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Portfolio and Investment Analysis with SAS: Financial Modeling Techniques for Optimization
Portfolio and Investment Analysis with SAS: Financial Modeling Techniques for Optimization
Portfolio and Investment Analysis with SAS: Financial Modeling Techniques for Optimization
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Portfolio and Investment Analysis with SAS: Financial Modeling Techniques for Optimization

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Choose statistically significant stock selection models using SAS®

Portfolio and Investment Analysis with SAS®: Financial Modeling Techniques for Optimization is an introduction to using SAS to choose statistically significant stock selection models, create mean-variance efficient portfolios, and aggressively invest to maximize the geometric mean. Based on the pioneering portfolio selection techniques of Harry Markowitz and others, this book shows that maximizing the geometric mean maximizes the utility of final wealth. The authors draw on decades of experience as teachers and practitioners of financial modeling to bridge the gap between theory and application.

Using real-world data, the book illustrates the concept of risk-return analysis and explains why intelligent investors prefer stocks over bonds. The authors first explain how to build expected return models based on expected earnings data, valuation ratios, and past stock price performance using PROC ROBUSTREG. They then show how to construct and manage portfolios by combining the expected return and risk models. Finally, readers learn how to perform hypothesis testing using Bayesian methods to add confidence when data mining from large financial databases.

PublisherSAS Institute
Release dateApr 3, 2019
Portfolio and Investment Analysis with SAS: Financial Modeling Techniques for Optimization

John B. Guerard

John B. Guerard, Jr., PhD, is the Director of Quantitative Research at McKinley Capital Management, LLC. Dr. Guerard focuses on maintaining and enhancing the firm’s quantitative capabilities and investment models. Before joining McKinley Capital in 2005, Dr. Guerard held a number of senior-level positions, including Vice President at Daiwa Securities Trust Co., where he co-managed the Japan Equity Fund with Nobel Prize winner Dr. Harry Markowitz. He is the author of numerous books and articles, including An Introduction to Financial Forecasting in Investment Analysis and Quantitative Corporate Finance. He is also a former faculty member at the Rutgers University Graduate School of Management and at Lehigh University. Dr. Guerard earned an AB degree in Economics from Duke University, an MA degree in Economics from the University of Virginia, an MSIM in Finance from the Georgia Institute of Technology, and a PhD in Finance from the University of Texas at Austin.

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    Portfolio and Investment Analysis with SAS - John B. Guerard

    Chapter 1: Why Do We Invest?

    1.1 Introduction

    1.2 Assumptions

    1.3 Annualized Return

    1.4 Average Return

    1.5 Expected Return

    1.6 Efficient Portfolio

    1.7 Minimum Variance Portfolio

    1.8 Market Portfolio

    1.9 Portfolio Optimization

    1.10 Summary and Conclusions

    1.1 Introduction

    Consumers balance their current needs and wants of consumption – spending on food, housing, and other expenses – with their desires for future consumption, such as educational expenses, vacations, or buying a long-desired sports car at age 65. People save from their current income to invest in assets that will grow over time so that they can consume more in the future. The purpose of this book is to show readers how use SAS to enhance their wealth.

    The total US household net wealth has grown from net wealth of $87 trillion at the end of 2016 to $100 trillion, as reported by the US government (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (2018)), see Torry (2018). The stock market’s 20-plus percent return in 2017 is a significant contribution to this jump of wealth. Out of the $100 trillion, $28 trillion are earmarked as retirement assets, which have various tax-favored treatments. The Census report shows that at least 75 percent of households had at least $50,000 in net assets at the end of 2011. Those assets in a household’s portfolio might consist of cash, bond, stocks, real estate and so on. These different assets provide different return and risk characteristics. The Federal Reserve reported that the median financial asset value is $200,000 for people 40 years older.

