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One Year of Instants (2018)
One Year of Instants (2018)
One Year of Instants (2018)
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One Year of Instants (2018)

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Three hundred and sixty-five days. Three hundred and sixty-five stories. All inspired by people like you, from all over the world and from all walks of life. Science fiction, fantasy, and something close to the real world collide in a mix of pure randomness. Take a walk on the weird side as you journey through... one year of Instants.

PublisherC M Weller
Release dateJan 14, 2019
One Year of Instants (2018)

C M Weller

C M Weller has decided to keep their full identity a secret until such time as one of their works becomes a bestseller. They share a house in Burpengary East with two children, two cats, and a spouse who sometimes thinks they're insane. Every October, C M Weller releases a free short story, in honour of both their birthday and All Hallow's Read. Unfortunately, this author has managed to avoid doing all the things that make author bios interesting reading. Sorry. However, ze has been publishing stories via Smashwords since 2012, and has an Amazon-exclusive novelette titled Free Baby. This writer is allergic to almost all forms of alcohol (long story), too asthmatic to indulge in tobacco, and in possession of a body chemistry that makes the more interesting drugs problematic at best. Thusly, their chief addiction is their own imagination.

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    One Year of Instants (2018) - C M Weller

    One Year of Instants (2018)

    C M Weller

    Published by C M Weller at Smashwords

    Copyright 2019 C M Weller

    ISBN: 9780463408643

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Other works by this author:

    Nor Gloom of Night

    Good Boy

    Blowing Bubbles


    It Happened One Wednesday

    Hevun’s Rebel

    Hevun’s Ambassador

    Hevun’s Gate

    One Year of Instants

    Interview Inside a Terrarium

    The Amity Incident

    One Leap year of Instants


    I Wish, I Wish

    One Year of Instants (2015)

    I Wish, I Wish

    One Leap Year of Instants (2016)

    Kung Fu Zombies

    Comes Around

    One Year of Instants (2017)

    Well Rendered

    For more information please visit my author site

    Challenge #001: Seems Harmless Enough

    NAME: Mr. Sunshine (yes he’s not joking)

    OCCUPATION: Terror squad/ Pax Humanis Enforcer

    LIKES: Cats, Painting, Tearing off the faces of his enemies

    DISLIKES: Rude folk

    PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Average height, Average build, Could blend in anywhere there’s Humans

    UNIQUE TRAITS: Cold, empty eyes combined with an intense friendliness give him an extremely unnerving appearance, Dresses like Mr.Rogers, allergic to milk – Anon Guest

    "It’s pronounced soon-sheen-eh, insisted the otherwise ordinary-seeming human who wore a sweater-vest in Security Purple, and a tie coloured like a coral snake. I prefer people to learn this."

    It was the emotionless way that this human smiled that made Grox want to pronounce the name that way as soon as possible and whenever he could. The smile was horrifying. And not just because Mr Sunshine was a human. It was because it was a well-practiced collection of muscle movements that Mr Sunshine had evidently spent some time practicing without the intervention of regular human emotion. It was the smile -as other humans might say- of a being that didn’t have a soul.

    His manners were impeccable. His friendliness had a practiced intensity that implied that Mr Sunshine had read a manual about winning friends and influencing people, and followed every step without involving a single atom of sincerity and authenticity. His dress was impeccable, too. Neat and orderly, with the only warning being his tie and the words, Pax Humanis Enforcer worked into the back of his sweater-vest. It was as if Mr Sunshine had carefully studied how to blend in with humans and followed everything he found to the letter. It was such a pity that his cold and emotionless eyes kept him deep in the uncanny valley. Even other humans would be instinctively afraid of him.

    Station Security, of course, had to escort Mr Sunshine everywhere he chose to go. He was a self-admitted Dangerous Human who was a member of the Pax Humanis Enforcement Team. The largest collection of sociopathic, psychopathic, anti-empathetic, and cogniscidal beings known to the Galactic Alliance and especially known to the Fringe Territories. Who had evidently chosen Waypoint Station as a holiday destination because it had the best cats.

    Most stations had Skitties. Waypoint had a collection of semi-feral cats that had been traded or left there and did what cats did naturally. Breed like rabbits and eliminate any small vermin that they could get their claws into. They were also aesthetically pleasing and recognised all cogniscent species as a potential source of food scraps. They could play cute starving kitten like virtuosos despite their age or battle scars.

    Given what most of the dangerously disordered have been known to do with animals, Security was on high alert. But what actually happened was that Mr Sunshine became the instant favourite of the station’s feline population. They must have recognised a fellow spirit in the callous and cold-hearted murderer. And then he got some watercolours and painted portraits of the cats in order to chillax.

    And despite all this harmlessness and benevolence from Mr Sunshine, Waypoint Station was very glad to see him go. And prayed daily that he would never come back.

    Challenge #002: In Abstract

    aliens going through human archives find the most Avant Garde porn, like, EVER – Anon Guest

    [AN: Just so you know, this author has very little experience with porn. Smut, yes. Porn, no.]

    The Trizdressi had no idea what they had found on that graveworld. Something had happened to the population, and little was left to determine the disaster but what appeared to be an enormous cache of records. The scouts were halfway right. They were recorded data. Just… not data that was tremendously relevant to what happened on that world.

    It might have been relevant, but it wasn’t relevant in a way that could piece together the entire puzzle. It was a contributing factor, much like the atmosphere of racism was a contributing factor to the downfall of the United States as a Superpower. There were many other contributing factors, and one enormous cause to point the finger of blame at, but the contributing factor was most definitely there.

    It took the Trizdrezzi several months to figure out how to read and display the data, with forensics and xenotech departments recreating the native players. And then it took a further five months to realise that they had not, in fact, made any mistakes with said recreation. Because the cache of records was, apparently, a nationwide database of pornography. Artistic, avant-garde pornography.

    After the third non-linear jumble of psychedelic sex, the anthropologists in charge began to decipher the surviving cover notes. Which, unfortunately, were more artistic than informative.

    Progress towards determining the cause of death for this planet was not helped by the discovery of other such data caches. Vaults upon vaults of porn. Some violent to the point of cartoonishness. Some vile to the point of mental harm. Most were beautiful, baffling, and beyond mortal comprehension. A rare few were even sexy.

