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Northanger Abbey
Northanger Abbey
Northanger Abbey
Ebook339 pages4 hours

Northanger Abbey

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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The internationally bestselling crime writer “offers a canny new twist on Jane Austen’s early novel . . . a reimagined delight for Austen fans” (Booklist).
A homeschooled minister’s daughter in the quaint, sheltered Piddle Valley in Dorset, Cat Morland loses herself in novels and is sure there is a glamorous adventure awaiting her beyond the valley’s narrow horizon. So, imagine her delight when the Allens, neighbors and friends of her parents, invite her to attend the Fringe Festival in Edinburgh as their guest. With a sunny personality, tickets every night, and a few key wardrobe additions courtesy of Susie Allen, Cat quickly begins to take Edinburgh by storm and is taken into the bosom of the Thorpe family, particularly by eldest daughter Bella. And then there’s the handsome Henry Tilney, an up-and-coming lawyer whose family home is the beautiful and forbidding Northanger Abbey. Cat is entranced by Henry and his charming sister, Eleanor, but she can’t help wondering if everything about them is as perfect as it seems. Or has she just been reading too many novels? A delectable, note-perfect modern update of the Jane Austen classic, Northanger Abbey tells a timeless story of innocence amid cynicism, the exquisite angst of young love, and the value of friendship.
“McDermid’s success lies in her ability to allow her version of Northanger Abbey to dovetail tidily and enjoyably with Austen’s original while infusing it with her own humor, wit, and style.” —The Boston Globe
“Rife with conflicts of love, gossip, misunderstandings, and updates on social media, it is an accessible and enjoyable read, especially rewarding for young readers as a gateway into appreciating the classics.” —Publishers Weekly
Release dateApr 15, 2014

Val McDermid

Val McDermid is a No.1 bestseller whose novels have been translated into more than thirty languages, and have sold more than sixteen million copies. She has won many awards internationally, including the CWA Gold Dagger for best crime novel of the year. She was inducted into the ITV3 Crime Thriller Awards Hall of Fame in 2009, was the recipient of the CWA Cartier Diamond Dagger in 2010. Val writes full time and lives in Edinburgh and the East Neuk of Fife.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    What better place for an imaginative, book-besotted girl than the lively cultural joys of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival? That’s where author Val McDermid sends Catherine, aka Cat, Morland instead of Bath in this Austen Project update of Northanger Abbey. This is the second book in the series, Joanna Trollope’s modern take of Sense & Sensibility was first, and like its predecessor this Northanger Abbey sticks very close to the original, just reimaging the setting and circumstances, though in this case McDermid adds some clever contemporary twists at the end.Instead of Gothic novels Cat is happily obsessed with vampire books and she’s especially excited to be in Edinburgh because she thinks it’s the perfect setting for all things paranormal--she can easily imagine vampires around every corner, which of course becomes a problem. This Cat is just as artless and eager as her original and all the main characters from Austen’s novels are back in modern forms. Charming Henry Tilney is now a lawyer instead of a clergyman, Isabella Thorpe is just as selfish and manipulative as ever but with more range because she can tweet and post, Eleanor Tilney has a new reason to be lonely--revealed late in the story--and the Tilney’s abbey home is now suitably isolated in the Scottish Borders, outside the range of cell phones reception. Though McDermid is a crime novelist this Northanger Abbey is as lighthearted as Austen’s original. I don’t always enjoy Austen inspired novels by contemporary authors, but this retelling has Austen-like wit and spirit, and it was a lot fun to discover McDermid’s update choices as I read along. Plus I loved the vivid setting just as much as Cat. I received an ebook copy of this novel from the publisher through NetGalley. The review opinions are mine.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really liked this re-imagining and yet I had hoped for more knowing that Ms. McDermid is a crime writer.

    This is the third book I've read from the Austen Project and so far the one I've liked the best. I liked the comfort of being similar to the original and I think the characters were spot on. I was glad too that I recognized the setting, I could imagine it both in Austen's time and in McDermid's time

    All that being said, I was hoping for a bit more mystery, maybe a bit of twist of some type of crime having been committed to bring in more of McDermid's forte. And after having read three of the Austen Project books I really have to wonder if we are capable of a modern writer who would be gives us the satisfaction we receive when we read Jane Austen's original novels. And if there is such a writer is the modern reader capable of appreciating the wit, style and subtlety that was the greatness of Austen? If Austen wrote the same book in today's society would we love it as much as we do? That's why I gave this book four stars, because it could have been something Austen wrote if she were a writer in today's modern, crazy-social media driven world.

    If you want something more modern or were hoping for a really good mystery don't read this book but if you want an enjoyable Austenesqe read give this one a try.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book was *fun* ... but at the same time, felt like McDermid literally copy pasted the original text into a word processor and just did some find-and-replace to change things just slightly. This read like Austen with some additional social media angles (and the much-maligned text-speak) but what really needed to be updated were some plot issues.

    For instance: (spoiler tagged even though these are all plot elements of the original novel)

    - why does nobody find it odd that two grown men -- practicing lawyers -- would be so immediately attracted to a girl they know full well is 17?

    - this may be passable in a Pretty Little Liars/Rosewood/creeper manner, if Cat wasn't also a sheltered, homeschooled, naive innocent who's never been out of her little town before in her life, making her act far younger than 17

    - Bella and James get engaged right away, despite not even dating first? And Cat's (and everyone's) response is just to be happy for them? And not wondering, why don't they go on a date first? Or move in?

