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Conflicts of Interest in Science: How Corporate-Funded Academic Research Can Threaten Public Health
Conflicts of Interest in Science: How Corporate-Funded Academic Research Can Threaten Public Health
Conflicts of Interest in Science: How Corporate-Funded Academic Research Can Threaten Public Health
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Conflicts of Interest in Science: How Corporate-Funded Academic Research Can Threaten Public Health

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30+ Years of Peer-Reviewed Studies on the Corporate Ties and Vested Interests that Influence Scientific Research

For over 500 years, groups and organizations with political, economic, and personal interests have successfully exercised influence on the pursuit of scientific inquiry and knowledge. History is replete with examples like the Papal authority muddying research into studies of the cosmos, but far less attention is paid today to the various corporate and special interest groups who, through funding and lobbying efforts, have been able to shape the modern academic and scientific landscape to fit their agenda.

In Conflicts of Interest Within Science, author Sheldon Krimsky compiles 21 peer-reviewed, academic articles that examine the complex relationship between the individual scientists conducting research and the groups who fund them. Ultimately, Krimsky’s call to action concerns a collective movement among authors, peer reviewers, corporations and journal editors to disclose the sources of their funding. By holding scientists and the groups that fund them more accountable through increased transparency, we as a society can begin to rebuild trust in the integrity of knowledge.
PublisherHot Books
Release dateJan 29, 2019
Conflicts of Interest in Science: How Corporate-Funded Academic Research Can Threaten Public Health

Sheldon Krimsky

Sheldon Krimsky is the Carol Zicklin Visiting Professor of Philosophy at Brooklyn College, the Lenore Stern Professor of Humanities and Social Sciences at Tufts University, and adjunct professor in the Department of Public Health and Community Medicine at the School of Medicine at Tufts University. He lives in New York City and Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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    Conflicts of Interest in Science - Sheldon Krimsky

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    My collaborators over thirty years have been an inspiration and provided special knowledge that made our research possible. I want to give special thanks to: the late James Ennis, sociologist at Tufts; Les Rothenberg, bioethicist, formerly at University of California at Los Angeles; to my collaborator Lisa Cosgrove, psychologist U. Mass Boston, who conceptualized the studies of conflicts of interest in the DSM and clinical guidelines for psychopharmacological drugs; Harold J. Bursztajn, psychiatrist, Harvard Medical School; and Tim Schwab, journalist, formerly with Food & Water Watch. My appreciation also goes to Anna Sangree, who helped edit and format the manuscript in its early stages.


    Foreword by Arthur Caplan



    Chapter 1:

    The Corporate Capture of Academic Science and Its Social Costs, Genetics and the Law III. Proceedings of the Third National Symposium on Genetics and the Law, April 2–4, 1984. Aubrey Milunsky and George Annas (eds.) (New York: Plenum Press, 1985, 45–55).

    Chapter 2:

    Academic-Corporate Ties in Biotechnology: A Quantitative Study, Science, Technology and Human Values 16, no. 3 (Summer 1991): 275–287.

    Chapter 3:

    Science, Society, and the Expanding Boundaries of Moral Discourse, Science, Politics and Social Practice, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1995).


    Chapter 4:

    Financial Interest of Authors in Scientific Journals: A Pilot Study of 14 Publications, Science and Engineering Ethics 2, no. 4 (1996): 395–410.

    Chapter 5:

    Financial Interest and Its Disclosure in Scientific Publications, JAMA 280, no. 3 (July 15, 1998): 225–226.

    Chapter 6:

    The Profit of Scientific Discovery and Its Normative Implications, Chicago Kent Law Review 75, no. 1 (1999): 15–39.

    Chapter 7:

    Conflict of Interest and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, JAMA 282 (Oct. 20, 1999): 1474–6.

    Chapter 8:

    Conflict of Interest Policies in Science and Medical Journals: Editorial Practices and Author Disclosures, Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (April 2001): 205–218.

    Chapter 9:

    Autonomy, Disinterest, and Entrepreneurial Science, Society 43, no. 4 (May 2006): 22–29.

