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Daisy, Season One, Episode Six: The CRD Series: Season One, #6
Daisy, Season One, Episode Six: The CRD Series: Season One, #6
Daisy, Season One, Episode Six: The CRD Series: Season One, #6
Ebook138 pages1 hour

Daisy, Season One, Episode Six: The CRD Series: Season One, #6

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About this ebook

Who killed Sarah? The race is on to find out in order to stop the wedding. 
Lucy teams up with Cash in a race for time. 

Ford is drug deeper and deeper into the Davenport affairs and it pulls him further from Daisy, who is having a hard time with her alters. Ford finally gets Evan to read the journal to get some clues as to what Mark was really up to.

Who is Troy? Good or bad?
Is Cash really the bad guy?

Daisy is hanging on by a thread when she finds out her sister really isn't in prison. She battles Tommy and Slutty Pepper, but who will win or will they all lose to the one they don't speak of?

PublisherShannyn Leah
Release dateFeb 23, 2019
Daisy, Season One, Episode Six: The CRD Series: Season One, #6

Shannyn Leah

USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR, Shannyn Leah welcomes you to her small town of bad boys and smart, sassy heroines. Contemporary romance with the perfect blend of humor, heart and heat.  To be notified when new books, exclusive excerpts and contests are released, join her mailing list here:

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    Book preview

    Daisy, Season One, Episode Six - Shannyn Leah

    Chapter One


    MY EYES FLUTTER trying to let in the day that’s seeping through the blinds. My head is pounding as my stomach rolls. I try to remember last night and curl into a ball.

    Vodka. Do you remember that? Peaches’s voice is shrieking in my head.

    Why are you up so early? I mumble.

    Because I’m horny as hell. You get drunk and fall asleep, and I get nothing. She reaches between her legs and starts to rub one out.

    I yank the pillow from under me and hold it over my head. How can you be horny?

    That’s what alcohol does to me, and you leave me high and dry. You have a hot man in your bed, who had an impressive hard-on for a lean guy. She’s tilting her head back, on the verge of coming. Not a hamster like I thought.

    I ignore her and go back to sleep. Wait…a hamster? I swallow hard. Who did she say that about before? Oh, my head is foggy. It hits me like a two by four. Cash? Is she talking about Cash? It can’t be.

    I lift my hand from my pillow and feel the bed next to me. It lands on a hard body, and it’s most definitely not Troy’s.

    I peek out from under my pillow to see Cash lying on his stomach with a soft snore leaving his lips. The white sheet covers his lower torso and falls between his legs.

    I lift the pillow off my head and peer down to see that I’m completely naked. Oh my god, no!

    Oh my god, yes! Peaches is screaming.

    I slowly creep out of bed, so not to wake him. I slip on my robe and stand next to him. How the hell did this happen? I whisper.

    This is all your fault, you know. Peaches rolls over toward Cash and acts like she’s smacking his ass. You threw yourself at him, and his…guinea pig responded.

    Oh, now it’s a guinea pig? I glare at her.

    You felt it, you tell me?

    I shake my hands out at my side, knowing she’s right. I thought it was Troy.

    Cash rolls over, and the sheet is tented upward. Really, Luce. You couldn’t tell the difference?

    She’s standing up on the bed, and she’s squatting over him like she’s going to ride him. Get away from him! I grit out.

    She jumps out of the way when Cash rolls to his belly again.

    She struts her naked body to the bathroom. Lucy has some explaining to do. She shuts the door but not before blowing me a kiss.

    I start pacing the floor. What the hell have I done? I can’t have had sex with Cash. I’m such a slut. The more I pace, the angrier I get. Maybe we didn’t do it. Gah. I remember his hands on me. Damn it, Cash!

    The bathroom door opens, and Peaches is still naked but has a towel wrapped around her hair.

    It’s all about the cock, about the cock, she sings and sways her ass.

    I don’t know who I hate more, her or Cash. Actually, I hate myself more. I know how Cash feels about me, and I let my drunken self give in. I want to be angry and blame him for this entire mess, but I only have myself to thank for this situation. I picked up the vodka bottle. I know what it does to my libido and my brain.

