We have strong reason to believe that they are the Resistance task force being sent in an attempt to infiltrate the Citadel.

    Now, that was a surprise. The Resistance were generally experts at covering their tracks at not being detected.

    Are you certain of that, that it's really them and perhaps not a decoy of some sort? The Citadel was a hardened target, one that the Arjian Resistance was particularly ambitious to infiltrate. Yet it seemed rather odd that they would suddenly become careless in their movements, especially given the nature of the target in question. Possibilities flitted across Kristy's mind. None of them alarmed her. Very little truly alarmed Kristy anymore.

    Its a decoy, Kristy finally said. Which means the real Arjian strike team is probably already halfway to Mars by now.

    You seem rather relaxed about it Director Langley, I do not understand. You have some sort of plan in mind, or perhaps are considering a plan not yet fully implemented? Dekker asked, a confused facial expression dominating his entire face.

    Oh and Director, off the records, a starfighter registered to your hired assassin Kes En'jusek has also been reported leaving the spaceport in Vancouver. She is headed directly to the Citadel.

    Yes I know, Kristy replied. And yes I did order her here first. The General immediately saw the irritation in the director's face but wisely chose to ignore it. But she chose to ignore it. The day was full of surprises already, but despite the confusion from her lead general, Kristy was certain she was still on top of it all.

    Kristy spoke with detached consideration, as much to herself as to Dekker. The original plans for the Time Portal are kept at the Citadel on Mars, are they not?

    They are.

    Along with other technical schematics for projects covered by the Cerberus Initiative which Kristy now had full authority over. It would be a special pity, Kristy thought, to see Killersphere and Doomsday set back. But hardly a major blow to Skycom Corporation's timetable to initiate its interstellar expansion, particularly with the Time Displacement Project which had simply come to be referred to as just Time Portal, which was almost ready to finally go online. Best to suffer a minor loss to avoid a greater one. What the Resistance could do with the technical schematics of the Time Portal was limited, of course, and that's assuming it was that that they were after, but Kristy like her mother before her, had always been a woman who preferred to elude the specter of risk. If the Resistance found the location of the Time Portal, then it would be highly likely that they would devise an ambitious plan to destroy it - this was most certainly the prime reason they were going to the Citadel to begin with, this is why they had to be stopped at all costs.

    I indeed have a plan in mind General. However as you have already observed, Kes has decided to go rogue on me… again. I'll have to make some minor alterations to it, but everything is on course like it should be. The Resistance thinks they have eluded us… so very wrong they are. Kristy said laughing inwardly at her own childish eagerness.

    And do you plan to share the details Director, or are you going to keep us in the dark about it?

    Of course not General. Kristy's smile broadened as she spoke with confidence and certainty.

    They want us to believe that they have only left now, so that by the time we realise where they are, they would have already infiltrated the Citadel, and then be on the escape while we are still scrambling to work out what has happened. How very foolish of them. Kristy retorted at her own comments, her smug arrogance ever so present.

    But what will await then is an elaborate trap. We will capture the lot of them— especially Kay Blade, who will be made to answer for the death of my mother. Before she is executed, I will have her tortured to have her tell me the location of my younger traitorous sister Paige, who will in turn ultimately suffer the same fate as her mentor Kay Blade. Kristy continued snarling in anger, yet there was no mistake about it, even for such a tough woman as Skysec's director, over the obvious grieve in her eyes, over the loss of her beloved mother Cerberus.

    I see. The reason why you wanted Kes to come here first. She could jeopardise our plans?

    Possibly. She will be no longer of any use to us once we have captured Kay Blade and executed her. We can no longer afford the risk of our plans thwarted because of her inability to comply to orders. I'm therefore secretly sending in another assassin to rid us of our other little irritation once and for all, once her usefulness and job is complete.

    Very devious indeed Director. I welcome your initiative, that assassin woman is far too dangerous, even for us. The general said nodding his approval.

    Very good General. I knew you would have no objections over that matter. Now prepare to set course for Mars, she said. And inform our CEO Gabriel Skyhawk.

    Dekker hurried off, and the soft hum of the reactor rose gently in pitch, as the ship's engines drained away power accelerating to full sublight speed. Kristy folded her hands together, and observed a pair of spacefighters on the viewscreen race toward one of the ship's hangar bays.

    She was curious to see the Resistance in action, especially my alter ego Kay Blade who I no doubt would be amongst them. She was curious, too, at what other opportunities which might present themselves. Just how many victories might be scored in one battle? Possibly the demise of the Arjian Resistance, if not that, the seeds that begin to unfold her ultimate objective. Kristy was a patient woman. She would wait and see what the Citadel provided.

