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What Is Life Anyway?
What Is Life Anyway?
What Is Life Anyway?
Ebook209 pages8 hours

What Is Life Anyway?

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

A mother is tangled in a deadly web of love and deceit; spun by both her young son and a man that they were supposed to be able to trust with their lives.

After the mother bounces back from near death they both must depend on their loved ones, and not so loved ones, to use only their street smarts against unbelievable odds to protect them. Will family be enough? Will she ask the right people? WHO can she trust? 

PublisherLarie Cox
Release dateJan 31, 2019
What Is Life Anyway?

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Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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Readers find this title captivating, inspirational, and motivational. The book grabs your attention from the first page and keeps you wondering what is next. The story is engaging and allows readers to visualize the events. Overall, it is a good read.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Mysterious beginning off the top. Once you begin reading your already wondering what is next. Keep up the good work!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The beginning of the book was attention grabbing. As I read more I felt as if I was in the book. I could see the story play out. It's a good read
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Its grabs your attention on the first page. Good book!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Captivating, inspirational, motivational ,& good reading what like is life gives you lemons you make lemonade I look forward to reading much more a many more of your books..... Nee' Cox what a great writer you are I wish you well on this journey you're going to do awesome like you are awesome sauce May the force be with you

Book preview

What Is Life Anyway? - Larie Cox

My greatest thanks goes to God! A great big thank you goes to both my son, De'Leon Owens, and to my best friend in the world, Shawn Barnes. You guys are the best!

What Is Life Anyway?


rops of rain collapse  continuously upon a brick windowsill. It’s an extremely humid July evening. The sky is dim from an ugly grayish overcast but that was to be expected this time of year. The drops burst after landing and the tiny droplets bounce ever so freely into a partly opened window. They carelessly wet used candles, an empty aerosol can, some broken crayons, a variety of loose candy wrappers and a small child's pointy nose. The lightning slung a bright zig zag across the sky. It crackled loudly to forewarn Montgomery County that a storm is coming rather soon. A smaller child is heard making tiny whimpering sounds from fear of the chaos outside. He was sitting Indian Style in the middle of his bed but the belligerent behavior of the lightning unconsciously prompted him to move. Bubby scurried over to the corner of his bed farthest from the window and conveniently nearest his older brother. He had his Incredible Hulk plush action figure clasped in his tiny hands, placed  securely in his lap. Thunder announced itself with a clamorous bang that seemed as if it was trying to awaken the dead. Jamal was still looking out of the window and was startled by nature’s commotion. He inhaled sharply enough to make himself wheeze. He instantly held his breath and covered his mouth. He was trying to slow his breathing and hoped it was enough to evade the outcome of not being silent when told to do so. He knew that quiet meant absolutely no noise; not just loud noises nor sounds. What’s goin on? What do you see, Jamal? Demetri asked. He grunted as he got up from the floor and onto the bed with his youngest brother. Jamal didn’t answer right away. He only shot up his index finger. After a few seconds, he ducked down and crawled over to his brothers. Mommy looked scared again. She was following somebody. Now she went on the other side the building. Jamal whispered, She has one of the big orange knives from the kitchen. I can't see nothing else. He wiped the rain from his face. Demetri peeped down at his baby brother. The Hulk was being twisted into a shiny bulk of vinyl and cotton. The small hands of its petrified possessor squeezing and wringing it until one of his tiny knuckles popped. Demetri stared a bit longer then suddenly thought of how he could use the beloved hero to comfort his baby brother. Hey bubby, who is this guy? What’s his name again? He asked this as he nabbed the doll from his brother’s tiny, yet firm grasp. The small child yanked the doll back and looked at it. He glanced up at his brother, This is the Incredible Hulk, Bubby stated. He held it loosely with relaxed hands now, although his scowl was still very intense, And he's super tough. He continued. Jamal crawled back over and sat down beneath the window. True. But only when he needs to be, right Bub? Demetri looked at Jamal then faced Bubby to continue, I bet he doesn't scare very easy, huh bubby? The tiny boy wiped his eyes, straightened his position a bit then slowly shook his head.  Jamal chose to intrude once more, But he thinks too, right bro? Demetri strained his face to give a mean look this time, but the storm’s gray sky combined with nearing dusk made the fowl scowl almost impossible to see. However, Jamal could feel that it was present. Right, I know. Bubby was a peacemaker. He wasn’t easily swayed but would bend his tiny back to make everyone happy. 

