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The first in a sweeping and epic debut fantasy trilogy—set in a stunning Latinx-inspired world—about a face-changing thief and a risk-taking prince who must team up to defeat a powerful evil they accidentally unleashed. Perfect for fans of Tomi Adeyemi and Sabaa Tahir.

To Finn Voy, magic is two things: a knife to hold under the chin of anyone who crosses her…and a disguise she shrugs on as easily as others pull on cloaks.

As a talented faceshifter, it’s been years since Finn has seen her own face, and that’s exactly how she likes it. But when Finn gets caught by a powerful mobster, she’s forced into an impossible mission: steal a legendary treasure from Castallan’s royal palace or be stripped of her magic forever.

After the murder of his older brother, Prince Alfehr is first in line for the Castallan throne. But Alfie can’t help but feel that he will never live up to his brother’s legacy. Riddled with grief, Alfie is obsessed with finding a way to bring his brother back, even if it means dabbling in forbidden magic.

But when Finn and Alfie’s fates collide, they accidentally unlock a terrible, ancient power—which, if not contained, will devour the world. And with Castallan’s fate in their hands, Alfie and Finn must race to vanquish what they have unleashed, even if it means facing the deepest darkness in their pasts.

Release dateMay 7, 2019

Maya Motayne

Maya Motayne decided to be a writer when she was four years old and hasn’t stopped writing since. Her first novel, Nocturna, was a Los Angeles Times bestseller as well as a #1 Sunday Times bestseller. Maya lives in New York City, where she pursues her passions of petting as many dogs as possible and buying purses based on whether they can fit a big book in them. To learn more about Maya, visit her website at

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    So very good. Really great concept, intriguing from the beginning, well developed characters, great storyline and i loved the infusion of cultural elements into the characters magical reality. I honestly loved it and can't wait to start occulta
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Solid 4 stars. Thanks to Eidleweiss and the publisher/author for an ARC. It's taken me forever to get this review up. When everything is falling apart, a review is the least of your concerns... This book was so freaking good! As I said, I was going through a rough patch, but this book was something I could really use as an escape. I was swept up in the magic of Castellan and the banter of our main characters. Finn is smart, funny, and broken with a dark past and little hope of redemption (at least as far as she's concerned).Alfie is meant to be king but is apprehensive, certain he's not capable of the job. Together they make up for the other's shortcomings. Both are relatable, likable, and believable.When Alfie makes a terrible mistake in an effort to save a friend, Finn and Alfie must work together to do the impossible and stop an unspeakable evil.There is no insta-love (or any real romance type stuff at all), thankfully. I do wish I could have "seen" more of Castellan, but what is described is done very well. I really enjoyed my time with this book.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    SLOOOOW, I mean a snail riding a turtle slow. This book gave too much detail in things that were not necessary, and the metaphors and similes were as elementary as my 5th grade class. Now, I'm a sucker for a good magical, fantasy YA book. No one recommended this to me, I choose it on my own, and that was a catastrophic mistake. I don't recommend this book to my 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th or 10th grade students. It's so slow that I would be shocked if the avid reader, like myself, attempted this book and demanded their money back!

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Nocturna - Maya Motayne


The Prince Without a Future

A prince always comes home.

Alfie’s mother had told him that when he’d boarded his ship three months ago, leaving San Cristóbal behind to be swallowed by the horizon. And now, as the same ship eased back into the port it had departed from, Alfie’s shadow gathered around his feet in a tight spiral of nerves.

He was home.

The rings of the capital city bloomed before him, from the slouching taverns that braced against the sea breeze in the Pinch to the stately haciendas with stained glass windows and sloped adobe roofs deeper inland in the Bow. Mountains swelled in the far distance. If he squinted, he could spot the surrounding sugarcane fields, swaying in the breeze, ripe for harvest. And, of course, rising against the horizon like a second sun was the palace.

Alfie’s fingers curled tight around the railing of the ship, the flap of the scarlet sails quieting around him as the crew readied to dock. The shops and taverns of the port were lined with lanterns enchanted to burn all night long to welcome incoming sailors. Even after everything that had happened, the city was so strangely unchanged. But that was the trick of home, he supposed. It stayed the same even when you didn’t.

