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Trial Runs: Revolutionary Heart, #2.5
Trial Runs: Revolutionary Heart, #2.5
Trial Runs: Revolutionary Heart, #2.5
Ebook256 pages5 hours

Trial Runs: Revolutionary Heart, #2.5

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About this ebook

The thirteen stories in this book, Trial Runs, are set in the Love's Trials universe and within its time frame. Each story examines a different problem which Colin and Joshua faced during that challenging period in their lives. Some of the issues are deadly serious, some are simply the day-to-day snags which we all experience in the course of our lives, and some are downright hilarious. All demonstrate the love these two men share and the passion with which they live their lives together.

The stories are often hot, sexy, and contain explicit, adult content.

Release dateApr 19, 2019
Trial Runs: Revolutionary Heart, #2.5

Janice Jarrell

My name is Janice Jarrell. I am a retired grandmother who lives in Seattle, WA.  I have two children and three grandsons. I’ve been writing gay romance since I was twelve years old, only back then it wasn’t called ‘gay romance’. In fact, it had no name at all. It was the fifty’s, and it was worth your life to admit to being gay, let alone confess to being a girl who constantly fantasized about relationships between gay men. Hell, I didn’t even know what a homosexual was. I lived on a farm out in the sticks in a tiny Michigan village and I’d never, to my knowledge, even heard the word. I just knew I loved the thought of boy on boy romance. I just knew that there was something hot going on between Tom Corbett and his Space Cadets and all those guys on ‘Combat’. I wrote slash fanfiction for 30 years, writing over 337 stories, some as short as 100 words (a drabble) some as long as a series which was over 119,012 words. I enjoy writing my stories. I enjoyed the feedback I received from my readers. It was a creative release I’d been searching for my entire life and I blessed the Internet for leading me to this artistic oasis for my spirit. Love’s Magic was my very first step into writing my own characters. I will always be grateful the slash fanfiction community for nurturing the budding author until she was ready to blossom into a fully realized novelist. It’s been an amazing thing to watch the gay community’s growth over these past twenty years. My own journey has echoed theirs in many ways, and I’m grateful to all those gay activists who fought to give the gay community the rights and privileges they always deserved. I’m also grateful to the gay romance community, readers, authors, publishers and promoters, who are making these, my retirement years, the most creative ones of my life. When I'm not writing, I'm traveling, walking, hiking, knitting, crocheting, and weaving. I'm very excited about the upcoming release of my second contemporary gay romance novel, Love's Trials. Those of you who fell in love with Joshua and Colin in Love's Magic are in for a treat because they are the STARS of Love's Trials, though they may not thank me for it given the very difficult 'trials' they are about to face. Fear not though. I am a firm believer in HEA!!!

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    Book preview

    Trial Runs - Janice Jarrell

    Trial Runs

    Thirteen short stories from the

    Love’s Trials universe.

    Copyright © 2019 by Janice Jarrell

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

    may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

    without the express written permission of the publisher

    except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Printed in the United States of America

    First Printing, 2019

    Edited by: Redloop Editing -

    Front cover image by: Jenn LeBlanc /Illustrated Romance

    Cover design by: Janice Jarrell

    To Cathy

    Table of Contents

    Guys Who Wear Glasses

    Roleplay Cops and Robbers

    The Most Beautiful Part of You

    Letter From Dad

    The Wrangler

    Come Covered Veggies

    Fathers and Sons



    The Campus Cop


    The flirtation

    Candlelight Dinner


    In October of 2017 cocky, alpha-male Irishman, Colin Campbell, Sergeant in Charge of the Special Assault Unit of the University of Virginia Campus Police Force, was shot in the line of duty. Without a thought to his own safety, he dove in front of a bullet meant for a University of Virginia student which shattered his thigh and severed his femoral artery. The wound nearly cost Colin’s his life and left him temporarily disabled, robbing him of the strength and athletic prowess which had always been a source of pride, leaving him bereft and humiliated.

