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Shattered Realms: Books 1-2
Shattered Realms: Books 1-2
Shattered Realms: Books 1-2
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Shattered Realms: Books 1-2

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Shattered Realms: Books 1-2 Box Set includes KING OF ASH AND BONE and QUEEN OF IRON AND BLOOD

When flying monsters break through the veil into her world, Mackenzie Scott has nothing left to lose. Her brother has been marked, her future has vanished, and all that remains is a desperate need for revenge. After discovering the breach the creatures used as a gateway, Mackenzie devises a plan to stop them, whatever the cost.

When she finds an injured stranger in the street, he just might be the key she needs to succeed. What Mackenzie doesn't know is that this stranger isn't the helpless boy he appears to be. And he's got plans of his own.

Thrown into a dying city in another realm, Mackenzie is powerless to get back. With the gateway closing, time is not on her side. But the stranger is, and if they can escape execution, this girl and her monster might be able to save both their worlds.

Release dateJan 27, 2019
Shattered Realms: Books 1-2

Melissa Wright

Ms. Melissa S Wright is a doctoral student in the University of Southern Mississippi Department of Adult Education.

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    Book preview

    Shattered Realms - Melissa Wright

    Shattered Realms


    BOOKS 1-2


    Melissa Wright

    Copyright © 2019 by Melissa Wright

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


    Book 1: King of Ash and Bone

    I. Iron Bound

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    II. Painted Lions

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    III. Coming Home

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Book 2: Queen of Iron and Blood


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20


    Thanks for Reading

    Also by Melissa Wright

    About the Author


    PART I



    It started with a crack. A roll of thunder. It might have been any other storm. It might not have been world-altering.

    And then came the howl—the roar of wind like a train blasting past just outside—and the rush of air as it was stolen from their living room. Mackenzie opened her mouth to scream for her brother, to tell him to take cover, but they could barely make out the debris pelting the windows and the creaking shift of the house’s wood frame over the noise. He looked at her, eyes wide, and she had a remembered flash of terror, of a younger Riley calling her name during a long ago car crash.

    Kenzie! His voice broke through now, a desperate shout in the squall of the tempest, and she was running, both of them frantic as they headed for the safety of the basement. She shoved him through the hallway, his arms rising to cover his face as the kitchen door slammed open, throwing leaves and limbs and dirt onto a rain-slicked linoleum floor. The sight seemed wrong to her, so unnatural against the lifelong image of it clean. And there was something on the wind, some strange mix of ozone and cinnamon that burned her nose, that made her wonder if lightning had struck outside. But there had been no flash. Only darkness. Wind.

    The roar.

    Go! she yelled, but Riley couldn’t hear her. He was seventeen, but suddenly a boy again, shielding his face from a coming blow. She had to force him through the door that led downstairs. Her eyes caught on the wooden trim, the peeling paint and the worn metal of the lock chain.

    Mackenzie gripped her brother’s arm, pulling him with her down the basement steps. It was dark, and damp, and the tearing wind was louder than the pulse that thundered in her head. She shoved him toward the heating system where it fronted a small concrete alcove she’d been terrified of as a kid. Riley wasn’t a child, but she held him to her, covered his ears to shield him from the otherworldly scream of uprooted wood and twisting metal, waiting for the fury to cease.

    It didn’t cease. It carried on and on, growing wilder, bringing with it strange scents and inhuman shrieks. Light flickered through the cracks, electricity buzzed and popped in an overhead fixture that hadn’t worked in years. It was a horror film, and the buildup of fear had them hearing things they could not have heard. Between the wail of the storm, rending metal and screams had given way to harsh shouts in a foreign tongue, and to cries in their own language that did not feel recognizable. The words were familiar, but wrong. They did not make sense. Creatures. Demons. Flying men. The fear, she told herself. It was fear and adrenaline and nothing else. The storm had caused explosions, from gas lines or electricity. They were hearing things that were not truly there.