Alfie wanted nothing more than to shout for the captain to head back to open sea. His pounding heart urged him to sail away and not let his feet touch the ground of this place.

Prince Alfehr, the captain said, pulling Alfie from his thoughts. Your carriage has arrived.

Alfie took a deep breath, his eyes clinging to the clear blue sea. From the deck he could spot colorful fish darting about in schools, unbothered by the boat gliding over them. As soon as the ship had slid from the choppy foreign ocean into the soft embrace of the Suave, the waters of his homeland, Alfie’s stomach began to twist with anxiety. He’d known then that he was getting too close to home. Now there was no turning back.

Like everyone else, he was born with an affinity for one of the four elements—his was water. He wasn’t the most skilled water charmer; like most nobles, he hadn’t focused much on elemental study, but he still wanted to whip his arms through the air and push waves against the boat, steering the ship far from here. Instead he said, Thank you, Bastien, for your service. When the captain gave a bow and turned to leave, Alfie spoke again. Espérate.

Yes, Your Grace.

Do I look . . . Alfie glanced at him furtively. Do I look all right?

Bastien gave him a knowing glance. You look just fine, Prince Alfie. And even if you did not, your family would be happy to see you. In any condition.

Alfie nodded gratefully as the captain left him to his thoughts. For the last week he’d stopped his drinking and late-night reading of every text of illegal magic he could get his hands on, in hopes of getting rid of the dark circles under his eyes. During his time on board the ship, the drink left him too bold to hide how lost he felt, searching for meaning in his grief only to find anger. The crew knew it all too well, but he didn’t want his mother to see who he’d become during these months away. Still, the flask of tequila sat hidden at his hip, an anchor dragging him down into its numbing embrace.

Alfie walked the shifting gangplank to the dock. As his feet touched solid ground it was strange to feel that terrible stillness again, as if hands had sprung out of the earth to hold him here in this place full of memories he’d tried to forget. With gritted teeth, he ground his heels to get his shadow to stop skittering back toward the ship. He was home now. He had an image to uphold. With his head held high, he strode toward the waiting carriage.

People working on the docks, citizens of the kingdom he would wrongfully inherit, began to gather in a wide ring about the carriage, whispering.

Is that really him?

Crown Prince Alfie has returned!

Their words fell on his shoulders like slabs of stone. The title of crown prince belonged to his brother, Dezmin, not him. Alfie walked faster. A squadron of guards in red capes bearing the insignia of Castallan formed a barrier around the carriage.

A man wearing a brimmed hat raised his son onto his shoulders to get a better look. Mira, Mijo! It’s the prince!

Alfie couldn’t bear it. They all had such hope in their eyes. His heart beating in his throat, he finally reached the coach. But before he could step in, one voice rang out over the others, snapping against him like a whip.

Your loss is our loss, Prince Alfehr! May Prince Dezmin rest in peace!

Alfie’s smile slipped and fell. The man’s condolences held a grain of truth—Dez’s absence truly was their loss. They’d been robbed of a real leader and were left with Alfie instead. But the man was wrong about one thing—Dez wasn’t dead. Alfie had returned home to find him. For these people who deserved a true king, he had returned. He would make things right.

His throat burning with the effort of holding his grief at bay, he looked at the crowd and said, Thank you.

His voice was wooden, hollow. But he supposed that was better than sounding broken.

As the carriage drew away from the port and the palace’s silver gates rose in the distance, a knot of dread twisted in his stomach. The ride had been too short. People spoke of how time sprinted during the best of moments, but it dashed just as quickly when something unwanted was on the horizon.

The silver gates pulled open and the carriage rolled onto the lush royal grounds. Ahead, the palace sat at the center of a sprawling lake. Its domes, each a patchwork of colored glass, caught gleams of moonlight, reflecting rays of scarlet, azure, and jade.

There was no strip of land to connect the palace to the surrounding grounds. At least not a permanent one. As the coach reached the water’s edge, the stone carvers stationed before the lake raised their arms in unison and a path of stone rose out of the water. As a child, Alfie would stick his head out the window and watch the stone bridge descend back into the lake as the carriage rolled forward. Now he just stared straight ahead.

