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Feels Like Love: The Power of Love, #8
Feels Like Love: The Power of Love, #8
Feels Like Love: The Power of Love, #8
Ebook170 pages2 hours

Feels Like Love: The Power of Love, #8

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Jamie doesn't have time for love…

… not even for the man who might be able to save her family fishing lodge from going broke. Journalist Craig Hansen knows that a favorable write-up will help the failing business. Trouble is, he's attracted to the spunky Jamie, but he never mixes business with pleasure. Can he find a way?

PublisherMona Ingram
Release dateFeb 25, 2019
Feels Like Love: The Power of Love, #8

Mona Ingram

Mona Ingram loves to make up stories and is the author of more than four dozen romances. Most mornings she can be found at her computer, trying to keep up with the characters in her current work, many of whom invariably want to go off in a completely different direction than she planned. But that’s the joy of writing. An avid bird watcher, Mona is particularly happy when she can combine bird watching with travel.

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    Feels Like Love - Mona Ingram



    Feels Like Love


    Mona Ingram

    Cover Design

    Elizabeth Mackey Graphic Design

    ©2019 Mona Ingram

    All rights reserved

    This book was previously titled

    The Lure of Love

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    About this series:

    The Power of Love is a series of eight sweet romances, all set in Canada.

    Each of these books was previously published under a different title as noted on the previous page and many of them were available on a limited basis.

    These are individual stories featuring the healing power of love when lives are shattered and relationships go wrong. Each story has recently been edited for content, and in some cases, minor re-writes have been incorporated. Each story also has a fresh new cover that more accurately portrays the romantic theme.


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen


    Chapter One

    W ow, Goldie. Look at all those blueberries. Jamie glanced over to the passenger seat. As usual, her dog had her head hanging out the window, breathing in the rich, varied scents that drifted enticingly on the summer air. They look ripe. One of these days we’ll have to come back and pick enough for a pie.

    The golden retriever turned and looked at her with soulful eyes, then put her head back out the window. Jamie loved her old Jeep YJ for this very reason; she could open it up in the heat of the summer and let the wind blow through her hair. Come to think of it, she and her dog had that in common.

    She was driving at an unusually fast clip along the familiar gravel road. She’d grown up here at Long Lake in Northern British Columbia, and rarely felt the need to speed, but she was late for a meeting. Today was going to be a busy day at the Lodge; they were expecting some new arrivals and she’d made a habit of getting together with her office manager and her chef to review check-ins, especially when important guests were among the arrivals. The summer was more than half over and Long Lake Fishing Lodge was almost full, but one of today’s check-ins had the power to make a huge difference to the Lodge’s future. Even though business had been fairly good this summer, she doubted that she’d be able to keep the place open.

    Her favourite corner was coming up. No matter what speed she was traveling, she slowed every time she reached it, so she could enjoy the first sight of Long Lake glittering through the trees. It was her home; she loved it and couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.

    When she rounded the corner she was glad she’d developed the habit of slowing. Two vehicles sat alongside the road. A long sleek job that looked like it might be a Jaguar had pulled up behind a silver SUV. A man sat inside the Jaguar, but the driver’s door was open on the SUV and the driver was standing on the passenger side between the car and the shallow ditch, adjusting his camera.

    Her heart leaped into her throat. Browsing amongst the blueberry bushes were two grizzly cubs, but she didn’t have time to enjoy the rare sight. Their mother stood in a threatening stance, head lowered and the hackles on her back raised. Backlit by the morning sun, the mother grizzly’s fur was the colour of buckwheat honey.

    Jamie pulled her vehicle up in front of the SUV, popped open the glove box and pulled out a canister of bear spray. Without taking her eyes off the mother bear she removed the black plastic safety lock. Goldie whined softly and hunkered down; she knew when to be afraid. Only her eyes and the top of her head showed above the passenger door.

    Stay. Jamie knew the command was unnecessary, but she was nervous. She opened the door as quietly as possible and stepped out. She had no idea how effective the bear spray would be against a charging mother grizzly. Not very, she thought.

    She decided to speak in a normal tone. If she didn’t shout, or show fear, perhaps the grizzly would see her as non-threatening. She couldn’t say as much for the man who now had his camera up, taking pictures. What was the matter with him... did he have a death wish?

    She held the gold canister loosely at her side, her finger through the loop and her thumb on the ‘trigger’.

    Hi there, she said with what she hoped was a smile in her voice. How old are you?

    Huh? What? He turned to look at her. A pale city type who hadn’t seen the sun in a long time, he was almost too good looking to be true. I’m thirty-six.

    Well, she said, backing up a few steps, leaving room for him to retreat around the front of his vehicle, if you want to make it to thirty-seven, you’d better get back in your vehicle.

    He continued to stare at her, uncomprehending.

    Right now, she said. Unless you want to be lunch for that grizzly.

    What little colour there was in his face drained away. He opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out. His gaze darted back to the bear.

