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Plankton: A Guide to Their Ecology and Monitoring for Water Quality
Plankton: A Guide to Their Ecology and Monitoring for Water Quality
Plankton: A Guide to Their Ecology and Monitoring for Water Quality
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Plankton: A Guide to Their Ecology and Monitoring for Water Quality

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Healthy waterways and oceans are essential for our increasingly urbanised world. Yet monitoring water quality in aquatic environments is a challenge, as it varies from hour to hour due to stormwater and currents. Being at the base of the aquatic food web and present in huge numbers, plankton are strongly influenced by changes in environment and provide an indication of water quality integrated over days and weeks. Plankton are the aquatic version of a canary in a coal mine. They are also vital for our existence, providing not only food for fish, seabirds, seals and sharks, but producing oxygen, cycling nutrients, processing pollutants, and removing carbon dioxide from our atmosphere.

This second edition of Plankton is a fully updated introduction to the biology, ecology and identification of plankton and their use in monitoring water quality. It includes expanded, illustrated descriptions of all major groups of freshwater, coastal and marine phytoplankton and zooplankton and a new chapter on teaching science using plankton. Best practice methods for plankton sampling and monitoring programs are presented using case studies, along with explanations of how to analyse and interpret sampling data.

Plankton is an invaluable reference for teachers and students, environmental managers, ecologists, estuary and catchment management committees, and coastal engineers.

Release dateApr 1, 2019
Plankton: A Guide to Their Ecology and Monitoring for Water Quality

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    Plankton - Iain M. Suthers


    The importance of plankton

    Iain M. Suthers, Anthony J. Richardson and David Rissik

    Phytoplankton and zooplankton – tiny drifting plants and animals – are vital components of aquatic systems. It is sobering to think that all of the large and charismatic animals in aquatic systems that we are familiar with – the fish, seabirds and mammals – are minor components of the food web when the biomass of different groups is considered (Fig. 1.1). Aquatic systems are dominated by very small organisms that we rarely see: bacteria, phytoplankton and zooplankton. This huge biomass of very small organisms means that most ecosystem services provided by aquatic systems are provided by plankton. Plankton not only provide the food for higher trophic levels such as fish, seabirds, penguins, seals and sharks, but produce oxygen, cycle nutrients, process many of the pollutants that humans dispose of through our waterways, and help to remove carbon dioxide from our atmosphere. Without the diverse roles of plankton, our waterways and oceans would be virtually devoid of life and our planet would be very different.

    Being at the base of the food web and in such huge numbers, plankton are strongly influenced by water quality because they cannot isolate themselves as oysters do by closing their shells in adverse conditions. Plankton are effectively our aquatic ‘canaries-in-a-coal mine’, providing an indication of the effects of hourly changes in water quality integrated over days and weeks.

    Management of water quality can be supported by having a broad understanding of plankton and their interaction with the environment. Phytoplankton respond rapidly within days to changes in light, nutrients, pollution or sediment load, changes in water flow or estuarine flushing, and in response to grazing by larger zooplankton. Therefore, from a manager’s perspective, the response time of plankton is comparable to changes in water quality, which contrasts with changes in the benthic community or in fish that respond over broader scales of months or many kilometres (Fig. 1.2).

    The amount and type of phytoplankton present in the water can inform managers about the health of the waterways and where management actions may be required. High biomass of phytoplankton often reflects excessive nutrient inputs (eutrophication) and this can cause problems when the phytoplankton blooms die and decay, depleting oxygen levels in the water. The types of plankton present in the water are also important, because several phytoplankton species are toxic and can be harmful to humans, but not necessarily to the vectors of the toxin, such as oysters or fish. It is important to know about harmful phytoplankton species to manage causes of blooms.

    1.1 What are plankton ?

    Plankton may be defined as any organisms that cannot swim against a current. Most plankton can swim or adjust their position by changing buoyancy but they lack the power to swim against a persistent current. Most plankton are microscopic, which affects their swimming ability, but some zooplankton such as jellyfish can be huge: up to 2 m in diameter (Chapter 8).

