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Candy Savant
Candy Savant
Candy Savant
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Candy Savant

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In 2234 men are extinct, having been deemed unnecessary.

This is the story of Candice Harlow, a brilliant young scientist arranged by Arkite’s supreme ruler, Elise Jackson, to lead the Savant project. A.I. is forbidden to experiment with human genes, so it enlists researchers—Savants. Savants work to create a human being from scratch to serve as a blueprint for immortality.

Candice likes her newfound wealth and status, but she’s not sure she likes Elise. Elise is unhinged. She’s manic, has a furious temper, and seems to care more for Candy’s dollface than her scientific aptitude. By day, Candy flies her bike to HQ laboratory. By night, she’s whisked off to fancy restaurants and nightclubs.

The project’s genesis is not unlike Frankenstein’s creature. Though not hideous, the creation is shunned by the all-female society. Candy shelters and cares for the creation, but not before she’s unfairly betrayed and accused of the worst possible crime.

Candy Savant is book 1 in the Candy Savant series. The two books in the series are complete self-contained novels not ending in cliffhangers. Some spoilers cannot be avoided, but book 1 can be enjoyed without reading book 2, Mother Savant.

Content warning: Arkite is a dystopian city featuring a ruler who is not nice. Expect profanity, adult situations, and sexual scenes.

PublisherA.L. Hawke
Release dateApr 23, 2019
Candy Savant

A.L. Hawke

A.L. Hawke is the author of the internationally bestselling Hawthorne University Witch series. The author lives in Southern California torching the midnight candle over lovers against a backdrop of machines, nymphs, magic, spice and mayhem. A.L. Hawke has published eight books specializing in fantasy romance and science fiction.

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    Book preview

    Candy Savant - A.L. Hawke



    Care for a stick of gum?

    The dim yellow light from the ceiling cast shadows about Candice’s puffy cheeks. Elise wanted to run her black-gloved fingers along her soft skin; Candice’s pale skin and long golden hair made such a lovely portrait in the dim light. They sat across from each other at the center of the drab windowless room in two matching metal chairs with only a small plastic table between them.

    Elise leaned forward, waving the bright red stick of gum. No?

    Candice shook her head.

    Candice was much younger than Elise, in her twenties. She had small blue eyes—beautiful sapphire eyes. Elise looked at them, watching her all the way from her pretty face down to her saffron silk blouse. Candice looked nervous. She twirled her golden-blond curls with shaky fingers while biting her thin upper lip. Her facial muscles twitched a little before Team Mother.

    Elise waved the gum again. No?

    Candice shook her head again.

    Why not? You think your Team Mother’s so geeked out that she’s a dirty little whore? Is that it? I offer Mint, but that doesn’t make Mother your sugar momma. Who the hell do you think you are?

    No. Of course not, it’s just—

    What? It’s just what? It’s a goddamn piece of gum.

    Mint gum was a soft cohesive substance developed by Magnacourt Corporation, consisting of just the perfect amount of sorbitol, gum base, soy lecithin, carnauba wax, maltodextrin, riboflavin, red #40, caffeine, and cocaine to render it addicting and delicious. Elise loved Mint. She ran her tongue along the glob of gum already in her mouth, relishing the flavor.

    Then she took a deep breath and threw Candice’s intended piece of gum into her own mouth. She ran an index finger along her left arm, sifting through files on the screen embedded in her wrist while flicking her fingers out a few times to stop her hand from shaking.

    I detest unpunctuality, said Elise, though in fact Candice had not arrived late to the meeting. It makes me wonder about your habits in the lab. If you want to be late, this job isn’t for you.

    I’m never late, Mother. I work very hard and—

    The responsibility of a Savant goes far beyond science, Elise said, raising a forestalling finger. Punctuality is the smallest part. You will be held in high regard by all the citizens of my city. But there’s a price. Do you understand?