    Everybody is a financial asset investor, either passively or actively. If you are the owner of a house, you are an investor in real-estate. It is often stated that your real estate investment is the largest investment a family will make. A recent examination of the Case-Shiller Housing Index reveals that the US housing market has reached an all-time high, as measured from 1970. If you have 401k accounts, you are likely a passive investor. If you have a brokerage account and trade a lot, you are active investor. Even the pension amount that you receive at retirement depends on the market performance. Figure 1.1 provides the cumulative wealth of an investor who invested $100 at beginning of 1928 in either cash, bond, or US stock market.

    Figure 1.1: Cumulative Wealth of $100 Starting in 1928

    As Figure 1.1 shows, stocks have outperformed bonds, and bonds have outperformed cash. One hundred US dollars at the beginning of 1928 has turned into almost $400,000 at the end of 2017, a return of 400,000 percent for a holding period of 90 years, despite the fact that this period included the Great Depression of 1930 and the 2008 recession. Wealth accumulation does not grow monotonously. The stock market lost about 40 percent of its value recently in year 2001–2002, and year 2008. We use these three types asset as example because they have the longest return history. The S&P/Case-Shiller US National Home Price Index published by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, a popular index for the real-estate asset class, was started in 1987.

    The American people have recognized the earnings power and the risk of stock. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OCED) reports that only 13.5 percent of US household’s financial asset is cash. Xu (2015) reported that young Americans invest more than 80 percent in stocks in their 401k accounts.

    The wealth creation power of equity is not limited to the US. Figure 1.2 shows wealth accumulation by investing in international stocks. One hundred dollars invested at the beginning of 1970 in the European market turned into $10,000 at the end of 2017, a return of 10,000 percent with a holding period of 47 years.

    Figure 1.2: Cumulative Wealth of $100 Starting in 1970

    1.2 Assumptions

    All writers have beliefs, even prejudiced views. We will disclose our beliefs at the outset. We believe in Active Quantitative Management using the portfolio selection, construction, and management techniques of Harry Markowitz, William (Bill) Sharpe, Jan Mossin, John Blin, Henry Latane, Martin Gruber and Ed Elton, Barr Rosenberg, Haim Levy, and the investment professionals at Factset, FIS, and Axioma. We believe that the empirical evidence of the past 30 years suggests that financial anomalies were identified, have persisted, and most likely will persist into the coming decade.

    We believe the benchmarks established by Markowitz, Sharpe and Blin are still relevant, and difficult to beat. New data, better computational power, and enhanced statistical analyses are shown and discussed in this text. We believe that new data, also known as Big Data, will enhance returns in the future, but the enhancements will be more in the 15–20% range, rather than doubling existing excess returns. We present models, updated analyses, and evidence to show that robust regression, as we estimated in financial models nearly 30 years ago, still works today.

    Earnings forecasting can be used to greatly enhance portfolio returns in US, and particularly, non-US markets. Financial models, when properly developed and tested with proper transactions cost, work about 75 percent of the time. The models produce statistically significant excess returns in the years that the models win, but ONLY if the models are used religiously, 100 percent of the time and asset owners fully invest the Mean-Variance weights (or Equal Active Weights, plus or minus the benchmark, at least two percent active weighting, which generally produce lower Sharpe ratios).

    Henry Latane and Harry Markowitz taught us in 1959 that to maximize the Geometric Mean maximizes the utility of final wealth; achieving the greatest level of terminal wealth, in the shortest time possible. Henry Latane, in his UNC Portfolio Analysis doctoral seminar, often joked that the Efficient Markets hypothesis only said that the average investor only earned an average return, adjusted for risk. Latane asked, Who wants to be average? We believe that smart people, with good databases, can enhance returns about 1–2 percent, annualized, adjusted for risk and risk premiums accepted (knowing or unknowingly incurred). The authors detest closet benchmark-huggers.