    His partner, Joshua Abrams, a Doctor of Psychology at the Rainier Clinic in Charlottesville, never once left his side. He poured every ounce of strength and love he possessed into healing the magical Irishman who he adored, and was overwhelmed with relief and gratitude when Colin was taken off the critical list. Thinking that they had survived their trial, he took Colin home, believing that their happiness was now assured.

    But like many injured police officers, Colin subsequently withdrew from his partner. Overwhelmed by feelings of shame and embarrassment, he devoted himself almost obsessively to the physical therapy with which he hoped to rebuild his strength and reclaim the life he had lost. Unable to share his pain and feelings of inadequacy, he shut Joshua out, leaving him to cope alone with the post-traumatic stress he suffered as a result of Colin’s shooting.

    In the following months Colin and Joshua fought to keep their relationship alive. Although deeply in love, they felt powerless to cope with the after-effects of Colin’s injuries both to his body and to his pride as a man, and to heal the emotionally devastating PTSD with which Joshua suffered.

    Love’s Trials tells the story of this painful and challenging time in Colin and Joshua’s life. The thirteen stories in this book, Trial Runs, are set in that novels’ universe and within its time frame. Each story examines a different problem which Colin and Joshua faced during that challenging period in their lives. Some of the issues are deadly serious, some are simply the day-to-day snags which we all experience in the course of our lives, and some are downright hilarious. All demonstrate the love these two men share and the passion with which they live their lives together.

    The stories are often hot, sexy, and contain explicit, adult content.

    The Stories

    Guys Who Wear Glasses: Joshua has work to do, but Colin isn’t having it. He’s too focused on how hot Joshua looks in his horn-rimmed spectacles.

    Roleplay Cops and Robbers: Colin wants to test his new handcuffs and, well, things progress from there to a predictable ending.

    The Most Beautiful Part of You: Getting shot leaves scars, both mental and physical. Colin can hide the mental scars, but the physical ones are tougher to conceal.

    Letter From Dad: The last person Joshua wants to hear from is his abusive father. But when that day comes, Colin is a source of strength to both himself and his family.

    The Wrangler: Colin has always worried about Joshua driving a Wrangler. He thinks it’s too small to keep Joshua safe in an accident. Turns out he’s right.

    Come Covered Veggies: Colin, Joshua, David, and Nate are spending a long weekend at David’s cabin in the Virginia mountains. And the conversation turns... interesting.

    Fathers and Sons: Colin and Joshua face the trial the eventually comes to all of us. That of losing a parent. But in Joshua’s case the issue is a lot more complex.

    Chrismukkah: Joshua is Jewish and doesn’t ‘do’ Christmas. But he makes a secret visit to Colin’s mother to collect Christmas decorations from his childhood. He wants to surprise Colin by decorating their home with these childhood mementos but ends up being surprised himself when the reality of what he’s seeking touches his heart.

    Chrismukkah Cookies: A collection of flash fiction stories about Colin and Joshua’s first Chrismukkah together. Each cookie is fun and delicious! Enjoy!

    The Campus Cop: Being a police officer is highly dangerous work. Colin and Joshua know this better than most, but that truth is, once again, brought home to them in a way that shatters their hearts and draws them even closer together.

    Nightmares: The after effects of traumatic injury come in many forms, both mental and physical. Colin and Joshua help each other understand and cope with one of the more disturbing symptoms of their on-going struggle with PTSD.

    The Flirtation: A night out at McCafferty’s for Colin, Joshua and their four best friends turns into an evening filled with emotional repercussions. Would Colin actually flirt with another man right in front of Joshua’s eyes?

    Candlelight Dinner: It’s been a rough few months, and Colin wants to make sure that his fiancé understands how deeply he appreciates all that Joshua does for him. And in typical Colin fashion, he pulls out all the stops.

    Guys Who Wear Glasses

    H ave I ever told you ..., Colin began, his index finger moving slowly up and down the outside of Joshua's thigh.

