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Evil in a Small Town
Evil in a Small Town
Evil in a Small Town
Ebook282 pages4 hours

Evil in a Small Town

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars



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Most people based their opinions of this case on the information that they learned from watching the “pro- WM3” documentaries. The sad part is that these documentaries went above and beyond to paint these killers as innocent school boys wrongly accused of murdering three innocent eight year old boys. The documentaries conveniently left out a lot of key evidence and statements that point fingers in the direction of these three monsters.

And the supporters of the WM3 make it a mantra to spread lies like, “Misskelley was interrogated for 12 hours” when in fact that is a lie. And they fail to acknowledge that their main suspect had no alibi for his whereabouts on the night of the murders. They also have a tendency to “create evidence” to point to someone else.
Beyond their legion of admissions of involvement in the murders—before, during, and after their convictions—Echols, Baldwin, and Misskelley pled guilty to the murders. They chose to flee the courtroom with their guilty pleas rather than stand and fight for the innocence they had maintained. Of course, after the guilty plea hearing and while the cameras were rolling, the WM3 and their supporters vowed to keep the “search” going for the real killers. When in fact the “real killers” were found eighteen years earlier.

PublisherDavid Pietras
Release dateJan 18, 2019
Evil in a Small Town

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Rating: 2.6666666666666665 out of 5 stars

9 ratings4 reviews

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Readers find this title to be biased and filled with misinformation. It fails to provide convincing evidence and leaves many questions unanswered. Overall, the book is considered to be absolute rubbish and not worth reading.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wonderful and filled with info not discussed during the trials!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Still leaves as many questions to ponder over. Goes over material the films do not but as to who the perpetrator or perpetrators of the crimes were there are still doubts.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    yikes! there’s only so much evidence to debunk this. sad that misinformation gets published so often

    2 people found this helpful

  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    What a joke this book is. The author seems to be biased against the WM3, claiming that they were guilty beyond a reasonable doubt with absolutely ZERO evidence . Don't bother wasting your time reading this book, it's absolute rubbish!

    7 people found this helpful

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Evil in a Small Town - David Pietras

Evil In A Small Town

David Pietras

Copyright © 2015 by David Pietras

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

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David Pietras

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In my years as a book author writing about true crime I have never come across a case like this one. We have three little 8 year old boys that were murdered and found submerged in a drainage canal. The media jumped on the story and put their usual twists and lies into the story to sell their newspapers. Then HBO did a documentary on the case. They covered the trial of the three accused and portrayed these three poor innocent teenagers as the true victims. The documentary was called Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills and most people who have watched this have come away convinced that Echols, Baldwin and Misskelley were victims of a gross miscarriage of justice. Many then went on to read Devil’s Knot: The True Story of the West Memphis Three by Mara Leveritt, watched Paradise Lost 2. Some have even browsed some of the hundreds of WM3 supporter’s websites. Even celebrities have come forward proclaiming the WM3′s innocence.

Unfortunately most of these people refuse to look at any facts in this case that point to the overwhelming proof that the killers were caught and sentenced to prison. Two of which received life sentences and the third was sent to death row.

Unfortunately in 1993 all we had was the media to lead us through the maze of the legal processes of the trial. And many people decided to accept the media’s version of this case as fact. They were led to believe that Misskelley, Echols and Baldwin were only arrested because of the way they looked or dressed or acted, the music they listened to or the books they read or the beliefs they had. The media never hinted to any fact that they were arrested because they did the crime. Two juries unanimously found them guilty because they were obviously guilty.

Outside of the fact that it is a known fact that Damien Echols lied about his whereabouts on the day that the three boys were murdered, and credible eye witnesses placed him in the neighborhood of the killings on the day of the crime there is also physical evidence that is so commonly overlooked by the supporters of The West Memphis Three.

But before we go any further let me take this time to say this. The purpose of this book is to show all of the evidence of the case. I want to present to you the reader all of the evidence that shows the possibility of guilt. My goal is to give you the truth and not to put any misleading spins on the information like the media does to sell papers.

I will also like to say that anything that we present here as fact was obtained from the actual police and or court files on this case. There are so many lies that have presented as fact in this case and I think that the people who accept it are not educated enough to take the time to check the statements that they read. If you read something in this book that conflict with what you have been lead to believe then I advise you to search the information to determine the truth. This is one of the most thoroughly documented criminal cases I have ever seen. And I encourage you the reader to look up the case information on this web site It is there that you will find the truth in this case.

We will also like to note that if you see typos in the police, court or the medical reports, they are there from the original text. We did not correct any of the text to keep the integrity of the facts. We also did not alter any crime scene photos.


