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Coming in Last
Coming in Last
Coming in Last
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Coming in Last

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Private investigator Jamie McAdams couldn't exactly say the quiet woman running the daycare at his godfather's factory looked like an embezzler, but all the clues did point to her. She wouldn't have easy access to the money but out of everybody he'd investigated, she was the only one sticking out and she lived seriously outside her means.

He didn't like it and not just because things didn't add up in a way he liked.

Andi Morrow smelled like vanilla, tasted like sex, and moved like sin. Before long, he was hooked. It only took a few more days for him to figure out the obvious--she was being framed. But maybe he should have told her that, before they used her as bait to catch the real embezzler.

Jamie always gets his man, even if it means coming in last with the woman he's fallen in love with.

This title has been previously published.

PublisherShiloh Walker
Release dateApr 22, 2019
Coming in Last

Shiloh Walker

 Shiloh Walker is an award-winning writer…yes, really!  She’s also a mom, a wife, a reader, and she pretends to be an amateur photographer. Her Secrets and Shadows series includes Burn for Me, Break for Me, and Long for Me.  

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    Coming in Last - Shiloh Walker


    Original Copyright © 2004

    Reissued © 2019



    This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    Coming In Last


    Shiloh Walker


    Jerry, The love of my life, my heart and soul.

    The father of my children, my lover, my best friend.

    What more could a woman want?

    Chapter One

    The phone rang distantly in the other room, but both Jamie and the woman on her knees in front of him ignored it. Erin Mayhue’s mouth was currently keeping him occupied and he doubted anything on the phone would be half as enjoyable as the woman who knelt before him, her plump pink lips wrapped around his cock, her hands tickling and stroking his shaft and his testicles.

    In the mirror, he could see what she was doing, and it was a very pleasant sight.

    But, as pleasant as it was, his brain was still ticking away at things that had nothing to do with sex. The job he had scheduled in the morning—did he really want to go watch another man cheat on his wife and their kids? Couldn’t Mick do it? Did he—oh fuck—Erin slid her tongue down to tickle his sac as she slid one finger back to stroke the sensitive skin right behind his balls.

    Just before she had him coming in her mouth, he moved away, grabbed a rubber and lifted her up, bracing her back against the wall behind her.

    In a hurry? she asked with a husky laugh.

    Jamie only grinned, letting her think what she wanted.

    He was just suddenly…bored. Bored with her cool sexy body, bored with her much practiced moves.

    Not that it was her fault. She hadn’t done a thing wrong, hadn’t asked for too much, or given too little. She was funny, smart, and a handful in bed.

    But he just wasn’t interested in what she had to offer anymore.

    Driving into her, he made the decision that he wasn’t going to see her again after tonight. If he could think about business even while she was sucking on his dick, then there was a problem.

    Her legs closed around his hips and she gasped. But he might as well enjoy it while he was here. He made a dedicated effort to turn his brain off.

    So what’s eating you?

    Sliding Mick a glance, Jamie lifted his shoulders in a disinterested shrug and said, Not much. Flipping through the file on his desk, he skimmed the account information they had received, and cursed mildly the sense of family obligation that had him agreeing to drive two hours south and stay there, for heaven only knows how long.

    Of course, it wasn’t like he had anything more interesting to do at the time.

    You know, you’ve had that same damn look on your face for about the past six months, like nothing on this earth can hold your attention for longer than five minutes. Flashing Mick a grin, Jamie said, Well, anything having to do with your ugly mug is gonna bore me senseless in five seconds. What’s your point?

    Just wondering when you’re gonna snap out of this, that’s all. Mick shrugged, lifting his shoulders as he sipped from his coffee before flipping a page and studying the next. You know, this is really a waste of time. Time and money—his money, our time.

    His money. He can afford us. And this was slick, slick and pat. There may well be more missing than what is showing, Jamie mused, eyeing the accounts.

    There is that, Mick said with a nod. So when are you gonna snap out of it?

    Snap out of what?

    This funk.

    Jamie sighed. Mick, I’m bored. Okay? Just bored. He laughed, recalling the scene with Erin from the previous weekend. I can think about business while I’m getting a blowjob, and a damn good one. Tell me what in the hell the problem is here?