    Mackenzie had no idea how long the tempest’s rage lasted, though she would relive it in a thousand nightmares. She and Riley stayed there through the night, huddled together until the trembling in their limbs had exhausted them both. But they didn’t sleep.

    There was something in the air that warned them, some unknowable thing that swore: this was no true storm.

    In the purpled light of dawn, they climbed slowly from their alcove, stepping clumsily over a debris-scattered floor. Neither of them spoke as Riley freed the jammed door from its frame, and they each stepped into what had once been their home.

    Light came from spaces in the structure, casting shadows in unfamiliar paths. The doors had all blown open, leaves and limbs and dirt cast about. It was reminiscent of a tornado—or at least of the photos she’d seen. But that didn’t account for the pattern of the damage, for the broken bits of house that shared space with those that were intact and clean.

    Riley stared out a window edged with shattered glass. A few of the neighbors were assessing their own homes, moving awkwardly out into the street. Mackenzie must have been in shock, because the idea they might need help came slowly, moving at a speed behind that of her feet.

    She walked through her front door and onto a concrete step, crushing a feather beneath the sole of her shoe. The plume was long, and golden, and absolutely not from a bird. Thin flecks of red touched its edges, too sharp, too unnatural. She had a brief moment of confusion, of trying to piece together what it might have been, and then Riley made a noise beside her… some unidentifiable, guttural thing.

    She looked up, and saw the devastation.

    The neighbors hadn’t walked from their homes, they had walked from the places their homes had been. Mackenzie stared into the lightening sky, because the sky was all that was left. Nothing remained of the houses around them, except for piles of wood and trees. Overturned cars and twisted metal, chunks of plastic in pink and green. It didn’t make any sense. Her eyes could not adjust to it, her mind would not let her see. It was disorienting, dizzying.

    She leaned on Riley for support. And Riley leaned right back.

    Kenzie, he whispered. All she could do in return was let out a choked whimper.

    They walked together into the street, a dazed Mrs. Johnson standing in her nightgown, clutching the remote for her television. Something strange was happening to each of them, some unknown pull to find the source, to understand. Mackenzie and her brother walked down the center line of their small blacktop street, not stopping to speak with their neighbors. It was as if they were in a bubble, a moment of time that wasn’t quite real.

    When Mackenzie looked back on it, she would remember what she’d heard them saying.




    None of that was real now, none of it sinking in. She’d convinced herself in the darkness of that basement that she’d imagined the whole thing. She’d convinced herself the truth could not have been. They walked forward to find some other reality, one that made more sense.

    She would regret that moment eternally, replay in her mind until time’s end.

    Because it was the moment their lives had changed forever.

    Two weeks later, Mackenzie Scott stared into the wispy clouds outside her window, alone in the house since Riley had gone. She wasn’t simply unaccompanied in their home now, but the entire street, most of the neighborhood. They had run, all of them. She couldn’t blame them. She’d have gone too if she’d had some place to go.

    But she didn’t. And she was alone. There was nothing left to do but face the facts: There were creatures outside her window, and there was no place safe on this earth.

    Chucks folded at the ankle, she tugged the strap of the backpack higher on her shoulder before wrapping a hand around the hollow metal bat. Her other hand hesitated, hovering above the door handle so that she had to force herself to release the latch.

    Batter up, Mackenzie, she muttered, resisting the urge to take one last glance at the room behind her. The world’s not going to save itself.

    They’d been her brother’s words to her over endless video games when they were children, and a nervous chuckle escaped as she touched the silver lever. It was the last sound she made before stepping into the bright light of the sun.

    She’d barely seen the daylight since the incident, spending most of her hours holed up in the basement on a makeshift cot to hide from what their neighbors had called spirits and fae. Mackenzie didn’t know what those monsters were, but she knew this wasn’t magic. This was real life, not some ridiculous fairytale. They were in the middle of nowhere, Ohio. It was about the most unmagical place she could think of.

