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The Stem Cell Epistles: Letters to My Students about Bioethics, Embryos, Stem Cells, and Fertility Treatments
The Stem Cell Epistles: Letters to My Students about Bioethics, Embryos, Stem Cells, and Fertility Treatments
The Stem Cell Epistles: Letters to My Students about Bioethics, Embryos, Stem Cells, and Fertility Treatments
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The Stem Cell Epistles: Letters to My Students about Bioethics, Embryos, Stem Cells, and Fertility Treatments

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Human embryos, it has been said, "have no muscles, nerves, digestive system, feet, hands, face, or brain; they have nothing to distinguish them as a human being, and if one of them died, no one would mourn as they would for one of us." Consequently, early human embryos are being dismembered in laboratories around the world to produce embryonic stem cells, which, we are told, are the tools that will lead to the next quantum leap in medicine. Should Christians support such small sacrifices for something that might potentially relieve the suffering of millions, or should we vigorously oppose it?

Developmental biologist and professor of biochemistry Michael Buratovich was asked such a question (among others) by his students. This book contains his measured answers and provides support from the scientific literature to substantiate his claims. He shows that embryonic stem cells are unnecessary, since the renaissance in regenerative medicine is occurring largely without them. Furthermore, he sets forth the scientific and historic case that the embryo is the youngest and most vulnerable member of humanity, and that ones such as these are precisely those whom the Christian church worked to protect in the past--and should champion in the present.
PublisherCascade Books
Release dateAug 20, 2013
The Stem Cell Epistles: Letters to My Students about Bioethics, Embryos, Stem Cells, and Fertility Treatments

Michael A. Buratovich

Michael A. Buratovich is Professor of Biochemistry at Spring Arbor University. He earned his bachelor's and master's degrees from UC Davis and his PhD in Cell and Developmental Biology from UC Irvine. Dr. Buratovich also worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at Sussex University and the University of Pennsylvania. He runs the blog Beyond the Dish, and is also a licensed lay preacher with the Baptist Union of Great Britain.

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    The Stem Cell Epistles - Michael A. Buratovich

    Letter #1

    Why Should I Care?

    Dear Dr. Buratovich,

    We have talked about stem cells in class and I must say that the whole thing has me befuddled. What’s the big deal? Why should I care? The papers keep running articles about stem cell this and stem cell that, but I have to admit that I just can’t get motivated enough to read them and I usually give them a miss. I must admit that I am finding it more than a little difficult to get worked into a lather about the whole thing.

    You said that you wanted to hear from us, so here’s my earful with a question. My question is this: what is it about embryonic stem cell research that should make me sit up and listen?

    Kara B.

    Dear Kara,

    Why should you care about embryonic stem cell research? If you read the papers, it is clear that embryonic stem cell research discussions make people rather angry. For example, Rick Weiss, the science editor at the Washington Post, implied that opponents of embryonic stem cell research are religious fundamentalists, akin to the Taliban.¹ If that’s not strong enough for you, try University of Pennsylvania bioethicist Arthur Caplan, who labeled opponents of human cloning as a bizarre alliance of antiabortion religious zealots and technophobic neoconservatives along with a smattering of scientifically befuddled antibiotech progressives . . . Caplan further charged that such people are far more concerned about cloned embryos in dishes than kids who can’t walk and grandmothers who can’t hold a fork or breathe.²

    Opponents of embryonic stem cell research can also dish out their share of harsh language. Consider the words of science writer Michael Fumento, who wrote this regarding embryonic stem cell research: Rightly or wrongly, use of embryonic cells invokes visions of Dr. Josef Mengele and a terrifying slippery slope towards playing around with human life.³

    Why are these folks so upset at people who disagree with them? I think it comes down to one thing: human life. Human life is something we all care about deeply. This is the one reason why people get worked up about embryonic stem cell research.

    Here’s the big reason why Christians should care about it. God is the source of life. Only He gives it and only He takes it away. Consider the words of Scripture. In the creation narrative, God breathes life into His creatures and then places a tree of life in the midst of the garden in Eden (Gen 1:30; 2:7, 9). To the Israelites, He said, I put to death and I bring to life (Deut 32:39). Nehemiah said that God gives life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you (Neh 9:6). Job lamented that in his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind (Job 12:10). The prophet Isaiah wrote, This is what God the LORD says—he who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and all that comes out of it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it (Isa 42:5). The prophet Ezekiel preached to the dry bones, and the Spirit of the Lord brought them to life (Ezek 37). The prophet Daniel said that God holds in his hand your life and all your ways (Dan 5:23).

