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Until Sin Becomes Bitter
Until Sin Becomes Bitter
Until Sin Becomes Bitter
Ebook66 pages56 minutes

Until Sin Becomes Bitter

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Sin is a deadly disease that has caused our world to be a place of doom. To this end, we must see sin as an enemy, and it must become bitter if we want Christ to become sweeter in our Christian life. The Puritan Theologian, Thomas Watson pondered and concluded that if Christ will become sweet, then sin must first become bitter to the soul. This might seem to be very easy to do but believe me, it is not! This is why I believe our Faithful Lord has given me the insight to pen this book that by reading, we may trust the Lord to complete His work He has started in our lives by showing us, step-by-step, in this book, how sin can become bitter in our lives. After going through this material, I do believe that sin being bitter and Christ being sweeter will be our lives not only in profession but also in our daily lives. Join me as we walk on this path together!

Release dateJan 24, 2019
Until Sin Becomes Bitter

Michael Yaw Tano

Michael Yaw Tano is a young man who loves the Lord. He is an Assemblies of God minister. Currently, he serves as the Associate Pastor at Calvary Hill Chapel, Asokore Mampong. He also loves to read the  Puritans and the reformers. Michael has a passion for writing. He loves to talk about his risen Christ and to learn of Him each day. Since he met the Lord Jesus, his life has changed completely and his affections and desires are to do the work of God and to give his very best to Christ who so went to the cross for him. This is his motivation in life, that is, to live each day serving the Lord with all his might. He holds a Diploma of Divinity and Associates of Divinity degree from Christian Leaders College (USA) and Bachelor of Religious Studies together with Graduate Certificate in Biblical Studies from Nations University (USA). He is pursuing a Master of Theological Studies at Nations University. You can contact him on: Email: [email protected] Phone: +233542443585

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Reviews for Until Sin Becomes Bitter

Rating: 4.833333333333333 out of 5 stars

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Readers find this title to be a powerful and insightful book that speaks of truth and inspires Godly living. It is loved for its simplicity and directness, without sugar coating. Many reviewers believe it is a must-read for Christians and church leaders, providing exceptional knowledge and guidance for salvation and a light to every Christian life.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Made me realise how distasteful sin should be to the believer. Insightful! every Christian must read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved that it was simple and to the point. No sugar coating but the truth as it should be. Like the author said Until sin becomes bitter, Christ will never become sweeter and that's the crux of it all.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Nicely written. I love the simplicity of the writing. Easy to understand. Speaks of much truth. Good for anyone in pursuit of an intimacy with God
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is a powerful message to this generation sir. Glory
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Exceptional knowledge from the spirit into the flesh. No doubt, this book is a masterpiece for salvation and light to every Christian life. God bless you Pastor.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    An excellent read for Christians and Church leaders. Inspires Godly livng in a time where it is increasingly difficult to live right.

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Until Sin Becomes Bitter - Michael Yaw Tano


Iwill like to say thank you to the Holy Spirit. He has been my very companion and my helper. Could I have done anything without His help? I believe not! He is the reason for this book.

I say a very big thank you to my father, Robert Essiem Mawuli. God bless you daddy

I am greatly indebted to you, Reverend Peter Adu Sarpong. Daddy, thank you!

Thank you, Reverend John Kofi Bosomtwe. What you said to me is hidden in my heart daddy!

My profound gratitude to the board of Calvary Hill Assembly of God, to wit, Deacon Simon A. Poku, Deacon George N. Afoakwa, Deacon Thomas A. Boadu and Deaconess Mary Konadu

A big thanks to Pastor Adura Taiwo. Brother, you have been a real encourager. Words cannot express my delight to have you. God bless you.

Lastly, I thank all family and friends who made this work what it is now! What began as a small journey has now become broader with your help, prayers, support and more. I cannot thank you enough. May the Almighty Lord richly bless you.

Author’s Preface

Millions of people have died very poorly. If I say they died poorly, I mean that they died without going to God and enjoying eternal rest but rather they headed to a place of eternal torment instead. The number of these people are many. They lived carelessly, and they have fooled themselves into thinking that what pierced the Son of God and gave Him a nail print in His feet and hands and also gave Him the spear wound was something they could play with and go scot-free. But this delusion has taken them to a place of doom, and it is sad and pathetic.

Today, as we live on this land, many are they that kid themselves that the land that their predecessors trod on and took them to the miserable place will take them to a blissful place and give them a happy ending. Oh, when will the simple get wisdom and the ignorant attain for himself knowledge? The sinful man journeys to a place where he will suffer a great harm and yet when he is going, he thinks that he is the wisest and the happiest among all the people in this world. Sin blinds them, and they so fall short to see the bitter ending. They play with fire whiles their gas is leaking. They light a match where petrol is exposed! Oh, their death is not far. Sin is a deadly disease which is far dangerous than HIV AIDS or Ebola, yet people go around buying sin. They spend their money on sin and invite sin into their homes, and at the end of the day, they so regret it!

Why will someone go and buy something that can kill him? The reason is, everyone wants to be happy and to be satisfied. We all long for something more. Many try to yield to the impulses of the flesh for in them, they enjoy the pleasures of sin. But little do these people know that there is someone who is sweeter than yielding to the impulses of the flesh.

Many ‘so-called’ Christians are not having this sweetness in this Person, so they too, sometimes, yield and fulfil the lust thereof. Due to this, I have sensed the need to write this short treatise and call forth my brothers and sisters who are seeking genuine delight and looking at the wrong place. Most importantly, I write to call forth those who have already professed faith in Christ and yet belittle sin and are deceiving their own souls because they live not in wisdom. UNTIL SIN BECOMES BITTER, Christ cannot become sweeter-—this was once said by the great puritan theologian, Thomas Watson and which has become the theme for this book. This is the secret to our lives as God’s creation and His people. If we wish to have eternal enjoyment, then sin must become bitter. I have indeed pondered about Watson’s statement, and I have found out that it is true and this discourse will prove to my reader why I do profess so.

Your Servant,

M. Y. Tano

(October 2018)

Central Truth

Follow the steps of the godly instead, and stay on the right path, for only good men enjoy life to the full; evil men lose the good things they might have had, and they themselves shall be destroyed.

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