    As far as she was concerned, these were beasts. And beasts could hear footsteps, they could smell their prey. So her steps were as quick and quiet as they’d ever been, though she might have been able to run cleaner without the two-handed death grip on Riley’s West Ridge Sluggers Little League bat.

    She had a plan, and she was going to follow through. No matter what.

    There was nothing else to do.

    The sights made her chest hurt, that part never went away. It had been disorienting at first, the mess of half-formed houses among piles of lumber and upended cars. But now that she understood, she could barely stand to look. Not that she’d given herself much time for that. She and her brother had gone back inside, latching a cover over their hiding spot and cowering for a full day after he’d been scratched.

    A scratch, she thought again, it was only a scratch.

    Mackenzie couldn’t shake the regret. It had been her fault. She hadn’t been brave, she’d been stupid.

    They’d been in shock, she was sure of it. Some medical form of denial. It was the only way they could have made such a disastrous choice. They’d decided the tempest was gone, the creatures with it, moved on to some other area of town. And in the tinted light of daybreak, they had walked the center line dividing their street.

    It had been one of the most incredible, terrifying things she had ever done. Their steps were slow, measured by a dreamlike sense of timelessness, and Riley, nearly eighteen and on a constant tear to prove he was a man, had slipped his fingers into hers. They’d been children once more, misplaced and alone in a way they’d never been, not even when they’d lost their parents.

    So stupid, she thought again, wiping at her cheek with the back of her hand. There were no tears there; she hadn’t truly cried since she was a girl, but somehow the shame of it remained, and the instinct to clean the dampness away before anyone would see. She bit down hard against it, determined to pay attention to her surroundings despite the hammering of her heart.

    It didn’t look much different than it had the morning after the attack, aside from the absence of people. She recalled the way they’d looked during that early dawn. No one had been doing much more than staring toward the horizon—in the direction the creatures that had destroyed their homes had flown. Except for Mrs. Miller. Once the monsters had returned, she’d just closed her eyes and screamed. It had been a never-ending shriek, like rending metal, a fitting background to the scene before them.

    Mrs. Miller hadn’t made it back to safety. She hadn’t even tried to run.

    Mackenzie took a deep breath, clamping down on the handle of the ball-bat. Each time she thought of one of her neighbors who’d not escaped, her mind gave her an image of Riley. Riley, who was out there alone.

    Riley, who had left her. To save her.

    The Johnsons’ house, Mackenzie whispered beneath her breath, determined not to lose her way. She’d not left the safety of the road, but she needed to keep track this time. On her own, knowing exactly where she was in this foreign landscape suddenly seemed more important.

    After she took her photos, she’d need to go back to the house to gather supplies. To wait in the safety of that basement alcove until the next morning’s dawn.

    A flattened patch of yellowed plants spread across the square of land that had once been Arnie Jackson’s house. He was retired, a lawyer or accountant, she couldn’t remember. But he’d spent nearly every afternoon in that garden, unable to bear the sight of a single weed. Mackenzie had never taken food from him in the past, but she would have given just about anything to have a chance at one of those red, ripe tomatoes now.

    Fourth Street, she said, glancing at the crossroad with a growing unease in the pit of her stomach. She was getting nearer and nearer to the spot where it had happened.

    Where they’d gotten Riley.

    Movement caught her attention, a small, skittering mass near the front of what was once the Ellis place, and she froze, grasping the bat with the loose, ready-to-swing grip her mother had taught her. Heart racing, chest heaving, she watched, waiting for the thing to move for her. But it did not. Its glassy black eyes narrowed for a moment before flicking to the ground beneath a shattered wooden door where a wad of paper rested. The paper must have smelled of food; the creature’s clawed hands, nimble as a squirrel’s and in contrast with its spiky, matted fur, clasped the garbage, shredding it to bits as it searched for the source of the scent.

    Mackenzie slid slowly to the side, away from the creature. It was a small thing, hidden in the shadows. It would not hurt her. It was not like the others.