    The New Testament continues this theme. John’s Gospel says this about Jesus: In Him was life, and that life was the light of men (John 1:4). Believing in Jesus is the difference between having life and not having it (John 3:36). Jesus is called the Bread of Life who came down from heaven (John 6:33). Jesus came that they may have life, and have it to the full (John 10:10). Knowing the only true God, Jesus, is the source of life that never ends (John 17:3). God is the author of life (Acts 3:15) and gives life to all men (Acts 17:25). Eternal life is the gift of God (Rom 6:23). Those who believe in Jesus have their names written in the book of life (Phil 4:3; Rev 20:12). Since the Bible portrays God as the ultimate source of life, if our public policies involve the taking of life or the failure to properly care for life with the resources at our disposal, then our policies are not God-honoring.

    Consider how the early Christians put these principles into practice. The Greco-Roman culture into which Christianity was born had little regard for human life and even less for the lives of the weak and vulnerable. Infanticide, infant abandonment, abortion, and suicide were commonplace and even encouraged, as was the barbarism of the gladiatorial games.The response of Christians to this culture was not accommodation, but outright and active opposition. Christian writers wrote against it, but even more telling is that they rescued and raised abandoned babies, some of whom were deformed.The early Christians thought that the more helpless and vulnerable the life, the more deserving it was of compassion and protection.

    How does this apply to embryonic stem cell research? Making embryonic stem cells requires the destruction of human embryos. If a human embryo is a human person, then this research requires the deliberate killing of human beings. For the Christian, the destruction of embryos represents the killing of the most vulnerable and helpless in our society. If, however, a human embryo is not a human person, then this research can potentially lead to cures, and stopping this research means that we will slow the development of these cures. If we stop embryonic stem cell research, will people, who might have been cured, die? Maybe, but now you can see why people get angry when it comes to this issue.

    It gets worse, though. In this country a woman can have an abortion any time during her pregnancy for any or no reason. What’s to keep scientists from cloning embryos that are then gestated in volunteer women and later aborted for use in clinical trials? This is called fetal farming; New Jersey has legalized such experiments,and other states have introduced similar legislation. Some scientists want to even use this technology to create designer babies. A group called transhumanists wants to remake the human race in their image. The World Transhumanist Association calls this the post-human species.Should we be concerned? Absolutely. This is nothing short of killing a vulnerable member of the human race, and playing God too. Paying women to have babies just so we can dismember them to use their cells for our own purposes is simple murder. We should be concerned and appalled.

    On the subject of cloning, are we comfortable with scientists making embryos in the laboratory just to destroy them? In this case we do not have a woman’s choice to consider, we only have embryos that are being made just so they can be killed! Should we be concerned?

    On the other hand, can stem cell treatments help sick people? The answer is an unqualified Yes! However, we have treatments from stem cell sources other than embryonic stem cells. As it turns out, your body is chock full of stem cells, and scientists have been harvesting them from bone marrow, umbilical cord blood, and other places to treat sick people. Over seventy different conditions have been treated—or at least patients with these conditions have improved, using these other stem cells.

    Where does this leave us? Stem cell research is great. It saves lives and can help lessen human suffering. If you are a Christian, you must be concerned about life. Stem cells can save and extend human lives. That’s a huge plus. You should be pro-stem cells and pro-stem cell research.

    But what about the embryos that will die to make embryonic stem cells? That’s a big minus. Remember, if you are a Christian, you should care about life, even if it is young and immature life. So you should be pro-embryo.

    This leaves us in a bit of a conundrum. We want to see stem cell treatments come to the clinic, but we want even the youngest of us to receive the legal protection that prevents them from being killed—the same protection that we enjoy. Therefore, we want to see alternatives to embryonic stem cells and we want embryonic stem cell research to move in that direction. However, the papers tend to treat people who oppose embryonic stem cell research to any degree as religious ideologues who want to impose their narrow view of the world on everyone else. Therefore, if you are going to talk about this issue at all, you must do your homework.

    This is the scoop on stem cells. Interested in more? Come to class on Wednesday and we’ll talk more about it.

