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Emma Beware: YA Suspense Davenport Series, #1
Emma Beware: YA Suspense Davenport Series, #1
Emma Beware: YA Suspense Davenport Series, #1
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Emma Beware: YA Suspense Davenport Series, #1

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Imagine being held captive with no visible way out. Now, envision techniques that could free you. Emma Beware, a suspensful thriller incorporates proven ways that work plus much more.

Fourteen-year-old Emma Mae Davenport, an unsuspecting, likeable, stand-out high school track athlete and student vanishes without a trace. An unknown perpetrator with a vendetta stalks Emma through cryptic untrackable text messages. With her mother Clara out of town, and school break in session; 48 hours traspire before anyone realizes Emma is missing. 

Time's ticking--minute by minute-hour by hour. Four of Emma's friends, armed with cyber-techno skills discover nefarious doings. They form the group, "Warriors for Emma" and as they gather clues, encounter copious roadblocks and mishaps. 

From a small town to an intriguing international context involving the FBI and headed by the Greek Adonis looking FBI Agent, Marco Damon this saga unfolds quickly.

Where is Emma? Will she be found in time to celebrate her 15th birthday or will she reamin missing?

Emma's story, great for the young adult, Millennial and adult audiences will have you glued to the pages. Her tale weaves intrigue, suspense, betrayal, friendship, family, mystery, love and sprinkled with humor, captivates the reader to keep turning pages.

Get ready for thrills and chills. It's like "Pretty Little Liars" with a twist of "Gone Girl.

----Emma Beware, Book One in the YA Suspense Davenport Series; word count: 63,000.

PublisherMichelle Iden
Release dateMar 24, 2019
Emma Beware: YA Suspense Davenport Series, #1

Michelle Iden

Michelle Anne Iden is a retired counselor and is published in her field of academia. Emma Beware, Book One was her debut novel and since then she has written Book two, Clara Beware and is currently writing the final book in the series, Helen Beware. She also has written children books, a poetry book and short stories. Michelle loves God and her family and spending time with her two adorable, young grand-daughters. She likes to cook healthy dishes, bake, read, write, travel, research, work-out, camp and hike. Often times while writing you'll find her popping chocolate kisses into her mouth and excercising afterwards.

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    Emma Beware - Michelle Iden


    Emma chokes back tears—panic swoops in and holds fear in its hand—devouring her thoughts—suffocating her mind. Her heart racing, practically stopping from sheer distress. Terrified--she can only faintly whisper, What’s happening?

    Three Weeks Earlier:

    Emma Davenport, using her right index finger, slowly twirls long honey blonde strands of her thick hair, an eleven year old habit since the age of three. Her long slender legs dangle like a delicate silky rope.

    Slivers of sunlight penetrate through the Spring morning crisp air. Fragments dancing upstairs to her open bedroom window, create sparkle to her piercing midnight blue eyes. Gently she rocks back and forth in her chair. Simultaneously, she operates her silver air laptop computer and favorite color pink iPhone.

    At 5 feet 8 inches, she towers over her Freshman female classmates at Colby High. Emma is a standout athlete in the 400 meters and sprint relays. She comfortably lives in sweats and her Asics; also adores being a girly girl when the opportunity presents itself. Her bedroom reflects this with touches of glam integrated with pink and grey hues. These shades surround the centerpiece of her room; her pink queen sized canopy bed nested on luxurious carnation pink carpet. She enjoys the plush silver grey window seat over looking the well manicured back yard. She takes pride in the ability to pick out the schemes and patterns used to design her room. She knows that her single mother, Clara, a highly powered Corporate Attorney, let her decorate simply out of guilt. Clara works long hours and Emma is used to being left alone; just the two of them muddling through life, since her dad Richard left when she was seven months old. No trace of him since.

    Eden, Iowa, the town she lives in provides a peaceful atmosphere. A population of 5,000 gives that down-home swag with Oak tree lined streets and little crime. A place you can leave your doors unlocked without hesitation. Eden is close enough to Des Moines for that big city feel. You can hop on the bus bringing you to the hustle and excitement only 15 miles to the East on Interstate 80. When the bus is not running Emma can always ride with her mom who commutes daily to downtown Des Moines.