    She glanced back as she moved, uncertain now that the daylight held as much safety as she’d hoped, but when she reached the next crossroad, she realized it was mere blocks from the site near the park where the truly dangerous ones—the ones that had come at her brother—had been. She wiped a hand across her forehead, brushing back a loop of chestnut hair that had somehow managed to escape her ponytail, and fought the instinct that told her to run. It was safer now, so much easier since the others had moved on.

    But she couldn’t keep from remembering, couldn’t stop the image of that first up-close encounter with the thing that had cut her brother. She could still feel Riley’s fingers tighten in her grip, sense his terror that not only mirrored, but magnified her own as creatures filled the sky, soaring birdlike overhead. They had arms and legs, humanesque forms. But they were no humans. Feathers and horns, claws, teeth… God, their teeth. They had laughed and cackled, screamed in incoherent streams that sounded at turns tribal and Latin, and some other long-lost tongue Mackenzie had never truly heard. She and Riley had been stunned into mute disbelief as the creatures dove and withdrew, circling closer and closer as they went.

    Sixth, she said now in a breathless whisper. Sixth Street. Only three blocks to go.

    She could still see the thin black pupils piercing the gold irises of the beast that had come at them, the way his deep-set eyes narrowed on his prey, the darkness that lined them making them only more alien. She and Riley had run. At the beast’s first dive, a primal drive had taken over and she and her brother had moved, pulling their grip free to save themselves.

    His instinct had been to run toward home, to the house they’d grown up in, to the one place he’d always felt safe. But not Mackenzie. Mackenzie hadn’t felt those feelings about her home for the last nine years. There was only one place she could go. One place she could remember that sense of safety. To the park. To the tree where she’d sat with her mother so many years ago, and her only sanctuary since.

    The tree that would be gone now. The tree these monsters would have taken from her.

    Now her feet stopped of their own accord, and she looked up, searching the sky for the unearthly crack she’d seen when her brother had been attacked. This was exactly where she’d stood then, but the shock of that event was gone. It felt so different now, less like awe and more like pain.

    Then she had gazed at the vast opening that tore through the sky, lost in wonder for unmeasured moments. Moments that might have helped her save her brother, might have kept the beast from reaching him.

    When she had looked back, seen that Riley had turned, she’d run for him, leaving the gaping hole in the universe at her back. She’d come upon them just as the creature, cloaked in fur and painted with a dark red that she would later decide was blood, struck out at him, thrusting his claws forward to hook Riley’s arm, scarring him.

    Marked, the shaken news anchors were calling it. Bits and pieces of information were all Mackenzie and Riley had been able to get, scratchy clips they could barely decipher through the static of a battery-operated radio she’d played with as a kid, and a few wild postulations they’d found on Riley’s wireless tablet before the internet had quit. Riley had been terrified. Marked, like something out of a sci-fi film. For nearly an hour, she’d had to convince him this was not some zombie plague. They were just creatures, just claws. He’d been cut as the thing had tried to grab him.

    But that wasn’t it. Because they’d Marked more than just Riley. Thousands. Tens of thousands. Maybe more.

    Since those first few nights, the house had been mostly without power, though now and again the lights would flicker, a low brownout-type draw that destroyed more appliances than helped her get any sort of contact with the outside world. And that was what she needed: to let them know.

    But as she stared at the sky now, thin wisps of cloud ornamenting a cerulean blue, she did not see an otherworldly glow. There were no lights, no colors, no sounds that vibrated through her skin. The gap was gone.

    She took a breath, glancing around for some sign, some indication of the epicenter she’d been so certain was here. Shifting her pack, and not bothering to take out the camera she’d intended to use for proof, Mackenzie stepped forward, almost afraid to disturb the scene. To wake a sleeping dragon.

    Even more so here than near their home, the trees were uprooted, buildings demolished, walkways deserted. A small, wiry-haired dog skittered across the roadway, head dipped low and shoulders hunched, searching for home, or food, or fleeing from something Mackenzie couldn’t see. Water rushed somewhere beyond what was left of the park. The scent of smoke, acrid and cough-inducing, lingered everywhere. Metal road signs skewered the ground, nowhere near their original stations. The ground was littered with splinters of wood, shards of glass, but nothing looked familiar. Nothing seemed the same.

