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Clinton Stories Merry Christmas
Clinton Stories Merry Christmas
Clinton Stories Merry Christmas
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Clinton Stories Merry Christmas

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Coup d'etat in the United States?

Who would have thought that possible, except the wildest conspiracy theorists. But it was that close!

This volume collects material from 17 Dec 2018 to 31 December.

The year 2018 ended with no report on the interviews of ex-FBI head James Comey before House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and the Judiciary Committee, but with a letter to the Department of Justice to appoint a second Special Counsel to investigate the seemingly disparate treatment of Hillary Clinton's email investigation and the investigation into Donald Trump's alleged collusion with Russia to win the election.

That is likely not going to happen. But the reader will see further support for the theory that James Comey and his group was plotting a "soft" coup d'etat against Donald Trump, both before and after his election as President. It was very close, but Donald Trump "smelt the rat" before it could be carried out, but the danger is not over yet.

PublisherEric Thomsen
Release dateJan 5, 2019
Clinton Stories Merry Christmas

Eric Thomsen

Eric Thomsen has published in science, economics and law, created exhibitions and arranged concerts.

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    Clinton Stories Merry Christmas - Eric Thomsen

    Other titles by the author


    Hybrid Future

    Catalonia – Way to Conflict

    Catalonia – Legal Procedure

    Catalonia – One Year Later

    Catalonia – The Recogning

    Jamal Kashoggi – What is the Problem?

    Arab Oil Money – Toxic Cocktail

    Radical Islam and Compliance in Financial Institutions

    Hezbollah – Cuckoo in the Nest

    Clinton Stories - series

    Some of these titles are available in other languages

    About the author


    Eric Thomsen has published in law, science and economics. He holds several law degrees, a degree in economics and was ACAMS certified in 2016.

    Clinton Stories Merry Christmas

    Eric Thomsen



    This volume collects material from 17 Dec 2018 to 31 December.

    The year 2018 ended with no report on the interviews of ex-FBI head James Comey before House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and the Judiciary Committee, but with a letter to the Department of Justice to appoint a second Special Counsel to investigate the seemingly disparate treatment of Hillary Clinton’s email investigation and the investigation into Donald Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia to win the election.

    That is likely not going to happen. But the reader will see further support for the theory that James Comey and his group was plotting a soft coup d’etat against Donald Trump, both before and after his election as President. It was very close, but Donald Trump smelt the rat before it could be carried out, but the danger is not over yet.

    Eric Thomsen

    ‘Donald Trump tweets NBC, 'SNL' should be tested by courts after Christmas parody sketch

    By Tyler McCarthy | Fox News

    Donald Trump tweets NBC, ‘SNL’ should be tested by courts

    Donald Trump called for courts to test NBC and Saturday Night Live in a fiery tweet on Sunday that followed the final airing of the sketch show until the New Year.

    SNL wrapped up a year of political humor directed at the Trump administration with a parody of the Christmas movie It’s a Wonderful Life, in which it posited a world wherein Donald Trump, played by Alec Baldwin, was never elected president of the United States.

    The sketch, which featured returning guest stars Ben Stiller as Michael Cohen, Robert De Niro as Robert Mueller and Matt Damon as Brett Kavanaugh, showed Trump being led through a Christmas party in a world where Hillary Clinton became president. As each person from his administration approaches, Trump learns that him not being president worked out for the benefit of everyone. For example, the sketch suggested that he and Melania got a divorce and remarried others, Kavanaugh never made it onto the Supreme Court and Mueller was able to spend more time with his kids instead of having to investigate some idiot for treason.

    Trump responded to the sketch on Sunday morning by jabbing both the sketch show and NBC.

    Trump tweeted: A REAL scandal is the one-sided coverage, hour by hour, of networks like NBC & Democrat spin machines like Saturday Night Live. It is all nothing less than unfair news coverage and Dem commercials. Should be tested in courts, can’t be legal? Only defame & belittle! Collusion?

    Trump previously commented on the content of SNL following the season premiere in which Kanye West donned a Make America Great Again hat and gave a lengthy speech at the close of the show.

    Like many, I don’t watch Saturday Night Live (even though I past hosted it) – no longer funny, no talent or charm. It is just a political ad for the Dems. Word is that Kanye West, who put on a MAGA hat after the show (despite being told no), was great. He’s leading the charge! Trump tweeted at the time.