    Chapter 10:

    Financial Ties between DSM-IV Panel Members and the Pharmaceutical Industry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 75 (2006): 154–160.

    Chapter 11:

    The Ethical and Legal Foundations of Scientific ‘Conflict of Interest’, in Law and Ethics in Biomedical Research: Regulation, Conflict of Interest, and Liability Trudo Lemmens and Duff R. Waring, eds. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006).


    Chapter 12:

    When Sponsored Research Fails the Admissions Test: A Normative Framework, in: Universities at Risk: How Politics, Special Interests, and Corporitization Threaten Academic Integrity, James L. Turk, ed. (Toronto, James Lorimer & Co., 2008).

    Chapter 13:

    Conflicts of Interest and Disclosure in the American Psychiatric Association’s Clinical Practice Guidelines, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 78 (2009): 228–232.

    Chapter 14:

    Science in the Sunshine: Transparency of Financial Conflicts of Interest, Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 1, no. 4 (2010): 273–284.

    Chapter 15:

    Combating the Funding Effect in Science: What’s Beyond Transparency? Stanford Law and Policy Review 21 (2010): 101–123.

    Chapter 16:

    Beware of Gifts That Come at Too Great a Cost: Danger Lurks for State Universities When Philanthropy Encroaches on Academic Independence, Nature 474 (June 9, 2011): 129.

    Chapter 17:

    Do Financial Conflicts of Interest Bias Research? An Inquiry into the ‘Funding Effect’ Hypothesis, Science, Technology and Human Values 38, no. 4 (2012): 566–587.

    Chapter 18:

    A Comparison of DSM-IV and DSM-5 Panel Members’ Financial Associations with Industry: A Pernicious Problem Persists, PLOS Medicine 9, no. 3 (March 2012): 1–4.

    Chapter 19:

    Tripartite Conflicts of Interest and High Stakes Patent Extensions in the DSM-5, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 83 (2014): 106–113.

    Chapter 20:

    Conflicts of Interest among Committee Members in the National Academies’ Genetically Engineered Crop Study, PLOS ONE 12, no. 2 (Feb. 2017): e0172317.

    Chapter 21:

    Conflict of Interest Policies and Industry Relationships of Guideline Development Group Members: A Cross-Sectional Study of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Depression, Accountability in Research 24, no. 2 (2017): 99–115.






    We should not need to be reminded about the importance of scientific evidence in forming public policy in modern society. But in this day and age of fake news and science denialism we need to be. Sheldon Krimsky notes in his introduction to this volume, which collects his most important studies on the topic of conflicts of interest and science, that a scientific establishment dedicated to the pursuit of credible, verifiable knowledge unbiased by political, economic, or personal interests is essential. Oltherwise, a society cannot guarantee that its citizens will have access to reliable information that will enable them to make informed political, social, and medical decisions. Many may take this reminder for granted. They shouldn’t.

    Science and medicine are under attack as never before in the years since World War I. The world witnessed the emergence of modern science as a key element fueling atrocities in wealthy societies, ranging from Nazi Germany’s reliance on race hygiene rooted in genetics and social Darwinism to eventually justify the murder of the disabled and then the Holocaust, and the use of fraudulent biology in Soviet agriculture and the mass starvation that resulted attributable, in part, to Lysenkoism. Science in the service of ideology rather than truth cost the lives of hundreds of millions.

    America’s emergence as a world power during WWII fueled by science and technology and Britain’s ability to fend off defeat by Germany through the application of science in manufacturing, air defense, avionics, naval warfare, and civilian defense showed the value of sound evidence put in the service of democracy. Later in the twentieth century American quality of life would continue to improve due to advances in medicine, agriculture, engineering, chemistry and other sciences fueled by publicly funded research in universities, academic medical centers, government agencies and labs, and corporate labs.

