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Edge: The Golden Trilogy, #3
Edge: The Golden Trilogy, #3
Edge: The Golden Trilogy, #3
Ebook309 pages4 hours

Edge: The Golden Trilogy, #3

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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Goldilocks has a new role to play. She and Dov Baer will draw the final battle lines and win the war—or die trying.

Securing a stronghold inside the enemy's walls, Auluria and Dov must fight to keep their deception concealed, but Shadoe's hunger for power might undo all of their work as they race for the Camps to free the young men and women being held there who could become their new allies in the war.

In their greatest battle yet, Goldilocks and the three Baers will have to fight for the fate of their country, bring down a corrupt enemy, and topple the Wall—but they never saw this coming. No one will make it out unscathed—if they make it out at all.

Release dateOct 31, 2017
Edge: The Golden Trilogy, #3

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Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved how the story ended and how dov and Aluria fell in love. I think this was the best book I have ever read so far.It is so amazing and you should really read it if your into action/romance genres. I spent a whole day reading this book. I love this author and if you like this book then you should read her other series Jaded.?❤❤

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Edge - K.M. Robinson

My story ends like this:

Having been discovered, Goldilocks is forced to fight for her life, clawing her way away from the enemy. With her new family by her side, she runs into the war to free her people, but not everyone will survive. As she discovers that every choice she makes, she will be held accountable for, she must do everything in her power to survive the consequences of her actions.

But the stories of Goldilocks and the Three Baers never mentioned just how deadly my story really was. No one ever said I would lose people on both sides of the war. They always forget to mention that I would have to do horrifying things just to survive and protect the people that I love.

My name is Auluria, but the world knows me as Goldilocks, and I won’t stop until the entire Society has heard my name and taken a stand…one way or another. The Society will fall.

My fingers failed me, tangling in my hair. Everything was muffled as I struggled to hide myself. Voices echoed inside my head, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying.

Suddenly, I was snapped forward, jolted back to reality. Fixing my hood no longer mattered. Anetta tried to support me as I crashed into her. I came alive, realizing that we were under attack.

The Society men lunged toward us in the foyer of the mansion. I was suddenly grateful Canton had been led away before the soldiers realized who I was. Justin had good timing.

The noise of the fight dulled over the loud tearing of fabric. A red tapestry boasted a long tear, threatening to topple from its place on the wall. The ripping cloth drew my attention when it shouldn’t have, making me involuntarily turn. A rough hand on my shoulder forced me to reach for the knife resting on my hip, its jagged edges begging to be used.

I sliced the man’s arm, silently hoping that it was the worst damage I would have to do. Blood bubbled up on his skin as his eyes grew narrow and fiery. The man’s nails dug into me in what I assumed would end in yet another scar on my body which was already marred by so many tales.

Gregory took the man down just as I drew back to attack once more. He nodded at me solemnly; the first time I’d ever seen him anything less than flirtatious.

Behind you, he nodded.

I spun on my heels to confront whatever waited for me, my hair splaying out with my movements. Instead of being confronted with an attack, I found Shadoe grappling with a soldier.

Here, I announced just loudly enough for my former handler to hear me.

I stepped beside him, taking a defensive position. Before I could help, Shadoe leaped forward and snapped the man's neck. Shock waved over me in the two seconds between the dead man hitting the floor and another soldier rolling over my shoulder as I ducked, tossing him effortlessly as he attacked.

Shadoe looked impressed as I stood back up, having felt the man’s approach and flipped him over. I turned away from Shadoe to see where else I could help and was immediately confronted with Dov’s eyes, ten feet away. They were wide and surprised, but that same brilliant shade of deep blue.

I smiled to let him know I wasn’t hurt, but it immediately faded as a soldier approached him. I jerked my head to the side to give him warning before I raised my hands, using my left arm to steady myself, and released my knife at the soldier. It embedded itself in the man just before Dov attacked.

Auluria! Silas shouted a warning, looking beyond me. "Anetta."

I followed his gaze to where Anetta was fighting off two soldiers and failing. One grabbed her around the waist, attempting to lift her off the ground. Eden launched herself at the second man, kicking him so hard in the hip that I thought I heard it crunch. He toppled into a man beside him, taking them both to the ground. Shadoe and Locust appeared out of nowhere, slicing the soldiers’ throats.

I ran to Anetta as she kicked in the air. She bit down on the man’s hand, making him shriek and swear. I pulled an extra knife from my boot, plunging it into her captor’s arm. The blond fell to the floor, bouncing up as soon as she hit the stone. Pulling her own knife, she drove it into the soldier’s leg. His boot helped to protect him from her attack. He grabbed Anetta’s hair, ripping it out from under the hood that only partially covered her head.