    Colin, Joshua interrupted in a carefully tolerant voice, honey, please, let me get through this report. He was sitting on the bed dressed in faded sweat pants and a t-shirt, rifling through a patient report that had been given to him to read and sign. Colin lay beside him, supposedly waiting for him to finish.

    "... how fucking hot you look in your glasses?" Colin continued smoothly.

    Joshua rolled his eyes and drew in a deep sigh, striving for calm. He looked down at Colin through his black, horn-rimmed spectacles. Colin, could you just be patient for one more minute? He went back to the papers piled on his lap.

    Colin scooted closer to him. Makes me want to jump you right here and now.

    Joshua turned and peered down at his finance over the top of said glasses. You don't say.

    "I do say, Colin replied. You’re hot. Extremely hot in fact."

    Well, maybe just curb your lust 'til I get through with this fucking report. He sighed out a breath and peered down at the papers.

    "Curb my lust?" Colin complained.


    You told me to curb my lust! Colin said in amazement, pulling himself into a seated position.

    I know. I'm sorry, babe. I just-,

    "Curb my lust? Colin blurted. He plucked the report from Joshua’s fingers, ignored his protests, and tossed it onto the bedside table. We now have a new rule."

    Colin, babe, please just let me -,

    No, Colin said. He grabbed Joshua’s shoulders and spun them until Joshua was sprawled on top of his body. "I will not let you. I’m sick of seeing you work, particularly when you insist on wearing those glasses. He peered up into Joshua’s eyes. So here’s the rule. You get me hot, you have to pay the piper."

    Joshua sighed. "Honey, I apologize for getting you hot. I apologize for telling you to curb your lust. But I have to finish that-,"

    Did you not hear me say ‘no’? Colin asked.

    Joshua shook his head, trying to suppress a smile.

    "Did you not hear that?"

    Joshua collapsed onto Colin’s chest, quaking with laughter. You’re impossible!

    Impossible to avoid? Colin asked, his eyes twinkling. Impossible to ignore? He captured Joshua’s face between his palms and drew him down into a long, wet, intimate kiss.

    Impossible to refuse, Joshua murmured against Colin’s full lips. "Impossible for me to refuse anyway."

    Blame the glasses, Colin said, his voice matter-of-fact. "If you hadn’t been wearing those damned things, I might have been able to—as you so romantically put it—curb my lust. But since you insisted on wearing them, he shrugged elaborately, I bear no responsibility for the consequences. This is all on you."

    Joshua wriggled on top of Colin’s body, thrusting his hips to slide his hard, full erection against Colin’s. OK. Clearly, I’m defeated here. I'll read the damned report later. He reached to remove his glasses, but Colin caught his hand.

    Leave them on.

    Seriously? Joshua asked stretching out on top of him.

    Hell yes, seriously! He kissed Joshua with passionate hunger then grabbed the hem of his t-shirt and pulled it off, almost knocking off the glasses. Drives me fucking nuts!

    Guys don't make passes-

    Colin kissed him. This guy does, he murmured, kissing Joshua with mindless intensity. So hot, he moaned, caressing Joshua’s tongue with his own, licking at his lips, nibbling them, then sliding his tongue against Joshua’s again in a slow, wet stroke.

    My god, you’re not kidding are you?

    Fuck no, I’m not kidding!

    I’m never wearing my contacts again.

    Damned right.

    Colin’s fingers slid under the waistband of Joshua’s sweatpants then moved low enough to cup Joshua’s jaw-droppingly gorgeous bottom. Colin’s upper lip drew back over his teeth, and he hissed out a long breath. Goddamn, you have a phenomenal ass, do you know that?

    So you’ve said, Joshua murmured, trying to burrow against Colin’s neck, longing to inhale the scent of his skin, of his hair. I myself have never laid eyes on the thing.

    Take my word.

