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Slydini's Production Silks
Slydini's Production Silks
Slydini's Production Silks
Ebook114 pages1 hour

Slydini's Production Silks

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This is the opening effect Slydini sometimes used to open his stage show. An individual silk is shown. Then three silks, one at a time are produced. These four silks multiply to over fifty silks. The routine ends with a production of a giant flag silk.You will learn now to produce the silks individually, methods for making and stealing the fountain of silks, how to fold the flag and how to display the silks. This is a routine that is best done to Music.

Release dateJan 16, 2019
Slydini's Production Silks

D. Angelo Ferri

I was a little kid in the 1950's. At first we lived with my mothers parents in their apartment. Sundays meant family dinners, aunts, uncles, cousins. After dinner my brother, my cousins and I would all go out to play. Sometimes we'd head to the Italian pastry shop for lemon ice. All my uncles and my father had fought in World Two, so I heard stories about their experiences from time to time. My mother told me stories about growing up during the depression, seeing Joe Di Maggio play base ball. I loved those old gangster movies and radio shows. I'd watch the Friday night fights with my Uncle Willie and he'd tell me about the boxers. It was a great time to be a kid. I wanted to put all of this into my story. I wanted to remember how things used to be when the family was together. Every Sunday, after dinner the men would play cards. I was fascinated by the way they shuffled the cards and the strategy of the games. Years later I would become a professional Magician. I studied with the great Italian Master Slydini. I re-learned Neapolitan, the dialect I heard growing up. For the past five years I've traveled to Napoli and performed while speaking Neapolitan, which I love. I hope to continue to write and perform.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    All the Ferri books are clear and very complete. This is a tribute to a legend of silk folding.

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Slydini's Production Silks - D. Angelo Ferri

Slydini’s Production Silks, 2019 Edition

by D. Angelo Ferri

Distributed by Smashwords

Copyright 2019

D. Angelo Ferri



REQUIREMENTS: Silks / Hank Ball / Chair

Stance / Footwork

Showing Hands Empty Between Production of Single Silks

Hand to Hand Transfer

Folding the Silks

Picking Up the Loaded Hank Ball from the Chair

Diagram of Chair (Performance Set Up)

Slydini’s Flag Fold

Alternate Flag Fold

Fountain of Silks Options

Picking Up Hank Part from Chair Photos

Displaying the First Silk

Producing Silks from the Hank Ball

Stealing the Production Ball

Opening Steal of Hank Ball and First Display Photos

Production of First Silk from Hank Ball Photos

Production of Second Silk from Hank Ball Photos

Production of Third Silk from Hank Ball Photos

Steal of Production Ball Photos

Display of Fountain of Silks Photos

Steal of Flag Silk Photos

Display of Flag Photos

Final Thoughts

D. Angelo Ferri

Other e-books by D. Angelo Ferri


Most magicians who remember Slydini think of him as a Close Up Magician, many do not realize he began his career as a Stage Magician. When magicians think of Slydini and silks they mention his Knotted Silks; but a color changing silk, fountain of silks, individual silks produced from a hank ball are not typically associated with him.

Slydini did not like to teach this trick to everyone because most students did not want to invest the time it takes to perform this routine properly. The silks must be folded correctly. There is a steal that must be accomplished in a very certain way. For these and other reasons Slydini kept this routine among a select group of students.

As the audience sees it a single silk is resting on the seat of a chair. The silk is picked up, displayed and draped over back of the chair.

The magician reaches into the air and produces a second silk, which pops into view; is fully developed and placed over the back of the chair along with the first silk.

Two more silks are produced ‘from the air’ and then all four silks are picked up.

As the magician begins to shake, toss, the silks, they multiply. The silks seem to keep blooming and then start to fall to the floor a bit at a time.

The finale is the production of a giant flag silk.

The silk production is an opening effect. If you leave the silks in their rolled up condition too long it will have a negative effect on their performance.

Folding the silks properly is very important and must be done carefully. The time to roll the silks is right before you go on.

It should be the last thing you prepare and the first thing you do. This is an opening effect.

You may consider something to catch the falling silks; an up turned umbrella is a classic example.

This is a great stand-alone effect if you are part of a stage show and have to limit your act to one effect. This routine is best set to music. The music must help you create a tempo, a style. Your music should fit you and your character.

This is intended to be a graceful production that, while paced, continues to excite because it goes from the production of an individual silk, to a large display of silks, to a giant silk finale.

The lessons have been arranged in a very specific order. You must learn this step by step. Your foundation is your stance, and footwork. Next learn how to fold your silks properly.

I’m reminded of the student who wanted to learn to play the piano. He expected to learn a song at his first lesson but his teacher began with the scales.

We have to learn this routine ‘from the ground up’. Be patient, be persistent. Understand the fundamentals before you move on to the actual handling of the silks.

The opening production of three silks, produced one at a time, each silk being draped over the back of the chair prior to the production of the next silk employs the exact techniques I was taught.

I begin to depart from my lessons upon the production of the third and final silk from the ‘hank ball’. (This is not a hank ball in that it is not made of metal.)

Slydini used a

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