    1.3 Annualized Return

    Cumulative wealth is the product of multi-period returns. If an asset has returns Rt, for t=1,…,T, where t is the period, and T is the total periods, then cumulative wealth is calculated as

    WT=WT−1*(1+RT)=W0⋅∏t=1T(1+Rt)=W0⋅(1+RHP)                 (1)

    where RHP is the holding period return. Even though the holding period returns are correct numbers to capture the wealth change, it is difficult to compare the merit of asset returns with different holding periods. In our case, we have US return data going back to 1926 and MSCI international data going back to 1970. We need a number for merit to compare the returns of US stock and international stock, one with a 90-year holding period, and one with a 47-year holding period. To facilitate comparison, financial reports often use a one-period return instead of holding period return. This one-period return is called the annualized return, which is calculated from the holding period return. If this calculated return is realized for every period, then the cumulative wealth will be equal with the wealth generated by the actual holding period return.


    From this equality, we derive the formula

    Rg=∏t=1T(1+Rt)1T−1                         (2)

    Table 1.1 shows that it is much easier to compare the annualized return than to compare the holding period returns. For the long period of 1928–2017, US stocks outperformed bonds by 4.77 percent a year. For the shorter period of 1970–2017, US stocks outperformed bonds by 3.36 percentage points a year. For the same period, the US stocks outperformed the Europe stocks slightly by only 30 basis points per year. The European stocks outperformed the Pacific stocks by 65 basis points.

    Table 1.1: Annualized Return in Percentage

    1.4 Average Return

    Although annualized return is an accurate yearly number to describe the earning power of each asset, from a portfolio’s point of view, it lacks the additive property. In other words, the portfolio’s annualized return is not the portfolio’s weighted annualized return. It is therefore more convenient to work with the simple average return in portfolio management, which is

    Ra= ∑t=1TRtT    (3)

    The average return is often called the arithmetic mean. The annualized return is often called the geometric mean. Table 1.2 shows the arithmetic means of the same five assets shown in Table 1.1.

    Table 1.2: Average Return in Percentage

    Notice that the arithmetic means reported in Table 1.2 are always higher than the geometric means reported in Table 1.1. The Pacific stock is the best-performing asset according the arithmetic mean, while US stock is the best-performing asset in reality according to Table 1.1. The arithmetic mean ignores the variability of returns whereas geometric mean couples the variability of return too tightly. The geometric mean is roughly the arithmetic mean subtracted by half the variability

    Rg ≈Ra−0.5*σ2                                   (4)

    1.5 Expected Return

    We can use SAS to calculate the means returns, return variabilities, and return correlations of the assets from Tables 1.1 and 1.2, and report the results in Output 1.1.

    Program 1.1: Correlations of Global Market

    proc corr data = global_assets_annual_returns;

         var USStocks USBonds Pacific European;


    /*Data Source: SBBI(2017)*/

    Output 1.1: Results

    The CORR Procedure

    Asset return is modeled as random variable X in the modern portfolio theory. The expected value of this random variable E(X) is called expected return. Expected return is often notated using Greek symbol μ in financial literature convention. The variance of this random variable V(X), or the standard deviation σx=V(X), is a measurement of risk in financial literature.

    Assume that there are n investable assets with expected return vector μ'=(μ1,μ2,...,μn) and variance covariance matrix C=(c11...c1n...cn1...cnn), where cij is the covariance of asset i with asset j,

    If portfolio P has weight w'=(w1,w2,...,wn) on assets i=1,2,…,n. Then the portfolio’s expected return is

    μp=∑i=1nwiμi                         (5)

    And the portfolio’s variance is

    Vp=∑i=1n∑j=1nwiwjcij                         (6)

    1.6 Efficient Portfolio

    The decision variables in portfolio theory are portfolio weights. Markowitz (1952, 1959) created Modern Portfolio Theory, often denoted as MPT, and stipulated that portfolio weights should be chosen such that the portfolio is mean-variance efficient. In other words, no other portfolio has higher expected returns with the same risk and no other portfolio has lower risk with the same expected return. Mean-variance efficient portfolios are also called efficient frontier. The efficient frontier can be found by quadratic programming

    minwVp                                                      (7a)

    Such that

    μp = Ep                                                      (7b)