    Kristy's lumping together of thoughts was briskly interrupted by a familiar sound. A comm device buzzed softly for attention. Yes? Kristy acknowledged.

    The mercenary Alice Salin is here to see you as per your request. Shall I send her in?

    No, send her to the conference room, and advise her that I'll be with her in ten minutes. Kristy yelped, jumping upright to her feet, only just having seated herself and in a deep pensive state.

    As you wish ma'am. Came back the crude muffled sound through the comm device before cutting out.

    Ten minutes later…

    Kristy watched through the glass door as Alice Salin paced slowly back and forth in the otherwise empty conference room. Several minutes passed as she stood there paused and glancing, last minute thoughts, contemplating if what she was about to do was after all such a good idea. She took in a long deep heavy breath and then exhaled the air out slowly, pressing the button to the conference door room door at the same time which hissed open marking her entrance.

    An anxious looking young woman stopped pacing and turned the way of the director as she made her way through the entrance. It wasn't exactly what Kristy was expecting, at least not appearance wise. The woman not much different to her in age was like something out of a film noir classic. Long white coat, matching wide brimmed hat, conspicuous brushed metal case about the size of thin stack of file folders. It was difficult to tell exactly what she looked like - the informant outfit doing an excellent job of masking her features - but she was of average height for a female and slender. The nervous energy had showed in her walk, while she had been pacing, brisk and stiff.

    You are the, ah, the head of Skysec? she asked anxiously.

    She had a plain face and mousy blonde hair with a fringe. Up close, Kristy could see that she was perhaps an inch taller than her, and similar in slenderness and body frame. There was something about her that made it seem like she ought to be wearing glasses, but wasn't. Her voice was shaky but precise, wringing every ounce of pronunciation out of the word 'Skysec.' Everything about her screamed 'academic,' as though she were a professor or librarian at a masquerade party. Being in the presence of the head of most ruthless organisation in power, clearly wasn't something that she was comfortable doing, but she was trying her very best to play the role. She cast a wary glance up and down Kristy's wardrobe.

    Kristy fixed her collar. Fancy formal uniforms are subject to getting messed up just like anything else when one's had their hands full all day. You don't look like the mercenary type. Yet from my experience, looks can be deceiving. You are the full package, I presume?

    Yes, yes, indeed. Alice smiled shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, her cheeks flushing rose.

    Really? You seem a little more concerned in showing me how fucking pretty you think you are. Well then Alice… um Salin was it? The woman nodded her acknowledgement to confirm who she was as Kristy continued. I'm not interested in your fucking looks. I need a job done. Are you up to the task or are you nothing more then a show pony huh?

    I… umm… I'm just a little nervous being in your presence Director Langey.

    Well I expect nothing less than that, Kristy replied feeling a sense of satisfaction that her presence alone was intimidating.

    Nonetheless you know why you are here. I need you to deliver, but before I agree to hire you, I need your assurances on a number of points.

    I'll endeavour to oblige.

    "You will oblige! It is beyond important that no one knows that you are connected to me. Especially the target I'm paying you to kill. That is should you fail to kill her. This task needs to be handled with the utmost of discretion. No one, I emphasise, no one, with the exception of my senior command, should know who you are, nor what you are doing. In fact, no aspect of you being present in the Citadel should be made known to Skycom Corporation. I cannot stress this point enough.

    It wasn't an uncommon request. Not given the nature of the request in fact.

    Yes, I understand. Alice said gradually becoming more settled within her surroundings, and being in the presence of the current head of Skysec who was no less ruthless than the person she had succeeded. I did a lot of research before settling on your services. I was surprised given your power, that you would even hire a freelancer with no formal citations. I wasn't even sure if you were legitimate at first, but then again, given who you are, it has to be legit because you are the authorities.

    Oh, we're the real thing. Came Kristy's reply, her smile broadening at the thought of what the other woman's comment regarding being the one in authority meant. She had almost unlimited power in the entire United Systems of Sol, to do however she pleased, whenever she pleased - almost, as she only had to answer to President Drex and the CEO of Skycom, Gabriel Skyhawk.

    That, Kristy Langley, rightful successor to the late Emilia Langley otherwise known as Cerberus, most certainly was. The military, which in essence was Skysec, or to a high degree controlled by Skysec, they were secretly always looking for a few good mercenaries to do their dirty jobs - clean up lose ends. Although this job was paying triple anything else Alice had ever seen on offer. Whoever the head of Skysec wanted killed, she must be either a threat high up in the chain of command, a nuisance, or both.

