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Aussie Rules Footy Song Parodies Book 1 (A-L)
Aussie Rules Footy Song Parodies Book 1 (A-L)
Aussie Rules Footy Song Parodies Book 1 (A-L)
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Aussie Rules Footy Song Parodies Book 1 (A-L)

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About this ebook

Over the past twelve years I have been writing parodies of songs to take the mickey out of how seriously Australians take their home grown sport of Australian rules football. Well known songs from the 50's, sixties, 70's and even the 80's have been the vehicle for my humorous take on what is akin to religion in Australia. I have also poked fun at some other sports in the process. Some over the years have been selected to play on radio as part of a Saturday sporting program. From the songs of Elvis and the Beatles through to Springsteen and Poison I have taken the opportunity to poke fun at some of the antics of individuals, fans and teams who make Australian Rules Football so Aussie. For those of you who are unaware Collingwood, is the most loved team by its fans and the most hated by everyone else. Their fans have been called everything from ferals to bogans and, from my experience, both words are high praise. Enjoy, but be warned you may never sing the original lyrics ever again without a smile on your face.

PublisherGreg Tuck
Release dateFeb 24, 2019
Aussie Rules Footy Song Parodies Book 1 (A-L)

Greg Tuck

I am a former primary teacher and principal, landscape designer and gardener and now a full time author living in Gippsland in the state of Victoria in Australia. Although I write mainly fictional novels, I regularly contribute to political blogs and have letters regularly published in local and Victorian newspapers. I write parodies of songs and am in the process of writing music for the large number of poems that I have written.

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    Aussie Rules Footy Song Parodies Book 1 (A-L) - Greg Tuck


    76 Trombones from the musical Music Man

    Seventy-six broken bones and still he played

    His smashed in jaw gave him a lopsided grin

    Though looking injured and sore,

    He still tried to score

    To try to help his team to win

    Seventy-six broken bones fixed with magic spray

    Dislocated fingers in both hands

    He staggered to his knees

    While his ears began to bleed

    And managed finally to stand

    Bandaged up so much he looked like a cocoon

    An ambulance and hearse were still on their way

    They’d be calling for a blanket and a gun soon

    He’d be put down, or at least he would be put away

    They’d restarted his heart with a battery

    And were able to clean up all of the gore

    And then perhaps

    He’d let himself collapse

    When the team at last had kicked a winning score

    Bat Out of Hell by Meatloaf

    A player lies reeling and somehow he’s sure that

    His knee isn’t feeling quite right

    The doc is hovering and then starts signalling

    That he’s done and dusted tonight

    The crowd’s gone silent for it’s dawned just why

    The player can’t stay up on his feet

    Supported by trainers he leaves the arena

    All fans and teammates look gutted

    And realise he’s done his knee

    There’s no time for worrying about him

    And if he will be all right

    The umpire has bounced the ball

    And they have to beat the other side

    The doc checks him out, and there is no doubt now

    Down in the medical room

    Back on the sideline he tries to pull himself together

    Season over,

    He knows what’s coming too

    He’s done his ACL and that’s the end of his season

    Under the knife he’ll go for his ACL, his year’s gone gone gone

    He’s done his ACL and that’s the end of his season

    When the surgery’s done

    It’s only just begun

    There’s so much rehab too

    The year will be more hell than heaven

    With all that he has to go through

    Cupid by Sam Cooke

    Stupid, what would they know

    Many times, I’ve told them so

    What good is an ice bath for me, for me?

    Stupid, a man might die

    Or things shrivel inside

    From that there’s no re-covery

    Now I don’t mean to anger them, but I get so stressed

    For with doctors I’m sure not impressed

    Show me research if it at all exists

    About this worst of tricks

    So, stupid, what would they know

    Many times, I’ve told them so

    What good is an ice bath for me?

    Ev’ryone can see

    Stupid, a man might die

    Or things shrivel inside

    From that there’s no re-covery

    Now, Sunday mornings in winter we stand in the sea

    They say it’s all about recovery

    Have they got water logged brains in their heads?

    We’d be better off in bed

    So, stupid, what would they know

    Many times I’ve told them so

    What good is an ice bath for me?

    Or a swim in the sea

    So, stupid, a man might die

    Or things shrivel inside

    From that there’s no re-covery

    Hey stupid, come and join me

    Calling you………….

    Little Boxes on the Hillside by Pete Seeger

    Tick the boxes for the doctors

    Tick the boxes and they’ll all be happy

    Tick the boxes. Tick the boxes

    Tick the boxes ‘spite the pain

    There’s bleeding from my eardrum

    And my tongue feels like bubblegum

    My eyes are not quite focussing

    But I’ll go back on again

    I didn’t see him coming

    I sure didn’t feel the impact

    Tick the boxes. Tick the boxes

    Tick the boxes despite the pain

    The world keeps on spinning

    Is that what it’s supposed to do?