The driver pulled the horses to a halt before the palace and Alfie stepped out, feeling small before his towering home. A servant stationed at the bottom of the stone stairs bowed as Alfie approached.

Welcome home, Your Highness, he said. The king and queen have requested—

—that I wait for them in the library, Alfie said, finishing the servant’s sentence. It was where his parents always went when there was something important to talk about. The servant nodded at him. I’ll go straightaway. Gracias.

Alfie trudged up the stairs, his half cape flowing behind him in the night breeze. As he approached the doors they swung inward and he was hit with the familiar scent of home—the cinnamon incense his mother loved to burn and the smell of freshly washed linen. His shoes clattered against the hand-painted tiles of the palace floor, the sound echoing through the halls. Swaths of richly colored fabric were draped across the ceiling, bringing a touch of warmth to the looming corridors. The walls were tiled just as the floor was, forming mosaics of bright color—swirls of burnt orange, rosy red, and summer yellows. As he walked, servants stopped their work to bow, and Alfie inclined his head, his discomfort growing with each look of deference he received.

Alfie hurried on to the library. If he and his parents were going to talk, he needed to get it over with quickly. Tonight, he had a game to attend and win.

He turned into a sweeping corridor where a servant no older than twelve meticulously dusted the portraits of past kings and queens that lined the walls in their gilded frames. With a word of magic, the boy floated his feather duster up to clean a gargantuan painting of Alfie’s great-grandfather. The servants were taught simple forms of spoken magic, as necessary for their jobs—spellwork to clean and organize. Alfie didn’t recognize the boy; he must’ve been new. He could see the glint of a silver earring in the boy’s right lobe. He certainly was new if the head of staff hadn’t caught him wearing that. Alfie made to hurry past him unnoticed, but the boy spotted him, his eyes wide. His mouth opened and closed soundlessly, like a fish on a hook.

Prince Alfehr! He turned away from the wall of paintings and dropped into a low bow. With his concentration broken, the duster came careening down.

Alfie outstretched his hand. "Parar!" With a word of magic the duster froze, hanging suspended just above the boy’s head.

A flush crept up the boy’s face as he sheepishly plucked it from the air.

Alfie hurried on, leaving the boy to stare after him. He looked at him with too much hope, just like the people at the port.

Alfie dashed down the hall and darted through the dark wood doors of the library. He let the silence of the room swaddle him. The library was cavernous, with a domed ceiling of colored glass. Wheeled ladders leaned against the shelves upon shelves of books that lined the walls. The sweeping room was outfitted with desks and plush armchairs to sink into with a good book. No matter how many talks of legacy and responsibility he’d endured here, there would always be something soothing about the library.

Alfie walked to the nearest bookshelf, where a ladder scarcely taller than he was stood. He looked up. The rows of books stretched all the way to the ceiling. Above, painted on the domed, stained glass ceiling was a mural of the history of the Castallan Kingdom rendered in a starburst of color.

Alfie stepped onto the first rung of the ladder.

"Alargar," he said. The ladder stretched upward until it reached the top shelves. His shadow squirmed uncomfortably where it clung to the bookshelves before him. He must have been at least twenty men high. But he wasn’t much afraid. Any bruxo worth his salt knew the magic to slow a fall, soften a landing. And being up this high was infinitely better than waiting on the ground to be lectured for turning his back on his responsibilities for three months.

Alfie pushed away those thoughts and ran his hand over the books’ leather spines. He stood surrounded by tomes on all types of magic. Books on elemental magic, an art grounded in the inborn ability to manipulate one of the four elements via physical movement and instinct; books of written and spoken spellwork, both based on the careful study of the language of magic; there were even books on the least common branch of magic, propio—personal magical abilities that were unique to each bruxo. Those born with propio were considered blessed with a greater connection to the art of magic. Each form drew upon an energy within the bruxos who called upon it, the principle of balance and exchange between man and magic—man providing his body and energy to house and power the magic, and magic offering its wonders to man.

But no matter how much he read on the subject, no book could describe how it felt to use magic, to interact with a living force so powerful that it overwhelmed and humbled you all at once. Magic could not speak, yet interacting with it felt like a conversation, a dance, a story shared with a friend with the ending left up to interpretation. To Alfie, magic was a bit like a stray dog. If you advanced on it with arrogance, it would snap at you. If you approached it too desperately, it would skitter away. But if you came to it with an open heart and respect, it might let you stroke its fur and scratch behind its ears.