    I can do the job for you, Director Langley, as per the price originally stated.

    "Good. I've already wired one third of the payment into your account, meaning I've given you the first half-million right now. The remainder of the 1.5 million credits will be wired upon your successful completion of the mission… and yes, the moment you stepped aboard my ship, you accepted the mission by default. As you can probably tell, we're already moving. We're en-route to Mars as we speak. Kristy said quickly.

    Okay, so who's the lucky star?

    The lucky star? Kristy said raising an eyebrow, although she was fully aware of what Alice was referring to.

    I should warn you Director, that I'm not a fan of people who deal in illegal drugs, and corporate espionage. If this person is involved in any of that, I'll be more than willing to put a blaster hole in her head for you. So what I'm saying Director is that I need to know now who's on the hit list?

    No, no, nothing like that actually. Just something… more private and personal. Kristy said as she pressed a button on the rather large conference table, and the 3D image of a strikingly beautiful woman appeared in the centre of the table, floating before the eyes of the two women.

    That whom you see there is Kes En'jusek. An extremely dangerous and deadly assassin who we've used for years. In fact she has been sent there now to the Citadel, to intercept a resistance task force intent on infiltrating it. Kay Blade whom I'm sure you have heard of is believed to be amongst the rebel group. Kes' job is to find and confront Kay Blade and either capture her or kill her. However this particular assassin has proven time and time again to be uncontrollable and dangerous, and now to a point in that it threatens and conflicts with the interest of this very organisation. Your job is simple Ms Salin. After Kes En'jusek has either killed Kay Blade or captured her and placed her into the custody of our soldiers… you are to permanently silence her.

    Alice chewed her lip for a moment. She had heard of this assassin before. Everything said about her, and what she'd already known about her was true. It worried her. And not just that. She was practically trembling, the case she was holding clutched tightly in her hands. This was something serious, something that had her on edge. It was clear now, why this job was paying so well. She would have to work for every credit of it, as killing this particular assassin wasn't going to be easy, and now she really had no choice. There was no way out.

    Kristy simply remained calm and smiled, upon observing Alice's eerie reaction upon learning who her target would be.

    A whisper of tension was then relieved, and Alice allowed herself a shaky sigh. She'll be concentrated on Kay Blade and those other resistance thugs. I'm sure with my experience I can use that to my advantage, and kill Kes when she isn't expecting it.

    Excellent. Here are some more details about the Citadel, its layout and codes that you'll need to access certain areas which I'm granting you temporarily access to. Also here is a security chip pass. Skysec will treat you like their own with it so don't lose it. I suggest that you familiarise yourself with everything for the duration of this trip. Kristy said, handing her out a large envelope bulging at the bottom. Alice promptly opened her own case, emptying the contents of the envelope in it, and then immediately sealed her case again.

    I assure you, Alice said, placing a hand on her shoulder suddenly feeling a surge of confidence, I will deliver you your desired outcome and secretly. You don't have to worry about it. I have never failed at this sort of thing.

    Kristy nodded her approval as Alice removed her hand from her shoulder. However not even trying to keep the smile off of her face, she added, Of course if you fail in your mission and try to save yourself from Kes by telling her I put you up to this, I'll deny all allegations of this meeting ever have occurring, and put the blame on the Arjian Resistance. So if you fail and manage to escape Kes' deadly wrath, I suggest you run somewhere far, and keep running and not hiding if you want to live. This is the risk you have chosen to take Alice, but I'm sure the money I'm paying you is worth that risk. Kristy conclude crudely.

    Alice lingered for a moment, looking for the life of her like she'd just handed over her first born. I understand Director. Came her quick response as Kristy lead her to the exit door of the conference room where two security officers awaited.

    It's been a pleasure doing business with you. I hope we are able to conclude it. Kristy said producing a lopsided grin. Security will escort you to your quarters. If you need anything, you can request it from them anytime.

    Alice then marched away, with security leaving Kristy alone - finally. Her client seemed skittish enough at times, but then like with the change of direction of the wind, seemed to excel in confidence. Either way she wouldn't come out a loser. Either Kes took out Kay Blade and then Alice the former. Or the latter failed in which Kes would execute the newly hired killer, with all the director's secrets of betrayal against Kes dying along with her.

    2. The Citadel - Part 2

    Arjian infiltration team en-route to Mars, Earth date CE 3016-08-25.

