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The Mystery of Black Hollow Lane
The Mystery of Black Hollow Lane
The Mystery of Black Hollow Lane
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The Mystery of Black Hollow Lane

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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For fans of The Mysterious Benedict Society and The Blackthorn Key series comes an award-winning boarding school mystery about twelve year old Emmy, who's shipped off to a prestigious British school. But her new home is hiding a secret society … and it may be the answer to Emmy's questions about her missing father.

With a dad who disappeared years ago and a mother who's a bit too busy to parent, Emmy is shipped off to Wellsworth, a prestigious boarding school in England, where she's sure she won't fit in.

But then she finds a box of mysterious medallions in the attic of her home with a note reading: These belonged to your father.

When she arrives at school, she finds the strange symbols from the medallions etched into walls and books, which leads Emmy and her new friends, Jack and Lola, to Wellsworth's secret society: The Order of Black Hollow Lane.

Emmy can't help but think that the society had something to do with her dad's disappearance, and that there may be more than just dark secrets in the halls of Wellsworth…

Pick up the Black Hollow Lane series for your 5th grade and middle school students, kids 9-12, and young readers who love twisty mysteries with:

Boarding schools

Secret societies

Cryptic letters

Secret relics

A fantastic group of friends

Release dateMar 5, 2019

Julia Nobel

Julia Nobel is a writing coach and middle-grade author. Her childhood obsession with The Babysitters Club turned into a lifelong passion for reading and writing children's literature. She offers writing masterclasses and courses for writers in all genres and was a Pitch Wars Mentor in 2017. Her four-year-old daughter likes to help her write by unplugging her computer and pressing the escape key.

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Reviews for The Mystery of Black Hollow Lane

Rating: 3.7727272249999997 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Emmy is unhappy to learn that she's being shipped off to a boarding school in England, but she soon warms to the idea when she realizes her long-missing father also attended this school as a child. And, someone has been mysteriously contacting her with breadcrumbs about her father's legacy...This was a very interesting mystery that kept me in suspense at every turn, which is an especially remarkable feat for a book meant for children! (Often, mysteries written with a child audience in mind are glaringly obvious.) The characters and setting were rich with details and vividly interesting. While definitely being mysterious, this book was also a book about studying, dealing with bullies, fitting in, making friends, etc. so many children will have plenty that they can related to based on their own school experiences. For the audiobook reader, Saskia Maarleveld was wonderful at negotiating a number of accents and a range of ages with the large cast of characters at the boarding school. She was thoroughly engaging, as was the book as a whole.My tiniest of quibbles is that the book is the first in a series so quite a few things are left open-ended at the book's conclusion... and I have to wait until March for the next title to publish!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Mystery of Black Hollow Lane is a 2020 Lone Star novelBecause her mother's job takes all of her time, Emmy's mother sends her to a prestigious boarding school in England. It has to look good because her mother is a parenting expert even though she spends little time with Emmy yet expects Emmy to be perfect. Emmy works very hard and tries not to upset her mother. She's stunned to be going to England. She's learned not to make friends because she changes schools so much. When she arrives, however, Lola and Jack quickly befriend her while her roommate barely acknowledges her existence and doesn't allow her any room except the bed and her suitcases. Emmy grows to really like the school and finds a place she considers home. There are dangers however. Her father disappeared close to Emmy's third birthday. Before leaving the United States, Emmy receives a strange message that leads her to search for something of her father's. She finds a box with medallions skillfully hidden and decides to take these to England. Emmy learns that her father attended Wellsworth and begins asking questions, which leads to more secret messages and danger to Emmy's life.I enjoyed the novel but was surprised by it because the cover implied a different story; I feel the tone of the story doesn't match the cover. It's a fine cover, but it doesn't work for me. At the end, the publisher includes another clue, indicating a second book will be forthcoming. I very much enjoyed this novel.

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The Mystery of Black Hollow Lane - Julia Nobel

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Copyright © 2019 by Julia Nobel

Cover and internal design © 2019 by Sourcebooks

Internal design by Ashley Holstrom/Sourcebooks

Cover design by Jordan Kost/Sourcebooks

Cover and interior art by Hannah Peck

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Nobel, Julia, author.

Title: The mystery of Black Hollow Lane / Julia Nobel.