    Michael Buratovich

    1. Weiss, Bush Unveils.

    2. Caplan, Attack of the Anti-Cloners.

    3. Fumento, Short on Facts.

    4. Schmidt, Christianity,




    5. Ibid.,



    6. Smith, Contrary to a Popular Assumption.

    7. See

    8. Do No Harm—The Coalition of Americans for Research Ethics, Fact Sheet. See

    Letter #2

    Making a Baby

    Dear Dr. Buratovich,

    Thanks for those stem cell web sites you gave us. They have lots of great information, but reading them is kind of like drinking from a fire hydrant. My big problem is that they use all this jargon like blastocysts, blastomeres, trophectoderm, and compaction. What on earth does all this mean? I feel like I know more about stem cells but have no clue as to what stage of human development they come from.

    I was unable to take your human development class last year. I’ve heard it’s a great class. Is there any way you can give me a primer on human development? It will help me synthesize all this stem cell stuff I’ve been learning.

    No rush on this.


    Bobby V.

    Dear Bobby,

    It is a teacher’s dream to see students actually using the suggested resources. Thank you for making my day!

    Your request is a very tall order, but I will try my best to summarize what requires a whole semester to actually teach. Here goes nothing.

    Since you already know about the birds and the bees I will cut to the chase. The preparation for human development starts with an egg that is ovulated by a young woman approximately fourteen days after the end of her last menstrual period. During ovulation, the ovary forcibly expels an egg into the oviduct (or fallopian tube). In vitro fertilization studies have shown that freshly ovulated eggs can only be fertilized up to twenty-four hours after ovulation, after which the egg degenerates. The egg moves down the oviduct where it encounters sperm from the male, and the fusion of the egg and the sperm constitutes the first step of fertilization.

    Fertilization is a multistep process that includes several stages. First, the sperm must penetrate the various layers of the egg. Just outside the egg is a thick jelly layer called the zona pellucida, which is a fancy way of saying a clear zone. This jelly layer plays an important role in the early stages of human development. Once the sperm fuses with it, the egg, which was frozen in the middle of cell division, completes cell division and extrudes a tiny clump of unnecessary chromosomes called a polar body. Now the sperm is disassembled within the egg to unveil the sperm pronucleus (another fancy term for a simple thing—the sperm’s chromosomes, packaged inside a membrane vesicle). The egg also has its chromosomes packaged in a vesicle called the egg pronucleus. The sperm and egg pronuclei fuse together, and the first cell division then begins.

    The fusion of the sperm and egg pronuclei marks the end of fertilization and the existence of the sperm and egg. Originally, the egg produced by the mother’s ovaries had half the normal number of chromosomes. By the end of fertilization, the resulting cell has the full complement of twenty-three pairs of chromosomes, half of which came from the father and half from the mother. It is no longer an egg, but a zygote.

    Fertilization also kicks the metabolism of the egg into high gear, eventually preparing the zygote for the energy-intensive process of cell division, or cleavage. The first cleavage event occurs about twenty-four to thirty hours after the beginning of fertilization (male embryos actually divide slightly faster than female embryos).⁹ Fertilization is also referred to as conception. Conception, however, is an inexact term, since some use it to refer to implantation of the embryo into the uterus and others to refer to fertilization. For that reason, conception is not a term that is used in developmental biology, except in the term conceptional age, which refers to the true age of the unborn baby. Conception, by which I mean the process of fertilization, is a multistep process, and its completion produces an entity that now begins the seamless and continuous process of human life, which includes embryonic, fetal, and postnatal development. Because this continuous process defies demarcation, it is most accurate to define conception as that event which brings a human being into existence.

    Fertilization occurs within the oviduct, as do the first cell divisions or cleavages. Cleavages, or repeated cell divisions of the embryo, divide the zygote into two cells, then twelve to eighteen hours later into four cells, and within eighteen to twenty-four hours into eight cells (fig. 2.1). The embryo, at this time, does not increase in size, but is only divided into smaller and smaller cells, enclosed within the zona pellucida. By three days after fertilization, the embryo consists of six to twelve cells, and by four days, sixteen to thirty-two cells. On the third day of development, the embryo also begins to wean itself from its dependence on the materials initially stock piled into the egg and establishes its own gene expression program.¹⁰ An embryo with twelve to thirty-two cells is called a morula.

    After the eight-cell stage, somewhere around the twelve to sixteen-cell stage, human embryos undergo a process called compaction. Before compaction, the cells of the embryo, which developmental biologists call blastomeres, do not possess tight connections with each other. At compaction, the outer blastomeres bind tightly to each other and force particular blastomeres inside the ball of cells, while the others remain on the outside. Compaction generates two populations of cells in the embryo: cells on the outside and cells on the inside. The outer cells eventually flatten and become the cells of the trophoblast. The trophoblast eventually develops into the placenta. Inside the embryo, the inner cells round up and form the embryoblast, or inner cell mass (ICM). The ICM cells will make the embryo proper and add a few elements to the placenta.

