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Affiliate Marketing - High Paying Jobs You Can Do From Home - Things You Need To Know By Age 30
Affiliate Marketing - High Paying Jobs You Can Do From Home - Things You Need To Know By Age 30
Affiliate Marketing - High Paying Jobs You Can Do From Home - Things You Need To Know By Age 30
Ebook244 pages2 hours

Affiliate Marketing - High Paying Jobs You Can Do From Home - Things You Need To Know By Age 30

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About this ebook

3 Book Set! Learn the skills of Affiliate Marketing or other high paying jobs you can do from home and also great life advice for those of you under 30.

Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is a style of business that allows you to leverage your online presence by earning a passive income stream simply by reviewing products and referring people to purchase them. If you have ever told someone about how great something was, and then they went out and purchased their own, you successfully practiced affiliate marketing. Nowadays, you can actually get rich off of doing just that! Affiliate Marketing Mastery will show you how! 

In this book set you will learn
What affiliate marketing is and how it earns you money
The proper mindset required to master affiliate marketing
How to make an affiliate marketing business strategy that works
Marketing strategies that will maximize your income 
How to troubleshoot if you feel like you are not making enough progress
And much more! 

High Paying Jobs You Can Do From Home
Find out which jobs are paying over $100,000 a year that you can do from home!
Let's face it, the job market is constantly changing. The influx of disruptive technologies like Artificial Intelligence, the Cloud, and Big data is shrinking opportunities for conventional office jobs. Hold on, all hope is not lost. The rise in technological innovations have given rise to freelancing - the freedom to choose your own working hours and to work from your own home - your comfort zone. Mobile technology has empowered so many people to accomplish tasks from home with limited supervision.

In this book set you will learn about working from home as a: 
Public Relations Specialist
Graphic Designer
Tax Preparers
Writer Author
And Many More!

Top 10 Thing You Need To Know By Age 30
By all means, the '20s' is the time of glory. You are unstoppable - aiming for the moon and shooting at the stars. You are young, energetic, motivated and enthusiastic enough to conquer the world. The only thing that holds you back is the lack of experience. Though it is really intimidating to try out new stuff, with the 20s being a perfect age for experimentations, it is also essential to make a few wise decisions to better prepare for the upcoming period of practicality i.e., the 30s. 

In this book set you will learn about 
Investing early
Traveling while your young
How to handle credit and loans
And Much Much More!

Buy this 3 book set NOW to set to learn great life skills that will make you money for years to come and live a more comfortable life as you get older!

Get your copies today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!

Release dateMar 19, 2019
Affiliate Marketing - High Paying Jobs You Can Do From Home - Things You Need To Know By Age 30

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    Book preview

    Affiliate Marketing - High Paying Jobs You Can Do From Home - Things You Need To Know By Age 30 - Craig Price


    Table of Contents

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1: Understanding Affiliate Marketing

    What is Affiliate Marketing, Exactly?

    How Do I Know Affiliate Marketing Is For Me?

    Will I Actually Earn Money This Way?

    How Much Time Will It Take Me?

    Chapter 2: A Mindset for Success

    A Mentality for Mastery

    Setting Lofty Goals for Yourself

    Don’t Be Afraid to Fail

    Realize it Only Takes One Thing

    Don’t Be Afraid of Money

    Practice Patience

    Be Willing to Burn Bridges

    Chapter 3: Select Your Niche

    Why Do I Need a Niche?

    How Do I Choose a Niche?

    Who Is My Demographic?

    How Do I Interact With My Demographic?

    Chapter 4: Essential Branding

    What is Branding and How Does It Work?

    What Are You Branding?

    Your Core Brand

    Naming Your Brand

    Giving Your Brand an Image

    Picking Your Key Brand Language

    Branding Your Wordpress Blog

    Choosing Your Domain Name

    Choosing Your Theme

    Customizing Your Theme

    Customizing Your Content

    Branding Your Social Media Pages


    Profile Picture

    Cover Image



    Why SEO Matters for Branding

    Chapter 5: Branded Content

    What Is Branded Content?

    How Can You Target Your Reader Through Content?