Description: Naperville, Illinois : Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, [2019] |

Summary: Twelve-year-old Emmy investigates the connection between her father’s disappearance and a secret society at her prestigious English boarding school.

Identifiers: LCCN 2018010905 | (hardcover : alk. paper)

Subjects: | CYAC: Boarding schools--Fiction. | Schools--Fiction. |

Secret societies--Fiction. | Missing persons--Fiction. |

England--Fiction. | Mystery and detective stories.

Classification: LCC PZ7.1.N617 Mys 2019 | DDC [Fic]--dc23 LC record available at


Front Cover

Title Page


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23


About the Author

Excerpt from The Secret of White Stone Gate

Back Cover

To Ben, who loves to tell stories, and to Linda, who loved to hear them.


The Parenting Guru

There were certain things Emmy’s mother didn’t really need to know. Trivial things like whether Emmy had clipped her toenails or that she’d stepped in something sticky at the park. But the letter in Emmy’s nightstand was not a trivial thing, and if her mom had found out about it, she would have pitched a fit. That’s why Emmy was glad to be in New York City instead of at home in Connecticut. She wanted as much distance between her mom and that letter as possible, even if it meant suffering through another boring book launch.

Having a good time, darling? Emmy’s mom said as she handed her a fancy-looking glass.

She took a sip and just about gagged. She didn’t know what real champagne tasted like, but the fake stuff was like someone had dropped Pop Rocks into a bucket of rotting apples. She did her best to smile. Her mom was mad enough already.

Thankfully, no one’s noticed the bandage under your hat, her mom whispered. Why you insisted on playing in that soccer game today is beyond me. She smiled and waved at one of the partygoers. You knew my book launch was this evening, and yet…

Emmy rubbed her forehead, where a ridiculous hat covered three fresh stitches. What was she supposed to say? Sorry I’m a good soccer player, Mom. I’ll try to suck more, that way I won’t get on the good teams. I can’t just skip a match, Mom. My team—

Your team can certainly do without you for one game, Emmeline.

Emmy cringed. It was never a good sign when her full name came out.

Her mom took a sip of champagne. Listen Emmy, there’s something we need to talk about after the party.

Emmy held her breath. Her mom didn’t know about the letter, did she? If she’d found out…if she knew what Emmy was about to do…

It’s about my book tour.

Emmy breathed out and picked at the front of her dress. She had to put her search out of her mind tonight. The last thing she needed was her mom getting suspicious.

After my tour is done, I have another project in the works. I don’t want to get into the details now, but things will be a bit different. I just want you to be prepared.

The nerves wriggled back into Emmy’s stomach. Be prepared. That’s what her science teacher, Mrs. Henry, had said during their natural disaster drill last week.

Pam, there you are! A little blond woman bustled toward them, and Emmy tried not to groan. She usually avoided her mom’s publicist at all costs.

Her mom kissed the woman’s cheek. Gretchen, you’ve really outdone yourself with this party.

Anything for my number one client! Gretchen turned to Emmy. And don’t you look lovely this evening! That hat is just perfect for you. It darkens your hair so that the red isn’t nearly so shocking.

Gretchen smiled as if that were a compliment, but Emmy knew better. She was used to people commenting on her orangey-red hair.

I’m so glad you could be here tonight, it’ll really play well with the crowd. Did you invite a few friends like I suggested?

Uh, nobody could make it. Emmy snatched a crab puff from a passing waiter’s tray and stuffed it in her mouth. She hadn’t invited anybody. She’d only been at her latest private school for a few weeks, and making friends had never been her strength. That would involve talking to people.

A man came into the restaurant lounge and Gretchen squealed. Clint! She grabbed him by the arm and practically shoved him at Emmy’s mom.

"Pam, you remember Clint Markum from Parenting Now magazine?"

Of course, Clint, nice to see you again.

Hi, Pam, I just loved the new book!

Isn’t it fabulous? Gretchen said. There’s so much buzz right now. Everyone is calling her America’s favorite parenting guru.

Emmy tried not to laugh. The only person she’d heard use that phrase was Gretchen, over and over, any time a reporter was in earshot.

And this must be your daughter, Clint said. It’s Emmeline, right?