    By the fourth day of development the trophoblast cells begin to pump salts into the interior of the embryo, and this causes water to follow (fig. 2.1). This results in the swelling of the embryo into a sphere with a cavity inside it. Now the embryo is called a blastocyst, and its ICM cells are clumped together at one end of the embryo (the embryonic pole). At this time, the embryo usually completes its journey from the oviduct to the uterus. The trophoblast cells also make a protein called early pregnancy factor that finds its way into the mother’s bloodstream. This protein is found quite early after fertilization and is the basis for pregnancy tests applied during the first ten days of development.


    Five days after fertilization, the embryo bores a hole in the zona pellucida and escapes from its early protective membrane. This is called hatching of the blastocyst. The embryo spends approximately two days in the uterus before it implants into the uterine wall.

    The five-day embryo (containing approximately 150 cells) is the entity sought after by embryonic stem cell researchers. The ICM cells are those that will form embryonic stem cell cultures. To make embryonic stem cell cultures, researchers use either mechanical or chemical means to disassemble the trophoblast, and then culture the isolated ICM cells under specific conditions. If the ICM cells grow, they can become an embryonic stem cell line.

    Implantation begins on the sixth day, and the embryo is only competent to implant during a short window of time, after which it loses its ability to implant and dies. The trophoblast adheres to the surface of the uterus, and this contact induces the trophoblast cells to divide. Some of these dividing trophoblast cells fuse together and become a kind of amoeba that rapidly moves into the uterine wall, digesting as it goes (syncytiotrophoblast). The trophoblast cells that do not fuse (cytotrophoblast) remain in place and divide there. Between days six and nine, the embryo sinks below the surface of the uterine wall (fig. 2.1). During this time, the ICM cells organize into a sheet of tall cells known as the epiblast. The cells of the epiblast divide and form two structures above and below it. Below the epiblast, a layer of cube-shaped cells (hypoblast) forms and spreads downward toward the other end of the embryo. Above the epiblast, a small layer of cells peels off and grows around the embryonic pole, forming a small cavity called the amniotic cavity. The end result is a vesicle above (amniotic cavity) the single-cell-thick epiblast, a single-cell-thick hypoblast beneath the epiblast, and a vesicle beneath the epiblast called the primary yolk sac or primary umbilical vesicle that is continuous with the hypoblast. The cells of the outer layer of the primary umbilical vesicle make an extensive gel-like material between the vesicle and the cytotrophoblast known as the extraembryonic mesoderm. This layer fills all the space between the amnion, primary umbilical vesicle, and cytotrophoblast.

    By day fourteen, the syncytiotrophoblast has digested blood vessels in the uterine wall and is filled with small pools of blood that provide oxygen for the growing embryo. Also the primary umbilical vesicle has shrunk and pulled away from the cytotrophoblast. The amnion and its cavity, the epiblast, and the primary umbilical vesicle are suspended within the cytotrophoblast by a connecting stalk. The cytotrophoblast has begun to form small bumps called primary chorionic villi, which will eventually form the blood vessels of the placenta and anchor the placenta to the uterine wall (fig. 2.1). The hypoblast has a slight thickening at one end of the embryo, and this structure, the prechordal plate, marks the site of future head formation.

    After fourteen days of life, the embryo begins a remarkable series of rearrangements known as gastrulation. Gastrulation transforms the single-cell-thick epiblast into a three-layered structure. In the middle of the epiblast, right at the back of it, a thickened ridge forms called the primitive streak. The formation of the primitive streak marks the future dorsal side and backside of the baby (your spine is on the dorsal side of your body and your stomach on the ventral side; your head is the cranial end and your rump is your caudal end). The front of the primitive streak enlarges into a structure called the primitive node, and the primitive node points directly toward the future head (fig. 2.2). Signals within the embryo also tell it which is the left side and which is the right side. Because particular events during development, like the rotation of the heart and the digestive system, occur in particular directions, it is crucial that the embryo knows which side is which. This is also about the time when the mother misses her first menstrual period.

    Cells begin to pour through the primitive streak, and take up specific positions underneath the epiblast. The primitive streak elongates to become half as long as the epiblast. The first cells that move into the embryo insert themselves into the hypoblast and become known as endoderm. Endoderm will form the respiratory and digestive systems that help us breathe and digest food. The next group of cells that moves into the embryo become mesoderm. Smooth muscle, connective tissues and blood vessels, the heart, muscles, and the reproductive and excretory systems are all formed by mesoderm. Those cells that remain on the dorsal side are known as ectoderm, and these cells make the skin, nervous system, and sensory organs like the eyes. Together, the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm constitute the embryonic germ layers, and these three layers will form all the tissues in the baby.