    Fig. 1.1.   Diagram of a marine food web off south-east Australia, with the size of spheres proportional to the biomass of each group. Plankton dominate the biomass; the large species that we know well such as fish, whales, seabirds and penguins have a minuscule biomass in comparison. The biomass is estimated from a balanced ecosystem model based on available biomass data for each marine group (‘Atlantis’, Fulton et al. 2004). This diagram shows only biomass, and if presented as production of biomass over a year, would show plankton and bacteria to massively dominate the ecosystem even more than is shown by biomass alone.

    Phytoplankton, such as diatoms and dinoflagellates, grow in the presence of sunlight and nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. These single-celled organisms are the ‘grasses of the sea’ and are the basis of ocean productivity. Many of these ‘plants’ – but not all – are in turn grazed by zooplankton, which is dominated by small crustaceans such as copepods, shrimps and their larvae, and by smaller single-celled microzooplankton. The amount of phytoplankton in the water column reflects the influence of several environmental factors and processes. These competing processes may be summed up as ‘bottom-up’, such as those concerning nutrients and light, which drive primary production, or ‘top-down’, such as predation by copepods or other grazers.

    Phytoplankton contain photosynthetically active pigments such as chlorophyll, which enable them to use energy from sunlight to convert carbon dioxide into complex organic molecules, such as sugar or protein (i.e. they are autotrophs). Chlorophyll is used as an estimate of phytoplankton biomass. The majority of chlorophyll in tropical and subtropical coastal waters is found in the very smallest of cells – the size of bacteria, (~0.001 mm or 1 µm). These very small cells have high surface-area-to-volume ratio, allowing them to out-compete larger phytoplankton cells in the race for nutrients.

    Fig. 1.2.   Range of possible estuarine health and water quality indicators available, illustrating the higher trophic level and intermediate integrating period of zooplankton. Phytoplankton (Phytopl.) is often quantified as the concentration of chlorophyll-a, the primary photosynthetic pigment (Chl-a).

    Exceptions abound where some of these single-celled ‘plants’ do not fix their own carbon, but engulf and consume other plant cells (i.e. they are heterotrophic like an animal and have no photosynthetic pigments). Other single-celled organisms both photosynthesise (like a plant) and they eat other organisms (like an animal). If you work on phytoplankton, the distinction between plants and animals becomes blurred. Other phytoplankton have the potential to form harmful algal blooms (HABs) – producing red tides or toxic algae – but there are only a few species responsible (just a fraction of a per cent of all phytoplankton species may be harmful; see Chapter 5 and 6). Most phytoplankton are enormously beneficial, such as those used in the aquaculture industry as food for young fish and shellfish. There are distinct forms and different sizes of the major phytoplankton groups and this book will guide you through their identification.

    Zooplankton refers to the small multicellular animal life, dominated by crustaceans and some types of gelatinous animals. Zooplankton includes representatives of nearly all of the 34 major groups or phyla (a phylum is a discrete evolutionary lineage) of multicellular animals alive today. Zooplankton includes the larvae of many familiar animals that spend only a portion of their life as plankton – fish, crabs, lobsters, oysters, mussels, jellyfish and starfish – and are known as meroplankton (Chapter 2). Holoplankton spend their entire life in the plankton and include copepods, ctenophores, arrow worms and salps. Some typical benthic animals, such as snails, marine worms and even tiny fish, have some holoplanktonic species with fascinating specialised body forms.

    The most abundant animals on the planet are copepods (Sections 1.2.9, 8.3.1), and may comprise over 95% of zooplankton abundance and biomass (Fig. 1.1). Only occasionally will jellyfish, ctenophores or salps predominate. There are over 12 000 species of copepods (yet only 78 species of krill!), and each species of copepod develops by moulting through six larval (naupliar) stages and five juvenile (copepodite) forms until they reach the final and sixth adult stage (Fig. 2.5). Many zooplankton species have young stages that look very different to their adults, making the study of zooplankton interesting, complex and challenging. This book will guide you through this complexity and discuss the traditional and a few modern ways one can study zooplankton.