The door to the room where they were bunking was snatched opened. A tall, thin, anxious Jade swiftly entered. She was whispering harshly. We told y’all to be quiet. What the hell could y'all be talk’n bout that’s so important? She used her leg to nudge Jamal out of her way. She kneeled down next to him then moved the bottom of the Star Wars sheet that hung in the window out of her way. Damn! She tried to look between   two broken pieces of window blinds before she gave up. This window faced the front yard and was used so frequently the blinds placed there never lasted long. Don't cuss. You ain't mama. She could heard Jamal mumbling as he was scooting away from her. He didn’t argue a lot. He had always picked his battles well and would rather bicker with an eleven year old beefy boy over a thirteen year old, premenstrual girl any day. He was only 9 himself; an intelligent 9. He considers the options he makes and felt he made this one pretty good. He knew he had many days left ahead to train for the inevitable combat with his oldest sister. Jade, where IS mama? Demetri asked. He slid down from the bed and crawled across the room to sit next to Jamal. Jamal had already made his way toward the laundry basket of clothes and was sitting comfortably  atop the pile of stale clothes and linen. We’re try’na make Bubby calm down. He scared. See? Jade said nothing. Where is mom? he repeated a little louder. He moved again, this time to be next to her in the window. Jade played with the water in the sill. I don't know. She's on the side of the building. She stared ahead a bit longer. Where is Jake? she asked. Demetri shrugged his shoulders and slowly shook his head, Don't know, couldn’t tell ya.  She rolled her eyes aggressively then turned quickly and glared through the raggedy blinds again. Demetri grabbed a couple of the broken crayons and began to roll them in his hands. Jamal only stared at his siblings.  Jade sighed then sat beneath the window and looked around the room. Jamal was about to reach over and taunt Bubby. Just before he could swipe his brother’s Hulk his gaze and intention were broken. A loud snap sound came from outside. He looked in the direction of the noise. A shadow appeared at the bottom of the window just above Jade’s ponytail. He lowered his eyes to his siblings sitting just below. Jade already had her index finger pressed against her lips; looking at everyone with a stern face. The figure held still for a moment before creeping to the other side of the window. Lightning flashed; dusk is here.