    There were trillions of hours of that and nothing else. No government records. No logs, blogs, nor journals. Living spaces were perfunctory and the remnants of any farmland seemed to be the automated kind. But by and large, the people of this planet saw fit to only preserve that which titillated them, and nothing else.

    And, like most media designed to garner a reaction, it increased in intensity until the portrayal was nothing at all like the reality. Or like reality at all. The most recent recordings in any of the vaults were dazzling kaleidoscopes of genetalia and body parts, playing over random technojunk music made out of assorted moans and klaxons.

    The Trizdressi could not, in all conscience, point to this planet essentially pleasuring itself to death, but all signs seemed to point that way.

    Challenge #003: Speech of the Gods

    Calliope, Muse of Music crosses the path of the musical instrument named in her honour, the Steam Calliope.

    In the lack of belief, gods and demigods go to wherever their name is still spoken, written, or known. She was once such a demigod. The muse of music. She had had believers. She had had worship. Now… all she had left was her name. Calliope. And it was here that her name was given to a machine.

    They counted the year as 1850. And in a steam workshop in Vermont, Alex Durry tooled around with his master’s equipment. Steam could work wonders in this world. It moved great loads. It saved lives. And, as he discovered by moving an organ pipe over a steam vent. The noise startled him, and almost made him dent the pipe. But it did give him an idea…

    They had all the equipment they could need to make a prototype in this workshop… Alex got all the spare parts he could together on one workbench. Enough to demonstrate the principal. Mister Stoddard might even be pleased enough to let Alex keep the idea. But then again, that was a high hope. White folks didn’t like the idea of escaped former slaves inventing things[1]. Alex believed in Mr Stoddard, all the same. He was a good man, and had a head for useful inventions.

    Alex was deep into it when Mr Stoddard arrived to the workshop in the morning. Alex’s behemoth principal demonstration now dominated two workbenches, and Alex was working on the valves.

    My goodness, Mr Durry. What have you been up to in the night?

    Alex grinned. It’s almost ready, Mr Stoddard. I had me an idea. It done struck like a muse, sir. He tightened the last bolt and let the steam build up.This here could be a whole new musical instrument, sir."

    It certainly needs refinement… Mr Stoddard allowed. I gather all this is to demonstrate the principal?

    Exactly right, Alex got a couple of heavy hammers. Levers are a bit stiff, you understand. There’s a lot of pressure. Muscles once employed to drive spikes into rail lines pumped hammers at levers and managed half of a recognisable tune.

    Mr Stoddard laughed, That is a powerful instrument you’ve made, Mr Durry. Do you have plans?

    I got scratch plans, sir. Working out what had to go where.

    That’s a start, at least. Let’s decouple your beast and work out the next step together.

    For the rest of his life, Mr Joshua Stoddard repeated that he was not the inventor of the Steam Calliope. He only patented improvements on someone else’s machine. But that never stopped anyone. Alex had been correct in his surmise. White people really didn’t like the idea of escaped former slaves inventing things. Especially not things as artistic and fabulous as an instrument named after a demigoddess.

    But Alex knew, and Calliope knew too. Though she no longer spoke through oracles or worshippers. Now, she speaks through polished pipes and steam.

    [1] Though a Joshua C. Stoddard is credited with the invention of the Steam Calliope, I’ve found one source that says the actual inventor is one A. S. Durry. And since I could find no other information but the name, I went with the natural conclusion that history has once again been whitewashed.

    Challenge #004: A Little Inspired

    Erato, Muse of erotic poetry is reading the scrawl on a university toilet door (Probably misspelt).

    Gods cling to that which feeds them. What they are responsible for, especially the performative stuff, is also their meat and milk. Thus, you might expect Erato to gain the sickly pallor of the people one expects to find in seedy adult stores, as well as the general doughy body of the assumed clientele. Such is not the case. Erato is healthy, well-traveled, and very, very fit.

    Why? Because erotica is not just dicks in the bathroom and skeevy people in trenchcoats with brown paper bags and oily complexions. Because erotica is an international art. Erotica is not just doughy men masturbating to breasts on their computers. It is reams of fanfiction in which true love is found and erections lasting longer than two hours are both possible and merited. It is art of lovingly rendered lovemaking between impossible creatures. It is even in cuddle-fic, where the protagonists do little more than soak in each other’s company in front of a fireplace. Cat optional.

    It is for all these reasons that Erato is a very attractive being of indeterminate gender and nationality. They are approachable, amenable, and down for whatever. This has caused quite a lot of upset to anyone in their aura. But that doesn’t stop them noticing the little things. Like, for instance, this particular dick on the wall of a cubicle in the university that Abe ‘Bubba’ Jenkins is about to quit.

    University is made to open minds. And in that atmosphere, someone with the nickname of ‘Bubba’ is not supposed to flourish. The rote history, the philosophy of their lives, even the very way they thought the world was meant to work… all of it is challenged by those who seek to teach. Why, he’s even met a few people he honestly believes should rot in hell. And worse - they’re genuinely nice people until he airs his dirty politics.

    Thus, it’s quite a shock to find one of Them in his territory, seriously considering a dick he’d just drawn on the wall with the caption, Offended? Get a life!

    Interesting rendering, said That Type. Most times, I see a distorted bubble of a P with a few crude lines, when they don’t leave out the testes altogether. They paused to consider it again. You’ve taken some time with this. Rendered the circumcision properly, the pubes… even some veins. You might have some hidden talent.

    Bubba reacted as any Bubba might, You tryin’a hit on me, queer? and he readied his fists.

    The weirdo smiled at them. Only if you’d like it.

    Bubba sank into confusion. Part of him wanted to like it. Part of him wanted to run in screaming terror. The conflict froze him. Y’ain’t convertin’ me, queer.

    "My name is Erato. And I promise that I’m only appreciating your work. If you want me, you’re going to have to work for it."

    Huh? This… this was not how the script was meant to go. You what?

    You’re at a crossroads, Mr Jenkins. A time in your life when your choices can drastically change your path. You’re between futures and this, Erato tapped the drawing on the wall, has caught my interest.