    See, you admit it. You got me all horny!

    I quickly strip out of my robe and pull on pants and a T-shirt. My head throbs, and I need coffee before I can even think about dealing with this royal fuck-up of mine.

    Chapter Two

    Daisy/Tommy/Slutty Pepper

    CHILLS STILL COVER my spine from the séance last night. I can feel something inside me trying to get out. Something crazy is always going on around here, and it’s never a good time for me to take a few days off, but I really need to visit my sister.

    Frankie says she’s exhausted and not coming down to play today. Bets climbs up on the stool at the island and reaches for a cereal bowl. May I have some Captain Crunch? she says through a yawn.

    I grab the box from the top shelf in the pantry and pour some into her bowl. You and Bryant are going with Pops to the children’s art exhibit at the museum today.

    If it’s not on the calendar, I’m not going. She pouts.

    It’s right here. I point to the calendar written on the chalk wall.

    Can’t I stay home with you? her little whine shrieks.

    I have some things I need to take care of on my own.

    Where are you going? Lucy is rubbing her temples as she walks into the kitchen, looking hungover. I giggle to myself because her shirt is inside out.

    Good morning. I hand her a black coffee. I saw her guzzle down the vodka bottle last night and knew she would need it.

    You don’t happen to have any Tylenol to go with that? She plops her head down on the island bar.

    The kids are taken care of today, and I’d like to take a day or two off. All their plans are laid out on the calendar. I tap my nail on the wall.

    Lucy’s hair falls in her face as she lifts her head. She blows out a puff of air, and a strand of hair flies up. Gah. I could really use you around here today.

    "You tell her that just because she is hungover doesn’t mean she needs you," Tommy sing-songs in my head.

    Placing the dish towel down, I walk over to her. I could really use a break.

    She squares her body toward me, and I can tell she’s suspicious. The entire time I’ve worked for her, I’ve never asked for a day off.

    Are you okay?

    Yes. I’m a little shaken from last night’s…revelations. I whisper the last part because Bets is all ears.

    Did you say a bad word? She pulls her pouch out of her lap.

    No, we both say in unison.

    Well, could somebody curse already. I almost have enough money to buy Kitty a friend. She crunches on a bite of cereal.

    Kitty is not getting a friend. That sobers up Lucy.

    But she’s lonely. Bets pouts.

    She has you and Bryant to entertain her.

    She needs a monkey.

    No. Lucy points at her.

    A horse.


    How about a—

    Nothing! We are not getting a pet for our pet! Lucy remains firm and snaps up her mug from the counter, sloshing it on to her hand. Shit!

    Bets unzips her pouch.

    I’m not paying for that!

    Bets empties the coins on the counter, and they roll all over, some landing on the tile floor. Shit balls!

    Lucy slams down the mug, and Bets’s eyes turn round as saucers. I’ve told you before you’re not allowed to say swear words. Now, pick up this mess and go to your room!

    That’s not fair! Everyone else in this house says bad words. When I grow up, I’m going to use all of them, she rants as she picks the coins up off the floor.

    Lucy has her hand pressed to her forehead like she’s trying to make the pain disappear.

    So, can I take a couple days off? My lip is caught between my teeth. I don’t want to take Tommy’s tactic if I don’t have to.

    Yes, but promise me you’re okay. Her gaze softens as she looks at me.

    The back door swings open, and Ford storms inside. Where are you going?

    Great, that’s all I need. He doesn’t want me, but still thinks he can be in the know. I thought you moved out? My words are harsher than I intended. I think Tommy is rubbing off on me.

    I need to grab a few more of my things. His big blue eyes bore into me.

    You’re really moving out? Lucy moves toward him and rubs the outside of his arm.

    Yes, and I’m not going back to school next year. I’m going to be working full-time for Grandpa Davenport and stepping into my old man’s shoes. I can hear the detest in his tone.

    You can’t be serious? I gasp.


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