Jacob along with Donnie were causing such havoc and calamity simply playing kick the can. It and its noise bounced up and down the street. It was manipulated back and forth between the two as they walked down the main alley to their home. The wind began to pick up. Every gust carried the can and its ruckus a little farther along. Jacob looks at the sky then turned around to walk backwards and talk to his  youngest sister. Come on, Sam! Walk a little faster. Its about to rain and it will be dark soon. A winded six year old stomped her tiny feet a few steps then gave a big huff, I told you already I-... Before she could finish a fierce clap of thunder served as the magic genie that granted Jacob's wish. His sister's small steps were encouraged and would of compared well to the steps of any adult. She wiped some rain off of her face. She was done just in time to see the opportunity to kick the can herself. Samantha thrust her small leg and launched the tin ahead. Donnie's attempt was void. The awkward kick threw him off his momentum causing him to spill and roll over onto his back. They all laughed. Gusts of wind sent helpless trees and bushes flailing sideways and then thrust them upward. Power lines swung in the air. Leaves and debris jerked and swirled around aimlessly. Litter and dust were forming tiny tornado cones. Some of it clung to the fences and people’s cars while the rest traveled on only to brush upon a few poles, mail boxes and trash cans during its journey. Jacob spotted the can again. He trained his eyes on the flat side of it. When he was close enough  he ran up beside the can and gave it a hard kick. The inside of his foot made contact first. Instead of sending the can forward it was sent sideways. Samara was almost hit by its sharp corners and something wet from it misted her. Hey boy!! she shouted, whiping her forehead. Donnie ran up next and gave it one last kick before it landed in the street. It went too far for anyone to want to retrieve. The siblings continued their stroll until they approached the split in the alley. One direction lead them towards the Mini Mart and the other took them towards their apartment. Donnie noticed it was really quiet. Even though it was drizzling there would still be big wheels rattling and kids playing outside.  He noticed that none of the neighbors were on the porch either. He grabbed his sister's wrist and walked nearer to Jacob. Donnie was mute but Jacob knew how to read his brother's emotion. He stared at Donnie until a raindrop fell on his nape, causing him to jerk away. Low talking from somewhere caused him to turn around. Sam, put a muffle on, okay? She huffed again, I wasn’t even talking. Thunder snapped again . It had grew from a rumble to a loud roar quickly. She clinched Donnie's hand and mushed herself into his side. A portly cat meowed, crouched itself low to the ground and went quickly on its way towards the one level, brick   apartments. I see Sebastian. Samara whispered. Donnie nodded but wasn’t looking in that direction. He was aware of the cat but his attention was diverted just as quickly to his mother standing with two men near their apartment building. He's scared. Probably going home to Bub. Jacob told her. I wonder if Bubby is hiding, she said with wide eyes, I need to get to him so he won't be scared. Jacob was smiling. He shimmied in a funny dance for her while he was pulling off his book bag. She giggled. He reached into the small zipper part and grabbed the keys to the door. They've always entered through the back door of the apartment. It was just one of the rules. The lightning, rain and sound of threatening wind blowing had finally been muffled by the safety net of being home. All that could be heard was water  dripping from leaky faucet, a fan humming and Sebastian meowing as they passed by the front  door. Jacob noticed his bedroom door was closed. It looked like someone was inside. He shared his room with his baby brother and didn’t allow anyone but Bubby and his mother  inside. He felt a tug. Donnie was pointing at a drawer that was pulled wide open. Samara broke free of Donnie's hold and rushed over to the drawer. She slammed it shut and  scowled, The knives’s drawer always should be stay shut!


I know you hear your kids. They coming up. You better bring yo ass on before I grab one of ‘em. Laya didn’t see them but she could hear them. She was standing in the grassy field next to an abandoned house. The garage to the house had been torn down years ago. On one side of it was soppy leaves, wet bushes and a raggedy wooden fence. On the other side was tangled branches, more foliage and weeds. People had always come there to dump any bulk, trash, abandoned cars, dead animals and other junk. What you think you gon do with dat knife? a male voice said, Lem’me see it, it’s nice. Laya's fight or flight sense kicked in. Chills ran up her neck and all across her back. She wished she could go back in time; ten minutes would be enough. She would still be in the alley. She would still be  contemplating to pursue the men that were lingering by her apartment or to go inside.  This time she would choose to just stay home and tighten up on security. This would have given her a chance. Regardless,  she currently stood on peril's path with two ugly advocates from hell. As the wind increased spatters of the rainwater  pelted her face and neck.  The trees leaves provided no relief. It was hot. She was only standing there still sweat poured from her face, neck and breasts. The young men paced around her and stopped when she was in between them. I was simply trying to see who was so interested at my house. Y’all creep’n around n'shit. Can I ask what's on display here? She said this with more sarcasm then she had aimed. The smaller of the two males snickered and leaned in. So you gotta lotta mouf, huh? He ignored the presence of the slightly large kitchen knife she held. It was made with the copper blade and her favorite colors, orange and black, were swirled into the large marble handle. He slapped her on the lips. Already fearful of her situation, she closed her eyes and began to flail the knife in the air. She would be pleased with even a lucky slash. After a few seconds of wild attempts she paused. Laya was already winded, weak and  breathing heavily. These were the smaller results of smoking cigarettes since she was a teenager. She  inhaled through her nose and was ready to swing again. She lifted her arm high. A deafening crackle sounded. She knew the sound didn’t come from the sky but she looked up at it anyway. She noticed the sound was still echoing in her head but what caused it? She returned her attention to the two men. They only stared at her. She took a step back. Focusing in on anything around her was becoming difficult. The ringing in her ears was the only sound she could hear. She smelled a bold metallic odor mixed with a hint of copper. Her nose was no longer transferring oxygen as it had been for all her life. Her sight was blurred all the way now and she was getting more dizzy from the increasing pain. She noticed her body tingling. Then she felt nothing.