    - The weird focus on getting married and family money may make some sense in a Gossip Girl sort of way, maybe, but the Allens' and Bella's focus on family wealth and making a good marriage read as more Regency era than 21st century

    And on top of that, and this is probably an element of the not-very-popular original novel, but the plot is all over the place. In pre-publication interviews, this book was described as being reimagined as a teen suspense thriller (and hence McDermid's involvement) but the "suspense" elements (are the Tilneys really VAMPIRES??) is never a real threat, as even Cat knows she's being silly to suspect that.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is part of The Austen Project, with contemporary authors re imagining classic Austen novels. Cat Morland is a reader, one who has spent her whole life in a small English village. When her neighbors invite her to accompany them on a trip to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Cat jumps on the opportunity. While at the Fringe Festival, she befriends two families, the Thorpes and the Tilneys. The Tilneys own Northanger Abbey, the mysterious old home that may be the key to Cat living her book fantasies in real life.Northanger Abbey is one of my favorite classics, and I love Gothic tales. I also love Val McDermid from her Tony Hill and Dr. Carol Jordan series, so I was really excited to hear about this book.McDermid did not disappoint. I loved this modern spin on an already great story. She makes you love the characters you're supposed to love, suspect the characters you're supposed to suspect, and boo the characters you're supposed to boo.The suspense and tension around the possible secrets of Northanger Abbey itself were also really well-developed.I wanted them to get to Northanger Abbey sooner ;) I loved all the set up, but was especially excited for when they finally reached their mysterious destination.This makes me want to pick up more of The Austen Project books, and re read the original Northanger Abbey. McDermid does a great job of putting her own spin on a great tale.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It's really hard to effectively update a Jane Austen story. Clueless is the only contemporary version that works for me. I enjoyed Bridget Jones, but not as Austen, just as a story that used some Austen character names. I'm also a fan of the gothic, and read way too many gothic romances in my teens, so I feel like I get what Austen way saying in Northanger. It is, in fact, my favorite. McDermid's version is really pleasant as a modern novel, and I loved the stuff about The Fringe Festival, but the efforts to update the source material were often rather awkward. The text-speak came across as condescending in the way dialect does in 19th century literature. Thankfully, there isn't too much of that.

    But Cat investigating the castle at night came across as pure Nancy Drew, and the where-are-they-now ending was hilariously cruel and it gave enough time for the main romance to feel believable and appropriate.

    The god end happily, and the bad are punished, and sometimes that's all one needs from a book.

    Library copy
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    17-year-old Cat Morland, the oldest daughter of a Dorset vicar, is having the time of her life while accompanying her childless friends and neighbors, the Allens, to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Her hosts send her to dancing lessons to learn the dances for the Highland Ball. She is intrigued by her partner, the handsome Henry Tilney. However, she is soon distracted by her new friend, Bella Thorpe, who she soon learns is seeing her older brother, James. Bella's brother, Johnny, a friend of James's from Cambridge, soon latches on to Cat, not recognizing that his attentions are both unwelcome and hindering any further development in her relationship with Henry Tilney. Fortunately, Henry and his sister, Ellie, persevere in their attempts at cultivating her friendship. The three find that they have a lot in common, including a love for the Hebridean Harpies horror novels. Cat is thrilled when the Tilneys invite her to stay at their home, Northanger Abbey, where the environment and the odd behavior of the Tilney's father, General Tilney, resemble the vampire stories Cat loves so much.The Edinburgh Fringe Festival is a good substitute for the social milieu of Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey. It's hard to imagine this retelling working well in a different setting. At 17, Cat seems a bit young for a lawyer in training. However, it's not nearly as challenging as the difficulty Joanna Trollope faced with a plausible relationship storyline for Marianne and Brandon in her updating of Sense & Sensibility. The texting and Facebooking seem natural in this setting, although I wouldn't notice if McDermid didn't strike the right tone here. This is the most enjoyable of the three Austen Project novels I've read so far, and I think it will satisfy many of Austen's fans. McDermid successfully blends her own voice with Austen's original story. She's set a high bar for the remaining three novels in the project.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    ‘General Tilney?’
    She spoke with some diffidence as Mrs Calman cleared away the soup dishes and placed a selection of curries and side dishes in the middle of the table.
    ‘I wonder whether it might be possible for me to use your wifi?’ She caught the look of alarm shared by Henry and Ellie.
    ‘The wifi?’ The General frowned. ‘Is that entirely necessary?’
    ‘I wanted to check my email.’
    ‘My dear girl, why? Your parents and the Allens know precisely where you are and have the telephone number, so if there were any urgent need to contact you, there would be no difficulty.’ He spooned rice on to his plate and added some lamb methi. ‘You don’t have any kind of job yet, so there can be no urgent business communication awaiting you. In short, Catherine, there’s no conceivable reason other than the purely frivolous for you to “check your email”. Isn’t that so?’

    I am not an Austen purist. I am not all that attached to the original Northanger Abbey. The idea of McDermid re-telling the story for a modern audience was just too good to pass up. And does it work?
    Amazingly, I found myself giggling along - especially whenever McDermid did lift the story out of its time and applied a hefty dose of 21st century cynicism to it. But it was not just the idea of modernising the settings and gadgets. She also transformed the dialogue to appropriate it to a YA story set in the present day UK - and choosing the Edinburgh Festival as the modern day equivalent of Bath was just inspired.

    Of course, McDermid being McDermid, she clearly had fun exploring the mystery part of the story from the point of view of someone assessing a potential crime scene:

