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Facebook Live Authority: How to Use Facebook Live to Engage With Your Audience, Build Your Brand and Sell More of Your Products!
Facebook Live Authority: How to Use Facebook Live to Engage With Your Audience, Build Your Brand and Sell More of Your Products!
Facebook Live Authority: How to Use Facebook Live to Engage With Your Audience, Build Your Brand and Sell More of Your Products!
Ebook55 pages44 minutes

Facebook Live Authority: How to Use Facebook Live to Engage With Your Audience, Build Your Brand and Sell More of Your Products!

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About this ebook

Live streaming is poised to become very much the next ‘big thing’. This is an entirely new way to create content that allows us to communicate directly with an audience in a highly engaging manner.

It’s new, it’s exciting and it’s still growing rapidly at this point. As a digital marketer, this should all make you very excited. A large part of our job is to be able to spot emerging digital ...

Release dateFeb 22, 2019
Facebook Live Authority: How to Use Facebook Live to Engage With Your Audience, Build Your Brand and Sell More of Your Products!

David Brock

David skill's with IT industry has propelled him into many different online businesses, including book publishing, affiliate marketing, Clickbank Product Launch, niche business sites and SEO work. He helps people to make money working through the internet. David is also a budding author, with self-help being his favored genre. His titles to date include, Affiliate Marketing Blueprint, Facebook Marketing Mastery, YouTube Marketing 101, Clickbank Success Secret, Adsence Cash Cow, Ultimate Passive Income, Email Marketing Secret, CPA Marketing Success Secret, Career in Freelancing, Blogging Success and many more. He plans to follow these with even more titles in the future, to help as many people as he can to find the same success that he has.

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    Facebook Live Authority - David Brock


    Live streaming is poised to become very much the next ‘big thing’. This is an entirely new way to create content that allows us to communicate directly with an audience in a highly engaging manner. It’s new, it’s exciting and it’s still growing rapidly at this point.

    As a digital marketer, this should all make you very excited. A large part of our job is to be able to spot emerging digital trends and to get there before anyone else. When we do this well, it enables us to capture an audience before the competition and potentially to find more effective ways to influence our customers and build our relationship.

    This is exactly what live streaming represents for the savvy and it’s exactly the reason that big players like Tai Lopez are investing such a lot of time into services like Market. Right now, almost anyone can create a live stream about anything and come away with new followers on Market or Periscope. This simply reflects the fact that those platforms are so exciting and that there is still so little competition there.

    But if you really want evidence that live streaming is about to take off in a big way, you only need to look to Facebook Live for evidence. No doubt Facebook is one of the leaders in this industry, so the fact that it has introduced its own version of a live streaming service is pretty much as sure sign that it’s on the up and up.

    Of course the fact that Facebook is entering this space is also somewhat bad news for the other players like Market and Periscope. And it also changes the game somewhat for the rest of us. While Periscope is owned by Twitter, Facebook is still likely to be able to put a lot more clout into live streaming now and this will only be increased by the much tighter integration that live has with the Facebook platform.

    In this eBook we’re going to learn in a lot more detail what makes live streaming so exciting and why it’s even more exciting that Facebook is involved. What’s more, you’ll see exactly how to get started with your own Facebook Live videos and how to begin building a big audience and interacting with that audience in a far more engaged and effective manner

    Stats and Figures

    Not sure if live streaming is really all it’s cracked up to be? Then check out some of these impressive statistics that will pretty much nip any doubts you may have in the bud

    Did you know for example, that Periscope already has well over 10,000,000 user accounts? And if you were to combine all the footage that has ever been recorded through the platform, it would take over 40 years to watch all of it! Of those 10 million accounts, 2 million are active every single day across 25 different countries.

    On the day that Periscope launched, it got a whopping 60k Tweets! Twitter went on to buy Periscope for $100 million another very impressive vote of confidence for the platform!

    Meanwhile, Market has also done incredibly well. This live streaming service launched around the same time as Periscope with 120,000 users signed up by the end of just the first month. And these aren’t the only services that have been doing exceedingly well either!

    Twitch for example is a streaming service for gaming specifically and had as many as 12 billion users at the end of 2014! Another is Blab a streaming app which shows a lot of promise and has the unique feature of allowing multiple people to stream at once in a conference-type setting.

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