He tilted his head back and looked up at the ceiling mural. Alfie concentrated, letting his mind fall quiet until he felt in tune with the magic flowing through the world, through him—a meditative focus that had taken years of study. When he reached this state, it was as if the magic threading through this world had a pulse, a heartbeat, and he could feel it thrumming through the air, slowing down or speeding up to match his own.

As the currents of magic washed over him, Alfie spoke the word he needed: "Contar."

At his command the mural moved with life, swirling above his head in bursts of color. The magic poured life into the images, showing his people swathed in bright colors, prospering and using magic freely. Then the mural slowly darkened as Englassen conquerors appeared on the shores. They chained his people, and Alfie watched the enchanted chains glow as his people’s magic was drained from them and transferred to their Englassen masters so that they could perform more magic. The Englassen regime destroyed all the tomes of their language, forcing them to forget the tongue that connected them to their heritage—to their magic. Then came the rebellion, with the enslaved breaking free of their shackles and rising against the conquerors and rediscovering their language. The story finished with a great bird shattering the chains attached to its claws and stretching its wings victoriously, the very image on the Castallan flag. Just below the bird were the words of Castallan: Magia Para Todos.

Magic for all.

Alfie dropped his hand and the mural became static once more. He’d tried that spellwork long before he’d left home, and he hadn’t been able to perform it. Now he couldn’t help but shout Wépa! in excitement, his voice echoing throughout the library. At the sound of his lone echo, Alfie’s smile fell.

When he was little, Alfie and Dez used to sneak into the library to stage grand duels with their blunt practice swords.

When he’d asked Dez why they always play fought in the library, Dez had shrugged and said, It’s big and dramatic. In the books you always have to have a sword fight in a big, dramatic place. And when you shout the whole room echoes.

At that, Dez gave a loud holler, his voice ricocheting off the cavernous ceiling. Alfie followed his lead, his own shout sounding like a chirp in comparison.

See, Dez had said, smiling. You always need a good echo.

Alfie pressed his forehead to a rung of the ladder. The whole palace whispered of Dez. There wasn’t a single room where he could be free of his fear that he wouldn’t be able to find his brother after all. That he truly was dead, like everyone said.

Alfehr, a voice sounded from below, shattering the silence. It was a voice that spoke of the rumble of thunder before a flash of lightning. It was the voice of a king.

Alfie started, gripping the ladder with both hands. King Bolívar and Queen Amada stood beside the ladder, staring up at him, their expressions inscrutable from so high up. Where Alfie was tall and lanky, his father was broadly built. Dez had looked much more like him. Alfie took after his mother, with more delicate features.

Ven acá. Her voice shook with emotion—though whether it was anger or relief, Alfie didn’t know.

Sí, Mother, Alfie called down. He took a deep breath and said, "Acortar." The ladder shrank down slowly until Alfie was just hovering above the ground. He stepped off and turned to his parents. His mother’s hands were bunched in her ruffled, violet gown. Her dark eyes were wide, as if she wasn’t certain that he was actually standing before her.

He looked down, avoiding their gazes for a long moment. I’m sorry I took so long to—

Before Alfie could finish, the queen stepped forward and pulled him into a fierce embrace. The king wrapped his arms around both of them with a gentleness Alfie seldom saw from his father. Alfie’s back stiffened in shock.

Mijo, the king said, his voice soft.

Alfie’s eyes stung. I came back.

Queen Amada pulled away from the embrace, her gaze tender as she placed a hand on Alfie’s cheek. "No, you came home. You have been missed."

Guilt wormed its way through Alfie. He wouldn’t even be here if not for the game tonight. But they’d been waiting for him since the moment he’d left. And now they were looking at him with faith in their eyes, faith that Alfie hardly deserved.

But it would be worth it if there was even the smallest chance that what he found at the game tonight could help him find Dez.

I shouldn’t have stayed away for so long, Alfie said, his voice thick.

It’s all right, my son, the king said, moving toward a quartet of plush armchairs. He sat, motioning for Alfie and his mother to do so as well. All men grieve in different ways. The important thing is that you’re home.