    The stain was on the bottom of the last drawer, about the size and shape of a blade. The sort of stain you’d expect if someone had laid a bloody knife there. She made a small mewing sound in the back of her throat and recoiled from the chest. And yet, the streak of curiosity that ran through Cat as strongly as her blood itself could not keep from examining the piece of furniture. As her eye calibrated the dimension, she realised there was a gap beneath the bottom drawer of perhaps five or six centimetres. Could the answer to the bloodstain – for so she had already classified it without a waver of doubt – lie in the space beneath?
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A fun Jane Austen fan fiction. Part of the Austen Project. McDermid's modern spin on Northanger Abbey was diverting.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Cat Morland lives in a dull little town where nothing ever happens. She craves the adventure she finds between the pages of her books. But an opportunity to attend the Edinburgh Festival with family friends gives Cat the opportunity to spice up her life, and when she meets the boisterous Thorpe family and the mysterious Tilneys. When she’s invited to stay at historic Northanger Abbey, she finds herself immersed in a fantasy, but is it all in her head?This book was my first completed read for Austen Month and it was so much fun. I’ve read the original (and would like to read it again, now that I have a better understanding of where Austen was going with it) and I think McDermid adapted this tale to the 20th (21st?) century perfectly. The modern Cat Morland is just as fanciful and daydreamy as the original, ready to see ghosts and murder and adventure around every corner. The Thorpes are just as overbearing and obnoxious (including Bella Thorpe’s internet speak like “totes amazeballs” and “OMG.”) The Tilneys are just as charming and mysterious – perhaps maybe even more charming in a modern setting.Cat is a loveable doofus – she means well, but lets her overactive imagination get her into a bit of crap. But with her honesty and open heartedness she is able to repair the damage she creates. She’s flawed, but charming and it was the right mix to carry me through the story.I didn’t have high expectations for this novel, since I’ve never read a modern retelling of Austen’s work, but I was sucked into the story right away and hated to put the book down. This book captured the playful, satirical tone of the original (which I seem to understand more every time I read something else related to it) and adapted well to the new century. The ending took a rather unexpected turn, and while I figured McDermid would switch things up a bit, I think it lacked a little bit of weight? Maybe that’s not the right word, but I wasn’t buying her explanation 100%. That said, this was an excellent modernization of Northanger Abbey and I think, even if you’re not already an Austen fan, you might find something to love about this book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Very cute modernization of the Jane Austen faux-Gothic novel. Cat travels to Edinburgh instead of Bath, and is into vampire novels instead of Gothic. There is a little swearing, but otherwise a good read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    'Northanger Abbey' reimagined: could this stately family pile really be home to Twilight-style vampires? *Perhaps the least popular of Austen's six completed novels, 'Northanger Abbey' is, nonetheless, a clever and entertaining parody of contemporary Gothic and Romantic novels. This makes seasoned crime writer Val McDermid an interesting choice to 'update' the novel, since she is more used to writing about blood and death than genteel families enjoying 'the season' in Bath (translation: husband hunting for nice middle-class girls).I love McDermid's crime books so I was quite excited about this addition to the Austen Project, though also slightly anxious - no one wants a favourite author to disappoint. ** I wondered whether the parody might be dispatched with and someone killed after all, but it wasn't to be.What's it about?"It was a source of constant disappointment to Catherine Morland that her life did not more closely resemble her books."Our wannabe heroine, 17 year old Catherine Morland, becomes simply 'Cat' and is made a home-schooled vicar's daughter to explain her astonishing naivety. Whisked off to Edinburgh festival by neighbours and family friends, Cat is initially dazzled by the horribly transparent, small-minded, fortune hunter 'Bella' Thorpe (and horrified by her obnoxious brother 'Jonno', who is keen to fling Cat around in his soft-top motor) but gradually forms a close friendship with the Tilney family. She impresses the patriarch, General Tilney, sufficiently to get herself invited back to the family's Abbey, where she begins to imagine that they might just be vampires. 'Cos 'Twilight' was a guide to modern vampire life, right? Right?So, if you're a fan of the original, the fundamentals are the same but there are a few tweaks. This is a Val McDermid novel so of course, of course, it's primarily set in Scotland (with lovely Scots bloke Henry easily having masses more reader appeal than cocky English lad Jonno) and has gained one or two lesbian characters.What hasn't changed?The wit. The humour. The criticism levelled at people who dismiss all fiction as rubbish and at people who unthinkingly devour rubbish. Within three pages I felt certain that Austen herself would approve of the spirit of McDermid's endeavor (while still not exactly revelling in the notion that her careful work was being reworked). Cat still grows up. General Tilney still isn't a murderer (trust me: this is not a spoiler. I defy you to read this and genuinely think at any point that Cat's "imaginative" interpretations of the Tilney family are in any way feasible). I enjoyed the story, the characterisations and the often detailed references to Edinburgh. I was amused by the references to the fictional Hebridean Harpies series the girls are all fascinated by and confident that Cat, despite being a bit of a plonker at times, would sail safely to the end of the book, snagging the right guy along the way.Of course I was confident; this is classic Austen with a very thin dressing of tartan and social media. (Cat is stunned that the General refuses to allow his children to use the Wifi connection at the Abbey.)Final thoughtsIt's an entertaining read and good fun for Austen fans spotting parallels and deviations. But. But. Sticking so closely to Austen's original plot means that, even given her multiple justifications (only 17; home-schooled; vicar's daughter; grew up in sheltered Dorset; etc.) it is simply impossible to be convinced by Cat's vague attributions of the supernatural to the Tilney family. Even Cat isn't convinced. And who would be?Moments such as Cat seeing Henry drinking a long red drink and 'really hoping it was a Bloody Mary' jolted me out of the storyline. Well of course it's a Bloody Mary. Does she really think it's blood? No. It's just too ridiculous. And if the reader really thought that Cat genuinely believed these things then we'd have to write her off as too stupid to deserve a sensible aspiring lawyer like Henry. I mean, Cat's clearly been on Facebook and Twitter for donkey's years. Regardless of growing up in Dorset, no-one's that naive.Still, caveats aside, I really enjoyed reading this and suspect it will be my favourite from the Austen Project. I expect 'Emma' and 'Pride and Prejudice' are too close to my heart to be done well, and (whispers) I'm not that keen on Mansfield Park anyway. (Fanny is a bit dull, isn't she?)* Um, no. Did you read the original? No? Ah. Well, (spoiler alert,) no one dies.** My initial thoughts on the whole project can be found here and here or simply summarised as ambivalent. My review of Joanna Trollope's 'Sense and Sensibility' is here.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed this quite a lot. I'd recently reread the original so it was fun to compare the modernisation. OK, so some bits were a stretch but the world has moved on in 200 years and I think Val McDiarmid did a pretty good job in updating it. The original Catherine was hardly brain of Britain either.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Not the best book to finish the year on, but an interesting experiment. The Austen Project compels and repulses me in equal measure, but I only gave in after finding Val McDermid's contribution in a charity shop. The thing is, Austen is both timeless and of her time; her novels are now popular classics, but do they need 'reinventing' for a modern generation? I've read loads of Emma sequels - although not Alexander McCall Smith's, unless I can get a copy for free - and some work better than others, but all compare unfavourably with the original. McDermid's take on Northanger Abbey suffers from the same handicap - a clever translation, but one labouring under the constraints of the original.Also, 'senior' writers should never, ever try to ape the language and mannerisms of today's 'yoof'. I think Val read an article in the Daily Mail, circa 2010, about kids using Facebook and Twitter and took her portrayal of 'Cat' Morland and Bella Thorpe from there. Bella is like a Sloane ranger trying to impersonate Cher from Clueless, while the seventeen year old heroine of the tale veers between abbreviated text speak and lecturing people on the evils of alcohol ('Obeying the law isn't a favour - I'm still only seventeen so I can't drink legally in a pub anyway'). Character appropriate for a home-educated vicar's daughter, perhaps, but very strange to read. Generation gap aside, this modern treatment of Austen's gothic satire almost works - apart from Cat's vivid imagination concerning the Tilneys (sheltered does not mean stupid) and the General's reason for kicking Cat out of the Abbey in the middle of the night (when he's spent most of the time dropping clanking great hints about the Allens' wealth, as in the original text). Edinburgh makes a great cultural stand-in for Bath - the Scottish dancing was a little disturbing, however - and Cat's 'discovery' in the old trunk is actually more appropriate and meaningful. Northanger Abbey is not my favourite Austen novel - I've only read the story once - so I didn't really care what havoc Val McDermid played with the characters, and similarly, I won't be keeping this version. Overall, though, the updating is cleverly done, despite painful dialogue - 'totes amazeballs!' - and a bizarre final twist. Apart from the odd use - and I do mean 'odd' - of expletives, this would make an excellent YA retelling of Austen's classic.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I love Val McDermid. I love Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen. I couldn't get into this retelling -- partly because it is a retelling, so I have a pretty good idea what the plot is and I don't think it updates well. I would absolutely feature it in a display of retellings, because it is solidly done, I just don't care to finish it myself.

