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Red Painted Souls
Red Painted Souls
Red Painted Souls
Ebook56 pages23 minutes

Red Painted Souls

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About this ebook

Rusty and Danish are off on a new adventure.

An exciting one in Peru.

High in the Andes.

But what starts out as an exploration.

And adventure they love.

Turns into a nightmare when they discover that not only are the legends true about where the are exploring.

But they are deadly!

PublisherJohn Pirillo
Release dateJan 12, 2019
Red Painted Souls

John Pirillo

The author was born in Washington, Pennsylvannia. He loves animals and birds. Has two pet cockatiels that keep him company while he writes. He has a lovely daughter and a rascally grandson. He is rich in friends that matter and well adjusted to a life of challenges. He writes and draws every day. He loves anything science fiction, fantasy or extremely well written. Same goes for movies and TV. Not married currently, but has an eye and ear open to possibilities. :)

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    Red Painted Souls - John Pirillo

    Also by John Pirillo

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    Baker Street Universe Tales Seven


    Baker Street Wizard 4

    Baker Street Wizard 5

    Baker Street Wizard 6


    Prince of Between

    Classic Baker Street Universe Sherlock Holmes

    Sherlock Holme: Hyde's Night of Terror

    Case of the Deadly Goddess

    Case of the Abominable


    The Cthulhu Incident

    The Eye of Cthulhu

    The Throne of Cythulhu

    Throne of Cthulhu

    Giants of Cythulhu

    Dark Mist

    Shifter Magic, Book Two: Dark Mist

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    Dark Kingdom


    Sherlock Holmes, Deadly Master

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    Detective Judge Dee

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    Detective Dee, Chasing Tail of Dragon

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    Double Holmes 9

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    Double Holmes 11

    Double Holmes 12

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    Sherlock Holmes A Dangerous Act



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