    …’s just a dick, said Bubba. I was sick an’ tired of all the politically correct bullshit flyin’ around and I did a thing before taking a shit. No big deal.

    Politically correct… echoed Erato. Two words that mean ‘deliberately being nice to people’. Do you not like being deliberately nice to people?

    Er… Abe felt the redness invading his face. But it ain’t proper. You got girls wanting to be guys and guys wanting to be girls. A-and both want to fuck each other ‘n’… it ain’t the way it’s s’posed’a be.

    And what is all that to you? asked Erato. None of them want to… ‘fuck’ you.

    But they could? They could sneak up on me when I’m taking a piss or something an’ try to convert me.

    Erato laughed. Never in my life have I met anyone who was seduced by rape. It’s a preposterous fantasy. That anyone could give freely what was taken in violence. No. You will note that we have been amiably chatting with our pants on in a bathroom for… some minutes, and all I’ve done is admire your rendering. A gesture to the doodle on the wall. The world isn’t what you think it is, Mr Jenkins. You should try new thoughts.

    Erato blew him a kiss on their way out. Be watching you.

    Abe washed his hands three times before emerging into the outside. A lot quieter than his usual politics demanded. It was as if the scales had fallen from his eyes. Instead of focusing on the homos cramming their lifestyle choices down his throat, he saw couples in love holding hands. Only a small percentage of them actually made him angry enough to say anything about it.

    He didn’t see miscegenation. He saw people in love. And none of them were focussed on him. At all. He saw… himself. An ugly young white man in a Make America Great Again cap and a rebel flag wife beater and a belt buckle that said Bitches get stitches! and then had the nerve to wonder why people at all and women in particular didn’t want to talk to him.

    He thought about the twenty minutes he’d spent drawing that dick on the wall. How he’d felt about getting it right before adding the unnecessary caption.

    Abe stood in the middle of the campus pathway and actually thought about things. About how his life had been cemented in certainties when it was really adrift in an ocean of doubt. About how he could learn to swim in that or sink like a brick.

    He walked to the administration building and asked to speak to someone about changing his major. He didn’t like Business Principals and he certainly didn’t like Pre-Legal. He decided to change it to art. People made shitloads off of drawing dicks properly. In the right circles.

    Challenge #005: Working Holiday

    Terpsichore, Muse of Dancing - conga line, Nuf Said!

    Even divinities need a holiday. After inspiring dancers to do new and interesting things with their bodies, with their costumes, even with lighting and how they made the music they danced to - while they were dancing - even a divine force needed a breather.

    But a goddess of dance must go where she is worshipped.

    You could spot her if you tried. There’s just something more about the embodiment of a divinity. A glow. An imperceptible something-something that inspires everyone around them. Even on their day off. On a cruise ship. Late at night when everyone is inebriated enough to think that a conga line is a cool idea. The influence of Terpsichore is obvious. The conga line is not only in sync, but actually looks good.

    It’s the only way you could tell for sure.

    The muse herself is lounging on a deckchair with a froufrou drink. It’s inside a coconut that is bedecked with too many streamers, glitter, curly straws and paper umbrellas. The best you could say about that kind of drink was that the alcohol was in there somewhere. She watches in vague disinterest as the hardy perennial Drunken Flailer suddenly busts moves that he never knew he had and would likely never remember. Accidentally impressing several young women who had previously passed on his doughy countenance.

    She sighed. Maybe they’d like him for his personality at a later date.

    The D.J. put on Genesis. A song that should have been appropriate for the late-night-early-morning crowd of revellers. I Can’t Dance. And the dance floor filled with spontaneous choreography that some of the aforementioned young women preserved for posterity via Youtube.

    Honestly, said Erato, also lounging with a large drink - a long, slow double-entendre in an unlikely and uncomfortable location to be doing any such thing. "This is supposed to be break time."

    Terpsichore shrugged. "I am trying to turn it off. I am. I swear."

    Three balding, elderly holidayers were re-enacting the last minutes of the video clip. Perfectly.

    I can’t take you anywhere, sighed Erato.

    Challenge #006: The Important Stuff

    When two humans have animosity between them, their crew mates get very nervous. Just yesterday, Human Marty discovered Human Seth was attempting a mating ritual with their offspring… – Anon Guest

    [AN: One of the good things about my future is that Pedophilia is eradicated on all but a few, really skeevy colony worlds. And those ones have an underground railroad thing going on to make sure the perversion dies out. Also -dear Nonny- I do not appreciate the implication that gay people want to adopt/child-rear just to indulge in said perversion.]

    "Powers damn it, Seth! I knew you needed therapy, but this? This is flakking sick. What were you even thinking?"

    It’s a rite of passage, Mars! She’s got her blood, and needs a caring parent to initiate her in the ways of womanhood.

    "She’s twelve!"

    "Since when does that matter? My aunty had hers done at five and she turned out fine."

    Mel hid with the others, the Taz’drassi crew, behind the biggest piece of furniture in the room. Her eyes were wet and she was holding one of the more robust crewmembers for comfort. Her face was red and her entire body was trembling. Mel didn’t like this one little bit. Neither did any of the Taz’drassi who had taken her little family in as ships’ humans.

    "Does she think it’s okay to fuck a child?"

    "Of course she does, she did me when I hit puberty."

    "Then she didn’t turn out fine. Powers damn it, I rescued you from that fucking hell-planet. I thought I could save you from that flakking toxic culture… You passed all the parenting tests. How could you turn around and try this?"

    Time’s running out for her. She’ll never be accepted if she doesn’t know this stuff starting out.


    I know all the arguments. She’s not responsible enough. She’s not ready. I’ve studied it all. I know how to be gentle with a first-timer. Hell, she’s practically got her adult body–

    Mel flinched at the sound of the slap. In all her life, her dads had never struck anyone. The sound was like a stabbing knife in her heart.

    That, said Papa Mars, "is grounds for divorce. I’m filing the paperwork and claiming custody of Mel for her own safety. And the Galactic Courts will agree with me. I don’t care where you go, but you will never touch another child again."

    Mel started crying. According to all the history her Dad had taught her, she would never be a real woman, now. She’d decay on the inside because nobody used her properly. Papa didn’t understand. Dad was just trying to help.