    Types of Content You Can Generate

    Product Reviews

    Video Marketing

    Blog Posts

    Social Media Posts

    Story Marketing

    Branded Content on Twitter

    Branded Content on Facebook

    Branded Content on Instagram

    Branded Content on YouTube

    Chapter 6: Marketing Strategies

    Your Master Marketing Strategy

    Creating Your Objective

    Deciding Where to Spend Your Time

    Deciding How to Spend Your Time

    The Importance of Having Multiple Marketing Streams

    Promoting Yourself on Blogs

    Promoting Yourself on Social Media

    Creating A Platform-Specific Strategy

    Scheduling Posts

    Post Objectives and Themes

    Using the 80/20 Rule

    Chapter 7: Monetizing Your Traffic

    Choosing an Affiliate Marketing Program

    Promoting Your Affiliate Links to your Reader

    Making an Effective Call-To-Action

    Ensuring You Are Optimized for Mobile

    Chapter 8: Tracking Your Analytics

    What Does Tracking Do for Me?

    What Information is Tracked?

    What Do All Platforms Track?

    What Does Social Media Track?

    What Do Websites Track?

    What Do Email Newsletter Services Track?

    How Do I Use This Information?

    How Often Should I Track My Analytics?

    What If I Don’t like What I See?

    Chapter 9: Capitalizing on Trends

    How to Identify a Trend

    Knowing Which Trends are Relevant to Your Niche

    Making Money from Trends

    How to Tell If a Trend Is Dying

    Chapter 10: Common Mistakes to Avoid

    Monetizing Too Soon or Without a Plan

    Not Creating a Business Plan

    Too Impatient

    Not Analyzing the Competition

    Chasing Money

    Getting Distracted

    Failing to Invest or Re-Invest

    Afraid of Failure

    Looking for the Secret Formula

    Getting Too Worked Up in SEO

    Being Afraid to Self-Promote

    Don’t Be Afraid to Put Yourself out There

    Not Collecting Email Addresses


    Table Of Contents


    The World Is Fast Evolving

    The Beauty in Working from the Comfort of Your Home

    Chapter 1- Graphic Designers

    Job Responsibilities

    Salary Scale

    Chapter 2- Public Relations Specialists

    Job Responsibilities

    Salary Scale

    Chapter 3 - Executive Recruiter

    Job Responsibilities

    Salary Scale

    Chapter 4 - Tax Preparers

    Job Responsibilities

    Salary Scale

    Chapter 5 - Writer/Author

    Job Responsibilities

    Salary Scale

    Chapter 6 - Market Researcher

    Job Responsibilities

    Salary Scale

    Chapter 7 - Computer Software Engineer

    Job Responsibilities

    Salary Scale

    Chapter 8 - Ethical Hacker

    Job Responsibilities

    Salary Scale

    Chapter 9 - Financial Planner

    Job Responsibilities

    Salary Scale

    Chapter 10 - Clinical Regulatory Affairs Directors

    Job Responsibilities

    Salary Scale

    Chapter 11 - Physicians

    Job Responsibilities

    Salary Scale

    Chapter 12 - Affiliate Marketers

    Job Responsibilities

    Salary Scale

    Chapter 13 - Cloud Engineers

    Job Responsibilities

    Salary Scale

    Chapter 14 - Corporate Counsel

    Job Responsibilities

    Salary Scale

    Chapter 15 - Enterprise Architect

    Job Responsibilities

    Salary Scale


    Let Technology Save You The Stress!

    Plan Out Your Future

    Table Of Contents


    Chapter 1 – Invest Early, Invest Often

    More Time to Generate Profit from Investment

    Freedom to Take Risks

    Plan Your Financial Future

    Chapter 2 – Travel and Explore the World

    Managing Finances while Traveling

    Choosing Your Travel Destinations

    Set Your Traveling Goals

    Chapter 3- Be Empathetic

    Make a Difference

    Let Go of the Past


    Chapter 4 – Beware of Credits and Loans

    Save Your Money to Make Purchases

    Risky for Your Future Relationships

    Avoid Balance Transfers to Ditch Due Payments

    Chapter 5 – Try Something Adventurous

    Overcome Your Fears

    A Lifetime Experience

    Chapter 6 – Build Your Reading Bucket-List

    Set a Reading Goal

    Read Book Reviews over the Internet

    Chapter 7 – Always Have a Side Hustle

    A Sense of Joy and Purpose

    Self – Development

    Chapter 8 – Treasure Your Health

    Avoid Frozen Food as a Quick Fix

    Exercise Regularly

    Sleep Well

    Chapter 9 – Your Parents Don’t Have All the Answers

    They had a Different Journey

    Nobody Can Walk in Your Shoes

    Chapter 10 – Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff

    Develop Stress Management Skills

    Learn to Give Importance Only to What Matters the Most



    Congratulations on downloading Affiliate Marketing Mastery!