    1.2 Fun facts about plankton

    With most plankton being microscopic, the amazing roles of plankton are largely hidden from us. Here we present some fun facts about plankton to highlight their many diverse, yet critical roles, which go totally unnoticed.

    1.2.1 Did you know that our society is based on plankton?

    You might be surprised to learn that our cars run on plankton, and many parts of cars are even built from plankton! Plankton also make most products we use in everyday life, from plumbing materials to our clothes. Here’s why. Our society is based on petroleum products – our cars, planes and trains that keep us moving, the roads we drive on, and the plastics that we use to make our everyday products. Petroleum is formed by dead zooplankton and phytoplankton sinking to an ancient seafloor. Under low oxygen conditions, plankton is not broken down by bacteria, but is buried by sediment. Over time, pressure and heat convert the plankton and sediment into sedimentary rock. If there is sufficient organic content (i.e. plankton) and the right temperature (90–160°C), then oil and natural gas can form. After the petroleum is extracted, it is then distilled into fractions to separate it into its constituents (liquefied petroleum gas, gasoline, jet fuel, kerosene and diesel). These petroleum products are then used to produce many products including asphalt, nitrogen fertilisers and plastics. We use plastics in everything from our cars (up to ~20%), synthetics such as nylon, acrylic, polyester. So, our petroleum-based society literally runs on plankton!

    Fig. 1.3.   The hyperiid amphipod Phronima: the likely inspiration for the alien in the movie of the same name (photo: Anita Slotwinski).

    1.2.2 Plankton shaped early human society

    It might seem far-fetched, but plankton also shaped early human society. It was the naturalist Charles Darwin who said that fire was one of the most significant achievements of humanity. To make fire, early humans used flint: a type of rock commonly formed from silica-rich plankton such as diatoms and radiolarians. Flint was used for many stone age tools, including weapons, but it was the ability of a flint edge to produce sparks when struck against the rock pyrite that was revolutionary. The ability to produce fire provided early hominids protection from predators, a method for hunting, the ability to cook food, and the capacity to expand activities into the darker and colder hours of night. These cultural innovations changed our diet and behaviour, allowing humans to disperse across the world. Without the ability to use flint formed from plankton to produce fire, it is difficult to see that human society would be where it is today.

    1.2.3 Plankton in the movies

    Plankton and Karen are well known characters to those who enjoyed the animated TV series SpongeBob SquarePants. Plankton is a copepod, while Karen is his supercomputer. But when sorting through your plankton samples and seeing what different plankton species look like close up, you’ll realise that plankton has probably inspired many characters in the movie industry.

    One of the most iconic movie monsters in film history – the antagonist in the film ‘Alien’ – is thought to be inspired by plankton. Phronima is a large planktonic amphipod, up to ~40 mm in size with a head like a praying mantis insect. It has huge eyes and large predatory arms (Fig. 1.3). However, the most remarkable aspect is that some species parasitise salps (Box 1.1): translucent barrel-shaped plankton. Phronima uses the salp for protection and as a flotation device, swimming it through the water, feeding on its host and other plankton as it goes, and rearing its young inside. Finally, the young eventually emerge from the salp, like the Alien erupted from a human host in the movie!