    I know you’re listening, Captain. I request and require an immediate course change to the nearest Galactic Waystation. You can choose which of us gets to stay with you, but… I would be cautious of Seth around any shipboard young.

    Mel could sense the ruin creeping in. She was wrecked. She was ruined. She’d never be a proper adult, now.

    Also… we need to download the proper educational films for Mel. My fault for thinking he was over all that noise from his homeworld. Mel’s going to need some top-notch counselling…

    She flinched again as the couch moved with Papa’s weight. Sweetie? It’s all safe now. It’s okay.

    "No it’s not, Mel sobbed. I’ll never get it right without Dad to show me… I’m gonna rot away inside."

    That’s not how your body works, Mel, said Papa. Come on. Let’s have some tea and look up things on the info-net. Remember? Verifiable information from multiple sources.

    Mel did. How the monster in the dark turned out to be one among many of the Skitties on board. How the rumbling of an engine boost was just noise and nothing to be scared of. And how she couldn’t really break anyone’s backbone by stepping on cracks or lines in the decking. She’d missed Papa’s careful and reasoned research.

    Come to think of it… ever since her body had started changing, Dad had been making sure Papa spent less and less time in their shared quarters. Almost like Dad planned to immerse Mel in the culture of his point of origin.

    He set it up to be like this, didn’t he? Mel blurted.

    There’s my rational mind, Papa cooed, kissing her forehead as he helped her out. "I think B’lexil needs to get back to duty, and you need some sweet stuff to counteract that sour mood."

    Mel wouldn’t see her dad again, and would learn that that was a good thing. She and Papa took over the kitchen and had an educational hour over sweet treats and fortifying tea. Including a thorough analysis of everything that had gone wrong on the Terran colony world known as Mapé.

    Starting with the fact that the entire world ignored the rules that recognised the importance of consent.

    When she was down to one tracker bracelet, then she could see physical counsellors who could walk her through the sex stuff. If she wanted to do it that way. Papa said a guided initiation was much better than confused fumbling between newbies, but Mel would decide when she was ready for that sort of thing with a trained professional.

    The crew dropped Seth off at Podunk Station and Mel didn’t even want to say goodbye. It was a huge relief to be rid of him, honestly.

    Challenge #007: It’s Not a Good Night…

    Orange traffic cones which mysteriously appear after drunken parties, and other weird stuff the clean-up crew encounter.

    Of all the unexplainable phenomena in the known universe, the most unsolvable is that of humans and spontaneously-manifesting traffic cones. They only appear when everyone at the party is too inebriated to recall where they came from, and no means of recording said party have ever picked up where they come from. Even security cameras can’t catch their appearance. Whenever the cameras are turned, or cut away, that’s when the traffic cones appear.

    And in the cases of fixed, one channel feeds, the item appears outside of the immediate pickup zone. And holographic recorders experience unresolved issues in the area of appearance.

    It may be unexplained, but science is determined to die trying to do so.

    So far, a series of seemingly random rules had been discovered. The entire guest content of the party had to be inebriated enough that recall was effected. Alcohol was not necessary, but a wild party was. The teams behind the one-way mirror were not part of the party, but observation had to be under strict regimens. And at one point, someone had to put on the most annoying party song ever written by cogniscent minds: Agadoo[2].

    There were five people at the scientifically observed party. There were five scientists sipping coffee, each watching one partygoer each and barely blinking. The furniture in the party room was up against the wall. The toilet cubicle had its own recording devices that would pick up the extra mass of a traffic cone.

    There was no way that they could miss the appearance. Everything was covered. Nothing was left to chance.

    And yet, the party wound down with little of note. At least until the observing scientists took a break and rose from their seats. Once they did, they found…

    Behind each of their chairs.

    In a neat line.

    Five nigh-identical.

    Plastic traffic cones.

    Attempts were made, after that particular experiment, to watch the watchers, but the results were iterative. The traffic cones would appear behind, or out of the line of sight, of the last in the chain of observers.

    And it was at that point that science decided to give up.

    [2] Mostly because you will not get it out of your head for three flakking months.

    Challenge #008: Rightwise Born… er… Monarch?

    Whomsoever shall pull this sword from the stone is rightwise born King of England.

    Oh! Lookie! I’ve pulled it out, she said. – Anon Guest

    She was short. She had the sort of chubbiness born of years of feast and famine, with the body deciding to set up ample stores in case of famine. And she was clearly a scullery maid in the entourage of one amongst the many knights, ne’er-do-wells, and nonesuch that had gathered to try their luck.

    The maester of ceremony turned to the wizard who had set this all up and said, Merlin? A word?

    Several knights demanded that the once and future Queen put the sword back so they could make certain it wasn’t a trick. Maisy did so without complaint as the maester and Merlin went out of earshot. But they still all clearly heard the maester’s voice as he screamed, YOU SAID YOU HAD ALL OF THIS SORTED!

    After about the fifth knight had tried to pull the sword back out and Maisy effortlessly did so, the message was starting to filter into their lance-addled heads. Maisy was the rightwise born heir to the crown. Knees began being bent. A couple of ne’er-do-wells had a go, just to ram it home for the slow learners.

    Merlin reappeared, insisting, The lore is the lore, as he went. "She’s taken the sword, she gets the crown. End of. All I need to do is figure out what the fuck happened to Arthur."

    Maisy sighed, Please don’t deadname me, possibly on automatic. Then her mouth caught up with her ears and her reason. "How in the name of Christian loving would you even know my deadname?"

    Merlin squinted, matching the orphan baby he’d left to a tavern keeper with the late-teenaged woman before him. You… used to be Arthur?

    They called me Wart most of the time, but yes, Maisy adopted a singsong voice. Everyone thought I was a boy until I realised I wasn’t at age seven. And since then, it’s been a long and tiring journey to get The Spell and fix myself, and then everyone else’s heads. Hello. I’m Maisy. Please don’t call me Arthur again or I’ll have to smack you.

    She has a mean right hook, said one of the ne’er-do-wells. He had a black eye and a missing tooth as testimony.

    And very accurate knees, added one of the Ruffians, putting a hand over his dented metal Protective.