    Aw = b                       (7c)

    w ≥ 0                                                      (7d)

    where constraint (7b) is portfolio’s expected return and (7d) is no-short selling constraint, i.e. every weight wi must be nonnegative, and constraint (7c) is used to make sure the portfolio has the desired characteristics like industry exposures and factor exposures. A is an m × n matrix, and b is an m component vector. There is no analytic solution in general. In textbook portfolio theory, the only linear constraint of (7c) is usually budget constraint

    ∑i=1nwi=1                         (8)

    and the short-selling constraint (7d) is often ignored. In this case, the efficient portfolio can be found by the following unconstrained optimization problem

    minwVp−λμ(∑i=1nwiμi−Ep)−η(∑i=1nwi−1)                         (9)

    where Lagrange multiplier λμ is called risk return trade-off parameter in financial literature.

    By taking the derivative with respect to all weight variable wi, the first order conditions of (9) in matrix form is


    where is the vector of ones, i.e. ℓ'=(1,1,...,1). This implies the optimal portfolio weight has the general form

    w=0.5λμC−1μ+0.5ηC−1ℓ                       (10)

    Together with expected return constraint (7b) and budget constraint (8), the efficient portfolio is

    w=Epℓ'C−1ℓ−μ'C−1ℓμ'C−1μℓ'C−1ℓ−(μ'C−1ℓ)2C−1μ+μ'C−1μ−Epμ'C−1ℓμ'C−1μℓ'C−1ℓ−(μ'C−1ℓ)2C−1ℓ                (11)

    The variance of the corresponding portfolio is;


    +2Epℓ'C−1ℓ−μ'C−1ℓμ'C−1μℓ'C−1ℓ−(μ'C−1ℓ)2μ'C−1μ−Epμ'C−1ℓμ'C−1μℓ'C−1ℓ−(μ'C−1ℓ)2μ'C−1ℓ                (12)

    The simple constrained portfolio optimization problem does have an analytical solution.

    1.7 Minimum Variance Portfolio

    Let us study a special portfolio with the expected return set to

    Emin=μ'C−1ℓℓ'C−1ℓ                     (13a)

    The corresponding portfolio weight vector is

    wmin=C−1ℓℓ'C−1ℓ                     (13b)

    The variance of this portfolio is

    Vmin=1ℓ'C−1ℓ                     (13c)

    Portfolio wmin is called the minimum variance portfolio. It achieves the minimum risk among all the portfolio combinations.

    If we choose the portfolio’s expected return to be

    Ep=Em=μ'C−1μμ'C−1ℓ                       (14)

    Then the corresponding efficient portfolio weight is

    wm=C−1μμ'C−1ℓ                       (15)

    And the variance of this portfolio is

    Vm=μ'C−1μ(μ'C−1ℓ)2                       (16)

    1.8 Market Portfolio

    The portfolio wm is called the market portfolio. Equation (11) is a special case of the two-fund theorem, which states that all efficient portfolios are a linear combination of two basic efficient portfolios. Here the two basic efficient portfolios are the minimum variance portfolio and market portfolio. If an investor can borrow and lend at a risk-free rate, then the minimum variance portfolio is the portfolio composed of 100 percent risk-free assets. The two-fund theorem becomes the two-fund separation theory of Tobin (1958).

    We can use the sample average return as expected returns vector and the sample covariance as variance covariance matrix to generate global efficient frontier as depicted in Figure 1.3.

    Figure 1.3: Global Risk-Return Tradeoff (Efficient Frontier): 1970-2017

    The minimum variance portfolio and market portfolio with four asset classes consisting of US stock, US Bond, Pacific Stock, and Europe Stock is presented in Table 1.3.

    Table 1.3: Global Minimum Variance and Market Portfolios

    In real-life portfolio management, some form of nonnegative constraint (7d) and affine constraint (7c) is always present.

    Markowitz (1959) invented a fast and efficient way – the critical line algorithm – to find all of the efficient portfolios satisfied by the general form of constraint (7c) and (7d) with expected return Ep as a parameter. Block et al (1993) used the critical line algorithm to run hundreds of simulations in the 1990s. The general form of constraint (7c) can handle inequality constraints too by adding auxiliary slack variables.