    1.2.4 Amazing single-celled plankton inspire architects and engineers!

    The structure of many plankton groups such as diatoms, coccolithophores, silicoflagellates, tintinnids, radiolarians, foraminiferans and acantharians are wildly elegant and diverse, being spinose, ribbed, geometric, geodesic, perforated, fluted, ornamented and stellate. This variety of forms was made famous by early ecologists and palaeontologists such as Earnst Haeckl in 1904 in his Kunstformen der Nature (‘Art Forms of Nature’). These stunning shapes inspired Art Nouveau architecture and design, including René Binet’s design for the Printemps department store. Such diverse planktonic forms are now inspiring architects and engineers through biomimetics (Pohl and Nachtigall 2015). Biomimetics is the field of imitation of natural systems and elements to solve human problems. The similarity between how nature solves problems and how architects do can be illustrated by the central dome of Galleria Vittorio Emmanuele in Milan, Italy. This glass dome is supported by a structure of radial and concentric ribs structurally and functionally reminiscent of the valve of the radial centric diatom Arachnoidiscus (Fig. 1.4).

    Box 1.1 Salps, larvaceans and climate change

    Salps and the appendicularians have been described as the fastest growing metazoans (multi-cellular animals) on the planet (Hopcroft and Roff 1995). They consume tiny phytoplankton and bacteria that are up to eight orders of magnitude smaller than themselves (a much greater size difference than the copepod diet), and produce dense faecal pellets that rapidly sink. Therefore salps have the potential to alter regional food webs and even global fluxes of carbon via their faecal pellets (Henschke et al. 2016). The most common salp off south-east Australia, Thalia democratica, can reproduce both sexually and asexually (Henschke et al. 2013). An individual or solitary may produce a chain of individual clones, resulting in the population doubling or more per day (Heron 1972). Salps compete with other zooplankton such as copepods and krill. In the Southern Ocean, for example, a decrease in krill populations over the last 50 years has been accompanied by an increase in salp populations (Atkinson et al. 2004). In subtropical waters, the relative abundance of salps in the zooplankton community could alter the balance between those predator species that avoid salps and those fish for whom salps are an important component of their diet.

    Fig. 1.4.    The valve of the radial centric diatom Arachnoidiscus (left) and the central dome of Galleria Vittorio Emmanuele in Milan, Italy (right).

    Over 100 000 different plankton species have evolved, with different geometries forming a suite of templates for structures in different industries. Most remarkably, plankton have evolved different composite materials to make their structure strong and lightweight, but from very few based materials such as silica and calcium carbonate and mixing these with organic compounds. Composite materials are increasingly used in the building industry because they are strong and lightweight. Scientists are now investigating how plankton lay down composite materials in different orientations to resist stresses in particular directions.

    Fig. 1.5.   An impressively large late stage phyllosoma of a southern (or eastern) rock lobster.

    A recent example of biomimetics was the use of radiolarians in the design of support towers for wind turbines (Pohl and Nachtigall 2015). The design criterion was that the support tower had to have three legs, with these joining to a central tube, and had to be 25% lighter and stronger than existing structures. Diatoms were considered, but their structure has too many small pores to optimise light and nutrient transfer in photosynthesis and they are basically enclosed boxes, whereas radiolarians feed on small organisms and therefore have open skeletal frameworks within a tetrahedral design space that make them ideal as a template for support structures. Several radiolarian genera were considered, analysed using computer aided design for how well they cope with stresses and their ease of fabrication, and ultimately the genus Chlathrocorys was chosen. This was because of its homogeneous stress distribution, simple design in spite of complex geometry, its ability to prevent buckling by tensile structure, and its relative ease to be built in steel.

    1.2.5 Bluebottles and the plankton collective

    The Portuguese man o’war (Physalia) or bluebottles are the scourge of summer surf, delivering a painful sting to the unwary swimmer (see Box 9.1). Their typical habitat is the offshore ocean surface where they capture zooplankton on their dangling tentacles, which may extend up to 5 m long. Small fish may school around the tentacles and it is possible that over days of association the fish slime gains certain compounds, so that Physalia is tricked into not stinging them. Physalia is often driven onshore by the afternoon sea breeze in summer, along with the predatory sea slug Glaucus. Amazingly, Glaucus not only eat Physalia, but they can transfer the stinging cells from Physalia to their own tissue and store them for their own defence! Physalia is a type of jellyfish known as a siphonophore, which is composed of a colony of genetically identical individual clones similar to those which make up coral. A siphonophore is truly a collective, as its hundreds of individuals each perform specific functions such as stinging, digestion, fishing, reproduction or flotation. For example, the characteristic bluebottle float is actually composed of a single individual. Siphonophore colonies can be astonishingly long: the siphonophore Praya dubia can grow to 50 m long in the benign deep ocean waters, making it one of the longest animals on Earth.