While away, Alfie had worried that Dez had been the glue that held his father and him together. That with Dez gone, whatever was between them would crumble to nothing but filial duty. But he’d been wrong. The love he’d felt in his father’s embrace was just as true as he’d remembered and so much more painful without Dez here to share in it.

When they sat, the queen looked over Alfie’s shoulder toward the library doors, her eyes beseeching. Luka, please. Don’t you want to say hello?

At the mention of his cousin and best friend, Alfie jumped out of his seat. They’d been raised in the palace together and only ever referred to each other as brother. His childhood was colored with memories of Luka, himself, and Dez leaving a trail of mayhem in the palace corridors. He hadn’t noticed Luka standing at the library doors, but now his presence was unmistakable, and uncharacteristically cold. Luka leaned against the doors, his arms crossed and his eyes hard. Alfie’s stomach tightened. To see Luka without a smile on his face was rare enough, but to see him looking so angry didn’t feel right.

Alfie, Luka said, his voice curt. He turned his gaze back to the queen. I’ve acknowledged him. May I be excused now?

The queen extended a hand toward him. Luka . . .

Luka narrowed his eyes. Why should I say hello when he didn’t bother to say goodbye?

Alfie flinched and stepped forward, but Luka raised his chin as if daring him to come any closer.

The king rose and squeezed Alfie’s shoulder, giving him a stern look that said, Leave it.

Luka, you may be excused.

Gracias, Luka said, his eyes ghosting over Alfie as he nodded at the king and queen in deference before turning on his heel and disappearing out the library doors.

Alfie took another step forward, intending to follow, but his father held him back.

Give him time to cool off, the king said. He took your leaving quite hard. He gave Alfie a pointed look. That situation is yours to remedy, but first we must talk.

When Alfie’s mother nodded in agreement, Alfie sat back down, his eyes still trained on the doors. Knowing that Luka would try to stop him from leaving, Alfie had taken the coward’s way out and boarded his ship without a word. He knew he deserved Luka’s anger, but the hurt in his eyes still stung Alfie like a slap to the face.

The king’s voice pulled Alfie out of his reverie. There is so much to say, so much we must do to prepare you for the throne.

Alfie bristled. This was not the first time his parents had spoken of preparing him to become king. It’s what had driven him onto his ship and away from home. Still, each time they mentioned him replacing Dez, it was a new wound, raw and stinging.

We have not forgotten about Dezmin. We never will. The queen turned away from Alfie, her voice catching. Alfie’s chest ached at the sight, but then she met his gaze again with a blazing look. But we must put our people before our grief. You have taken your time away, but now you must prepare. You are the crown prince, first in line for the throne. You must accept this. For your kingdom’s sake, if not your brother’s, entiendes?

Alfie gritted his teeth and forced himself to say, I understand.

We are on the verge of making history. In only a few months we will meet with our greatest enemy for the first time in generations and make peace, the king said, motioning up at the mural. Putting the feud between Englass and Castallan to rest and becoming allies will prove that we have risen from the ashes of this kingdom’s past of slavery to become an unquestioned world power. But Dez’s death, the king said, his eyes shining. It has made us appear unstable, unable to protect our own. It raises questions about our political standing and what we offer as an ally. So we must prepare you and present you as a prince who is ready to become king. First to Castallan and then to the world. We will begin in two days’ time by hosting a dinner party with the highest nobility of Castallan in honor of your return. The Equinox Festival is four days from today and, as always, we will host a ball to celebrate—the perfect opportunity to present yourself to the entire kingdom as its future ruler.

Alfie’s heart clenched like a fist at the thought of being presented as Dez’s replacement. Even if Dez were truly gone, the world would surely laugh at a prince without a future being responsible for the future of an entire kingdom. Why couldn’t they see that he could not do this?

But, Father, Alfie finally said, wringing his hands in his lap. My mind has not changed. I still believe that Dez may be alive. We do not know for sure if—

"Alfehr! his father thundered. Alfie’s spine straightened against his chair. The queen put a hand on her husband’s shoulder while the king took in a shuddering breath. I will not have you entertaining these fantasies. You cannot continue to ignore the truth and your responsibilities in favor of a delusion."

But— Alfie began, but his father silenced him with a look.