    Done. Colin, let me take these glasses off.


    Joshua grunted out a frustrated sigh as the glasses pressed against the bridge of his nose. They’re in my way!

    Find a different way. I want them on.

    Joshua barked out a laugh and leaned over Colin, staring into his eyes. OK. You get the glasses. I mean what the fuck, Colin?

    Shaddup, Colin growled. He grabbed Joshua’s face between his palms and pulled him roughly into a hard, wet, kiss which he then repeated from every conceivable angle, his eyes never once leaving Joshua’s. He spun them in bed until Joshua was trapped beneath his body. They make you look... serious. Studious. Thoughtful. He kissed Joshua again, more tenderly this time.

    I’d like to think I am all those things, Joshua whispered. And I’d also like to think you know that already.

    I do, Colin murmured. He nuzzled against Joshua’s cheek then kissed his throat before scooting lower in the bed, sliding his tongue in a slow trail to Joshua’s chest where he paused. You are all those things and more. He sucked Joshua’s right nipple into his mouth and swirled his tongue around it before grazing his tongue against it in a hard, wet flick that drew a moan from Joshua’s throat as his back arched to meet Colin’s mouth.

    Colin’s moan echoed Joshua’s, his tongue moving to Joshua’s left nipple, caressing it with tongue, lips, and finally teeth, which scraped against the sensitive skin as, above him, Joshua cried out in pleasure. His hands moved to Joshua’s chest as he licked lower, both thumbs now teasing the hard, sensitive buds while his tongue explored Joshua’s muscled abdomen, teasing his navel, nibbling and nipping at his smooth, olive skin, feeling the aching hardness of his own erection pressing into the bed.

    He whimpered, his mouth still pressed to Joshua’s belly, grinding his cock against the bedding, feeling the rigid shaft of Joshua’s erection throb against his chest. Christ, Josh! he gasped, nearly panting, his desire a raging force, clenching his teeth, tightening his muscles as he struggled to contain the surge of desperate need that rose within him.

    He blinked and lifted his head, his eyes meeting Joshua’s. Curb my lust? he croaked out, flashing a quick, dimpled grin.

    "Yeah, well fuck that! Joshua said. He grabbed the tube of lubricant which lay on the table beside him and pressed it into Colin’s hand. C’mon, Irish."

    Not yet, Colin whispered. He took the tube from Joshua’s hand but laid it beside him, scooting lower in bed, moving his lips and tongue to Joshua’s inner thighs. He sighed in a deep exhale and turned his head just enough to nuzzle against Joshua’s balls, loving the musky, male scent of him, the soft skin that quivered against his mouth, the throb of Joshua’s hardened cock against his cheek.

    Oh, god, Josh, he groaned, lost to himself, drowning in a sea of sensation that seemed to stretch on into infinity. He felt Joshua’s body shaking against his, heard his soft cries and whimpers, and moaned again, wanting to come... needing to come... but so very reluctant to have this moment end, longing instead to remain on this razor’s edge of desire, where all thought was stripped away, leaving nothing but sensation. He trembled there on the brink, knowing that just one breath, just one touch, would be enough to send them both into convulsions of ecstatic release... but not breathing that breath, not giving that touch. Not now. Not yet.

    Colin! Joshua cried, tugging on his hair. Please!

    Yes, Colin whispered, feeling drugged by his desire. But he surrendered to Joshua’s cries and reached for the lube. He flipped the lid up, rising to his knees, his eyes sliding up the length of Joshua’s body as he squeezed the tube, filling his hand with the slippery substance.

    Joshua was leaning on an elbow, sitting half-erect, watching Colin’s every move. His chocolate-brown eyes behind the dark-frame of his glasses stared steadily into Colin’s, and Colin could see his chest rising and falling, pulling in air in short, heated breaths.

    He slid his lube filled hand over Joshua’s cock and saw the dark eyes roll back in his head as he fell to his back, groaning, arching his hips, his cries growing more frenzied as Colin’s hand stroked his already-throbbing erection. Love those glasses, Colin said in a hoarse whisper.