    Ah, said Merlin. Yes. Okay. Well, I never accounted for the Scion being Trans. My apologies, Queen Maisy, he bowed. Turned to the maester when he righted himself. Maester of Ceremonies. It is your solemn duty to announce the lost scion to the lands. Starting with this lot.

    The maester sidled up to his Queen. Er. Is Maisy short for anything?

    Mairead. Er. Mairead Gospel Drinkwelle.

    Er. Not any more, said the Maister. Then faced the gathering crowd and used his Crier Voice. Oyez! Oyez! Oyez! All hail and swear fealty to Her Majesty the Queen! All hail and swear fealty to Her Majesty, Queen Mairead Gospel Ap Pendragon, rightwise born Queen of England!

    The crowd dutifully chorused, Hail the new Queen! thrice over as they unanimously bent the knee.

    Maisy, done with holding the sword aloft, clutched it to her ample chest. Er. This means I keep this now, right?

    That, and the entire country, said Merlin. Yes.

    Challenge #009: Revenge is Purring

    If you truly hate someone give them a baby bear. Comment from Historical source. Nobody mentioned Bears just get big. But what if you give them a pregnant female house cat? – Anon Guest

    Across societies, across worlds, there are things that could be counted as gifts - but definitely aren’t. Drum kits for the hated one’s children. A bear cub. A baby ape. A dragon’s egg. All of those and more can only be called trouble. And then there is the coup de grace of malevolent gifts for a despised individual.

    A pregnant housecat. Specifically, a fluffy pregnant housecat. Which makes it difficult to tell that said cat is even pregnant at all.

    Sadistic observers know well what happens next. The cat will have her litter in a secret place, safe and secure for her kittens. The new owner will not be immediately aware that they are even there. Cats, of course, are stealthy predators that can also be prey. It’s in their vested interest to conceal their helpless young. Then the owner suddenly finds out that they have four to six cute, fluffy little kittens of doubtful parentage. But they are adorable.

    Surely, it can’t hurt to keep them for a little bit.

    This is the logic that leads to feline-infested houses, complaints from the neighbours, and a general dip in the population of small animals in the surrounding area. By the time the kittens are not quite kittens, any more, their mother is pregnant again. Shifting said kittens now that they are no longer so adorable is a task comparable to sisyphus’.

    In a year, maybe two, the in-breeding begins.

    There are too many kittens. Too many cats. The neighbours complain about a smell that the Despised Recipient is now nose-blind to. Expenses are high. Legalities are pursued. Ruin is almost imminent.

    The Despised Recipient, being too soft-hearted to destroy all those cats and kittens, takes them and everything that’s left to a quiet little farm in the middle of nowhere. They are becoming a crazed cat person, and your problems with them have effectively ended.

    Challenge #010: The Stakes

    A wager will often get results when pleading fails. – Anon Guest

    One has to be wealthy to be eccentric. If you’re poor, you’re just odd. People could tell that Felwar Nassidd was an eccentric from a long line of eccentrics. The first dead-giveaway was the name. The second was their Wagers of Benevolence.

    They laid a two hundred billion dollar bet that a town wouldn’t be able to completely convert to green energy, and feed the populace proper nutrition at the same time. They made it global. And sat back and watched as the money-hungry mayors suddenly became benevolent dictators with a plan to eradicate all the food deserts in their field of influence.

    The city that won had begun with a head start, because they were heavily liberal, but that didn’t matter. What mattered was the trillion dollar bet that an electoral county couldn’t do the same. Felwar could well afford it. They were the richest person in the world. They had incomprehensible amounts of money and the government kept wanting to give them more.

    Billions, trillions, quadrillions, it didn’t matter much to Felwar. They were a winning score with all the cheat codes activated. People gave them stuff just for being Felwar. They never had to fret about anything. Especially taxes.

    And after showing the assorted industries that green energy hardly hurt anyone, they went ahead and purchased every single fossil-fuel extraction system and gradually shut them down. Those who worked in those industries were taught - at Felwar’s expense - to apply their skills in far more benevolent areas.

    The world was… well… it was reformed. In all senses of the word.

    When education was globally available to everyone, when there was no longer such a thing as living below the poverty line, when the entire world had access to good food, and the bees had come back from the brink. When the entire world had seen what a little benevolence could do. When all the conservative arguments had been demolished, one by one… that was when Felwar tracked down Sally.

    Sally Jones. Felwar’s old college roommate. Who lived in a modest little suburban home that now had two electric cars. Whose yard had been an edible garden before Felwar’s considerable meddling. Who greeted Felwar with a smile and a laugh and got a display down from off her study wall.

    It was a two-dollar bill. Surrounded by the words, In Case of Felwar Winning, Break Glass.

    Felwar broke it with a hammer made of gold. Just because they could. And presented Sally with the hammer as a gift. Only the two of them understood the joke inherent.

    Sally said, Bet’cha five bucks you won’t do proper and truly equal tax reform.

    She would always say that the look on Felwar’s face was worth more than Felwar could ever have.

    Challenge #011: The Caring Gap

    Their world was games, and Facebook and selfies. Then they wound up in an emergency ward and discovered electric lives are no substitute for the real thing.

    [AN: You clearly have no understanding of modern connectivity. AKA: You dang kids get off of your social media and get a real life! ::shakes cane::]

    Alice was technically a Cam Girl and technically a Gamer. In reality, that meant grinding assorted games for a pitiful income per game per hour, and taking selfies at least four times a day. In the eyes of a certain generation, she was lazy and vain.

    The fact was, she was doing everything she could to raise enough to (a) keep alive, and (b) pay off the debt she owed for a degree she’d got for a job that had been shipped off to a different country. She ran a Patreon. She had an Etsy shop. She had a Ko-fi account. She spent every hour of every day scraping for pennies and doing whatever she could to get someone to pass her a couple of dollars.

    She barely made it to the poverty line, lived on food stamps, and kept looking for what everyone else called a real job. She had more friends online than she had friends in the neighbourhood. Especially considering that the entire population were practically vagrants and, much like Alice, scraping to make rent and eat at the same time.

    Alice was lucky that the landlord came around for an inspection shortly after she collapsed from malnutrition. She was not lucky that the landlord decided that she could live without her phone or laptop and confiscated them in lieu of rent before calling the paramedics.

