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Alien Abduction Volume 1: Six True Personal Accounts
Alien Abduction Volume 1: Six True Personal Accounts
Alien Abduction Volume 1: Six True Personal Accounts
Ebook95 pages1 hour

Alien Abduction Volume 1: Six True Personal Accounts

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Alien Abduction! An amazing collection of 6 personal accounts of terror, fear and panic at the hands of the visitors from outer space. This is the first series of Alien Abduction tales by researcher and writer Martyn Collins. Are these series of accounts really to be believed? Only you can decide. A fascinating series for all those addicted to Alien stories!

What can possibly take place when a human being is snatched away from 'normality' and abducted by Aliens? What do they want? What really happens in their research laboratories, and how will it end, that is, if it does ever end? Love Alien Abduction stories? Then don't miss these fascinatingly, frightening accounts of Alien abduction – Highly recommended!

Table of Contents: #1: The Darkness, #2: A Friend's Situation, #3: Paradise in Question, #4: A Moment of Power, #5: Separated, #6: The Circle

A 'Must Have' collection from this fascinating series for all those addicted to Alien stories!

PublisherSteve Rowley
Release dateMar 17, 2019
Alien Abduction Volume 1: Six True Personal Accounts

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Nothing but fiction, and bad fiction at that. No thanks.

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Alien Abduction Volume 1 - Steve Rowley

#1: The Darkness

I’ve never been afraid of the dark. One might say I'm a stable individual, more than capable of challenging primal fears and irrational myths. I didn't believe in many of the things some might, including aliens from another world. This changed on the 8th of September in 2010.

It was the late evening, and the sun had long ago retreated beyond the horizon. You’d figure maybe it’d be another ordinary day in my neighborhood, but this wasn’t the case tonight. I was sitting at my desk with a soft drink in my hand. I’ve been staring at my monitor as I’ve so far sifted through hundreds of lines of programming code to make a correction.

This story isn’t about my job however. It wasn’t until I’ve sipped the last drop out of the can and set the aluminum container on the desk that I realized it was my last drink. It was time to get more from the mart a few blocks away, or I’ll be examining code while drowsy. That rarely ends well. I hopped to my feet with the intent to fix this problem. I grabbed my wallet off my desk and shoved it in my pocket. It was time to visit the store.

I scooped up my keys and was ready to go on a walk. Why drive when it’s so close, right? I stepped right out the front door and locked it behind me. I gave the cityscape around me a quick glance over. The many lights of the city masked the stars from sight. The lamps in the distance shone like stars across the Earth. It’s a similar beauty all its own. I couldn’t help but take a moment to watch. I am blissfully unaware of the pitch black of the sky overhead and what it could possibly contain.

Light is my shelter in this neighborhood. Many street lamps light the way to the store nearby. I’ve never imagined what a life in the dark would be like, as I’ve been surrounded by light. It comforts me and acts as my blanket whenever I should feel concern that I am in danger at night. I never could imagine a life without light. To be surrounded by darkness all the while blind to everything but my emotions, it is a situation I couldn’t fathom at the time. This was about to change.

My first steps toward the store were casual and steady. I always am perfectly confident that the trip will be a safe one. I’ve never been particularly nervous around this hour as it was a good neighborhood. I never expected anything to occur, at least anything which could possibly bring me grief or fear. I’ve always followed the lights of the street step by step. I knew that the light of the city kept me safe should there be an odd stranger nearby. Both work and drink were on the mind as my shoes steadily clacked sturdily on the ground beneath me. I rarely paid any mind to the distance I travel whenever I walk to the store, as I’ve done it so many times that I never really cared to keep track.

I wasn’t aware of the way the lamps were flickering around me. I stared ahead, slipping my hands in my pockets to protect them from the cool breeze. It took me a while to notice the pulsating of the street lamps. It was long enough for me to realize I had no idea how long the lights around me were flickering in such a fashion. Perhaps a few minutes, or possibly since I’ve started my walk.

Flicker, flicker. I’ve slowed in my trip now as my eyes examined the many lights. Were they going to go out? I wasn’t sure. Maybe the power grid was in some kind of danger, and the lights would soon fade away. I’ve hoped this wasn’t the case as my eyes stared at one of the bulbs. Its steady shifting in ambiance was complimented by the soft buzz of failing light work. I’ve started to panic a bit, as I’ve considered having to wait in the dark for the lights to shine again so that I can find my way once more.

Bzzzt. Then, they were out. All of them. I stood in darkness as I looked about me. I am trying to find a distant light to cling to as I hoped for some kind of guide to lead me home. There was nothing. I stood in absolute darkness. I’ve felt a chill down my spine.

Was I alone?

Was someone watching me?

Is someone out there?

I swallowed deeply and shook. I felt so vulnerable. I eased down into a sitting position on the sidewalk. Even the lights on the horizon were out. There were stars overhead now. It’s a new moon, so there wasn’t enough light to see a thing past my hand as my eyes adjusted in the darkness.

I took advantage of the moment to gaze at the stars as I waited for power to return throughout the city. I realized how beautiful they could be. After a moment of admiration I found comfort in them. They remind me of the lamps which had gone out. These stars were my light as limited as it may be. I’ve even found the strength to smile as I remained sitting in the blackness which surrounded me.

I noticed something different. There was a blot of darkness creeping along the sky. The stars were vanishing from sight and reappearing again, as though they were concealed by something above. It was a plane perhaps. I didn’t hear the roaring of engines in the sky above so perhaps not. I didn’t hear the propellers of a helicopter either.

My eyes were transfixed on this inky shape in the sky. Soon, I discovered that more and more of the stars above were vanishing away, until most the stars overhead were now no longer in sight. I’ve then noticed that this darkness overhead had stopped as it had apparently settled in its position. It did not bring me comfort that it was directly overhead of me. The stars now fail to sooth my dread as I swallowed again. I really wasn’t sure what to think.

A random thought perhaps, but gravity is a force you come to take for granted. I’ve realized this as I’ve noticed I was feeling particularly lightweight. It was difficult to see anything around me. I’ve noticed that the ground beneath me was no longer present. My legs were hanging beneath me now. My eyes darted around as my mind couldn’t comprehend what was happening. Something was pulling me toward the sky?

Then everything was dark. Even the light of the stars was no longer present as I was sitting again on a flat surface beneath me. The pitch black brought with it the feeling of isolation from the world. I’ve felt gravity pulling beneath me again, as I struggled to stand. Wherever I was, it was climbing as the pull of gravity bared down on me. It felt like I was in an elevator rising through a hundred story building, though the sensation eased over time.

Gravity kept me rooted in my position still, but I felt a bit lighter than I did before. I was able to stand on my feet, though I was rooted to the spot much to my dismay thanks to the darkness which cloaked over me. I couldn’t even see my hand before my face. I wasn’t sure if I should walk forward. I stood in the darkness for a time, though eventually I’ve felt compelled to walk. I took step after step as I’ve walked forward. I didn’t know where I was going.

It took me a moment to realize that it didn’t feel as though I was alone anymore. My steps were slow and steady through the darkness. They didn’t make a sound. I felt almost weightless as I stared ahead. I extended my arms to feel at the darkness searchingly. I wanted to find some kind of wall, or barrier, to guide me through this area. I found nothing. Where am I?

I never adjusted my facing while walking, at least so I thought. It took me a moment longer to realize it felt as though I truly was not alone. I walked through what must have been a corridor. I could feel the presence of others around me. They must be surrounding me. I may have been taking

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