    Yes… I think—

    You think what? Elise rolled her eyes. A Savant is a leader. The title of Savant is the greatest honor a geneticist can receive. While you research, you will also rule and protect the people as an Officer, an Officer and leader of the people.

    It’s a great honor. I understand.

    No, you don’t. You really don’t. You will have to have the courage to hold yourself and others accountable for my actions, even if that means hurting them. Can you do that? Can you honor and serve me? Your Team Mother? I’m not so sure you can, Candy, but that is what makes a Lead Savant—not just a scientist, but a Savant. Can you be that leader? A Lead Savant? Elise preempted Candice’s attempt at a reply. Do you understand? Or are you too much of a dumb fuck to even know the difference between your ass and a hole in the ground?

    Yes, Mother.

    Yes what? Elise folded her arms. Yes, you understand, or, yes, you think your butthole is a hole in the ground?

    I understand. Candice laughed nervously, then quickly averted her eyes.

    Stop being polite, Elise said. It’s disgusting.

    Candice opened her eyes wider and stared at the white brick wall. She shook her head slightly, leaving a perplexed look on her face. Elise loved watching Candice get flustered, but she loved viewing the gorgeous features of her face even more.

    I understand the great importance of the job, Candice said softly.

    Do you really?

    Elise frowned, then looked back down at her wrist monitor. She already knew Candice’s qualifications: her exemplary work on gene mapping, her award-winning thesis on cloning limbic neural networks, and her stellar grades on her exit exams. Candice had graduated the University of Arkite at the top of her class. A 4.8 average. She had even interned under Savant Garvey, a highly reputable elder professor working on organ culturing in Sector Three. Oh, she was more than qualified when it came to the sciences. But Elise was uncertain how Candice would cope with the more stressful, less analytical, aspects of the job. For Mother, these areas were just as vital, perhaps more so.

    Fucking, for example. When Elise had searched through the graduate database of the university, she’d been looking for a graduate of Caucasian descent who was thin, athletic, and well endowed. She preferred white girls, though she wasn’t white herself, because she liked their red areolas and the way white necks, chests, and faces turned rosy when excited: the exact shade Candice’s face was turning now. It was a classically angelic face, like some kind of cherub out of a Michelangelo painting.

    Umm, I want to scissor you, Goldilocks, on some fresh, clean white sheets.

    But it wasn’t enough for Elise to screw her Lead Savant. She wanted to screw her mind too. She did this simply by poking and prodding her with language and gestures just to redden those glorious cheeks.

    Elise liked Candice. She wasn’t arrogant. She seemed sweet and serene. Elise thought that profile fit with hers. She had known it would. That’s why Elise had hired her last month as her Lead Assistant Savant when accessing the mainframe in her penthouse office. Of course, Candice didn’t know that, which only made the torture more delicious, like foreplay.

    Elise’s eyes widened, and a sly grin grew on her face upon finding a file of her new recruit drying off her long hair from the shower. She could just see the crack of Candice’s ass in a mirror. Plump but not fat. Juicy. She turned her arm at an angle to make sure Candice couldn’t see.

    Why so quiet? Elise asked. Silence must mean you really have no idea of the importance of the job.

    No, Mother, of course I do.

    Elise threw her black lace-up boots on top of the very small white plastic table, shook out her long black hair, fixed the metal collar on her matching black lace shirt, which was so sharp a choker that it looked like it might guillotine her head straight off, and pulled out some lipstick and a compact from her pants pocket. She applied black color to her lips with a shaky hand, gazing at herself in the small mirror, then returned the makeup to her pocket.

    She offered her gum again.

    Candice declined with a shake of her head.

    No? Elise asked. Why the fuck not? It’s really cinnamon-y. Savants have the supply. You work with me, and you’ll have all the Mint you want. It’s really yummy.

    Sorry, Master, I—

    "Call me Elise. Not Master."



    Okay, Elise.

    Right, she said, adding the gum to her mouth and chomping down. Now, why don’t you start by telling me and the mainframe your full name?