"Those who were discovered to be part of the coup that took Dez from us have been apprehended and imprisoned in cells in the Clock Tower for the rest of their despicable lives. The families of the three who led the operation—Marco Zelas, Alonso Marquez, and Maria Villanueva—have all sworn fealty and renounced their kin who went against the crown. There is no stone left to turn. No route left to explore. Por favor, he said, his voice so beseeching that it hurt to hear it. Let your brother rest in peace."

Alfie looked down at his lap and gritted his teeth again to stop himself from arguing. His fingers twitched, wanting to reach for the flask of tequila hidden at his hip, to mute the turmoil burning in his chest. He was the only one who’d been with Dez when he had been taken. They had been in the Blue Room, a parlor in the east wing of the palace, discussing how to best ask their parents about taking a long trip abroad with Luka for Dez’s twenty-third birthday, before his time would be swallowed by learning the ways of a king.

As they strategized, the double doors of the room flew open and a girl who looked barely older than Alfie stepped in. Her name was Xiomara Santoro, he’d learned after his brother was lost to him forever, and it was a name Alfie could never forget. Behind her, two guards were slain on the floor, blood pouring from their open necks. Dez pushed Alfie behind him, protecting him, until the very end.

In the space of a breath, the girl raised her hand and splayed her fingers. The ground beneath Dez opened into a darkness so complete that it seemed unnatural, unreal. Alfie had watched Dez fall into the hole, his eyes full of fear, his hands reaching up to Alfie and Alfie reaching down a moment too late. Before he could leap in after Dez, the hole closed. By then, a group of guards had the girl pinned to the ground while Alfie fell to his knees, speaking every word of magic he could to break open the floor and find that dark void the girl had conjured with her monstrous propio. But it came to nothing. Under interrogation the girl had admitted the names of those who’d enlisted her to kill the royal family. His brother was gone because a group of nobles had wanted to take the throne for themselves. The whole kingdom wore its grief like a veil. The marketplace was full of paintings and baubles in memory of the fallen Prince Dezmin. Nobles from every corner of the kingdom were lining up to prove their loyalty to the royal family, afraid to be sent to languish in the Clock Tower with those found guilty of treason. Castallan had become a raw, exposed nerve, flinching at the slightest touch, raising its hackles at any sign of trouble.

Still, he could not give up hope. Something within him knew that Dez was still there, waiting to be found.

I’m sorry, Alfie said, the lie acrid on his tongue. I will not speak of it again.

The queen reached over and took Alfie’s hand in hers before giving the king a pointed look. You look tired, she said. Would you like to rest and discuss this tomorrow?

His throat dry, Alfie rose from his chair. Sí, I would.

Mijo, remember this, the king said before Alfie could speedily leave the room. My great-grandfather was the first free king of Castallan. In time, you will be the fifth. You are the grandson of men who lived in chains, men who were not allowed to learn the language of magic. Do not disappoint them.

Alfie’s shadow curled nervously at his feet. I won’t. I’ll make things right, I promise.

Queen Amada gave a resolute nod, her eyes still wet. We know you will.

And he would, but not in the way his parents were hoping.


The Thief Without a Peso

Finn had never been a fan of puppet shows. Just the thought of them made her shadow twitch at her feet.

Yet in the boisterous maze of the marketplace, something had drawn her to this one. She stood behind the crowd of children watching, her arms crossed. The show had everything she remembered from the ones she’d seen as a child—a villain swathed in black with a deep, booming voice, a princess in a sparkling dress with sweeping eyelashes glued to her too-large eyes, a valiant prince vowing to save her.

Even as a child, before everything had happened, the idea of strings digging into joints, of painted smiles and unblinking eyes, of a grinning master just behind the curtain wielding all the power made fear trickle down her spine. She’d wanted nothing more than to race up to the stage and hack at the strings, watch the puppets collapse and fall still. Better never to move at all than to move at the will of someone else. Maybe, even then, she’d had the foresight to know what was coming for her, to know what master was lurking just behind the curtain, waiting to bind her with his strings.

Don’t you miss it, Mija? a voice in her head purred. Don’t you miss your father? You’re not faring too well without me, are you? Maybe you were better off strung up. . . .