    Emma does not identify with any one group. She likes variety. Her best friend Josephine, Joey is a 15-year-old Computer Cyber Geek. Her long midnight black hair and emerald green eyes on her slim frame will have you guessing she is a Super Model, not a Cyber Guru. Then there is 14 year old Jason, her partner in Math Einstein's. Jason looks the part with his brown wire frame glasses and his scientific calculator hanging out of his back jean pocket. A number of various math books crowd his faded brown backpack.

    EM as her friends call her, delights in her Bible Study Group each Wednesday after track practice. Held four blocks away from her house, at Saint Catherine's Episcopal Church. Some of her friends, like 17-year-old Ralph, a handsome, muscular, shot-putter and track team-mate, make fun of her, for loving Jesus Christ. He and others laugh every time she says, Fudge instead of F(expletive); Darn instead of Damn; Heck instead of Hell; Gosh instead of God; and Sugar instead of Shit.

    He is enamored by her. For a few months, he has kept apprised of her various activities. He has several clippings of her endeavors in Einstein's, church and especially track. His favorite clipping and picture of her is at one of her meets crossing the finish line in the 400 meters.

    Emma, love her name. She is so beautiful! When the time is right I will introduce myself.


    Hey EM. EMMMAAA! Joey is standing behind her in the school cafeteria attempting to get her attention. Ahem, Emma.

    Startled Emma jerks around. She mutters, Hi Joey. She is busy reflecting on her last race and strategizing her next 400 meters race tomorrow; a dual with nearby Henderson.

    Joey quips, I see you are eating healthy. Must be an important meet.

    In between bites of her grilled chicken salad and bowl of fresh fruit, Emma nods, YES. Blowing her bangs out of her eyes, she declares in exasperation, Every meet is essential.

    Joey responds, I understand about something being important. Computers and technology are my passion.

    EM acknowledges, Don't I know it, how many times have I caught you fixing some cyber thingy?

    Joey exclaims! You mean configuring my devices and keeping up to date on changes in the hybrid cloud?

    Emma shrugs her shoulders. Yeah, that. Joey laughs. Well, you know Emma Mae, opposites attract. She chimes back. Well, you know Josephine Joy, they do. I’m a track sprinter, math-athlete, designer extraordinaire and you my bestie are a forensic cyber computer genius. As the bell rings, Jason strides toward Emma, and announces, Remember Math practice 7th period for Einstein's."

    Emma rapidly fires back, Jason, I got it, see you there.

    Scrambling to her 5th period Biology class, she hears:

    "Hey Lightening," as Ralph affectionately calls her. Ready for the meet tomorrow?

    She counters quickly, Of course, I am. Colby Cardinals all the way! See yah at practice.

    As Emma enters Einstein’s, team problems to solve are already being handed out. Jason volunteers her to solve the first problem:

    Three positive integers a, b, c, have Product 1386. Further, a÷3 – b+1 = c-4.

    FIND a + b + c

    Emma works the problem. She answers. "38."

    The Math Team Advisor, Mr. Jensen enthusiastically spouts, Correct! Good job Emma.

    After Einstein's, she scuttles out the door, rushing to the girls locker room to change for practice. Before she can get in, Head Coach Mark Peters, stops her. He instructs, Emma I want you to concentrate on your form and speed during intervals.

    Ok Coach. I will do my best.

    That a girl, he said. Now hustle and get dressed. Will see you on the track in five. Emma shakes her head while dressing. She speaks thoughtfully to herself, Coach Peters, got-ta love him. But he should know by now, it takes girls longer than five minutes to get dressed.

    From the middle of the field, Coach Peters, motions the 25 boys and 15 girls to gather.

    He shouts, LISTEN UP! Okay people, we are at the end of April and we need to step it up! We have four more meets until Divisional and after that is States, in Ames, May 27th.

    He continues, "Reminder, dual meet tomorrow at 4; be here by 3:30 for team warm-ups.

    Do not forget your uniforms. Right Amanda and Conner?" Both of their faces turn bright red. If they had been wearing their uniforms, the colors would match.