    I said your name. She leaned forward, raising a finger. Relax. Why are you so nervous?

    I’m not nervous.

    Then tell me your fucking name.

    Candice Harlow.

    Savant Candice Harlow. Candy. Like, my Candy little tweetsy tweet tweet Savant. Elise folded her arms and crossed her legs. Then she waved a hand frivolously through the air. Now, if you accept, we will make it official. You will be called Lead Assistant Savant Candy Harlow.

    Candice bit her lip again but did not otherwise respond. In the silence, Elise heard her own mouth chomping: up and down, up and down, up and down, up and—

    It would be an honor, Elise.

    An honor? Elise blew a big red bubble toward Candice’s face and burst out laughing. That’s funny. She laughed again. Very funny. You’re cute, Candy.

    Elise especially liked her hands. They were so thin and dainty. She watched as Candice brushed her pale fingers across her forehead and ears. They were simply lovely hands. They were the loveliest hands Elise had ever seen. And her voice. It was high, almost too high, but that was also cute. She had a lovely voice. But most striking were those sapphire-blue, almost glowing, dark jeweled eyes. Candice blinked them, and Elise wished she’d blink them some more.

    Then Elise blinked her own eyes. The dim light was starting to bother her. She had chewed too many sticks of Mint—now hers and her new recruit’s. Not to mention the other pack she had already chewed earlier this morning to get her mind off her interrogation of another scientist who had stolen intellectual property.

    Elise gripped her fist real hard and then took the glove off, shaking out her fingers. Then she looked at Candice. She leaned forward and reached out to touch Candice’s face. Candice initially jerked back, but then she sat stiff and frozen—frozen like… a small little bird. Candice followed Elise’s hand with her eyes as it slowly stroked her cheek, up and down, up and down—just like the gum—up and down, up and down, up—

    Why did you say tweet? asked Candice, bewildered, pulling back.

    Because, my dear, you remind me of a puny little chirping bird. Those eyes and that face. It’s like a tweeting bird, you know, ready to be pounced on. She raised her hands up, mimicking claws. Tweet tweet. Tweet tweet.

    I don’t like it.

    Elise flashed a smile at her and nodded, chomping her gum. "You’ll have the best things—the very best things. But with them comes danger. Danger is something you’ll have to face as a Savant—my Savant. You and me and danger. Can you handle danger?"

    Candice nodded.

    You accept, then?


    Welcome to Magnacourt, Elise said simply. She stood and extended her hand. Candice got to her feet and took it.

    Elise smiled sweetly for a moment, chewing her gum and holding on to that lovely hand as she let her eyes run down the girl’s long legs in their tight black slacks. Candice relaxed and smiled too. But Elise never really wanted her Savants to relax at all. She wanted them to be afraid. She preferred complete and utter terror.

    So, all of a sudden, Elise slammed both fists hard against the table and then pointed a finger right between her eyes. Candice fell back in her chair, and Elise imagined the rapid flutter of her little birdy heart.

    "I’ll wake you up, you innocent cunt! Pry open those eyes and fillet you open!

    "I am your mother! Ask me when you eat and drink. I am your leader. Ask me when you sleep and when you piss. You stray too far from mother’s will and I’ll take you down and devour you, bitch!

    Don’t ever cross me! Don’t you ever betray me. If you turn from me, I’ll hunt you down and pluck pluck pluck all those fucking feathers and serve you for dinner. Understand me, Doctor?

    She stiffened over Candice and took a deep breath, closing her eyes, trying to steady herself. Her little birdy breathed short and fast below her, but Elise dared not look down. Wide-eyed terror, or even worse, apathy, might take her over the edge and make her hurt her precious new little birdy recruit. So Elise slowly sank back down in her chair, shrugged her shoulders, and looked away.

    I am sorry… Elise, Candice finally muttered.

    Elise looked at her, throwing another piece of gum in her mouth.

    Candice appeared more puzzled than afraid.

