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Played: Played, #1
Played: Played, #1
Played: Played, #1
Ebook129 pages2 hours

Played: Played, #1

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About this ebook

My name is Desmond Kurtshaw and I AM The Silent Butcher. I spend my nights hunting my prey and my days playing The Silent Butcher in a new television series. 
One of the detectives charged with finding the killer has been assigned to the production company as an advisor. She's here to ensure the authenticity of the show, not that I need any advice. However, being this close to Detective Holloway is a thrill ride in itself. One I wasn't expecting, but one that makes the game that much sweeter - Desmond

PublisherCandace Dowds
Release dateFeb 26, 2019
Played: Played, #1

Candace Dowds

Candace began writing after the passing of her son in 2009. It has been an emotional release for her. She is supported by her family and friends. Other than the time she is writing, she sits back for hours reading books by her favorite authors, Tijan Meyer, Rachel Vincent, Richelle Mead, Colleen Hoover, Claudia Gray, Jay McLean and so many more. That or she will go for a calming drive while listening to Eminem, Slim Shady, Marshall Mathers or The Rap God, whichever you would like to call him. Her kids are just like her, sarcastic, but fun loving. The rules she lives by 1 Don't take life too seriously 2 Don't live up to others ridiculous expectations 3 Surround yourself with people who love you for you 4 If life becomes too much, have a stiff drink and start again tomorrow.

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    Played - Candace Dowds

    To my kids who are experts at driving me crazy, I love you.

    To my readers, if it weren’t for you, I’d be stuck behind a desk or in a kitchen working minimum wage. Thank you for helping me continue to do what I love.

    Until I was just eight years old, I lived in Leeds, England. I was always a good child, but I knew that being on screen was my passion.

    Day after day, all I did was practice building my craft as I stood in front of the mirror. Eventually, my parents made the decision to move us to America, to a town called Altadena, Los Angeles. They couldn’t afford Hollywood, but they managed to find us a two-bedroom apartment in that place that wasn’t too cramped.

    They knew I was set for stardom and that I wouldn’t stop until I fulfilled my dream. My father found a job close by, while my mother spent her days driving me to either my tutors or to auditions. However, one night, after I’d been filming a TV commercial for a new cereal, I waited with my handler for hours, but they never showed.

    It turned out that they were killed by a drunk driver while rushing to the studio to pick me up.

    Because I had no family members living in America, and the ones that lived in England weren’t willing to take me on, I was placed in foster care.

    The only problem with that was the fact that the two put in charge of my wellbeing were the ones who put me at risk.

    Day after fucking day, those two assholes physically and emotionally abused me to the point where I wanted to kill them.

    Eventually, the social worker caught on and moved me to another home, but there was never a reprieve. It became clear that most people who entered the foster care system as caregivers only did it for the money. There was never any love or compassion, and the continuous abuse left me dead inside.

    When I was sixteen, I up and left the fifth foster home I’d been placed in. I lived on the streets and managed to get a few odd jobs, here and there. As soon as I’d pulled together enough money I bought a piece of shit car, and that’s where I lived while working at a supermarket and going to auditions.

    Eventually, I scored a recurring role on a TV sitcom and the money from that was more than enough for me to live on. I then went on to do guest spots and commercials, until I could afford to live in Beverly Hills. That had always been a part of the dream.

    Even though I was beginning to live life in the fast lane, I still had a dark side, one I’d managed to keep buried deep down in my gut. I desperately tried not to let that fucker creep up to the surface. I had so much pent-up anger, but I never went back to kill those sons of bitches who’d tortured me for all those years because I knew the authorities would put two and two together and they’d come after me. I didn’t intend to spend my life in a four by-five-foot cell, behind a set of bars that would keep me from living out my dream.

    However, the darkness bubbled to the surface one evening when I was at the supermarket looking for a bottle of Jim Beam. Bourbon was the one thing that had kept me from killing those who’d burned me. But the minute I saw that mother slap her child in the liquor aisle, stopping myself wasn’t something I could bring myself to do anymore.

    The kid was so tiny, he couldn’t have been more than four years old, and the bitch never stopped yelling at him. The kid couldn’t even look around at the shelves without her berating or slapping him, and I snapped. This bitch was going to be dead by my hands, tonight, but not in front of the boy. No, I was going to follow her and make sure the child was safe first.

    When she had him in her car and drove out of the parking lot, I followed them for the ten-minute ride. I sat in silence outside the two-story house, waiting and watching.