    My copy provided by Edelweiss.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An excellent adaptation of the original--McDermid preserves the satirical tone and updates Gothic literature by replacing it with vampire novels. The third quarter sags a bit, pacewise, but is otherwise a fun read for Austen fans, especially if Northanger Abbey is a favorite. 4.5 stars.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Sigh. I am very fond of the original version of this book and the modern retelling unfortunately fell flat. McDermid expends more time trying to recreate passages from Austen's novel rather than taking the frame of Austen's narrative and trying to do something interesting with it in a modern context. I mostly spent the novel wishing I'd re-read the original instead. Not terrible but not recommended.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Val McDermid has done an excellent job of transplanting Jane Austin's classic to contemporary times. In fact, I reread Austin's book immediately after finishing this one and was surprised by how much of the original was present in McDermid's version! The main difference comes at the end.For some reason, the dalliance between Captain Tilney and Isabella struck me as much more objectionable due to their age difference in the modern version - a difference that never occurs to me when I read the Austin version.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Cleverly done and very Austen-esque. Kudos to McDermid for the voice, so different from her own.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    For more reviews, Cover Snark and more, visit A Reader of Fictions.One of my many weaknesses as a reader of fictions is my inability to resist a novel that purports to have anything to do with Austen. A retelling, a continuation, or anything of that sort, and I want it desperately, no matter how terrible it looks. In this case, though, I was hopeful. I enjoyed the Austen Project Sense and Sensibility fairly well and the cover of Northanger Abbey is gorgeous. Plus, Austen’s Northanger Abbey is one of my favorite of Austen’s novels. This seemed like a safe bet. Famous last words. Northanger Abbey by Val McDermid has the plot down but lacks the heart.What I’ve noticed about both Austen Project novels is that they are very close retellings. McDermid has all the key elements of Northanger Abbey in place. The stories are modernized, yes, but so true to the original as to often feel a bit awkward. On the one hand, it’s nice how well they adapt the stories for a modern setting, but I feel like more work would really have sold it. Worse, I don’t feel like McDermid puts her own touch on Northanger Abbey. She doesn’t add any new depth or meaning to Austen’s story.Then again, I did find McDermid’s Catherine to be perhaps slightly more intelligent. There’s less made of her fancies about what might have happened in the Tilney’s house. Cat’s an avid reader, obsessed with vampires rather than the gothic. She’s almost a Jane Bennet figure in McDermid’s retelling, determined to think the best of people but with a bookish twist. This change could have been an interesting one if it carried through.Unfortunately, it’s offset by the painful texts that everyone in the book sends. A girl as smart and bookish as Cat seems to be would not send this: “I’m OK. Fone ws dead b4. Looking 4ward 2 seeing u. Mist u all. C u soon.” Now, some people do engage in texts that hurt me, I’m sure, but it’s basically everyone who texts like this, even if it doesn’t fit their character. The worst part is how much this seems to be textspeak written by someone who’s never written or read any actual text messages. I mean, this book is modern and Cat presumably has a smart phone since it can access facebook and the internet. Smartphones have autocorrect so texting like this happens less often. The letter abbreviations probably still happen, but why fone and the utterly puzzling “mist” in place of missed? The latter makes it sound like she’s going to break out the spray bottle on her family when she gets home. It’s a small thing, but I groaned every time.Mostly, I think McDdermid’s retelling utterly fails to capture the magic of Northanger Abbey, also known as Henry Tilney. He’s here and he’s nice and he likes to read, but he’s one of my favorite fictional heroes and I didn’t do a bit of swooning. He’s not as funny or wonderful here. He’s a lot of what makes the book for me and the Henry Tilney in this Northanger Abbey is rather flat.McDermid does make a change at the very end, to explain the circumstances of Cat’s departure from Netherfield. It’s kind of interesting and kind of infuriating. It’s also one hundred percent stolen from the end of Bend It Like Beckham. The execution again felt clunky and I’m not entirely comfortable with the way it was handled.At this point, I’m viewing the Austen Project with a lot more skepticism. The focus seems to be on retelling it as faithfully to the events as possible when what matters most is the heart. I’d recommend a reread of Austen’s Northanger Abbey, rather than spending time on McDermid’s.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The plot for this book is identical to the original Northanger Abbey. In fact, the book is basically just the original, modernized sentence by sentence. Surprisingly, I really liked that about it. I didn’t love the original book. I probably wouldn’t re-read the first book. Yet something about a retelling that just changes the setting while staying otherwise true to the source material appeals to me. This does, of course, mean that the plot was still largely nonexistent. Unlike Joanna Trollope’s writing in the Sense and Sensibility retelling for the Austen project, Val McDermid’s writing didn’t match how I imagine Austen would write if she were alive today. However, she did keep the writing tricks I liked the most from Austen’s writing in Northanger Abbey. This included her humorous under-selling of the heroine, her occasional breaking of the fourth wall, and her impassioned speeches in defense of the novel.