    By the time of the Cold War, Korea and the Vietnam War Americans looked to science to make them victorious over their ideological foes. America’s first real engagement with the issue of conflicts of interest arose around government military spending on nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons; efficient delivery systems for these weapons; satellite and other forms of surveillance; and psychological warfare techniques. Some scientists protested the glut of government funding for the military that surged through the universities and labs. Some citizens did as well. But, science in the service of war became highly profitable for universities and their tech industry spinoffs. The agenda of many areas of science were set not by pure inquiry but by their utility for military application. Science in America, once the province of highbrow intellectuals and engineers seeking to solve challenges of daily life became big business with big consequences for what got studied, peer-reviewed, published, and rewarded.

    Which brings us to the last three decades of the twentieth century. Biology, the social and the life sciences were relative backwaters full of odd ducks wondering if the new reductionism fueling research with DNA and RNA had any value and what the limits might be for environmental conditioning on shaping behavior. Medicine was on the verge of a technological explosion but much of what it could do to heal and diagnose had its roots in the microbial sciences of the forties and fifties. Into this world roared the new force of molecular biology. And molecular biology changed everything including the challenge of conflicts of interest.

    In 1970, when I was still a college undergraduate, biology and medicine relied on relatively small competitive grants mainly from the National Institutes of Health to fund studies led by single investigators who were based at single universities. If they used human subjects they recruited them from medical students, undergraduates, local patients or prisons, nursing homes, and asylums.

    By the time we reach the early twenty-first century, over the four decades roughly, spanned by Krimsky’s studies, the molecular revolution and genetic reductionism had swept through the life sciences and medicine. Genetic constructions deemed patentable by courts and legislation friendly to profit such as the 1980 Bayh–Dole Act–dole-act-at-a-glance/ had shifted biology from a backwater to a gigantic business with branches in pharmaceuticals, chemistry, agriculture, information systems, and veterinary medicine. Fortunes were made, companies launched by men (almost exclusively) who decades before never would have left the confines of their labs, and universities and academic health centers grew exponentially. Private gifts escalated in size to departments, clinics, and institutes of molecular wizardry and tech-transfer became a key part of any big school worth its salt.

    Research in biomedicine shifted dramatically. Private finding loomed as large as government funding. Military research was supplanted by corporate support. Single investigators working at one institution were replaced by studies done by multiple investigators at many sites often all over the world.

    The old norms for governing research which relied on the virtue of the biomedical community were not up to the task of managing huge profits, incentives to commercialize, and demands on universities to become economic engines in their communities.

    Conflicts of interest loomed and continue to loom large. Traditional reliance on the good intentions of scientists and objective peer-review to ensure objectivity collapsed. Skepticism fueled by distrust of big business undercut the public’s respect for and deference to science. All of this culminated, under the Trump presidency, in an anti-science backlash which valued ideology and religion over scientific evidence.

    Sheldon Krimsky’s documents these changes and challenges in thorough, if alarming detail. Conflicts of interest are rife in his reporting on studies in many domains. American society and the world now risk dire consequences as a result.

    ARTHUR CAPLAN is the Drs. William F. and Virginia Connolly Mitty Professor of and the founding director of the Division of Medical Ethics at the NYU School of Medicine. His most recent book is Getting to Good: Research Integrity in the Biomedical Sciences, (Springer, 2018) which he edited with Barbara Redman.


    The three cornerstones of any democratic society are the right of every adult citizen to vote in free and open elections, an independent free press, and a scientific establishment dedicated to the pursuit of credible, verifiable knowledge unbiased by political, economic, or personal interests. Without these conditions in place a society cannot guarantee that its citizens will have access to reliable information that will enable them to make informed political, social, and medical decisions. This book addresses the third cornerstone, also referred to as scientific integrity.

    Threats against free science have appeared episodically for over 500 years from Papal authority, dictatorships, and unfettered corporate influence. The term conflicts of interest, which the framers of the U.S. Constitution had recognized as a cause for concern among government elected officials, was not applied to scientists until the last quarter of the twentieth century. The reasons that professional societies, journals, and agencies of government began to acknowledge conflicts of interest in scientific research have been widely discussed in various books and journal articles.¹

    In 1979 the editors of Nature, one of the world’s preeminent science journals, invited Nobel Laureate David Baltimore, then a professor of biology at MIT, and me to a several hour discussion on the new collaborations between industry and biology. They recorded our responses and wrote them up in a two-page spread in the journal.² Our discussion was prefaced by a series of questions: As industrial corporations become more involved in developing new biological techniques, where does this leave the scientist? How will university biology departments maintain their integrity and autonomy? How will individual scientists react to growing corporate demands? The ensuing discussion can be crystallized by the following interchange.