    Affiliate marketing is a style of online business that allows entrepreneurs to generate a stream of passive income online. This form of passive income is a great addition to any existing online web presence or a reason enough to begin building one. Having affiliate marketing as a part of your income-producing strategies is an essential way to maximize your profits and earn a greater income.

    If you are interested in affiliate marketing, you will be happy to know that it is not actually a challenging form of income to acquire or build. Instead, it simply requires consistency, a strong understanding of strategy, and a willingness to be patient and learn the ropes.

    In this book, I am going to teach you exactly what it takes to build a successful affiliate marketing business. You are going to learn how you can make money through this opportunity, the importance of your mindset and having a vision, how to design your business plan, how to monetize an audience, and how to troubleshoot your strategies if you feel that you are not generating enough success with your efforts.

    The strategies you learn in this book are not exclusive to affiliate marketing, either. A lot of these strategies are necessary for any form of social media marketing. That being said, if you are interested in producing money in any other way, in addition to affiliate marketing through your online presence, the same tips you learn here will support you in those goals as well. Once you understand how to master affiliate marketing, mastering almost any other online business structure or system is not much different!

    Affiliate marketing is rapidly growing as one of the most popular forms of passive income to earn in the online space. This strategy allows everyday people to become powerful influencers that can support businesses in sharing their products with the world, where you can earn great income as well. All you have to do is build an audience and share your favorite products with them.

    If you are ready to learn about how powerful this marketing opportunity is and the amount of money you can earn from it, as well as what you can do to be successful at it, this book is the ultimate guide for you. Let’s begin looking at how you can build a strong affiliate marketing business plan and strategy so that your success is guaranteed and you can begin earning an affiliate marketing income as soon as possible.

    Chapter 1: Understanding Affiliate Marketing

    Affiliate marketing is a popular form of passive income that virtually every successful online marketer is tapping into these days. This passive income stream is extremely simple and provides a great way to maximize the amount of money you make through your online presence. Affiliate marketing can be used as an addition to your existing online presence to maximize your income, or it can be used as a primary source of online income. In this chapter, I am going to show you the importance of affiliate marketing, how it works, and why you need to be maximizing this income stream in the online space.

    What is Affiliate Marketing, Exactly?

    Affiliate marketing is a style of marketing wherein individuals with an established online presence can share products or services on behalf of other companies and be paid a commission for it. Typically, affiliate marketing pays you based on the number of people who purchase using either your custom link or discount code when paying for products or services of the company that you are marketing for. The amount that you are paid depends on the terms of your agreement with the program or company.

    There are two ways that affiliate marketing can support people in making money online. The first way would be for someone who already has an established presence, such as for blogging, to add an additional income stream. This is a great way to maximize your earnings and make a great income online. Another way that many people are creating money through affiliate marketing is intentionally building a presence with the desire to affiliate market. In this circumstance, affiliate marketing is your primary income source in the online space.

    Affiliate marketing is similar to direct sales or network marketing, except that you are not bound to market for any single company. Instead, you can market for many companies at once and share all of your favorite products and services simultaneously. That is, as long as none of the agreement fosters a no competition clause that prevents you from marketing for something similar around the same time that you are marketing for their company.

    When you are building your affiliate marketing income stream, you are essentially building an online presence of people who trust you and are interested in what you have to say. You create an opportunity for you to capitalize off of that trust by simply acquiring affiliate marketing agreements with companies and then sharing your favorite products with your audience. Then, you get paid.

    How Do I Know Affiliate Marketing Is For Me?

    Despite how many wonderful benefits there are with affiliate marketing, there are some things that you need to consider before you actually commit to in the beginning. First things first, you have to know that you are willing to actually have an online presence. Some people are more private or secretive of their lives, and being overly unwilling to have your information online can be a challenge for anyone looking to get into affiliate marketing. If you end up getting big and well-known, which is generally the end-goal to earn a greater income; people will inevitably want to know more about you. Of course, you can always choose to restrict what is shared, but this will not stop them from attempting to receive

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