    I was surprised to find that there were some things I liked even better in the retelling than in the original. I love Austen’s writing and the way we learn about social mores of the time, but the writing about places isn’t especially descriptive. In McDermid’s version, the setting was almost a character, with great descriptions of the film festival taking place, the local culture, the landscape, and the weather. I also thought McDermid did a fantastic job modernizing this story. References to social media didn’t feel at all jarring, something I find very few authors can accomplish for me. I also thought the modernization helped make some characters more relatable. In the original, some things that were socially acceptable in Austen’s time come across as rude now and sometimes a joke a character is telling is harder to get because of the archaic language. I also thought the references to modern books were a lot of fun.

    There were a few changes from the original which I didn’t like as well. Being intentionally vague to avoid spoilers, there was an occurrence which caused some opinions about LGBT individuals to be expressed by both the characters and the narrator. While I got the impression that the author was trying to be politically correct and generally pro LGBT rights, I think what she wrote could have used some tweaks to make sure there was nothing that could seem offensive. I also strongly disliked the ending which McDermid completely made up in which she basically says “it’s ok that there’s no point to this story, because it is not the job of fiction to teach us”. Although Austen was clearly making the point that we shouldn’t confuse fiction with reality, I hope she would never have been so silly as to say that fiction has nothing to teach us. As a great believer in the ability of both fiction and non-fiction to educate, I found this a profoundly unsatisfying ending to the story. I would, never-the-less, recommend this to fan’s of the original, since it’s a fun way of experiencing the story for the first time all over again.

    This review first published on Doing Dewey.

Book preview

Northanger Abbey - Val McDermid


It was a source of constant disappointment to Catherine Morland that her life did not more closely resemble her books. Or rather, that the books in which she found its likeness were so unexciting. Plenty of novels were set in small country villages and towns like the Dorset hamlet where she lived. Admittedly, they didn’t all have such ridiculous names as the ones in the Piddle Valley where her father’s group of parishes was centred. It would have been hard to make credible a romantic fiction set in Farleigh Piddle, Middle Piddle, Nether Piddle and Piddle Dummer. But in every other respect, books about country life were just like home, only duller, if that were possible. The books that made her heart beat faster were never set anywhere she had ever been.

Cat, as she preferred to be known – on the basis that nobody should emerge from their teens with the name their parents had chosen – had been disappointed by her life for as long as she could remember. Her family were, in her eyes, deeply average and desperately dull. Her father ministered to five Church of England parishes with good-natured charm and a gift for sermons that were not quite entertaining but not quite boring either. Her mother had given up primary school teaching for the unpaid job of vicar’s wife, which she accomplished with few complaints and enough imagination to leaven its potential for dreariness. If she’d had an annual performance review, it would have read, ‘Annie Morland is a cheerful and hard-working team member who treats problems as challenges. Her hens are, for the third year in a row, the best layers in the Piddle Valley.’ Her parents seldom argued, never fought. Between the two of them, there wasn’t a single dark secret.

Even their home was a disappointment to Cat. Ten years before her birth, the Church of England had sold the draughty Victorian Gothic vicarage to an advertising executive from London and built a modern executive home with all the aesthetic appeal of a cornflakes packet for the vicar and his family. In spite of its relatively recent construction it had developed just as many draughts as its predecessor with none of the charm. It was not a backdrop that fuelled her imagination one whit.

Cat’s tomboy childhood had been a product of her desire to be the heroine of her own adventure. The stories she had first heard and later read for herself had fired her imagination and given her a fantasy world to play with. Her delight at having siblings – older brother James and younger sisters Sarah and Emily – was largely due to the roles she was able to assign them in her elaborate scenarios of battling monsters, rescuing the beleaguered and conquering distant planets.

For most children blessed – or cursed – with so vivid an imagination, the natural outlet is school. But Annie Morland had experienced what she called ‘the education factories’ at first hand and it had left her with a firm conviction that her children would best thrive under her own instruction. And so Cat and her siblings were denied exposure to a classroom and playground society that might have subjected them to life’s harsher realities. No one ever stole their dinner money or humiliated them in front of a roomful of their peers. Instead, they came under the constant scrutiny of a mother and father who wanted only the best for them.

James, blessed with natural wit and intelligence, would have succeeded whatever educational system had been imposed on him. And Cat, who cared more for narrative than knowledge, would probably have done no better wherever she’d been taught. They would certainly have become wiser in the ways of the world if they’d escaped their mother’s apron strings, but had that been the case, their story would be too commonplace to hold much interest for an ardent reader.