    As Variety notes, Trump has also come after NBC in the past for what he perceives to be unfair coverage, even calling for the FCC to take action against the network’s broadcast license.

    17 Dec 2018



    However, if President Trump and his family incl his young children are fair game for any insults, what would be the point?

    Many people enjoy to see the President humiliated by rude insults. It is a bit like how the Spanish far left insult the Spanish king Carlos VI, who is unable to answer back.

    It gives these people a sense of power to be able to get away with such rudeness.

    President Trump has turned politics into entertainment. Everybody is now talking politics, which they did not do before. President Trump obviously draws from his experience in TV. It ihas also been said he himself uses coarse language.

    However, there should still be lines of comity which are not crossed.


    Steve Hilton: Hy, Trump haters (on both sides) could you just admit that this is a successful presidency?

    By Steve Hilton | Fox News

    Hilton: Trump’s record is head and shoulders above the rest

    Something caught my eye this past week. It was an official meeting in Europe of the Paris Climate Accord process, which, of course, President Trump pulled America out of. When a U.S. representative took the stage to explain our position, he was jeered and laughed at - loudly.

    How very strange. You know how climate change activists never stop going on about believing in the science and how facts matter. Then why aren't they cheering the United States, instead of jeering?

    In the evil populist Trump's America, here's what happened to energy-related carbon emissions: In 2017, they fell by 0.5 percent. But in the saintly globalist European Union, they went up by 1.5 percent in the same period. In fact, per-capita carbon emissions in Trump's America are nearly at a 70-year low.

    It turns out energy deregulation does more to fight climate change than going to conferences. I guess you might call that an inconvenient truth. This one's pretty inconvenient if you're the kind of person that goes around saying Trump is a fake populist, that he's not doing anything to help the forgotten men and women in this country.

    All he had time for was celebrities, and now suddenly he's acting like he's a populist out there, former President Obama once said. 'Man, I'm going to fight for working people.' ... Come on, man!

    And former Vice President Joe Biden said the following at the Democartic National Convention in 2016: He’s trying to tell us he cares about the middle class. Give me a break! That’s a bunch of malarkey!

    Malarkey? I want Joe Biden run in 2020 just so we can hear more of that word.

    Look, America's poverty rate was lower in President Trump’s first year than at any point in the Obama administration.

    Okay. Whatever, you Trump haters are probably saying. But of course the middle class was screwed by the Trump tax cuts that only helped the rich, right?

    Oh wait. The Trump tax cuts doubled the standard deduction to $12,000 for individuals and $24,000 for families. That's a huge change that takes millions of Americans out of federal income tax altogether and has effectively increased incomes for middle class families across the country.

    What else helps the middle class? Jobs. But of course that idiot Trump couldn’t create them.

    When somebody says - like the person you just mentioned that I'm not going to advertise for - that he’s going to bring all these jobs back. Well, how exactly are you going to do that? Obama once said. He just says, 'Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.' Well, what - how - exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have?

    Yeah, Trump, what magic wand do you have? I don’t know, maybe just better economic policy. The kind that results in the lowest unemployment rate since 1969. And the lowest African-American unemployment ever.

    Also, wasn't Trump going to crash the economy? Hillary Clinton thought so, telling an audience, Economists - left, right, and center - all agree: Donald Trump will drive America back into recession.

    Left, right and center, inconvenient truth, Hillary. Even the New York times just gave Trump credit for the fact that the U.S. economy is on track for its best annual performance since 2005.

    Alright, whatever. Jobs and growth ... but Trump still isn't delivering his promises to working people. I mean, after decades of stagnation, incomes are still flat, aren't they?

    A key thing we’ve been looking at for quite a while that doesn’t seem to be moving much are wages, CBS correspondent Anthony Mason said on-air.

    Oh dear. That turns out not be true any more. Wages have risen all the way through the last two years and were up 3.1 percent in the last quarter – the highest level in a decade.

    Fine. But it's all going to be ruined, isn't it, by Trump's crazy trade war with China? In fact, the elitists seem to hate Trump so much, they even took China's side. Remember how they thrilled to the brutal autocrat Xi Jinping at Davos last year? They just lapped up his speech on the virtues of globalization. The president of the EU-owned European Investment Bank said, In these times of a lack of leadership, particularly in Europe, it was quite impressive.

    Oooh President Xi! You're quite impressive!

    What's actually happening is that President Trump's pressure is working. China is on the back foot, making trade concessions, and now pledging to drop its Made in China 2025 program, which was Xi Jinping's grand plan to achieve world domination in the industries of the future.