    You need to let me have the woman while you get your head examined? Mick offered blandly.

    Jamie rose, the tailored suit falling into place over his gun as he strode over to the window and stood staring out into the clear summer day. Something is just…missing, Mick. I’m bored with all of this. Everything. All of it. Not the business, but my life. Erin was just the exact same as every other woman I’d gone out with before her. And the next one will be just like her.

    McAdams, Inc. consisted of Jamie, rather James Alistair McAdams, III and Michael McAdams Dole, a retired narcotics lieutenant. Mick Dole was Jamie’s cousin, older by a good thirty years. He was the oldest child of Jamie’s dad’s oldest sister, and a better man Jamie had probably never met.

    The main office was in Indianapolis, Indiana, but they had been known to travel should the need arise.

    It had arisen in the form of an old family friend, Jeb Booth, who just happened to be Jamie’s godfather.

    Ninety-two thousand, Mick muttered under his breath. Pocket change, really. Smart bastard. If Johnson hadn’t discovered the loose ends when he did, the money may never have been missed. It really wasn’t enough for them to travel the two hours south, or for either of them to mess with, and it wasn’t enough for Jeb to be bothered with, but Jeb was an honest man, and he hated the thought of somebody stealing from him.

    And Jeb was a family friend.

    He was Jamie’s godfather for crying out loud.

    Smooth as this was done, Jamie said, I wouldn’t be surprised if the figures were actually higher than ninety-two. Our friend knows how to hide himself. He absently ran a hand through his thick, wavy black hair, studying the tallies in front of him, narrowing his pale green eyes and puzzling it out.

    Or herself. Got several high-end female execs in that company, Mick said, lighting up a cigarette before offering the pack to Jamie.

    The younger man accepted absently, lit up and poured over the names in front of him. Guess we’re going to go out of town for a while. Good thing he had broken things off with Erin that morning.

    One less end to tie up before he headed south.

    He stood up and rolled his neck before tugging his blazer on. Strong swimmer’s shoulders strained against the material as he adjusted the collar of his shirt before taking one last puff of the cigarette.

    Are you coming, or should I ask Marks?

    Mick shot Jamie a dour look.

    Of course, you’re coming. Seeing as how you also grew up with Jeb. Granted, your friendship became rather strained when he discovered his fiancée in bed with you, Jamie said, gathering up papers.

    I didn’t know she was his fiancée. And look at the trouble it saved him, Mick said, fondly remembering said fiancée. Unfaithful little bitch that she was, she sure as hell knew how to take care of a man. It was probably a sin, anyway, for a woman like that to promise to suck only one man’s cock for the rest of her life.

    I’m sure he’s just dying to thank you, Jamie said dryly. But he did mention he wanted you to come when he talked to Dad last week.

    I’m gone. Gotta pack.

    Sweat poured down her back, soaked the sturdy cotton of her sports bra, and stung her eyes. Every muscle in her body sang with each movement and her breath sawed in and out of her lungs. She blocked a jab with her hand, feinted and succeeded in clipping her opponent on the chin.

    Her face was flushed, sweaty, her dark, reddish-brown hair clung to her cheeks and neck where it escaped her ponytail. Under her padded headgear, the thick locks were matted to her scalp. Sweat trickled down between her breasts, soaked up by the sturdy black sports bra she wore. She watched as Kati Monroe, nineteen-years-old and an athlete in every sense of the word, glanced to the side. Then her pretty baby-blues flickered for just a second, and Andi spun out of reach just before a sidekick plowed into her ribs.

    They each traded a few more jabs, none of them landing.

    When a foot snaked in past her guard, the air left Andi’s lungs in a rush.

    Andi Morrow was having the time of her life.

    Her mental clock told her time was running out. Gauging her opponent, Andi went all out, launching into a showy tornado, a series of roundhouse kicks, not one of them landing. Not one was meant to. Once she had her opponent dancing backward, she stopped in mid-kick, pivoted, and landed a spinning heel-kick across the side of her opponent’s heavily padded head.


    Kati’s jaw dropped and she spit her mouthpiece out, staring in dumbfounded shock as the ref took Andrina Morrow’s hand and raised it high in the air. The surprise in Kati’s wide, lovely blue eyes had Andi snickering on the inside. Damn, but she loved that combination. Jake had told her, more than once, it caught people off guard that a girl as tiny as she could kick that high, and as…statuesque, could move that fast.