    Krimsky: Our academic institutions and academic scientists need to be free from corporate influence … through direct funding by corporations to departments and investigators, by scientists serving as consultants to or on advisory boards of industrial firms, or by academic scientists playing a double role by setting up their own small venture-capital firms … Just as war-related research compromised a generation of scientists, we must anticipate a demise in scientific integrity when corporate funds have an undue influence over scientific research.

    Baltimore: There is nothing wrong with universities serving as a source of technical expertise for newly developing industries or even for mature industries. And that kind of symbiosis between industry and academic departments has been very good for both over history—take the chemical industry. The positive side of industrial involvement in the academic world should not be discarded out of fear that university-based scientists will lose their autonomy owing to industrial pressure. We need to maintain a balance between industrial influences and influences from outside the corporate world.

    The papers contained in this volume are the result of three decades of research addressing the questions posed in this dialogue. What impact would the increased commercialization of basic, applied, and medical science have on the integrity of the scientific community and the trust in the knowledge they produce?

    From my undergraduate and graduate education in physics and my doctoral training in the philosophy of science, I have always been interested in the methodology of the sciences and in the production of knowledge. The methods deployed by scientists are primarily an internal affair, because science is largely a meritocracy. Achievement determines one’s status in the scientific community. The best scientists float to the top of the pecking order by virtue of their contributions to the discipline. They define and are the gatekeepers of the methods embraced by their discipline. The decision about what is good science is not arrived at by a popular vote. For example, the National Research Council, of the National Academies of Sciences, set the standards for risk assessment that have been adopted by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration.³

    Leaders of various scientific disciplines are invited to serve on prestigious panels such as those created by the National Academies. These panels set the standards for their discipline and help inform policy recommendations for government bodies. A recent report by one of these panels criticized the methods used in animal studies, popular in the European Union, to test the safety of genetically modified crops. They concluded that statistical significance was not sufficient to show an effect. It also had to have biological significance and had to be accompanied by a validated mechanism of action.⁴ This recently-established standard disqualifies many animal studies that have shown that genetically engineered crops may be harmful.

    Scientific institutions are a different matter. They interact with society and adopt rules that are accountable to public bodies, such as in the responsible conduct of research. Scientists must conform to federal laws of informed consent in clinical trials or in maintaining a safe workplace.

    When students are introduced to science in college, it is presented as an objective body of truths. The textbooks contain the canons of the discipline. At that stage, the focus is on the laws, principles, and theories or generalized empirical findings—sometimes referred to as facts. No attention is given to how knowledge is produced. There is scarcely room in the curriculum for the study of contested ideas, alternative explanations, and bias in research. Other courses of study in the social studies of science—sometimes referred to as Science, Technology Studies (STS), address contested knowledge and competing explanations.

    Besides being a meritocracy, science is also a conservative institution. New ideas do not replace established ways of thinking easily. A single paper rarely changes the scientific consensus. As an example, stomach ulcers, also known as peptic ulcers, were once believed to be caused by stress and treated as a chronic disease. Physicians prescribed antacids or bismuth salts not as a cure, but merely to address the symptoms. It took over a decade for Barry J. Marshall, an Australian physician, to convince the medical community that bacteria can survive in the gastric juices of the stomach and that peptic ulcers were caused by the colonization of Helicobacter pylori and could be cured. He infected himself, contracted ulcers, and then cured himself with antibiotics to gain the attention of the medical community.