    Don’t worry ’bout it, said Elise, shrugging again, as if to excuse her crazed rage as a simple tic. Anywho, she said with a sigh, care to see the lab?



    Candice looked out from the rooftop of the HQ Civic Building of Sector One. Being on its roof provided the most spectacular view Candice had ever seen of the city. She took a deep breath, trying to enjoy the fresh open air and the brief respite from her interview, while doing her best to suppress her fear over what she was about to do.

    Arkite was a giant pyramid city densely packed with triangular, polyhedral and diamond-shaped steel skyscrapers, all surrounded by photovoltaic megatrusses used to capture sunlight, store energy and protect the city from the outer elements. The megatrusses were arranged in a checkered fashion with openings like a chain-link fence. Looking through the openings along the side trusses, Candice could always see the far-off sands that surrounded Arkite, but now at this height, for the first time in her life, she could make out mountain ranges far beyond the desert dunes.

    She looked over the ledge and wished she hadn’t. Straight down she could see Main Street and, at a few intersections, the rush of large groups of people in gray suits walking in line and being herded by flying traffic drones across the street. At other lights, people stood waiting in line. The streets themselves were nearly empty of cars, but the sidewalks were crowded with citizens. They all looked so tiny down below.

    Further out was her favorite part of the city, Central Park. The view calmed her for a moment. It was breathtaking. Her beloved park was so lush, spanning miles of lovely gardened paths, arched bridges and a lovely woman-made lake. It had been copied after the famous recreation area in New York City. And so, New York, having been destroyed in the great cataclysm two hundred years before Candice was born, still lived on through this replica. Even the famous Arc de Triomphe from Paris had survived the global war, with a duplicate set at the entrance to the park.

    Candice finally spotted HQ lab. The iron-red train was speeding along in the distance, snaking in and out of alleyways at great speeds. No one knew why Elise had built the lab on a moving train. Many suspected it had to do with secrecy. Its route was always the same, running nonstop in and out of all four sectors of the city. She spotted the train a few miles away, currently traveling between the all-glass crystal buildings of Sector Two. When weaving close to the glass walls, it seemed to be moving even faster.

    Ready? Elise tapped her on her shoulder.


    Candice slowly climbed the steps of a cement platform and mounted her bike. The bike was sleekly shaped, with a leather seat over two rocket engines (instead of wheels), handlebars and a large central monitor. Her heart was now pounding in her chest. She leaned forward and held the handlebars.

    Candice’s rocket bike was jet black. Elise’s bike beside her was cherry red. Candice had changed downstairs into a matching skintight black leather—and remarkably comfortable—jumpsuit. Elise had changed into a cherry-red one.

    Elise followed Candice and stood behind her on the platform, leaning down and helping her strap both legs into two open metal cuffs. The cuffs shut snug over her ankles like a trap. She showed Candice that she could easily close or release them by kicking her legs. Then she winked, assuring her that they provided all the safety she needed to prevent her from falling.

    Elise reached over her shoulder and pointed at some switches. There was a large lever to the right of her handlebar. She told Candice not to touch that. Then there was the middle screen. With a wave of Elise’s hand over the glass, the machine seemed to come alive. Candice could feel the power beneath her legs as the motor vibrated underneath her and lifted her up a little. Then Elise pointed to a red button and a larger green one. She told her not to touch those either. Elise glided a gloved finger over the handlebars. She showed her how to engage the rocket engine to her right with a twist. The brakes were easily hit with the footrests near Candice’s feet. Elise reached down and ran a black-leather-gloved hand over them and then slowly over Candice’s left thigh. She said this was how you slowed things down.

    Candice looked up at her. Elise’s light brown cheek was almost touching hers. Elise’s black lips curled in a lascivious smile. She seemed happy—happy after running her gloved palm over her leg.

    Put your visor on, Elise said.