Finn shook her head free of the voice, every syllable digging under her skin. She couldn’t get swept away by memories. Ignacio wasn’t here to twist her with his words until she couldn’t tell the difference between his demands and her own thoughts. He wasn’t here to tell her to listen, to obey like a dutiful daughter, to thank him for taking her in when she had no one. Her life was her own now.

Out of the way!

Before her a boy shoved a small girl who’d been standing on her tiptoes in front of him trying to watch the show. The girl fell, her knees hitting the ground with a sad thunk. But she didn’t cry, rise, and hit the boy back as Finn expected. No, she stayed on the ground silent for a long moment before finally standing and shuffling to the side, away from the boy’s view. The girl folded her thin arms around her middle, as if trying to make herself smaller. As if she’d been knocked to the ground so many times that it was where she belonged. Finn knew that feeling all too well.

She’d never been a fan of it either.

Finn slid through the crowd of children and crouched in front of the boy, blocking his view.

You want a closer look at the show? she hissed with a smile. He opened his mouth to protest, revealing rows of gapped, chocolate-stained teeth, but Finn was too quick for him. She passed her hands over her face and transformed herself into the villain of the puppet show—a monstrous man with a red, sinister mouth too wide for his face and eyes as black as ash.

Close enough for you? she asked with a tilt of her head.

The boy gave a strangled yelp and ran away. As he turned, Finn pulled the pouch of pesos out of the back pocket of his trousers. She didn’t usually steal from children—even she had her limits—but by the spotless soles of his shoes and the crisp cut of his clothes she knew his parents would replace it without batting an eye.

Finn passed her hands over her face again, returning it to its previous state. The little girl with the scuffed knees stared at Finn, mouth open. Unlike the boy, she hadn’t screamed at the sight of the transformation.

Well, Finn said to her. You’re braver than you look, muchacha.

Finn took in the shabby state of the girl’s clothes, the thinness of her arms, the dirt under her fingernails. Or maybe this girl had seen more than her fair share of monstrous things already. Finn could understand that. Finn winked at her before rising and putting her hands on the girl’s narrow shoulders. With a gentle push, she moved the girl to where the boy had stood.

Aquí, front and center, where you belong.

Finn began to walk away, but then stopped, thinking better of it. Though her empty stomach protested, she took the girl’s hand and dropped the stolen coin purse into it. Get yourself something sweet.

As the girl gazed at the purse with a look of wonder, Finn stepped back and melted into the crowds ambling through the marketplace of the Brim.

The Pinch and the Bash—the poorer, outermost rings of the city—were porous, the divide between the two arbitrary and silently understood. After all, the poor hardly needed a distinction between one level of misfortune and the next. The Brim was the third of the city’s five rings, a bridge between poverty and luxury. People of all classes met to spend their pesos here, from sauntering noblewomen in long, belted, ruffled skirts and brightly colored silken blouses to dirt-dusted farmhands in their patched trousers.

The next ring, the Bow, however, was a ring where nobles lived just beyond the Brim. The adobe brick barrier had gated entry points where guards stood sentry to keep out the riffraff. Past the Bow was the final ring of the city—the Crown. Beyond its towering walls, the verdant palace grounds sprawled and rolled, a cocoon of greenery surrounding the palace of colored glass where the royal family lived their lavish lives. Finn sucked her teeth at the thought of those pampered rulers with their silk parasols. She’d much rather be here in the Brim where all the action was.

Finn walked on, passing a stall of jewel-toned gowns and skirts. She watched a woman tug a dress over her clothes. When she twirled, it changed from bloodred to a rich blue.

For that price you get three colors, you want more the price doubles! the vendor said.

Finn grimaced as happy shoppers stumbled in and out of her path, making it difficult to move through the market as easily as usual. It was a bit too crowded and jolly tonight, with the air of a festival. Earlier she’d even seen water charmer performers dancing in the streets, winding ribbons of dyed water through the air like bolts of colored silk. Something was going on.

When she saw a vendor handing out free flowers to every passerby, she was done guessing. What kind of fool would hand out for free what you could sell for pesos?

What the hell is going on tonight? Why are you giving out freebies? she asked, coming to a stop before his stall.