    "I’m never taking them off," Joshua gasped out.

    Colin chuckled as he slid two fingers into Joshua’s body, moving them in and out, widening them to stretch the hot, muscles surrounding them. He grabbed the lubricant and squeezed it over his own aching shaft, then bent over Joshua, easing himself just barely inside him, feeling Joshua’s legs clasp around him, pulling him closer... deeper.

    Colin whimpered as he filled Joshua to the hilt, moving his hips in a circular motion, pressing deeper. He began to rock against him, thrusting slowly at first, then harder, faster, feeling Joshua undulating beneath him, hearing him cry out with every massive thrust of Colin’s hips.

    He leaned on one hand, using the other to clench around Joshua’s hard, leaking cock, stroking in perfect rhythm with the motions of their body, melting into each other. So good, Colin whispered. Oh Josh, you’re so perfect... so beautiful! He felt as though his entire body were on fire, every cell, every atom sizzling with the aching heat of longing. Josh, he moaned, stiffening as wave after wave of pleasure rose within him, undeniable and overwhelming, taking his breath as he poured himself into the man he loved, lost in him, drowning in a unity too powerful to deny.

    He heard Joshua cry out his name as he shuddered and convulsed, coming again and again over Colin’s fist, and released his cock, slamming both hands against the bed to support himself, his chest heaving, shaking all over. Joshua’s arms wound around his neck and pulled him down onto his body, crushing them together as they both gasped with lightning strokes of bliss that seemed to go on forever.

    Christ! Colin wheezed out, still struggling to breathe. You’d better take those fucking things off! He felt Joshua quiver beneath him, laughing softly, still clinging to Colin’s neck, pressing them together.

    If you’ll recall, Joshua panted into his ear, When this all started, I was trying to read a report. Hard to do without my glasses.

    Colin groaned, nuzzling against Joshua’s neck as he lifted himself from Joshua’s body and fell to his side. I’ll read it to you. He blew out a long breath. Jesus, that was... fucking amazing!

    Joshua turned to his side and snuggled against Colin’s body, ducking under his arm to allow Colin to embrace him.

    You know you’re smearing come all over me, Colin muttered.

    It’s your come, Joshua whispered, kissing Colin’s sweat-damp chest.

    Mmmm, Colin moaned out softly. Point taken. He drew in another deep breath and blew it out, letting his whole body relax against the mattress. Then he turned his head to look into Joshua’s eyes. You gonna wear those in the shower?

    Mmm, probably not, Joshua replied.

    Good damn thing, Colin moaned, turning to climb out of bed. You’d probably kill me and I’d hate to die in a fucking shower.

    Joshua snickered and clambered after him. I look my best when I'm wearing my black, nerdy glasses, he quoted. Read that on Facebook.

    Colin walked into the bathroom and turned on the water, then he spun to face Joshua. He removed the glasses and sat them on the bathroom countertop. True enough, he muttered, clasping Joshua’s face between his palms. "But it’s also true that making a guy come too damn many times in a short period of time does not leave him looking his best. He kissed Joshua tenderly. Give me twenty minutes then put them back on." He winked and climbed into the shower.

    Joshua laughed out loud and followed him under the water.

    Roleplay Cops and Robbers

    D o me a favor? Colin asked. He was perched on the kitchen counter, watching Joshua put away dishes.

    Sure, Joshua replied, shoving a plate into the cupboard. What kind of favor?

    Let me handcuff you.

    Joshua turned to face his lover, eyebrows raised. Wow, he said with a grin. This is new.

    "Not like that, Colin said, shaking his head. I want to practice on you. I got a new set of cuffs and I want to make sure they work OK."

    Hmm, Joshua hummed. He rested both hands on Colin’s shoulders. "Gave me quite a start there, officer. Loaded me up with a really impressive image."

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