    I think I have amnesia

    Does anyone know my name?

    I was stretchered from the oval

    And down into the change rooms

    Suffering hallucinations

    I do the test ‘cause I’m no fool

    The priest was giving last rites

    To a giant pink elephant

    But I put ticks in the boxes

    And my score says that I am sane

    So, they give me some smelling salts

    Which taste really terrible

    I stumble to the interchange

    Where a zebra ticks my name

    I see hippos in bikinis

    There’s a blue one and a yellow one

    I am turned in the right direction

    And I run back on again

    I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts

    Everyone laughs if a player is hit in the nuts

    And give a sympathetic groan

    Football, cricket it is all the same

    And everyone, thinks it’s lots of fun

    And the highlight of the game

    Everyone laughs if a player is hit in the nuts

    He may be bent over or lying prone

    Though in great pain, they zoom in all the same

    Twittering it off on their mobile phone

    In the Ghetto by Elvis Presley

    A player lies,

    Slung in a tackle after going for the ball

    Trainers gather round and then the Doc calls

    For the stretcher

    And the crowd rise,

    They don’t mind the stop in play

    They’re worried for Robbie Gray

    On the stretcher

    As fans, they understand

    About the man on the ground

    That’s not the way that he should end his day

    They stand there to look and see

    Just how hurt he might be

    Not a sound is heard

    When the ump calls a halt on play

    They’re all concerned about Robbie Gray

    As the cold wind blows

    Every fan stands in their ponchos

    For the stretcher

    Their stomachs churn

    As the stretcher starts to leave the ground

    Clapping and cheering begins all around

    For the stretcher

    They’re aware of the situation as he gets taken away

    Port’s fav’rite son, a forward star, his day is done, the game is marred

    And the crowd sighs

    Then the whistle blows and they begin to shout

    And very soon they’ve forgotten about

    The stretcher

    It’s no surprise,

    They won’t think of it ‘til the game is won

    What was the name of that someone

    On the stretcher?

    Is he all right?

    The Ballad of Easy Rider by The Byrds

    Your hamstring goes

    It goes suddenly

    When your hamstring goes

    It’s a bad injury

    And yet you know

    As you go off the ground

    Recovery’s slow

    About six rounds

    It is not as bad

    As doing knees

    As an ACL

    Needs arthroscopy

    Though it’s a blow

    Confidence goes down

    For you never know

    If it will stay sound

    Or it will go

    Far more easily

    So, you now go


    And you run slow

    The coach you hope

    Just doesn’t see

    And only the doctor knows

    About your anxiety

    More hamstrings go

    And players breakdown

    From too much workload

    On too harder grounds.

    Do What You Do Do Well by Ned Miller

    Down for the eight and counting

    He lay there clutching his knee

    His face was contorted in all sorts of pain

    As he writhed in agony

    You’ve done your ACL boy

    You’ve done your ACL

    He felt that his world had been torn apart

    Because he’d done his ACL

    The pain was like no other

    In his brief footy history

    He wasn’t prepared for what lay ahead

    There’d be a year in recovery

    You’ve done your ACL boy

    You’ve done your ACL

    He felt that his world had been torn apart

    Because he’d done his ACL

    He might not be the same after

    It was enough to make a grown man cry

    His tears ran free at his tragedy

    He had to kiss a year goodbye

    You’ve done your ACL boy

    You’ve done your ACL

    He felt that his world had been torn apart

    Because he’d done his ACL

    Done to Soon by Neil Diamond

    Quad on ice, blinded eyes

    Grating hip, bulging disc

    And a hernia that’s

    Starting to swell

    Shattered shin, dented chin

    Broken tooth, sore bruised glute

    And his hamstrings have

    All been shot to hell

    Fractured fibula, broken tibia

    Jaundiced yellow, damaged elbow

    Infected birth mark

    And a septic tattoo

    Damaged toe, unknown growth

    Shown on CAT scan, bring the bedpan

    Because it looks like

    He’s about to spew

    But he’s still out there

    Doing his share

    There’s still a Grand Final to be won

    Wouldn’t go to the medical room

    There’s still a Grand Final to be won

    No time to lick your wounds

    To pain he’s become immune

    Dream a Little Dream of Me by Mama Cass

    He went to take a hanger

    Using an old mate as a step ladder

    Now he’s undergoing urgent surgery

    After failing to take a speckie

    How sore must his wrist be?