    It took her a week into her recovery to beg the hospital to let her send out an emergency message to her followers. Twitter, Instagram, and her blog account were the three largest winners, so she used those to link to all the ones that earned her money.

    The ambulance trip, the hospital stay, her medical care… all of it came to her in full force because no insurance company would cover her and she was red-taped out of ObamaCare. Her time on welfare ran out years ago. She had no means by which to pay for her bills and only the fabulously wealthy could declare themselves bankrupt.

    So she appealed to her ‘virtual’ friends, and even got a message out to Facebook. Where her alleged real friends were.

    In a way, all the ageing baby boomers were correct. Electric lives were no substitute for the real thing. Electric friends were nothing like the real ones.

    The people she knew in meatspace never shifted a finger nor sent her a dollar. But the thousands of people who followed her shenanigans helped her pay for her bills and got her back on her feet. Or what passed for it in a world where a fraction of the people earned a majority of the income.

    Her selfies were low rating amongst the followers who had used them as spank material, but the ones who actually cared kept donating whatever they had to spare.

    There was even one among the Millennial poor who had enough legal expertise to get Alice her laptop and phone back from the landlord, and then declare the confiscation an act of theft. Since it was clearly removal of means, then it was a malicious act, and the landlord had to pay a fine.

    Not that such a fine made much of an impact on the landlord. But it did mean that Alice could live rent-free for six months. More than enough time to get just that little bit ahead. Just enough to see a way out of the poverty pit that described Alice’s life.

    It was too bad about the taxes that sent her right back down to where she started. Below the poverty line.

    Challenge #012: Debunked Beliefs

    Non-human sentients are used to thinking of humans as impossibly durable daredevils of highly questionable sanity. However, historical human science fiction, pre-first contact, typically has humans depicting themselves as either ordinary everymen and everywomen in a world full of sentients who were stronger, smart, harder to kill, and/or had space magic at their disposal. Humans were surprised when their cynicism didn’t play out. Aliens are shocked that humans could have ever considered themselves as such. – Anon Guest

    And this one is known as…?

    Farscape, said the human. One of the more imaginative ones. The aliens didn’t always follow the human-with-bits-on model. Pity the people making it cancelled it.

    A figure with a clamshell head and no nose appeared on the screen, the most alien looking alien that the human imagination had concocted for their screens to date. It was beautiful. Why did they cancel it? This is wonderful.

    Basically? The television station that was making it didn’t want to be. The nation in charge was more about sports than art. The human shrugged. "Humans are nuts. Apparently, even this level of science fiction was beneath them. They said it wasn’t making enough money, but… it was."

    They listened to the dialogue, reading the Galstand subtitles underneath. Did they all just say that the human is puny?

    Yeah. That’s why I’m showing you. This is one of the shows that really rubbed it in, you know? There was a whole running gag about it.

    But… you are space orcs, as you say.

    The human laughed. "Yeah. We didn’t know that at the time. We just… looked around at everything that could possibly kill us on our world and thought, The universe is bound to be four times as mean and ran with it. Plus ninety percent of science fiction is a thin veil over invasion fantasies, so… they shrugged. We got a lot of this."

    What was it like when your kind found out?

    A lot of laughing and claiming they were talking bullshit. On both sides, as it happens.

    Challenge #013: The Helpful Cup

    Hot sweetened tea and maybe a biscuit or sandwich will help to solve most problems. – Anon Guest

    In the grand scheme of things, Britanians never expect much out of the Tea Lady. Some sage advice, a rambling story about their youngest, and, of course, tea. If you knew how to play your cards right, you might get a Jammy Dodger or a Scotch Finger. That was the way it had always been. Until Ambassador Harry.

    So far, she had helped the odd little alien stabilise their atmosphere regulators with duck tape, fixed the fans with a hairpin, and disarmed the alien security measures with one of her support stockings. Now they were at the ships’ power, Sai’dut was looking rather upset.

    Harriet Jones frowned a little. This sort of insect creature had been friendly and open enough, but now she worried that something was amiss. She was still using her business manners, and therefore acted like a kindly grandmother type despite being not nearly thirty, just yet. Something wrong, love?

    Sai’dut indicated the battery, and used their common language of Broken English. Battery empty. Needing acid. Special acid. Not knowing where is.

    What acid? asked Harry.

    Sai’dut didn’t have the words, but they could draw. Carefully, a set of intersecting circles and lines. That became a five-pointed star of hexagons that Harry knew very well. She saw it whenever Brian needed a top-up.

    Brian’s mug! she dashed back to where she left her tea trolley and got the mug with its diagram, raced back with it, showing it to Sai’dut. This? You need this?

    Sai’dut got very excited, fluttering their vestigial wings. This. Yes! Yes, yes! This. Much this!

    Now it was worth wrestling the tea trolley and its urn all the way to the engine room. So far, Sai’dut had been using her supply of Monte Carlos and Milk Arrowroots to stay alive, but had kept a wide berth from her hot tea. Sai’dut continued to keep a wide berth.

    Dangerous container, they said.

    Yes, love, said Harry. Possibly on automatic. It’s full of hot tea, and she poured some from the urn into Brian’s mug. She pointed to the contents, then pointed to the diagram, and then to the empty battery.

    It took a few goes, and one cautious scanning, but Sai’dut got the picture. Once the power was back on, half the battle to save both crews was over. Poor Sai’dut was quite alarmed that she had some to drink. Harry had to explain that their version of battery acid was humanity’s lovely cuppa. And then she had to stop herself from handing it out to Sai’dut’s people. They got the biscuits. Her folks got the tea.

    There was very little that couldn’t be solved with a cup of tea and a biscuit.

    Challenge #014: Hour of Need

    It had been a hard day today, she Needed chocolate! – Anon Guest

    So. Let’s recap. Best beloved and most capable person in the house arrested for a crime they couldn’t possibly commit. On a day when she had needed to run around between four different destination, with stops on the way to pick up whatever. And stops at the bank to get her running money for the week because their mutual funds had been frozen and their family still needed to eat.

    During the worst storms that the season had to offer.