    The visor was a modified open helmet folded into a small metal case hanging by the side of the bike. It was very light and, when unfolded, looked like a hard half eggshell with a transparent protective face-shield. The color of the visor matched the bike. Candice took the case hanging from the side, unfolded the visor, and placed it over her head. She was surprised to see that the streets below appeared clearer than before through the glass of the visor. It was a sunny day in Arkite, with few clouds in the sky. She looked down to the streets and could even make out the clothes people wore far below. She focused on a woman in a pretty turquoise shawl walking a dog out of a supermarket, then shifted her gaze to three young girls, teenagers, pushing and pulling at one another as they ran into an adjacent pharmacy.

    She looked up at Elise. Elise was beaming. She brushed Candice’s shoulder. Ready to fly, tweetsy-pie?

    Candice nodded.

    Follow me.

    Elise climbed her own platform and threw on her visor. Without hesitation, she launched herself over the edge of the high-rise.

    Candice’s heart was thumping in her ears now; she was next. Candice had never ridden before, and now she was expected to launch over the building. She couldn’t move. She sat frozen while the rocket engines roared beneath her legs.

    Candice looked beyond the platform and saw Elise with her black hair flowing behind her visor as she dropped down and circled the building.

    Go now, bitch! Elise shouted. Come on. The words reverberated in Candice’s ears through the visor speakers.

    Candice sighed and pulled the up lever slowly. The machine rose effortlessly above the platform. She moved the throttle forward, then launched off the building.

    At first, Candice panicked, feeling the sensation of falling, but then the rocket engines pushed her forward and she was thrown backward in her seat. She clutched the handlebars and squeezed her thighs tight, for nothing kept her from plummeting to the ground except her legs.

    Elise sped up faster as they rushed over the rooftops of skyscrapers, lifting a single finger and summoning Candice to follow.

    They first traveled high. Elise ascended as high as possible toward the open ceiling of the city, the very pinnacle of the pyramidal wall, which was nearly a mile high. Candice’s fear faded, being replaced by a sense of exhilaration over the rush of concrete walls passing fast beside her rocket cycle. Tall skyscrapers she had known ever since she was a little girl quickly passed beneath her.

    But she dared not look down. Not until Elise came alongside her and then dropped like a stone, her hysterical laughter ringing in Candice’s ears between the rush of wind. Candice dipped her own cycle down and carefully followed.

    In less than a minute, she was leveling off and approaching Central Park. She flew over Lake Salmas and the great suspension bridge crossing its breadth, known as the Acrean Pass. Then she flew over a large field where many citizens who had been sunbathing or playing on the grass gazed up at her. Elise drew closer to the ground—so close that the jet from her rocket brushed over the leaves of trees. Candice followed. She approached a familiar beloved brook. She caught the faces of a few women as they walked over a series of small arched bridges over the water. They looked scared.

    Candice’s grip on the handlebar tightened. Somehow seeing her fellow citizens’ fear brought back her own trepidation. Elise flew beside her, still laughing like a maniac.

    It was Saturday. Truly a beautiful day. At least a thousand citizens were in the park enjoying the sunshine. Candice wondered what they thought when they looked up and saw their Team Mother and her new assistant zooming through the sky.

    Candice had been a little girl when she had first seen the Savants. She remembered holding her mother’s hand and pointing up at the rocket noise. But it was the smoke more than the cycles themselves that she had noticed. She had asked her mother what they were, but her mother hadn’t answered. Instead, her mother had stood up straight and placed her hand over her heart.

    Fuck! cried Elise through their headset. Keep up! What’s taking you sooo long?

    Next lesson.

    Elise sped her rocket farther, leaving the park and rushing over train tracks at the heart of Sector Two. They flew along streets and alleyways until they approached the iron-red train. Candice figured they must have been traveling close to two hundred miles an hour over the rails to keep up with the train below.

    Elise swooped down and then gracefully sank like a pro over one of the cars. She made it look effortless. Then she shut off her rocket, dismounted the cycle, and waved from the rooftop for Candice to do the same thing.

    You want me to land? thought Candice. Are you crazy? On a moving train!