    As expected, the unconstrained efficient frontier dominates the constrained efficient. The difference is small in this four-asset class case. This is foreseen by Table 1.3 in which both the minimum variance portfolio and market portfolio are short selling only two and three percent of Europe stock. Two or three percentage differences in weights does not change the portfolio’s mean and risk significantly.

    We have used sample means as expected returns and the sample variance-covariance matrix as input to generate efficient portfolios arising from the optimization problem of general form (7). In Table 1.3 we report a geometric mean maximizing portfolio wgm, which is 79 percent US stock, 19 percent Pacific stock, and two percent European stock. This is the second portfolio from the right reported on the constrained Efficient Frontier in Figure 1.4. Portfolio wgm achieves the maximum geometric mean.

    Figure 1.4: Comparison of Constrained vs Unconstrained Risk-tradeoff curves.

    1.9 Portfolio Optimization

    The mean-variance portfolio analysis enables investors to choose the best portfolio to suit their risk tolerance. Retirees do not have to invest all money in bond. The minimum variance portfolio wmin, with two-thirds of the fund in bonds and one-third of the fund in stocks, is as low risk as buying 100 percent US bonds while making one hundred basis points more return. Young people who are ages 35 and younger and who would like to grow their funds should invest in geometric mean maximizing portfolio wgm. Figure 1.5 shows the cumulative effect of optimal portfolio combinations.

    Figure 1.5: Maximizing the Geometric Mean and Terminal Wealth

    As shown in Figure 1.5, $100 starting in 1970 turns into $13,350.68 for investing in the gm-maximizing portfolio while US stock turns into $11,799.48. This is a great enhancement in terminal wealth!

    This book explains how to build expected returns of a thousand securities as portfolio optimization input. The past average return contains only part of the information related to future expected return. There is also future-related information in the fundamental variables, see Block et al (1993) and later chapters of this book. We will introduce financial statements and financial ratios in Chapter 2, and then teach how to build expected return models in Chapter 4. Modern Markowitz-based portfolio construction models are explored in Chapter 5.

    The goal of active management is to beat market portfolio by a couple of hundred basis points on an annual basis. Figure 1.6 shows the astounding results of beating the market by one hundred basis points. This book shows that it is possible by deploying advanced statistical tools and disciplined scientific portfolio optimization.

    Figure 1.6: The Cumulative Effect of Beating the Market

    1.10 Summary and Conclusions

    In this chapter we introduced the reader to the concept that current savings can be invested into stocks and bonds that can enhance terminal wealth. This is a risk-return concept that is extremely important for investors. Stocks have produced more returns than bonds over the past time periods from 1928 – 2017 and 1970-2017 because their risk, as measured by the standard deviation is greater. The risk-return trade-off does change over time, but if an investor has a 30-year investment horizon, then stocks will be preferred to bonds to maximize terminal wealth. If an investor can earn more than one percent above the market return, then terminal wealth is greatly increased. The purpose of this book is to show readers how use SAS to enhance their wealth.

    Chapter 2: An Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis

    2.1 Introduction

    2.2 Types of Businesses




    2.3 The Income Statement


    Major Items

    Example Income Statement

    2.4 The Balance Sheet


    Liabilities and Stockholder Equity

    Deferred Credits

    Common Equity

    2.5 Why Issue Debt? Calculating the Return on Equity

    Book Value of Common Stock

    Retained Earnings vs. Dividends

    2.6 Annual Cash Flow Statement

    TDTA Ratio

    Sources of Net Working Capital

    2.7 Ratio Analysis and Working Capital

    Current Analysis Ratios

    2.8 General Analysis Ratios

    The Financial Structure Ratios

    Operating Ratios

    Financial Ratios and the Perceived Financial Health of Firms

    2.9 Corporate Exports

    2.10 Summary and Conclusions

    2.1 Introduction

    This chapter on financial statement analysis introduces the reader to the income statement, the balance sheet, the cash flow statement, and ratio analysis. We seek to acquaint the reader with accounting and financial terminology and to understand the importance of corporate earnings, earnings per share, and earnings per share forecasting in finance and investments. We assume that the reader has never seen a set of corporate financial statements and has never heard of a financial ratio.