    1.2.6 The bizarre life of lobsters in the plankton

    Like most crustaceans, female lobster release tiny larvae (nauplii), which go through many stages by moulting their exoskeleton. But, unlike most crustaceans that have a larval duration of several weeks, the larval duration of lobsters can be several years! Lobster larvae are commonly called phyllosoma and are perfectly adapted to floating, as they have a thin, flat, transparent body, with long legs (Fig. 1.5; see also Section, Fig. 8.12M). A secret of their survival is to avoid predators by being transparent and living in offshore eddies where there are relatively few predators. The diet of phyllosoma was unknown until recently when genetic analysis of their stomach contents revealed that they commonly eat jellyfish, salps and chaetognaths (arrow worms). Some species of phyllosoma eat jellyfish while they hitchhike a ride on them, using them both as food and as a flotation device. These species have modified appendages for grooming, because the mucus produced by jellyfish promotes bacterial growth (Kamio et al. 2015). Scientists at sea have also observed phyllosoma capturing arrow worms (chaetognaths) with their 10 chelate limbs, and eating them like a carrot. Phyllosoma feed and build up a reserve of fat (lipid) that sustains them for their final moult into a miniature lobster (puerulus) and the long swim back to the coast.

    Fig. 1.6.   Development series of larval fishes from hatch to juvenile stages. Note the development of fins, spines, and dorsal flexion of the notochord to form the tail. (A) Wahoo Acanthocybium solandri, from after hatching (2.8 mm) to 13.2 mm standard length (SL); family Scombridae, order Perciformes. Wahoo is a globally distributed fish and important in recreational fishing. Reproduced from Richards 1989. (B) Dusky flathead (Platycephalus fuscus, family Platycephalidae, order Scorpaeniformes) from 3.3 to 9.9 mm. Dusky flathead are a popular coastal species of eastern Australia (reproduced with permission from Neira et al. 1998).

    1.2.7 Remarkable larval fish – transformers and killers

    Like adults, larval fish have a very diverse morphology including body shape, size and patterns of head and fin spination and pigmentation. Larvae of livebearers such as seahorses can hatch looking like miniature adults, while larvae hatching from benthic eggs (i.e. attached to rocks, like a Nemo fish) usually have well-developed eyes, mouth and fins. Most larval fish hatch from pelagic eggs and barely have any fins, unpigmented eyes and a little yolk or lipid to sustain them until they begin feeding (see Chapters 7 and 8). As they grow, the morphology changes as the fins develop and the larvae transforms into a juvenile fish (Fig. 1.6A,B). Some species can have a dramatic transformation/metamorphosis from larval to juvenile stages with development and loss of elongate head and fin spines and eye position and shape. Larval flounder hatch with symmetrical heads and eyes like any other larval fish, but approaching metamorphosis one eye migrates around the skull to the topside as they prepare for adult life and rest one side on the substrate.

    Life is difficult as a larval fish, and the natural mortality rate is large (as much as 20% per day) due to starvation or predation by copepods, krill, jellyfish and arrow worms. It is a major goal of fisheries science to understand the dynamics of this larval mortality so future fish numbers can be forecast for fisheries management. Most larval fish hatch from eggs without much to live on. They barely have any fins and only unpigmented eyes and a little yolk or lipid to sustain them until their jaws develop and they can begin to feed on larval copepods (nauplii). As larvae grow and their mouth gape increases, they can ingest a greater variety and size of prey. Some species of tunas and mackerel become voracious predators of other larval fishes, including their siblings, and seem to be all jaws and no tail (Fig. 1.6A).