    Everything she needed to work in order to get the hell on with her life had decided that this day was the day to need updates, reboots, and called-in experts to battle with the devices in question. Her plans were disrupted, changed around, and just about blown up in a nuclear holocaust. Only there wasn’t actually any nuclear holocaust. And she had to divert herself at a spare moment to actually go down and provide her Beloved’s alibi.

    Everything that could stop would. Everything that could break would. Everything that could get in her way, did.

    She was in and out of her car - which broke down and needed new tyres in a hurry - in and out of the storms, in and out of blazing hot air and icy cold air conditioning when she wasn’t in and out of assaulting levels of rain. Up and down like Puck had lead them in Shakespeare. Three tanks of fuel. Never a moment’s rest… and all the take-out places had closed because of a terrorist claim that some random place had been infected with botulism.

    She had the kids. She had some idea of what to do with the food in the freezer. Which may have even worked if, five seconds after she put her keys down for the last time, the entire neighbourhood hadn’t had a blackout.

    This was the worst fucking day, and tomorrow wasn’t looking that fantastic either.

    So she let the kids have ice cream for dinner and got out her stash. Top market. Gourmet. Luxury chocolate that she had sealed in her only-when-I-need-it box for a rainy day.

    Well… it wasn’t just raining.

    She dried off. Encouraged the kids to dry off, and retreated to her bed with a hot water bottle and an entire bar of Caramel Explosion Bliss as well as a pint of something sugary and too bad for her diet from the freezer. And saved the chocolate for last. Because, by GOD… she absolutely needed that balm for her tattered soul.

    Challenge #015: A Grand Day Off

    Shoes off, comfy clothes, and good read. No phones, no Internet connection, a little bit of Heaven, and Room Service thrown in. Best Break Ever!

    Sometimes, you just need to get away. And sometimes, the problem with going anywhere is that the things you want to get away from tend to follow you around. And today, Ana needed to get away from the entire world.

    To that end, she had carefully arranged this day. A new book. A collection of finger foods in assorted packets. Including beverages. Ana signed off from her social media, turned off her phone, left her computer off, and set up a nest. Comfy bed. Easy access to the ensuite next door. She called it her ensuite, since her couch was also her bed, but in reality, it was just the bathroom for the tiny closet that was her flat.

    Ana poured herself a drink, took a nibble into her fingers, and cracked open her new book. Savoured that New Book Smell. And read the first words that took her away into another world. It may not be better than sex, but it was better than sleep. She rearranged herself for maximum comfort whenever she liked. There was no rush. No demands. Nobody needing her. Nobody could get to her.

    And nobody understood what relief it could be to just… divorce oneself from the rest of the world for an entire day. Well. Not unless they were like Ana, whose days were devoted to the needs, wants, and howling outrage of people who honestly believed that her time was somehow less valuable than theirs.

    The people who would use her as a resource. Send her fetching. Send her carrying. Send her away from some other task that some other someone had thrust her into. Send her into getting into trouble with one of her lower-ranking bosses because they demanded she be somewhere else, doing something else.

    When everyone around you demands your time, it is a luxury to take it for yourself.

    Until there was a knock on the door.

    Ana ignored it. Twice. On the third time, she extracted herself from her nest and used the peephole to see who was being so rude as to ignore the Do Not Disturb placard she had hung on her doorknob.

    Shit. Fuck. Adrianson. A fifth-level boss of hers from one of the three jobs she had scheduled this day off from. He clearly did not understand that she was a human person with needs, and one of those needs was an actual, complete, day of rest.

    He knocked on the door again. Ana! I know you’re in there! Thump thump thump thump. I need you to show me how to do the thing.

    Ana had left written instructions, laminated, and tied to the coffee machine. In a very readable font. With pictures. In large print. And yet, Adrianson had nothing better to do than demand that, once again, that Ana showed him how to use the coffee machine. Or, as he put it, ‘do the thing’.

    Adrianson had risen to levels beyond the Peter Principal. And insisted that all Ana had to do to get a promotion and a raise was work even harder than her extant twenty-four-seven, at three jobs, whilst he simultaneously hired expertise from outside the company and never promoted anyone ever.

    What he assumed was that, if he made enough noise, Ana would come out and be his thing to use again for the remainder of the day. And thereby be upper-lower-middle-management’s resource at the same time. What he didn’t know was that Ana had prepared for this, too.

    She returned to her nest and put in her ear plugs. Cancelling out Adrianson’s racket. Re-opened her book, and ate another Tim Tam.

    She’d check hourly to see if the landlord had noticed or someone had complained and got him exiled. Or maybe she wouldn’t.

    Maybe, just maybe, Adrianson would learn how to fucking read and damn well follow a set of very clear instructions written for an obvious idiot. And maybe they’ll realise I’m the backbone of the place and actually promote me and pay me what I’m worth.

    Ana snorted very quietly at her own joke. Bosses these days didn’t recognise talent or competency. They just recognised the payoff. And for them, her position meant that they had a dogsbody that was really, really cheap. But since she was their only dogsbody, the system kind of collapsed without her.

    If they threatened to fire her tomorrow, she would simply say, Okay. She had her resumé ready to go and updated it weekly. She had plenty of chances to start up little businesses based on what she knew. And while they were busy looking for someone to do the everything Ana did for them, she would be setting her own hours and running things in a sensible fucking manner for a change.

    That would be almost as good as this holiday.


    Challenge #016: Toxic, Useless, and Ugly

    A man of words and not of deeds, is like a garden full of weeds.

    "I will work so hard, he said. I won’t even have time for golf. I won’t have time to tweet. I’m talking bloody knuckles. I’m talking wearing out the grindstone with my nose. I’m talking twenty-four-seven. Hard. Sweaty. Work. For you. For all of you." And then he spent more days on the golf course, on holiday, or on leave than any other leader to date.

    I’m not a racist, he said. I am the least racist person in the world. I don’t even know what prejudice is. Look at me. I’ve hired five black people in as many days, who had quit, in outrage, but that wasn’t important right now. What mattered was the sound bites. I strive for equality in everything I do. I want it. I need it like air. I just want to make things completely fair. Two days after gaining office, he signed into law a ruling that allowed any person of authority to deport any person of colour that they deemed ‘suspicious’ to any country of their choosing.