MAY 5TH 1993

From left to right:  Christopher Byers, Michael Moore, and Steve Branch

According to the police reports filed by the families of the three boys, they were last seen together between 5:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. on the evening of 5 May 1993. The three boys had finished school for the day at Weaver Elementary School at 3:00 p.m. Steven Branch went home but shortly afterwards Michael came to the house to ask if Steven could come out and play and the two of them left together at 3:30. Before they left, Stevie’s mother Pam Hobbs, gave Stevie strict instructions to be back home by 4:30 and told him that if he wasn’t, he would be grounded for two weeks from riding his bike.

According to Pam, about 5 minutes later around 3:35, Christopher came over and asked if Stevie was home, she was surprised that he hadn’t ran into them outside because they had just left a few minutes before.

Christopher Byers’ step-father, John Mark Byers, said that he had arrived home at 3:10 p.m. but Christopher was not there when his brother Ryan arrived home at 3:30 p.m.

John Mark Byers drove Ryan to the courthouse for a 4:00 p.m. appointment. After dropping Ryan off, he then drove to pick up his wife, Melissa Byers from work. They both arrived back at their home at around 5:20 p.m. only to find that Chris was still not at home, even though there was evidence that he had been there. Soon after bringing Melissa home, John Mark Byers had to leave once again to pick up Ryan from the courthouse, but on the way he found Christopher riding a skateboard. John Byers said that he took his son home where he gave him two or three licks with a belt, in the presence of his mother Melissa, as punishment for not staying at home as he had been instructed.

Before returning to the courthouse to pick up Ryan, Byers told Christopher to clean up the carport area. Byers said that this was about 5:30 and that this was the last time that he had seen Christopher. According to the West Memphis Police, Christopher had left his home and met up with his friends (James) Michael Moore and Steven Branch soon after 5:30 p.m.

At about 6:00 p.m., Diana Moore said that she had seen her son (James) Michael riding bicycles with Steven Branch and Christopher Byers. Chris had been sitting on the back of Steven's bike.

A neighbor living only three doors down from Steven Branch said that she saw all three of the boys come riding through her yard on their bicycles around 6:30 pm that evening as she and her family were getting ready to go to church. She yelled at Christopher telling him that he needed to go on home. He looked back and told her, "I don’t have to do what you tell me to do." The neighbor said at that point she saw Steven’s step-father, Terry Hobbs, coming down the sidewalk walking toward her house. She said that he was calling for Stevie to come back down to their house. She saw the boys heading in that direction as she got into her vehicle with her family and left to go to church. As their car drove past them, she saw all three of the boys were with Terry Hobbs. She was never questioned by the West Memphis Police after the children went missing and she did not think that this information was significant. Until she later learned that Terry Hobbs had stated in court that he had not seen his stepson Stevie at all that day.

This eyewitness report places Terry Hobbs with Stevie as well as the other two boys on the evening of his disappearance.

Later in the investigation people would question the reason as to why Terry decided not to inform the police that he was with the boys around 6:30 that day.

John Mark Byers claims that he arrived home from the courthouse with Ryan around 6:30 p.m. to find that Chris was again not at home. Melissa was inside on the phone with her boss and had not been aware that Chris was gone. John, Melissa and Ryan Byers left their home just after 6.30 p.m. to drive around the neighborhood in order to find Chris. During the course of this search, Byers informed a police officer of his son's disappearance. Many people question why he was so adamant to start searching for Christopher at 6:30, so soon after Christopher left the house.

According to Byers, he was told by an officer to wait until 8:00 p.m. before making an official report with the police. This is common practice with young children that are reported missing. In most instances the child will eventually show back up at home later in the evening.

Byers then explained to the officer that the reason he was so concerned was that Chris had never disappeared like this before. This statement was later contradicted by Christopher’s mother Melissa Byers, during an interview on 25 May 1993, when she told police that Christopher had disappeared on several other occasions for hours at a time.

Throughout the investigation numerous people came forward to report that they had seen the boys on the day that they came up missing. The latest sighting was at around 7 p.m. when a witness saw them going toward Robin Hood woods.

These are the last known sightings of the three boys reported to the West Memphis Police.

Morning until 2:45pm - at school

2:45pm – Stevie Branch walks home from school with Pam and Amanda

3:00pm - Stevie Branch arrives home

3:00pm-3:15pm (approx.) - Michael Moore arrives at Stevie's on his bike

3:15pm (approx.) - Stevie and Michael leave the house to ride their bikes. Stevie is told to be back by 4:30pm. The boys leave; go west on South McAuley, then north on 14th.

3:35 pm (approx.) - Christopher Byers comes to the home of Stevie Branch. Pam Hobbs tells him that Stevie and Michael just left, so Chris leaves in search of his friends.

4-4:15pm - Gregory Quirt reports seeing Stevie and Michael with a bunch of other boys. He says they told him they were going riding. Quirt described seeing 3 boys on 2 bikes (unconfirmed as to whether the 3rd boy on the bike was Chris).

5:15pm - (approx.) David Jacoby states that he saw Stevie and two boys pass by outside of his home.