Locust—having finished off the men Eden had kicked down—stood up and took three wide steps forward. His hand dug into the soldier’s wrist as he held him in place. His grip forced the man to release Anetta. He pulled back, preparing to hit the man as I turned.

Fancy seeing you here. The low voice sent tingles up my spine.

The knife glistened in his hand as it moved toward me. The blood had been wiped off, though only so much could be removed from the strange, jagged blade without a proper cleaning. My sight traveled up the length of his arm to his face.

Your knife, my lady. Dov smiled before growing serious. Are you okay, Auluria?

I took the blade from him, heat exploding through my hand when our skin touched. Tucking my backup weapon away in my boot, I opted to keep the knife Shadoe had provided for us.

So far, I replied. You?

Yeah, he mumbled before another soldier moved toward us.

I moved behind him, taking a position to cover his back. Hearing Dov fighting without being able to see him made me slow as I focused on what he was doing. I forced myself to block him out of my thoughts in order to protect him.

I kicked a soldier causing a sharp pain to crawl up my ankle where I had injured it before the attack on the mansion. I sucked in a deep breath, trying to control the burn creeping through my leg.

The soldier came at me again, yelling something I blocked out. I lowered my stance just enough to get a secure footing, putting as much weight as I could on my uninjured leg without throwing myself off balance. When he moved, I elbowed him in the nose. Blood gushed down his face.

He stepped forward again, undeterred by my hit. I prepared to strike, but suddenly, he fell at my feet. Silas lowered his weapon, having used it to hit the man in the head, knocking him out.

Miss me? he asked as he turned our two-person team into a trio.

Nice to see you haven’t died, I could hear the grin in Dov’s voice as he called over his shoulder.

Reinforcements are here, Silas informed us.

I glanced around, noticing that most of our team was in the foyer. Berwyn had made his way to Eden and Anetta, who appeared to have formed a partnership during the fight. Ben and Carter must have finished securing Wallace's men if they were available to join the combat, leaving us one less thing to worry about during the battle.

You all okay? Raselin yelled from a few feet away as he fought with a soldier.

I stepped ahead, darting my good leg out to sweep the Society man's feet out from under him. He crashed forward, nearly taking Raselin down with him. A tooth bounced across the ground, looking like a horrifying white bug skittering across the forest floor. I heard every ding and scrape it made as it moved.

Raselin nodded and shrugged when the man didn’t get up.

Works for me, he added.

Shadoe! Dov warned loudly.

Shadoe, no! I echoed when I saw that my former fiancé was doing as much damage as he had when he threatened Canton in the weapons room. Bodies littered the floor. We need them.

Nikko took out another Society soldier before looking to Shadoe for direction. I searched for Ella but didn’t see her in the room. I tried not to think about what mission Shadoe had sent her on that would have prevented her from joining the fight.

Shadoe nodded, knowing he had to play by the rules in a room filled with people who would not tolerate his deadly behavior. Berwyn’s people and Raselin’s group would work together to outnumber Shadoe’s team if anything were to happen.

Give up now and you won’t get hurt. Berwyn’s voice filled the room, giving the remaining Society men an option.

Most of the soldiers relented and stopped fighting, knowing they were outnumbered. One man rushed forward, refusing to back down. He launched himself at Devin. I leaped forward, despite knowing I would not be able to reach him in enough time to help. Devin tossed the man over his shoulder, protecting his newly-healed arm. He kicked the man's arm, making him cringe into himself. Carter stooped down to bind the man's wrists behind him.

I found Silas and Dov giving me questioning looks when I turned back to them, having only made it a few feet forward to help Devin.

You didn’t actually think you were going to help that situation, did you? Eden scoffed from behind me.

I was going to try, I growled back at her, knowing she wasn’t being malicious, but also not caring of her intentions.

Get these men taken care of, Berwyn announced. Quickly. We still have to handle the men outside.

This isn’t over yet, Raselin added.

We quickly scrambled to determine who was awake, unconscious, or dead. The men who gave themselves up were bound and taken to the cells. I walked a man down the dark corridors with Eden and her charge as Dov and Silas carried an unconscious man behind us.

The cells were as bad as I remembered. The chill seeped into my bones as the hollow silence filled every space in my body. The last time I was there, I was meant to die, and my cousin, Lowell, had been the one to sentence me. The walls held the memory of my last conversation with my cousin.