    We'll see if they mean it. But even the fact that they're saying it is a major victory for that idiot Trump, who obviously doesn't know what he's doing. Just like with North Korea, remember?

    It was outgoing President Obama who told President-elect Donald Trump that North Korea would be his number one problem. Trump actually listened to him, did something about it, and turned our relationship around in a way that has made the world incomparably safer.

    We'll never persuade the Trump haters on the left and the right to change their feelings about the president. They just can't stand him.

    And then, just this past week, we saw incredibly important substantive progress from this administration. Major criminal justice reform, led by Jared Kushner, is now looking good for passage in the Senate. A major new effort to revitalize urban America and rebuild low-income neighborhoods is being led by Ben Carson. And there's a highly significant new strategy from John Bolton to fight China's attempted colonization of Africa.

    On top of that, America last week became a net oil exporter for the first time in 75 years, enabling us to reduce the global influence of dodgy regimes in the Middle East and elsewhere.

    Yeah, but he's still an idiot, though. isn't he? He's still Trump.

    Look, the point here is this: We'll never persuade the Trump haters on the left and the right to change their feelings about the president. They just can't stand him. And more than anything, it's aesthetic. They find him vulgar ... not to their taste.

    Fine. But could you just focus on the facts? Could you just acknowledge - even for a day or so over Christmas - that on the facts, on policy, on the substance, that this is, so far, a pretty successful presidency?

    Adapted from Steve Hilton's monologue from The Next Revolution on December 16, 2018.

    Steve Hilton is host of "The Next Revolution with Steve Hilton on Fox News Channel at 9pm ET Sundays and author of the book Positive Populism: Revolutionary Ideas to Rebuild Economic Security, Family and Community in America." Follow him on Twitter @SteveHiltonx.

    17 Dec 2018



    Steve Hilton mixes apples and pears and think this makes porridge.

    President Trump is definitively the only American president to take the bull by the horns and confront the problems of massive wealth transfer via slave labor and technology theft.

    That is because many investors benefitted from Walmart and the others dumping American goods and importing cheap Chinese garbage.

    The reader may read a Tucker Carlson monologue in the following volume on not to worship the market as a god, but understand and use it as a tool.

    Steve Hilton is uninformed about how the fall in energy consumption and emissions have occurred. That is because of state and federal policy.

    The author disagrees strongly with President Trump on Climate Change and retaining the addiction to carbon energy.

    Renewable energy is cleaner, it does not cause the level of respiratory disease and deaths as the carbon energy model and it gives local employment, in the short term and in the long term.-

    But the better reason to dump carbon energy is to escape the grip of Salafi-Wahabi ideology and the threat to the survival of the Western civilization.

    Europe is being shoved into a bondage society where the Radical Islamists are going to subdue and rule the whole population, abusing the freedoms in the European Convention of Human Rights, and most of the European leaders refuse to acknowledge this, because they are on the take. Please read Arab Oil Money – Toxic Cocktail and also what is going on in Spain, Catalonia – Way to Conflict.

    Socialism is not the answer, it does not help to give dictatorship to people, who just want to steal their grandmother’s inheritance before she is dead, just look at Spain as a potent example.

    Since 1978 the Spanish unemployment rate has hovered just around 20 pct, and a small group of independentists are blackmailing to two equally sized blocks of socialists and moderates, with the socialists usually paying more and then getting to the trough. Only when the coffers are empty does the balance swing for a short period until there is money in the account again.

    Two ex-associates of Michael Flynn charged with illegal lobbying for Turkey

    By Brooke Singman | Fox News

    White House waiting on Michael Flynn sentencing

    Kevin Corke reports from the White House ahead of the sentencing of President Trump's former national security adviser for lying during the Russia probe.

    Two ex-business associates of former national security adviser Michael Flynn have been charged over alleged illegal lobbying on behalf of the Turkish government in the United States and making false statements to the FBI, according to an indictment unsealed Monday.

    Bijan Rafiekian, also known as Bijan Kian, and Kamil Ekim Alptekin of Istanbul were charged after allegedly being involved in a conspiracy to covertly influence U.S. politicians and public opinion against a Turkish citizen living in the U.S. whose extradition had been requested by the Turkish government, according to the Justice Department.

    That Turkish citizen is Fethullah Gulen, whom Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused of directing a failed coup.