5:00-5:30pm - Jeff Martins/Betty Lou Martins - see 4 boys (3 on two bikes, and 1 walking). They identified Chris, Michael, and Stevie. The approximate distance from the Hobbs' house (near Jacoby's house) and the Martins' house on 719 Wilson is half a mile.

5:45pm - The Baileys report seeing Stevie and Michael on WE Catt, wearing green backpacks, riding bikes. Michael told Otto Bailey that he was in a hurry and needed to leave. The boys are going toward Mayfair.

5:45pm-6:00pm - Kim Williams is seen in the same location as Stevie and Michael until she is called in by her father. Claims she last saw the two boys heading into Robin Hood woods by way of the Goodwin entrance.

6:00pm - Ben Crafton confirms that Kim was with Stevie and Michael until being called in by her father. 

5:45 - 5:50 pm. - Debra O'Tinger says the boys meet up in her yard at 1309 Goodwin Avenue

6:00pm - Jason Gobbell reports seeing 2 boys on bikes

6:00pm - Dana Moore saw three boys on two bikes on N 14th.

6-6:30pm - Chris, Michael, and Stevie are seen playing in the Clark's backyard (a few houses down from the Hobbs' house). Jamie Clark Ballard stated that she heard Terry Hobbs call Stevie back to the house.

6-6:30pm - All three boys are seen by Cindy Rico. She said she saw them by the drainage ditch down past Blue Beacon down by the bridge.

6:45pm - (questionable sighting) Bryan Woody said he saw 4 boys playing on Goodwin (not confirmed as Stevie, Michael, and Chris)

7pm - Chris Wahl says he saw Christopher and Stevie riding bikes. He refers to one boy as a blonde. It was 7 p.m. because Chris Wahl just got out of night school at that time and saw the boys after class let out. The boys were going toward Robin Hood woods. He reported that it was beginning to get dark. He was polygraphed about involvement and did not indicate deception to questions asking if he was involved.

*** NOTE *** All of these sightings are in the vicinity of the Robin Hood woods where the bodies would later be found. Also note that the times that each witness gave could be off by a few minutes as they are just guessing at the time. The only exceptions are Jamie Clark Ballard who was heading to church at the time of the sighting and Chris Wahl as he just got out of night school when he saw the boys. These two witnesses were 100% certain on the time frame of their sightings that Wednesday evening when the three children would be reported missing.

At 8:08 p.m. John Mark Byers called the West Memphis Police Department to report that his step-son Christopher was still missing. West Memphis Police Officer Regina Meek responded to the Byers' home to take the report.

Fifteen minutes later, Diana Moore spoke with John Mark Byers. She told him that she had seen the three boys at 6:00 p.m. Byers said that this was the first time he had been aware that Chris was with Steven and Michael.

John Mark Byers began to search the Robin Hood Hills area with Diana Moore, Melissa Byers and his step-son Ryan Clark. This was the last known location of the boys. According to Byers, it was already dark by then. At some time between 8:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m., Byers went home alone to change out of the shorts and flip flops that he had been wearing, into a pair of overalls and boots. At the time that he left, the search party consisted of Ryan Clark, Ritchie Masters, Brett Smith and his sister, along with many others. Later that night they were joined by Officer Moore from the West Memphis Police Department, who would continue to search with them from 10:20 until 11:00 p.m.

Mr. Bojangles

The West Memphis police received a call from Marty King, the manager of the Bojangles restaurant located at 1551 N. Missouri, three quarters of a mile directly west along the bayou diversion channel from The Robin Hood Hills at 8:40 pm on the night of the children's disappearance.

The notes from the police log read:  Bojangles - B/M - towards Delta - bleeding - WW/cap - blue shirt - blk. pants - cast R arm  The call went to Officer Regina Meek., the same officer that had taken the report from John Byers that his son, Christopher was missing, only a few minutes before.

    As Marty King explained, a black male, muddy, disoriented and bleeding was inside the women's restroom.  There was blood and feces on the floor, stall and walls.  A toilet paper roll was soaked to the core with blood.  

    Officer Meek arrived at the Bojangles at 8:50 pm.  She didn't enter the restaurant, instead, pulling up to the drive-through window.  She was informed there that the bleeding man had already left. Officer Meek spent the next few minutes searching for him outside.  At 9:01 pm, she received yet another call.  Someone was egging a house.  (From later notes, it was one egg.)  Officer Meek responded.

After this incident was released to the public, law enforcement officers across the county commented on the actions of officer Meek that night. With a report of a man bleeding, it would be standard operating procedure to investigate the area where the man was seen. (In this case the bathroom stall). At the time of the call it was not known the overall situation of this man. Was he shot, stabbed or did he suffer a life threatening wound? Many people in the law enforcement field say that the actions taken by officer Meeks are totally in conflict with the training of police officers.

   The next day, Officer Covington was speaking to the manager of Bojangles and, in light of the discovery of the murdered boys; he requested that this be followed-up.  (Covington was off-duty. In fact, he is the only evening shift officer on duty the fifth of

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