Emmy blinked. Oh, uh, yeah. She shuffled her feet. Reporters didn’t usually talk to her, and that was the way she liked it.

You must be very proud of your mom, Clint said.

Emmy nodded. Clint looked like he was waiting for her to say something else, but Emmy had no clue what it was.

Raising you all on her own while managing a big career—it must be like having Superwoman at home!

Emmy nodded again. Maybe if she didn’t say anything, he’d stop asking her questions.

Clint cleared his throat and turned back to Emmy’s mom. Gretchen was telling me all about your new project. It sounds so exciting!

Something flickered in her mom’s eyes. No one else would have seen it—she was always composed in public—but to Emmy, that flicker revealed a tiny jolt of panic.

I’m surprised Gretchen gave you a sneak peek, her mom said. We were going to keep it under wraps for at least another week.

I know, Gretchen said, but this seemed like the perfect opportunity to strike while the iron is hot.

Emmy’s mom smiled and nodded. Emmy, why don’t you get yourself something to eat?

Emmy took a few steps toward the nearest waiter, but she didn’t get very far.

So, Pam, what made you decide to host a reality television show?

Emmy whirled around. Her mom was going to be on TV? Her mom glanced at her. It seemed like a wonderful opportunity to really engage with parents in a new way. We haven’t finalized all the details yet, so I’d rather not say too much.

Clint looked at Gretchen. What’s the format like?

She’s going to be fully immersed with families for a few weeks at a time, Gretchen said. She’ll tell them all the things they’re doing wrong and whip them into shape.

How exciting! Clint said. Is Emmeline going with you?

Thump. Thump. Thump. Emmy’s heart started beating a little harder. Her mom cleared her throat. No, it’ll be too chaotic.

Who’s looking after her?

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Emmy’s mom smiled widely, like a cheerleader who knows her team is about to lose. I’ve found the most wonderful school. Emmy’s going to love it. It will be like living with family.

Emmy wrinkled her pounding forehead. Schools weren’t like families. It’s not like she would be living at school…unless…her mom wasn’t actually sending her to…

A boarding school? Clint finished Emmy’s thought.

Thump-thump. Thump-thump.

An all-inclusive immersion school, her mom said. Emmy will be living with people her own age in a rich learning environment.

Emmy had no idea what an all-inclusive immersion school was, but it sure sounded like boarding school to her.

Which school is it? Clint asked. Is it close by?

Her mother looked down and smoothed the front of her dress, picking at a wrinkle no one else could see. Finally, she looked up again, her face smooth and serene. Actually, it’s in England.

It was like someone had dropped a sandbag on Emmy’s chest. She couldn’t breathe. Boarding school. England. Boarding school. England.

THUMP-thump, THUMP-thump, THUMP-thump.

Clint turned to Emmy. And how do you feel about all this? It must have been a bit of a shock when you first found out.

Emmy’s mom swallowed hard and stared at Emmy like she was begging her to say the right thing.

The room started to spin, like Emmy was on an out-of-control merry-go-round. She managed a wobbly smile. I’m just happy to support my mother.

Her mom put a steadying hand around Emmy’s elbow. You’re just too good to me. Darling, I need to freshen up. Come with me? She pulled on Emmy’s elbow and guided her to the bathroom.

Okay. Her mom closed the door behind them. You look faint. You’re not going to pass out, are you?

Emmy fell into a rickety chair in the corner. She didn’t know what passing out felt like, but if the room kept spinning, she’d probably end up on the floor. She leaned her head against the wall, and the spinning started to slow down.

Take a deep breath, and we can talk about this.

Emmy wrapped her arms around her stomach and tried to breathe in, but there didn’t seem to be enough air in the room. She wanted to ask questions—and to say how unfair this was—but it felt like someone had stuck a piece of gum inside the part of her brain that formed complete sentences.

Boarding school. England. Boarding school. England.

The words kept running through her head.

I’m sorry you had to find out this way, her mom said. I only finalized things with the headmaster this morning, and I didn’t want to tell you until I knew I had your schooling settled. I was going to tell you this afternoon, but that whole stitches debacle took all day.

Why can’t I stay here? Emmy finally managed to say.

There’s no one to look after you.


Emmy, I am a child psychologist, and I am your mother. I know what’s best for you.