    She smacked hands with her opponent, shoulders rising and falling rapidly as she struggled to catch her breath. Spitting out her mouthpiece, she shot her teammates a wide grin. She’d won, damn it.

    Moving off to the side, she accepted a water bottle from one of her team mates and leaned against the wall.  To say that she was pleased was putting it mildly.

    Clumsy, quiet, self-conscious Andi Morrow had taken home the trophy in her division. And not just the regional competitions, but on the statewide level.

    Unconsciously, she reached down, rubbing her thumb back and forth on the thick, wide brown belt at her waist. They still had a few more ranks to spar, but she’d finished and as she looked up, she could see her name flashing across the digital scoreboard.

    Andrina Morrow—Winner.

    Barely five-foot-four, with an hourglass figure that she had to work to keep in a size ten, Andi had long ago accepted that looking like a sex kitten wasn’t something she wanted. She had shrugged off the advances of boys in the group foster homes she had lived in for so long. Unpleasant experiences had taught her just how easy a mark guys thought a girl like her would be.

    So she hid that size ten in size twelve or fourteen clothes, kept her thick, reddish-brown hair braided away from her pleasantly round face and topped it all off with a pair of tortoiseshell frames that she really didn’t need. She slumped her shoulders, kept her head down, and tried to avoid drawing anymore attention than she had to.

    When she couldn’t avoid it, she tried to keep her contact with people outside her circle of friends brief and cool. With a sharp tongue and cool eyes, she kept most people at bay, enough so that only a handful of people knew more than her name.

    It wasn’t often that she stepped outside her comfort zone and did anything to draw attention to herself.

    But martial arts was one of those areas where she had no qualms in letting herself be who she was.

    And today, she was a winner.

    Just under an hour later, she accepted the trophy in front of a gym full of strangers, grinning like they had just placed the Olympic gold around her neck.

    She really doesn’t look like a corporate thief, Doug Johnson murmured, shaking his head as the woman in question made her way across the floor, the trophy clutched to her chest.

    Doug was one of the top hands at the company, and had been charged with working with Jamie. When Jamie had told Doug that he already had a shortlist, Doug had insisted he see it. He’d been aggravated by the sight of Jamie’s name, and was even more aggravated now.

    Corporate thieves generally don’t look like corporate thieves, Jamie McAdams replied, his eyes narrowed and trained on the woman with chestnut hair as she was surrounded by fellow competitors. She also doesn’t look like a martial artist, but she apparently is.

    She looked more like a librarian, or a homeroom mother.

    Well, no. Not entirely. She had a porn-star mouth, and porn-star curves, complete with a rack that wasn’t even close to be concealed by her uniform. Her hips were lush and judging by the way her belt nipped in at the waist, he had a feeling she had a serious hourglass figure going on.

    And her hair…as he watched, she reached up and pulled a band out, running her fingers through dense, reddish-brown locks that gleamed like flame at the edges where the light caught them.

    No, he decided. She didn’t quite fit the idea of the PTA mom he’d first attributed to her.

    No, Jamie murmured. She doesn’t look like a thief.

    Chuckling, Johnson recalled the stunned look on the face of her opponent, a younger, more athletically fit, slender woman with a red-and-black belt wrapped around her slim waist. When Andi Morrow’s first kick had shot up and driven straight into her solar plexus, the young woman had looked almost dumb with shock.

    The red-belt’s sleeveless jacket, or whatever it was, had revealed trim, well-toned arms and the girl was about 5’10" or so. Andi, on the other hand, had stood a full six inches shorter, at least, than her opponent, but the opponent’s reach hadn’t done her much good.

    The girl had moved in a flurry, faster than either of the men would ever have expected. No, she didn’t look, or act, like a corporate thief. And Doug wasn’t sure how he felt about this girl being on the suspect list.

    He knew Andi, had talked to her on a regular basis and knew how much she cared for the kids she worked with. She seemed like a perfectly nice girl, until it came to the kids she cared for, then she turned into a tiger.

    She kept to herself, never caused a bit of trouble, and she adored the kids she took care of.