    She moved hesitantly forward, simultaneously yearning for and dreading the site of the tree.

    In the scope of what had happened, it was such a small, ridiculous thing. But it was the one place her mother had taken her, a spot where the two of them could read and talk and simply be.

    It was all she had left.


    Mackenzie had a sinking feeling the tree, like everything else, was gone. That this one last link had been taken from her too. She feared it almost more than the other truths, because now that the hole in the sky had disappeared, her entire plan for redemption was wrecked. She’d been going to take photos and report it, location and all, to the authorities, so they could end it for good. She’d been going to get her brother back.

    She glanced one more time over her shoulder at the place the opening had been. She hadn’t imagined the purpled, cosmic-photo-looking rays encompassing the gaping crack in the sky. A portal, an effing sci-fi movie-worthy gateway that had released the apocalypse on West Ridge, Ohio.

    It couldn’t have been. Portals weren’t real. But when she’d turned that day, no longer transfixed in its sheer impossibility, she’d known it was. That thing that was attacking her brother was no illusion. It was all real. Mackenzie had found the epicenter, the source of these monsters, and no amount of disbelief would make it go away.

    She hadn’t told Riley about the portal. Once she’d seen him with the creature, all either of them had cared about was getting to safety. She should have told him, she realized now. She should have said she needed him. It might have kept him from leaving. They might have made this plan together.

    An unearthly shriek jerked her head up. There was a laugh, some hideous, skin-prickling cackle, and the sound of breaking glass. Mackenzie dropped into a crouch, unceremoniously dumping the pack to get a better grip on her bat.

    The sound had come from the landing near the bridge, a seating area for the narrow runner’s path that eventually crossed over a rocky ledge on the east side of the park. She hurried forward to the only remaining cover within reach. It was an overturned pickup, windows busted and cab mangled, but large enough to hide her slender frame. She fought for calm, pressing her fingers tight into the grip of the bat to steady her breath.




    She cursed. Counting wasn’t going to work. There was no way she was going to keep her cool with these monsters so near. She should have never left the house.

    Her mouth was parched, her neck beading with sweat. Get it together, Mackenzie, she muttered, closing her eyes for one long instant to gather the courage she’d need to come up with a plan. See where they are, that’s all you need. Find them, and then you’ll know how to get away.

    She drew the bat up tighter, leaning so, so slowly to peer around the bed of the truck.

    Five of them. Five full-size monsters gathered over the body of a boy, not fifty feet from where she stood. But that wasn’t what turned her stomach.

    That wasn’t what made her run.

    It was possibly the worst decision of her life, worse than the night they’d walked down the center of their street. But Mackenzie didn’t think about what the monsters might do to her. She didn’t think that she could be in that poor boy’s position as quick as a heartbeat. All she could think of was Riley.

    Riley, who might be out there. Riley, who was on his own.

    Her response was automatic. By the time the boy’s blond, blood-spattered hair came into view, proving he was most definitely not her brother, it was too late to change her mind. She was already committed.

    The bat swung, striking one of the beasts square across the back. It hit with a solid thud, but the monster did not go down. He only flinched, as did the rest of them, spinning around to stare at her. It was less than one full second before her victim retaliated, not even enough time for her to reset her swing.

    He struck her. A man-sized fist crashed solidly into her sternum, taking her wind and her grip and every single thought. She landed hard on the concrete walkway, her head smacking the ornamental stone border. Light burst in her vision, sound ringing in her ears; she could not catch her breath.

    Her instincts told her to run. She fumbled for some handhold to get to her feet, but the monsters weren’t watching her. They’d resumed their torture of the boy, kicking and spitting on his prone form, cursing him with their strange, unfamiliar tongue.