Emmy sighed. She’d heard that phrase for almost twelve years, and she still hadn’t found a way to argue with it. When would I have to leave?

Her mom looked away. It’s a bit of an unusual circumstance. They don’t usually allow new students once term has started, so we’re really lucky they let you in at all. But I had to agree to send you as soon as possible so you don’t miss any more class time.

Emmy’s eyes welled up with tears. She was moving to another continent, she was doing it by herself, and she was doing it soon.

Darling, I know this is difficult, but you’re going to need to be strong. There’s press out there, and I don’t want them to think there might be something wrong. Gretchen is promoting me as a mentor for the moms and dads of America. Think of all the people I’ll be able to help. But if you don’t seem supportive, that’ll be the story, and I won’t be nearly as effective. Besides, this is a chance for you to get a top-notch education.

That’s what you said about Bartholomew Prep and Glenmore Heights.

I know, but both of them really took a tumble in school rankings, and I couldn’t leave you there if they weren’t going to help you get ahead. This school is going to be different.

That’s what her mom always said. Every time a school dropped a few ranks, she got nervous about Emmy not getting a good enough education, as if being at the fourth-best school in New England was worse than being at the second-best. But boarding school? Emmy couldn’t even imagine it.

Her mom grabbed her hand and held it steady. Em, I didn’t mean to keep this from you, she said. I promise we’ll talk more later, and then we’ll have no more secrets between us.

Emmy thought about her nightstand and the strange letter shut up inside it. The one she’d never tell her mom about, not in a million years. Right. No more secrets.


The School

Wellsworth is a fabulous school, darling. You’re going to love it, her mom said. It was after midnight, and they were driving back home. The last thing Emmy wanted to do was talk. She pressed her head against the car window and pretended to sleep. Her mom didn’t take the hint.

England is amazing. I spent a few years there with my cousin Lucy, and it was one of the best experiences of my life.

Emmy’s eyes flew open. England. Her mother had gone to England. That’s where she had met…

She pursed her lips. The letter with his name had arrived only a few days before. That was way too much of a coincidence. She glanced at her mother. Could she ask about him without raising suspicion?

Oh right, Emmy said casually. You met Dad in England, didn’t you?

Her mom cleared her throat. She always did that when Emmy brought up her father. Yes, I did.

So far, so good.

You haven’t heard anything about him lately, have you?

Of course not! He’s been gone nine years. Why would anyone hear from him now?

Images flickered in Emmy’s mind like an old home movie: A pair of strong hands lifting her high in the air. A scratchy beard nuzzling her face. The smell of peppermint chewing gum. It had been nine years. Ever since her third birthday when her cake sat uneaten in the fridge. Nobody felt like celebrating.

Does he still have family in England?

Her mom stared at the road. Her face, which had been so full of energy and excitement while she was talking about the school, now looked like it had been carved in stone. Your father didn’t have any family.

Or maybe…friends? Emmy persisted. Anyone who knew him well?

Why are you asking all these questions about your father?

Emmy looked at her hands. She didn’t want her mom to get suspicious. I was only curious.

Her mom sighed. As far as I know, he never had contact with anyone from England after we moved here. I think it’s best not to focus on him. It’s just you and me now, and that’s not so bad, right?

Emmy looked out the window. Right. She wasn’t sure if she meant it or not, but it seemed like the best way to end the conversation. She needed time to think. And plan.

• • •

It wasn’t hard to convince her mom she needed to go to bed as soon as they got home. The hard part was making sure that her mom didn’t figure out she wasn’t planning on sleeping. Emmy quietly pulled her nightstand drawer open and moved all the knickknacks aside. Way at the back, exactly where she’d left it, was the letter. She’d looked at it so many times in the last three days she had it memorized, but she took it out and reread it:

Dear Emmeline,

Changes are coming. There’s more to your father than you realize. If you’ve found any of his relics, keep them safe.


A friend

Emmy didn’t know what to make of it. Changes are coming. Could this person have known Emmy’s mom was sending her to England? How could that be possible when Emmy hadn’t even known herself? She looked at the letter again. Her father. His relics. But she didn’t have anything that belonged to her father. Her mother had gotten rid of everything he owned when he disappeared. Yet this friend seemed to think Emmy might have some kind of

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