    With a sigh, he asked, Exactly how high on the list is she?

    Pretty high, Jamie replied, dropping back down into his seat and lifting the watered down, lukewarm Coke to his mouth. Right on top as a matter of fact.

    Jeez. The girl’s been with us since she left college. And how would she have access to that information anyway?

    Shooting Johnson a mild look, Jamie replied, That’s what I am here to figure out.

    Smoothing down the tail of her brightly colored lab coat, Andi jogged inside, blowing her damp bangs out of her face. Made it. Barely. With less than thirty seconds to spare, she clocked in and took the long hallway that separated the factory from the business office. Her place was in between, and already chock-full of laughing kids, crying babies, and the low undertone of her two assistants. Tugging her glasses out of her pocket, she slid them in place before slipping through the door.

    In her opinion, hiring a nurse to manage the daycare was a damn fine idea. She was more than qualified to take care of kids, having babysat her way through her practical nursing courses, and after a number of night courses, she had the needed credits to run the daycare. On top of that, she was equally qualified to dispense their medicines, and unlike some daycare workers, she didn’t freak when a child came in with a temperature of 99.1.

    Since it was privately funded, the Booth Industries Daycare didn’t have to follow some of the standards that some other daycare centers had to follow, so it was all Andi’s.

    Originally, she had only taken the job with the intention of working there one year, paying down her school loans and then start training for her RN degree. But that had been three years ago, and plans had a way of changing. Hers had changed dramatically when she had been homebound with a case of chickenpox she had contracted from one of her kids. How she had bounced from one foster home to another all her life without ever catching chickenpox, she didn’t know.

    The first two days she had spent going slowly out of her mind, itching like crazy and about to go mad from boredom. She had hurled down a badly written romance and, in a fit of cabin fever, announced she could write far better than that piece of drivel.

    And she had.

    Just six months earlier, her first book, the one she had started that third day, had appeared on the shelves. Under a pen name, of course.

    Maybe it was selfish, but her parents were probably still out there somewhere, and she’d be damned if she would so much as share a penny with them. They’d left her in the parking lot of a seedy motel when she had been only five, so as far as she was concerned, to hell with them.

    The bad thing about being abandoned at the age of five was that she remembered her parents. She remembered the fights, the drinking, and the beatings she had taken when she hadn’t been quick enough to get out of the way. She couldn’t even pretend her parents had been forced to abandon her for some mysterious altruistic reason.

    Yeah. Plans had a way of changing on you. Life sometimes got in the way.

    Studying the daycare, she couldn’t help but thank God for that.

    Off to one side of the play area was her office/clinic where she doled out aspirin and administered flu shots to the company employees. There were two foldaway cots, in case an emergency arose.

    She had a computer, which was used pretty frequently. Part of her job description included having safety meetings with the three different shifts that worked in the factory.

    Now maybe she hadn’t had a date in nearly a year, and maybe she would have liked some adult companionship, some sweat in her hair as she bounced on the sheets with a hot guy. Maybe a few less Cheerios in her hair would be nice. And maybe she could drop fifteen pounds tomorrow and have Chris Hemsworth—or, hey, Chris Evans—she was an equal-opportunity Chris-afficianado—dropping to his knees in front of her—and not to propose marriage either.

    But all in all, life was pretty damn good.

    Tossing in her purse, she pulled the door shut behind her and turned, smiling widely as one by one, the kids noticed her.

    The kids adored her, Jamie observed as the sixteen children—from brand new up to preschool—all received personal attention from her. One baby, pudgy arms wrapped around Andi’s leg, waited patiently, with adoring eyes while the object of his affection finished talking to a gap-toothed little brunette who proudly displayed a dollar bill.

    And it looked like she adored them every bit as much. Her eyes gleamed and shone as she stroked one hand down the ebony curls of the little black girl with a tooth missing.

    There was something about a woman surrounded by kids, Jamie mused. Some guys tended to be put off by the sight, but Jamie loved it—loved watching women as they held and rocked, soothed and played with children.

    Her laugh floated above the higher-pitched laughter of the kids as she unlocked the pudgy little arms from her leg and lifted the baby. Settling him on her hip, she answered one question after another as she wove

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