    1.2.8 Phytoplankton supply every second breath you take

    Land plants and phytoplankton use the green pigment chlorophyll to harness sunlight to produce organic compounds from carbon dioxide, and release oxygen: a process known as photosynthesis. On land, most photosynthesis is performed by huge land plants, but in the ocean it is the microscopic phytoplankton that are the key players. The main groups of phytoplankton are the diatoms, dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria (bacteria that photosynthesise). While far too small to be easily observed (less than 1 µm in size), the biomass and significance of the cyanobacteria is remarkable. During the 1980s, several groups of marine cyanobacteria were discovered, including Prochlorococcus. Prochlorococcus is tiny (0.6 µm) and dominates the huge subtropical and tropical oceans. Only one species has been described, Prochlorococcus marinus, so it is likely to be the most abundant species on the plant, typically with over 100 million cells per litre, equating to 3 octillion (10²⁷) individuals: more than the number of sand grains on Earth (Flombaum et al. 2013). There are different strains of this species at different depths and light regimes in the ocean. This single species produces about one-fifth of all the oxygen on Earth. Together with the diatoms, dinoflagellates and other phytoplankton, they produce nearly 50% of all oxygen generated by primary producers on Earth, so nearly every second breath we take! We call this one of the many ‘ecosystem services’ provided by plankton. We get the oxygen produced by phytoplankton for free and we take it for granted, but how much would you pay for a lungful of air?

    1.2.9 Red tides and Noctiluca

    A red tide is a colloquial name for a bloom of phytoplankton that turns the water reddish brown. A red tide may be a HAB but not always. A common red-tide-forming organism is the dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans, sometimes known as sea-­sparkle (Fig. 3.2). Noctiluca is also bioluminescent (Section 1.2.12), producing a greenish glow during the night by activating some commensal bioluminescent bacteria. Noctiluca has no photosynthetic pigments and feeds at night on other phytoplankton, small zooplankton and their eggs. It contains no toxins, other than a dilute solution of ammonium chloride, which, in large quantities, can irritate the skin and cause localised fish kills. During the final senescent stages of its life, the cell swells up to a comparatively large size of 2 mm diameter and becomes buoyant, thus concentrating at the surface as a reddish, or even bright pink, stain. Estuaries and coastlines around the world with high nutrient concentration frequently have Noctiluca blooms.

    Off the west coast of South Africa, upwelling brings nutrients to the surface waters, and this can lead to huge phytoplankton blooms, including Noctiluca in the middle of summer. If upwelling is followed by a long period of calm, then Noctiluca blooms can be concentrated inshore. When the blooms dies, it sinks to the bottom where it is decomposed by bacteria, which can strip the water of oxygen. This low oxygen water can stretch over tens of kilometres, threatening marine life. During summer, the oxygen can be so low in the water that rock lobster, which live on the seafloor, move into the surf zone to obtain more oxygen. When the tide goes out, they can be left stranded. The largest event was in South Africa in 1997, when 2000 tonnes of rock lobster walked out of the water and died on the beach.

    The sequence of events that lead to problematic Noctiluca blooms illustrate the complexity of plankton ecology. Problems associated with Noctiluca could increase in the future: the warming of coastal waters, especially during El Nino years off Australia; an increasingly more environmentally aware public; and the suspicion that Noctiluca may have been transported around the world including to Australia by ballast water (McLeod et al. 2012). With warming and the strengthening of the warm, poleward flowing East Australian Current, Noctiluca was seen for the first time in the Southern Ocean in 2010.

    Fig. 1.7.   Artemia salina (photo: Hans Hillewaert/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0).