    I’m a thorough-going feminist, he said. I’m all for women everywhere. Equal work, equal pay. Hell, those moms who choose to stay at home? Heroes. They should get a medal. They should at least get paid. I mean -what- motherhood is like four degree jobs going at the same time. You should get paid for that. You should honestly get paid for that. It’s a lot of hard work. A lot of it. And hard work should be rewarded. One day after gaining office, he signed into law what the news called the Back to the Kitchen Bill that made it illegal for married women to seek employment in anything other than daycare, cleaning, or kitchen staff jobs that were not the head chef. Two days later, he classified teaching as a daycare job. And lowered the minimum wage threshold for women. Publicly stating that women would just get pregnant and quit anyway.

    He said a great many things. His actions spoke the opposite. He proclaimed to love his fifth wife with utter devotion, just like he’d done for the other four. And for his entire term of office, the sexual assault claims never stopped. The allegations of affairs never stopped. And yet, even when he was caught, publicly, groping a woman who was actively fighting him off, she got jail time because the leader was capable of spinning so many words into the air that they seemed to warp reality itself.

    It became a crime to ‘lead men on’ and any violence that happened to a woman was legitimised. It became a crime to be the wrong colour, and any violence was casually ignored. It became a crime to be the wrong type and their deaths were ruled suicides, regardless of the circumstances.

    But everyone agreed, when the country was blighted and ruined by his actions, when the population was nothing more than narrow-minded brutes without an idea in their heads, that there was one lie that covered them all. One lie that they all believed at the time, and didn’t realise how badly they were paying for it.

    I will make this country the greatest, he had said, and gutted any kind of glory out of it.

    [AN: The temptation was so strong to put up a pic of a Google Correction saying, Did you mean Donald Trump?]

    Challenge #017: The Biological Solution

    [End the story with this sentence] Behold… the mighty predator.

    First came the epithelials, and there was the Dust Problem. Amelioration worked, to a degree, but cleansing schedules soon became hell for multiple species. And someone discovered Fhitts and Squidges. Small, jellyfish-like animals that floated around via hydrogen gas bags. They either filter-fed as they drifted around on the air currents, or -in the case of the Fhitts- jetted about in active pursuit.

    Then the Fhitts and the Squidges became popular. Cleansing schedules were eagerly jettisoned. Until an overpopulation problem caused both to clog the air filters. Something, plainly, had to be done. Filter patrols and culls were initiated, and a careful balance was difficult to maintain.

    And then someone discovered Oshits. Decapodal, exoskeletal, insectoid predators that hunted by chasing down anything that disturbed the air currents. They were death on Fhitts, and some sub-species evolved to capture Squidges. And, for a while, things were easier. Filter patrols toned down. Culls were unnecessary. But the price to pay was the occasional spider-mimic landing on the face or the body.

    Some bio-tech company began a test case on a distant station. One of those ones that had been budget-cut to one staff member and a lot of automated machines. There, the reports flooded in. Pest animal populations were dropping like a stone. And the human staff was encountering less problems in their day to day duties. Even the emotional quotients were rising. It was clear that this company had come up with the perfect control element.

    So they went ahead with the big reveal, in a press conference beamed across civilised space.

    Assorted Cogniscents, I bid you welcome. For decades, ships and stations have been struggling with balancing their onboard biota, meeting the needs of cleanliness and solving the problems caused by solving the previous problem. After extensive research into Deathworlder organisms– a collective gasp from the live audience, – we have isolated one with the potential we needed. We found a small predator with litter capabilities and self-policing population control. One with a social hierarchy and a dependable mating cycle. One that would adapt to their environment, regardless of the particulars and one that was capable of recognising cogniscents as allies and prey.

    Images filled the screen. Some were recognisably from the infuriating game Dog or Not Dog? because of the watermark. These were terran predatory quadrupeds. Fur-bearing mammals, and one image contained a silhouette of a Thorthad for scale. They were much smaller than the smallest known cogniscent. But then again, so were the Oshits.

    We have taken this genetic pattern and altered it significantly. The result is recognisably the same kind of animal, but with important alterations. The basic pattern and the altered animal came up, side-by-side. "We have eliminated seasonal shedding in favour of an introductory period in which the animal adapts to the conditions of the station once. Following that four-month period, shedding is limited. Further, we have shortened the fur so that extant debris eliminators will have no problem with any stray follicles. We have enhanced their digestion capabilities so that they will be able to ingest all known pests, and made all their genetic adaptions dominant traits so that we need never be concerned about cross-breeds. Further, their breeding season is under cogniscent control. When you desire more of our product, simply spray some common traffic corners with a patented pheromone, and breeding will commence."

    Dubious applause from the audience. Nobody wanted random Deathworlder breeding on their station.

    Assorted Cogniscents, it is my pride to announce the latest in bio-engineering solutions. Clean. Controllable. Deadly to that we wish eliminated. Companionable, colour-coded for Station Maintenance, and trainable. I give you… the Station’s Kitty. Or, ‘Skitty’ for short. The cover came off the cage, and what looked like a regular, ginger feline was distractedly washing itself with its tongue. Behold… the mighty predator!

    Challenge #018: A Place to Fit

    The adventures/escapades of a Numidid raised by/among humans

    [AN: This continues on from this thing ]

    Family is more than the people that excreted you, so goes the galactic saying. Family can be a bunch of loner weirdoes and their adopted Numidid keet called Pip. Scavenger M. DeVries and his daughter, Pip, cut quite a figure in the news, and they did so for all of forty-eight hours.

    Because that was when the Galactic Alliance rediscovered a colony world named Amity. It wasn’t a Terran colony. Not precisely. It was also a Numidid colony. One that welcomed avian scientists. DeVries read the news out loud to his daughter as they shared breakfast. A rich and aromatic Bug Stir-fry with all the little extras for a growing Numidid and a side-dish of supplement stuff for each of them.

    "Tall-mama new home?" Pip asked. She huddled close in the special pouch DeVries had made for her comfort and security. She was practicing her Numidid at every chance. Heritage and all that noise.

    Reckon I could make enough to move there, maybe. Their ambassador’s coming here. Maybe you could appeal for retroactive citizenship. It’s happened before.

    "Numidid, tall-mama…"

    DeVries sighed. He was

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