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Waiting For Gideon
Waiting For Gideon
Waiting For Gideon
Ebook76 pages1 hour

Waiting For Gideon

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About this ebook

Before the tidal kiss...
There was the kiss that started it all.
A song is just a song... or is it? 
Return to the mer wedding of a lifetime with Patience and Gideon and discover the night that led to their unexpected connection in 1988 as musical nostalgia takes hold. 
Working at a Dairy Queen is not the life Patience imagined when she graduated with her art degree, but all that is about to change as Titus and Regus return to claim what they believe is theirs. In an attack on a stranger whom she feels strangely drawn to, Patience unwittingly lands herself in the sights of two of the Ocean's most dangerous predators. Can Gideon protect her? Or is what Patience needs to be saved from a little closer to home? 
In the story of how a very large fork ended up in the wrong hands, you can hop into the little red not-so-vintage and join Patience and Gideon as they re-live the night that started it all. 
This book is perfect for those who love the style of Anne Rice, Jodi Picoult, and Angela Carter- including supernatural elements mixed in with high fantasy detail and stunning romantic storylines, which intertwine seamlessly to create a retro yet otherworldly experience like no other.

This book is a prequel to The Tidal Kiss Trilogy. For the core novels in this saga, check out-

The Kiss That Killed Me
The Kiss That Saved Me
The Kiss That Changed Me
The Opal Blade
The Onyx Hourglass
The Obsidian Shard
Indigo Dusk
Violet Dawn
Lavender Storm
Queens of Fantasy

Release dateNov 18, 2017
Waiting For Gideon

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    Book preview

    Waiting For Gideon - Kristy Nicolle





    A Tidal Kiss Short by

    Kristy Nicolle

    First published by Kristy Nicolle, United Kingdom, July 2017


    Published July 2017 by: Kristy Nicolle

    Copyright © 2017 Kristy Nicolle

    Edited by: Jaimie Cordall

    Adult Paranormal/Fantasy Romance

    The right of Kristy Nicolle to be identified as author of this Work has been asserted by her in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the publisher. You must not circulate this book in any format.


    This ebook is written in U.K English by personal preference of the author. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    ISBN: 978-1-911395-08-9

    Dear reader,

    thanks for picking up Waiting for Gideon!

    Before I take you back to the funk of the eighties, I think it’s important you know that this story is a prequel to the tidal Kiss trilogy but might get a little confusing if you haven’t visited the Occulta Mirum before!

    Haven’t read the tidal Kiss trilogy?

    I suggest you get started!

    it’s quite the tail... I assure you.

    Kristy Nicolle x


    The Kiss That Killed Me

    The Kiss That Saved Me

    The Kiss That Changed Me

    This teensy-weensy book is dedicated to all the people who said I couldn’t ‘do’ a short story.


    I await your next challenge.









    The End




    The cold night air stirs around the gazebo, but does not disturb the warm glow emitting from my skin, as I stare out across the dancefloor at my daughter, who is wrapped up lovingly in her new husband. The sun has long since left the shore, and yet, the dull glow of fairy lights gives the space an utterly homey and enclosed feel. I gaze around at the other guests, all of whom seem to be lulled into a sleepy haze as the jazz band plays its final song and the DJ readies to take over.

    I seek out my youngest baby, heart hammering, as I realise that I’ve taken my eyes off her for far too long. I need not be worried though, as I catch sight of her wearing an exceedingly large suit jacket over her dress and chasing around the willowy pale woman with hair black as night, who ejected me from Callie’s room earlier this morning. It’s odd to me as I catch Orion’s sister smiling, chasing Kayla, how her face can be almost surreal in its beauty, as a rare expression takes over. Sitting alone at the table, I take it all in; my future family, the mer, who I have tried to forget for so long, only to discover I am destined to be with them after all.

    Patience. He says my name and my heart skips a beat. I’ve been trying to keep my distance emotionally, trying not to get carried away. After all, it’s been 18 years and so much has changed. I’ve aged, not even half the beauty I once was, and I’ve been married to another, the wrong other to be sure, but I feel like I’ve betrayed him. I promised him I’d wait, and I haven’t. I moved on. I let myself become distanced from my daughter and have become a shell of my former self as too many years have passed without him.

    Gideon, I reply, polite in intent as I turn now to face him with no clue what to say. He’s approaching from behind me, a glass of champagne in his hand, which he passes to me. I take it betwixt slender fingers, sipping on it cautiously and wondering how relaxed I should allow myself to become around him.

    I’ve put in a request with the DJ. I thought we could dance, he suggests and my heart flutters unwillingly. Why is it that despite the time that’s passed and that cannot be gotten back, I feel like a young woman again? How can he make me feel like I’ve never set eyes on another man before without any effort at all?

    Well I suppose we could again, we did dance earlier, I remind him and he smiles, though his expression turns awkward and his turquoise eyes sheen with unspoken anxiety. The dance we shared as the sun was setting had been stiff and routine, as though neither of us really wanted to dance at all, but thought we should, because it has become our duty as parents.

    We both stall in our attempt to keep the conversation going and watch Callie curtsey to Orion before they leave the floor together. The jazz band finishes the soothing late night melody and silence falls as they leave the premises promptly under the supervision of the overly energetic Italian, who has called me ‘darling’ so many times I’m beginning to wonder if she even remembers my name.

    So, what song did you request? I query Gideon, finding the silence suddenly unbearable as Callie glances our way and smiles to herself with a kind of knowing that you only see on the face of a guilty child.

    Well, would you believe that the DJ had a cassette player... like a new-fangled digital thing? Gideon informs me and my heart flutters again, insolent.

    Gideon... you didn’t. I narrow my eyes, but before he has a chance to answer, a few cracks and pops break the tension and a

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