    1.2.10 How does zooplankton survive when water dries up in the desert?

    Many freshwater zooplankton have developed the capacity to withstand periods of adverse environmental conditions such as droughts and hot temperatures common in deserts. Probably the best known example is the brine shrimp (Artemia or ‘sea monkeys’, Fig. 1.7). They achieve this through a process known as diapause. Diapause of eggs occurs when, following fertilisation, eggs remain viable for long periods, and do not hatch until environmental conditions are appropriate. Diapause can also occur at different life history stages of some copepods, when, in response to environmental signals, they either ‘hibernate’ for a period or create a cyst that sinks to the bottom of the water column and stays viable in unfavourable conditions, ‘hatching’ once positive environmental conditions return. This enables diversity to return to desert wetlands and rivers after long periods of drought. Diapause of eggs has been very important for aquaculture in that eggs in diapause are collected and added to aquaculture tanks where they hatch and are used as a food source.

    1.2.11 Are copepods the world’s most abundant animal?

    Sir Alister Hardy, founder of the Continuous Plankton Recorder survey in the North Atlantic, stated that copepods were the most abundant multi-celled animal in the world. Is he right? Well, insects are also strong contenders. Insects far outnumber other terrestrial fauna, with estimates of a trillion (10¹⁸) insects on Earth (Schminke 2007). A simple calculation follows for total copepod abundance. Assuming that there is one copepod in every litre of sea water, and there is 1347 million km³ of ocean, then there would 1.35 × 10²¹ individual copepods in the water column. If benthic and parasitic copepods were included, this figure could be tripled to 4 × 10²¹ individuals (Schminke 2007), suggesting there are 1000 times more copepods than insects. Finally, if the live weight of a single copepod is 0.036 mg, the biomass of these copepods would be 1.5 × 10¹⁰ tonnes, or 500 times the biomass of the whole human population on Earth (Schminke 2007). So yes, copepods could be the most abundant multi-celled animals on the planet!

    1.2.12 Bioluminescence in the ocean

    Have you ever been at the beach at night, and noticed that when the water is disturbed, perhaps by a breaking wave, that the water lights up? This is probably caused by bacteria or dinoflagellate phytoplankton emitting light as a result of a chemical reactions in their body. Most of the colours are blue-green, but almost the entire visible spectrum can be emitted. The ability to emit light has evolved many separate times in different marine groups. Over 700 marine genera are able to emit light, including many planktonic species within the dinoflagellates, copepods, krill, jellyfish, amphipods and arrow worms (Widder 2010). There are many possible reasons for bioluminescence. For example, the burglar alarm hypothesis is thought to explain bioluminescence in the carnivorous dinoflagellate Noctiluca (Section 1.2.9). When water is agitated, such as when a copepod is nearby and is trying to eat Noctiluca, it emits light. The light is thought to attract fish, which could then stop the copepod from feeding because it is now concerned with being eaten itself! Thus, Noctiluca emits light (the burglar alarm) that attracts the police (fish) and deters burglars (copepods), protecting the innocent victims (Noctiluca). Other species that exhibit bioluminescence include krill, which have light organs known as photophores. When krill swarms, their light shows might serve to attract mates or deter predators, or both. Many species of copepods are also bioluminescent. The marine copepod Pleuromamma spends a lot of time in the deep, dark ocean and discharges bioluminescent material when threatened. Because predators at that depth have developed a strong sensitivity to light, they are temporarily blinded by the discharged bioluminescent material and the copepod is able to escape. This would be like in the movies when someone is wearing night vision goggles and the light is turned on!