The old man only smiled before pressing a white moon blossom into her hand. As soon as the white bud emerged from the cloth parasol canopying his stall, it bloomed to drink in the moonlight.

Haven’t you heard? he asked, his eyes alight.

Finn squinted at the useless flower in her hand, but the man’s excitement made her think twice about letting it fall to the ground. No. Clearly.

The prince! he said. The prince has finally returned!

Finn gave a snort at that. The dead prince?

The old man’s eyes widened. He blinked twice before answering. No . . .

Then it’s not that interesting of a story, is it? Keep your flowers and your sanity, old man.

When she tried to hand him back the flower, he waved her off with a smile, his mood irritatingly undampened. With the blossom in hand, Finn turned on her heel and followed the throng. That was the annoying thing about the capital city. People here were obsessed with the royal family. The prince coming home wasn’t going to fill their bellies or get them somewhere warm to sleep, yet the whole city was aflutter. So what if some pampered pretty boy came home? It wasn’t as if a prince could survive out in the real world for long. Of course he’d come running back home to his mamá.

Stupid, maldito prince, Finn cursed.

And wasn’t this the prince without a future? No usual announcement when the prince turned five of "The diviner has spoken. He will make a fine leader blah blah blah" nonsense like the other royals. The diviner hadn’t seen a maldito thing about this boy. So if these pendejos thought this prince was anything to celebrate, they were out of their minds.

As she moved through the marketplace, her stomach gave a persistent growl. The pouch of pesos she’d given that little girl surely could have bought her a meal or two.

Shut up, she said to her cramping belly, as if admitting the mistake would appease it. But it only ached more. I know it was stupid of me.

But then again, she preferred going into a job on an empty stomach. It made her sharper. She’d been spending too many pesos lately. But once she pulled off tonight’s thieving and sold the goods, she’d be set for another month or two.

So long as she pulled it off.

She dropped those nervous thoughts in the well inside her where she kept her fears, her anxieties—all the things she couldn’t afford to feel if she wanted to survive.

Focus, she mumbled to herself. Worrying was for people who weren’t as good at this as she was. She would nail it tonight, like she always did.

Her mind abuzz with doubt, she let herself get distracted by two kids, flame casters, blowing streams of fire from their mouths, trying to see who could keep it going the longest. After a long moment, the taller one bent over, his hands on his knees as he gasped, sweat rolling down his face. Finn couldn’t help but smile as they bickered about who was better, the losing boy arguing that he’d skipped lunch so he didn’t have the energy to properly compete.

Overhead, the two-faced clock chimed from its tower, a sonorous reminder to every child that they ought to be tucked into bed by now. Finn glanced up at the great timepiece, its hands ticking in an endless procession of time lost and time to be gained. The stone tower held two clocks, one above the other. The scarlet clock face spoke of time in hours and minutes, its hands a glimmering gold. The one of blue-tinted glass charted the movement of the sun and the moon, its silver hands ticking ever closer to the upcoming equinox when night and day would share time equally, like a pair of lovers would share dessert.

The Equinox Festival was the most celebrated holiday of the year. Finn could hardly wait. Ever since she was a child she’d wanted to experience the wonder of it in the capital city. She’d heard tales of fireworks that flew through the air in the shape of great birds spreading flaming wings, each spark manipulated by the finest flame casters in the kingdom. There would be music booming through the rings, bachatas and merengues that made it impossible to stand still. The bakeries would overflow with every manner of pastry she’d ever wanted to taste. It was why she’d decided to stay in the city for this past month instead of just passing through as she always did. She wanted to witness the spectacle, just this once.

Plus, the festival meant fiestas, fiestas meant tequila, and tequila meant there would be plenty of people to pickpocket with ease. After the holiday ended, they would march onward to winter with its shortened days and longer, cooler nights. She’d make sure to hop on a ship to a warmer location well before then. Maybe the islands off the eastern coast? She’d never been there before. She’d heard their paella was too delicious to describe, and their seafood was so fresh that when you bit into the fried squid it sprayed you with ink.

At that, her stomach gave another loud protest. Cállate, she murmured, but it wouldn’t shut up. Maybe she’d made a mistake spending her pesos on a room at an inn instead of saving it for food.

Her stomach gnawing on itself, Finn passed a stand where a young

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