    By the seventeenth day, the primitive streak begins to retract and in its wake induces the formation of a flat, thickened plate called the neural plate. This is the beginning of the nervous system, and the edges of the neural plate fold and rise as a crease forms along the center of the plate. The neural plate folds in half along this lengthwise crease, which causes the two folds to meet above the middle of the plate, where they fuse to form a tube (fig. 2.2). This tube, the neural tube, is the beginning of the spinal cord, and the front portion of it inflates to form the brain. Beneath the neural plate, cells condense to form a stiff rod called the notochord, and this structure is the beginning of the future vertebral column that houses the spinal cord. The notochord then induces nearby mesoderm to clump and form somites. Somites will form the muscles of the back and the bones of the vertebral column.


    From these tissues, various embryonic organs form. On day twenty, the thyroid gland begins to form, and by day twenty-two, the heart begins to beat. By the next day the beginnings of the eye and ear are present. On day twenty-four, the pharyngeal arches appear; these structures will form a good portion of the facial structures, middle ear, tonsils, parathyroid glands, and thymus. On day twenty-six, the beginnings of the arms form as a bump called the limb bud. At twenty-seven days, the forebrain forms, and one day later, the embryo is about four millimeters long. On day thirty-three, the hand starts to form (hand plate), and one day later the foot begins its formation (foot plate). On this same day, the distinct subdivisions of the brain are apparent. By day thirty-five the embryo is eight millimeters long. By thirty-eight days, the upper lip and nose are formed. By forty days, the external ear and the fingers begin to form. By the forty-third day of life the embryo is sixteen millimeters long, and by the forty-fourth day the eyelids are forming. By fifty days of life, the arms are bent at the elbows and the fingers are webbed. By the fifty-third day the external genitals begin to form. At fifty-six days, the embryo is thirty millimeters long, and this marks the end of the embryonic period.

    At the end of the embryonic period of human development, all the organs are in place, but they are not yet mature. The fetal period is characterized by growth and detailed elaboration of these structures. At nine weeks of life the eyelids are fused. The intestines grow so fast that they must move into the umbilical cord by the sixth week, where they remain until the eleventh week, at which point they return to the abdomen. Between nine and twelve weeks urine formation begins. The fetus recycles much of the amniotic fluid in which it is suspended by swallowing it and re-excreting it in urine, after which the placenta filters the metabolic wastes. The sex of the fetus is clearly distinguishable by twelve weeks of life. By seventeen weeks, the mother can typically feel fetal movements, and by week twenty the eyebrows and hair are visible. Rapid eye movements begin by week twenty-one, and the blink-startle response begins by week twenty-two. Even though a fetus is viable at twenty-two weeks of life, her chances for survival are poor. Fingernails are in place by the twenty-fourth week. By twenty-six weeks, the baby’s eyes open, and by thirty weeks the pupils of the eye respond to light. During the last weeks in the womb the baby gains fat.

    The expected date of delivery is 266 days after fertilization, or about thirty-eight weeks. Some 12 percent of babies are born one to two weeks after the expected delivery date.

    This is a highly abbreviated description of human development, but it explains those events that are important to understand when it comes to embryonic stem cell research. Remember that embryonic stem cells are thought to be the most useful cell for therapeutic purposes because they can form cells from any of the three embryonic germ layers; however, adult stem cells are much more versatile than was previously thought.

    I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me again or ask me in class.


    Michael Buratovich

    9. Pergament et al., Sexual Differentiation,




    10. This phenomenon is known as embryonic genome activation or EGA. See Dobson et al., "Transcriptome Through Day





    ; Wong et al., Human Embryos Before Embryonic Genome Activation,




    Letter #3

    Stem Cells 101

    Dear Dr. Buratovich,

    I am a student in the general science class for elementary school teachers. Our instructor assigned a writing project that requires us to research a contemporary issue in science and write a research paper on it. Since I suffer from a chronic disease (lupus), I have decided to do stem cells for my paper. Several biology majors on my dorm floor told me to go to you, since you know a great deal about this issue.

    I came by your office, but you were in lab at the time. Therefore, I thought I would do this by e-mail. Can you please tell me what stem cells are? What are the issues surrounding them and how might they help someone like me who has a

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