    1.2.13 How can the biggest animals that have ever lived eat microscopic zooplankton?

    Have you ever wondered how the largest animals that have ever lived – the whales – survive on some of the smallest animals, the microscopic krill and other zooplankton that float in the water? This contrasts starkly with the largest land animals that have ever lived – the elephants and dinosaurs – that eat huge immobile trees. To resolve this seeming paradox of the smallest organisms in the ocean supporting the largest ones, we need to know some biological oceanography. On land and in the ocean, photosynthetic organisms are at the base of the food web, supporting higher trophic levels. In the ocean, these photosynthetic organisms are seagrasses, algae such as kelp, and phytoplankton. As light in the ocean is only available in the top 100 m or less, seagrass and kelp that are anchored to the seafloor must be in water less that this depth (and usually a lot shallower). However, phytoplankton are single-celled and neutrally buoyant, so they easily float in the sun-lit upper layer, not only in coastal waters but throughout the vast expanse of the ocean. Thus, phytoplankton do not need the energetically expensive structures for support such as the stems and trunks of land-dwelling plants. Being single-celled, phytoplankton also have the advantage that light readily penetrates their cell, and nutrients dissolved in the water are directly taken up through its membrane. Thus, phytoplankton do not need leaves or roots. Therefore, their simple single-celled structure and floating lifestyle enable phytoplankton to not only colonise the entire surface layer of the ocean but to grow incredibly quickly compared with land plants – phytoplankton have lifespans of days to a week, whereas land plants have lifespans of months to centuries. So, phytoplankton growth rates are more than an order of magnitude faster than land plants. This means they can support large populations of higher trophic levels that eat them because they are replenished rapidly.

    Fig. 1.8.   A manta ray feeding on zooplankton (photo: Asia Armstrong).

    Interestingly, though, large marine animals do not eat phytoplankton directly because most are less than 0.05 mm in size and it is very energy intensive to move a very fine sieve through water to capture them. So, the largest marine animals such as blue whales (up to 30 m long), whale sharks (up to 20 m long), and manta rays (up to 7 m wide, Fig. 1.8) have solved this problem by developing a filter-feeding system with a coarser sieve to remove zooplankton (bigger than 1 mm), and they leave the challenge of capturing phytoplankton to the zooplankton.

    1.2.14 Phytoplankton as biofuels and food

    During photosynthesis, phytoplankton fix carbon dioxide dissolved in water and convert it into carbon-rich organic compounds. In fact, some phytoplankton species produce carbon-rich oils, which makes them ideal candidates for the production of biofuels. They can be converted into a range of different fuels including biodiesel and bioethanol using thermochemical and biochemical methods. The classic example of this in fresh waters is Botryococcus, which is a large phytoplankton consisting of colonies or compound colonies. Hydrocarbons account for up to 40% of the dry weight of B. braunii (Wake and Hillen 1981). Additionally, because phytoplankton grow so quickly and take up carbon from the atmosphere, they offer a multi-pronged approach to tackling climate change. The colonial cyanobacterium ‘Spirulina’ (Arthrospira platensis) often forms enormous blooms in alkaline saline inland waters in Australia, Africa and South America. These blooms are highly nutritious source of protein, and not only sustain large populations of flamingos (in Africa), but are directly harvested for human consumption (Spirulina tablets and powder are available in health shops). Several initiatives are underway around the globe growing freshwater and marine phytoplankton to provide biofuels. There are still challenges that need to be overcome. These include sustainable water supplies, treatment of wastewater and availability of nutrients.

    1.2.15 Plankton and the Gaia hypothesis

    Plankton are a key part of taking up CO2, fixing it via photosynthesis and ultimately having it removed from the surface waters and to the abyssal deep by the sinking of their remains and faecal pellets. This is not quite as simple as it sounds, but pelagic tunicates such as salps, larvaceans and pyrosomes do have potential to harvest small phytoplankton and transfer it to the sea floor (Henschke et al. 2013, 2016; Box 1.1).

    Plankton has a key role in the various Gaia hypotheses or philosophy, proposed by Dr James Lovelock and others decades ago, which recognised the interrelationships of the oceans, plankton and the atmosphere and treats the Earth as a living organism. Plankton play a key role in the planet’s ability to regulate its climate just as an organism regulates its body temperature (homeostasis). For example, when the planet goes through a warm and drying phase,

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