    Broke it as he fell on his twisted knee

    He should stick to his commentary

    Stead of trying for a great speckie

    Stars fading not quietly into the background

    Still acting like kids

    Not acting like there age is now

    Can lead to this

    Past dreams should be left behind you

    Aching bodies are there to remind you

    You’re closer to senility

    Than taking a great speckie

    Eve of Destruction by Barry McGuire

    His leg is strapped, to stop the bleeding

    Vital signs, the doctor’s reading

    The stretcher’s brought out, the ground he’s leaving

    If he was a horse, they’d bring out black sheeting

    But it’s a morphine shot, that he’s really needing

    Please don’t tell him

    His season’s over, yes over, my friend

    He’s going to need

    A complete knee


    Eve of Destruction by Barry McGuire

    Hawthorn’s season, started imploding

    The day Mitchell’s, leg was broken

    It wasn’t the news, that they’d been hopin’

    Bookies struck him off, from Brownlow votin’

    Even before the surgeons, started probin’

    On the telly

    Said over and over and over again, it’ll mend 

    But, we have to believe

    He’ll spend a year out of action

    Who’s going to amass, his stats in a game?

    Maybe Sam Mitchell could come back and play

    Wearing a disguise but with the same name

    Even so they won’t make the top eight

    [Take a look around ya Hawks. Haven’t a prayer ya Hawks]

    On the telly

    Said over and over and over again, it’ll mend 

    But, we have to believe

    He’ll spend a year out of action

    Francis Bourke would have played on without hesitation

    But now the League has rules and regulations

    How did the Hawks end up in this situation?

    It’s something of their own creation

    What the coach said’s not fit for publication

    And no-one knows what he’s contemplatin’

    Watch out walls as he vents his frustration

    On the telly

    Said over and over and over again, it’ll mend 

    But, we have to believe

    He’ll spend a year out of action

    Every little Bit Hurts by Brenda Holloway

    Every little bit hurts

    Every little bit hurts

    Just above my eye

    And my left thigh

    I’m trying not to cry

    There’s broken bones

    And I can’t feel my toes

    And the pain just mounts

    And the pain just mounts

    Glad I can’t see

    All my injuries

    Shattered knees

    My leg is broken in two

    Left with just one front tooth

    Glad now at last

    The ambulance has come for me

    Looks like I will

    Miss quite a few games

    As my nose starts to bleed

    Doctors tell me

    I’ll need surgery

    Never seen one like this before

    Then they talked about their fees, yeah

    That just adds to the hurt

    That just adds to the hurt

    Well they’re overjoyed

    I’ll keep them employed

    All I can say’s

    How much will I pay?

    Then they put me, on the gurney

    My world’s crashed in

    I just can’t win,

    Dropped my dim sim

    And it landed right on the floor

    To be squashed by feet, yeah

    That’s what really hurts

    That’s what really hurts

    That’s what really hurts

    That’s what really hurts

    Father and Son by Cat Stevens

    No-one left on interchange

    We’re chock full of injuries

    Punctured lung, medial strain

    To hospital, two had to go

    The captain has, gone down

    From the ground he’s been carried

    And the coach, you can tell, he’s not happy

    He’s come out on the ground and you can see that he’s seething

    He’s not calm and wants to know what’s going on

    Change of ends, well we got

    Such a spray when he lost the plot

    It may be fine for the seniors, but for Little League it’s not

    Our parents tried to explain, that it’s just a game

    There’s no need for this ‘no guts no glory’

    And there’s much more to life than sport and just winning

    Didn’t stop his tirade and as we went back out to play

    Our tears began to flow

    Well we got thrashed in the game

    Left the ground feeling hollow

    We’re so young, it’s not our fault

    It’s a shame what we had to go through……………

    Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover by Paul Simon

    The problem is the hamstring in your leg, he said to me

    "The answer is easy if you take it logically

    I'd like to help you in your struggle to get ready

    You’ve just got fifteen days to recover"

    He said, "Your chances aren’t looking very good

    But you’d like to know that you’ve done all that you could

    Nod your head to show that you’ve understood

    You’ve just got fifteen days to recover

    Fifteen days to recover"

    Just swim in the sea, please

    Walk in the sand, man

    A bath full of ice’s nice

    But watch those knees

    Try not to bend, friend

    Lots of high carb food’s good

    Just please don’t choose booze

    And you’ll be ready

    Folsom Prison Blues by Johnny Cash

    I feared Buddy was comin’

    Not on his kicking bend

    Though I was in the best position

    This could be my bitter end

    I’ve got a bad concussion

    I can see stars in the day

    But one thing I learned was

    Don’t get in Buddy’s way

    He took out Gary Rohan

    Two weeks ago today

    Horse said "Better watch out.