Their only significant contact with their peers happened in the small park that had been created from a water meadow donated to the village on the occasion of the Queen’s Silver Jubilee. The gift had been made by an international agribusiness keen to catch the eye of the Prince of Wales; and besides, the field had no significant agricultural potential since it lay within an oxbow of the Piddle and so could not be aggregated into one of the prairies so beloved by commercial farming. The park contained a football pitch, a tennis court, an adventure playground and, thanks to an American couple who had moved into the Old Schoolhouse, a rudimentary baseball diamond. Whenever school was out, the field acted as a child magnet. Little was formally organised, but there were always pick-up games of one sort or another into which the junior Morlands were readily absorbed. Cat particularly enjoyed any sort of ball game that included rolling or sliding in the dirt.

Cat progressed from tomboy to teenager without showing any academic or sporting distinction whatsoever. Her enthusiasm seldom lasted long enough to produce any solid results. Often her mother despaired of ever managing to shoehorn a French irregular verb or a simple algebraic equation into her daughter’s brain. After a nature walk, Cat would rather sit round the fire telling ghost stories than discussing the flora and fauna they’d seen in the woods and fields. She made notes when her mother insisted, then promptly mislaid them. Whenever she could drag their lesson off track, she did. In a history lesson, Annie would suddenly realise that instead of learning about Tudor foreign policy, her daughter was making the case for Henry VIII’s much-married state.

Faced with constant failure, Annie tried to find an explanation. Perhaps Cat was one of those individuals whose right brain dominated, making them creative, musical and imaginative. ‘Does that also include being utterly incapable of focusing on anything for more than two minutes at a time?’ her husband asked with mild exasperation when she outlined this theory to him one night as they retired to bed. ‘Who knows if she’s musical or creative? She says she loves music but she never practises the piano. She says she loves stories but she never finishes any of the ones she starts writing. She can’t be bothered earning pocket money because there’s nothing she wants to spend it on. All she wants are novels, and she can get as many of those as she wants from our bookshelves and the library bus. Honestly, Annie, as far as I can tell, she inhabits an entirely separate universe from the rest of us. She’s a completely dozy article.’

‘And what kind of future is she going to have?’ Annie tried not to admit pessimism into any area of her life, but where her eldest daughter was concerned, it was hard not to let it sneak in through the slightest crack in her defences.

‘One that requires no qualifications other than a good heart,’ Richard Morland said, rolling over and punching his pillow into submission. ‘Look how good she is with the little ones. Catherine will be fine,’ he added with more confidence than his wife thought he had any right to. That, she supposed, was where your faith came in.

Cat meanwhile was sleeping the sleep of the unconcerned, lost in happy dreams of adventure and romance. The details of her future never disturbed her interior life. She was serenely convinced that she would be a heroine. In her mind, all her life had been a preparation for that role. That wasn’t to say there wouldn’t be obstacles. Anybody who knew anything about adventures knew there would be stumbling blocks aplenty along the way to true love and happiness. Their families would be at war or her beloved would turn out to be a vampire or they would be separated by an ocean or an apparently terminal illness. But she would triumph and conquer every barrier to a satisfactory ending.

The only problem was how these exploits were going to get started. Years of ranging through the back gardens and living rooms of Piddle Wallop under cover of childish games and pastimes had convinced her she knew all there was to know of her neighbours. Of course, she was entirely mistaken in this assumption, but her blissful conviction was unlikely to be overturned while she paid more attention to the inside of her head than the secrets of those who surrounded her. As far as Cat was concerned, she knew nobody who was likely to provoke any sort of adventure. If she was going to embark on an escapade, she would first have to escape the narrow confines of the Piddle Valley. And she couldn’t see how she was ever going to manage that.

She was on the brink of despair when the impossible happened. In one brief moment, her prospects were transformed. Like Cinderella, it appeared that Cat was going to have her chance after all. If not at Prince Charming, then at least at the twenty-first century equivalent of the ball.

Their neighbours, Susie and Andrew Allen, were the culture vultures of the Piddle Valley. Andrew was the shrewdest of angels. His eye for theatrical gold had led him to a tidy fortune through investment in the West End commercial stage. He had no particular love of the performing arts but he possessed the knack of knowing what would please the popular taste.

For years, he had spent the summer in Edinburgh for the Festival, cramming every day to capacity with Fringe performances and Book Festival events that might conceivably inspire a musical. But a minor heart attack had felled him in the spring and Susie had insisted that this year must be different. This year, she would accompany him and he would be permitted to attend a maximum of two shows a day. ‘Because there are plenty of ways to have a good time in Edinburgh without having to sit through a one-woman show of King Lear, or a comedian doing Jane Austen’s Men,’ she’d said to Annie Morland. For although Susie Allen had herself been an actress, she had a surprisingly low threshold of attention when it came to attending the theatre.

But in order for Susie to enjoy those good times, she needed a companion for the awkward occasions when Andrew insisted on seeing a show whose description alone made her shudder. She had a very clear idea of the style of companionship she wanted. Someone whose youth would reflect positively on her; someone whose unformed opinions would have insufficient grounding to contradict hers; and someone who would attract interesting company without ever dominating it.

This was not how Susie expressed the matter either to herself or to the Morlands. And thus Cat was to be found one morning at the beginning of August packing her bag for a month in the Athens of the North, excited and delighted in equal measure.


No golden coach with white horses was laid on to transport Cat to Edinburgh. Instead, she faced the prospect of spending eight hours confined in the back seat of Susie and Andrew Allen’s Volvo estate. But Cat was convinced she’d be fine, even though she’d never been further than Bristol in the Morlands’ ancient people carrier. In the car, she’d be able to sleep and to read, those two essential components of her life.

There was no elaborate leave-taking of her parents. It was as if they had exhausted their potential for making a fuss of departing children when James had left four years before for Oxford. Cat had to admit to a twinge of disappointment at the apparent indifference of her family to her imminent absence. True, her mother gave her a smothering hug but it was followed by a brusque reminder to take her vitamins every morning. ‘And don’t forget you’re on a budget. Don’t blow the lot in the first few days. What you’ve got has to last you a month. You can’t turn to the bank of mum and dad if you run out of cash,’ she’d added sternly. Annie displayed not a sign of concern about what dangers might lurk on the streets of Edinburgh, in spite of having read the crime novels of both Ian Rankin and Kate Atkinson.