    The alleged plot detailed Monday included using a company founded by Rafiekian, referred to in the indictment as Company A, based upon Person A’s national security expertise. Person A reportedly is Flynn.

    According to the indictment, the purpose of the conspiracy was to use Company A to delegitimize the Turkish citizen in the eyes of the American public and United States politicians, with the goal of obtaining his extradition, which was meeting resistance at the U.S. Department of Justice.

    Kian and Alptekin allegedly sought to conceal that the Turkish government was directing the work. According to the indictment, Turkish cabinet-level officials approved the budget for the project, and Alptekin allegedly provided Turkish officials with updates on the project.

    Both Kian and Alptekin failed to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), under which Flynn, the former White House national security adviser, also failed to register connected with his work with Turkey. According to the indictment, Rafiekian was vice chairman of Flynn's business group, the Flynn Intel Group. The two worked throughout 2016 to seek ways to have cleric Gulen extradited from the U.S. to Turkey.

    Kian is charged with conspiracy and acting as an illegal agent of the Turkish government. If convicted, he faces a maximum penalty of six years in prison for the conspiracy charge, and 10 years for the charge of acting as a foreign agent. Alptekin is also charged with conspiracy and acting as an agent of Turkey, but also faces four counts of making false statements to the FBI. He faces up to 35 years in prison.

    Meanwhile, Flynn pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI regarding his contacts with the former Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, as part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling and potential collusion with Trump campaign associates in the 2016 presidential election.

    But according to Mueller’s statement of Flynn’s offense, the former national security adviser also made materially false statements and omissions in Foreign Agent Registration Act filings to the Justice Department regarding his lobbying projects with Turkey. In the FARA filing, Flynn allegedly falsely stated that his company, Flynn Intel Group Inc., did not know whether or the extent to which the Republic of Turkey was involved in a Turkey project, and that the project was focused on improving U.S. business organizations’ confidence regarding doing business in Turkey.

    Mueller's office has only charged him with one count of false statements regarding his communications with the Russian ambassador. Flynn is expected in federal court on Tuesday for his sentencing hearing in connection with that charge. Earlier this month, Mueller's office recommended a lenient sentence for Flynn, with the possibility of no prison time, stating that Flynn had provided substantial help to federal investigators about several ongoing investigations.

    The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

    Brooke Singman is a Politics Reporter for Fox News. Follow her on Twitter at @brookefoxnews.

    17 Dec 2018


    President Erdogan has turned Turkey into an Islamic republic and the United States let Turkey stay as a member of NATO. President Erdogan can march into the Encirlik airbase and appropriate 50 atomic warheads and threaten all Europe.

    The postulated military coup was likely a hoax and likely set up by President Erdogan himself.

    Certainly his actions should have consequences.

    But there are much, much bigger fish in the pond.

    What about the Prince who gave 40 mio to two American universities to make propaganda for Salafi-Wahabi ideology that fuels radical Islamic terrorism against the West? See Arab Oil Money – Toxic Cocktail.

    A Saudi prince has donated $20 million each to Harvard University and Georgetown University to advance Islamic studies and further understanding of the Muslim world.

    Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Alsaud—whom Forbes magazine ranks as the fifth wealthiest person in the world, with assets worth $23.7 billion—is the nephew of Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah.

    What about the Americans who work on these projects, did they register as foreign agents?

    What about the many extreme leftist American university professors who fill facebook groups and other venues with pro Palestinian and anti Israeli propaganda?

    Have they registered as agents for foreign nations, or will that await Palestine being recognized as a country?

    Liz Peek: Democrats should tread carefully—Americans may sour on investigations into Trump

    By Liz Peek | Fox News

    Could the Mueller investigation be coming to a close?

    Paul Rosenzweig, former senior counsel in the investigation of President Clinton, weighs in on when he believes Robert Mueller’s investigation will wrap up.

    So Donald Trump’s private business, campaign, transition, inaugural committee and White House are all under criminal investigation. Very legal and very cool.

    That’s a tweet from one Mathew Miller, a revolving door former lobbyist for power company PG&E and legislative assistant for Dianne Feinstein, celebrating the exploding number of investigations into President Trump. He thinks it’s all very cool.

    Do most Americans think that the endless spread of the Mueller investigation is cool? Or are they increasingly concerned that our Justice Department has become an engine of political retribution, guided by people with a left-wing bias and impervious to oversight by our elected officials?

    One answer comes

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