    There are also ample cases where corporate funding of science is designed to dispute reputable toxicology studies of substances such as lead, asbestos and tobacco. In one notable case, authors describe how the tobacco industry influenced the science and the scientists in Germany by distorting or concealing associations between smoking and disease.⁶ An example of a distinguished researcher who has been the target of industry denigration for his findings on a chemical’s toxicity is Frederick vom Saal, an endocrinologist at the University of Missouri. Vom Saal has been studying bisphenol A (a chemical widely used in plastics) for over twenty years. From his many animal studies, he has concluded that human exposure to the substance is dangerous. The chemical industry has continued to dispute vom Saal’s findings and fund scientists to show that the substance is safe in its current uses.

    The deeper one delves into the scientific literature the more one becomes aware that science is driven by contested viewpoints until a consensus is reached on some area of a field, and the number of naysayers begins to diminish. The distinguished late Columbia University sociologist Robert Merton referred to one of the central norms of scientific inquiry as organized skepticism. Before a scientific paper is approved for publication, it must cross the threshold of acceptance by skeptical reviewers, who will critically examine its methods, data and the conclusions drawn from the data.

    Even under the best peer review process reviewers can always overlook something. And of course no one watches the scientist at the laboratory bench collecting data. But a thorough and well-written scientific paper has detailed information that gives another scientist the opportunity to replicate the study. Reproducibility of results is a critical measure of sound science and essential for building the trust of other researchers. Replication is not the same as reproducibility. The former means that an independent group, trained in the discipline, can repeat the experiment; the latter means the results will come out the same. Many experiments are not replicated because there is no funding. However, when the results of an experiment are controversial, e.g., affects the bottom line of a corporation, a corporate stakeholder will replicate it to demonstrate that it is not reproducible. In one study, Science Magazine reported that rigorous replication efforts only succeeded in confirming the results of two of five cancer papers.

    Disagreements among scientists are hardly a new phenomenon.⁸ In fact controversy is endemic to science. As far back as the Greeks, science was replete with competing explanations of the natural world. We refer to them as schools of thought. While the Greek scientists made observations of the world to reach their conclusions, they rarely did experiments. The period, beginning with the end of the Renaissance and the rise of the intellectual and social movement known as the Enlightenment, is cited by historians as the birth of the modern scientific revolution. From science as natural philosophy we witness the growth of new science as the merger of mathematics with experimental inquiry. Debates among scientists flourished.

    Before scientists understood the role of oxygen in combustion, the Phlogiston theory prevailed. It was believed that a substance called phlogiston was contained within all combustible substances. When the substance was burned it released the phlogiston (the smoke and particles). First formulated by Johann Joachim Becker in 1667 and advanced by Georg Ernst Stahl in 1703, Phlogiston remained the dominant scientific theory until the 1780s, when experiments by Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier discovered the role of oxygen in combustion.

    The modern germ theory of disease was preceded by the Miasma theory, which held that diseases like cholera were caused by bad air (miasma) from contaminated substances such as rotting organic matter. This view of bad air can be traced back to antiquity continuing through most of the nineteenth century when it was replaced by the germ theory of disease upon the discovery of microorganisms.

    As one sociologist of science notes, Controversies are an integral part of the collective production of knowledge, disagreement of concept, methods, interpretations and applications are the very lifeblood of science and one of the most productive factors in scientific development. When two competing theories are proposed to explain an event, some clever investigators will devise an experiment to decide among the explanations. Competition within science and the ethos of skepticism helps to weed out false hypotheses.

    To the general public, modern scientific controversy appears to be a matter of technical disagreements among competing schools of thought. What is often hidden from public view are the social, economic, and political factors that distinguish different outcomes from research findings. Historian of science Garland Allen wrote:

    [Scientific] controversies are often the focal point for social conflicts that are coming to a head for their own historical reasons. In such contests, scientific experts are used to buttress arguments within a controversy, giving legitimacy to one or the other side, helping to win public support for one special interest group or another, or in some cases camouflaging the real reason for the dispute, which are economic or sociopolitical in nature.

    In 1980 the U.S. Congress passed the Bayh–Dole Act (PL 96–517). Its goal was to create partnerships between business entities and universities. Global competitiveness was the Reagan Administration doctrine that prompted Congress to pass a series of laws and the Executive branch to issue regulations that were designed to foster technology transfer. It was argued that in the United States too few basic discoveries were turned into applied technology contributing to economic growth.