Hoping for something a little more affectionate or apprehensive, Cat turned to her sisters. ‘I’ll text you when I get there,’ she said. ‘And I’ll be on Facebook and Twitter big time.’

Sarah shrugged, either from envy or indifference. ‘Whatever,’ she mumbled.

‘I’ll post photos too.’

Emily looked away, apparently fascinated by the contrail left by a fighter jet. ‘If you like.’

Cat gave her father a look of appeal, hoping he at least would display some sign of dreading her departure. He slung a companionable arm round her shoulders and drew her away from the driveway towards the ramshackle garage where he indulged his woodworking hobby. ‘I’ve got a little something for you,’ he said.

Fearing another of his wooden trinket boxes, Cat let herself be led out of the sight of her mother and sisters. Instead, her father dug into the pocket of his jeans and produced a pair of crumpled twenty-pound notes. ‘Here’s a little extra spends for you.’ He put the money in her palm and folded her fingers over it.

‘Have you been robbing the collection plate?’ she teased him.

‘That’s right,’ he said. ‘There would have been more but the congregation’s been down this month. Listen, Cat. This is a great opportunity for you to see a bit of the world outside your window. Make the most of it.’

She threw her arms round his neck and kissed him. ‘Thanks, Dad. You always get it. This is the start of an amazing adventure. All these years, I’ve been reading about exciting exploits and wild escapades, and now I’m actually going to have one of my own.’

Richard’s smile held a touch of sadness. ‘I remember reading Swallows and Amazons and the Famous Five books and thinking that was how my life was going to be. But it didn’t turn out like that, Cat. Don’t be disappointed if your trip to Edinburgh doesn’t play out like a Harry Potter story.’

Cat snorted. ‘Harry Potter? Even little kids don’t believe Harry Potter’s for real. You can’t long for something you know is totally fantasy. It’s got to feel real before you can believe it could happen to you.’

Her father rumpled her long curly hair. ‘You’re talking to the wrong person. I believe in the Bible, remember?’

‘Yeah, but you’re not one of those crazies who think the Old Testament is history. What I mean is, all that magic and sorcery – nobody could believe that. But when I read about vampires, it could be true. It could be the way things are beneath the surface. Everything fits. It makes sense in a way that Quidditch and silly spells don’t.’

Richard laughed. ‘Well, I hope you can have an adventure in Edinburgh without being bitten by a vampire.’

Cat rolled her eyes. ‘Such a cliché, Dad. That’s so not what the undead are all about.’

Before he could respond, they were interrupted by a car horn. ‘Your carriage awaits,’ Richard said, gently pushing her out of the garage ahead of him.

The journey north was uneventful. In deference to Cat’s taste in literature, Susie had downloaded an abridged audio book of Bram Stoker’s Dracula. For Cat, schooled only in contemporary vampire romance, it was a curious and unsettling experience. It reminded her of the first time she’d tasted an olive. It was unlike everything that had crossed her palate before; strange and not quite pleasant, yet gilded with the promise of sophistication. This was what she would like when she knew enough of the world, it seemed to say. It was a guarantee that was more than enough to keep her focused on the conflict between the Transylvanian count and Professor Van Helsing.

The book ended and Cat drifted into consciousness of the outside world just as they reached the outskirts of the city centre. She squirmed out of her slouch on the back seat and eagerly scanned the neighbourhood, taking in the imposing symmetry of the grey stone buildings that lined the streets, interspersed with orderly tree-lined gardens enclosed by spiked railings. Although the light was barely fading into dusk, in her imagination it was a dark and foggy evening, when this would become a thrillingly ominous landscape. She had come to Edinburgh to be excited, and even at first sight, the city was living up to her expectations.

Mr Allen liked to live well, and he always took comfortable lodgings for his August pilgrimage. This year, he’d rented a three-bedroomed flat towards the West End of Queen Street which came with that contemporary Edinburgh equivalent of the Holy Grail – a parking permit. By the time they’d found a parking space that matched it, then lugged their bags up several flights of stairs, none of them had appetite or energy for anything more than a good night’s sleep.

Cat’s room was the smallest of the three bedrooms, but she didn’t care. It was painted in shades of yellow and lemon and there was plenty of room for a single bed, a dressing table, a wardrobe and a generous armchair that was perfect for curling up and reading. Best of all, it looked out over Queen Street Gardens. Cat had no difficulty in ignoring the constant traffic below and enjoying the broad canopy of trees. Now twilight had taken hold – and to her astonishment, it was already almost eleven o’clock, when it would be properly dark in Dorset – she could see bats flitting among the leaves. She gave a little shiver of pleasure before she closed the curtains and slipped into sleep.

Breakfast with the Allens was an even more casual affair than at the Morlands. When Cat emerged from the shower, she found Mr Allen in his dressing gown reading the Independent by the window, a cup of coffee at his elbow. He glanced up and said, ‘The supermarket delivery came. There’s fruit and juice and bacon and eggs in the fridge. Croissants in the bread bin and cereals in the cupboard. Help yourself to whatever you fancy.’

Spoiled for choice, Cat poured a glass of mango juice while she considered her options. ‘Is Susie still sleeping?’ she asked.

Mr Allen grunted. ‘Probably.’ He made a performance of closing his newspaper and draining his cup. ‘I’ve got a ticket for a show at half past ten at the Pleasance. A sketch comedy group from Birmingham doing a musical version of Middlemarch.’

‘That doesn’t sound very likely.’

He stood up and stretched. ‘And that, my dear Cat, is precisely why it might just work.’

Cat realised she still had a lot to learn about contemporary theatre. With luck, she’d know much more by the end of her four weeks in Edinburgh. ‘Are we coming with you?’

He chuckled. ‘God, no. Susie won’t venture anywhere near a cultural event until she’s kitted herself out in this season’s wardrobe. You two are destined for the shops this morning. I hope you’re feeling strong.’