    I was climbing into the cockpit as the Maelstrom cruiser lurched slightly due to sudden deceleration. We were not travelling at warp speed, as our entire journey involved travel within the Sol System only. This limitation in the use of warp drives was due to the fact that, within any given star system, the volume of any large massive stellar body's gravitational field distortion, could cause a ship's warp coils to burn out, or cause a warp core breach. However this limitation was generally a limitation within space travel in the inner parts of a star system, as was the case for us travelling between planets in the inner Sol System. The use of warp drives were reserved primarily for voyages beyond the realm of interplanetary flights due to the gravitational effects of planets, satellites and the countless other celestial objects within the boundaries of a star system, having little effect on warp drives. Although as far as using warp drives within the actual Sol System was concerned, they could be used without too much concern at it's outer most reaches, such as from the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud.

    Whilst on the topic of warp drives, they too are on the verge in becoming a thing of the past, this being due to the development of the first ever working hyperdrive only as little as a decade ago. The discovery of hyperspace itself, that being an alternative sub region of space coexisting with our own universe, which if entered would drastically reduce the distance between two distant celestial objects, was discovered more than a millennium ago. Now with the first actual working hyperdrive past the prototype stage and in production stage, in preparing for its soon to become wide scale use, scientists have over the last decade, been busy mapping out hyperspace routes or set hyperspatial highways. This being because hyperspace in general would be an unnavigable dimension, where straying from a preset course could be disastrous. If a ship were to come too close to a celestial body with a large gravitational field, such as a star, while in hyperspace, the ship could forcibly be pulled out of hyperspace and revert to normal space. The hyperspace routes that scientists have now mapped out, will allow for hyperspace travel to now be safe so that ships do not pass too close to stars or other dangers. In a nutshell, once hyperspace travel is fully commercialised, a two week warp space trip will become a trip that will take only a few hours through hyperspace.

    It was dark and silent - for now, just like had been the case from our pre-planned flight path from Venus to the Asteroid Belt, and then to here, the Martian System. Then Phobos, the larger of the two potato shaped moons of Mars, floated into view. It was about twenty seven kilometres long, twenty across, and nineteen deep, which was pretty small as moons went, but still about twice the size of its companion, Deimos. It was as ugly as a barren rock could be, hardly more than a fragment torn from some larger body and frozen in its irregularity. But it was an excellent spot for a rendezvous - if one were necessary, because it was solid without having any significant gravity of its own. The Maelstrom came into view, closing on the moon. The ship looked tiny in comparison, a mere speck. Then, above the two, was the huge mass of Mars, so large in proportion that only its arc showed. Yet Mars was one of the smallest planets of the Sol System, barely over a tenth the mass of Earth. How perspective changed things.

    I quietly sat behind Ālrai and Icarus in the Maelstrom's cockpit, watching Phobos and the Maelstrom recede. The two in control of the ship in front of me seemed to pay no attention, bored with this as they had been with the rest of the journey out. I on the other hand still found such things fascinating, as if I were a tourist aboard a spaceliner and here for the first time.

    With Phobos well behind us now, our destination would be the planet that had been dubbed the 'Red Planet' for centuries. Mars had once been a desolate planet of reddish wastelands, with no breathable air like on Earth. However all that had changed around five centuries ago, after terraforming of the Martian world had occurred. As the planet swung into view, in the centre of the stellar vista was a planet wrapped in deep blue oceans and speckled with clouds and rocky archipelagoes - a striking contrast to what the planet had been for most of its recorded history. If not for the massive ring shaped orbital station above the northern hemisphere, and the many other smaller orbiting platforms in its vicinity, the Sol System's second most important world would have looked almost pristine. Yet despite Mars being red no more, it's nick name - the Red Planet had stuck, and many still referred to it by its former name of old.

    The Maelstrom thrust up, closing the distance. Gradually my orientation altered, until I no longer saw the planet as above, but as below. That was a bit more comfortable.

    Okay, Ālrai said. We're coming in. He sat beside Icarus at the console, waving me between them with barely a backward glance. It was strange, I thought, to see him so confident, and so comfortable at the same time.