    Coach hurriedly states, Now we don't need anyone disqualified; we need all the points we can get. And another item, make sure you check your spikes and have 1/4th inch pyramid pins in; no needles.

    Patiently waiting, are the other two Assistant Coaches; Jane Reynolds, Long Distance Coach and Phil Matters, Field Events Coach. Coach Peters gestures, Sprinters come with me. The rest of you go with your respective Coach of the events you are entered into.

    Everyone scatters to their specific Coach to begin practice. Once underway, the athletes are focused and centered, oblivious to anything or anyone around them.

    Lurking behind a steel pole, near the bleachers, stands a male. He is toned, six feet tall, fashionably dressed in a classic blue-grey Tee and straight legged-cuffed dark denim blue jeans. He is wearing Nike trail running shoes.

    He fixates his eyes on a group of sprinters. One in particular. His brown short tapered haircut, gives way to the top having natural longer waves, giving him a teenage persona.


    Susie, a gifted high jumper, in her last year of high school competition, stands out at the pit. With her red hair, freckles, and long limbs, attention often diverts toward her. Gathering up her gear, she notices Emma finishing off her hand-offs for the sprint relays. She bounds over to her.

    Emma questions, How was high jump practice?

    Susie replies, A couple of my steps were off, so I will adjust tomorrow.

    Susie reluctantly tells EM, When I was doing my circle drills earlier, I swear I saw someone hiding. But, not sure, cause when I was doing my bar work, no-one was there. I don't know, I just have a weird feeling.

    EM insists, It’s alright. No worries, Jumping Bean. It probably was nothing.

    Yup, she agrees. My imagination playing tricks on me. I get this a lot. As she hugs Emma goodbye she said, Love yah.

    Emma air kisses, Mauha, right back to yah.

    As Emma buckles her helmet and is ready to hop on her bicycle, she hears grumbling.

    Shit, shit, shit, Ralph said as he pounds his fist hard on his left thigh. He looks up and sees her. Sorry, I did not see yah.

    Emma emphatically shares, That's okay, you’re human. We all have off practices.

    Ralph explains, I was frustrated because I could not get my rhythm down on my footing in the circle. I kept scratching. I will do better tomorrow when I’m in competition mode.

    Ralph asks, Can I give you a ride home? I can stick your bike in the bed of my truck.

    No thanks. I only live three blocks and the ride gives me a chance to clear my head.

    He responds, I totally get that. Ride safe Lightening.

    Riding home, Emma is unaware of the guy following her in his white Mustang. She parks her bike in the garage and enters her house. He slowly drives past.

    As the clock reaches 8 p.m., Emma pops in a frozen supreme pizza into the oven; she loves her go to meal the night before a competition. Got-ta have those carbs.

    As per usual, Mommy is not home yet. 10 p.m. Not surprised, she mumbles under her breath while rolling her eyes. Whatever. She scampers up the stairs to shower, then to bed.

    Later he drives circling back to her house. He takes a pic with his phone of the house number and observes the street name. 702 Shadow Creek Lane.


    The next morning at 7 a.m., Emma is scrambling eggs and frying bacon. Clara quietly descends the spiraling staircase toward the kitchen eyeing the coffee.

    Emma said brightly, Hi Mom. Didn't hear you. Looking all professional in your navy blue suit and heels.

    Coffee, I need coffee! she desperately exclaims as she pours herself a large mug of the java. Strong and black and just the way I like it.

    Mother, I have a home meet this afternoon, coming? Emma echoes, Mom, did you hear me?

    In a response all too familiar, she retorts, Sorry darling, I have meetings all day and late into the evening.

    Emma scowls scrunching up her face, Again!

    I'm afraid that's the reality of the corporate world. Clara changes the subject, "What happened to Wheaties the Breakfast of Champions?"

    She speaks out of frustration, Mom, that's outdated. Research shows protein in the morning before a competition help your muscles to not fatigue.

    'Oh, she sighs. I can't keep up with it all. Well honey, I’m off to another day in the jungle, she said, gently patting Emma’s hand.

    She jokingly said, Bye Momma, don't let the tigers, lions, and bears bite you.

    Silence encapsulates the house once again.