At the time, she’d thought he was exaggerating, as she knew men are inclined to do on the subject of women and shopping. But by the fifth shop, the fifth pile of clothes, the fifth changing room, Cat was beginning to feel amazement at Mr Allen’s level of tolerance. Admittedly, she’d had little opportunity to observe married life at close quarters, apart from that of her parents. But although she didn’t like herself for the thought, Cat reckoned she had somehow previously missed the realisation that Susie Allen was the most empty-headed woman she’d ever spent time with. What was bewildering about this discovery was that Mr Allen was definitely neither empty-headed nor obsessed with how he looked. It was puzzling. All they seemed to share was curiosity. But while Mr Allen’s curiosity was aimed at finding new wonders to bring to the public’s attention, Susie Allen seemed interested only in spotting famous faces among the crowds that thronged the shops and the streets of Edinburgh.

‘Isn’t that the little Scottish woman who’s always on the News Quiz? Oh, and surely that’s Margaret Atwood over there, trying on hats? Oh look, it’s that rugby player with the big thighs.’ Such was the level of Susie’s discourse.

Her one saving grace, at least to a teenager, was her generosity. While she lavished a new wardrobe on herself, Susie was not slow to treat Cat to similar delights. Cat was not by nature greedy, but there was never much to spare in the Morland family budget for the vanity of fashion over practicality. Although Cat knew it was generosity enough to bring her on this trip and that her parents would disapprove of her accepting what they’d regard as unnecessary charity, she couldn’t help but be seduced by the stylish trifles Susie thought her due. Even so, by mid-afternoon, Cat was weary of retail therapy and longing to plunge into some cultural life.

Her prayers were answered when they returned to the flat to find Mr Allen sitting by the window with a cup of tea and his iPad. ‘I have tickets for you both for a comedy show this evening at the Assembly Rooms,’ he announced without stirring. ‘I’ve been invited to a whisky tasting, so I’ll meet you in the bar after the show.’

Cat retreated to her room, where she spread her new clothes on the bed and photographed each item with her phone. She posted her favourite shot – a camisole cunningly dyed in gradations of colour from fuchsia to pearly pink – on her Facebook page then sent the others to her sisters. She texted her parents to say she’d spent the day walking around with Susie and they’d be going out to see a show in the evening. Instinctively, she knew what not to tell her parents. Sarah and Emily wouldn’t give her away. Not because they were intent on keeping her confidences, but rather because their annoyance at what they were missing out on would manifest itself in blaming their parents.

The pavement under the triple-arched portico of the Assembly Rooms was busy with people milling around, eyes darting all over the place, eager to spot acquaintances or those they would like to become acquainted with. Posters plastered every surface, over-excited fonts trumpeting the attractions within. Everything clamoured for Cat’s attention and she clung nervously to Susie’s arm as they pushed through the crowds to get inside.

The scrum of people seemed to grow thicker the further they penetrated the building. Mr Allen had spoken of the grace and elegance of the interior, explaining how it had been restored to its eighteenth-century glory. ‘They’ve kept the perfect proportions and returned it to its original style of decoration, right down to the chandeliers and the gold leaf on the ceiling roses,’ he’d told them over their early dinner. Cat had been eager to see it for herself, but it was too crowded to form any sense of how it looked. In between the heads and the hoardings she could catch odd glimpses here and there, but it formed a bewildering kaleidoscope of images. The sole impression she had was of hundreds of people determined to see and be seen on their way to and from an assortment of performances.

‘I know where we’re going.’ Susie had to raise her voice to be heard in the throng. She half-led, half-dragged Cat through the crowd until they finally reached their destination. Susie handed over their tickets and they were admitted to the auditorium.

This was not Cat’s initiation into live performance. She’d regularly attended performances in the village hall and even, occasionally, at the Arts Centre in Dorchester. She knew what to expect. Rows of seats, a soft mumble of conversation, a curtained proscenium arch.

Instead, she was thrust into a hot humid mass of bodies that filled the space around a small raised dais at one end of the packed room. Through the gloom, she could see some chairs, but they were all taken. What remained was standing room only. Standing room so tightly packed that Cat was convinced if she passed out, nobody would know until they all began to file out and she crumpled to the floor.

‘It’s a bit hot,’ she protested.

‘You won’t notice when the show begins,’ Susie assured her.

Because Susie had taken so long to get ready, they were only just in time. A skinny young man with a jack-in-the-box spring in his step bounced on to the stage, his hair a wild shock of blond and blue that matched his T-shirt. He dived straight in with a barbed attack on his arrival in Edinburgh, his West Midlands delivery so fast and so heavily accented that Cat could barely make out one line in three.

The audience seemed to fare better, following the performance well enough to cheer, laugh and heckle in equal measure. It was a novel experience for Cat, and in spite of her discomfort, she found herself caught up in the atmosphere, clapping and laughing regardless of whether she’d got a particular joke.

Eventually the show came to an end, with whoops and cheers signalling that it had been more of a success than not. The one good thing about being so far back was that they were able to make a relatively quick getaway. It was almost dizzying to emerge into the relative airiness of the foyer after the closeness of the event. ‘The bar,’ Susie said, immediately dragging her away from the direction of the street and deeper into the bowels of the building. ‘I’m gagging for a drink.’

The bar was no less crowded. People stood three deep waiting to be served. Susie groaned and glanced at her watch. ‘Andrew will be here any minute; he can do the donkey work for us. Come on, let’s find a seat, my feet are killing me.’ Cat wasn’t surprised. Even a teenager would have had more sense than to go out for the evening in the ridiculous shoes Susie had bought that morning.

Finding a seat didn’t seem a likely prospect to Cat, but Susie was undaunted by the crowds. She spied a table occupied by a group of young people who were clearly together, bunched around wine bottles and glasses. Susie marched straight up to the table and plonked herself on the end of the banquette. ‘Squeeze up, darlings,’ she said, waving her hands in a shooing motion.

Despite their anarchic appearance, this was evidently a group of nicely brought-up students. They obediently squashed closer together, creating just enough space for Susie and a sliver of

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