    One of the key parts of the Bayh–Dole Act was that it gave universities, small business, and nonprofit institutions title to any invention that was discovered with federal research funds. Seven years later it was extended to industry as a whole, allowing large corporations to benefit from publicly-funded research.

    The now defunct Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), a congressional body that published non-partisan evaluations of new technologies and legislation affecting science and technology, commented on Bayh–Dole and ancillary policies:

    The confluence of events and policies increased the interest of universities, industry and government in activities pertaining to partnerships between academia and business in all fields of science …. It is possible that the university-industry relationships could adversely affect the academic environment of universities by inhibiting free exchange of scientific information, undermining interdepartmental cooperation, creating conflict among peers or delaying or impeding publication of research results.¹⁰

    While many of these outcomes have been documented during the 1980s, the one area omitted from OTA’s list was the exponential rise in conflicts of interest among scientific and medical researchers. The reason why scientific and medical conflicts of interest are so important is that they are associated with bias in research methods, outcomes, or the interpretation of data. Studies have shown that corporate-funded research is more likely, compared to research funded by the government or independent nonprofit organizations, to yield results that are consistent with the financial interests of the sponsor. I have termed this the funding effect of science, also known as sponsorship bias.¹¹

    At no time in U.S. history has the integrity of science become so important. Contested scientific beliefs have confused the public. Disagreements about the safety of chemicals, the effectiveness of medical therapies, the side effects of drugs, and the significance of anthropogenic causes of climate change permeate the media. The extent to which scientific studies and opinions are paid for by private interest groups is the basis of conflict of interest ethics. Transparency of the source of funding and any corporate involvement in a scientific publication has become one of the hallmarks of scientific integrity.

    The tradition of preventing or managing conflicts of interest has a long history. Certain conflicts of interest of elected officials of government were prohibited by the U.S. Constitution. For example, the president is prohibited from receiving any addition to his salary from any other domestic source, or from accepting any gifts or salary (emoluments) from any other government. As stated in the Constitution: No person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.

    Government employees were covered by conflicts of interest in a series of laws, such as the federal criminal conflict of interest statutes found in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (U.S.C), Sec. 18, §§ 203, 205, 207, 208, 209. These laws going back to 1853 prohibit federal employees from representing private interests before the government and from seeking action from the government on behalf of private interests whether paid or unpaid. The 1962 amendments of 18 U.S.C. restricted post-employment activities of government employees, the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 restricts former senior government employees from contact with former agencies of past federal employment, and the Ethics Reform Act of 1989 amended the post-employment restrictions on the executive and legislative branches.

    In late January 2018, after her recent appointment as director of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald was forced to resign because of her complex financial interests that had imposed a broad recusal limiting her ability to complete all her duties as the CDC director.¹² Among them were investments in tobacco stock, which she traded even after taking the position at the public health agency.

    While the federal government had long established conflict of interest requirements for its employees, the president, and for members of Congress, scientists and experts serving on federal advisory committees were not covered under those regulations prior to 1972. In that year the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) was passed. Under FACA, scientists invited to serve on federal advisory committees are prohibited from holding substantial conflicts of interest on matters before the committee on which they serve. This applied to all federal agencies, including the Food and Drug Administration, the National Institutes of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control.

    Up until the mid-1980s, there was little discussion about conflicts of interest within the scientific community. While scientists received funding, honoraria, equity and other forms of compensation from private corporations, the general consensus was that their professional ethics of pursuing the truth prevented them from being biased, regardless of their financial interests. Slowly, the premise behind this idea—that scientists were beyond letting financial interests affect their judgment—began to erode.

