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My Weird Reading Tips: Tips, Tricks & Secrets by the Author of My Weird School
My Weird Reading Tips: Tips, Tricks & Secrets by the Author of My Weird School
My Weird Reading Tips: Tips, Tricks & Secrets by the Author of My Weird School
Ebook172 pages1 hour

My Weird Reading Tips: Tips, Tricks & Secrets by the Author of My Weird School

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

With more than 23 million books sold, the My Weird School series really gets kids reading! Filled with exercises to help young readers practice skills like identifying context clues and a story’s main idea, plus practical tips and tricks from bestselling author Dan Gutman, this book will help you become the best reader in the history of the world! This chapter book is an excellent choice to share during homeschooling, in particular for children ages 5 to 7 who are ready to read independently. It’s a fun way to keep your child engaged and as a supplement for activity books for children. 

The ability to read critically is an essential skill vital to success in school. For example, do you know what point of view means? Or how to “read” a picture? Can you tell fact from opinion?

Well, whether you’re a kid who's just starting to read by yourself or a future librarian—or both!—this book of tips and activities to improve your reading comprehension skills is so much fun you’ll forget you’re learning!

Release dateMay 7, 2019
My Weird Reading Tips: Tips, Tricks & Secrets by the Author of My Weird School

Dan Gutman

Dan Gutman is the New York Times bestselling author of the Genius Files series; the Baseball Card Adventure series, which has sold more than 1.5 million copies around the world; and the My Weird School series, which has sold more than 36 million copies. Thanks to his many fans who voted in their classrooms, Dan has received nineteen state book awards and ninety-two state book award nominations. He lives in New York City with his wife. You can visit him online at

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    My Weird Reading Tips - Dan Gutman


    My name is Dan, and I hate reading.

    Well, I used to hate it, anyway. When I was a kid in second and third grade, I didn’t like to read. My parents weren’t happy about that, of course. Both of them were big readers. There were lots of books around the house. My mom and dad were reading all the time, it seemed. So was my older sister, Lucy. But not me.*

    Like a lot of kids, I found reading to be hard to do. It was hard to put the letters together to make words. It was hard to fit the words into sentences that made sense, the sentences into paragraphs, and the paragraphs into chapters. It wasn’t any fun for me. It was work, and it was boring work. I would rather be outside playing baseball, or riding my bike.

    But at some point, I changed my mind. I got it. Reading didn’t have to be boring. It could be fun. It was like a light switch turned on and the room wasn’t dark anymore.

    Today I love to read, and I read just about all the time.

    I hope he doesn’t read while he’s in the shower. That would be weird.

    My mother was amazed when I grew up and became a professional writer. Now, wherever I go, I take a book, a magazine, or a newspaper with me in case I have a spare moment to catch up on my reading. I like to learn new stuff.

    I’ll tell you what changed things for me—sports. I was a big baseball fan as a kid. I rooted for the New York Mets (and still do). I wanted to find out more about baseball. When I was a kid, believe it or not, you couldn’t go online and just google anything you wanted to know about. It wasn’t that easy. Google didn’t exist. The Internet didn’t exist. In fact, personal computers and cell phones didn’t even exist!

    That must have been a million hundred years ago.

    Can you imagine what life was like in those prehistoric times? When I was a kid and I wanted to find out about something, I had to read about it. My parents had a complete set of the Encyclopedia Britannica on a shelf in the living room, and a big, thick dictionary. But more often than not, I had to go to the library.

    So I gobbled up books, magazines, and newspaper articles about baseball and other sports. I memorized the statistics on the back of my baseball cards. And slowly but surely, I discovered that reading was fun when I was reading about something that interested me. To this day, I find it hard to read things that don’t interest me. It’s hard to concentrate.

    I know that a lot of kids out there don’t like reading, just like me. Maybe you try to avoid it. Maybe you just refuse to do it. But let’s get real. You’re going to have to do a lot of reading in your life, whether you like it or not. Street signs. Texts from your friends. Maps. Emails. Instruction manuals. Even if you never pick up a book, words are all around you. It’s a skill we all have to learn.

    So this book is for all you kids out there who claim you hate to read. You really don’t. You just haven’t found the book that turns on that light switch. But it will happen. And you know what? You may just discover that reading is fun!


    Dan Gutman

    P.S.: Oh, by the way, this book isn’t going to be some boring lesson that just teaches you how to read better. It will include tips and activities to help you improve your reading skills, but it’s not a lecture. It’s a My Weird School book! Even if you’re a fan of the series, you probably don’t even realize all the ways that you’re becoming a better reader when you read a My Weird School book. But A.J., Andrea, and I are going to tell you the secrets of My Weird School.

    Shhhhh! Don’t tell anybody. Ready? Let’s go!

    Reading tip from Andrea: My name is Andrea, and I LOVE reading! While you read this book, I’m going to chime in every so often when I have a little tip that might help you with your reading. Talk to you soon!

    Just ignore her!

    Chapter 1:

    Main Idea and Supporting Details

    Very often, confused readers will email me and ask, Why did you write _______? It makes no sense. Or Why did you put _______ in the story?

    Usually, there’s a good reason for anything that happens in the story. It moves the story forward. It explains something you need to know. It sets up something that’s going to happen later.

    But sometimes, I must admit, there’s no good reason. I just put stuff in the book because I thought it was funny and I wanted to make you laugh.

    And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. If the reader is laughing and keeps turning the pages, that’s a good enough reason to include something in the story.

    Still, every paragraph or story has

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