    The corporation is the major institution for private capital formation in our economy. The corporate firm acquires funds from many different sources to purchase or hire economic resources, which are then used to produce marketable goods and services. Investors in the corporation expect to be rewarded for the use of their funds; they also take losses if the investment fails. The goal of corporate financial management is to maximize stockholder wealth.

    Simply put, corporate finance is concerned with how the firm raises funds for its operations, produces goods and services, generates cash flow, and generates returns for its investors. The study of corporation finance deals with the legal arrangement of the corporation, the instruments and institutions through which capital can be raised, the management of the flow of funds through the individual firm, and the methods of dividing the risks and returns among the various contributors of funds.

    The purpose of this chapter is to present the reader with tools to analyze the financial state of a corporation, determining from a financial perspective which companies are more likely to fall in value and which companies are more likely to rise in value. Ratios from balance sheets and income statements can be used to predict the likelihood of bankruptcy. We will use several of the financial variables developed in this chapter in constructing efficient portfolios in Chapters 4 and 5. Furthermore, many of the variables are used in Chapter 6 for constructing the Markowitz-Xu Data Mining Corrections (DMC) test. Financial data represents information available to investors and management. How can and should investors use this information? What is the value of the financial information? We specifically address the value of the financial information in chapter 6. Much of the material about the types of businesses and the basis definitions of income statement, balance sheet, and sources and uses of funds statements are adapted from Guerard and Schwartz, Quantitative Corporate Finance (2007). That text, used as a supplemental second-year MBA finance text, built upon Schwartz, Corporate Finance (1962), and Guerard and Vaught, The Handbook of Financial Modeling (1989). The materials in Chapters 2 and 3 are introductory in nature. Our purpose is to acquaint all readers with a solid base knowledge of financial statements and ratios to access the health of firms.

    2.2 Types of Businesses

    There are three types of businesses: proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations. Economists have recognized these business types since Arthur Stone Dewing discussed these business types in his seminal book, The Financial Policy of Corporations (1953). There are a great number of proprietorships in the US. Many more businesses are proprietorships than partnerships or corporations. However, corporations produce the highest net incomes, float more stocks and bonds, and engage in more financing activities than proprietorships and partnerships, see Guerard and Schwartz (2007).¹ Thus, corporations produce the vast majority of net income in the US economy.


    The organization of the single proprietorship involves little legal formality. The owner and the business firm are legally one. No special legal permission is required by the state to set up a sole proprietorship. Proprietors have legal title to the assets of the business. Proprietors personally assume all debts.

    If, in the course of operations, the assets of the business fail to satisfy all of the business liabilities, a proprietor's personal wealth or holdings can be used to help cover the claims of business creditors. Moreover, conversely, the net business assets are subject to the unfulfilled claims of personal creditors. This constitutes the basic rule of unlimited liability for all debts whether personal or business. The unlimited liability rule actually strengthens the relative credit position of the single proprietor because the proprietor's personal wealth acts as a sort of second guarantee for the safety of the business debts. A major drawback of a proprietorship is that a failing venture might cost an individual not only the funds directly risked in the business, but the rest of the moneys, assets, or wealth he might have reserved for personal use.

    The single proprietorship has the advantages of simplicity and direct responsibility in management. It is limited, however, in its sources of ownership capital and in its ability to attract specialized managerial talent.


    A partnership is an agreement by two or more individuals to own and run a business jointly. Traditionally, many professional firms such as accounting firms and law firms were organized as partnerships. The agreement can be oral, but in most cases it is in writing to prevent possible subsequent disputes. The usual clauses in a written agreement are fairly

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