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The Theory of 5 Workbook
The Theory of 5 Workbook
The Theory of 5 Workbook
Ebook152 pages3 hours

The Theory of 5 Workbook

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Take the First Steps on Your Journey to a Theory of 5 Life!

The Theory of 5 is based on the idea that, to live our best lives, we need people around us who will coach, challenge and support us in key areas of life. Since we are a reflection of those who we spend time with, we can take advantage of by purposefully surrounding ourselves with the best of the best.

Another facet of The Theory of 5, however, is that we need to be honest with our mentors and, even more importantly, ourselves. The Theory of 5 Workbook is designed to aid you into learning your truths, discovering the areas in life where you need to spend the most attention and providing a guide to living a Theory of 5 life. 

The perfect companion to the best-selling The Theory of 5, the questions in this workbook will take you from being a passive reader to becoming an active participant. They are designed to not only give you a perspective of where you’ve been and how you’ve come to where you are today but to provide a vision of the future where all your dreams become your reality. The questions deal with the five different areas that have the biggest impact on our lives: 

• Religion/Spirituality

• Marriage/Relationships

• Parenting

• Business and Finance

• Health and Fitness

There are also questions that will help you develop the proper mindset to build your circle of mentors, co-mentors and role models, as well as questions dealing with the lessons of the mentors interviewed in The Theory of 5.

Give yourself the best possible start on your Theory of 5 journey by following along in The Theory of 5 Workbook. Go deeper so you can live a better life than you ever thought possible!

Release dateMay 9, 2019
The Theory of 5 Workbook

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    One of the best and most pragmatic books that I have read.

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The Theory of 5 Workbook - Chris Saraceno

The Theory of 5 Workbook

Chris Saraceno


David Falkirk Davis

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This Book and How to Use It

The Theory of 5 isn’t a passive philosophical discussion. It’s not something intended to be read about, turned over in your mind a few times and then set aside. On their own, ideas won’t get you the results you desire. They’re just words on a page.

The Theory of 5 is an active pursuit — one that will change your life.

In The Theory of 5, I share with you how it has changed my life and the lives of those around me who have put this philosophy into action. The cornerstone of the Theory is to find mentors and co-mentors to assist you in the five fundamental areas of your life:





Health and Fitness

Because of the guidance, coaching and challenges these mentors will provide, you’ll see results that are almost impossible to achieve otherwise. This only works, however, if you put the ideas of The Theory of 5 into action.

This workbook is a tool to get you started on your journey. It’s designed to take what could be a passive reading and actively engage your mind and your heart to receive the results you desire.

How to Use this Book

This workbook is meant to be a companion piece to The Theory of 5, not a substitute or a standalone book. While some of the questions here could be answered without reading the book, the experience absolutely becomes richer with the context The Theory of 5 provides.

The ideas contained within The Theory of 5 are examined here, with questions intended to make you think about your personal needs and desires. While I firmly believe that The Theory of 5 will support everyone with achieving their life goals, we all have our unique situations and experiences. By answering the questions in this book, you’ll have a better understanding of your journey to this point, and the actions, behaviors and attitudes needed in order for you to live your best life.

You will notice that a few of the questions from section to section might seem similar. There are two reasons for this:

Life isn’t easily segmented. Your feelings toward money or the lessons you’ve taken from your parents, for instance, bleed over into other elements of your life.

Each section deals with a specific area of life. Look at the questions through that prism; the same question might have different answers depending on the viewpoint.

Take an Active Role

With The Theory of 5 Workbook, it’s not enough to simply think about your answers; it’s essential that you write them down. Don’t answer in your mind; get a notebook, take a pen or pencil and actually write your answers down. The physical act of writing unlocks new ways of thinking.

There might be a temptation to answer with a keyboard, as well, especially if you’re a good typist. Avoid this. If you use a keyboard regularly, you can probably type about as fast as you can think. Writing out your answer by hand will be slower, and you’ll be forced to slow down your thinking. This isn’t a bad thing; it will allow you to get to the deeper truths.

Dig Deep

I’ll tell you a truth up front: This will not be easy. I promise you it will be absolutely worth it, but there will be places you’ll visit in your mind along the way that will be uncomfortable. Be prepared for this and do it anyway.

Your willingness to begin living a Theory of 5 life tells me one thing immediately about you: You’re not afraid of a challenge. It’s through

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