The rain was sporadic at first.  Shortly after it seemed like small buckets of water were being slapped against the window panes of the apartment. The mysterious figure in the window quickly rose and lowered twice then threw itself against the pane.  Bubby chewed on Hulk's hand. Jade and Demetri flinched but remained still under the sill. Jamal leaned forward, squinting then quietly laughed at them. He stood up, put the back of his hand on his forehead, Yaw scared of a cat. he said. He laid down slowly, pretending to faint. They all giggled. For a few seconds the room became a little less tense despite the tiny tsunami roaring outside. He don't like water do he Jamal? Bubby asked. Demetri hurried to intervene. Just like you don't! That's why you cry when you got to take a bath! Only the boys giggled this time. Jade had her ear pressed against the door.  She snapped at them. She had  practiced long enough at being the mother when necessary. Be quiet! she said, You talking when you should be listening! I hear stuff. More lightning is added to the roars of thunder. The flash of light animated the room every now and again. The cat meowed louder and repeatedly. He wanted entry but the children were already scared so they ignored his pleas. In situations like this one could not simply open the window even if it was to help poor Sebastian escape the battering elements of nature. Jade walked back to the window to see if she could see her mom. Jamal peeked through the crack under the door. He had the dining room table’s legs and the cup holder side of the futon in his view. He gasped. His heart leaped as two muddy Skechers suddenly appeared right in front of him. He was trying to get back quietly but moved too slowly. The door opened fast and smacked him in the forehead. He yelped then grabbed his mouth then head. His eyes were wide and they were forming tears from pain. Jade turned around and Demetri stood up. Jacob walked in with a hammer gripped tightly in his hand. He did the best he could to scan the room but it was to dim. There were no lights. He had already tried to turn on the kitchen and living room lights with no luck. Two silent flashes of lightning forked the sky striking out in a pattern with no point. Jacob spotted Jade and Demetri standing near the window. He could see Jamal on the floor now. Thunder that follows lightning snapped once more. Samara pushed through the door past Donnie and raced by Jacob to get on the bed with Bubby. Jamal’s face was smacked again with his sister’s wet hair. He scowled then wiped his cheeks. Samara sat right next to Bubby and Hulk. Hi Sammy. he said quietly. She tried to  hug him but he whined and pushed her away. Jade told her to go change her wet clothes. Donnie attempted to rescue the cat from the window but was stopped. It was then explained to Jacob why they were in his room. The youngest two were huddled under a clothes basket for, watching Paw Patrol. Jamal, Donnie and Demetri all occupied themselves separately. Jacob and Jade, the oldest and  twins, are talking in the hall. Will you shut up now? Jacob was holding a can of cat food. He opened the ragged lid and put Sebastian on the floor with it. J, Bubby hungry and me too. Samara said in a tiny voice. Bubby laid on his back tossing his doll into the air and waiting for its return with outstretched arms. Still, his face did most of the catching. Jade scanned the room. Where's mama? Samara inquired, Can we watch TV now? Jacob told her that it was too close bedtime. He knew it was way too early but he didn’t want to alarm anyone with the truth. When Jacob and his siblings first returned home, he had already noticed there was an empty space in the chamber where someone’s power meter was supposed to be. It was there just earlier. But I'm still hungry. Samara sulked. Ok! Just be quiet. Tell mama I'll be right back. Jade put on her shoes then looked around the room again. She got up and headed towards the  exit but Jamal stood up in front of her. It's ok lil dude. I got dis. She stepped around him, moving quickly just to avoid another one of his mind piercing debates. Though all in good intent, conversation with him had you feeling as if you had aged both mentally and physically. None the less he was a child who could still cause trouble. He could hang with the best of it. She left and locked the door. He watched it close behind her. Bubby and Donnie stretched out across the bed. Samara was playing with Hulk. Purple bracelets and pink crown stickers were placed disrespectfully on the head and chest of the plush. Demetri and Jacob were quietly reading comics. Jamal took post at the window again and searched

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