    Mackenzie’s reflexes had taken over, or she might have realized how alien, how surreal the entire scene was. Instead, all she could think was she’d lost her bat.

    She rolled to her knees, coughing at the first intake of breath, and sank her fingers into the cold grass of the park’s lawn. Later, she might be able to determine whether it was the familiar feel of that grass, the knowledge of its immutable loss, or the sheer rock-bottom hopelessness of her situation that caused what she did next. Because in that moment, there was absolutely nothing like thought.

    Her hand wrapped around the base of a rusted metal pipe, some remnant of a decorative park bench or iron railing, and she lifted her head to find the monsters before her. She moved on impulse, one swift thrust that shoved her from the ground and into the group. She screamed, hurling her arm forward with every drop of anger and fear and emotion she’d had in the last nineteen years. She would kill these things. Kill them or die trying.

    There was a sudden shift, a realization from the crowd that a human girl was swinging a rusted pipe in their direction, and then confused chatter, clipped orders, pointing and waving of hands. A shriek broke this commotion, the first monster she’d hit staring down at his claws where some thick red sludge oozed through his fingers. Mackenzie had caught the thing’s stomach, opened his guts with the jagged edge of her makeshift bat.

    Come on, she muttered. Come at me now, you—

    Their leader stepped forward. The fact that he was the largest wasn’t what made her designate this creature as their lead—though he was massive—it was the way he carried himself, the way he moved. His shoulders were straight, wide set and drawn backward. His eyes were on her, dark beneath the ridge of a caveman brow, his lips pulled back in a snarl over man-eating teeth. And he had wings. Wide, golden wings cut like shards of glass instead of feathers. They flicked a warning. She tried not to stare at them, or his bare chest, painted with red-brown dots and uneven lines, or the fur mantle over his back, leather-like straps holding it in place as they crossed his shoulder and abdomen, knotted string hanging down to meet the woven blue cloth that covered his legs.

    "Vanshay-ya," the monster hissed, and the intensity of his voice nearly caused Mackenzie to drop the metal pipe.

    She glanced at the others, three watching her with narrowed eyes and the fourth crumpled in on himself as he clutched his abdomen. Get away from me.

    The thing towered over her, deep gold eyes daring her to move. "Vanshay-ya," he said again.

    The boy on the ground behind her uttered something unintelligible. His voice was low, but with an air of authority. Like he was giving a command. He must have been hallucinating. He should have been asking for water. Begging for mercy.

    In the back of her mind, she was disappointed for him that his last words were so incoherent, but she didn’t figure hers were going to be much better.

    Now that she wasn’t swinging, the reality of her situation was creeping in. Her palms sweated against the grit of the pipe, and she yearned for the soft, familiar grip of the leather-banded baseball bat. She shifted her weight, the heel of her shoe brushing against the bare arm of the boy behind her. There were two of them there. Two humans against five monsters. And from the sounds of the boy at her feet, he didn’t have much longer to live.

    Let us go, she warned. They might not understand her, but it made her feel better. Like she wasn’t just lying down to die.

    She raised the pipe a fraction, readying herself for the final blow, but a screech shot through the silence, piercing Mackenzie’s ears so that her shoulders drew up in automatic response.

    She stared skyward at a winged form flying above. It fell into her mind somewhere between a pegasus and a dragon and she cursed, in absolute awe for what had to be the fifth time this week.

    Her eyes shot back to the monsters, the taste of panic and dread thick on her tongue. They were not looking at her. The smaller beasts had turned their gazes to the heavens, expressions so alien she could merely discern hints of concern and distaste. Only their leader had not been distracted by the sight. He glared at the boy on the ground, unspoken threats clearly recognizable, despite the unfamiliar features and terrifying war paint.

    It was paint, Mackenzie realized now that he’d shifted his focus. His skin was tanned beneath, a hint of flesh showing at the corner of his brow, the tips of his ears. A thin scar crossed his cheek, faded with time. His hair was spiked, and at each side of his head, he wore a small curved horn. No, no, no,

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