    We need some left to play"

    Now he’s done it again

    And all I can see is sky

    I’ve gotta massive headache

    Feel like I might die

    He wears blinkers when he’s leading

    He focuses on the ball

    If you stand between them

    You’re the one who’ll fall

    So if you hear Buddy comin’

    You better hope and pray

    That your feet start a movin’

    And you get out of his way

    Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen

    Now they’ve told me that those days are gone

    But memories still linger on

    A hit, like a freight train, running through yer

    A roundhouse hit by some half wit

    Chicken wings and scissors lifts

    They'd say, You’ll get what’s coming to yer!

    Fractured tibia, broken fibula

    Shattered femur, busted u-u-u-ulna

    A broken jaw and a missing tooth

    Is all you need as living proof

    You’d get what’s really coming to yer

    Accidental grab of hair

    A wedgie breaking your underwear

    And from split lips you scream I’ll do yer!

    Fractured tibia, broken fibula

    Shattered femur, busted u-u-u-ulna

    You get up despite the pain

    To get hit by another train

    You hit the ground and start seeing stars

    When you play the Pines just take my word

    They want you just to feel the hurt

    The crowd there are quite peculiar

    Fractured tibia, broken fibula

    Shattered femur, busted u-u-u-ulna

    Saw it coming, felt the crunch

    Fingers numb lost sense of touch

    My eyes are black, I can’t see through them

    There’s a hearse pulling up to park

    My head is swimming, it’s going dark

    They’re saying, You got what’s coming to yer

    Feeling peculiar, feeling peculiar.

    Feeling peculiar, feeling peculiar.

    Feeling peculiar, feeling peculiar.

    Feeling peculiar, feeling peculiar.

    Feeling peculiar, feeling peculiar.

    Handle With Care by The Traveling Wilburys

    Been beat up and battered 'round

    Been set upon, and I've been knocked down

    Now I’m carried on a stretcher off the ground

    To intensive care

    My brain they think isn’t saveable

    Last rites they say is advisable

    My condition is now unstable

    I’m in intensive care

    Why’s the banner built so strongly

    Surely they build it with more give

    I thought crepe paper was meant to tear

    Everybody looked at me and they laughed long

    As my body hit the ground, they cheered on

    I was carried off, looking like a fool

    I was taunted and ridiculed

    To leave that way was so uncool

    Life is so unfair

    Love Hurts by Nazareth

    Bumps hurt, you see stars, bumps wound

    and jar leave mental scars

    If you’re not tough or strong enough

    They cause a lot of pain, cause a lot of pain

    Bumps are really just

    A physical part of the game

    Bumps hurt…….. ooh, ooh bumps hurt

    I’m tough I know but even so

    A shirtfront, given to you

    Splits you right in two

    You’re flattened on the spot, flattened on the spot

    Bumps are part of the game

    Whether you’re ready or not

    Bumps hurt…….. ooh, ooh bumps hurt

    I lost some consciousness,

    Knocked out I guess, with finesse

    Most bumps are witnessed

    And played again on TV

    I’ll be black and blue and every other hue

    I feel like I could die

    My lips are turning blue

    Bumps hurt…….. ooh, ooh bumps hurt

    ooh, ooh bumps hurt

    How Much is That Doggie in the Window by Patti Page

    On crutches with a knee reconstruction

    It’s a much often told footy tale

    On crutches doing rehabilitation

    Players knees seem so awfully frail


    9 to 5 by Dolly Parton

    Staggering to the phone

    Just to hear the coach pleading

    Looks like it’s me that he is needing

    I’m a footy star, it’s such a hard life

    Got half an hour

    Better start changing

    Grab my phone

    Hot dates I’m arranging

    Some people don’t know that they are alive


    Workin 2 to 5

    So hard making a living

    Maybe you should try

    Always being

    Chauffeur driven

    And working three hours

    One day on some weekends

    I get paid so much

    I don’t know how to spend it

    2 to 5 for all that adulation

    Well I know that I

    Am God’s gift to creation

    Such a figurehead

    And a lifestyle to match it

    I’m idolised day and night by the public


    Then there’s TV

    And the endorsements

    Just read the script

    It’s such a lot of nonsense

    They don’t realise I’ve lost another day

    Then some time

    Left to my own devices

    I always partake all the vices

    That money can buy

    But often I don’t have to pay.

    In the Early Morning Rain by Elvis Presley

    It’s a strange pre-season game

    The one called AFLX

    Just kick to kick on a square

    What will the League think of next?

    Flashing lights are everywhere

    Balloon animals are made for fans

    Players score up to twenty points

    In rules no-one understands

    There’s game changers and super goals

    And a thing called a launch zone

    The whole thing is a circus

    With a

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