    Humans fascinate me; they never seem to notice what’s going on around them. Is it because they want to stay oblivious to the dangers lurking in the shadows, or are they just that stupid? I only ask because the woman I’d followed walked out of her front door carrying a black garbage bag, and even as she went to move along the dark side of her home, she didn’t even bother to look around, not even for a moment, to see if she could spot a predator. I guess I should have been grateful because it made my job even easier.

    Although I’d never planned on acting out my fantasies, I had always kept a dagger, gloves, and a scalpel in my car, just in case.

    With these items sheathed and in the pocket of my cargo pants, I slip out of my car, careful not to make a noise when closing the door. Then, with stealth, I race across the road. I run over the front lawn and down the side of the house, where I’d seen the woman walk just a moment ago.

    I catch up to her just as she places the bag into the bin, slipping my gloved hand over her mouth. I wrap my other arm around her torso, keeping her arms trapped while she tries to fight me off, but I work out every day and I also have at least five inches of height on her.

    Looking around, I find a nook under the back porch where we won’t be seen, but first I need to shut the bitch up.

    Quickly, I reach into my pocket and grab the dagger. Pulling it from its cover, I then slip it up and under her ribcage until the blade penetrates her heart.

    Within moments, she’s stopped fighting me and I take on her weight as she slumps in my arms. Dragging her limp body into the nook, I lay her out in front of me, taking a moment to admire my handy work. Soon enough, my brain clicks and I realize that the longer I stay here, the more likely it is that I’ll get caught.

    Taking the scalpel from my pocket, I kneel beside the body. I pulled off the cap and begin to expertly cut off her lips. If she had no lips, she couldn’t talk, or yell. Yes, I knew she was almost dead, but that didn’t matter. All that mattered was that she wouldn’t ever be able to do it again.

    When the cuts have been made, I hold up the bloody lips and smile, a sense of satisfaction and endorphins rushing through my body. Then I snapped out of it, pulled the dagger from her chest, and hightailed it out of there.

    For weeks, I waited for the police to show up at my door, ready to arrest me, considering I hadn’t been all that well prepared. When they didn’t come, the drive to kill grew.

    Wanting to be better prepared, I put together a kill kit. A bag that consisted of a black, long-sleeved cotton shirt, a pair of black jeans, a pair of black trainers with rubber soles that I’d melted down so there was no way to trace the tread pattern if I were to leave a footprint behind at a scene. They’re also two sizes too big, to further throw authorities off. There was also a dagger, a scalpel, black zip-ties, and black latex gloves. The perfect kill kit and I kept it in my 2013 Chevy Silverado, the car I used to follow my prey.

    Never did I use my dream car, the car I’d bought when I received my very first million-dollar paycheck for a job. My 1967 Shelby Mustang, the very one used in Gone In Sixty Seconds. No, because so many people drove the same Chevy Truck around Beverly Hills it seemed to blend in, it was the perfect disguise.

    After my fifth kill, the police branded me ‘The Silent Butcher’ because I cut the lips off all my victims. Personally, I thought it was a little tacky, but it wasn’t like I could call them and ask for a new handle, could I?

    However, the kicker came a few months ago, just after my thirty-second birthday. One afternoon, my agent, Leo Denaldi showed up at my house, telling me that he had the role of a lifetime set up for me, one he knew I wouldn’t be able to refuse.

    Taking him poolside, under the shade and away from the sun’s rays, I handed him a glass of bourbon and coke. The skinny, balding, short man, who packs a punch when he needs to, tells me, You’re not going to believe the offer that came in this morning. It’s one I know you won’t hesitate to take on.

    Oh yeah? Not much surprises me these days, my man, but you can try, I tell him in my English accent before I take another sip from my drink.

    "They’re making a TV series about The Silent Butcher, and they want you and your cocky attitude to star in it. You’re the main man, Desmond. They’re lined up to make two seasons, to start with, and they’re offering twelve million a season. What do you think?"

    As excitement bubbles within me, my cautious side diminishes and my cocky side takes over. "So, I’ll be playing The Silent Butcher? Did they say why they wanted an Englishman to play the part?" I have to know their reasoning before I decide to put myself out there. Although, who would ever come to the conclusion that the man playing the part, is actually the man doing the killings?

    He shrugs. They know your cocky reputation, and they think you’re a good fit, nothing more. They love your work and they love you. They want a sexy serial killer, someone that’ll bring the female viewers in. So? Are you in? he urges. But when I don’t answer immediately, he adds, You’re killing me, Desmond! I love seeing him squirm.

    A TV series written about me, for me? Fuck yes, I’m in. "I’ll

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