    What are we looking at? I asked, squinting as I looked at the ringed station which also served as Mars' orbital starport. I made out the specks of ships descending near it, or from it - nothing really out of the ordinary as most of us had made this trip before, and in my case countless times since I was originally from the Red Planet. However there was one significant difference - this time we were coming in as Arjian agents, and with no means of identification through our ID microchips. One might wonder why not just come to the planet with our legitimate IDs, and then alter them once here. It sounded easy to do things that way - at least in theory, but the actual chances of us being connected to Arjian would have increased significantly given the fact that if circumstances changed - which they always did, and we had to then immediately depart from Mars to go elsewhere in a hurry, our shammed out fake locations of where our real IDs would be telling the authorities to where we would be at, would remain stuck in status for a prolonged period of time. This would inevitably alert the authorities that something were a mishap, ultimately having them realise that the real us would not be there. Putting two and two together after that, and linking us to Arjian would not only be a certainty, but have devastating consequences since our real identities would be compromised. Instead as far as our hacked ID microchips were concerned, the lot of us were either in our own apartments or at Zed's back in Celestia City, making the link back to the real us virtually non existent. However in our current predicament, if we were detected as having no IDs at all, as essentially that was the case now, this mission would be over before it even began.

    Any ship with a USS transponder like ours, and that has originated from anywhere within the Sol System, like in our case that supposed to have being Zerentia 3 or the Ringworld, that ship should be able to pass through their customs scanners. From there descending down toward the surface to the spaceport of any major city below should remain unchallenged. It's only USS vessels originating outside the Sol System, or a non USS vessel that must report to the space station's custom's authorities. Responded Icarus.

    This cruiser is equipped with the necessary access code to transmit our credentials and thus allow us through.

    Assuming, Ālrai added, that they haven't logged our merchant IDs as overdue.

    Or stolen, Icarus said.

    And if they have? I asked.

    Then, Ālrai answered, they intercept us in which if we surrender we all get arrested and ultimately put in prison or be executed, or we try and fight, and given the fact that we'll be out numbered and outgunned significantly, we're all get annihilated in the cold, dark vacuum of space.

    I let out a huff of a half laugh. I always liked the confident, comfortable aspect of Ālrai - and the cynical part too.

    I dug my fingers into the back of the cockpit seats and tried not to lean in. The Maelstrom veered gently in the direction of the giant ringed structure, and the specks of other ships and objects swiftly grew larger. The huge bulk shaped mass of a Fortress-Destroyer, the USS Morpheus, loomed like a monstrous statue over the orbital station's inner ring, dwarfing the swarms of cargo transports, shuttles, spaceliners and space fighters. I tried to remember the last time I had seen so much activity over Mars and failed.

    Okay, this is good, Ālrai said. He glanced up at the Fortress-Destroyer and then back to his scanners. It's not normally this busy. I think this is good. We're just one more ship, nothing worth noticing. I heard his confidence crack, then reassert itself. Okay. Here it goes…

    The Maelstrom's thrusters rumbled and the deck plating trembled as, course locked, the vessel accelerated through the vast distance separating itself from the station. Ālrai worked the comm with one hand and said without a hitch, Merchant transport TR-0405 requesting to bypass customs control, our departure of origin is Zerentia 3.

    A quick moment of silence followed as I straightened my posture off the cockpit chairs, and then a crackled voice came in through our ship's comm unit.

    Your transponder and codes match that of the same ship leaving Zerentia 3 several hours ago, you may proceed down to New Rome spaceport.

    Not wasting anymore time then necessary, the Maelstrom descended toward the Martian surface. Initially as I peered out the side of the cockpit window, as we crossed the landscape, I noted a part that was still ragged and pocked by craters of every size, a tiny part of the planet that was somewhat still reminiscent of its former days pre terraformation. I was locked into it, unable to tear my eyes away. This was what the entire planet would have looked like many centuries before my birth.

    The original terrain was violent, as befitted the planet named for the god of war. I saw other features that had remained for the most part, unchanged post planetary wide terraforming. A part of the enormous equatorial canyon called Valles Marineris, the better part of five thousand kilometre long, dwarfing Earth's Grand Canyon. In some sections its walls had collapsed, evidently washed out by flooding. Before it had been terraformed, Mars had once had water on its surface, a lot of it billions of years before humans from the 26th century had restored the Martian terrain to its former glory. The water that now lied in vast oceans and seas, had, for a long part of the planet's history, been locked in buried ice, in virtual glaciers under the dust and sand of the surface. I saw the three great shield volcanoes sitting atop the Tharsis ridge.

    Now the Maelstrom approached the peak of Olympus Mons, some twenty four or twenty five kilometres high according to my memory, a magnificent mountain unlike any other in the Sol System. It might have seemed odd that a planet much smaller than Earth had a volcanic mountain much larger than any on Earth, but this was because the gravity was less, and the mantle of the planet did not constantly shift. On Earth such a structure would have been brought down long ago by the forces of gravity and weather, and the shifting mantle tended to

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