    Jamie had to admire him as he walked slowly back to his side of the vehicle. Most people would have bolted, an action which in all likelihood would have caused the grizzly to chase. She waited until she was sure he was safe then went back to the Jeep and got in, but kept the bear spray at the ready. As she pulled out, she looked in the rear view mirror. The man had shown the presence of mind to wind up his windows, and was slumped back in the driver’s seat, head on the headrest, eyes closed.

    CRAIG HANSEN RELAXED his grip on the canister of bear spray and realized he’d been holding his breath. He hadn’t been willing to embarrass the other man, but he’d recognized the danger and had been sitting with one hand on the door handle and the other on the spray. He’d never used bear spray before and had no idea how well it worked, but according to the sales pitch on the can, it was effective at 30 feet. He fumbled for the safety clip and snapped it back on, then shoved the canister into his back pack.

    His thoughts went to the woman, and he couldn’t help but smile. She’d been magnificent the way she strode along the side of the road. At first he’d thought she too had stopped to take pictures and he was beginning to wonder if everybody around here was crazy. Then he’d spotted the dull gleam of the canister in her hand and it became clear what she was up to. Craig chuckled, recalling her words. Now that he thought about her a bit more he realized that she had to be local, driving a beat up old vehicle like that. He’d only met a few women since arriving in Northern British Columbia, but so far he was impressed. They were nothing like the artsy types he worked with in Toronto, a fact which pleased him.

    He checked the time. It was too soon to check into Long Lake Lodge. The Lodge’s website stated that check-in wasn’t until 3 o’clock and he didn’t like to ask for special favours. Craig had taken the time to study the map when he picked up the car at Prince George airport last night and had noticed a town nearby. He would while away a few hours checking it out; you never knew where the next great idea might come from. He checked on the grizzly who was now shepherding her cubs back into the woods. He couldn’t blame the man for trying to take pictures – it was a once-in-a-lifetime chance – but the danger had been all too real. The man was still sitting in his vehicle with his eyes closed as Craig pulled out.

    SORRY I’M LATE BUT you won’t believe what happened on the way back from town. Jamie grabbed a bottle of water and unscrewed the top. Brooke and Leeza were seated in the great room at their usual table – the one in the corner that had the advantage of glass on two sides. The view out over the lake was spectacular, plus they could keep a casual eye on children playing by the water’s edge.

    Jamie took a long drink and set the water bottle down forcefully. A few drops of water splashed out the top and she wiped them off the table with her arm. Some guy with a death wish had gotten out of his SUV, walked around to the passenger side and was taking pictures of a mother grizzly and two cubs. As she spoke she walked her fingers around the water bottle, her movements stiff and angry. Have you ever heard of anything so ridiculous?

    Leeza laughed but Brooke’s eyes widened. What happened? Was he hurt?

    I set him straight and he got back into his vehicle. The fingers marched back to the driver’s side of the bottle. That’s all we need... some tourist getting mauled by a bear. Or worse. She took another slug of water. I think he was pretty shook up when I told him it was a grizzly, though. She gave a little shudder. Black bears are bad enough, but there’s something about the word grizzly that strikes terror in everyone... and with good reason.

    Leeza checked her watch. Shall we get on with the meeting? We have a full house and we’re busy doing prep work for lunch and dinner. She pointed to the printout Brooke had placed on the table. Three VIPs in one day. That’s quite something.

    Jamie studied the sheet as if she hadn’t seen it before, but she knew exactly who was arriving.

    She looked across the table at her chef. If Leeza hadn’t been wearing a white chef’s jacket, no one would ever guess that she worked in a kitchen, let alone in a management position. With her diminutive stature, pale skin and black spiky hair she looked like an escapee from a punk rock band. But in spite of her chef’s unconventional appearance, Jamie’s confidence in her abilities as a chef was unshakable. The young woman had proven that she was as dependable as she was skilled.

    Brooke says none of the new check-ins have indicated any special dietary needs. Leeza nodded to herself. Can’t say I mind that. She tapped the list with a finger. I see Slick Billy is coming back again.

    Slick Billy? Brooke looked down at the list and a slight frown marred her brow. You must mean William Talbot.

    Jamie grinned in spite of herself. Oh, yeah. Billy Talbot is slick all right, but of course we only call him that behind his back.

    Why do I know that name? Brooke had assumed the duties of office manager at the beginning of the season and wasn’t yet familiar with their return customers. I feel as though I should know who he is.

    Jamie paused to think for a moment. I suppose if you don’t follow sports you might not have heard of him. Remember how the Blue Jays were doing so well about six or eight years ago?

    Brooke shook her head. Sorry.

    That’s okay. He played for the Blue Jays and was a terrific pitcher. He blew out his arm and had to retire but he’s still famous. The press gave him the nickname of Slick Billy because he was a real ladies’ man and he always managed to escape before he got seriously involved. A love ’em and leave ’em kind of guy.

    Oh. Brooke looked disappointed. Sounds like he earned his nickname. I’ve met enough men like that to last a lifetime.

    You? Jamie pulled back and looked at her Office Manager. "With your looks you could have any man that walks through

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