    The medical sciences were the first discipline to identify financial conflict of interest disclosure as an integral part of publication. The New England Journal of Medicine introduced a policy in 1985 requiring transparency of financial interests for published articles. NEJM editor Arnold Relman wrote: Lately, however, a new entrepreneurial fever has begun to affect the profession, and what was formerly on the fringe seems to be moving into the mainstream.¹³

    The University of New Hampshire held an international symposium on Universities in the Twenty-First Century in 1985.¹⁴ At that meeting I discussed the four personalities of the modern American university. I characterized them as distinct archetypes: classical, industrial, national defense, and public interest. In the classical form where knowledge is virtue, university research is not designed to meet any economic or political purposes; rather it is focused on knowledge as an intrinsic value. In the industrial type, where knowledge is productivity, the primary role of the university is to provide the personnel and intellectual resources for industrial development. For the third type, where knowledge is security, universities provide the knowledge for developing military technologies for defense. Finally, the fourth type, where knowledge is public interest, the function of universities is to produce the knowledge necessary to diagnose, treat, and cure disease and to ameliorate social pathology.

    At the symposium, I concluded that the classical image of the university as a sanctuary for the production of knowledge, set apart from the forces of the marketplace and the power brokers of political culture is a fading memory of a past era. But the dilemma with the new personality of the industrial university is that academic scientists who serve industry cannot at the same time serve society as disinterested experts. One of the vital roles of universities—to provide independent expertise to government uncontaminated by the motive of financial association—is thwarted when industry and academia become indistinguishable.¹⁵ Beginning in 1980, the university’s industrial personality, where knowledge is productivity, began to gain traction throughout American research institutions. With it came the rise of conflicts of interest in American science and medicine. When corporations began investing in academic science they expected a payback. The superposition of two value systems, namely, knowledge for its own sake versus knowledge to advance the bottom line, resulted in cases of corporate malfeasance leading to distortion of the scientific record with eventual harm to the public. In Chapter 2 Tales of the Unholy Alliance of my 2003 book, Science in the Private Interest, four cases are highlighted: Harvard ophthalmologist makes money off of his company’s unproven drug; Scientist signs a research agreement with a drug company and loses control over the science; Government scientist oversees drug study while consulting for drug companies; Dangerous vaccine approved in process replete with conflicts of interest. Three other books provide additional examples of how public health has been damaged by conflicts of interest: Doubt Is Their Product by David Michaels; Lead Wars by Gerald Markowitz and David Rosner; and Bending Science by Thomas O. McGarity and Wendy E. Wagner.

    This book outlines the development of conflicts of interest research as emerging from three distinct periods: early, middle, and late.

    EARLY PERIOD: 1985–1995

    U.S. science policy began largely after World War II. It is generally acknowledged that science was a critical factor in winning the war in Europe and Asia. This included electronic computers used to break the Nazi secret code, radar, and the discovery of atomic energy leading to the development of the atomic bomb. After the war there were debates about how to organize science and how to fund it. The principal challenge was to establish an independent self-governing normative structure while at the same time becoming more fully integrated into the practical and economic life of the nation (see Chapter 3).¹⁶ The idea of multi-vested science grew first out of academic consultancies for private companies, then out of corporate funding of science and finally from academic-corporate partnerships for commercializing discoveries.

    After passage of the Bayh–Dole Act molecular biologists were in high demand as they were the intellectual resource of these new venture capital companies seeking to exploit the commercial possibilities for gene splicing in the pharmaceutical and agricultural sectors.¹⁷ I teamed up with a sociologist who specialized in network analysis and a recent Harvard graduate who worked for the Multinational Monitor. We were interested in understanding the pace of commercialization of university faculty as well as the growth of new biotechnology companies. The numbers spoke for themselves. Thirty-one percent of the biology and genetics faculty at MIT had commercial affiliations with the nascent biotechnology industry. Stanford and Harvard were at 19 percent. And it was learned from other studies that dual-affiliated faculty were four times as likely to report trade secrets resulting from their research (see Chapter 2). The implications of the data and the abuses in science were discussed in The corporate capture of academic science and its social costs (see Chapter 1).