    Emma is thrilled to leave for school. She scoops up her back pack and red track bag and heads out.

    The muggy air is not the best scenario for a track meet. Still, regardless of the weather conditions, there is something invigorating about track or basically competition in general.

    Glad it's Friday, Amber belts out as she walks past Emma in the hallway.

    She responds, I second that. See you at the meet Amber.

    After 4th period lunch Emma stares at each clock wishing that the hands will move faster. Not going to happen, she whispers to nobody in particular.

    Emma bolts from her chair after being excused by Mr. Hock, the 7th period study hall teacher. Finally!

    Jeff hoping he can also leave stammers, Time to go?

    No, Jeffrey, track meet, she declares as she rushes past him."

    Co-captains Susie and Jack imitate the words of Coach Peters, Time to get into formation for warm-ups. They assemble on the south end of the field. Henderson athletes assemble on the northern end.

    They are all in unison with each other. In succession, Jack and Susie leading in front call, Jumping jacks, high knees, backward jog, hops, and squats. They end with stretches.

    The athletes disperse to start competing. The announcer with a loud bellowing voice repeats several times, First call 100 meters, first call discus, and first call high jump, (Boys followed by girls).

    Emma goes to the team manager and looks at the schedule--- memorizes her events: [ 4x100 relay, 4:30; 400 meters open, 5:15; and final event 4x400 relay, 6:15 ]

    While practicing hand-offs for the upcoming relay, Emma notices Susie crouching, taking measurements at the high jump pit.

    The Voice over the speaker resonates, Second call 4x100 meter relay. Emma, the anchor; Janna, first leg; Natalie, second leg; and Kayla, third leg; scamper off to each passing zone and mark their steps. On last call, they line up in order at the starting line and jog to the fourth lane. Each gets ready within their respective zones.

    Jana takes position in her starting blocks ---- concentrates ---- watches ---- gun goes off ---- the race is on! Relay members of all six teams move their batons, Right Hand, Left Hand, Right Hand, and Left Hand. White flags flare up signaling hand-offs were good.

    Kayla with baton in right hand runs the inside lane around the far curve. Emma is in position watching Kayla come around the bend. Her left arm extends receiving the baton. She speeds by two runners. As Emma runs through the tape, they raise their arms in jubilation; Emma careful not to drop the baton. The girls give each other high fives in satisfaction, realizing two seconds are shaved from their previous time.

    After the relay race, Emma sits down in the third row of the stands, closest to the end to view the high jump area. She plops down her track bag adjacent to her left side. She pulls out her blush-colored water bottle and takes sips. (Lesson learned the hard way, do not take gulps no matter how thirsty you are. Side stitches when sprinting are not fun!). Emma starts peeling her orange from the tough shiny skin, separating pieces. She slips the juicy parts one at a time into her mouth. She squeezes the last few drops, savoring the citrus taste.

    Behind her she feels a tap on her right shoulder. She turns slightly to face a guy dressed in a white polo shirt and casual black pants. He runs his fingers through dark brown waves of hair on top of his head.

    He imparts, Great relay, you can really move.

    Shyly, she softly speaks. Thank-you.

    I’m Jasper and you are?

    She replies, Emma. Hesitantly, she asks, Do you go to high school here, or are you from Henderson?

    He relays, I recently moved here. No, I’m home-schooled; Junior level.

    Emma diverts her focus back to the high jump area just as Susie is clearing 5 feet 2 inches. She loudly vocalizes, WAY TO GO BEAN!

    Susie gives her a sweet smile while noticing the teen-aged boy sitting near Emma.

    Emma remains standing and informs Jasper she needs to get ready for her 400 meter race. Reaching into the side pocket of her bag she pulls out her phone and notes the time. She places the phone back; the top peaks out.

    Good Luck, he simply states as she gallops down the steps to the track.

    Jasper notices the top of her phone sticking out from her bag. He nervously darts his head around. Since this is a dual meet, hardly anyone is in the stands. Nearly everyone is on the field cheering on team-mates or competing.

    He slips the phone out of the side pocket and realizes she didn't lock her screen. Quickly, he goes to Settings; Mail;

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