Eden tensed next to me, her gait becoming stiff. She pushed the soldier forward with sharp fingers to his back between his shoulder blades. I forbade my muscles from tightening around my captive's hands; he didn't need to know my terror.

Dov and Silas looked less concerned about being in the space. I assumed they had been down here since our arrival. Dov had spent so much time in the mansion during his captivity that it was practically his second home. It didn’t seem to affect them to be back in the cells… or they hid it well.

Right, Dov instructed as we neared the end of the hall.

We turned, finding another series of hallways.

Take the first one, Silas said, his voice strained under the weight of the unconscious man he was helping to carry.

We steered our charges down the walkway and found ourselves in an entirely new wing of cells.

I didn’t realize this was down here, Eden mumbled.

The man in front of me started to say something. My nails dug into his wrists silencing him before he could start.

We locked the men up, keeping them bound to prevent them from helping each other inside the cells. Dov and Silas checked all the locks on the prison doors before we left.

We didn't either until we explored once we got in, Silas explained, once we were away from the Society men.

"I didn’t even see all of this," Dov commented as I slipped an arm around his waist, tucking myself under his arm as we walked through the muted gray lights of the cell passageways.

Shadoe and Raselin walked toward us, carrying another unconscious man. I expected Shadoe to try to talk to me, but instead, he locked eyes with Dov. They held each other's gaze until we passed, continuing to the foyer to see if we needed to move more Society bodies.

Several of our people filed past us, moving the Society prisoners to their new living quarters deep below the magistrate’s mansion. I watched for my friends as we moved.

You okay? Dov whispered quietly in my ear, his lips tangling in my hair.

I nodded, not trusting myself to answer out loud. His hand tightened against my hip, pulling me closer. I leaned toward him, resting my head on his shoulder for a moment before stepping into the foyer.

Berwyn noticed us as we stepped into the light, motioning us to join him. Eden hurried to take her spot by her husband. His fingers slipped around her hand quietly at their sides so that only our tight circle could see.

We have control of the mansion again, but we're going to need to handle the soldiers outside, Berwyn guided the conversation, his angry tone ever-present. We're going to have to use Canton to deal with the courtyard.

Can we trust him? Eden asked before I could open my mouth to speak.

Where is he? I followed up.

Justin is still guarding him. Apparently, he got Canton to a cell and kept him ready in case we needed to use him to end the fight down here. Berwyn grimaced at the thought of coming so far only to play our hand before we were ready. He's still with him…I'm assuming because he's thinking what we're all thinking—Shadoe will do something reckless.

No surprise there. Silas and Dov murmured at the same time.

What’s the plan? I asked, knowing I probably wouldn’t like it. I wasn’t fond of not knowing the next step. It reminded me too much of my time with Lowell.

We’re going to have to take Canton out and have him calm the courtyard. Dov took my hand, mirroring Berwyn and Eden. And, once we’ve done that, we have to get a stronghold in the towns.

Dov glanced at Berwyn.

One of us is going to have to go out and tell the people what is going on. They’ll side with us, but right now, they have no idea what’s going on here. Once we do that, then we can start to use Canton against the Society.

And who is going to go out into the towns to do that? I asked.

Dov’s eyes shifted to me.

No, I forbade it. You are not going out there. Someone else can go.

It has to be one of us, Dov tried to persuade me. Berwyn can’t go. He needs to stay here and lead everyone. If it can’t be him, it has to be me.

"What if I go?" I insist, trying to find another way.

No offense, Auluria, Silas interjected. But even though people have heard about you, you still worked for Lowell, and Lowell is dead. They might not know which side you are on.

Despite the fact that you did all this, babe, the famous Goldilocks is still not as well-known as the sons of Griz Baer. Dov grinned, teasing me.

That’s not fair.

We can’t all be famous, Auluria. Dov’s eyes sparkled as much as they did the time we sat on the floor of his house, mending socks and fantasizing about taking on the Society soldiers.

"Auluria might not be famous, but Necesta has been awfully quick to start spreading tales of Goldilocks, Raselin said, sidling up to the group, running his fingers through his dark brown hair. Don't underestimate her…she knows what she's doing."

Which one? Silas smirked.

Both. Raselin leveled a glare at him, removing Silas’s joking grin.

The point is, Berwyn growled, That we need to handle making Canton cooperate first.

Are we considering letting Shadoe handle this? Raselin asked with concern. He seems to be the one the Magistrate fears, but do we really want to let him oversee Canton?