    Candice shook her head.

    Get down, Elise said through the speakers in her visor.

    Candice shook her head again, circling above her.

    Get down! insisted Elise.

    Candice slowly descended. She felt the cycle shake a little as she tried to hover at just the right speed. It was hard for her to gauge. She had never flown or landed a cycle, and certainly not on a moving train.

    She failed two attempts. Elise shouted in her ears. Candice tried once more. She just couldn’t position the cycle in the right place. Candice looked down and saw Elise now jumping up and down in hysteria over the iron-red roof, throwing her hands up and down like a crazed monkey. If the whole thing hadn’t been so terrifying, it might have been funny.

    Candice tried again. She just couldn’t aim it right. Now she was losing all control and balance.

    Get the fuck down! cried Elise, still leaping up and down. Get down! Idiot!

    Candice swooped around for a fourth time.

    Get the fuck down! What the hell’s the matter with you? Throw the fucking thing over the edge for all I care.

    Bitch, thought Candice. The cycle shook as if acting out her indecision. All right… you want me down?

    Candice circled one last time, hovered above, and then jumped.

    Well, Mother had suggested it. Right before the train turned, she had jumped from her seat. Her cycle left her legs and flew off in a straight line without changing trajectory. Candice stumbled and rolled across the roof of the train car. She would have gone over the edge had Elise not grabbed her.

    The bike continued flying straight as an arrow toward a glass building a few blocks away. As Elise stopped Candice from careening off the train, glimpses of flames and smoke formed in the corner of Candice’s eye, accompanied by the awful sound of shattered glass and a huge fiery explosion. Candice crouched in a ball, lurching beside her Team Mother like a baby. Elise threw her visor off in a rage and stood over Candice with a look of disgust. The witch’s long black hair blew wildly in the wind as she stood in a wide stance to keep balanced on the train. Candice tore off her own visor. Elise glared at her. Candice started to cry.

    Do you have any idea how much that bike costs?

    I don’t care! Candice yelled. I’ve never ridden before. You expect me to land on a train?

    Candice looked back over her shoulder. The cycle had collided into an outdoor restaurant. A fire crew of small helicopter drones rushed down from the sky to put out the flames. There was a gaping hole in the glass building, and drones flew in and out like a frenzy of hornets in a hornet nest. Many people lay on the sidewalk, with ladies clutching bodies and a group of Officers in black trench coats running across the street over to the site. Some ladies were still running out of the smoky building.

    Elise wagged her finger over her. I would wager that cycle was worth more than your mommy’s navel, tweety bitch.

    Candice put her head in her hands and crouched down, whimpering.

    Then Elise kicked her. She kicked her very hard. It was a terrible hit that knocked the wind out of her, nearly causing her to fly off the train again. Candice glanced up, and Elise looked as though, this time, she wouldn’t have minded if Candice fell off.

    Candice rolled on the red metal tarmac, moaning.

    Get up! Elise yelled, reaching out a hand. Get up! We’ve got work to do.

    Candice shook her head.

    Stand up! cried Elise.

    Candice sat crouched in a ball, staring at the smoke as it became fainter in the distance.

    Come on…, Elise said more gently. Look, I couldn’t have flown better myself for my first run.

    Candice looked up. Elise nodded and winked. Aha. A thin grin formed on Elise’s face. Then she reached down with her black-leather-gloved hand once more. Come on.

    I don’t want this! Candice shouted, shaking her head. Why’d you pick me? Why me?

    Get up.

    Why? I don’t want to. Look what happened. Just leave me alone.

    Get up now, Elise said, opening her brown eyes wide. She grabbed Candice and hauled her up. Then she spun her around, wagging that black-gloved finger in her face.

    You’re better than this, Candy. You’re a Savant now. Stand up.

    Candice looked away for a moment. But then she turned back in defiance. And if I don’t?

    You will, Elise replied, shaking her head.

    I already failed, Candice said, looking down. "And all

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