    MIDDLE PERIOD: 1996–2006

    Medical and scientific refereed publications are not only the vital communication networks among scientists throughout the world and set the standards for what is publishable research, they also are primary sources for the science and medical writers who communicate results to the public. In 1996 I began to turn my attention to conflicts of interest in these publications. If financial conflicts of interest (FCOI) can bias outcomes in research publications, then how often do they occur, what is the extent of FCOI biases, and how much is disclosed? My colleagues and I examined about 1,100 university authors from Massachusetts institutions whose nearly 800 articles were published during 1992 in 14 scientific and medical journals. We learned that one-third of the articles had at least one lead author who had a financial conflict of interest. Yet, there were no disclosure statements describing these interests in the 267 articles. At the time we published our study very few of the journals we surveyed had FCOI policies. The journal Science introduced its FCOI disclosure policy in 1992 (see Chapter 4), whereas the federal government first established an FCOI policy for award recipients in 1995.

    How many scientific and medical journals were beginning to adopt such policies? What were their editorial practices? Those were the questions I posed with my collaborator L. S. Rothenberg in Chapter 8. This was a bear of a study. We wanted to get a good representation of biomedical and science journals worldwide that were publishing in 1997. Estimates from various databases indicated the number of journals worldwide could be as high as 30,000. We used a measure called the journal impact factor to get a list of the highest impact journals. The journal impact factor is determined by how many times the articles published in the journal are cited in other articles. High impact factors are usually associated with prestige. We chose the top thousand journals in two categories related to citations: times cited and impact factor. After removing the overlaps, we were left with about 1,400 distinct high impact science and biomedical journals. Many of these journals were not accessible online so I had to spend considerable time at the Harvard Medical Library (Countway), which had the less popular journals in their stacks.

    Of the nearly 1,400 hundred journals we examined, only 16 percent had a published policy on financial conflicts of interest. More remarkably, of the peer reviewed journals on our list that had a published policy during 1997, amounting to 327 journals, we examined over 61,000 articles and found 0.5 percent included a disclosure of financial conflicts of interest. We surveyed journal editors of these publications and we concluded: Low rates of personal financial disclosures are either a result of low rates of financial interest (nothing to disclose) or poor compliance among authors to the journals’ COI policies. Other studies suggested that the latter explanation was more probable. The New York Times article written about our study was headlined: Scientists Often Mum about Ties to Industry (April 25, 2001).

    We used the data from these and other studies to support claims we made in an editorial in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), which implored all journals to adopt FCOI policies. While financial interest in itself does not imply any bias in the results of a paper and should not disqualify it from publication, readers and reviewers are the best judges of whether there is evidence of bias and whether that evidence favors those interests, (see Chapter 5). In a second JAMA editorial, I used the opportunity to reflect on the hidden industry-sponsored studies, which impact evaluations of the cost-effectiveness of drugs, especially high profile, expensive oncology drugs (see Chapter 7). One study found that industry-funded cost-effectiveness studies were eight times less likely to reach unfavorable qualitative conclusions than studies not funded by industry. Because such studies are important in establishing drug formularies, transparency of funding, openness of assumptions, and elimination of potential biases are critical in gaining the public trust.

    The decade of the 1980s brought some major changes in intellectual property law and regulations. The Supreme Court, in a 5–4 decision, approved the patenting of a microorganism sui generis, independent of the process for which it was used. These changes brought new commercial opportunities for university discoveries, especially in patenting genes and GMOs. Multi-million-dollar industry contracts in academia became more common. These new intellectual property opportunities contributed to closing the knowledge commons, the open and free exchange of ideas and the shared fruits of knowledge, in favor of secrecy. This came at the expense of communalism, and disinterestedness—two of the Mertonian norms of science. Chapter 6, written for the Chicago Kent Law Review, examines how intellectual property fostered the growth of researcher financial interests in biomedical research. The commercialization of scientific research has compromised the traditional Mertonian norms on the dubious assumption that the appropriation of knowledge as intellectual property, and in its wake the erosion of communalism and disinterestedness, will yield a great public good in the long run.

    Where did these norms of science come from? And will their erosion impact the objectivity of knowledge. That was the topic for the essay published in Society titled Autonomy, Disinterest, and Entrepreneurial Science (see Chapter 9). The distinguished British physicist John Ziman wrote that science can still be objective even if not disinterested, but will lose public trust. I introduce the funding effect—that corporate-funded research affects the outcome—to argue that financial conflicts of

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