Do we have a choice? I asked. I trusted him more than the others did, but I still didn’t like what Shadoe was turning into.

Can Justin handle it? He did well before the fight. Silas suggested.

He can handle it, Dov, Raselin, and I all said in unison.

The better question is whether we can afford to have Justin be Canton’s handler and lose him for everything else.

Would it be better to let Shadoe oversee Canton and let Justin help with the missions we're running? Eden added, tucking a lock of hair back over her shoulder. It caught on the hood of her uniform as it lay on her back, leaving the strand of hair at a strange angle.

The group took a collective breath, puzzling out the best choice for the good of the team. It was quickly interrupted as Talley walked up.

Whatever we’re planning on doing, we need to do it now. The Society men outside are not going to wait any longer, she announced. What’s the strategy?

The tall woman glanced at me, then to Raselin, looking for an answer. When we didn't speak, she turned to Berwyn.

Well? she prompted.

Do we have a plan yet? Devin bounded up next to his sister, looking out of breath.

Are you okay? I asked as he leaned forward to calm his rapid breathing.

Yeah, I just ran from Justin to find out what's going on.

Is he okay up there with Canton? Talley asked, concern filling her voice.

He’s fine. Canton is behaving. But Shadoe is up there, so we’d better get moving if you weren’t the ones to send him.

Everyone turned, sprinting toward the flight of stairs. Deep red carpet covered the stair, so soft it felt like layers of moss piled on top of each other.

Time to vote, Berwyn said. Who do we leave in charge of Canton?

Justin. Eden cast her vote first.

Justin, Talley added, assuming her vote counted as part of the leadership vote.

Justin, Devin echoed a vote for his brother.

Shadoe. I shocked the Hersh siblings into looking at me. We need Justin elsewhere and this will give Shadoe something less destructive to do. Plus, Canton is already under his thumb. He’s terrified of him.

She makes a good point, Raselin nodded. Shadoe.

Shadoe. Silas grimaced.

Dov only sighed and nodded once.

Shadoe, Berwyn finished the count.

You’re not moving him. Justin’s voice rang out as we approached the room Canton was being held in.

Get out of the way, Hersh. We don’t have time for this. Shadoe threatened.

You're not taking him until I have confirmation that he is really supposed to be moved, Justin argued.

Are you really going to take me on? Shadoe’s strong voice filled the hallway.

Enough, I shouted, still far enough away that I wouldn't be able to step between the men, even if I wanted to.

I rounded the corner to find Shadoe and Justin facing off, chest puffed out and standing at full height. Canton leaned against the corner as I peeked over Berwyn’s tall shoulder. The magistrate looked defeated as he slumped against the wall, eyes bouncing back and forth between his captors. He perked up when he saw the top of my head peering at him from behind Berwyn.

Stand down, Raselin said from alongside Berwyn. Shadoe, we need you to handle the magistrate's announcement. Justin, you're working with these three.

He nodded to me, indicating Justin should follow us. My friend’s eyes bounced from Raselin, to me, to his siblings, and back to me. I nodded, hoping he would cooperate.

Reluctantly, he stepped aside, moving toward the door. Shadoe turned toward Canton.

Up, Shadoe commanded.

Canton scrambled to his feet, locking eyes with Shadoe, ready to obey.

Excuse me, Justin said quietly, slipping through the door once Berwyn and Raselin had stepped inside to give Canton directions.

Devin and Justin traded a look. Talley looked unimpressed with her brother’s decision to take on Shadoe.

What’s the plan? Justin asked.

You and Dov are leaving. Now, Eden said before anyone else could speak. They're handling Canton and quelling the soldiers outside. You two are sneaking out while the men are distracted by the announcement and you're going to rally the townspeople. We need them on our side.

Justin nodded.

And the rest of you?

We have things to do here. There really isn’t time to explain. You need to go. Eden reached out and put a hand on his arm, pulling him into motion. Dov followed quickly behind.

It took everything inside of me to force myself not to argue. Dov needed to do this—it was the only rational way. I had to stay and keep Shadoe in check. I was the only one that could.

We'll be back in a few hours, Dov whispered quietly. I'm not that easy to get rid of.

He grinned before surprising me with a quick kiss.

Don’t let this get out of hand. He took my hand and placed it on his chest when we reached the door.

I’ll watch him, I assured him.

Don't get caught, Talley said a few feet away. She patted her brother on the shoulder.

Come on, Justin said, nodding to Dov. Let’s get moving before the announcement starts.

The two men slipped out

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